Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1901, p. 3

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r Lr I A IV E~2~KNOTES. 1j i 1vcasa wisre a fsrmam or inucisnie Seepa 'esa or lave piga antI Lhey die suddeaivF, or tise hast eue, tie heartiesi feeder and muai rapid grew- cm dies and ithae ther gais wail, thali dis- case, la prenouinced te ha hog citlera, wben mure freqeently h las a case et ý>iseaIng antI uainig else. Simlar ets(-ç ,tfelhulera among feavl may ha î,te semae cause. Bot pigs l~tulliSe sali, antI ae bave ne doej hat y need a litile every day, or wccesienaliy, as muet as catile, seeap antI terses. Ba%,t i laeasy le glas a poisenous dose oet salit tisethe gor lis, e bn avere lhey do not bavei regclarly. the appetita for lu be- -ies sucb a craviig tat tisay est lu greedily, and te an injurions axteat. Wa du not fead tiese eraps trom tise tablie tl catile or shaep, but Le tegs andI isss. Thseaatar i hviicli Sal ai eais or fiahi l cooked andtIhie aasie pieces are seved te put lie the Bwsailil berrel or te acald a masb tom tIse feavi. Tise Sali froi.tise boiiem of tisa teef or perk barrai or tae pieltia tub are iemnet iInto the menure heep, Lwhîcit aould ho a most excellent usel for il if lte hoga ant iebns avre Sept amay. But if titey ara nul, andt hey chance lu have a craving fer sali, ' f t by aili eselen ug li te cause diarriea, choiera antI often- dealli. \V knoav aman who alavaya as lied hs moring masis for bis toens about as te avotld have2 saited food fer bluseif, antI we saavlIni empty a hait bushel or more tcoresait on tisa manura heap avier liehns avre scraiching. Afier picking a bout oae grain eci ttey a noe umure. Riis neiglilor, wlio nersited liens' tood, tied te dis- ose ofthIe sali from ha perS barrai inl tisesanieaay, but heora nigbt a large partoet its flocis avre dead. Theratfore ha cautions la laaviag Sali xv rs liens antI begs cagel te il un- icas they bave it rcgularîy, antI do k> net save sali ,;q'ior ironi ltehe ilatI meaIs or fiis te teed oui. CHANGE THE HIORSE FEED. On tise thag cmîe Isg antI tise boise are the two animiaIs ihal are ted wih te e asi hange in tiseir rationes says a ariier. Tthe rS hersa gels bey and cern, or oats, mentis att- ar mentis witocc variation, unasl i L la not a ma'E c-cavnder ai if tae gels off iss e -Bread and )7a o orking man OCt-te e e,;ta3 r epeLits andI food a1 i if tee bas ébiken andi fruits t at i tlsthm. Se t l i is the avrkingliers.LRe muaI vrS very isard during tise gresa- iag suason, andI aili appreciuîte a otang-e of feed oceasicnaliy. 1 ustcally giva My w0rk em Soeadainties 4 every feav days. it Seelus Ihenu on geod terma witt me andI maesa tises teel baller, Fer a veelt ocr teams bave huen deing very iseavy avouS and have iseen ted an extrae aleas-ance cf oats or eas antI cern ground logetiser. A day or to ego oaseoft hani etused taeast ai nigisi, nerely suitfing et tise cbeps la h-ar manger. 1 tried sprinling tise fed ailis sali, andt tss tried dampea- ing it, but qie avould net est. Tissa 1 ventie otIse gerden antI got lismee ers uf evegraen saveel coma, avih waa justinlatise reastihg aar stage, andI gave ibeni te the mars a plsce et a urne, ead i selaie tbsm greediy. Titis isave h-lai siteavas net siek, ant II I-n1eut etftisa stable for a teav miue. Wtea I came ýbacS tise malre avas eating tbe greound leetI aitis a gcuod appetite. My isrses gai grean cern, cern stalks cut green, bila iet meilons, cabiages, carrots and tI ulr goed thinga, alavays la siail quanct les a ýi 4eJLLe, , andt ey keep ha geod condi- tion iisoci eorting te condition PcNai-vde r atcier madicinas. Varieiy in 'ee(! le as geod for torsa as il la There la nc management or appara- tu% that can get more butter fats out of the milk than the cows puts intoi it. Wben thse cream la perfectly ripen- ed before chnrning, the ohurn prets more of tise fats and the botter- milS. less. lTe producing Gf fat varies greatly THIS8 WORLU OF UERMI UNSUSPECTED MICROSCOPIO CAV- ERNS IN WHICH THEY LURK. 168wa:qsteu" Pescatis Ausieu itulldren a Bangerous Pretle- Coî,bs, UMiuilueg and Toceels lird l'ublIcly te Caue O f seî'Ieus t'resbie. tn mil-I-, but t varies more with h Even se simple a matter as bor- puermuIkof oorl te serli OWS 1rewLng a lead pencil nsay lead to the than wltb any otber cliass.- dissemination of disease in a famîly. GIVE TIIIE HOGS ROOM. Among children especially "swap- Repcated experiments have proved Pý'ng" p4-eis is oe method of show- that hegs fatten btter :w hen they ing geod felflowship, and the chiid have the run of an acre lot than wlien siosasi eeie ieincn cse ef tranemaitting soeathroat, confined in a close Pen, moreover, si les rdpt~i ebsbs s hog peu la an unmnitigated nutsance. It la reasonable to suppose that1 friend.; Tise use of publie pencils la chelems andi other diseases are intro-! aise, no doubt, responsible for tise duced into the swine lierds by theirj transmission ef diseage fmom one te being compeiled tot eat and breathe a notiser, the danger lieing far great- filili while eating so mmccliduring e hnaplsnnoatestela thse dry season, aise by being deprîved intIe mentis. Aside f rom bcing a of plenty of good drinking water. filtil» habit, this is a dangereuis ene Cattle will proclaim their thirst by bnannY rase, fer tisa lead îs comspara- constant bawling, but the pigs will tively reugisund lias cavities which endure it itn a muccl greater degree are te tise germs as vast caves in et silence,'and for ibis reasen tbey whicb tbey lurk and .f-rocm whlcb they sbuuld bave more watcbing ianttis nsay be traasferred te the mucuous direction. Do yen tfeed your liogs in membranes tismeugli wbich disease the dustinii dry timesansd ini the mudî enters.nsost readily into tise systeni. wishen ýilawetI oPut ln a f eeding f loor. It la one ethe besi invesiments you cau malte. Do net say tliat you cani afford it, for would better seli part et the feed and get some plank to malte it witb, The balance of the feed will malte better jand bealihier bogs thaa et yen con- tinue te feed la eitlier cosast or mud. SCALDING A LARGE HOG. It ýoften bapp2ns that where a farmer dues bis ewn buteliering lie b as not ai bis command a caîdron large enouglin ivhich to dip the an-! mai fer scalding. Wisere this is the case lie is torced te resort te one of 1several ineffectual means. Thse best xmetbod la te tboroughly satumate old, .fine bey and cover the dead animal twithi it, packing it closely. Then peur thec boiling water over it, Ieaving iti until, sufticientiy scalded for the hair 1te slip easiiy. Titis metbod l acl better tisan using biankets. Whule it may net be quite as effectuai as dip- ping into thte niater, it oas the advaa- tage ot saving mucis beavy lifting. WOFS 0F BRITISH BANK CLERKS. SsnsuiyLawve Ts'rilg on I 110e W Ith BanSkok gnr loiok ss seek and comfertable, and are almeest la- 2variably soi weil groomeci, I iat tiseir jgrievances, rarely receive a patient searing, says th' London Express. O ne whio was ,recently dismissed for tie terrible crime cf smoking a pipe lnat city cafe during one et tise burs ared te wisat is caIied by city cotur- tesy lunch writes givimg a list of mc- sstrLitions, wisicli, lis declares, are 1ah urd. 1 No clark is ailae d te smoe a pipe la the, streets during- banking boums 1or at lunch. Tise average clerk's salary la -net se svery igi, huit, neverth~ess, lie musi rwear a silk isat ani donic to thse uf- t ice tireased as oaaeveitis double tbe i.salary. Wearing a cap te business lai net te, be thaugist of, as et is anu -unpardonable offense la tise eyes et itise bank efficials. e, Tise alary of tbe, average banS iclerk ranges frem abeut 33s. per weeiv. lenut lan any baaks tisa salary is ranch 3lewer and tise chances of promotion svery smel. I A clerk's money lis greatly dimin- i isse.dby bis baving te aubscrilis te 3nulmiereus funds, sucis as a "sports" 1fatal, te leep tise cricket or fcetball tground la order, aviici liacbineself la snever able te sec. r saturday is ne holiday for isim., as slite d.es net leave the office on tisose days ututil about 4 or 5 -cok It must net bc supposed tisat the day's wyork of a bank claýrk-ends 3witisahe.clesing oethetabank to eus- tuora; in tact, it oenly begias eat tisat time. _ _ ITýyr0 nw TTn r la soor. --AN INII'lO IJ'Ç \aSION OF AN OVI A good ceas" la aîavays an ecoeia TALE. feder. lti l the axces ever tise mMntenance ihat pays tf' dirvMan The bislblicter is made trm erees, ripened cntlî'rmly. Ina meikelsag b uttl»r il pays te puti eI in neat peeltagýes. /<fris qcAity et tic preduet dounts for mcr, iot):ise dairy tbae in any otiser induslry. Thse up ssofethtie creane bas mcl le d( ,wiitIsue bs etofLat la ciurning. Tb bbuttermillt steuld be waahad octaiscis butter is in smeil grains. Nervecansess aud viclecananss are en- gendered in thislî-treaiculccsw an-e are, lmensmitled tolerem fsprecg. Tiseusure docile tise co-s, the more are iser anergies fiklely to) be itevet- e&tI thle dsryman's interest. As e deiry animal tie val ue et acoav depantis as mncs upon tise quality et ber milS as tie quanîty. W 11th proper management dDiryiagi Sru ps neaily or qeete ail of tise fentil- itý, on lie latn. f ibolier iecks celer add ahtl colce' te securs lie 4desircd cisane, s itaili aile s t alu., Fi - -p'; ui Ho lied etused te tbrow aavay bis cigar avlien aseequesied hlm le dis- pose ef t . Ih as on tise bolel piaza antI tIse cigar avas an unusuehly goud Do yoc Sos waiat id do, alie scap- ped, if Iavem'e youm ivife ? Sometbing ai roeloua, et course, hée answered. Wliat aaou d yen deo? I'tI give yon slowv poison. The mans smihed. it yee avers my avite, ha said, I'd aalt yen te change tIsai slow poison for tise fasesat Slnd knovai to tIse drcg prof essien. And bie aent on ancling. MIS XPPLIED CENSURE. Pester severeiy - Yeou trougisi notbingi mb tictis asurît antI cen îakr neishiag out onI It. Miser-Well, dn't bleuierme; il ien'i My feul, I'm sure, Mra. Hocem-Bul, iilandy, I1tIo'i sc wiey yeu don iwaant te marry Sulas Boaloaoîn H's prosperos nooi. H "5' jusi put a neav L on n ~'oe. îady-I ontkormeav. As fer peaholders, tliey are mue k more CommOýnly used by many per- sens, and tise danger et: transmais- sea eto diseese gos ms by them !9a tiserefere greater, At tiseisetel counter and tise banS dessk pealiolders are handIed by tisousaseds la the course et a few days; and eft tiis numn-j ber tseDma mey and do -have skia dis- eases, at leest, wiicl may bc conta-1 gious and are tisus transfemable te etiers. It would net bea gretta upen tisa larger establfisments ai leaast te have ciseap penholders in sncb quantity thiat eseis p0rson ceuli have a new ene, bat tise emedy le mucli simpler. Foisatain peas are ceep eneugis, newadays, te allow every busilassa muaand aoman te ewn enae, but if tisai le net possible a poeketi penhodr ila certalnly witbin tise muas et ail. Eloing pap.ar, tee, on public desks, bears is cava evidence of soiig many bands and trom its absurb1rni t nature ih la especially! conginial te GEMELEIMEN 1'S. As fer public combs andI bresises, tisa danager is toe evedent and disgust- ing teo neeli advirte againsitisheir use, and tise samý applies te public iowels; a public convenience, perisaps, baitte coatmon seeffo, vven to-day, ut tise icis er worsa u(Lseases. Tu wipe the isaads upon themu la bad enougis, but te aipe utse face andi yes, l5conrting sertous trouble. Cemmen drirekiag cups tnay be a source ot infection as avelilas et a ccoling or exiilaratlag draught, asý tise, case tnay he, and ibis applies just as munis, litnet more se, te commun- !on caps, used, ài l truc, la a holy cause, but nons tis e bs ikeiy te serve a meet wieked purpese. la tact, any article teucised by tise lips or hands tisai passes trem oas person te an- etter may cenv.ey contagieus virus or iafecticias germa. Nor la h ,acces- sary te even toueS sncb articles. Library booksý are ne donht otten cenveyers et disease, and, aitisougb ibrerians have besa frequently urged by sanita riens te adepi some metised of disinfeting bocksý, tsw, if any, have s6ean fit te de 5e, aithouglitisera ls a cbeap, ha rnlesu and etticaciens nsetisod eft au doing by termaldehyde. Evean articles ihat are, la a sense, prLvate properiy are poaile feetoras en diseese cansation, Postage stamps fer exemple, aend otiser gummed arti- cles, notably tisa flap or an cavelope, a re fertile fields, fer tise growtiliof aermatisai may bs hlown or other- wisa impie nted napon tise gnmmed sur- face, tise daager being increesed tre.m tise liabilityittshelongue may ha cut by tise papier edige la meistening tisem. The peraen mise uses tels tongue te meisten ýtamps atnd tise liSe may lie intected er ineculated as effectu- aliy as if tisa poison avas injected. Tise time aili came witen thse îmdi - vidual aili have litsindividuel objecta et daihy usa3. EVEN IN THE HOUSEHOLD it is aise te have one's ewn towel,I seap, sponge and tise lSe for tise teilet. Surely every onme, newadays, bas bis or hlir o<tao tthitrush ad cemb and limnsh. Aitishe table the fad ot baviig individual cnps and sau- cersa aad et-her avare la a sensible on e, tiseugli net a nsccssary one la most cases, butif tisers laay persen in thse family affecýtad aitb diseuse, es- pecially ceinsumpteon and the liSe, ht es absolutely neasary tisai ilat per- sou have lita or tom ewms disises oet sucis a distinctive patterantiset tliey cannet be nstakan. .Kisstan isas basa a mucli diacussed question, and, aviile sentiment defeads thse practice, Isygiene ta la tavor oet abellshimg it et leesi as a mark et publie affection. Manly an infant avisheohs besa givetun akils et affection bain reality been givea thse kiset deeti, tend la aduît lita, serieus dis- ease,ý, if fut fatal ones, haves been transmitted by tise kss oetoesuap- pesed te bie pure, yet saturated ilis idisease. Doubtless tise emugade againsi kîasing isas been -arrihed te an absur- dity, but prcmeiscuone kissiog, nsidîk first message passed oqer the cable la August, 1858, Quen Victoria eend- ing h t t President Buchanan. In the niidst of' ejiciag, hewever, the cable broue, andth ie finally euccessful ef- fort was net cornpletad until July 29, 1868. It w"s net ealy difficulty about money andI witl tise Iaying of thte celle, but public distruet that Mr. Field ted te combat during tisat weary time. lun tise show cases devoted te ex- hibits of carly printia.g freni Japan and Chine the Brîtisis hMuseum an- theoritie,, have juat placed an interest- ing addition-a Chinese biaS note ia- sued during thte eiga et Emperor lluag \Wu, A.D., 1368-1399. 'flisis ethse earlesi specimesî oita b nS iknote kaicavatoecxlst ta any ceuntry, and is 3M 0years earller than tte estabs- lishment at Storkholm oethtie firat Eur'epean banS whicl issued notes. Abotut 18 jlches in length and hait that in widtis,.il lsa a urions looking document. Pliay speaks in bis natural tttsteiry, 59 A.D., efthtie good effect et "pouring i upen troubied w vaters." More than eLevea centuries agi the venerablo Bade tells et a priest sent into Kent te feteis King Edwin's daughter, whe w as te mairy Kiag osv ,,arre. fHe viet.- ed the Bisbop te get bis blessing, and avas toid tisat thie journiey V OUld ose cccoi-my, but tisat a pet etf which was given hlm wouid stili he temi- g'Esl. Wbsn thse storm 'e thse priest used tise pot t ooï, tise Bisiep lied givein, and le, t te temp-. Vapo-Cre lene je sold by druggtsts everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should set a life-time, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, Si.5o; extra supplies of Vapo-Cresolene 25 cents and 50 cents. Illustrated booklet contalning pisysicians' testimoniala free upon request. VAPO CREt.oLENE CO«, 180 Fulton St., New York, U. S. A. IRecomnended and sold by Stott& Jury, Druggyists and Opticians, Bowmanville. Notes anid Coninents. Republican leaders acquiesced in a, proposed duty on wbeat, for exampie _____________________________ modus vivendi, whtch, whie it set Le 44 cents a bushel. The bill wil tlaer nds at rest as tei any danger te corne up f or action titis wintïàr and Signer Garibaldi says that the late tlbeLr cirnrtry's territorial inLegrity, Consul Diedericli writes f romn Bremen King 1{unîbert I. was in a precarieuis freedi themt froim the dread of perpet- that it will, in ail probability, become sitluatýion after theeci-,astrous battie ual priestly encro.achments, by bring- a la w The Agrarians assert that of Adua in Abyssinia, as he himseif ini o t heir atid tise civil powers Of the Empire is perfectly able to raise recegnized by jsaying, "I 'have only othýer Catholie countries. ail its own food. They declare that al my army left," and lby taking tise pre--- the barren and waste plaec-s, the caution te place in Eng'lisis fundg We are further told. that, as matters SwamPs of thse northern lovl-,tmds and twent muins of dollars as a pro- of practical politica, the Itepublicante uranIb tsofteothr est waa cstle. Prof. Etorsforrland .-leaders made twe requesta ef tise Vat- Comdr ile r ono oenmeation for isis femily against future ia.Te sed nteLrtpa ihegitianda may be tmmcd into excellent urns li hae ee us cmecem-continýgenche. lis Te weakness of the icn. Tiseynaskand in ibe tirai place tims Wo hve eenthesaie clm-Savoyard dynasty ha attriýbnted te tisai priestly influence sbould ne long-1 more than aupply the present deti- iag. affert çroduoed la vioilY tîwe causes; tirait, tisa lacreasing' pow-er la exercised e]gainst tise pro-Italien'ciency la brendatuffs and meais. Thse st'ormy weaeneir, re ieRpbiea cahtcai aspirations ofthtie as yet ur&rdeemed fiaye bssaeetl bin Experimaents are being matIe in Rus- tien, iwiih, bd laie, ha,,, evinced a de- provinces, tise Trentino and Trieste;: and itLali surpriaiag that aay political sa avit a new fuel, " pctrolized peet." termination te, substitute republicen la the second place, avhile ttey did net party sbould use, h as an argument in Ordinamy peat la imapregnied by s-pe- ifer munarcisical institutions; second- dernand any support for tiseir owa supiport efthile prohibition etfc-fod ciel metlieds with crude petreieum or îy, tise danger avhicis lbangis over it candidWas lainbte political electeons, port- with petroleum residue. The preduGi lie a swiord of Dam l ie danger, ttey insistied tisai evea indirect siip- Germany's ability rie foed itsîtla le said te le impermeable te moisture namaely. et Papal interposition et tise port soud also lie witisisld fron tte growiig liss every year, Hiem popula- and doesa net absomb it even atter beiug ballet box. About tise groaviag Conservatives. seapp tis ai boitt fUin liacreasiug aitishe rate of 600,- lait lan ier ; il deca net dry te a streusgth efthti Republicans and Sie- ibese ýrequests have basa graated. Ac- 00pranm n ieai epsi peavder LiSe cemmna pee:t, and ils cialis stisera is ne ob.A iecerdiag te Siigner Garibaldi, tise Cath is-y ha It re olility littaieagricuitural production beeat-,geveng value mIsIalmesi equai te lest genaral electien tisey doubled oleue clarigy on the otter side eftheci ilisrae i h sieprpr titat of ceaI. This procesa, says L'- tise.rnesber et their mepresenîsîlves Adriatie havie ceased, in a large mea- tien.. Agriculture la newitere more Ecto des Mines, Patta, aviicis reports int'ise Cisember et Deputies, ratura- 1 sure, te oppose actively lItala inter- iihydvlpdttnlaGray it, may give neav value te Frenchs peat lng about sttSe is ebr.ests; eviile aI tise last generai alection hightuer-m ami grazn lnder scin- depesits. Berlinaltes gene becS te peat Tisis means, accordimg teoir Gari- in Italy, tise tavo populler parties gain-; if lteetd.Te iai fpo fer fuel, and n*wadaym, ave must ne- baldi tisai, if asie eliminate the msm- ed umsny seats on accoaitftise Cathi- ducioLn bas notet Isu eecied liut i gleet ssting. "Tise trouble la," it bers cisosen ly' Governament influence 1ealie, influence ceaaiag te le tismoava0on baIsait et CoÔnservativa candidates. cmnnot le fer off. Even avit highiy gees on te say, "tisai altbougli ae and tiselarge nnmber eleeted for local impreved amnd intensiticd farmingi bave schd grant quantittes et peai in n ron-pelitical reasions, tise Anti Sctt ieeit aebe heaa sessy etyafrGr dur country, w-e have net, as Russie Moniarchisis are et about pequalitia eiiae iemneciclma1 oipr ee 00000Icsi bas an abuadancef petreleum. Lt la1 strcngthIs n the Itailien Parliheni ytmu tî its iee u-e aiua ed2,0,0 uiesors te b teaed tsai a Frnce etroizedavits tie runarcc1 Cesr evs ; bert's assassenation. To wbat exient Tise tacti is ltat if ail tise aastelanuls peat wieu la a luxury." Here hsa e ug- Itisese last appeýar te hac ha a majority, tes tIsai depiorable avent modified the' et Germaay siseuid le put laie avbeat gestion for ouv owa country, wliere only because tisey have tiese upportsiuin Acodn teSgrGrisdry neiymtsywudnl ttee e bcil peat anad petrnieura. oethtis local anembers, avis,av-re tis'heictli, ittees stmply pmeduiced a csus-;scupply enoigh breadstuifs for a single ------- a - epubiLcans in paver, would te-mer- pension cf iostilitiea, tise general et- seascan. Tise country is now coi- BATHE YOUR EYEGLASSES. rosaehoa s o eputilian s e-a ttuetoaard tise ycceg King being ,palled to import one--eli-,t et ail tise ar Cosarvatieaeaof expcctat!in and ob,ervation. By i s breaetuifs; and ailttse avaste Auk Opticlaii t,ýUir a weeqandet ptiseRepublicans lie ia regarded as an lands et Germany anus ouly cas- lsaya Seap . On tis aothier ianti, attention is di- nkonqatuadie iemc-Itavantiati ef its ara aý nd a laTgepart "'Yen deu'i need ncw glasses, but1 rected ly Signer Garibaldi te the cur- ar bictl papers haedifvîe nh ttIssra cen neyer le made availall gaassesado needoaebathi" sai for esey fores et tgriculture or stock yeur i me~~~~~lus paTadex tisaitishe Savoyard dy-butaoqlti.aaeythtieisraiag Blroaday opticien te a ci-IomerWhlo nsye rseteitloll iegta wii[tl-o ita cav, and tisai lie la aal seemed greatly surprised aitis Itben-itrtrec e is sttretdlatingnfsted nomismatist. For bisi§ Germainy gels itundreds ef thete- mark. ienîsmies. ffiat la le sey, if Pepe Lea w part, Signer Garibaldi ha convinced sands: et aew moutis, te le tilled aill 1 nwyuwp hmfeun-XIII. siseuld te-merroav av.tbdraw thie, btiO ico lu Iul11. enea "ISe enaieiemteun- eokeana b 'o ie ia1t iirEmaul11, e m read avery eua nd yei tise iendency ly." centiamed tise optician, "liu ai veto nw sth ,Tnexpelti, 'te1bers ibalt e 0w as theta 1oaCrevinieaau ng fermera for tise pasidecade, dueesn'i answar thse purpose. Tliey need j tt erance by aviicl inls IX. torsade!ts socînr lmnstsian-lsasbe edces iearael a bath as,, otien as you de, tend they Cathise evotera te take part in tisei ed et ttc realilation cf a bigis ideai cereais antI give more attention te tIon't gel lu. I cein sec tisait rom an Italien geneval eleciions, tise ener- land tise reconstruaction ot e gusat ua- otiser ecrepa. Germay raiss'tai examinatien. Tbey have beLn aiped 'mous amenit finfluence aviicis cetli inli;adi aeeiie ie oss rlstbeoat sp and aiped, and lise ciinging dimi lias le ibroxn aby tise Vatican itietiese ent fmili avîtisahici ehh, itan France produce aend ag large a basa parly removed, whiile semae of pellîheal scala avoulti et once place tise sreuiitdte fres bimacit frcm tise siate qnantity eft tiacil graina andI textile ithi saimply baea moedabout and rmonarcisical faction ihaaa teless min- ot bonage lanaviich is ls atter wii pilat. Tise in neason avby ilese pilad crs eider depeaila. Give tliem a omity. Il la admitted, isowever, ly Sig-j Sept by tise Cons î-vathves, andtI t as-prueshvbanulvidaita gantle bath once in a aille witli nom Garibldi tisai ce-operacin b e- sume tbe moleet media tom baisaeea the expenae ot cereals ia becanse ài labe- avar avtar ntIa utle 'a, srais. taveanibe Rada anti tise BiaiSaas dii tersai 'politicel actools; tise mon-'cm rts epat m waxm wate and a lttle soa, sr 1 -ý elomîng cisaper fthpelet -, bing thoam witit a limas, antI after- impossible, se long as thse ravivai et eriiy in italy may yst ihave a long'pr raeut ia erieIsn avard riasinig and dryingthem. TIsen 1the Pepelis temporal powver waede- hease et lita, for iavould tind sinemepordtisia ndtie s iag ta re t.nd youen o5t ibinie you are ieaiag yeur ma idled. île goas on to malta sonraieli unexpecied support tram sources mr rjhaIe vr lrbcts sigisi ,uitc su rapîdly. remnarkable assertions, wavbs, if tisey titterte adverse te t. In a word, tise Imoýre erîiai orev te fry em bgclasa "Your giassass iIca a fine film of are wmou fouaded, indicace tisai not eûuag King isa eumpared te a maon aigtseraldtics en dimitavo or tht-es layers thick tisai ne -a acooeain evpatiaistigisi roe. ihdepecds on bhs cool- înding tpeoym alla tictee ameunat f imple rubbing wiîî. re-1 but bas actually begua. Whea it was tees edness and w'rve whbetierihe idn erpoy2'intecyfn- esove. Nthiing will tek iis off sel teua1d, te- asysitisaitishe Vaticanu re- Italien monarciay staîl remain aviaitori.Bfr ie rmasglts avaîl as elear avarm aatrD1en'i ha nouned ail pretensions te temporal ,ungJlis atî tasman îermed i, ani riad els echtg ts selstid bcaua yn iinkt t~l caer n cse t' etngain iseI~ra ioose et camas, te hie levellad by tise pbOJacts te prohibit moreiga feod emi- safdbcus o iktey're pwi aeof h t-ài h o iai sostile breati. ceomis avreuniformly rejecied as im- dentu pt bei l-c~gl alu tgoeamemnt la Italy., t1 aeeiu )ratIcable aidminienls.lis ir avar antI make sure etet.a.weail-,- ifed fduaîsîon Lbetaesacivil After tise Agrarien pamly liedso- on eeaistraimcsd a "Faav-persons rmo_esi epatnetand religions fendtions; ýand tisatin.ceded ia pasacng a bill aitIste lestideclina iha impmLatians .enly te ba caf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. 1epa bi poaAe nIoe reîurn- il asih-eti o siy ut i is bead ssion oethle Reichstag, praeticaîly dhyprtd o arrtad glasss p~reetl deanantIla thir sbuld e piaed bycad ias ne'seI robiiting te mpart,,ation eof vi ancvr.Eenls Gme lro ignrnce thînk (jbUre iimethiil ý ia p t Italie ii îei parties, ts .-jb "e, ; eef, c nnd ma tis and - rviia Ieter a btimatpiei etiGrmanr matraiiiiegasr o ii lsi t vn I ei ieencdbhoe ïs lS imdcdaehe llt eleaietorrsi tcot ests "talon." m~~i kjiesntlesaiaremni is jlseipeidutees, ou ceren, Tsaen ade et imLpo)rted uat provision store as you would tise piague! M ýat tisat is. mauied over a dirty block,isandled wi-th dirty hands and eut avitis a seiled and rusty knife naay lie harmiesa, but the percentage ef dang-er in it i,% far greater than ln tt sold under more inviting cir- cumstancos. Se with bread, cake, and thse IlSe; dirty eurreundinga mean germ danger. CURLOUS INFORMATION. Odd and1 Interesmlgic . ets Gathered Front 2llaiy Seources. Taking thse Aisstralian colonies in the aggregate, there are only seventy- five unmarried females for every 100 unmarried maies. In New Souths Wales aleine, according to 'the iaet census, there are nearty 100,000 more unmar- ried maieýs tisan unmarried females. En Victoria the exces is uprwards of 75,000; in Queensland il is aime-st 57,- 000; in Sent hemn Australia. over 17,- 000; in Western Au.stralia, 9,000; in Tasasania, about tse saine; and in New Zealand, a littie less thtau 44,000. Cyrua, W. Field wo.rked for ten years agairiet ail sorte of discouragements, to perfect the laying of thse Atlantic cable. lHettegan in a1856, and the CURES WMILE YOU SLEEP Ji Don't you dread it ? There's flot a sensible, wel.read person ini the world who isn't afraid of whooping-cough. It's a most dis- tressing disease and a very dangerous one, too. The child is so liable to have convulsions, pneumonia or bron.- chitis as a complication. The cause of the disease is a germn -' which rests in the back part of the throat rp~and upper air-passages. How can these germs be destroyed? Certainly flot by taking medicine into the stomach. Then why flot breathe something into the throat that will destroy them ? That is just wvhat Vapo-Cresolene does. You breathe-in the vapor ; it passes right over the germs, destroying every one of them. Al inflammation quickly subsides, - healing rapidly take>s place and recovery is prompt and perfect. P. C. BAictra, M.D., Physicîan tn Chief, Morrlstown Memeriat Hospital, Morristown, N.. :-'I have depended upon Vapo-Crtsolene fer years past in treating whoopig-congh at d bronchitis, especially i itefantî and young ebidren. T lie benefSelal effects of the vapor have been so eviet. that sorne of my patients are in the habit of starting the latnp at etght je Chir chlciree's roomn for the relief cf sonsmn k __colds.',

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