Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1900, p. 4

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-y- o ir EE~ il Conitin owder Rops ... THE DRUGGIST..U 2 Doors East of the Post Office.- BOWMAINVILLE. He will compound them aeeur- arely with the purest DRUGS. C V as.u.P. The be-st tirne to buy your selections for Christmnas is the present. We can attend to aUl orders received muchL 1etter than when the great rush cornes on. Our Stock this season is a siglit to behold. It neyer was as complete or attract- ive before and we aire quite willing to set aside anything, youi nay choose for delivery at a iatLr date. Our Quality is the Best, Our Designs are the Latest, Our Prices Cannot Be Unidersold. Joseph Rogers and Sons' Cutlery a Specialty.- We f nvite your careful inspection. Successons te R. WORTII1. Oppoeite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville With ve ir Made in three sizes, with or without oven. DOUBLE HEATER V Capable of war-ming your- house f r o m parlor t o roof.- These are unquestionably the hiandsomest and most power- ùi heaters of ail. suelBurn&%ers Full nickel Trimrnings, patent draw and fire pot and ash pit These Stoves are perfectily made'and we war- rant them to give flrst-class satisfaction. where. One will last a life-time. Mad e by THE GURNEY TILDEN llam1iltoiî, Canad.. Soid every- CO., Limited, RICE& CO., LOCAL AGENTS, I3OWMANVILLII. Purs! . ejhristmas Presents. 1Evcry Lady in West Durham would enjoy some lice article in the Fur line for Xmas Present. We have just the very article thcy like best- a Fur Coat, Cape or Caperine, Muif, Gauntlets, Fur- lincd Garments, Fur Caps. Gent's Furnishings in ail the latestI styles-Shirts, Collars, Cufs, Tics a fille assortmcnt. A word about prices -We guarantee to save money to any cash buyer on ail Fur Goodg. We can seli 15 to 25 per cent. lowcr than Toronto honses. We invite you te cal-it will pay you handsomciy. z1iMayer,9 fu.r Repaîring a Specialty. Furrier.1 BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 5, 19W0. SORE TOWN XA.TTERS. Citizens have dropped Federal- poli- tics and have taken up 'ara ans discussion of municipal politics. It is te be hopeti good practical, results will f ollow the agitation, and that the can- didates will avoid calling names and imputing sinister motives. This is a free country, These public offices are open to ail and no man bas a divine right to any of tbem over other eligible men, Neither has aav man a divine rigit to occupy a public office longer than one term. The divine right rests with the clectors te choose the meni tiey want to serve them andti t turn them down at the end of cvery term if they feel se disposed. Electors are masters of the situation if they will only exercise the rights and poer they posscss. Wiv'at Bowman ville wants in its mua- icipal couacil is progress aloug lunes of industrial matters It is a very easy duty to spend corporation moey. For many years we have had numerous a dcpts at this art and some dlaim tial they are stili with us~. While Messrs Burdea and Mitchell are discussing the financial outlay of the past, let ue as electors consider if men caunot be found within the limits of this corpora- tion who will acccpt the task, thankless though it be, of serving their fellows anti in entcrirg upon the duty give somle sort of assurance that tiey wil] bend their energies if uossible in pro- moting better andi more busines,,like, administration of tic town's affairs,aud try bv legitimate meanis te increase the revenue and curtail the expenditure. We have ne hesitatiet inl saying tiat altogether tee muci monev is uset inl running- this town, for the returus we receive in the shape of permanent beu- etits. Mr. Campbell made this very clear ou Thursday night. Before reverting te thc industrial feature, -onsider for a moment the en- ormous surus o! money speat lu tie several departrueuts as shown bv Mr. Bnrdcn's letter last week. Will any person sav that we have gotten value for al o! Ibis money ? Most assuredly tbey will net. Wcl have a compact cor- poration, gravel and other road mater- il easily obtained, the roatis are net subjeet te muci ', ýeavy treatruent tie location is rable foc gect rends, and tic( dgesare not very expensîve te kèýp in repaîr, and yet Mr. Burden, tells our readers that $5,525 was expeudeti ou our roatis and streets last year. The question to le censidered is, Was it neccssary andi diti we-get value for tbis large expendi- turc ? Travel over tic town anti sec if you can discover wiere the value7 ap- peurs ; and while you are doing that locate if -,you cau wbcre $1900 were spent neccssarilv in improving our pubile preperty. Then ct.rsidcr wliat we are payinz lu interest.- Thelfate treasurer tells as that the enormous suru was $1,100 or about $1 &') a heati for cvcry man, woman ang ciild in thc corporation, and yct lu tic face of Ibis deplorable financial condition, wc arc told that over $16,000 bas been cxpend- cd in new sidewalks, thrce fourtis o! which wcre net immcdiately neded. No reasonuble person wiil object te tînt portion of this expenditure tint was neccssary but evcry reasonuble person must admit tiat te take up geod boardi walks, lu some instances ulmeet un- warranted expenditure, and tic mca who are responsible shoulti be brou--ht te book for doing it. It is ail right for the councillers te peeh-pooh the cry of extravagance and say tiat t h e cost will n e t be felt. People in their right seases are net go- ing te imbibe any such reasoning for, pray. if 820,0C0 of an outlay le epreati over a perioti o! 20 ycars and tbe money be raised by debentures, dees that net say that $1000 a yeaxr of principal andi tic pro rata amount of interest must be puiti caci anti ery year ? By the way people have been having new pavements built in front of their preperties eue would imagine tiat thcy 1IG lii ktin lei Êii liAno vF ilVb.vtuv being presecteti te them by thc puving company.- Somebody bas te puy anti puy liberaliy for tiese walks anti don't Yen ferget il. lndeeti,yeu will net le ai- lowed te fonget il. The tax collecter will reminti von ail o! it everv anluma fer tic next 20 years, if yen live. Most unqnetionahly tie natepavers o! Bcw- manville have been unneceesany burd- eneti witi debt to ticextent of thrce- fortis o! tiecocet cf tie new pavements, Twist lic probleru of puymcnl anti neuson t as yen will tic money te puy the puvfng c-ompany las bcen bornow- cd ut the banke anti yen are uow puy- ing interet for Lt, andtihti principal mustle paiti mien. The townxis beiug mortgugcd fer lhc wiole amount of principal anti interest anti wîe but the natepayene will mccl lie puymente ? Side walks even cf tic cement pave. meut variety are net revenue, produc- ing rîgendies. Non are tîey even self- supporting affairs. Evcry yeur they will wunt.repaîning, for these portions laid laet ycar have this year had cou. siderable repairs donc 'on them. à We are on principle opposed to bon- uses but it seems to be necessary to give bonuses in order to secure factories or other industries of the revenue produe- ing kind 1Howv much better it would be had the $0,0 spent on street im provements be-;en given in bonuses to a canning factorY, a pork-packing con cern, a creaýmerv, or a furiniture faü- tory. Sncb induistries ivould have in- creased the re venue to such an extent that we could have doue ail the local improvements without increasing our taxation. To -)ur mind the council went the arounid way to work entirely. The practical vay would have been te iticrease the -2\venue curling powers, first, then tie improvements would have been met. B-ut Port ii'ope andi Ozhawa got two of the indudtries that should have been located here and a little encourageýment extendcd to others that werc possibile might have securcd them too. So that when we look back over theycars that have passed since the furniture factory was burneti we are led to inquire, What have the coun - cils d,ae during these years te increase, the industries of Bowmanville ? We watt for an answer before pursuing this featuro of the disucussion fuarther. * *1 We have been complirnenteti on tic fairness anti timeliness of our editorial in our laet issuei( and trust tint as we progress frem tic abstract te thc speci- fie and practical1 wc shall menit tic same praise. We aire making ne personal attacks, uer sekidng te risc on tic siain corpses cf past or present conucillers, but striving te.i recýt the thougits o! our citizens te tice consideration cf local polies of ttc , i'ticipal vuniety. Tic coluliousscf -: -'ATflMAN are Open te discussion oftownafairs at ail timei, and ccrtaily .. is thc niglit lime. We invite critiicisra cf our articles wiich are writtcn sll for the benefit cf the town and net te injure or hclp any in- dividual. FOUR FIRES, About 1 a. M. yesterday fire was dis covereti in thc block cf frame buildings belonging te Wm. Muir, Toronto, and situateti between tic Balmoral d otel and Salvation Army Barraeks. Ia 12 minutes after thc alarm seunded water wae playing on tic lire froru tic steamer anti onlv a fcwv minutes wcre required te squechc the fuames. Thc buildings arc a wrcck, however. Alrout 10 a. ru. a frame'dwclliagý in thc rear of tie Muir block Aad on tic samne lot was lu flames, starteti pcrhaps fro m a smould- ering ember freru lie previcus fine, anti again tic brig-ade was calleti eut te figit it. Tic lire bunneti slowly se tint very littie damage was tione exccpt ln tic top storey wbcrc tic fire origiuated. Juet ut 6 p. m. thic fire bell rang eut its startling toues ugaiu anti for the third time thc brigade rusied. te tic scene o! tIc lire whici Ibis time was, the olti Porter foundry on Kin,- St. Eat-the seene o! a fire mest April. There was ne water la tic cast tank se tint some de- mav urose before thc steamer was got te work at Darci'e cerner wien tic fuames werc seon subtinct. A FOURTH Enta Scancely hati the fire brigade relurneti froru tic third o! yesterduy's blazes wheu thc fourti alurrn was soundeti. This time il was Warren's evaporator, a large 2-storey'frame building former- 1y nsee as a fiuieiug recru for lhe olti Upper Canada Puruiture Factory. Tic DECEME MR. MITCHELL'S REPLY. Ex-Treasurer Bunden is making a stir lu, council matters Mr., J. B. Mtchell's reply teis first two letters uppear on an inside page anti MÊ. A. Tait, ciairman o! Poor Relie!, dresses hlm down on tiec met page. METHODIST ANNIVERSARY. Rev.- George C..Workman, M. A., Pi. D., preaciet anniversary sermons lu lie Methodist churci Suuday. Dr. Work. manl is very popular in this district anti always draws vcry large congregatious. At Ktic menning service tic crdinary eeating capacity cf tiec durc was prctty wcll occupieti but at nigit the lrge edifice was packeti, chairs being englue was tilkeIl w the corner oppo. Scldomn indeeti la-ve -moôre tieligileti anti site M1r. J. B. Fairbairn's rpsideuce and iences lcft li chunci. Tic learneti wien, tIc steara was up the building preachcr's morning subject wae "ey wasa mss ! irefrou ctite utiseandthli evening tcxt was "The love cf tie main effort was exertedt t save tic Christ constraineti us." Bell discourses fine brick residence ewued b Mi-s. wereatimirabîy suitedti the occasion, George E. Manning, Toronto, anti Everybotiy got new hope anti inspiration occupieti by Mr. John Varce. Iu epite for living purer anti noblen lives from tic o! thc terrible heat the bouse te very Dr's sermons. Tic large choir. untien litIle damageti, but tie funnitune andtihle direction of lie leader, Mn.C H. J. effectes uffereti considerable damage by Knjght, assisteti by Mrs C A. Cawkcr hasty removal lu the nain. Mn. Vurce anti Mn. F. H. Frost, B. A., rendereti bus a, emali ineurance. Mn. J. G. Man- very fine music anti atdeti matenially te n ng'e coopenuge ou tic west site o! lic p1easurc cf tie services. A trio by Elgin St. fornnerly useti us tic store- Mrs. Cawken anti Misses Trebilcock anti nooru anti shipping rooru cf tic U. C. Saunders anti a sole by Mrs. Cawken F. facteny, was ablaze for sorne lime were seilywl ug r ok but wus net ver v butly damuge.This m c. especlly wellyun. tDr. Wonk- was evidently unothen incentiiury. ness cf the cougregatienal inging Such deviltry sicultile fernetteti eut Miss Ena Trebicock- presideti with mucu anti followeti witi very sevene Punisli acceptance at thc organ. Rcv. W. J. meut., Four iincendiuny fines in oeeJoîmatfe, B~. C. L , tic pastor, matie an day ie a shamefrl record in a town o! appcal for $rooo towards the Trust Ibis size. Ciief Jarvis lias pluceti untier f~sat l epne suul a arneer Gec Payne ,i(ciargeti wtiseltiug consitierabîy over the amount as'et fine te the evaprirator Tic Sabbati Sciools gave over $340ske Prom ali over Canada cerne lettens Primary classes contributing over $23, tell ing us cf the; greal benefits ticnivet which shows how general was tle giving. froru the use ofi tic D & L. Menthol The Ladies' Aid gave $îoý anti±e Ep - Plasters in cases c!f neuralgia anti nheu- Worth League $30 Tic- total offerings matieru le baseti apon fuels. Tic D. & for Ibe day wcre over $ti iit oo wiicl was L. Pîaseer nevor fails te solihe anti certainly very creditable te tie dongrega- quickýly cure. Manlufactured, by lie lion. A few fermer memiers living at a Davis and Lawreuice Ce , Ltd.# distance sent their contribution, Xmas Now thc Mail huestiecidedtheli West Durhiam case. Lt enys Mn. Bingiaru cugit te have declureti Mr' Thoruton electeti, net alone because lie bunkedthetc teposit anti gave a receipt for il, but because theticposit was gooti, on lie greundti ttany piece o! papen on whici a bank hue mad tie ld! able ie under tic luw a bunk bill. Palpitation cf lie heurt, nenvouenees, tremblinge, nervous heutiache, colti hande anti feet, pain lu lhe back, anti cther fot-me cf wcakuess are relievet b y Canter's Imon Pille, matie specially for the blooti nervea anti complexion. e I ~ In t1 g of nerv-ous disrase,;, wlien people onl! sides are fatling victimme te, nervous prostratin, paralystis, tocoý- moctor ataýxia and othIer dreaclIful mala- dies, it is a comrfort te know thaýt you canLý 'turu te Dr. CaesN rve Fod (Pitts) with a bsolute ssracethiatit witthoroughly buil 1 up and revitalize tefeeble. wasted neýrve celis. Mr. Jseý,pb eru, 2Metcatf street, Ottawat, Ont., writes: -l was nervous, had he-ada che and brain fag. 1 wag restless at night anid cou 'ld. not sleep. My appetite waspor and I suffered from nervous ypesa Little business cares worrieed and irritated me. After having used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for about two months. I can franlcly say that I feel like a, new man. "My appetite is good, 1 rest and sleep well, and this treat-nent bas strength- ened me w'rnderfully. Dr. ChasiysI Nerve Food is certaýinlyý the best treatment 1 ever used, ad1 say so because I want to give fuît cedit wbere it is due." Dr. Chas-e's Nerve Food makes the blood rich, thie nerves strong,. and re- storeà vigor t.) the whole system o70 cents, at ail dealers', or Edmanson, Dates & Company, Toronto. NerveFood-mà BOWMANVI LU3. e Biq B rgains in 4?Bio, Departments. Genoral Dry Goods. We have ail our new Fruits in stock, also Peels, Nuts,Extracts and Spices. Just unpacking a choice lot of cruckery for the Christmnas Trade. Extra value in Dinner and Toilet sets. Clothîng, Gents' Furnîshings We are showing a big choice of Xmnas goods in llandk-erchiefs, Fancy L inens,Tray ClothsNapkins Table Covers, Cheneile Curtains, and Chienelle Table Covers, Kid Gloves in ail the new shades. New Dress Goods. -New Silks ani Satins. New Ribbons and Laces. -~ oe~- -~ ~- - ~- - ~- -~ w~- -~ ~- - ~- -~ w- -~ ~- - ~- -~ ~- -~oe ~- ~- -~ ~- -~ ~- -~ -s---- -s----- -s----- -s--- -s--- -s--- -s- -s- -s- -s-i -s- -s- -s--- -s---,- -s---- -s--- -s- - -s- - -s---- -s--,- -s---- -s--- Groceries. Just here you will flnd the largoest and best assorted stock in the country. In Clothing of ail kinds, Ilnderwear, Braces, Ties, Shirts, Gloves, and in fact everything, we are in the lead. We hav¼openL- ed up one case each of G-ents Xa rries and Braces. Bioots and Slioes. This department is well flid -with a choice stock of ail the lead- ing lines direct from the best man- ufacturers. We can fit- from t.-he infant to the large size maati andc we Va-e always sure to make the pri(c r pô(,keýl -CAI- érTRDE for Farm e e e e e Pro-%duce 0 0 1e0 e0 e H4oiday Goods. We are shovw înglürtitenee and choicest line o! Goodr "itable for Holiday Gi! ts. Dressing Cases, Portfolios, Music Roils, Card Cases, Purses, Albums,-Toye, Stationery No v- elties, Pictures, Iuk Stands, Peu Holders, Bibles, Hymn Books and n large assortment full cf the lalest bocks in cioth bintiing. W.b T. Rilen, BOWMAIÇVThLE "BIG 20.11 The Christmas inumber of The Christ- !an Guardian. isunp Dep.hpr12, offers many literary and artistic fea- turcs . Mr. W. E. H-. Massey, the manager of the M assey -Hlarris Company who from lis great bi-sinàess cxpericnce writes of the "Danrs Which Reset Young Men"; Mrs. Jean ,,Blcwctt, one, of the most popular of ouir lady w( - who tells "The Girl iilu ove " things which shc ought te k;now.( Christian Gnardian i ceue of t if ail-round family jeurnals in Ch, A thrce months' subscription cor' twenty five cents, whilite r -, issues of this year, inchlding theiric tuas number, will be sent free to n one subscribing for 1901. Send yu order to M. A. Jaes owmanyille, JohnMc-Murtry. ýT 1 i 1 Wvest E:nd Ijouseq u ill-,

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