A NAJION FL I s 'At Torchlight Procession to the IRavages of 'Guerilla Warfare Mn Returning Troops. OrangeRiver Coio ny. 4- * 'r r"-2---------_ -r n 4A-r- ~r r-a ~- irt4 la r-r ~ r 't , R- - On every box of ithe ganuina will b- found a 'portrait and fac-simile 0e-nature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the best guaranteeaàa to quallty whlcls any preparation caen poslbly have. This eut of the 'box is given for your guidance. Insist on having the gen nine, and do flot, under any circum. ortances, accept'substitutes of any des~cription. 50 cents at ail dealers, or Bdnmanson, Bates & Qi4Toronto. wh ws ccsd f ure, e av 1- Lj-ý," n nw iauteco-net a1towed to iravel in the aame. rail- 1't-,' ". irpI w IteoM .A 1 whu wa acuno of muder, h bey- ours. ignedtinue. the war was just to waste valu- way coachres seond their children to the CHMceI., jfatdII 'F',t.Wet.T ing short an inmate of a Duteli farm- R. IÎ. IL} 2NG 27 George Si., Toronto able lives. Ile counselled them to scanie shcols, or attend the, sanie.tere ndte(h Som--'-Wj -JUse at Colosbur.g, who refused to li owley's eI Ozone is $i.00 a 1 1arge ot ask for ternis after the Free State w as Ghurchen as the wiïites and in theny reepîymedn T he f --u eýfnc wa tejoc s-al sze Al dugist, r rou 'hoannexed but as to what they did he is seûtions they are praotically dirifran- Wlrsn wrltliig for tbemw- jays eto -ing a brille to hlm:. The df.c a e 0.sil 5Z.AldugiS fOd r-ha eporte.d to hive si tth.te cie aper, I at Smith simply cbeyed the orders l ai' aoe fteOoeC. fTrna "'he leftr the Transvaal. "Jnsteaýd of do- ProninCadsegSlcm fc-f- bi epniblt dite(; 8 AIL)r St, C, taet.rrngchrate, elin odmrcnppeswl ý [>f bis superior officer, who am tted ~obrî tToot.ing this, theyhave. sent a message He 0f Amenican Papeof thenegroethe Torotod for maoopl I hI 1Vff- *.TOLE. a thxeatepiigtcharactnrof the neLro -/ ýq t . KWL"