Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1900, p. 3

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~fbadly and spoils the Shape of the ankie., The~~~Nee Ligtllus HO SE O D oiu high heels to 10w Kee er r Neyer wear one pair of shoes al the time uniess obiiged te do no. Two1 No cilass in the commnunity ren- A IYSPE{PTIC'S MENU. pairs of boots worn a ýday at a timej dermor sgna sevie t thir In thîs dyspeptic age the crucial aiteruately give more service an.d are derllow -sanal sric whoher n usio s ow does each kind of much more healthf ni. there along food digestf Wbat are the chemaical Neyer wear leather sole lnngs te 9changes which it sets up lu ýthe stand upon; v4fte cotton drIling or the chain ofsfcmach f Thanks to the carefuk and linan ie mach better and more beaitb- ourgretlakespainsfaking investigations of a distin-1 ful. and riverS guished German professor, Dr. Miller. 1Neyer weai a short atocking, or oe " keep brigit, it ie possible new to arrange a table ! Which, after being washpd, Js net at \~and clear the sbowing the precise proportion in! least eue haîf inch longer than the light thatwhich varions fonds generate gas in if0ot. m nidta teig î~ uidth sal-th- human system. By a sfudy et this 1shrink. Ba sure that tbey will aiiew N o. igh-.table these persons iuclined te dys-,! your tees te spreae, oq-,t at the extremo pepsia> the most troquent cause ef! ands, a" tis keeps& the joints lu place h ouse keepers whicb is too great an accumulation 4f aud maltes a strong and attractive MR.WMTN. G i LLsESPE are necessar- gas in the systcm, may ktuow wbicb ,fOt. Aise te the shap,ý of stockings )ly exposed, a great deal to the fonds te avoid ln order te escape its the singi' digitai or " ne-tee stocking' '~eaheand oeof themn, XVil- terrers. le the best. Iiam Gillespie, of' ýV'olfe Island, The folle wing te a table of foods in! INavr tuink that the feet will grow Ont., states that inâ this way ie -re etidvstbf: Nufs, tilliîg large trOm wearing preper shees. Sof fowl, cern meal, ern, carrots with Pinching and distorting melie th4m Con)îtracted m-iuscuîar- rheumnatismn. giewv net onIly large, but uns;gbfly. A YFor two weeks,"' said Mr. Gil- saCe,'li el cartrw cb natural. ue ot ail the' niuscle ia mles hage, bread, <cahh.ge, jotatoes, m:lk. thern compact and attractive. lespie, "Isuffered untold agony caulifiowver, fresh beans, entons, toma- with muclrrheumnatism in my tee,maarnedvsadspacI TO CLEAN SOLID SILVEJI. shioukIers. I wascrippled by the meat, m 'at and sugar cneoaped mieat, Silver le meet susceptie of spot- disease to such an extent that 1 meat and Plumes, meat aud apinach, tint and diseleration by sea air, the oulfotpu t iny coat on without meat and cucumbars, butter, stewed'humnan perspiration, the prasence cf assistance. 1 boug.ht a bottle of Prunes, cranherries, egge, ciabhar, suipbnrettedl bydroean, as sean in Dr Hlls hemaicCure, and cucumber, tisbh, lattuce, obeese. an egg spoonu left uncleanad, and by ~~~.~~ tw oe urdm opltl. Athüugh rue ecîng of nuis is lu- -the contact et mmice. The latter 1 JIvcf'- had a t"v'ng of pancraaaing ýdaily, tbey ara meat indiges- cauose bas irratrievabiy înjured semae I hveno pintibia for thosa pereens iueh'ned te ha n-'w piated ware, uever used, but Iftt SInce. There is nioting like this di apeptie on acceunt of their tremeil- on a sidebeard accessible te these lit- 'edcin fo hemtim" deus gaa g"ncrating prop6rty. Dr. fi. vermin. Dr. Rall's P.emtCcure is ptutpin 50 Miller taltre nuts as the standard, giv-ý It is the practîce et the East Indian- centi bonlesQ,, cotami inglten days treatînent. Fur'sal by ail éiuggî ste and dealers in îng the greetest amouc et gas, or jewelers neyer te toucb ilIver and gold nedcn.The Dr. Hiall Medicince Ce.. , I0 Par cent. The tiliing made et witb any abrasive substance. Tlie Kingston. Ot. brouit crumbs and onons, wifh wbich muest daicate filagrea werk aud wire reastfotwls are stafted, mutes naxt as Deustrutions et silver are randered 4an indi-gstible tood. Corn sud its suo,, y mbte by tbir simple manipula- %i LITER RY N TES. soeasucb book bas exerted upon pee- LITEPAPI-i 11,1CIES j pie in ieading themx to carry out sonie great scheme wvhîch it advocated. The A euxiolis tale of a hare's leap fer1 Gen. Gordon Boys' Home, at Woking, Ilbbrty La toldid tlie ts(Nveirber num- bas a beautiful chapel, which owes its ber of Gassel's Littie Folks, "It is existence cbiefiy to the poiso not every pack of hrir, says the ibxek-.the published sermon'preached writer, "thatiteso couratgeously cheat- ýby Canon Fleming.before the Royal ed of its prey as were the Yarmouth'famai]y on the oocasion of the death of Harriers in a notable mun. Poor! the Duke of Clarence upon the subject pussy, pr'essed very soreiy, made for Shall we recogniza our ioved ones in the shore at lizcton, wbare the cliffs Heaven f stand at a he1ght of seule sixtyfeetý above the beach. Tlie bounds giv ing à BUSINESS GIJAGE. her no chance to double, she teok al"tsvayercu otakeb header for the srnds. Sha brokeadfus vrhawesadaIe lieriegiuckiy f wa nohingwor Orleans telephtone girl. "Low tide is -butin ui eof tie a±ret sh wa at 1.30 in thE mirning. Around about stilli gaine,and ieapîing into the wa-,ta m~cvrimntswl ea fer wam nt t ce. Tafutue i, t'ms eîdapse wihen nobody Ln this wiii be liard te de-., il) ibe bare as ýýwh e1b7gg ry La using the 'phone. a ticuid, quaking cr.!eature. ger i Vbnyeu corne to think about tt hravery may have baen bein of de- that is som,2thi.iig very remarkabe spai r, but it le plain se had al ber B4M teen 1 snd 2 o'oiock the talle wfl wits about býer."i average from 160 to 180, rarel'.y more; but, for some reason I was neyer Linee l Tm ofWar.In n B aaete understand, business always ticle on this aub:jeut xunLVasell's Maga-' zine for Ncveuitber Mm. . TIheodore: Timines supplias an ,auer to one criticicul which wae traqfuently levai- led at the atuhorities isat yea. "The; Gevernuent bave b-umchceucured for r ut qmmediately lbartertug upen the ouf break et botil-,iis every avail- able steamer of the Caemprania and Ma- jestic type as transports. But our arm-chair ex. arts quife overloelted the tact that to dnle avery linaetf ifs fasteet boats wudtbmrow the wbcia foeign mail service-P-hopelessly' eout of gear, puralysýeitrade, sud me- sult in incalculable e the con-! munify-and ail this itbeut auy cor- reepouding gain. The wýýis tcmes neyer: stopped te f htut thatu the voyage te pîcks up between 2 and 3-tu faut, if neariy doubles. Mhen, for equaily mysieieus reaseus there is aueibor Lul aund he hieur betw een, 3 sud 4 îý almst as quiept as befween 1 sud 2. I have often tried te figuraeout soe tbsery for those two curious fluctua- feuns, but have neyai aeveu býit upon oneatest was aveu paus:,hie. "Afler 4 o'cLe-ck, however, there le' a st -,ady and ooefniruu nmrease lu the streara ef talk. We gifrls who have N'ceu in the exulianga a good wbile get tO knuw exact-y bow the cty wa altop. Thie market men baud flic Procetsin, and thon fe3eow the differeut tradespeeple and cierks sud office employees, accerdiu1g te the necessifias cf their vaieus caLlings. Ill l,î,e,,ltii iilllf Il5 11IP I P!, as FAC-SIMILE SI GNATUR~ 'TNÀuc OT"eC. Akp(er-ect medy fer Cor,,ý tipa- lion, Sour SoahDaroa 3 as nd L 0s s 0Q1, SLE:P. T&c sinýIi Signature of 0 EXACT COP Oir WRAPPER. I8 ON THIE 0Flr EVERLY B-LDOTTlE 0FO Osstarla le plit 11P lnone-iz, botiles Orly, It la net solla n bll. oliat aUew anyoua to Peil rea anything eisa on the iiea or promis$ that it le ,jut as goca,, ana ,wil sngwer svery par. 'ole " SoGIyo e t --S-- -4 I~Lt THAT THE

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