Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1900, p. 5

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K be ,c millring -.cen changed tty anti char- sbirds have tas the cern- wiri;cir bas beeu auj cgg preducor, -wiolse, lnving ,:4band1,23 the breeding Aoe il seemas thnt wbai ~eopllledgoa very far t îy pessetand cen- ýtf artî wE3 mnaymar ail ange 1n14e way ofj im-ýpro-1 s lui île haita of caws-. ht )e evident tirai tire laal of al ivmnt n any animal muai [It oma by feediaig. Il' la precise- Le tir ame as wiib plants. Wel al onW f tire big pnmpk[ns and melons wiib have beau exiribiied ai ibe agricnltural faims, nloing with the ilmpmoed varletias of ail inda of, ' ea egeaables and frutits, as well as,, of inet.Igraiýns. Some of uiresa impreved pre- #.rtcsteduc-ta, have Iccu tle progenitera of injjn ra3ces, as we eay of sands, as the pveirei k- n of Wiraat, and île heavy ýnkag ea oi.saeded is cf oats. AIU thae hava ýLa u î'rmony' aif'a produiceti ly hiigh culture, the nuwamu,îI. beginning anti euti of whiû-I have beau o yeam aga h feeding; thnt l, mnanuriug and hso had thre tirorougir pi epaýratLion and good culti- ai the.se lu- vatic. ai. tire sal, Thesa precesses lu ula dier-planta are csseatially île game as île onson ever, feeding and training of nimals, anti bjer la a Iby braedinlg île lmproved animais te- las surprise getirer, what has baen galned by ig year tei yaars et xvorkir flixcd oný tire pre- y 1-atolati gany, as tiralaws of antre dLstincily a;iuaî pi-avide. Anti thus we have by par- usnn'cc ais-ence lu ibis, lina cf worki fixad -je gains ou tire praducis cf lire S just as wa lave ,tire anoda. limte tire aond lag, 'nao af caivas. 1ydue1 ,> ýthis .1J, the rela- Ilf. But we are ,jurt-y of our rend- ýco line wlthi these re- G~reeive how pertinent -o teUic ruuintanzes of al ,d, as seeon as it is suggestted- 5vNTER FE-E]ING 0F HOGS. The winter bousing of hogs L-4 not an leasy maatter te deai with' writes Mr. J. L. Rtlley. TIc' main diffioulty seems tie be in getting them te take enoug.b exercLse. When one bas but' few hogs, be eau master th1si part of t'ic dbfficlult very well, but when the numnbar ils large and compriseg aIl ages, sexes and breedg, the cmos- tion becomes cemplex. My buildings are flot well suited te pro-vide exercise and Ln the wintar I arn compelied, te coni animais more clesely than de- sirable. I have hean able te ebtain very satlsfacitory growtb, but bave nlot yet convinced myscîf Uiat I am prcducinig bacon of the best quality. A pLggary iust be dry' and warm. 1 bave had satisfaction from weoden buildings and prefer wood to any- thiug aIse for the walls ef Uic build- fing. 1 have tome cernient fluors with planked sleeping places which are giving fair satisfaction, but my far- rowing pans are floered with boards. For pigs just after wcaning, 1 tind notbiug ble than wheat mid- dlln,,gs and skimmilk, Sometimes 1 cannot et enougli ekimmilk and have Lo divida the li.mited supply amcng thosew needing iU most. I have used ground ehl cake and greund flaxsecd in smaîl quantitias, steeped with the middlinugs, but Lhough thoy arc bot- ter than nlatbing, they do notý equal milk. 0f the two the ground flax- A tory Prom Lîofe, SHOWING HOWi SUFFERING CAN BE OVERCONE. À 1111 opcnator V'II li Seffpred ifroin fJUduey Trouble Sipent eany DoelaI Vrless, Expermeasta ite resisure 11,%Heath-Dr. VI illi:ss'PIck l'Ilh Sciesi 1'soesaapîl and EfrectIvely. 11 Good beaith is the chief requisite te haPPincas, l0w spirits, moreseness and irrîtability can in most casas ha trac- ced te ili health, and in net a few ipetances arc direct symptoms of kid- trouble. These, added to the se- ns in the back which accom- .disease, maire the 1f e Of "of abject misery. One '.Darius Dean, of i in an inter-j sbold etcenîlttemore ihan about 5prcetc tire ttalifood. By the -im ip are about tlrec moaths oda lti masbed grain is some- limles addsd. I lire larley for this purposa aPýijd often ndd a faw enta grouud as fin1e as possible. Seen ai- ter' this a, _-fr rets are addcd te île mixture. I feed routa rnw and find t1cm santis fajctay, except that same- times ecOohed reeits -are antan alittle- more rend il1y. I prefer sug-nr leeta, but turniiîs and mangels arealase, good. WL 2an potatoca are fed they should alxvays le,3ceaked. Raw' routa are ýplped aund mixed wiib tbe meal raton aferwhicb the whele mass L!!FT'S ýTALla ][T OVER. jFair Cana',iians; The PoIicoy of your uewly-elected U:ra ieraja t favur of trade within tle em'npire. Yeumr patriotism approves cf i-. Bt,,uLtting that asile, I ap- ponlt te yom r dinty mate aud ground my fait-4 qi QUALITIY. If yo/u try ltlo nd ,India machine-made CRErENte yen will misa something Wliat I i leixupurities imaparted te JTapan a, China greenus by the FITH ETHODS OF IHAND- ROLLING. Thiuk of thia. fINUe Rilloin, MýNijsoon and Salada packets ara on al-~oi1 GEN. JUD AL A. EARLY AT CHURCII Tie stemy was teld that in tire val- ley of tiec d'henandoah during the win- tex of 1SC64-5, while Early was there in 0Gomma ud, lie eletrifiod bis staff one Sundl,y morning ly anneuncing bis intentýion of geing te clurch. Sev- cral of hiUî staff weut with hlm. The clergymnan irppened te prendb a ser- mon tiai day on thre Resurreciion, and drew a very vivid piture of the scene, an,,, f ail the departcd rising ly milliors la their white elirouda. 'Whnt '9W be your feelings, i=y dear brC on thai day ? What would la tm feelings at sccing al the deur >', who have gene bera riaiug ion iat dread occasionI What would le ., ,ur feelings ai aeeing ihese oi Our b1e'threni, tbese gallant enes wiro have given up thelr ives for our lOivcd Cuutidry, risiug in tbcir thon- sanda nud' maurchihg in solemu preces- Sien ? W Lj wuid yen thinir. my bre- ibr ,i"e- nral Eariy turnPd te bis staff uffic- r and said: "I would con- scripýt eveizy d- eue of tram," BRITA,£N'S UNIQUE COLONY. In se-me respects Ne-w-Zealand ila tbe me-at advaucnod o' auy British coleuy. Ils climat/e is naelutely perfect, is populationý hardy and d-veted ta the land o-f tieir adoption, and ils re- sources ara muai fruïtial and already higbly d TbpdIhe wirking man ia suprcm , tIare, audi la île boasi GÊ the isiends thay do net ceutalu a rnillioua1r,/ I To New Zealaud bnlougs thc oredit <:f liaving esiallished fran- chIse for 1lia womcpn aiud pensions for lis o1dd people, and hir as shosvu n ,nerai c- placity for mauaging its Nu affai-s ýýfax iu ativancae-of any Pmanty e t tsagup. Thre Maoris are reasaug l num-bera, and althougl halve mLLa an effort te adopi ztiou i is net suita4d te thejr '"i TAR' A' CUP ' KIND- NESS." Iemen'a mtndt, lirce Winter and tami- an' a' that, .,c-onstai astlîl, for a' that! ý-'i' Foreign Tans, 4 Japan an' a' that!- uon Tcan they lue' île beat, 4.' a Crime daur ca'-tînift e taen, aleon' thc lave, 'trly boe', au' a' that- and, iu Saînda, tee, ,V Mousoon, an a' tint- ousen, 'twixt yen an' me, hn e Una tley dra' ai, 4e first are British Teas, SLhem weel, an' a' tînt! 'me may prate o'ibher tan nt Japan, an' a' thnt- jay they'll lac tbeir wny 4Ceylon fer a' tirati tan' a' ilat- ýP.an, an' a' tirai 1 1 N EULS. 1 pro important werk j'tasthan ln taaching jvc ners. The lassons once a week, but 'rtýeacher Who cannat find _ matter" -sufficient f-or -a daily- lessen la laclring iu asseutialg. Truc mannars are tbe passports of thc gen- tleman. Too often eur beys thlnk that good manners are for cultivation by others, not for tb.em. "The bey in father te the man," and the ili-man- nered beoy [e the future fault-finding man. By lacking mannera, yen iack friands. Toe mile., te bow, te lif t the hat, te beg pardon,-te say "thank yeu,"-cesta nething. Noenu wiil ever know the vast, good that thonse words and gimi- lar ones have aceemplialed. ELECTRIO DANCERS. A piecaeof glass le supported ha- tween tWe bookrs hy being plaeed ho- naath the uppermost eovern as the bookrs lie flat on the table and ander- meath it ara put little figures ent f rom tissue paper. If the glass bc ncw rml- led with a piece oif flannel the elec- trieity generatad wiil cause th, figures te ise and fal, as if in the aet cf dancing. CRIN IiSE GIRLS. Little girls lu China play bouse in mucc the same manner as chblîdren de in Europe and Amarine. They haveý1 ne specially made toys for t-ha purpese but use clam ah/alla and small cups, in whieh they pretend te serve foed.! Boys make varie/us kids ef popguns and squirtguns eut of lamnbeo. Beys maire lauterns ount cf turnips in the autumn. Abeut the fifteenth day cf the firàt month the tu.g of wnr in a popular9 sport. In the o'untry eue village wili tug againast another, the notion being that the vilage whicb wins wiii have a goed barvest. Thre repe is of straw, two feat in diameter, witb its ends dividad into branches. The men takre the main setm and tha wamen the branche,-. The woxnen iend their siirti 'witb stones. MARJORIE'S STOIiY. "I just h/ad tha leveliest time while 1 was out in Uie country," said Mar>je- rie, as abc at down te 55W up a rip1 lu lier doly's dress. "Ona day whie 1 w-as eut in Uic swing an' pretending like it wnas a naughtomobile, yen IOne of the meat danger- euadrpliefray , Kidnay Disease la for which Dodd's Kidesey F illa are the only certain cure. In Drops1y tbe Kid- ncys are actually dammed up, and thc water, wbich shiuld be expelled ln the forru of urina, flews. bacir and lodges in the cela of the flash and puifs eut tle skin., Remei, e Ui lth which plug"s ut- tha drain. Rastere the 'lidneys te bealtl. Thare la ouly oee Kidney Medicine If you b ave any Correspon,-d with tus. WeAwant 100 C ALi3 te supply Our tr ade. The Dawson Commission CO., uioTrno ,,,Imbed in an' took their oars-yea'm, IUineas3y lias the head that thinke they had nies littie cars that day- it ougfrt to wear a crown. an' began to row just as bard as they We shall soon bc bearine af the could acroes tbe pond. It was a naw- self-made w0inan. fui gýood rce. At first the tubs -e"-i w'anted-te go -round an' round, an'-oe FOR OVER FIFTY EÀ of the pLgs got seasiek, an' a swan "ES WINSLOVssOTiQSRhab. sciared the littlest pig an, made bim 1 th, ,,,d e oftefflth, -um !adaysealnc sindo bse bis oar, but Uiey ail got acoross ail andia the booitton, ci,,for (1a r e!oý 2e a b, j - le.Sls by ail druggists trouhoutt wr1. Besure n i right, and wh.en the firstencoe for "Muj. Wînslow'r Soo,!Àua Syrap.' acriosa Dan said; "Ship ahoyl You've won te race,' client-Bas aýn man a egal ib1 t an'-ehl 1 siurely didn't reaily se 1open bis wif a'i lettere tores aWl thisq Why, of course flot, Aunty; Certainly yoii have the right--but w111 ljt's just a pretend story, an' j'm mak- S/hte aflo'w lM ing it up as I go altung, like Unele Joe- does."Te CURE A COLD 11-U CO uBAT A NOISELESS RING GAME. The smaîl ruIler rings ihai are used inla vcry houseeold wth whieh te seal proserve jars may le made the menas cf maeh amusement wheu a iively game le deoired. Fixai, ochiaa smooth bad ai a flour or augar bar- rel, and see thai the pieces ame l fastened together, fermiug a circular board; or aay amoeth board about a square fohot in aise will serve ibe pur- poe.a Procure 10 ceai hooke ai medium sgize serew them into tbe board, and mark above eaeh hacir iii number aaging fremn No. 1 toc No. 10. Nos. 1 to 6 may le a ort of cuier circle, Noa.7 te 9 an inuer circla and No. 10 ln tbe centra. A. hale may he made ln the upper, sud of the board, or a screw- eye insemieti, by wirich te hang it upon the nail in the wall. No. 10 lesert cof a "bujl'a-eye," aud oaci player being given tbree cf the ruIler rings, tires tura in tbrewing tbem frem a position about 10 feet away, endeaverlag te "100k" as many ou tie board ns possible. A score is kept of the points gained ly caci player, the oee irai getting 100 pelna being the winaem. Howevar,' axactly' 100 points muai ho made. For instance if a player has 99 ha han te work for "B-ookrNe. 1," ns auy otier hok would carry hlm ever tic marx. This dif- fieuity adds te île interca-L 0£ thie game., An advantagc of the game le tiat ne noise [s matie nom damage donc by tie rings,, anti hi may la improv[scd by any bey or girl. BE PATIIIOTI(, Faim Canadians; Ye-ur brothers anti levers are re- turniug ceveret witb glory. The whola empire attesta the credit of thirir neievemeuis. In Africa ibey met tirair ceusin-île British ta piantors-also figbtiug for île cause. Dear Cousina; Yonu eaun id îhe cern- ~rades,' f youm seldier irrethers. Try CeYlan ant inluti GREEN tons, if yon now drink Japans, eave the reat te youtr dninty palatea. Salada, Monaon, anti Blu.e Ribbon pacireis awnit yoe-.-Coloniat. RIS DEFINIT TON. Willia-Pa, wlntisl a publiaher? Autber-My son, n publialer igaa squatter on île ulceaneti incramant of tionght. There la more Catarrh in thle Bctien ef tIhe counstry than ail ether discaie ut toe Ler, and un' il the last few yeara was enpposeCd te ho incurable. For agreat maoy ycars d octors pr- nounced it a local diso.-se ad rescrlbecd local remedies, and hy ce,- stau'y f al/ug terure ýwlth local treatont. pronounced it incurable. Sel- once bas pre aatrrh tnleacututna ~ disease, sud therefore roquires contitutional treatment, Halles Catarrhi Cure, manufact.urasi lrucw, like ycu sec the picturcaetGr by Y. J. Cbeney & Cy., Toledo, 0h1o, la the cclv censtitutional cure on the înarket, Itla s Isen Dau-tbhat's- the big black dog-came interaally ln dosesefrem 10 draps e taospoon- eut drcasud up la his sailuor suit an'- fni. t acta directly ou the blool aud enucens surfaces or the systom. Tiiey effer oe u ad- yes'm, ha lad a safilor suit that day- retde olare for any caFe it f, ils te cure. Send an' afer cireulars and testiinolia)5. a'aSPYglasa undar bis front nrm, Addres, P.J. CHENRY& CO., Toledo,O0 an', says ha,; S-ld by Dreargit', 75c. Shi ahoy!Thca'sgaig t le Hall's Famlily Pille are the boit. a boat race te-day. Don't you want I'Vve got te stop dictaiing Ieiters fer te go alongi' jawhile new. Wby f 0ur typcwritcr "'Yes'm, thre dog said that. He's 'girl ba begun te eretchet herselif a an nwful smart iiug. Su, of course,pnifaontr 1went aloug, bacir tîraugh MtheOCL I It.ElaCTUl4. erchard teo the duckpoud, an'Bam rl"Fs 8u w-as tirea pigs, wlth their anlia njust lovcely, an' they allh d -dOUS-E MeGl RL-c rtesge #Â,.'C1 'Slip ahoy!' gsaid Dan, as prdy w/e get tIare, 'l gua&ss we're af. ' -r - Havcn't yotifergottan aow[ i ng, air ? GaLest-By Geu rge 1 Se "Well, wlen Dan said tirai '1oi.,- .Ifergot te peat tirai latter rodlad their tubs ie tha ~ . e gave me ibis merning. ýýk-; /4V ~ee~u i'ake Laxative Brom Qiia a Mas Idu1s pefnatS mue i i tll t ora E",Gey1 elutc aosmhhoi. 250 iA thorougbbred gentleman puts on his lothez and theni forgets theni, That's what I try te do; but m y tailer wc't let me. W. P. C. 1ï0 5P OALVE RT'$ Fer al skn alimen-ts1 J. Oe, Calvert a Ca., Manolteater, Emigflami Te:pd for oue lovuo of JheOl Wl/el Speclal ratU cf dianaunt WHALE~, ROYCE &Ga. 158 Yongo St. Toronto, Ont, i eacners STREET IWETAL DOUGLAS BRO&.. OORNIOEB Oteat, saugage caelngs-New iraportations fno nIs Sheep and American Hog CGeejurs cehb le gonds 4 right prices. PARIK, BLACK W aLiL & qx>, Toronlo. WMLES MILLS& HALEZ Rej Mous pctuarsr aterae, etc. FduRemoved to WtsleMailuorde, RiimonnS. W&ToJ. PILENTCUTtrialCpairage Latst uptoda ure for b i leys,~' wiî e En euatoal e drlcs Mai rEra ri.N MElion. CO.& J. AULIE cure fd uis oPl ea ri 1et 0aursi adreeon re t o f î two cnt sau. No S MKDIINE 0 N TEuA, On YOUR VERCAT8i md fd cuits w uld rion Nter' C.if oue ous Ë ou twniw-n 11 dlyp rset b outre BRITIN AMEICANOVTIN Os. T ( PA T F' NL.P C - inga, Too'to u e n ue m lirI. Mie 0ihgo ,sac.uatinatsfuridfr oSonlte Iutrias itned tumgart ofteouty}on cosiTIIIE & anouNdid,&lderte, orrt mtHe e MOt r4UTiTIU em a eaurBs --r- begn---a-ode ml uaa ena «4,t, MemÈ2,ý .

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