Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1900, p. 8

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Rtornizers, ;--ot Water' -BottIes, Fountaih Syt1ine And a fulil une of RUBBER GOODS. An Atomizer is neecled b y every persan wbo is af- ilicted with Catarrhal Troubles or simple Cold in the liead. We are selllng alil kinds of Atomizers at very reasonable prices. ASKag RNoO01, A stanie article in nearly every bome for Couglis, lihe edt4m BOWMANVILLE, NOV. '7, 1900. SHAW'S SOHOOL. Report for October: Senior IV, 0. Cobbledick, N.* Allin, R. Penfound. Jr. IV, R. Rickard, H.Kuigbt, M Love kin Sr. 111, G. Moses, L. Galbraith, J. Galbraith, G Trewin. N. Trewin; Jr; 111, A. Allin, F. Bragg; Sr. G. Allun. W. Allin, A. Saper, E KniZbt; Pt. II () .Bragg. B. Allun,'G. Galbraith, K. Trewin ; Pt. Il1(2), E. t llin ; Pt., Il (1)1 Blewitt , Sr. I, E Rickard, Jr. I M. Galbraith. EÉDNA E. J. FIELDING, teacher. Do You FEAR HIEART FAILUIE ?-No death camnes sa suddenlyand unexpec. edly as that causeci bv heart failure, but the trouble bad its beginning; months or perhaps years before wben the blood became thin and watery and the nerves exhausted. Graduall.vthe was'e has become more rapid than the process of repair, the tissues of the heurt have become diseased and finallv some over- exertion or nervous shock "Der i.c Not Any Man'sIfrmte" Teit hlm, rallier, ho'w fa gel ridaof fhem. Most infiprmilies came from bad b(oodI and are cured by 2Hod'sSaaprt. Every persan 'who has Scrafti(a, $au rheum, humors, cafarrhf, dys-episi or rheuimafismn shautd al once beglin taking this meclicine ilhat the infirm(fziy may ermvd Weakness- -" 1 have given Haads Sarsaparitta ta My boy mvhase"blaod ,'Was we -u, and sufferecd from pains in his sfamnach. Hood's Sarsa parfIla macle hérm sfrang and wett/'- <5rs. W. C. St rat fan, l'homŽas Si., Deserýon fa, Ont. WOOD) SALE. Mrs. J, Salter and Mt'rs. W. W. Price arevisting friendý in Torant o...Me srs W. Beer and T. Rowe having made an exchange of praperty, Mr. Beer has moved ta the brick cottage adjaînîog the blacksmith shop-Mr. Rowe will shortly mnove ta the residence at the nor th end of the village vacated by Mr. Beer .. .. Those who attended the meet ing held lu the interest of Mr. Beith and goad government were welI pleas ed with the address., Mr. BeiLh ktpokoý briefly concerning bis one sin during his 10 years of office which consisted ln working ln the inter est of the farmers and the public generally. Mr. J. R. Gibson, Toronto, and Mr.D.B. Simpson Q. C., gave gaod practical common seuse addresses setting forth the ad- vantages of continuing the present Governrnent in power. Mr. T. Baker made a capital address and aIso acted as chairmani. The meeting closed with cheers for the Queen, Robert Beith and the speakers. Vote for Beith and British preference. To be free f rom sick headache, bilions ness,,constipatioi), etc., use Carter's Little l7ivp.r Pills. Striotv vezetable. r BOWMANVI LLE Colder We&tber, No where eau the necessaries ta meet the demand caused~ y cold weatlîer be better supplied than with us. Such immense shipmnents of Overcoats, Ulsters, d oublebreasted Suits, and singlebreasted Suits hlave just corne te hand as ta almost frighten even us, who are used to receiv- ing large quantities. Large cases of Underwear, Flaniaels, Shirtings, aiso Carpets, 011- cloths, Lace Cartains-GREAT VALUE AND LARGE 01100E.. We are decidedly anxious ta make these big piles smaller. We know the' values are riglit and the desgns up-to-date. Kindly see us before y<.u buy either Ladies' or Men's Eall and Winter Apparel.1 1 -ý' Thon we guarantea you complote Greater power from less fuel and better results lu produing an aven tamperature. wlth a splendid simplicity in their ease of mnanagement. These are the itron,- points of superiority we Promise. For jour owu comfort and acon- ()My,$ sakoe inspect them at our neurest agents. SOLD 13- 400 SERIES. 'lason& Dale, Bownianville The GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited, Toronto, Wlnnîpeg, Vancouver. AtetI'îUls l. -LH VV ULARK5E, ieacner, TRAINERS and ATHLETES: MAKE USE 0F PMINE'SCE RYCIPJN The Only Medicine That Gives Nerve Force, Strength and Endurance Trainers and athletes in evemy depart ment of athleties mu..t be vigo'rous ai.d haalthy mon if they would excel i y eyiacsal a rU-nning umping, skatiRg and suowshoeinZ.-The athlete frins lu the Cty. ... Mrs. Mvennail and family bave -gone -ta etr- ..Mrs . Carpenter, Fruîtlaud, is visiting' her sister, IMrs.R. Moment... .Miss lHowsou and Mrs Ilutledga, Salem, visitad at Mr. C. Staplas' recantly.. . .Miss Lena Moment is visitîng her uncle, Mr. Car- panter, Fruitland ...Mrs. Joseph Darby and fumily have gone ta Mani- toba.. .. Mrs. Johuston Newtonville, visited ber brctter,- Mr, t1hos. Sharpa. _ .Mrs. Hienry Bell, and family, Acton, visited ber father, Mr. E. Plain .. .. Mr. and Mrd. John Trew and daughter, Elizabathville, were recent visitors. at Mr. A. Leigh's, ... Mrs. David Bradley and family have returned ta her fathar's, Mr. Chas. Barrett, af ter a visît wîth Croohed Creek friends.. . .Mr. John Hall is retaruing ta Orono and working the McLeod farm.. . . ev. T. J. Edmi son and Mr J. M. Cobbledick, Newcastle, ware lu 'own recently.... ~rL~te5o~havÈüg .copled, the wark af rerroving the rem-ains of the flMv.- Mr. .nUiLICUU-and lDr. Harrison of- Keen~ Prside~ ofthe- Provincial Sabbath Sçhoci Association. This service was aspecially iuteresting ta S. S. workers and we would be deligohted to have anothar visit froru Dr. Harrison. At 7 o'ciock, 11ev. Geo. W. McCail, B. A.. B. D., of Port Ferry occupied the pulpit ta the satisfaction of a very crowded bouse The tot al Sunday col- lections wrre $43. On Mlouday the sprvices-wera- resumed ut 4 co'clock rom- mencing with a fowl supper that the ladies served with good attention Af tar alwere sutisfied, they rapaired tathe audiene room of the church where an intarasting progrum was rendered, cons!stn'g af music bv the choir, Mr. Petty, ýLindsay, Miss Camaeil, Lindsay and Mr. Marwood Veale who sang among bis selectUons "The Khaki B-eroes Welcome Home" by Mr. R. L Werry of Montreal, recitatian by Miss -by RewH-LTrL. ixSe o7I.rd av Becau'e Wear, Fit and Style are ail in our goods. Ask for "C.H.Co." Rubbers, Madeby 45-2rn T-HE CANADIAN -RUBBER CO. FREE and price of makers stainped on the sole in a silate framne. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. 11113r~nrmh~~ l~i1[SSllI »TIUE TO CREDITORS. V»'IIU'JUHIUU "& Ail parties indebted ta the firm of IDENTISTS. Drs. Mitchell and Graham, Enniskillen are kiindl.y requested ta cail and make -1 immediate settiement to enable the V heý at Blackstock an the first Dactars to wind up the business in con- Ma' of each month, at Orano fvom nectin with the late partnership.. 10, to 2 p. m, and at Newasle MITCHELL & GRAHAM, frc i ta 5.30 p. ma. on the second __________________ Mon" af, each month. I ne LAXA-LIVER FILL every nirht O :--Temperance St,d Bowman- o thirty days malles-% compiete cutre vgill< of Hg bta8rg;o,,of btionane's and constipation. That Higinothm' drg toeI--j ust 25 cents to be cured. 'a - goiigg ua j)iý uéL 1itnii wi iuiLa ctober 27 thera passed--iwav-lMr -Jo-hn- grand smntea. Alexander Gairduer, aged 90 vears, J, R. Watson, Boston, holding the one of the tawunship's oldest citizens. world's championship as jumper and Born April, 1810, lu Lanai-k, Scotland, pale vaulter, says: -"The -strangest Oai he came out ta this-ecountrv lu 1833-anri athletes often feel languid and drawn returned ta biis native beath lu 1833, out. I have tried rnany things, but camiug back, same year, and bas lived have f ound nothing that does me as in Clarke (ver since. H1e was married much good as Paine's Celery Com. toanet Reniwick, December 2th,1843 Pound ', I religion he was a consistent Presb3 - James Mifchael, the great bicyclist, terian and ln politics a staunch liheral Hjertberg, the champion steeplechuser, Deceased leaves a widow aud twa and other greut athietes have declared daugbters, Mrs. R. Moment, Orono,and that Paine's Celemy Compound is the Mms. Carpenter, Piluitland. Rev. J. A. great taule, regulator, nerve bracer McKeen, B. A., conducted the services. and strength-giver for ail wha are Beautiful floral offerings covered the weak, ruudawn or suffering from any cusket. aliment. DR. LOW'5 WORM SYBIFP is a safe, Ohildren Cry for sure and reIiabh,_ worin expelleir. Acta equally weli on ohildren or adults. Be I ~ I sure yen get Low's. %CAS mÛmIAO~ W7ýidde-s, INIr. %Vm. Widdes and Miss Emma Jackson )Lindsay; Nr. and Mrs. WV. J akson, M11.-a.nd Mrs. Skinner, Mt.- Horeb; Mr. ar.d 1Mrs. Silas Williams, Solina, and man-y from Humpton, Port Perry, Junetville and other places. WAJTHOÔUT A D)OCTOR's EXAMINATION- You can find ont if the kidneys are are clogged, derurrged and ciseased. Have you buokache or a weak, lamne buck. Do van have pain or difliculty in uriuatingor a toa fre- quent desime ta urinate? Are there de- posits like brick dust in the urine atter it has-.stood for 24,hours? If you have any of these s mptams flot a marnent should be lost in abtainîng Dr. Chuse's Kidnev Liver Pulis, the world's greatest kidne§ cure. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box, poow no. 1.5i\otwltflstand, in, ail reports ta the cantrary' we are stili seiiing and izoing ta seil, Doors, Sush4, Blinds, Moutdings, pi(ïkets- and l-all kinds-ai dressed and undressed lumber and are continually receiving fresh stock ta meet ail the demands of the trade. A cansiznment af splendid No. 1 doors- arrived froma the Gilnîaur's factary ut frenton a few days ugo, and we are pre pumed ta supply any grade af gaods manufuctured 6y them ut short notice and ut reasonable pricAs Pain'ed and grained ceiling a specialty.headquarters alsa for shingles-Britisii Columbia No. 1 Red Cedar and ail grades of Pine and native Cedar; Sait, Piaster and Part land ('Ain(-nt si1u-vqiin stock. Cal and inspect aur stock and prices before placing yaui arders elsewhere. McCledllan & Co., BowmanvilleJ WANTED.I 5000 BUSHELS oodý heavy, briglit Barley want. e d immediately a t My Elevator, Newcastle. Newcastle, Oct. 1,- 1900. Dy spepia is dificut the absence of nuatural 'Haod's Sarsaparfillu rasi ive powers. ï 'Q9iýà4-k

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