Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1900, p. 8

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Ii) CI C?,. Anda u.li uneo! RTBB'EI GOODS. An Atomizer is needed by every person who is af!- reasonable prices. A taple article in nearly every home for Couglis, Cods rocits etc. Nothing better. Only 25e *pJerginbthat& on SDruggists, Bownainville. SOur Goods Spoak For iTheîmselves. We only ask you to corne and go through.' e4ý our store. We buy the nattiest Furniture on the mrket, made in best woods and we seil at close prices. If you intend furnishing a home, sec Sour lines--and-get--our prices, and cmaewt the goods of aruy city store if you wîsh. If you Scontem plate a fancy chair or any piece of Fur- niture for the Holiday season, see our display, the l1argest and prettiest ever shown-in town, K EEP VOUR EYEI ON OUR DISPLAV WINDOW. BowmANaviLLE,. Furiture and Undertaking. IHE SAVN G IN GOAL. ~Is reason enougb fou dhaosing the ýhnmperiaI Oxford Range. 1 Is new sud patented construction g1 m s vfell as an case of regulatian that jutat exacthy as yon wtsli it ail day loi The greater ease &nd surer suce( tas, thc guatifying economy on coal bi after purcbasing this popuhar range. Why not inspect thoir impuovem( FOR SALE BY Mason ê F. Rogei -he Gurney Founf-ê--imite ives you more heat fram hesa fuel- inmakes ;t possible ta lcep thc fle* ess lu cookiug sud hakiug, as welh )iIls, will repay yau a tliousand foid* ents?* & Dal1e, BOWMANVILL.. ,rs, ENNISKILLE.* e ý ý iT"jDeg, ancove * Deecase the Coal Wiii sud 21 lnecase Your Comort by using a ~Ž4 ~i1~ ~ î~ .Famous Baseburner < ~ Tlree sizes without Oven. Tweo j sues 'witli aven. very rstove a double heater. One thir-d more lieatig surface ~ c~) than any other. Pire passes ~i tlrough three Jues, while other -i ?~ stoves have onlytwo, and thus secur- sanie fuel. Parlor stoves draw th.e cold air off the loar. r Remuovable firepot; fiat or dup.. lex grates; remavabie nickel ~ '~ jacets. The oveilbakes perfectly. at/, t You mua n risk, we guarantee The handsomest flaseburner hD Cueda. Pamphlet free fromn our local agent or aur nearest L'OeNaN, TORONTO, MOflNýrRÂz RICE & CO., Local Agent, î'owmauville, Fr oer Canada corne letters O_)ýARS FOR1 SEIVICE-Thorobred afo great benefits derived from E> Berkshire and Tamworth Bors for ser vice th osea The D. & L Menthol Plasters on lot 54,acon. 8, Carke. -This Berkshire wag the, neveuibeatea. taking Sirst piize at Bowinanvilie i s'cf neuralgia, rheurnatism, la mee l 1899 and 1900 and was one of first prize peu a' Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd , Toroto. BreS by Snell. mazÀue&ý.-urers. uownanvilie, P. 0. D. J. Gisîs), 46-4w" HAMPTON. Misýs M aud Clarke continuies quiteil MisE, Browni returnedl fromn antais visiîtingý lier b)rother Mr. I. L. uon... Th leavv wind of last week dîd icnsiderable darnageta the fen)ces and(1also blew clown the west window o!.",the church steeple, frame and ail complete. ... Regular meetinig o! Court Archer 1. 0 F , Wednesday evening. Two caididatesare to be initia ted. ThE favorite famity cathartie is iHiood's Pilîs, Every druggist in the land selis Pain- Killer., The beît liniment for sprains and bruises. The best remedy for crarnps and colic. Avoid substitutes, there's but ance Pain-Kilter, Ferry Davis'. 25e and 50c. ENTERPRISE. Mu. W. Greenwood spent Suriday week at the Sanît .. . .Mr. Sarn. Mlleyý, wif e and son are visiting in Toronto.. .Mr. F. B. White lias returned f ram visiting lits sister near Newcastle... Messrs. Frank Oliv.'ir, George M offat and Wm.Hendlerson have gone ta the shanties.... Miss Ethel Sparling lias lier pupis undergoing training for the bas- ket saciat Friday. . .. A number o! yaung peopla enjoyed themselves at the haone a! Mr. Ed. Brad ley reeently. SUMLMER CaLS-No cold is so liard ta cure as the summer cold. It liangs on in spite of ah aordinary tueatmenits and !requently develops into consumptian. f't matters not what means have failed, you can rely absotutelv on Dr. Chase's Syrup o! Linseed and Turpentine ta promrntiy and tharoughly cure every kind o!fcugi nd cold. IL is univers- ally used fa the best a! famnilles al aveu this great continent. 25 cents a bottle, F'amilv' size 69 cenrts blood L is [i-zg deal. H1-eal-tthdependJs On good i Je seL due Io bad btood. - ýe parified. Legions c i . tilla, Amer- ica's G; ' re, Purifiesil. A brief o 'l /e tle. Ner -Wvi- 111saifferea from n r CI oss of -appe- tête, el, my siomach disard <.sleep. Hood's saptuý- me enliety/'" lirs. E. Lorfjwoo4 mBe uli Ont. S.S. No. '2 (CARRE.) Mr. Andrew Thorapson an d sisters Misses Ann and Sarahi are retiring from the farm and are going to New- castle. Theýy wiIl be -mucli xissed among their'ld friends. M'~r. Arthur Lewis has takeni possession' of Mr. Thompsons' farto ...Miss G- Ettie Lvcett and ( be Moffat visited at Mr, John Rowe's, Crooked Creek.'.Miss Lewis, lHop i isitLed heu brÔthei here recent, v..... r.James Çaswell lias re- tured ro a neessuldteef hunt In the bot..here attend. ed the lar. cl. Ballagh's Friday. There is Balsam, I AIl bronehi. 25c. a! al dl tlie proprie, Killer. - bout PVny- gli quickly. 'eway ta0 it. !actured by )avis' Pain- CG WAN VILLE, Anniversry- services at Carke churcli CROOKEDCREE'KNov. llth, 1ere a grand success. 1ev. CROOED CEEKJ. A. McFLeen preached an excellent sermon iW the afternaon, as did 11ev. Mr-. and Alex Walsh, Peruytown, Mu. Lewis in the evening. Orono choir visited at Robinson Brs ..Miss Phlp deliglited the canguegatians, wliicli lias been engaged as teaclier at an ad- parikecl the churcli on bath occasions. vanced Palary --.Mr. John Carveth T)-- contributions were about $64 ..: was through the section buying grain.. MVY Gea. Davîdsan lias lumbago .... ..- Mu. Jacob Hallawell lias retuuned to Mi~. Win Seymour hag been appointed. the fsrm whicli li intends working.... anitar o! the public sehool ....- Mu. A. Miss Tins Feugusan lias been engaged MeNeil is puttinig up a:new stale, and ta teacli Cowanville sehoal the coming a.aking repairs ta lis residence .. . .Mr. year,..M - M.Edgar-1IancDek,- h Thos. -MeNeil ils suffering--whh blood leased the Edward Birdh farm nartly 1 poisoning ....-Mu. Fred G17aham lias Orono .. . .Mr. Alex Couvier liad a çw engaged witli Mu. Jabez Layton... klled receutly. 1Ai!f. Cowan. a former Cowanville boy, WHEIîE Asu ,TEiE Sicaprre?-In su.ite ded at lis home in Peterbaro, Sunday a! aIl evidence publishe . week. p)ress sncl even in spite The D. & L. Emulsion o! Cod Liverc o! vnu best !iends y )'t il may be ta ken with most beneficialc sKeptf.,al regarding tht - esuits by-those who are mu-n lo-wn ur 6! au Chase's Ointý . t- suffering from after effeets of la grpe 1ý1rt o!fa atuai tr ri Macle by Davis LweneCaLtd. yau beyond the possibit . . v.______ Dr. Chase's Ontîueut ttSL cure fos piles. A single box Yiý sufficieut ta make you as ,enithusiastie as your neighbor lu 'praising Dr. Mu. J. Wesley Brooks, who lias one Chase's Oitment, for i, is certain tao! the finest flocks o! Cotswold sheep lu cure yau. this Province sud swept ail the puizes1 _______- -at the Fait Faiirs lias built a rnamrnotl MAPLÀE 0GuovJW. Ho- . 1 inteuds gaing into the o! Durham cattle having aiecliaice tliao-breds from Miss Hancock and h -r pupi icer, s nated boerd..Misses pueparing for, a first-class ent, rd sud Beatrice Vice have ment on Tliursday evweninoe, De(c ', ras tting !riends at lslay Reserve - the date'. Miss Hanco rat iters wilî-give thc programn been engaged -fou 1901 at a sala, vO a&t ulis Division this week aftcaï $325. The trustees have extended the. whidi the.v wîll treat the sisters ..-.. Mus yard sud Mr. Wm. FOoy is !encing it A. MciMullen, Clarke, visited at Mu. C. with American field 'fonce. Buanton's recèantly. . .. Miss Lita Bran- Mu. W. C. Frank sud Mu George tan does nat improve lu healttl.. .. Mu. Eastley have gone to Toronto sud W. B. Burgoý1ne, Grand Worthy Pat- Messrs Gea. sud Thornas Timble sud riaucli, sud Mus. Burgoyne, Most John Gray ta the' Maleable wouks, Wartliy Conductor, St Catharines, Oshawa .. . .Miss Jane Wood, Zion, was visited at Mu. T. Pascoe's recentir. home hast week .... The pastor gave au 1FISsT AND FOP.DMO5'-In the field o! inteuesting sud practical dhalk tahk ta medicune is llaod's Sarsaparihia.' It the boys sud girls Sunday afternoau.. possesses actual sud uuequalled menit .A study class of fifteeu members lias by which ît cures ail diseases caused hy been arganized in connectian with aur impure ou im-poveuished blood., If you League for the purpose o! gettiug have uheumatismn, dyspepsia, sera! nia or better acquainted witli John Wesley.catarrhi y,,u, iay take Hoocl's Sarsapa - Thc initial meeting ou Fridsy evening parilia sud 1ha cured. If yon are- rurn was a splendid s'uccess. dawn sud fe weak sud tîued. you may THE 119ONDERFOL MEDICINE le sure it wil! do you gaod. NE1WTON VILLE. Is A Marvellous Mu. Wmn. Ridli, sanior, died suddenly Health Builder. at lis late resideace, Newtonvîtle, on Mouday, Nov.-i9tli, !uom heart failure. - The end, tho',-sudden, wss not unex- Spected. Dece ýsed was boun at OJak- PAINES ELER« liamp tan, D'ý1vonshire, England, 80 PAINES UL LIIY years ago; ca e ta Canada njearly 50 co o NNvar iceadsettied in thc Township Cu Mr OUb! Clarke, w1re i:e lived a cantented ________________file. 1ie-dîeeLwithina- few rads of! where lie lias lived ahl these The Tried and Trusted Remedy inyesrs. H-e was mTauuled twice, 54 yeaus Thousands of Canacd- ago ta Mai-y Jane BaJ_ la a I .ani Homes. mother of VWilliam ithet only san who resides 3at Newtoni-le; Annie the wl! e o-. Anidurew Leelihaut o! Peterboro LTS CURES ARE SPEEDÎ Y ansd Matha w-He e! Mr. Gea. Waitou o! PEEXANENT. tcTanhl f mthT 882le was married to Sua rah Jaite Lockhart, who survives ihlm. lie was Liberal in Users o! Paiue's Ceieuy Compound polities, a îby,,î Metliocist in religion soon recognize the important -fact that sud a man vvliqm aIl who knew esteem- the great medicine quickly regulates ail Mrs.(Dr. J. C Mitchell, Euniskil- the bowels, clears the compexion sud lie,»;isited M'r, asse...Mrs. N. bighteus eyes that before had a dult Q uackenbush 1ihas rieturueil fuom a sud jaundicec lotok. Another proat o! visit wîth frienlis i Michgan ....- Miss the stirnuiating sud invigouatîng piow-M. Britton sud Ms M. Beatty are sick or o! Paine's Ceiery Compound, is its -Mu. andM~.A! Mitchell arc visit- immediate effeet ou the pulse, whidl i in-friendsb, L idssv - ..- 1ev-GLewis becames firm regular sud full instead visited in Toro'nto ast week-...Miss of uncertain sud feeble. Gertie Masse hvisitngfienils near Paine's Celery.Cornpound, ibeualiy Bawmanville. feeds the neuves, the tissuvs 'sud buain wivli the puoper elements a! nutrition, sud thus saves couuthess mon sud womeu !uom clronic neualgia uheu- matisin, dyspepsia, insomnia sud failing mental power. No remedy in the wouid is so ridl in lufesl-fouming sud sud eneugy-producing virtues as Pa-une's Colery Compound. Mu. C. B. Holman. 262 King Street, Hamilton, Ont., says: 'lBeing troubleil with a cangli, debil- ity. sud general depression of spirits, I used s number o! medicines but received no benefit frarn thoea. I was then advised ta use Paiue's Celery Compoundi. I puacured the preparation sud hegan ta use it wltli wondeuful befit. 1 amn now convinced, alter usiug several botties' of this uuequallicl medicine, that Do o ther eau camp)are witli it in auy respect. I1san now a changed min; My health is uenewed, depueH.-iou o! spirits gane, mv appetite is good, sud I eau sloop wel."' Lýadies o! Canada: Inter-mutaîal tup.de is the truc basis of the federadýon 0of the Empire., Sa far as possible, one col ouy sliould consume the puoduce o! aniotýaer. Canadiaus naî Ilaisasd Ceylan tes plantons fougît side ly side in Afica. About 10 peu cenut a! the.liatter volun- teeued fou the w ar. The Teas o!f-Ceyiou sud India sue the best and pur est the world puaduces. Alueady th lq BI&sk tasa! those colonies have captnred tihe Canadian market Thc Gueecir i ' nowv fast displacing Japan's colored article Quality sud sentiment un.m ta tuecommend il. Canadian ladies who drink Japan tes should lielp 'the British planter liv drinking Ç eylon green tes. Blue Ribbou, Mensou and. Salada packets -aue ready for yoa. Colo nist. Cash for Produce.i The under sigoned is"prepared ta u ail kýinds o! pouiltr ,desdiii the fol- liwing mianner - AUlfeathers dry pick- ed ex-cep-t long wigfahrpull tail ont anid bleedii inmoutbi and uudrawvn, fast for twenty four liurs betore killinig for whicýh the liigiest cash price will be paid for good stock; also dressed hogs, beans, dried apples, butter and eggs. OrrîeE-Ternperance street, soutli of Standard Bank- JAMES MeCONNACHIE. 48-2mn. Bawrnanville. AIJOTION SALES. WEDNEsDAY, Nov. 28--- Mr. Wesley Clernens, lot 8, con. 7, Darlingtan, will seli the whote o! bis fanm stock, umpliments,-etc , which includes sorne fine throughb.-ed stock.. Sale at î2 o'clock, See bilis. L. A. W. TaLE, auctioneer. FRIDAY, Nov. il.-Mr. L.Jarnes Pearce will seil on lot 22, Con. 1, Darling- ton, a fine lot af stock ineluding 82 steers',' 3 hieifers and 113 ewes, and lambs. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Sec bilis. L. A. W. TaLE, auctioneer. MONDAY, Dec.3-The gaods snd chatties af the Estate of the late John Stute will be sold by auctian an abave date single waggaon, 2 buggies, cutter, ptow, harraws, tansing milI, ehaif- cutter, furniture, etc. Teums cash. Sale at 1 p. rn. Sec bills. L., A. W. TaLE,, auctioneer. NEWCASTLE. Miss L. Walton, Dunharton, is guest of hier sister Mus. IL, Colwill.. Mus. T. Ellisan lias ueturnad f ram a pleasant visit witli friends in Western Ontario, ac~opanit~byMus. Liglifield, Part Rowan.... Mlr.!LB&tagh, Morden, Man., is visit4jýg lis sisteirs, the Misses Ballagli lieue. .Mu. Haruy and Misses Gertie and Pearl Pearce eutertained about*40 o! their yaung friends Tuesday evenina-, when a veuy enjoyable tLime was spent ...Mu, M, McCarty lias been very itt, btis impraving . .. . ev. T.J. Edmison pueaclied a Temperance Sermon in the Metloiadst churcli Suuday evening. THE LEOPARD Cannot Change Hîs Spots. NOR CAN THIE BLACKS BE WASIIED OUT TI-JAT PRODUCE. Diamand Dye Blacks far surpass the blacks puoduced by other manufacturera o! package dyes in ricliness, deptli o! color and fastness. Sapou-strong- sunshîne-will neveur fade Dianjond Dye Blacks. There are ttnree noted Diarnond Dye Blacks-Fast Diarnond Iltaekfou Wuol Fast Diamond Blaêk for Catton and Mixed Goods and Fast Diamond Blhack for Silk and Featheus. Dan't risk yauur gaods with the imita- tions that some dealers try ta seli sirnply because the poor dyes pay larger profits than the Diamond Dyos. Ask for the Fast Diarnd Dv" Blaeks sud take no others. Money ýîi~in cv vlen the best are usedl MeetIngs o!f Wevî i e-' - rs Institute willie hld as foîilowé : .BOwMAN.VILL-Royal Tenaplais Hall, Mou., Dec. 3r:d,,at 130 p.m. Subjects, "Sprayiug"-A. MiJ NeiiI; "Scientiflo Dairyig"-Misa Madilock; "Every Farnier hie own Masa"-A. MoNeilt; 'Women's In stîtutes"--- Mifss Maddock. COUaRTCE-Sons' Hall, Monday. Dec. 3rd, at 7.30 P. ru. Subjeot8:' Claver andl Corn Raisilng"-A. MeNailI; "Do- mostio Science '-Miss Maddock; "Possîbilties o!f Puty-A. MaNeilI; "Woaeu's Iustitu t e"-Mies Maddock. Musical proguam by local talent. Oe'oNo-Tqwn Hall, Tuesday, Der. 4th, at 1.30 p. m. Silijects: '-Stock Feedlng ou SaIl Fam.3"-A. McNeil "Bacteria lu the H -me, Sou sund Dtsry" -Miss Maddock; "Claver andl Cor"- A - MeNeili; "Womeu's Institutes"- Miss Maddock. Lidlesj specially ln- Viteil. NEwcÂASTL-Town Hll, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, ai 7 30 p. mu. Snlje-ts: "Flowers and Fruit"-A. MeNait ; "Points lu Dairy Wok"-ýMifs Mad- dock; "Social- Probem"-A M cNeill; Womeu's instîtutes' -Miss Msddock, Mn~ndnroram irexee£ Ladîes 1 -81rpe. BLAOKSTOc-TOWn Ul, Friday, Dec. 7th, at 1.30'p. m. Mr. bleNeiIl'o siabjevts: "Stock Feeding" and 'The Bacon Hog." Mise Maddock's -"Points ln Daîrying" and "Wornen'dIatltuteb" Cartwrïght ladies, please attend. Theee meetings are open to al]. Diacarsion especially lnvited. ýAsk questions freely. L-.diei cordially tnvitcd to attend every t.essiora. J. M. JONESS, H. 0. HOAR, President. Secrrtary. SAY:-Do you want Gil- mouu's Celebrated iligli Ctab,, Dbors for that nice new hanse you are building? If so, tele- phone No. 15. Notwitlistand- ing ail reports ta the contrary weare stili seliing and g 'oing ta seli, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, piekets and ail kinds of dressed and undressod lumber and are continually receiving fresli stock ta meet ait the demnands of the trade. A consigament of splendid No. 1 doors- arrived frorn the Gilmour's factory at Frenton a f ew days ago, and we are pre pared ta supply any grade of gaads manufaetured by tliem at short notice and at reasonabie prices. Painted and graiped ceiling a specialty,headquarters also for shin gles-British Columbia No. 1 lRed Cedar aud ail grades of Pine and native Cedar; Sait, Piaster and Port. land Cernent always in stock. Cati and inspeet aur stock and prices before placing youi arders eisewliere. MeCieltan & Co., Bawmanville Chil1dren Cry for C AS TÀ O%àR lA, BOWMANVI LLE Sarnple Suits for M'Ven aid 8o<yse Sample Suits . Single and Double Breiasted. Sample Suits . Scotch and Canadian Twteeds. Sample Suits . Boys' 3 piece and 2 piece. Sample Ulsters and Overcoats. We have bought an elegant lot of traveller's sample Suits SNAP. These are macle by the best f actory in C an adIai md the eM lot will be sold off at less than the regular wholesaeIces. Barzains in Winter Goods in Dry Goods departmnent: Ladies' Coats . Black, Navy, Brown, Bine, Green, Grey, f-awns in Frieze, Beaver and Kersey Cloths. Special values. Furs Capenines, Ruffs, Storm Colars, Muifs, Caps, everything in Fuit une; a good assortînent at very moderate Oress Goods Homespuns, CI oths, Serges,_etc., for Suiting snd goad ehaice of figued and plain Dress Goods. Hose... Good standard !hnes fror up in Cashmere and W1ýoolleni A SPECIAL in Cashmuere at2 Towels ." Linen Towels froml 15e ý np-Special Value. White Towels on sale at Se ch Vests. In Wooi su ad Cotton Vest have a better assortmient than bef are. A Cotton Vest with siceves for faîl wear, onl specia at 2 for 25e. These are a few of the Special Values in our large and carefully selected winter stock. We take the utmost care in buying to select as near as we can, tell what aur customers desire and only ask you to e-aui on us aud see if we have what you want. A full range of Staples always in stock. Poultry and Produce wanted right now. We take Ohiekens, young or oid; aise Turkeys, Ducks and Geese ail wanted. The kinds that do flot tiekie- are the qjiickest sellers. We have a fine variety of these including, Wright's llealth Underwear, lavely goods, soft as down, also al te oua ae r o isok SEE TIIEM.otrpouamaear o insck TH E The Leader lu Elegance, Efficiency and Ecanamy. It is made in two sizes with and without aven. Examine it before yau buy your Heater at A -1 ýL Il RZ ý" 1, JVXR.

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