Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1900, p. 8

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- I 0f your . Xmas Gifts can be BOWMNVILLE, DEC. 12 ,1900» Mt Carswell wjll hold its annual school coni- cari ou Tuasday evening Dec. 151h. A chloie musical ard lbterary program willi he renideredl consisting of dialogues, raiations, drillss sud music. The services of Messrs, Gamsbý1y sd Armstrong, Orono, have beau secnred. Corne, and bere them. Concert begins t S. Admissioni 100. Everybody welcome. Worms affect a child's health too ,serious1Y to neglect. Sometimes they ?Iey an is t/te ,â4rc1itect of is Fortunle." -'An arclhdedl designs, and hiý plans are executded by a budet.r. Te greatesi huitéer Cf 1hafth is Hood's Sars.aparila. Il lays a fimi foundaiton. Il inzakes flie hlood, Mhe hasts of ife, pure and stronig. Be an archiiedý of your fortun,,e and secure Hood's as yvour heatthi builder. Headaches-"I'was comnple.1ety run down and wuas froubt[ed wtt k headaches Cash for Produce. The unersigedis propared 10 buy ali kinids of poultrv, dressed lii the fol- lowinz manner:.lfeathr dry pick- ed exetlonigwigeathers, plltail out and ibleed iia mouth and undrawn, fast for twenity four hours betore kiiiing for wvhich the highest cash price will '0o paid for good stock ; altýo dressed hogs, beanis, drie d apples, buter and e3ggs. OrrîCn-Temperance stroot, south of Standard Bank- JAMES McCONNACHIE. 48-2m. Bowmanivill. THE BOWMANVI LLE Clothing Sales Boomii17g flnrI-o' coa tsf u~pl ~ ~A ~ f.. ~ 1 J. Hîiggînbotham & Son. SDruiggists, Bowmanville. ; Our Goods Speak For Themselves. We only ask you to corne and go through our store. We buy the nattiest - Furniture o n- the-~ Smarket, made in best woods and we seli at close Sprices. If you intend furnishing a hm, sec our lines and get our prices, and compai e with Sthe goods of any city store if you wish. If you cnem plate a fancy chair or any piece of Fur- Sniture for the Holiday season. see our display, the largest and prettiest ever shown in town. KEEP VOUR EYE ON OUR DISPLAV WINDOW. BOWMA"~LE.Furnituiro and Uijdertaking. Otj'LD DAYS THOSE When everylhing went wrong-fire jtuqt wouldn 't bum- ovea woulnt 't bake-no malter how eklessly you piied on the coal! GURNEY'S Oxi ford 1a gs-re Hars ehanged ail that. You nover hear o! baking-day tobe"fo a - iwhû uses the "Imperiai " ils scienilhl perfection and superiomity * ovedr ail oid stylo ranges is ackaowledged throug-houi Canada. If you* cure to see ils improved foatures eau at our îîeamest agents.* FO SLEBYMason & Dale,B0vÂVE F. Rogers, NîS-LLN The Gurney Foundry Co., Limnited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver.* ----- ---- ~4~44~T T T VI' V VI' t 1' V T V V 'YuonTRIPLE IIEATER b(or Wod <Pracaffy a. Sinali Fwna end bheau, as muebs space as one,. D4etor Indird DrAft Fic 7.travels lb,.. tiaes the tegl of sto.ve bef.re extering sm&epipe COid air ;0 drawn ftrm.Loor or outsule, tisez heated and caaried to upper or adJe4aig rooras by memaza of wo hot air pipes. ZFire bi havyafta fr cace thusa preveating its biîming Out. The mest powerful bealer gmade inu Canada a" tise great.. est fuel saver. EspecLali?. adapt.. ed for schQol bOuse heatsa. A perfect Ventlat WUI retain fire ove Pamphlet free !romn our local agent on oun nearest bouse. ;toI. ver nIghLd LONONTORONTO-. 'MONTREAL. WINNIPEG. VANCOUVER, RICE & CO., Local Agent, Bowman-eîlle I i. S wOTHEPS find DR, I.OW'S If Taken ln Time the D. & L. Emul- ,ts ,. 1[tJP Ae best modicine to sion wlll surelv eure the most serions tn.c-hiliIren like it Wormns affection cof the iungs 'That rmn dau ~down" ronDditîjun the âfter effeets of a ' ~takfl~<s"boc IlBUR1'ttly avy cold is quiekiy counteracted îK F. EAACHE POWDERS. Manuf îctured bN the, Davis &. Law- podr6.3 for 10c.# 10 for 250.. oneCo., Ltd, 11333V Va33 £31 usa . ioun j, 3ulVÂ îng s133faach Powdors for sick headache. After tak- îng two powders I feit better and was able to get up and go on with my work-" HAYDON. Mr. John Sienon and wif e vjsited friands last week iu Bowmanvilie, Oshawa ana Pickering.. ..Mrs. William Stacay aud Mr. James Trick are convalesiDg... Glad ta see aur genial butcher, Mr. Matton, able to ha around after bis siege of typboid fever.... Miss Cowling and Mrs. Hawlee bave, 3old their bouse to M r. James MeNei.... Mr. Jolin Mchaughliu bas purchased Mr. John Stanton's f armn east of Eauiskille .... 1ev. J. T. Chapman preached a remarkably plain and forcibla sermon Sunday aftarnoon on Pare religion and undafled."1 CouGH 0Fp GRiPP-lit the Spring when Grippe was raging I had a bad attack and the cough waqso sOevere that I thought 1 wouid çcoug.h myseif to death. I got a bottie of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and il cured mein a surprisingly short lime. Mrs. S. H. Myers, Isaac's Harbor. N S. NEWCASTLE. -Visltors:-Misa Mary Allia at home; Mr. Walter R. Douglss, Torouto, ai home; Rev, Mr. Williams, Windsor. with bis sistar Mrs. Rat. T. J. Edmnisan ait the parsonage. Mr. Williams preacbed very accaptably in the Methadist ohsre Suday everiu. . Mrs. Thos. Douglas iu Toronto.. .Mr. Wso is organizing a R. T. of T. Lodgc .. . .Miss. Ethel ilikard was bridesmaid ai the marriage of ber cousin Mrs. Nott and Mr. Bamsay at Weicoma Tuesdy 111h ..Mrs. George Rickard is reeov. ering f rom ber illness How ARR YOUR NERVES-If they ate weak and you feel nervous and easily 'Îflustrated," can't sieep, and rîse la the moraiag unrefresheti, youm biood is poor. Strong nerves depeuad upon rich nouishing bloo d. llood's Sarsaparilla makes the norves strong by onriching and vitalizing the biood. It'givos sweet refmeshing sleep and completelv cures nervous troubles. Begin taking it 10- day. SOLINA 'Mss Ethel VanNaît is visitlng friands ai Bowmauville ...Over a dozen uew cases ar mumpa bere.. . Mr. sud Mr.t~.J. Wesley Brooks celersled thein weddiug day on Wedaesday last br giviug a party ta theïr frieuds hers. ... Mm. Harry snd Mrs. WH. Paat'e., Newcastie, visitad friands heme. ... . Ms.W. aibd Miss Munnie Ashton racently visiied ai Columbus..Mmi. J. Hall, Eafieid, sisited friands bera ..urham District Division bas won thî siler tankard for makiug the largest gain of auy District lu the Province ibis yesr. Itisl elli by SaUina Divis- loui.... .The dabale ai Divistion Frîday nsght ou 'Resolved ihat a diriy good nalumed wif e la baller tim a lean cranky ana" cauaaLed by Bras. W. Baker sud C. Werry wss won by the nagative. In cases of calarmh Hood's Sarsayia rilia hoals the tissues, builtis up -the syslem, expels impumities from. the biood and cures,- A man's wi!e shouid aiwavs ho the sarne, especiaily 10 hem husband, but i! she is weak and nervous, and Uses Car- tor's Iron Pilla, she cannot bo, for lhey make hem "feel like a different person," 80 tbey ail say, and their husbands say go 10! t COURTICE. Visitors: Mr. Gea. Allun. ir., Whitby, ai bis fatbem's ; Mns. R . BrImacombe ai Mmi. Brooks', Middlagreen Villa; Mr. David Anuis' sud daughtem, Woodville... Aunual meeting of shargholders of the D.U.C.F., on Tuesday afier- noon ... R.A. Audersa,,, Orano, ureacbed sermons ai Ebanezer Suaday. ... Mn. S.8 Brooks bas wouad np a very succesîful seasa inl apple business . . .Whal aboutlcauniy Caunucllorf or Ibis year. We tlîink Ibis cammuulîy îbould ha epmienied, Our ex-reeve Mr. L. M. Coustice would maka a goed ana ...- Mmi. Jas. Lautmaid gava a birthda parly Mouday nlght lun anar aif ber father Mn, Win. Anis wbo ila85 yairs ald sud is stlishale sud heariy .... Mesrs .911 Os- borne aud Levi Aunis have eecied uew wiad- milii an thairbamus... Mr. Jas. -Hncock bas bougisa ngine-fer use ouliis farm AL.îosT CobsSJMPTio-Mr. J. Dodds of Pieutant Ave., Deer Park, Ont., writes-"I have suffered la my head and thmoat and ail over my-bniv sine tati summuer from a very heavv coid, whieh I could nol gel rid of. I have tried severai o! what are tonsidemed good remedios, but noue soemed 10 hoe o! any avait. I began bo think Ihat My cotd was doveiopiu n m consumption, as very inany have to my knowiedge. I am thankfai now 10 say Ihal Dr. Cbaso's Syrup o! Linseed aud Tampon- lino has worked a complote cure, as I am nov, entirely free o!flte coid." NEWTONVILLE. Miss Lana Bumley is s'isitiug friands iu Weî- leyville .... Mm. J. Peibick is visitiagiluTorouito .... - Miss Losuise Steeman, Pt.Graby, la visiiug tba Misses Britlon.... M. Clifford Hasîcock, Paterbora, Ih visiting here,. ... The Rayai Temp. lars hald au apen coneert Friday nighi wbeu a mostdxcllauiprogmam was given, Mm. Smean Porteoua gave savamal sangs wicb deightad ail presant. Miss Louise Sleemau, art abats tiousît frans Part Gratiby, gave "The UiaIway Haro," Mmi. M. Holman gave a readîng. Little Miss Lama Mitchell gavea sracitatian wel Mr. Ua-haw gave a fine temlerauce addreîî. MssiemEva sud LiyBrighlwals gave soeavary aide music asd Mesins. 1R Bowenansd Burley sud Miss Brition aud thosa in the dialogua did emakabll wel.... Mr. Jito. Haucack, Sr.. sud Mr. W .G Jouas have been visitlug la Tor- auto,... Mn. Wiibur I{ancock is visitiug friands Ia Peterboyo .. O . E. held thair aunai ai hame Tuasday aveusg .... Preparatians for the aunaisuppar ai the MattW'd1st ebuncb ara pogrssug.... Mr. sud Mis Piekup, El'zabeth- ville, visitad at Cal, JI)a.ý Hughes' Suniday.... Mn. sud Miss Haucaek visiied friands IsRaue- dall raceaihy .... .Mr. S. Arnol eut his asîkia mèeetly, raquiriug ibrea at-four sttcbes. Children Cry for eF (e TYRONE. Mr. F. W. C0, Werry, B. A., Otawa, is borne until Obristimas .. Miss Susannali Farcreli left an Moaday ta visit, relatives at Glaawartb, Elgin Ca. .Tyrona Division hadan0O I h joyful timea at thair taffy pol Tbursday aveniag, A GIFT TO GIVE. It is oft(lndîfficuit 10 decide what 10 get your frienda for holiday gifts. Here is a suggestion. 'Good myornring, Jennie, I have brought you i ntepresent," sidGert- [rude, as she handed her friend a neatiy wrapped package._ The pale, weary iooking girl, wbo was slowly recoeering- from severe 1il- nets, openied the bundie and heid up a bottie of clear rich medicine. <Hood's Sarsaparilla 1" she exclaimed «'I haveý been reading about it to-day and wisheod i had a botte." On New Year's Day Jennie was able to be ont on the stîeet, and to her friends who remarked how weIi she Was iookingý, ,she sîim--piv said, "Hoodls- Sarsaparilia," and every one of them knew it was this great medicine that hadl given back hem heaith. ROVPIDErNOE. Whoop!1 Have you had it in your hou se? It's cough and coulki and cough, and then that terrible whoop! Don't upset the stomnach more by giv-ing nauseous r-edicine, Just ]ot the child breathe-in the soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene. It goems i.fght to the spot that's dis- eased. Relief is immediate, and in a very fe w days the cure iscompiete. You can't say the samne of any other troatnerit. For asthma, catarrh, and cold'- it's equaily good. 14 Vapo-Creýi!ene is sold by druggists everywhýlere. The VapOr4 i -isud Larnp, which should Iast a life. Lime, and abottie of Cresolene complete, ao extra sopplis cf Cresolene 25 cents and 50D cents. liIuerated IokIet coptaining physicians' testi. montiais ,ree ulpon îequest. VAPO-CRESOLENE (70., ito Fulton St., New York, U.S.A. Reco ni .ndod and sold by Stott & Jury, 1)r ggists and Opticians, Bow- Manville. and at reasonable prices, Painted and grain ed ceiling a specialty,headquarters also for shiages-British Columbia No. 1 Ried Cedar and ail grades of Pine and native Cedar; Sait, Plaster and Port- land Cernent always la stock. Cati and inspeet our stock and pricet befome piacing yout orders elsewhere. MeCielian & Co , Bowmaaviile PretY Thins.7- Are what you wili find la my stock for the holiday soason,and atliwest prices. Christmas and New Year Cards, Bookiots and Caleadars. A special Christmas Endeavour Calendar, 25e. Alto special cards- and Bookhsts -for Sunday sohoal classes, Peloubets Notes for 190j1. Big range of Books for ail classes o! readers. A very special bargain la cloth bound, popular authors, at 25cts. Moody's, at 25c. Meyer's and Murray's at 85c. Photo Albums, great value, 50 ci&. upward. Bibles from 25cts. Good value la Teachers Bibles. Toys aand games o! evemy description, unequaileti. Faacy goods la china, giass, and celluloïd 10 please every taste. Liberal discount ta Suaday sehools, pumchasng libmaies. Suitabie presents for father, mother, brother, sister, everybody. P. TREBILCOOKI Notice to Creditors,, lthte ýnatir of the Estute of .ROBERT BRAGG lata of the towrs of Bow- manrille in t/te County of Durhtam gentleman, aceased. !S>tcel herahy giveni, putsuant ta the 1Re- -ied Sraintes of Ontario,!"59, Chaptar 129, that ail craditors anu athars h&ving dcaims against the asiate of the said ROBERT BRAG who died on ar about the lirai day of Novemoer 1900 are requit-ad ou or hefore, the 15TH DAY 0F JANUARY 1901 ta send by post prepaili or de- liv-ar ta Messrs Simpsol & Blair ai the town cf Bowmanville, solicitors far Albert S Tillay, M D of the iowu 0of Eowmanville the executor of the lait wili aud testament of the deceased. ihair ehristian sud surnames, addressetsud desceriptions, the full particulars of thair claims, stiemet of ihelr accouais, sudthe nature of the secuniies, if any, bellihy tbsm, And furiher taka notice that after snob lait meutioneli date the saili exeutt, willl prucced ta disiributa the assets af the decoased amang the _pastiles entiiled therato baviug regard outy ta tbose claims et whiebha shall then have not- ice sud ibat the iaid axecutor will lnet bco hable for the sald assats or any part thereof te aay parson or persons af wbosa £iaims notice shall ual bave been raceived by hlm ai tbe lima af sucb distribution. Daied &i Bowmauvîlla the iith day of Decem- ber, 900.SIMPSON & BL AIR, Soliciions for -Albert-S. Tilley, -MDaxcutar of the Win- of Robent Bragg, deceased, 50 4w TRAYED--Frorn lot 18, con- 5, Dar-. Jilugton, Saturday aflernoon, Dec, t, four apring Cjalves, ibrea red Haifers sud a bu:l nearly whiite- Informatian-as i. itheir wberea- bouts butabiy rewardel hy Fittta. W. A LN Hampton. 50-1w' BORN SaÂar-In Bawmasvihle, Dec 8, te Mr aud Mns Allan Sharp, a daughter. MARRIED. CLÂRE-DLLNç,-Iu Oshawa, Nov. 28th by Rav J J Ras, William E Clare ef the G T R sud Annie Dilling bath of Bowmanville. WaasRY-McLAUcaax-n~î Tyrene, Dec 5, by Rat J 8 McMulleu, Milton j B Werry auid Lot- lie. aldest daugbter ofainmMcLaughlin, Esq, ail of Tymtiue G0HaEsç»-BÂas{Ea On Dec 5, by 11ev Dr Young, John Gaheen of Hamilton Tawnsbi, sud Mary Elizabeth, daugbhter af Clau de Bat-k er, Esq, Part Hope Cax -Basas' lun Bowmanville, Dec 5, by 11ev W J Joiliffe, B C L, Leonird M Cox, Toronto, sud Anale M, yauzeasi dsqughter of Mm John Berry, Bowmaaville [MEC). HieNNING-At Part Hope, Dec 9, Maud Clara Hughes, beioved wif e of Mr John Hanuing, ia bier 2tth year SQuÂna luI St Jabu'f, Mich, Nos' 23, Lila Gif- fard, belavad wiie of Mr Francis Squair, aged se .years Deceaseli was a dsaughier ai the laie Grner Giff ,rd, Bowman ville, sud cousin of Mr W W Diagman GEaRG-In Bowmanville, Dec 5tlh, John George, sged 75 years ADaxs-In Bowmanville, Dee 5, Ogle R, ouly son af Hobi sud J R Adair, aged 24 yeas 1HALLETT- At Whitby, Dec 1, Susan Mon- comhe, belovad wifa of W J Hallaît, aged 43 years BuRitzs-Iu Greenbauk, Dec 1, Florence Jane, auly daaghtar of James sud Margaret Baus, aged 19 years Iateired ai Aîbbumn Gor-At Oshawa, Nov 21, Norman »ussell Oligers Guy, ageli 18 years, eldest son af F A Guy Oh!ld-'ren Ory lfo-r CASTOR 1A. We will seil this week 10 dozen men's fIee-linedl Shirts and and Drawers, extra heavy on sizes 34, 36, 88, 40, 42, regular price 60c, now for 50c. Dry Goods Dept- Swell Tailor Suits for $9.00, 1$,1-9.00Q$14.00 and 150O Here isa good chance to secure a fashionable costume at a very low price. Xmas Present-s Don't put off buying until the last few days. Now is the time to, get a good selection. Cali and see, the many thinigs vie are off ering Ifçr that purpose. We can only mention a few here: Hildkerchiefs- Dainty Swiss embroidered Handkerchiefs,scolloped and liemstitched borders at 10c, 15c, 20e, 25c. Pure slk. plain hem-stitçbeid Handkar- ehiefs at, 25c, also plain and faney in cream and colore«d< vr ne plain silk hemstitched initial Haukerchief at 2e. ~ eyn Ap-ron Muslin- A ehoice of Apron Muslil witli fancy borders, Lawn Linon with fancy red border, Cross Bar Muslin, etc., at prices within the roach of Ribbons- Our stock of Ribbon is ]arger and more varied than ever, We would eall spocial attention to tho babe Rib bon and narrow 1ibbons, used so much at this season. Ail colors and widths, A Fancy Sewing CoMpanion, a nie present for a Dress Goods, Furs, Lace Curtains, Ilnderwoar, Hosiory, Towelling, Towels and ail other staplo goods as msal. A fine assortment ab pricos to suit ail. A il 'i il il 'i t' *~**********A&*...L* It bas 120 CROSS TUBES on 4866 square fiches of iron which gets intensoly hot, thus making one stove or furnaco do the work of two.Call and examinethem. AT Dsa 4a~s Hardware 1'erchants- BOWMA~ VILLE, - - i Shoes by ail If you dLo't live ila a town whiere there is a "Iatter Shoe" Agency, yiou can get your exact fit, in L;ae,1s<e N idth, m(d you eau choose thie precise lea1ther you w an1t> from i" Char- acteristics," thie landsoinestand ever publishied in Anierica. It teil1s al about "Tue SlAatýr Shoe" and accurately describes the dfeêtleothrs,-thieind of wear they're good for, and liow to care for theni. Price $3.5o and $5.oo, stamped on Uic .ýýsole in a slate framie with makers' naume. 1ý Write for one, it's free. A womuan Who, 1 One of our travellers satd the other sleepless, and wh-xo day "You have the besî and Most foot, cannot feel anr setect stock o! Ladies long chains 1 son.- Carter's Iror have seen in aur town out side' o! the circulation, momov( City o!f Ottawa." How is Ihat for youir gIve strengîh and t chance of choosing a chain at Riekzard's Nono but good g-oods wili ho offered 1 Nausea, indligent! you. H ood's Pilis. Ce RwLY - Mê&ý N EAAA C Ze elH 0 il S. S. No 5. will hold ils annuai sehool concert oa Thnrsday evening Dec. 20. BThe progmaîn this year wiil be of more rthan usual interest prominent featlires Ebeing twvo dramas and music rendered sby the aiready noted Allia Quartet and 1the weil-knowa Clarke Uiiion Orches- I ra. Admission, 15c. Doors open at 7 p.rn; excemeises commencing 8 p. m. Corne eariy' -and secure a seat. 49-3w STI1NGI1O i I.BLAIN-ASi diStreSeing and annaxi'ugin as are Chilbiains they can be insmedliv relieved by the ap- plication ( ,f-D1). Chases Ointrnent. Try il when yen. have relired with ilching, stiniging footz and expect 10 spead a sJeples- night la suffering. Such a rtrial Vwi convince you that as a cure 3for Chiilbiais Dr. Chase's Olîrneat is the standard of excellence It is the worid's greatest cure for ail itching.o! the skia. HAMPTON. Mrs. F.J. Great is visiing friands in Bow- manvilie.. ý. very patron of the Butter and Cheese'faciory shon d attend tbe asnoual meet- ing ta the Town Hall Monday afternoon Dec 17 ... Thankofferiug servie s lIbthecbrc Sudas' Dec 23rd ... .Mr.F.G.Kërslae' is s,, Di'ukrg act- ing as Juryman this week... Mn, A, 1-et ,r' attendad the Grand Division S. 0. T. ai Perth lait week aud we ra alaclad Supi. af the Layal Crusaders......The following S. S. odicars were aeceted Saturday uigbt : Supeiatendeult, A. B. CrYderman ; Assistant Supi, Fred T. Allia; Sec'y, 0.J.,Claiworlby; Amsst Sac'y. Miss Rula Cmyd~erman ; Treasurer, C.N.Rnse ; Librarian, W.H.Moora_; Asslîl LIb. Miss Ida J. Allin; Auditors, F.JT. Groat, C.1rm. Teachers: Bible Clasi, C JohAis; Intermediate, F J Great, j CIatwvorihy, C Rorn, Miss A L Ashton, Miss Iu Ruls, Mnq (Ras') 1H Thomas, Rl Taylor. Pmimamy, Miss Eva CIlalworlhy. The Eiiph)latic Statement that the D. & L. Menthiol Piaster is doing a groat deal 10 aileviate neuraigia and rheu- matism is based upon facts. The D. & L. Menthol Piaster nover fais 10 sootho anti quiýy cure. Manufactured by the Da vis &, Lawrence Co., LId. MAPLE CGUOVIs. sehlooal1Report for-Naovmber.: Son. _IV- Elva Pow-r, Aa Tler, Lois Snowdon, Maud Power, Leslie Snowden; Jr. 1V-Leslie Cox, Russell Pewar. Bertie GimblatIda Wood;* Jr. IIIMidre ùlalaett,,MaunaîllBellamy; Sr. IL-Shirley Snaowýden, Mabel C 'ýx, Eda Ad'm, Myrtie M1euodPearl Snxvdan, Rlvs Snowdoen,<las Snowdon, David Hamilton, Harold Poifer; Sr. Pi. 11-Rhaa Jeffe'-, -Ellisi Adams, Nokrman1 Wood; Jr. Pi. If-Merle Pawem. A.'Edra MeRoyuolds, Frank Hamlton Sr. 1-Norman Judd, George Sheen; Jr. I-Cecd Adams, Elmor Cax, Edua Snowdou, Hazel Power, CacilJeffers'. BlSTA HANeCOK, teacb- or. Don'i forgai ibe !mas tree and entertalument ta ha given by the pupils af our school on Wad- nesday evening Dec. luth. Miss Haneock, teachar, is i-akiug praparations te gise yeu a greal treat. Outaîde talent will assisi. Pro- grsm t comene a 5 'clckAdmissirmon0c. Free conveyance will leave Bowmanvilleat 7.30.. . . Mr. W. U. Frank la home from Toronto ....Mr. John Gay, Oshawa,- visitad friands hors Sunday ... Ras'. A ndersan, Orono, gave a splendid sermon sut d %y afternoon. il, ý;, 'UL, 'ub 'U& su, lu(, su, lu& 1 ,U(l,-,M,ý, 'ub - W- W, Ub SU, Ut lady at 25c. 9 4e Pr -Z-5 7 %70- - ffl -ý - SEE TREN.

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