Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1901, p. 2

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DR. U POTT"FR,, effice and residence,ChurchSt. ,oppeite Trlnlty Congregatinal church, Bowmanville. 25-6mn* MISS EVA LUTTIZELL le prepared te give lessons on organ and piano iberresldence, Klng St. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ý BTIST. Instructions given in PAINTING In O1, Water 001er and Chns. Sketching and f inting frein nature. KILN on premises, tir- iLg at usual prieso 51.m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, ZLand Surgeons, Oiitario,Coroner, etc, Residence. Eniekillen. 74 A, B. MetAUOHLIN, s qrrîgter, Soli citer sud Convayancer. Offce:- leakiey Block, Klio.g treet' BowmaivllO. Égoney te loan at reasouable rates. 4-lyr, ROBERT YOUN4Ii, V. S. O F1ICE IN WEST DURHAM NEWIS Block, whiere imself or is assistant wll tefoundfrom5 ar. te 9p. m. Nght calls ai îelcgraph' orite1eýbejewll receive prompt ai- tetoen. 171 - yr. f'AIR WORK.-Ladies wishin- hair LLdoue ever, eall ai Mas Dcîs' ,t Easi sud Cor of Ontario St Bowrnatviiie. 14-if MfARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. ..Y AMES,' Issuen of Marriage Liceas. Reldence: Centre Sreet. DU. .J. S. SOMEL-S, DENTIST, G RA DUATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Crown snd Bridge work a speoiltv. OFIORý: Cor. Elin and Yonge Streets, Toronto. 16 -if. 11 E R NEO Rev. Dr. Tai nage Addresses the Young Men. A despafteh fronà Wasbiuagton rays; of crime. Socoety la alert for certaina -Rtev. Dr. Taimage prë«ached tram the forms ot murdor. If a otznonhi followiuig tnext; "He phali ba burieti way Lomie aýt niglît. is waylaid aud w:th the Iurial of >an ms."-iereiniah h1inb a robber, we are aili ax- XXJI. 19. ilouas for bis arraignment andi execu- Jhhehoiakim sat for ton years on a tiasa. For garrojuiinig, or tùe beating tîrone. Plenty oft gc4d pony out of lite witb a club, or axe, or syccphants-plronty of charTiots. îWhnen slung-sbot, tbe 1mw bas a qniok spring ho)rses; andi wbon ho wore dIiamf3ends, I think bie wore thoor asi big as c wml-. iearly in kt bbistory of the itvcld ho ni(ud have etolen it. He wallowed lu i intil aa sidenn obangelin pub,. lic laffairsanud 'then hodied la shame, and was kicked iint of publiecacn- tempt; "Buiried xith the burnal cf un as." 1 addrr'sA yo1n u oen to-night upon tihe reruane of crime, andI waat te! sboiw theai that thoayh crime mm.y boe gilded, and: fascinatin.-, thie end is romi bore and damnation hbreafter. T . T,rc la lb ramnacc fr-m! corne te we-aitb or social pretension, sud ihe-. attempt to avenge bis wroags by aimrin- a,,ftli ht ~A n bheart ot another, andi immedistoly there are sympathiies aronsed ; adi the lawyers plearl, ani the ladiies weep, aud the juxicis are bribed, and the jn'lge haits; a now trial is grant-. eti, andi the case is postponed for i witucssos that nover corne; and et- ts- a uumb-,r et months la pricon, tiret door is openeti andAthe murderer la ont, I cmli this the romance et as- jsasination. If capital punnsbraent ho rigbt, then l" Li4 «f,,f ft-e,uhn.itta-,, Are prepared from Na. ture's mild laxatives, and -%hile g-entie are reliable -and efficient. They Cure Sick Headache, Bii- iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 2,-c. per box, Frepsred by C.I.lood & Co.,Lewell,Mss, ter many mionth-s ef wandcrings she rea lved une nigliùtu go home te her mjtr'her'6 bouse. It was after mid- aight when she arrived at the boiuse. Sha supp ýsed that the door -%ould ho iatoh, -tbe dGor openoti. She acsked ber mothor why it wcos that the do-or afior midýnight. was unStcked. Said the n2e Dthor, "That door bas noever beu lwékod 4ince yen avent away. I brave given erders that, hy day sud ,iiight, i-t hoolti ho unfýastonoti, for 1 wos sure thot y n wonld comne back, aiwbex4 pan came I titi net want yiu,ùuno h: droac iniute." So I bave ùtri tell evonu tat tibodoor oi God s nz-ery il ever unlecketi. By day aud ni-, ----. -rU- -n -.-. c,-.-ss,,cr,,rc ,-. r, ,Wf~Q 13 P~4,tJ ,n.-..o. .-- ., ,to-.,<.-,-nr.r,. m,'t THE VICTORIA CROSS. IYhat aue Old SoeicaSys About tble Cove4d §iSSus?. iAn old soldeer, who is evidently soe one ef consaquanca. altbough ha isi curetaI te, noncesi bis naine, writes te thei London Times te compiain of the manuer in whicb., that niuch-coveted distinction, the Vicoroia Cross, is dis- tribnted. The winning of it, hae sys, ia se much a matter et luok that the decoration itself le regarded in milii- tary inrce with no little disfavur, fBe argneg that an etticer, however, briu- liant an action ha may have part erm-. cd, cannet 'well racommend imisalf, nor would the ordnary snbaltarn or junior probably feel justified lu recem- mnending his naptain or colonel, aven if the rogulatïons allewed ef sucb re- epommendatrons. Thus, la fine cases out ef tea. however naliant an action an officer eorama may perfonm, it le practically uselese aunlesa done under tbe uyes of or undar thc immediate co>gnizance lit a senior ofticer. Again, th, standard et valor requireti varie s enormonsly, for whera3 oe genersi aili recomamend snybedy and avary- body, siiother will rucomnmenti ne one. Fartber, he mnaintaina9 that the institu- tien (if thia eider Jute intreoati dan entreiy erreneone perception of what truc, valor s, and that iA is only ne- ceatly that, ewing te Lord Iiobextals g la the precedlent established by Dr oldberg, consequently yen take no rlsk, as Yeu~ psy notbing jîntil a permanent an complete cure has been established. Each tirI cal yen ses Dr. Go]dberg personally. who has 18 DIPLOMAS. certifloates and 1 rcelved frein the varions calleges, hospitals and states, which ta suffiotent guara..., bis standing and abilities. 'YOUNG, %OLD, M IDDLE AGED MEN-.'ý There are thousands of yeu troiibled as a resil of eirly indiscretions or contracte« Blond Poison; if yoîî are net the man yen ahonld be; if yen feel tired iu the inorning. or troub- ledl with. exhanstion, norveusness, despondency, lois of cnergy, weak, aching back and kidncyo, frequent painful urination, or sediment lu urine, imperency, weakne8s orf other signa of nervous debillty and premature decay, we 'will guarautee'yon a complets and permanent cure by our Latesi t Metbod Treatment whlch is recognized a most posi- tive cure for these conlditiones, sud you psy wben cured. Read what our patients say and 1,e convinced. The original sworn affidavits and testizmonials Can lie seen at our <fR $500 for any we cannet show; at rsquest of patients We publish only inifý Te Whern It May Concrn. Jan. 13, > This is teoertify that 1 had been a anferer from Nervous Debility, nfgbt loses and sommnai wcakness for a long turne, hsd been doctorlng both in Can- rda and De, ri without reoeiving any benefit, and p.-aced myseîf und or Dr. Godegscro Dec. 28.1898; 1 notie d an improvemen t in iny condition in lethnoeweek; was discharged entirelycurcd April 29, '99, and have had nerturu of sad trouble. SIgned, A, E. L. C. i Subscribeti and swern te before me thîs Iîih ayet annr-i Win. A. Smnith, Notary Puýblc. Wayne Ce,, Mich . 1 - - - ý , - -UL LI,", id; bu , asitt ný -n- - 11 -.1. - - -.-- 1 a M Bbeeti Poison, aise Chronîr, Pivate, INerveas, Irnpotency, Vanicore!le Stiture Ridnley, lilattier, Liver, Steinach, Fsmaio anti Rectal Troubles. C0nSultati(ý n tree. oaûl or write. for question blsnk for boe ratsment. Books on diseass ofetnie fre. Heure 9arn- te8p m >ýInatays 10 a,.teSp.m- 291 WOODWARD, AVE.9 ïïDH 4wIT I0, .trbleUov va.lee Itinetr a alaj1i tilink tetati 55505fortnest' MUS~t~ iaet cewthn otl epn &r apany Fends te lendi ai loareat crnent rates 1hnsl aewtotdal epn 0FFICËS: ing S., opposite Dr. Harnden's gatirret go te, smash. Tirey are ta in tire wreng mut eto association Dental Rooma, Iiowrnaiîvlle. 13-iai piagu-struck, anti1atd comîtanioaship. anti yen bat bit- d-J d--br rnrerk DBLAOF A NATION, tr ngeti ont oe t ; fthe prohahil-. $5 V.0.O ood met-I ke te have thern go te pieces la sucb ityis~l that aitirar tbey n'ili kiti yt'u lpga seeurty ot et aertsf-it-t rc ta iey eaunaver again bh on you aili kil! ttbozu-abichi latter 16 -ar. grthaet up. 1Ir iko ta bave tirera tbiag, for yonlî-seul la eternity, willl mtade loatirsome anti an na'ftcable! ho stnir i to root caagmn THE GRE ATEST DISASTER RM E r ,TAI LORImnay taro warniag. efthie tai-e; for "no murderer bath G-entlemnen's Clotires matie f0 Order. If Gord sheiulti put sntteniy into eternaI lite ;" and in the future lita muaiey, or is reproseativo, tire there is ne romance et assassina- fl.nfritanmmn ~paiwior te, retnsrn te. its igtful own- tien. ) er, tbt're lau not a bank or a safety Oh yoneeeig main, takre net tire man- DENTSTS.dipDisit tirat aveuit net bave iii sites 1nana, andi rusimin, anti habits et wluai tritu- t h1 ,wn an+ -, ar ,nd irehrLttt,p - mitdý ' uvt - 11-1ycot n utiimin nnf- rip, anutgaiti woeut b-tanti ment- Wil heata Blacksteck on tire frstj gages n'eturL- rend, anti -'ggars n'olt Montiay et cacha month, ai Orono trom gtliri, aieocr-aircawouîni 10àm te 2 p m.anti ai Newcastle igo t iaaiaies.Go^-mui s frm2 80 to 5.30 p. mn. on tire second - eamhu.Ho-v uhds Monmtay f eacb înth. I bneýty in,-the maktag et inuvoles, OFrce,-Ter-uperance St., Bewman- tanti iratire iatha at tirertustent-bouse, ,vii]e.rear of Higgintbtham's dtmg store. Iandti l Iaterlag utf imb'is, autin fLl oiing of custoutirs et i-libouses, anti licfaite samnJpIes,anid !utahtramak- inganti breaking et contracta! Hun- 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. ihaduate of flue Royal College of Dental Sui geene, Ontarie OFFICE.-Opposlte Express office. VITALIZED AIR ONTAMRIO BANK ceullnues tedo a Generai Banklng Business ai BersvleDEPOSITS eceived in Savirigs Bank Dopai-ment aud hît" st allowed ai coitren rates. Notice ef %5 tbdrawal net oecesary. AIl deposits payable on demsnd EXCHANGE Sogtsd eold anidDrafts issed ujon Eur op riedtStats andCad. alssoGld, Sl511 1 oued States Greeubacks bought and sold COLL ECTION~S Proinptly made ai curreiui rates opon a]] parts -f Great Britain, te United States and the Do- inielon of Canada. Telegrapli Transféra Sade fer lai go or sansi sunus on ail parts of a,,1ada. This is seeialy afivantageons te par- @CD$ living lu Mfaîttolua or the Necili Weai, it 82aské e di fonds availabie ai once ai the place ht payaient. For other Dartîculars eaU atthe bank. A. J. MCCLELLÂAN GEO. MçQILL, Accouiant Mauager Ail Hands A g mnereeab 1le.... Mrs. X.-I say, John, 1 amn going to stop baking altogether. We can gel. at LUTTIIELL'S, Bowmanville,such good Bread and iluns, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-AIl right, Sarah, don't tel nie any more. It wiIl no doubi be the best plan for the summer anywray, Alex. Luttreli. Baler andi Confectioner,Bowmanvilie Tleephione 97. IýWELL ENOTGHI. IDidti tell yeul te let avaîl enougli a!î'mu i saidthtira1 tctor te the ceavale- sciai i whebat tisoboey<et anti wms sot- tu'ing a relapseý Yers, trcter axb" i -t vi w as't sa'll eti Liok, ýail yeo pleV of Goti! Ont et ail Ki'WairiW o eaveýn let the aingels wan 'ibi A prodï,gal rel.ioruiogý! Let n1e gar outr andi meet hlm. Weýl- -nne h-aci aganate thy loug-forsakon a;acm!te thy lngfrekaGod. The~ decti is clive again! The last is fcuti!d ýSuccess for Sixty Yemns.-Tbiq ;l the record of Ferry Davis' iFain-Kilier. A sure -.ure for diarrboes, dysentery and ail bowel compîmaints. Avoiti substi- tutedl thora is but one Pa;in-K-,ilier. exampie. DrI ramai nhink sk s l5ess te % AiGENTINE WELSq. ho -hami-ti bec-moite L is epauleteti mod - eutornet. The -row,-n, uee front A Ce;,, y oef 4ffe e,, ls, PJ lted Tlxi*ty- - l1yeant,îs Aa'r. maun c mare keefu bock the jertigmeunra uit Ced uir ame the celar door. Be-_r The Bitish Celonial Office was ru- centir eastoanl3hcrd te receive froua the Lond hbow God biows up the ma-dn- -, tieeni w ick tino, s cf higb places! town of Chlr'tt, in tb rgntiri, 1hene maey ho marne hure who baveReuîoaiamralsne hyom vontianreti nria aintul courses w ho 3000 persans ax-iir Welsb nainas, ask- Iwaald liko te re-tnris. Yen calme in lu-g uhat Provision the govrnmn't cased to the auemy by these sadrien assanîts, ha dasfied witb the romain- dier ef bis terce up tho fi-ont et the position, and dîsmounteti beow a siigbt nitige within thîrty yards et the, euc-lmy., At thie moment net oaly were the Yeomen unîler a tremea- dous rifle s*nd shel tire frem thae eneuay, but aise accidenasly from their owu 'pompîîme. It was a tre-r mondons9 ordesi aven for vetera troops, but the commantiing officer dashe o th ie front caliing upon bis mon te tolioav; andi the poitiàu uvas carniet by the Yeomen ogeiast tîve tim -s tb"ir nurnlu'-r. Rleat woult bave heen di.,aîtro)us. O0f thia gui]- Imot bit of service' nu official notice bas br,ýen taken. A DOCTOR'S LONG TRICY CLE RIDE. A modical min, seventy-eight yeans of agi', dt scribes a tricycleride train Luodon to Edfiaburgli cnt hack, wbicb b' p2rfermet inlathe sommer. The journey was' udertaken langely witia tht' viewof t aco.tainin.- the et.. arias etfyWang me'n are oeang indca-cru ncnigbýt tiscouragot, anti teel""S 4tUUSt rt'.t4~t.Ut. f'ets on the body tif toor yemns' ah trisatet lantthe idea that b1oaiey must abat thore la huai littie hope. I1aili l ib i ~rt o iorntrte lie iat q-i-kly, anti that the langer rtl eac agtrwo - te So-utir Africa. istioente tronc flash foot.Tet motre admirable the~ smartness anti shcaaed that ih'ere was a Wai shset-ttiug htoa dsanecvt legn-enain - - - - i-uert h Agenin anpoîin abeing about laine buadrat miles, leerenai.flanrtshing population et moeuthan a d- aily average of tiity-rnino TIheopublic mimd latelyp ioemiles. Fl-' nas net awmro that bit' utteny poioueti40J0O eruls, anti that ibis had resulteti andi diseasotion tiresoib)ject ot meey- rmý f tlatpiia elhstee talto making, ad ne wDudor bat Got ay the ride, anti thora was no ciuuute lu i ahohbat enigratedti teSouth Africa spake te allIl tire ofethe avontd, illebis weigbt. The tiet upron whichbcb sayiag, "Lok eut hai-yen gui yonr l 165 Te0 pn-rfe t ees, lrm-et the ,jeurney avas et the enonrey. By tire hant et teatir or jo pies a large tract et lant senti r, - - Th~~~'Îe faffber? Osii alel heuihe-mpiest. No îeglar mmeml tiîe.s jutigmentit it b e wrouiched tram - -' wr bsre,5u orao ekte Gone for th e ofLake (,elbumpo. This aias waibre an boe r, wau tes, peur grasp. If you- get richeq hy an be- rd uterIwtminoc naîdt etyoiin tiys, nti i tie on yenr i-n~er? Moue w i.-awre giveon eay to, Argentine tr.Atog îbi ltat ta lirait - a felo." wetbrsufr j tn thin rou gatat ie begb, b-e nover caugbi colt onk il. Next, I apeak oethtie romanuce etfr - - t,-. miuy othý-Wlhclnssbcm w- ore. libertiaiat. Soiety iras severesi ro--!Yi.eo ie nedrt aeaiai fo or neVer >1ag ftirý regoia-tien. tnibutten frtire inepurity that tanks IcornMC Comme-dcre Grem, wrii-ing trom about tire celimrs ,and alloys eft he .. ~ ~ Wdtee tt lru iMetviu outt Ciy.Itcrias ont agaïuisti t. h rcou i'tatmuyaaiag hd 4ite dneb kil trs urigatîa t treiri-e - hcou in ood, but tat the onc 0F it. But socireity baceniees more lbai-r Vth bos rtord, utiaib.gxnmntON ont as irpurity riFmes taulard attlui o a s a obiohiar eygnr enc at i~g maia poitonunil -gt the doc- eaaly. Tirera lda-s bien a large anti iUSE tinalyb î sir-.t, r t1sprs~- te toi qW enough. It's incnea.sing influx ofe Argentines antid l ~SA pallate. Wheru is the' ju-fge, or tire Dnm iaescia i- 'E brh-iage anymri sllerft, or the p,ît-e? vho tare ar- DIoshe rak1n; it a y cost gabivarniin u h ear a~uia fr iardeenc t-it'wealby il- irhe. Always keep enl r ao 1v ho buld tirmnlk th-at prohnbyiynta a~Vl,4 ad iuin ? May ire net walk tire minetsH nd anti ride tire parka, anti sali1the - A;~ a dollarbs e~ L genermiion or sc> the Welsb pari t - - irs vcesla b ~tl-a nmuainy, as a sa-pa rate bedy, steamers, fiauimng hisu-o vicesotims-, i-sapthe. he'sAir e-os efthtie pure? Dons notte u ANuDei o'u Eeg et unlci anesa look oui frouantai i3ig nensn, nny . teipeatniied wndewavuitwalk niteiesi 91t11, ne-ci- n1-continu,'t te n carpît, anti rustlie tinesi silk, anti rol ~jWlh tlaroi i trebadaet t iyi... --ustp)n o Arenins ant i talins. Htielt Yn baullglm tlfo ieselieo a in-s um tuu c ig ?but I- rg'ti i r i, frira n vu mi i vitei muared, re'igb lui es- sumpumos canagt di bads, la thme formes oui-srsfer airaylîýg irrita- - I ~bien toi-Iihat man average et tour tirens, fr tone roff rai' pronultlm w>eia-t'hea 1ai- tetake these brazen Iartt:'cretrauI i asecmidaa ~ srer',entve 'rsakasees fer th avretra-irea',)r,-. o r ue atit, sel neseyfor faeces o tire monfe,"mndetpue tt mtir orthrae dsaneetritib ,lOit tuig.1es a Ci'.,So Prsn av uixy u.pt. tseso lto. O. s. a h n usri At wirat rne the otîl Qedwiil Oue. mres t croup v40alles. An Agloae in clury ________________ faes in te iu rgeeaOir8 Ifthkunai- e, O~iiTe bn~l enamiDvrabtakthmRL F wtha ardcod m ti er o&.11 rolonariutt set- Pritiers the av-arrestheocrupg-etF0cswiî-U. S.ll aAa.crd n ,-ii bteliav'a ti te L ordvi sautitîCePctrl il ut a kew"t Lra elb aiits ein. iîu iatiatimi cmpcuu paos MUOR LNGER. hort he auak at nce. ainîhlyaaseldsurib.tiug maîl aventiiîîg mtier ho wouî liketpugogere Coauaislii nIealay r..iiO pREtItmL t indgnaionar bisiu bi, uidthIr aeunein tera cl; t Sc. e,hatrthemre papiati chnce captalh ueeuedfulE. Wrtefo fîtpMEiNla aviieth e rit is np te bscfoodrgeiee 5b w ue ar o aold Btisha, tnernmenves ai-bi ant- r mieMdcn oLrdrOt unît ore bitteýr res btr1adagansi or Eeg da dear dse sf jj H neer oait houl aad oinrdc "AbutS aas ge cmenefer gSouti Araicnsiennth at, Rour p--, .4ftem'. Wii,g i)sh Iv crdo n e, cayiir othe or, te tie etlstand ni t ti the Pcralptilenbut rIt aitlhi-e y t"fon' OXOOptt flrah tbs e ualngrad nd rat Foni-ftufl ses Goora vli ha fOuNGit ebEn sort thiber'e âCk n tne ora, Wii v-ebtgn ett hht 'i ,Soita].anti rtienns ly Siun aricl une Iba eeotÂys'e ie todeshýcip ttey dije0goists la Canada.er On] y ail mer-e thlerahe thlandeibaitsor ot- m " eint lu ib ieuseacae- Ot-tuno eermee e disoveeti5t showt dspoitio tete 'une. in.erab9l e tny 'en urei- a5c1ntrta'e.c-Eo exees, l.Wees i forflls o tarse iII. gnti pair t ire omhot, n t W#ethleeer,,dsrbsveiY ciaanes antipcead attend tago bae,plomo tmlat.Mi t neo w e h irss u tu scug hs ic s l t mt~er fa c l osatto:nývs1wairethee t Epr es, icpa ine $.Cor . ,rdon, Ot5, crsmsaain. t wichl he oa ho Seat meda-ai adnce witedi aor btiosce antovist tidoru e airyn C u sxwîcue aphefect e it-a oiiy Vmribit te usthan gais free.the qr Ele n av. errkinag.m asitit m ernm h t b at »eosf'spayWrdor Qt + - ~~ r away ; it id r à wi' onsomptv io btas. Ii-t ,tiy p'îhj as xcprtis, fralthcei otsPepoiasitluBwanle ~-n, --. " [ran t uin tniegi-,usn Se SJryiT-dth rating itu - -i . Gomrra' wll e fuld t hae ien urewehKyr'sC-. -Fc"--d TMUr axnx&Nix &r=aÊ sREZÀ wi'Divorced but mited agv!Um S tV-"NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIAL$ USEU WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.M Wm, A. Walker of lôth Street say-"1 have sfee L ILIS ~~~~uniolti agonies for my "gaylf. Iwaaisrewe yeouinganti inorant. As' One efthîes Boys" I conirasou EMISI N Syphilis sud other Privais diseases, 1I bcd abers ia tht SVPH ri~monile sud ibroat, boue uais, hair looe, plimples on STRICT UR face, fumger,,anis came off, omissiona, became thb- anti, deapondant. Sevei dotors treateti me wih Itercury, C U RED Pota'h, et . Tbey heiped me but could net cnrs me. s,~~~ ~ ____ ______Finette afniendiniduced motrr Dre.Konnedy&Kergsn,, e .Their N1ew Itethoti Tremimeni cureti me ila afew yacks. 'Iheir t restaient te voaderful. I'on feel yourseif gainiug every day. I bave neyer Lourd oethiber faiiug t curset ingi Cep. CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFLJNDED Cat Chas. Ferry says-"l ours my lite to Drs. K. & K. F7;ECy ýAt 14 1 isarnet a bat habit. At 21 1 bad a the symlptemol f ý3em~in Wenkneas and Spermater ba, Emiesi yere cînif ndwcsko'ing ny vitality. I1îoarnied . l ~ EL E -2 aad or ad-vice of îny faaaily doctor, liut it vae adxpenicenc e. Iueigbtetn monthse avare divorcee. - A'1hen coosultet ilis, K. &e R., who retored me te menbs "5ytheirN et l 'reaimeOt. Iotawiehnittr ' - EDL) m.~y nerves. VWe aesneheagein aeit are happy. Thisv sgix years ago. Dra. , & K. are siatfespacinlîsis mnd l ..t ac SWe treat and' cure Tiaricocele, Emriîuions, Nera'ous Debiîlùiy, semina! SWeakness, Gi ,et, Striciaure, Syphiis, Unnaturai Discharges, S.lf Abu..ua sKidney and' Bladder Disaases. ____ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISI< Aryena vlctilie? lave yenlest hou co,ýntemep1at lme ~New Mthoti Treaimeai viii curs von. Wbnt it bas doue for otb' ns ut vil tiefr guýLi eCONSULTATION FREE. No matter -whe bas itrtdL vnwlits nfor 0ant bo0neai opinion Frecaui of Charge. Chargea reasoumble. BOKS FflEE-"I ldnM nie"(ildnstrated), ci5 Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 ceaie, Sealet, - ~NO NANIES USF-D WtT HOUJT WRITTEN CONSELNT. 1I-, tVAT- 110 noetOne sent C. -î.D. No aivies on boxes o envelt-s' , mrent-FRE. t'Sapes. EveryttilnKoOflfdenlal. Question list and cost oîTrep_,t-6 f VIF Y K No. 43 SHELBYST WITER WRINKLES. That defaulting bank clerk, was en-w gaged lu so"e other business, Sa id rr. Eieîll impressively. Wbiat otLher hPn, su?,'kPC1 Mr. Bbom- field. Steal, Mrs. Buuk won't let lier àaughteri get married. Why Dot I She gays she bas hcr owa busbsnd and two sous te look atter sud she caiVi have inother mnan aîolend. Sbe-Yes, I consider that he paid a vory flattering compliment toarny good s2ns.,.Fo-lu wbat way # Sho-. H'_, didn't attempt teagay snytbing ilattring ta me. Clinton-Aad se yen fiaally gel. up courage, te ask Miss Pelton to bave yeuind i ni d sbe say ne î Doiigli- No, she didn't go se far as that. She merely said the ides nas asurd. }Je's a most unreliable mnan, i3he as- serted, WVhy do yen ssy that ?ssked her dearest friend. -Eo asked mie tO mmrry bîm and 1 ssid No, and the me an thang neyer asked me again. Society le a gond deal like a spire tualistic seance. How's that i The people mwho show tbey are net ini T he D. L The V. & L. EMULN h is ebestar mupakiable P! rai Ced LiverOil,agreelngwihthe7model T ieD. &L. EMJLSLON l rcsr-uibed by the leading physicias Te),&L. EMULSION 13 a marS'.ltoum fleali producer Lrcd wili yen an appetits. 8< iprSUe D3e 'orsvon cet DAVIS&LAPNE tha genuine CO., Liunited, Mctreal1 ô A QUICK CURE i 0 FOR COUGHS The Canadlian Remnedy fot afl 'IRAUANLUNO AFFFýT'ins LreBottles, 2t -~ SDAVIS & LAWRENPCE 4 isPrepe Perry Dayis' T Nea YoIrk. symnpatley aith igel.tbîerwn eut., ""-'-- ~ 5-5<~ The, Maniy Thiug.-lilemuer-No l'ant i. ear collage theainicals I don' Biagiey-XVeii, oIt n. L, lika te sues a maan tae a n'omnus imuarred to-menen.rNaggs-I I part. Roslie-My gitutnasa 1 I think yen bai-e tireugi this I ver caret l, aaould ho oowartiy et hlm if ireoIBiugl',y ; teyou leve h an"rT1Bingi c ditt,[tint hc sentimentalll -Tbe girl Tirat siliy Ferty Leeter seem.a to e hj oe-st htmni in grcat tumant itih coaching Par- 1 tbiak lIii let you measure me tics. Yes; tbey take hlmn along te bien' sack suit onit'et this clotir, sait Cj tho býora. iadioattng bis preterenca. Ver Fair Helen-I bear yen have a sac- sait iris tailor, I oaa ma-ku ret. Fair Grace-Weil, 1 dit bave suit for $30 on flOO. Wbaht's t one, but it woultnIt keep. tb' taxe pnies f Ç' bi r Malt-a Auntiî-Noav, Geraitine, withap n'ben I1avas young as yent-- Geral- P tine-Was youener yeung, auntiehId~ It seuns Impossible. Q Tbu' Laddr o f Preferment-lst lawi. en-Yonang ýBiacirsiane ha bas paliticai aspirations, basn't bot 8Sicont Lan'yex -Why do yen tbenk soi Final Lan'yer- Ju notice bu crails li tira barkeepers hy os I j il 'i I ý-L -t m 1 ý-1 LL-BL -j- , -J , 1, %vis'. 25c. and WC. 1 ý, 1,

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