Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1901, p. 7

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t I y s BER VITIM RE~ICSI PIJBLISHER'S OUN SOMEyACTS TIE, PUBLIC SIIOULD KNOW. IT ils not aN 1ew ceutury's greetingi, te ail STAr- no nEsmAN readers. We area f as-ret people-we bas-e m O0fn lived lunf wo coîturles. I Dr. all'e t hi n g Saturta as st was a bus - dots-in THE Pr.mphltso by auy STATESMAN cflice. New subscribers pamhlt o I e nS eý "cie lu a li.cely rate. Rheumatism freea foea Licreased ricnio f papen-now 50 per for a uot highi--lessous proifit considen- Send forit. su ffe r-. abi't Yen help tise Publisisen b' psy LLPL L---er from iuîg. in adsamîce. eSciatie Rheuniatism to becomne in Cnsidrab change wiii be sioticeit completely heiess from the ýÎars1oiûtel1Rar rs disoase, in fa (t more helpless than Subsscî isent lav-oebs-eu-s' ittît' dîni- a chîld. And what havoe such [" lYurliub_'cTrip-t he proli'it 515and pain creatos iu the entire systeml lîom siii net ho d uimiet The effects of-a loug siogeof rheu- "h-ono armitFarn"is a capital iittle mnatismn is apt to be very severe on Sulic Ispoules- for iresie re-sdiis,.. PnÏe'50 Coents, Samuplîscoples is-li the consitution, so that the pati-. velit to our reasto-s a4 s-o-kI. Flno's eut should be prompt in obtainiug ounruile0r : STA1,'SSIIAN, I-elly Globe, relief the moment the opportuuity aîid "Hotmoouaid F>iiui , f-en 19>0 tuer $2 1 iii curer dueleer paper mai ,be sub»tit resents itseif. The restoration te .teit for the Globe. Lealtho fa rieumtie suffererijeliko un- rj ho Farme-s'Advsocn te "o!Loudoris l to tise f reedont fnom a prison oel of aui] 1 innocenit man. Ini eîther caseitise bond-!posilive'iy t111 ebsIt-' roon's lus cr i age is unnaturai audl uncalet for. Mr. Canada. Seuil fuorou fretu eîînie lcpu John Huster, 321 Brook Street, Kinig-Apostcard i]11iiio. s$1 a sca r (luli stesu, Ont., wa laid up for six wseek lie-1 WilisI HE tTA'ra'etIt.iNSt 61.9c) A-ltld sitis rheumatiesss. Hon'as 50 îseîp- "Horne sud Paîro," fluirseeil2 Teslie couit not leave bis roem or: Oorprice for tisi Necw yVuulk Cit dreshimsecf. A frient ats-iseit hint itî lelalct " Cs car s, $L 25. te ti-y Dr. Halls Blieusuatic Ciu-e. W'e fuke suhîsoiptionus far ailnos. After takiug tise Contents cf the hrtor papers sutanwl zle at cltub ratesý bottile vase eble te miove arount ise S'e ciii- cub Il-ts. bouse. The second bottie cured him usenie- at akn le1oot completeiy, and lie usas abie to earetuîDail trUua o oot n tohie -jcnk. Mr. IHunter sassewoîiýol d iu'aiumek1 prde ut li-e hatell strougly recomuiloitDr. hall's Illîcîr- spîotîîîiuî cnnatsiruu iniTint Sra-rATs znatie Cure te al who ssîffer with ricu - AA Zand Daily Star at $2 50 This is ou raatisnt, îeeided bargami lent a great lig bar Dr. Hal's Rbeuuoatic Cure is put up in sjojgi - - utr-qs aaîapI cent botules, contaioio'g feu days' trenimeos ini, usore $3 anaa"50.s lFon sale by al druggiste anditdeniers i iiior,$,0 inedicine. Tise Dr. Ilait Medicine Ce.. Kinog- Tise -LadiesHorne Jounl"osi"l the Mton. Ont.,----- uien cf thfse woiisu"s MuiiiJhhies. S'u1u. Scriptiosue $1 a st'as-.A 1Iioes like it Ag-esies af "TATK5S îl'ofice, 01rder', takets tor 30 O <lferont nous- riPS tues-s sîme l u emS out flue STATES- aie-el' office at lowc-st prices. ~~j~?3y - ~Goot coîstuns - We greet you. Great nu,is cf jobtin tiniest the-, ý17-STrElsuuMAIZ fueiif Stff ci-king 0o or Oic lime ro tucus out wurk on ilîme (On 'DIîE 8E5TANM-Rl1fUMgM C pri îîiîug gi-es goot sitirfactl,îu. Pricce- ~EUALliA PLASTER MAEf righlt IN FL5T ýMnEhLM WXeddîug cars aud marriagôlicens ~fll ît PIe 5~IS0 NI" à,a STATESMAN tffice. [Âbï RL5 RRI.EqW e bavesa nera Wcbster's Intenmtite ual Dicýtioîîlary (Unab)riuig-ed)pricv $12 50 VO f C O LT thatwe offi-r t $0i-as P>q<FAuURM'cun Mosi-asti. Preserf ail aceounts aoeinst this cof l ice fortiissitis fer sotliaient. Ads ertiise stock for sale or for ,ens-iclu lira liis pafuor. il goes tri ail homes il, RIM ý_ ltis district T", ol, l ire, ueocy fr5~ln leb.~ evthutalelmol bcn t doee flt bte DNoB.h3. Katageaai, hOut., I'cb. 10, 'i8. Ih-aa ureda.tCerb eà f-urkeo ie dng -thl y-, lia Bl' il.tee.by ..!.g ie on y .ece .cà th'. aiP 1 lee eriiaa iadeil'SpvIa tC. rd Kemuil i - 1.î -r a y ADOLPI-US ,CAUTHI. PO..i, Uf- ia$a5. As . liniment for1famely oae 1 lae fnoeqejal. Aekyu rege o rdl' 'D 01 0 , ala "i.trecn i.. S ioe, thskakfado edrese DR. B. J. KEND ALL CD., ENOSEUiR1 FALLS, YT. * Tise puce cf Tou STA'rsSsuNfA le $1.0u0 ciii1V' Isse paid in advauce otlheribm- Repd cuir club citons thi wr'ek Mur-h matfer lu this paFon was cnowd et out hast seekoi Remember that $u 85 raye foc TFIE SI-AES- iAN andit eekly Globe foirtO otic.os of ail entel taininotsfoirshi Il a uhaîge le made muost ho i aid foc inthis Es-euy subs.cuibeo is a e anvasser foc TI.E 55 e.y5 -N Oneo dit oit oneo ocu suis- e- usber f -5" - o itonit uuour subs cubns os-e:-y weee ondiosea u-but sic ccit vory doli lair l~I tou. t1ï "01 y month 0' Il I l 1 1 05 , ;-iOlî5. e ie îtîaîno i ie 1' A, -,nWl- o -ce tcf umaria-ei- 1eo, -leifi e, 1")rîrlie-rs 5-'c 'tlv (lothn't lu.t r s arîtvr's Little- Lis terl. fis, ' ice osre i luoitive cir' foun sick ltiulCianduîiailthetIi-i pro etueub.l7 siord.ered 1iver. (Cou, o01e p ceai-, tftles-t hîraclcai mecîsuisîs On thse ali lites tuf tise iouseiold erîobrac tusg- it.i ex rs tIse uffarilV antiTd iiTA FL,-MAN tfor <'uic $1 Si0. ERot e weusaîî bosulit roet il. It bas 31 UtJ(ý 'Tle Ijta Satîti-ula- Glotie coufains ;il porti-ait t-t Mcli.L. Wrm cffisce Wii nes,' Staff, MNuontrea 1,witl a 'sens- -eim- pllieentao- urti-e cf Ihlm asceliiu. o! tue - -Khaki ÜRince-, 'i îcripmu- hioiîioý arsd piea-,iiig rt-foî--ee f0 tisecrise-c peerus aeu e uis liei ban comnposei The fomî'oeus Ild Delineater, whiel fuci 27 vcaîs huasoccuit- u uique' pue-lbo iii lime Aneicari magazine wrid rnal;e-- a gru-af departui-e with thse Jatsutîr numuber, by psintiii, a prepeius eh suber usli appean lu fhe tweIs'e IS for 1901. Th lscieusce cf hous(e(-eirm:L tise i-are fcfieii ou sieklun ps ant ilh healtis, the art et Iiviîsg et-O (if lis-hep, weli, a lite firisgsesiie iii a hoIn- hesqutiful-ef ail thsese titings Tht- Delinealeir le ackîiowlodgeditote e tbrý bstsfexpouent lin the su aud. 'Thi, Butte-luk Pulisi aiso. 7 to 17 Tise December runber cf Tise Laiv Magazinie sppeas in a ieilee tituteit coves-. an-d Ifs contentîs si-c qI roal iisfu-iest to fa Mile. reRdeu e adyni1-ý alo)Is prnted andl prrfu-;ei .il ln-îatu-d ryThene LIeart illnusifod s rlie elumite work o! the Vetonian Nuursies'; ssie-to-hi t'Christmas i-iîsIse ColleogeGicler. I two pag4es o! tasiic notes; tise Montsîb Weddings, vitis portrat;"is 'îl on Christfmas Day ." usithilstrp.tfiii-d neipes: "'Th- eKîack cf llnpp. Gîft Five ypars &go My body broke Makiisg," au cthier holida si -e Out )in White watery pimples, tiOns e 'le ffta acopy Tise Hugh wîufeh grew se adthalýt the Sur- C. MacLeani Compsany, Toronto fering was almost unbý-kearable. Having neturneit froin a weok's vil-il toAlbion, Iloiles- and Brtui-k pont, N.Y 1 took doctors' mecdicine and wbicis tewus are îe.an is- dcti sentis variPous rernedies for two years et BowmcsuîviIie, acrose ijsite Ontario but they were or llttle benefit, we teel keeuly tise poetjiou of cuit- wheinever 1 got warnied up or beuati! ni towu Tise smallest o! the' *wea thepimles oul core Ithi-e towus s a ueît-Iîiiev-witb les,; r»we-L tte PMD16 woud fis tan 2 f0 pospulaetion, bas a c stern orf out again .vasteer wors-, eotnic ligisI,-ca-mois A neihborAdise'd Burdock pavoui enta, splenitii snets. fine st-Socls BloodBittrs, ndIarn giad 1 and oueispubljeic ufiiiîîgs, a towîî Toll wed1hlî adylce, for four bot- u dock, oeeof tise Mosf haîsdsueme isoteis ties ompleely ered ~we es-en san' lu a town cf ifs size, usur eured mtise stores, chopesutndoffices xiii con Thatst hr% ýê e yerS ago and pare fas-orabls isitis mono prn-i there Ï-a".p neyer been a spot or tesyss. Neats-tees assi aroisiteonurao pimpl en r, s 3.laste mark mai15-of the resideucoesu d a pimle n e SflC. enice is a rarety Tise two iangei- JamesLash Cse, owus are far n lsaitsance off ours ini Brecin PO., ntpublic imrposemeossasdi lie streetu siothe besl weisas'e ceeu lunruuntr% -fewuvs, n luAbion (whlicis îbey cail s ')akbai- Leb-'s ferîan Iug t j,- s-ilage oe-r tiLoeeaîthouait ihlas oe-e oîî f rie mea efeciveif ul u 5500inisabitfants) -nou cdav hastti- the' spriu-ýg tisan ai auy ohrlmec wobsus stre were , Iluse ou onfi(lu a quarter mile frem tise business 4-cor- fiers we ceunted 14 carniages tise herses 1bing -tiesi -te- uoýsts -o-eua--residential street, Tise peopie toit us tisis was ouly au ordinary business day. Thse throng of countr. petople ou tise previous Fridav and Saturday would et-lipse any crowd cf sisoppers we ever saw lu fuis towu oui an ' vday. It reuninded us cf Bewmauville Fair day, sud they told us tisat esrery week eud is tise came. Wie noticet also that Orleans couuty farmers driye good herses sud carri- ages, DARLLN GTON. Visitons: Mr. Geo. Johuston, Picker-I ing, at Mr. Ira Pierce's; Mn. Rd. VaD- (atnp,liraiitford,at Mr.Jos.VaîiCamp's; Virs. (11ev ) J. A. Jeweil antd daus-ister, l>tiey, \Velcoine, at Mr. T. Power's; %,Ir. Lei and Miss Jiil5a Bartlett, i. tesrea, aud Mr Frank Burns and faînîl , touvu, at Mn. S. Wood's: MN. I *lair Langmait, Alrccrt Coliege, Belle vifllo, at home ; Miss Florence Jeuîmiiîgs Toronto, at home,.... Miss Maggse Oke, e isited at Por't Perr y ; Miss Maut \Witlîeridge iun'Percuto... Miss Winuie Power lias tise jeuîsi'1ie. ,Nis. 0. aud Mn. V m. Stock sp3nt isoliieays t Georgetown.... Miss Mc- \tnIli, Bt-thaiîy,asîîl Mrs, May,. Orillia, eer eceiut iiueits St tise Parsoîsage. - .. - ev anîdSirs. Me lien eiitertainet rhe, vouilg people Saturda- eveiiing. -. _ -Miss Max paî-ling, Ottawa Normal, ,vas a tecesut vie.itor.... Mr. George A. Wauts sud faruils- left for Malton J ast \Vteluerday... . Mn. Josephi Towns anud facilv-coutempiafe gcing te Oshawa.'. .. Y iessrs. Otto Saurlers and Victor Ilîmeper weut to Guelpis lest Mondav,. ..Verycweetiy sud selemll-uste New ',euiturs- dawîîed on tise watcisers lu tise ehiurch New Yoomr's E....The TisurDgilsg ouf tise towîî bell gave an addet soliîi imit,, to thse occasion as tise pastor fe'r- veutlv commuend.3t his flock to tise Fatiser's protection. A verv interesting pregrain was gis-en iutise early part cf ushe meeting.... Chri3tumas entertain ment w'as rather a tiv'apuoiutmefcut te île audienceaudthtie coîuîuiîtee who lad sparad nie pains or ex pense te sccore se setho hiight superior talent, Botter iuck next thne, SOLI.XA Recont viitrrs:-Mrs. W. Gernew, Scngeg Islanid ; Mr aud Mrs F. Han -ock, ulerryweod ; Mr A E Hoys, To- rosnto ; Vin, Cee Awte, Uxbridze, Miss h, lanuridze, Columis)us ; Mr. sud Mrs. J no. A-,htoîs sud taiuily, lirookîlu; Miss Graco, Duthie, Toronto ; Mieseq Mabel anmd Lois Argue hom". frein Toronto; Mr. Jae 1) . Hogarths, MoritreR) ; Miss Ni-nra Werry at Morîtreai ; Miss Idla liloore, Has'don... .Rev J.S Mcmiullen, i'reline, preacised very acceî tahly flore sunday week.... Xinas was very Weil clurers7et here bY, femils- re ucions, -ev-rai lia iîîg parties... . W Xes- irikO e as is clos-or îhrr ýsh'ng; ,ield gocit,.. - Mi- Etîfii Resunol .s lias mo- edt thie farîn lho purchased south ofthtie vsillaege. ....Mr. T, B'ukr, C. C., was re î-lected Scisool Triietetu Wetou-eiav,. 'tIr anmd Vie., A L. Pasctie colebratet tfirir wediiîeg auiîiversirbt, gt'iug ia pai-rt st thimir frieîls-...Tse Lot ah s î-nrua(lers'Xolas treeaud ontertain- mienît wss a liuý_e success. Miss M&ry J eerl5suai pupmî" gav-e somne still-rlliý johnliSulStiie Cas uid Mr and MVis\V V, îiNest. \llvs Nora Werrv~ badt rain - c î strOîllOof the scîiîievoici-s o! tise trc irwimo sansg oscei . Fise recit- iýrs i'el',wlna Wueil roîstieet as was also t i du i ýguieq. \le-sr-i Jau. lHogarths kiil Gao. No-tiscott iterspersod tise the -8 u'eiileswith sertie cilotco mrutfi 0 l1ll I1 ru-ic. &Soeulli ce instrumnuals weu-e funismed bhi Misses Ashîton aud l'ascoe Mr.T1' Baker hied tise chair. Pnoeods $16, This picture is the trade matrk of SCOTT'S E IULSION, anti is on cvery bottle of SCOTT'S EMUL- SION in thc World, wbich now anonuts to mnany millions yearly. Th'is great business bas grown to such vast proportions, First;-Becau.se thc proprietors have always boon most caref ni iu selecting bbc various ingrodieuts usoti in its composition, uamely; the finost Cod Livor OU, aud tbe purest IHypopliosphites. Second: -Because they have se skillfnlly combineti the varions ingredionts tblinthbbtest possible resuits are obtainod by its use. Third.-Because lb lias made so many sickly, delicate cbildren strong anti lealthy, given healbb sud rosy clîeeks to so mauy pale, aaeuxie girls, anti bealodthebbclungs anti restoredt bful healtb, 50 many thonsandinl the first stages of Cousumption. If yubave rot trieS 1, iend for free sample, ils egrýeabie ýteste evs-ltocrise yon. 5o". m I.O 'auitdruggi- - OUR SOMMETES- -T-els elowing are -tisheileerse- of -Row.- Heme Circle, Nee 3, for 1901; L, A L Nicis- Alle; V L, OIs Dsu.cster; Fin S, H 0J Tait; Trese, Jas Saunderî; Roa Seo, W J] Todgî ,m; (lIsp, Oeo E asynard, M, Mro Soott; W, Mre Lylé; ti-, Win Scett; 8, J El Cryderman: Trustees, W W Alen, Bd Belîman, Mark Munndy; Med Exans, A Bushb, M P. 1. 0. F -Thse followiug are tue Officeri of cours Sinipson, Boççmanvills, for île eneniug yenr; P O R -J Gaie; O R-8SIH Iteyuoldp; V 0 R-E RB Bueual; 0 D H û R-R MûD neual; R Se-F F Morris; Fùe4 Sec-J Lyie; Trers-S J Hall; S W- ,p (* Manning; J W-J Perey; S B-J G Msson; J lt-l Fýeidins; Chap- B Beitis; Aud-8 J Bawl, E B Bouriseili L O. L.-Ttis followring are tueia ew riffioers of Ju bileOc L O. 1L., Na. 630, Bow. meus 111e ;-W. M -A Tais; P. if.-W, Hlall ; Cbap.-J. Gale; lFec. sec. -W, flumphrey; Fin. Se.-A Cavaker; Tes-.Daneaseer, D, of C.--BR Ateiç; Lent -T. Cochter; S Oom.-W. Scutt, J> Nokes, G. Lyle, W, Martyn, L. A, Tlb Audeore--W. Spry, W. Humphrey. WccieIÎrs rr'I'ln:WraauL.-Tise follova crs île leeuviffriaers elece ot Bowoeanviles Camp, Ni 54.-0. .-W. Trevin ; A, L -J. Hellýar; Banher-A élite'ael; t3lerk-F. R Duham; E3eor.-Frank Burden; Waechmnn-Nurmxn Oowan; Sîentry,-W-.J. Dun; Mau gr.-J. B. Milcisl; Delegate te Head usmp.-Jae. Gale ; Phyicin-A Bets ; Social cern- J. Bs lyar, F. Garratt, W. 0. Toe. WCUXOKMAN -'lie foliowîng are thse new- lv eliecîrd ci finerTs of 3cwmauvilis Litige, Na 99.-M W --W Paluton; Foremn-L Joliesw; Overemeer- F Mcrris; Recorder-De Yut; Finanoeîr-J McMurtry; Trea- Il Peareon; Gude-F Spry; 1 W-B Binkle; Oatside -W Tresuin; Trautees-8 Yen atone, H Banbury, W Trewiu; Rep G Ei- J. Gale, Alunais-W Travain; Moiical Exans-Dres Beth & XeLanghin; Andilori -W Trewu, J Etîlcîl. SONSO OF ENqL&NI.-AI lise laFt regni-ir meeting of Wôliiogon Lotige, No. 19, S. O E , B.K, tise foleowing were etee-d se i fieers for ithe enimig, eer: Fiel Pres- R et us e; Pre-A N e-bolle; Vice Pres- Jas Pevmen ; Sec-F R Pnnisaii; Trea- Jam E litt; (ehap--T G Bragg; Commis- se-let, J Alun; 2ud, H Baboek; Brd, G R'cisareis; din J Opisrue: SisJ, Itaruea!;6 b, S Allen; 1 G-J Taylor; i) G-J Perkns; Sureon-Dr Tilly; Âneiensi-J Gaie, J Taylor, J Griek,,; Trumten-J Je ffrey, J Helîpar; Ruons Cen-R Jarvip, J Jefrey, W Tresulu; Beuefioiany (5cm-W J Bra5rg, R Hamblyn, R Barues; Janior-3 Perkînas A. F. & A. M,-Tbe f llowing are tise pfian 01 JerusâA'em Lodgs, A F & A. M.,- G. 01 ., Bswmauville, vabo were luatasli on Tînraday, DuO 27tlb, 19ff0 Iv W. Bro. E. R . Boursal,- W Mt, J Gi fillan ; S W T. G- Bra&-g; J W., Dr. J. C0. Mitcbli; Treas. John Lyle; Secv., Jion. Peetinecu; cisalnilsJ. H. Cjryuermsn; S. P., J. 8 %frrl;J. PD_ A. Mîmhel; 1. GA. Tai; Tyler, Win Wrtet; B. S., (1. M. 0Ceuwer; J, S , Jos. Pattinscrn; organiet, T. Fitzceeralî1; P O , J, Perev;-,Fiuane, ('rn , P. B. SiuMpAou, J, 0'. Vanstrue,, W C. King; Benevoisot <Ci . ('. P. Blair! . B iuehl. E, R-ilOunuscl; Siusk Otîns T ri Sprv, T Fm zýeraid, W J MeC ellan A# île clope cf ïhle Iuelaiaticu wis:sh was cri St John's Nighý andi ushii wae condue %Pt by Bro. E. B, unsali, àa>banquet sues Be,-ved lv î&hosiesuerdrrab suhia verv heappy time was speut. A pierusut fuatnrîe ,f Iltheev(nine suaz a visit f rom Bro PDr. J. EIiott, sebeha. juot returued more au Entopesu trip anud Who gave a very inter eeting aceouint of hie traveuii. (Comîcfuded) Ou We t ýesay evoming, after recels-- io thse Recporu tofH.aet ugin Bnfdge iiorsmniessorier, tise motionu te uîke con trol cf thse Ms ersburg R;rat suas dis cuéséd, tise opinion prevailing fIat if a (utli t i b ise ai 55ne lest bseaion î ho' Conîscil te take any action, asut tis fneec on vans laid os-en. O0a Tisureday afierneoûi Reports werce reat fromn thse Ccmeseneo! us E ît Darrare Reglerryreflice, Port Pi-r- ry,Scrsee g &Can'.wrigist Roadsuay,N-er- rOsue' B itg-,, Aiheu Bridge, Coud1y Proeperry,unedtariopet, ur. imorton, cf Nâvie-rs, seappointet Conr'oi erudent for 1901 te Oilrenmo Agncuirur ai Coihege. A motioc wae imade isy Councîl Ion Fowvide, sooodot by Coun- cïllcr Muisoland, reoogn-ziug thse se -_ lc,ýs oethtie Crinadian troops in Souti .Ur cn, sud reiving tisatishe Conucie (;o graret tise ons cf $25 foos eS boin% fite re,3ident of tiseee Coufies, îakiag part instise campalgu, Tise motion suas laid on the fable. lu tise eveuiug, Ceeniciler Trabihcock, Cissirmsa cf Scisotl Comnnittee reportet reoins n( ndînêg thet Higis Scisool s colnin e b Pagtu-d as folioss:Cee pheilf rd, $120. 07: Beemanville, $449 54; Port Hope. $à49.71; Coiborno', $450.67; Promus- îc, e -xetusluafleeee, $50 wte tch County Icspect'r; C rimolunat-on classes, Mil rok, $100; Noý 12 Cuark, $25; No. 15 $25; N-c 7 M unverv, $15; Noî. 9 -Mari- s-ors, $15; Nai 16 anui 18 BrIRhton and Mur-a ,15;o. tBrîisl su $15;Wark- worth, $100. al -orssad madie a coe s- rr heiditp E'ctrance exnmina ulone, Repornt usasadoptet. Tise Report cf Coctin- eut Commit tee sus odopted. Friday afies-nr, tse Report cf Rosit sd Bridge Coins. md i-4e was retar, rtcoivumcîsding re- plai,krug r! Alau's Bridge, asundt t use Bell1 Tela-pistne Ce. bei permitte t6t be'lt ulire arme on flic Bastings Bridge; aleo that p'euk le puucisset for tise NerroîsusB.-itre, lise Repent eliciteri c ýneuderbble usiscuseleon, eutdsuas adopt- otý Tise Te-lcpisoeo C., ou motion c! Cooncileor Iroblicock, to enter Iito s Cuotraci sitis fie Coonties for tise privïleIge grantet -Tise Report cf It'gislaqvseComîittee suas î-eAad ud aptetd Thse Cousucl suasei tdresset by a tepý Uts'-u !tis te Cobourg Minieerisi As% ÎocltioeE, l rorerece ustise ceuoty 'idget,Icnt tisepret-nt mai-hou eh t&kît g crcf ulsenI-wTj ey prruposeut, if tleUC uncîil thon'àhti ie, te sesce a circuler se au to urquaint tise public sui tiste condition <fOur oit people ini fbi geol. Atte-r i long discus- ' ien, If suas finaiiy droîdei t ledelay &aglea-tîcu o! tise suis j.rcr fe r the Pr", 7 , lThe mcl Ion for ; gatcf$5to S ùtis Afruc cu ie5Ilrealucamne P ugîn uJaun A ottiuvae asetoogr te.on [retes. There are severai withlu thse United Odunties, but noue lu West -Durham.o Thse report of the Finance 0o>mmittee was readsuandîîd(pted, The treriiandous expenditure for re paire at thse gant was a source of astolîluhment, as It Sia3e5y i%. Tise outbereak cf iyphoid fever was alto a costly affetir, Couricillor Smale, Chairman of Prop. erty Conimittee, reported recornen-d- ing a * 0w heating eysîem for Cobourg Regiatry office. Th,) JE.%tt Northumx- berland .Rc.eîstry cffieie addition had cosb, sDfar, $825, This report- was f ni- Iy diocased, and fin.îlly adopted. Votes of thanika wore tendered thse Wardeu, aud the Cierk, which were auîtably acknowiedged, and thse Coutcil cioBed with the sioging of thse National Authem.. Thse AnreiverLqary services of thse Metho. dist churcl i t Cadimns on Dec, 16 h were very sulcOes-Iu1 Ris'. R. L, E îe'rds of Pontypool, a former and hîis y esteemed pastor, preacised mornifle and evenine, to, croivded and appreciati'vg conegregatin. tead of a tes-medeting thse pastor, Bfey, E. E. Hzoward, aâked tise congreeation for a Thank ffering calleý t rua ýf $50; they resp.euded with a littie rver 865 on tase plates ELACKSTOOKL Tise Auuiveroary services of thse Metso. dî.t cisurc in lu fluevillage, on Drce2&ýd. were nually interesting and succeestul. Thie Rev. S. C. Phip, of Pri 'nce Albeert eues i e preacher and did grand Rervi'Ce, iustead cf having tIi Uuul tea-meeting out pastor, 1ýev. E. B. Howard, aekeri the coagregation for a speciai cociaction J $12). Thie friends repaponded by pincing $14L 85 on the plates, whics witi tise net rectipts of concert on Chistmas nigisi. made tise pro. ceeds of Anniversary us' r $163. DARLINGTON CO S 53RVATIVA ASSOCIATI1ON. Tise aunuai meeting cf thse Da-linRton Liberai Conservatîve Asaociation.wa. heîd m tise Town Hail Bespion, on Friday afternoon, Dec 14.1, and frrm point of num- bers and ontan-oaern, was à moet succeseful afeuir Mr J K Allien, cf Newcasîtle, tress- urer of the Couuty Aser caton, wss peent qud gave an iuteregting sâdres relative te tinances lu connection witis thle Association rise following 0 fficers were eiected, ecIof whom made short and stirring speeches- Pres-S J Williams, Molinas; Vice Pres- J J Virtue. Ennigkillen; See'y-J' T ole, Ilmptcn-, Trens-Che Stooeioue, Hanm- pton The meeting then o jeinrned to caîl cf thse President The Twentieth Clentury Pai Mer. Tise souvenir Chiristaias nuniber cf 'ho Farmer's Advocste appropriately begiue with a atudy l in su progrese, besed on the hlstory cf thse lOîh aud proviens centurlep, folio wed by con- trîibutïona from mnuvof thse brïgheest mincis on thse cout font, recountîng thse greatest achievem0 uts o! tise past oe handreci years sud îadicating thse courte of future success. Jean Biewett cou- trihutes tome besutitul hues on "Tise Master'. Poor," and J. W. B, ugougli, thse inimitable, turne the X raye on thse wouderf ni 2Obiî coutmsy faîmer. The hest article wo have ever read ou "No. i Bard Wheat" la that by Mr. Anlzu2 Mackay; 1). E. Smiths riescribos the w.,uierfoi Chic'ago Btock Yards sud Petcking Housjes; Richard Gib',on wrltes OsU "Sir Tltton Sykes aud bie limeu"; Prof. John Ceaig, cf Corneil Univ'ersity vividly depcribes tise hordlural aohierome te o! tise l9tis century lu Americos; Prof. Shaw, "The Flield for, 2Otis C'cîury Imprevement in Fanm 0rops"; Rev. John M Dongail, tise -'opular authotr and Wcestern plonrer tuisoionary, "MNy First B vffelo Hnt"- eùcisibeld MoNeîlege, of Scotîand, " Century cf Horne Breeding"; Alfred MaUesell, "lise Evolution of Sheep Breeding ln tise 19.,h Century"; Prof, Dean, "A Century cf Canadien Dalry- îny". The chief Home Departmeut e graîcIng l.euîlîiled "Thse End ef thse Skein,' a rare and touchlug werk of art, One cannot be surprisod at tise ,49rcng isold the Fermer'. Advocate hae upon thse people everywisere. Apart frons It% Incomparable streugfh ln reRular lislue;§ a. an ugriculturai paper, tise Christmaz numfber goceste every suhecriber witisout extra chiargo, while tise readers cf other pe geodiosale are aiwaye chrged forty or fifùy cente extra for holday issuea. We cengratulate tise Farnser'a Advocate on Itc uccee. iý7 %u..LI/ p' e c.e. e Ltlr ci 0very ixothie, &nd tise cause /of frequeut death2 amnoug emali children. Dr. Chaîe SYrup cf Liueeed and Turpentine, briuigs Prompt relief to tise lois 4_ ring- Ing cougli, maires breathtng- ýey and pies-ente suffocation. It la usetiers' favorite remedy for ceughs, cuidm, croup, bronchîtig, whoeplng cough andi itstinia. Mcii. P. W. 13ond, 20 Macdonsld Street, Barrie, Ont., gays :-He.vînl trýed your inieicine, xuy faith le very higislu Its powers cf curnug cougis and croup. My littin girl has been subject te thse croup for a lonig tîme, and 1 found uothing to cure if until 1 gave Dr. Chase's Syrup of Llnseed and Tur- pesîtine. 1 cannot spealo toc highiy of 25 cents a bottie, ail dealers, or Bd- manuion, Bates &Co., Toronto. Qolok'u Cotton P5oot Compoina tessnccessfoily nirdmnonthlyby over- 10,uSD Ladies. Safe. rfectuln. Ladies ask "your drseggiet for Cooeles Qton Rou cn- poîed. Teke no other ai ail Mi xtures, pilleanude ,,nititions- are daugencos. Frlee, Ne. 1, $1 per box-, No. 2, 10 degr -e-s etronger, $8 per box. !No.i 1 or 2, snaiié n 11receipt of price and two â-cent 1 ,t.u.pg Ther tnnk C,,,pa.y Windor, Ont. Ple Nos. 1 and 9 oe ana recoinmeuded by ail. responsibie Dugîsl aaa h e rc eîSieB mrilib IGE Aege table Prepanaîlen l'or As- sl1miiatin.l IheTood andflegtla- j ess and ResW.ontafris neiùher Opui,Morphiritnor MIEnerai. prectem ed'frt don, Sour Stoumach,Diarrime,ý; jWorms ,Convutsions,Feverisk- f ness and LOSS OFGI EP» lac Simle Signature or Peu EXACT COPY or WRApèPoEB. FAC-SIM îLE j SIGNATUREc IS ON' THE WAPPER or EVERY 3BOTTE 0FP Castirla .put np lu ous-sise bottlis nly. It not soein lubik. Deu't alhow sayene te ssii su anythisig else on tse pies. or promise thst ià 1 ,just as geody" aud "Wiil seswer evsry pur- e. ~ Seo that yen get OAB---IA sle la Is et WQre Thoe aerlckSlu We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have Iotoi, to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very sma]I nrices4. Oui carry a good assortmnent of Ladies' Oxford,colored and% $1-00. Men's Caif and Cordovan lls, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and l3lms 25c, 50c, 75c, wortie 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', %3ys' and Youths' to correspond ln priceb. We will tell you what the stock le in each and every pair. Thé reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spriug styles now ln stock iu every 1111e. The public is invited te iuspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, J3ags, Satchels;, Shawl Straps, fancýf and plain;- Dresming, the very best >that eau be bought. Cheap trasla dressing is dear, it will muin the boots itisap- ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my enstorr for past favors and hoping for a continnance of the aine. 1Beaver Bloek, l3owmanville. Hampton Generai Storeý, We "bld a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to give bargalus lu Clothiug, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00.' Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We hav e a very large and well assorted stock tb select from, in Sergtss. Worsteds and Tweeds, iioth Foreign and Domestie manufacture W are bound to SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our G, ocery anti Hardware Depar tments you will find our stoclk well assortad, bought in the bcst markets at the close3t price3s, and wil be soid ai the riglit price. Somne people want quantity others quadity we can please both. Highest -price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cai, Jl IAMPTON. i I UIII~ ~ DR. ,r- A positive eure for ail Tisroat, Lung and Brenekil iiseases. aleiis nd seotkiug lux 14eaction. Pleasant te balte, prompt and effec- tuai fa i te resuits. Mr ls.J0ohasen, eas' River, N.B., te try Dr. ~odeNra i,~rp I dia 20, ad tr e lsgthrsje ots si~ ~~~~fc astaeynfelbeýtter lnthe The-,e piis our-e aiHdieas adds Orders arihing froma weak hiart, woru o neTs-es or watery blood, sucla asPalpt eiit, Skip Beats, Tlirotbing, ohein I)izziness, Weak or Fajut Spelis, 1jnsemi a, Nersoisness, Siteplesî, BraIn e. Generai Debllity anid Lrack co' tiiy Thley are a truc heart tonl, ue-rfoce and blood esiricher, builinug iu as)i renwng ail the worionteut ad ia hosatis Prio Sc, a box or3 for 1.2I at ýaildu! ss I -4 -1 -r -L 1 ý h 1 1-

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