Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1901, p. 2

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Ir Ti T lv% Irn awey witb, au/t ropreseuts # emal WT'UX ACTrrT trIns, ranniug jute tout tigure. I UNU JON A3 EL[ ad a rerfel: Tise geid aud esvrt are taken te inofen ative. ba L lvr tisese rfnre i lotevery rtroubles msy 10l!11w. Fer a prompt, imaginable tormn-bagaetf gel/t/utua, T ai u age spea scoïehetecure )o? Headache sud ail tht aweopinga et jewelor's abripa, ceins Inve trobles takoetail agea, and sires cnd et evory n- ~eris o LU . O 8 WUeaty tOdr tsun, artic les ot full, regular action e! the boes, ot"sdeon nsae irst bs ctul o sewbetiser t es tbey do not gripe or paie, de net Wisauovon tise orm et tbo preCious Item tEtheIrua. But betore Ibis service ta doue bot bava a positive toniceaffect. 25o. mata s, Ibeir fteles taloh te -,ameo. bey ïiusaster tisat mess nliscgiu l ia iik about ai ail drnggiets or by maietf are place/t lu crocibles, os,hacb in tutu aiti einl, bis spni. Iluis aj beaun on bis lest C. J. lice/ & Ce., Lenel,ý Mass, ara plonge/t into eiercely-bntni/ng tur-- - Arise, apree. Ilielias ma/ýýt-'lis last visIt tO OC5, util tise mata/s are sedueed te ,hat Go/Ithababd housse. lits cil/t-tnwill te-O - c ~ c r~A Musatis 1, CONDITION. o paris mrrow merning notice lise Change. aIWb n tbe procesetfcoeking la Cein- This marnent hoe nIants beavoui al-tsa-t, or au battie, or amoe)ng mid- p/etod/thtie liqui/t mcml la puenteI le Nituaveb au/I feQr ail etornily lise nllacsa Go/t tigt lgarotera, aa-i bon ha esenpe/I. worite or gallo s sroais, as tbe Case "e -vot/thonIbs vsille is Brekie Tb-Petba1is Inona-t e ai o uforc e3 ruCOa ;b', sotomni/Is, omerge le tise aa bortn, gent fatber' made aw-eel tfai'nat-} orru etbricks or bats ot solIt/, if net ýia Wih gai: ear tht ma my wkeýaue Iit Go. i. 'cre us sa-nising gel pore, ailven or gel/I. osa u bs upteelaIe If leses/ et lee in tise-caria piges o et acBiblie bause/t'n Leon/ton tiregold bricks are cf an t/to go-s ouais la/tbeen on bis Enoos coufsso- to e rca iicimakes yeutn bîis rnt amasoetiitorm neigisht ofS0oz., or o/taeysing lisaes troin tisa limelise nont on tatise a b/Ia CGel, Jotise o//Ia-ligion.s moto tisaan is. troy ; sarile tise stîver docs, -in/ICIecrftJ biE bse GoI.bocks lyang aroune itie boise, thene; bricks au/I bars are et seven cnd a - /y?'won/t avesv/I /rntro bengane, passages menkoed w ils e lea/I ha t tinics tisa avigit, or 250/b. avoit- e vo- lt.ou evn berd Bo ho okaup ouspouil-patssagest.isat uae yo Ibink dupois. geOai'falhiv sas net a go/tIss man, Tihwvr s nytefrtso itf3'0i1 tata. Tetemncsî ts n uli 'n/ lssbeevs- e nl tsfna so Tise n isast, but ([bel, in ta-b5I lanE da'y wboo blue !ntis-pr-cess testar/ta neuseatiug tise bier." tise sontan convulsion, as lasii lIa h ikroin yu as mtl nc uý gl n ivr n /ag ata-ianhds k rucuindto-i sl estiola ettbpur'gel/uenttaever;au/ tat, n/ ntssuga/IIsaciiilno bl bs1roti-illres/Iy. Ict perbaps ycur ut tis sa to sra La uttIe n the p- -a----So-nnPas ovre-a-mes-elof -ep-oo 1t-ofater mas e be/t mnn-paQrljsspia-aDcof ettise duli, /tiegy bîccks et le Tise lasi houina bas coit. us" mae bas au/t a blsbs-,ar/I g ýunenver jme~tet sug'st thi ainele. 'o na-u muto tee t /t3o dieg tian 1 have oet li/euE ' iisu rnisutiËhL t'i sid/I'n hFisecat sta-a; la tise deltoate pro- i /Inppîngi cdownIbsme't. 'isHe w'usnisppa-Jti, sar 'or ehLis ownuJceeu ef essayaaag, et test/egtiamataIs rigge la al miute ntis tseptt1mtesu . Deot tisothn, I te, .u, [o acertain tisa proportioees ot gel/t, /Ioa-a-h. Bas abill the na-gl isl" "I11iitpugi sh±sGl -îîaloa/ to oestsyce lust ieho ajtt5 "voet trea/t"'lion I dto," g, g JYOUTR MOTHIEB'S GODThlie tosusi mathed as to eacchip -Ë puis ant upDs a-is asviuI ses, hotu I nolsiu caia- mitei 10~À I my thbinE sise nais g -a/. 'Yeota-n-rous te a-terik an/I meighifilon c pair The' w'b tt Caps J tbe /I' keosa 1ber l mis' u rca-fat ber arime borna o? ces'a, se teiiaatoly adjustod tisaI -,anhve P 1,klae ona col/t sogisîl, isoov (ý,1ha, iý,- ho3'egctot a mlllontisspart et an 'anat le-a------------------- t er a-a. Yn o ie ounce. LTse tieg place et Mots] îs 1Lcle dege, an/tm ; m. ouo tisanpn"teabtfracl'bc 'esten atuaete-s a hat use/t a-en s/ut t îsogu te ail baemca-aisa-e ehsmiectod, an/I a cakehuet p. onHae tosgetvamtin3 isaigisI botton la loftI,conslsting teese li vai. Hebd, ornegoIoc/, tnt/t antinuslg of gito/t ndsis or.Tis bol- looe.Invan.TI't'r ets ou t'ail ri/I tton i9aisie weigho/t, an/t tisa biy 'U e natfai andtise abstraction et base matais as- _,,st, il /town ever tiesei/te. sa-agg rang ac"p5 ut-v n e. .Vcn c--iane/t. t la thon belle/t lunitnie 'e-bamaTUE WNS110W L. r wu' ue i Ctie a~~jo i/t, ivicis absorba tiesa ilver an/t un' --/Ilno e Th ie sec op2'esiils froîbiug jans l pe/c s 'a/ 53'br btle, Laaves tise pore gel/t e isthenuot ofa agiîl e soatr o few.!'sle ielgsnictRitîerSaie/ay afcte cuts.W'L'algood 'o/t, ealiuina-nsv-T he igiLnagshcJý1 th2r-upoweuotry dt-u ;By wiviggagoin /t"rs 1h' ,tbncamig torcita itiesa ants bonria. Teseheuexacts"raos/I rf'aveyaaandou ia-aukn l bunn's.-, an/t se bison/Ions toi Ihean bells a's e draps, affn/t tt( ý- a .ic athse greirnu/t r aml- satioe o/ain/I ails, the ---"[be-y can gel Etornailidatliscaleloos biiHo bas sok a'u -is Imto rnos,",aylaomico -couSesues Igone fer aven. An/t as b/thie cadvas a-b t b est fntal T ie maa is eiow naady ton tise lest tell'se I kt nItisarsrale/,antli riv,1halttamgun55e etait - tisai nf retining. Tisa fot r go nopes lhnntpe/,th ie sec li'-ak op tise, becs t t/s ý ilerigbitt Ina-t, bricks are moltdlunlange cruciblas, sîcrytuerai /iiga, plarying, utiopcn dia- Amr, - - nd m/teluspcun thg [viwtlis certaie proportions et silvon an/I E __ ___ I JIf yen have tiisawfnildiseuse yen are in danger uttl cenrpleftely or;the varIonsý, sympteoms yen notice abold ta a wereing te labo immnediate treatuient. Don't put itoiff until tee late, as it centinaally get s wt rse. If yen have sere ibroat, patches ou tangue or imautlt, swellen glande, hait f allia g eut. bloeties on body. itcliiug sEin, or ather signa oft ibtis awfnl disease, cal! Onusus. Xl o gLa cyoe a writtcn gaiaranîe te cureovan by on rThT- 1EST METHOU) TRERATMiENT taititout Zercory or Potassium, and Yen Puy When tured. Eacb tiL ne yeu oeil yen sec Dr. Gldberg persenally, svbe bas 18 Diplemas. certificates and lieeses recela-ad froua lie varlous cellegos, bet-pitals aud Statès. wbicb tastify te bis standing and abilt'cs. The original testimonials eau lac ceen ut aur office; $700.00 reward fer any we ce.nnot show; ut requcat of p-' tiatsa we p3ublinhi oniy the Initiais. 1.animgrevng every dssr. 1leoticeoif 1 cut or scratch mjself theseore will ý heaiup. pe ou illnet stop tratettn;me as iong as thoue isga that t 'riblo disease. I ara rmore attaid of Il than deaot. I b lias a yen bave the rightmeudîcine for tbe disease. I foot se thanki o! te on fothe oed yo bave donc L-0; I wss a fetci nick wxhcn 1 camne te yeu nd twas on t1i ver-uft et iido, To nsSte e sure tiSg i weuld like te continue a Wh., a longer, eilt> >bt lwill net roture, Vary resectfully yeus, Msrs.. CS ibsNO- 3.May 3l,'1899.- ain 1opp ii ay lEnt yenr medicines holpedl my trouble mnore tuan auy tbinlg I1ai or tok. W tCASES NO. 312,014. Oct. 15, 1899. Y eor treataont bas helpedime wcnderfslly. A. D. iCASE imO. 248,118. Nov, 18, 1899. 1, Ihbave confience lu yen as a deutar, fÏor yen helped me mare tissu any' eue etsc bais, and I foolthIat yen oua-ad me. R. F. M. OUR s-AToE-Y71 LI-THOD TREATMEN E Ilood P iot o, ut ie, Iservees, Impoeanuy, Varicecele, Stuieture 4,.;U R ES INituey, tDl-u, t/, ver, Stemacli, Femuate ace Rectal TrýG1beuB1o OO0NSUJLTATION FREH lý Ctil oo write fer blank fer berne traatmSent. EBOOX-, lieliaieiingsey . aze ClOTope l't al lt A Sffe, it ai eat maLe. It bas Glao b is isa i-ad"iniSeak, Shos l.ba t. dorsorl stbfrr a.ndaeeaae. iJoeqsuarb i'saîa.rtrepste Lsiiff o 3taretsliy ttsid ble eo icg tis a iatasy. tlîs-day LEVER Enc je. at rssis STARTLINO FrACfl FOR FDISEAEDVIGTIMS. CURES OA RAT TEED OP% NO PAYl -SE YOU ? bie tfto;tn our; easil tig il Cd- i let s-n-gc, Rose; euse;bggard üloeog ak.ck r; boue painat Joir 10loes; nios; sueathroaat varlesocele- doposia an crics atitt "'aettool; distruatful; want oft eoudeuoe; lack oZ ousoigandsanet- WE CA Js- OL'RE lOUI1 RESTORED TO !A NHOOO BY DRS. K. ô K. JOHN N. lLIN. JOHN À. A 1J/34 CHAS.OWERS. CHAS. PWU /7e efxf.<--11 a mans regarde/t; but go bave set aInatugisi a-enin aail11Mg ceobsa, a/ta-nioud none et ,l, ay m-nY rçnylofl J ciao ta ill autes aÈyolr n-a-ncalamity; £1'uili mixE tabenourntfoot ,,-shlm -Nets, lest auy et von about/t make ý s eo in airs pet tles. 'y fGPC&taite -îs-t aOîtance as5n.m u '.--1e2graph Transfers binbelote h runtOISitand lerot - I Malsfela gcr aiit<ifl5on aItprtese close b y a/ublhet ou n/t bol-j i Çlaîas.5' 3bs es5iYastiCutsgooîra' 'oeahed teviaOr gIsenT n\e I ? 18e ivig u sî oi- rtisa- is ustia \N'eubutt t. i yfisl.F ilierinpaOl~.- a/ il tiste ,tee u-ide nneubok oe thefaids vsiabl nt onc at Pl ninagîr a k , " rs4 0 -- " 1b"'. 1 redrvu ts ,is, uLLtng irresistibly fa44 AenNotice ttatMon tý"irearoused ~~b~eTeal yeflgreîî S Lta~axtmnepete man if[cntil-.ntS'ery thonght of aroom UexpetId SailsWILL 1 111-Fmi s en ti have But .hi//tran,. /Maly is os le pa-iliog et _vchr cioslheo La- ou te nigisl lhey prayer!, us c tha-seie Ibhis mitake, Il admiaess yen lu tise 1an/t s,' - moto/t fac itords 'et tise Madtera-aneau sea-1 lis t -- - i ,- a-t/ta Gcd/thIat capta/ta: 'WisaI toanest t ýto OI -j ti? ' î aGo/t, ans/ t 15 ait oper? Iius', coeilupan(loy Go/t, i isdethoa- a Go/t, boa-tiseybave sebelbhalGo/I uill tbinikt-peu us, mOua Go/t. Aî p/ý(Yecase te t-Jo s htisl e paris net'lit 'on bhave a jfl'en oeinzr milUris'dine goo)deesa <1o, yen babe/ttttor <unît Ct-niD HumfDton eiislýg. AIlsvemning fer eea-iing ps yen s'ay, "I bava ne Go/t P"Tise, Ttcýy ar-eeyun/t sloep in lise si/te of hatbtter cal] cgee gent fatiser'a-ls esiip. l t , heli' saan/I tisaskg 0e/t Wieu y-ont fatisr ar in uta-ou- are titata/t <-saLle.O nigGcd, tvake hI, , de tît e tly le ? You boia-/I bitaiam p ---- hu/etetue i Ms i daga, bell about some ton-'J abý,rc:: îk ' m up! ribe 0 ~ i csnOw-storm, ot Te1 ijait usny et yeo a wýrrýýî ta- vs iicis came - ~ /tcwn < I Ct/niade/te 1 Pry iny, hec tise silotli lis te bouse With' et nisu, oxtrtrien/Is are oUitlclp, I Jcy itae n- Y ' bald spot de/t ý(nceaie, EscaP- I g n ye 0sIakutcaîh rl a te1f t ssi/i ta " k'Y ry sigbî eigist r. I no. ie enlise Ioatei o"' r e a d miun ti tOur ariendse rbalU he is to tr an uut Pasy to stop ta check fthe first t ollt. Ue nf 1îiî a dc" -o, sweater Iban hesua ansd thereilt B e wbo was yoor tour rnotier's Goac, Go/ Its yoor onu ý-jqur, tei svobeb b irougisout aIl ten/t. Amen, IN 413RISWL]ESK IN IliREFiNII'l U-" YiFETAL. Jonahtad been ~ t .~ s, rt~s more ban £1,0JO, lie about III] ea-eariila-saaa-reai±rbei tiSSa-a w~v.-Xaits-acattuÀ ~ eertrmltftu S. n.17 -li ,45v 'Tc b h :n~ i<atîn Wi]l t rieehantxàr, uh1-- heXCilLbdoe. Soprmoes g ,asa le aestirred by white- Mr.X - ,Johnl, Ilr90goîng strangeýst a I nes aeqnsd ta t e n 0s ;" and where the vory bakiflg ttogtteflWeraaîrupr Ltal s etoe atted witbrad g-t IJTIEL> ROFANEMAN oo tgauo- Lt- rurnavî~es$~S~Leed sbrronEht oiear1S. ch .y ors aud bouches, lunchirn- N/r X--llrigat, Sarah, dan't tel osaon f,ýltise lest, "Tise ex k5iso a e -n meany More. Il mii ne ý's isou uer," etc., goes homo oalJbuiiesisi dloubîbýe the test-pi-an fc c/tj; but,0r-sieg uts tare Yard, -an ex t i ne r it a n y W tl Y . c en es p e n/l c s is a d , n /t h a JA le x . L u ttre il. s a , "'Pha7li re iti lanow -'i e ec k e s B e her an/t Co fectîioneriBowln anvuuu s I i n t, ant ls a i 's _jee houen 97ter's eri,' bai ut cal&G no nwGo/t-" n'g1 Thse can,ýetsrean-tnEof e toems)Flet haaui l a,ton t ioîghlnnssaut oa' .5ett ey h ve r w h vPle x?,a vlotelsdteil i. c-veV UnI. Itbrin%;s îclht the hair. estouts rý lina-st aveny capital in taoes le wiih ail these ho sae anv day; al- are taon EOILED lIN ACID util allishe setat.s, witi thse excep- ch, m. et-forman/t tha gel/Iromaîns ni tsa- bot/ousettise ketle iunlise tarin e? soft, to/disis-bremu mu/t. tise proesasce u' wsabiug le bot ivater,' hyisyIaeiie pressing- itbe cakes, an/I n- usating ; an/t fiuallyil asitaI Iebats rangig lu veluýes trous £20 ta £1,60O0. Nîbon millions et ge l/t a-o tlius decl witb lu tisecoerse et s gear il tasu- ovitable tisaI thora abentld be a cor- ta;n amount et waaîe. 1Some oethIis is absorba/t hy tIse chimneeg; an/ t h t ne unsosl tIing fet the gtweepings et tise cisimnof a? siangla tetinery la yeii/t mauv bu/traeetfpeun/a' w ca-li et gel/I. Evorg grain la caretollg anopt'trem tise tleora an/t nalis; tIsa clethofet " orkmen yiel/t a sm-/l fortune te geld-/tust: an/t frem enta soue or ncotISer lise steepiega of a retinarg mag pro/tece every gotir tise incomecof s Cabinet /1/nstror even Ihat etfbise ton/IChanicolbar. il la, perbapa, tttia e bton/tare/t aI biset snacb constant tamîlicnily wilis golsi broc/te an in/ittereece te il, if uet a conlempt fer il, altisisugis otesene- fsmiliar min/ tbiera is sornetiie slaa-tling lu the spectacle et c mou pourng eut gel/t by the gallon as oar- ____ Joba A. Hýautin w acs oeo e eaonnies ve,. r VARntu ELEtins oet arly ignoranse commeeod at 153 arse otage.I Jtri oR satn medicel tries sud spst$f&itotat.f E MgSSaONS in d sg ns op Eh, erates on M7ry %tm wer I V POENO klife. M.- brother adre d Uy s a lut zesorçto consult Ta-saunnt muR in a lnw w t asa n a nu, witii us luis on/ nî_ottiten. I'is w" tonr ysors age, sud nowmI s n marrisd sud happy.2 recomsnshsid e.reltable specialiats te ail mi' af1itiàfael «Otan." CURES CUARM'-TEED OR NO PAY.- CONFI[DENTAL. "The riras ef early Ivaybood laiJ the f ndcatiosi etsury rein. Lttar as n asy hf s" a 4 saLPokanre le laoSdi-. yhls cýae omplote/t tisa act-ir1ha/t1 ais tLs symptons ot ypiis mission Nervoos Deiilits isunk-eneysuecaeo, drain itmine, Ia ' raru easck bockeau. Spslaaucdi aste- aîiooeio ureBt îblotelocu on hodyaetc. I shank Qed 1I i-ed Prs o. îradr & liergan. 'Tho'; restoe a/tmntoe oa/tIti rr anS lappînéss." -CHAS. PO's'sEILS, £Z Oe trec? andI cureVac,', Emissions, .N» vout Debility, Seminial WV kness, G/clet, S/rictus-, ,gPh//us, Unnatura? Dzscharges, Set! Abuse, Kidney ad B/adeder.D/sent'es. ____ 17 VEARS IN DETRQIT . 200,000 CURE!). NO RISK. R AAEr yon a vtcttir? liave yen lest bore? Are yenceontusrnPýatin 1 Mar- READbEtte/ i'eta e ator o Wbat i ba dns fe ethas Lt a t dOr n NwLIA oN FIlEao n ieller' ne o s l i asdyns frit hest pinofrs CO ('bae('FREEa Norasattvéo-rbi B 1Si lEa-Teold rienfonnîie(tlotriadong Ilisea set. lacosreasae BOCKSt saisTe odn nir (lutad, DtrN3pO M S bL îT OUT WITEeCNEN.PR. VTE. N a nsclES Inns et HO C' E O )N cmsoN xSoEN el- aes. Exerthîng con ,dunti. Question Ilst andi cost of Treat- w -rn gi A o.,148 SHELRY ST 'snlta, Sit osiad n - n utree.Tca oamc2x u t., olasn m'y eaa-e naj..u J& P î,tisag D-rt eati sr ipr -eloer, isatnDlti«. tei ,tî51a-- ta- i ,-'oDe its 'a e, -t - îCr5s, a-g a- n. riî a' i-aeo ais nto~î a ogi.-.iaaio tr-i6ia y ca iaes an pai pin atil mtlac. hý .rlii:'Ilisde Ta~~ ~~Ti btatec.ael' Cs.r Oaic for s Ca-C, . 2at l Ier l rinasauo asai t eaae f.d Esenavi 'son e 5 ada ro ad Pui'lsl rýa raiana Leer ar-, pias yna aa- tîllie ta, anta- bas GEd.0M PIS 1C.bat A 26 T'amot. frF-A e --'us- FN _la ci riz- - - - aisertro - - tt&lI Tram t' n-n 7-1H HUMOURS 1Steamer. Patmitd. -,77er il - s tac"L th'elCo' ide, geotie aopputiles eoC-f u -CeRA Ottocstte local ta-b as ' oaduid are W -AN-tE D-' RELIA BLE For ileketei an/t oerY!ýr Lnuatlos le onanytoclutsIbrngi'Gsmndoi-ioÂtttadot tIani Lina Agent. BDenesatarit ana- goeds, iackiu g np sis w carda e tatee sce lene euful. Write for foil lull r Empire Mledicine Co., Lorndon, Ont- We riva titis li~ sala .5 ~'lO t a-le' hatiOta' ittattisiisrae t'. sa-canaris i tariualaasastantai- t tae~ ecia- se baadaa-rs Suc! r5t1a-ttaio, ni saiSIe. etaa-b.iila-ilaaaOsis I 5 noveraa'a-sssaas. -sasas y ansi 5 ~r,,.sat,, oses acd nul ~ae'-s, ecO va il - ,sanda daU ps tse Pl/n.cftr.ml isaz ,neOyealasSatis. ect u ise woa thse lest Thil e/ rtE. cei shud S lsyC $e- - n d aIr"sctheIsu y cai u of teorunur___-r- _ta orsr lt - s s- om!rnoCs sevoral oet tisea Aie/t- om-tSxniokss -t uliba-ie l.o ente tht-ca alone oet mitei orete10, denta.. ..rrylrusi"oaetT _ _ _ _ _ . Oau,ýpIum or 5 r- lsi, a _;t'ou1 r efthie vaIne et et lest '~ptaonea akg i t,$ - " van a/t Liflecan.Paapîtro 'a l d I lsis as if t Il ena ai> mucis soup; or tttbeciualie Setcof go/I bricks tbsmiuy e -P,£100,000 or more,, a qutckaiw tu au3 e/e.Put ts'nl lu_ 25,tcbxes aal'.0 yard ms.Ti ltte U17 oMs17aste'utt îocetaaiiieai 'l e-e a1bat ib Ip iio i liias L bt1 i} CUI~E FIL TOUR - A Sa il EMe - ta Ca iistp5 , - ' ,»to sait St; on 'uh-5RRhlot-A t C LIS CIL-UMATI luIEUPîhLQlA. 2 s~' SOcersiE li~ Sucuf-isFltt O tisilTATifl'48- SUT oPILY vIlE P~S5RY lb/tva -L -1 ý r -L =r ý,-1 ý a 1 i .1

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