Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1900, p. 6

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i n-t an _ _ _ _ _ uncoîn,. in V o n NEU, OP' DIGESTIVE LUBRICANTS. D.HalI t h i n g Sareral disfiuguisbat specinlista me)atarial tbave fot coan Icrtflcoming. - -I to the freedom front a p«ison ccii of au n 1I1ber, idcaa that the prýýîva&d de, junocentatan. In either case theborid- The present genleration ia distictly an ithe sweet milk and bakinig powder. age itinatural andunicalladior. Mr. cter of sweala, not of fats; bat wia Thaf the sucOcss cf v hipped creami partare w'i'j be apa pular ouae and John Hunter, 821 Brock Street, Uýi- tha former sopply the heat tbat would depends upon the f act that the dish, li1 ~to, nt. ws lidupforsi MO h h obtained from the fats, they do flot the, beater and the creamn ara thor- Rdar ip1 gir.Ilr u, 1rt with rhenmatism, lRe, was se hiello- I rte, Ltvw WalXace, Weta Mitchelli, less he cculd flot leave bis roorn or Ouý-ppiy certain labricant qualaties ýoughly chalaed in advaace.11 dress himself. A frianid advàsed .hlm vvlich ara se important for the praper1 That jaily keaps mach bettar if Lot Mitas WL kiti, Wlnstu Churchil, to ttry Dr. Hall's IfheuioatioCutre, performance of tha intestinal runec- paraffine waxi t poured ovar each HalJams, qarrias, Ciabla, Stoila- A&ffler taking the contenta of the first lion Tha use cf the Mijk fats, that !tumnblar than whan covered withtonPa, n yauIaJalrn botule ho was able Vo move arouiid th" t oot , helwtecn bouse. The second bofilo cured iran's, butaer and creaam, as weil as milk Pppar. t oabtteafwrecn complotely, and ha was able fo retiurn itielf, n as rcçomandad, as the ji']That alhoagh 'hunger la the bcsf ductur.s c taOnuy aepo tuhiswork.Mr uera haol foran of fat as somoxhiat delectable. ýsaaci'" a daintily garnislied dish i aratam.et toa astes Of a1'i lovera ci strongl17 recommend Dr. H all'se ýlbau- T1he use cf the vegetabla cils - olive t eths.fcin mate CreVo il hosuier aa rin- iland tha lika - an lar.ger qaan- That creamn sauce is very mach arn- nmatiant.[ti Dr.Hal's lienalcCuri.s*.tp a es than at presen t -,asalaso raco- provad by a thoroagli beating. Fleming R. Rex cli & Co., are just Cethotes onarogten dayB' trEatmen, ne. maded. It -,vas pointad out tiat thae'Ihat potato salai is mach more sav- ' about Vo issýu-. Chinas Oniy Haloea jýor ý saeb i ngia r anesiiintcshiearnad tautaka cry if mixoal with tie saiad dressing bc hc ie ba hhTn iuedi uTefzH Medicine Co., XKig- ouatheantoshc ok hc ,,TsChn hhTn' etuti. Ont,. their quantumi et fats in thas way de- tavilla hut, ai peaa to the ý, -,ilazed w orl'l on bohlaïf ______spte thair warmar clintf, That vwhita grapes, asparagus ipa cf Chlira. _Tha V icaacy tarais tha wb makos fat geueraiiy lesa ad Lnglash walnats witb wbippodla archlight upaon western cvlzto accetabl as foo& If 'ascreama dresasing, make a novai and ad inluht are, lu bis mmnd, many jreportea f rom several souaces jdainty salad. 1 stroug reasons fcr thear aving China thatlu many painfal conditicns cf tha That there is more eead cf common Vo, work oui hero; nv destiny. Tha Il . ~stcmnach clive cil gave great reaief. ;sonse lu cuinary science than la cralin-ý bock ilast atat 'ent cf the Chinose A QUICi C- - - arily suppoacal, for we cannot become aesic 'aiPate Chicesa stanalpoint V.REMEMBER: a strong people mentally unlescar anal being froni the tpen cf a notad JUGHS AI LGL iaf a peunalof leaa beef and a Phîsicai beinga are well nourisheal. Vceroy if atili prova fascinating ceeui- Ver vacale aae.i ~quart of mlk contain about the saine ig at this tame wben ail eyas are affecicat i tueamount cf rnoarisbment, but thaeniant, j APANESE CHINA. funa nCia T11HROAT orLUNSL ltog f ct ori orTo- he ntany sycabois which deccrate, 25c ale for focal, as t ccntaans the noia-,ceramieý ware lu Japan and China are iW. J. Wlite, UA-V, B.C.L, barristar, D VS&Larg V i ee enta in more uitable propot ion. iuersting f0o those f am liar ýwith MoutreaýLilis in press a treatisa on ropsof PryO.l an~v , htiopplrnto tha, fiuh and bv means cf thera a test Canadian Ccmpany Law to ha raady in li a brain food" la a mistake, for ____________________ minnt hysiiogstafeu t tat ISh f tnishoed wbich distinguishes thela fur-taipht. It laintandeal Vu h aa t . t hsoogsstela hafs ware cf the taxe ountries. For in-! conpleta work ou tbe iiaw gov rning ne more Vi'an any otbar nitrogenousd stance, a îhree-claweal dragon islcompanlea, incorporateal undar Domin- food contribuitas te brain gruwtb and 1 iaaee rleafv-wdda on aflnda Provincial acta. C. Theorat, St. leelpea. Ai ntognusfod, nliaesCinasie,-eart. In Japan the Jamas SL., is -Jieupubli8ber. snicb as fîsh, meat, egga andl su on, lii aepir hotwasa tastas t He hdycrane, tartie, pine and hamhboo are D ~~JI~ but fish la ef ne more importance than i besc lneuyad untD- Tic Iasf ýie cf the International 8 ~ ue othrs. par luChinase deccratica. The mctby eallrngue the articles OU ~ - ~ Tht hnt asa mch ater iavr acred symbuis cf Japani-the mirror, as bafits this. preserit stirring po'ifical if 15 oilea for ue her1ana then sword, the jewel-appear only 11 intbiagareyplfcSnar brcu sgarJapaiiese art. The chrysanthemum, Huar ftt s. cof Party Guverunt, baked taxe heurs, with rw sua the iris sud the lotus -are sacrea f low- Po, Mre wie ffeSgi mprinkied eter if for the last 15 mfin- iers. The goda are differauf, and a liffle Prf.ica Mo; et tir enicrflthearfyi istudy will maire if impassible for onue r ambnd'_s arficle.s on the ax- '[bat hollowed eut apples or-. beets 1te misai - de p a msib ri artaist-ie.anal prefty caps te- holal oc.cunryfV ha aotfy0.1 tertiof a - msinof P.ussia are bragit Mo a concluriofor tint cfrtialstheerThefNa saa , sacreal. subjecf la %inted, 1Happinescnlso.Ohratce r h e taai tafauadîtlugealbatr Ia y wiflta y;j by Salvatore Corfeal cf Home, Thtffour or fiveounuces of sugar ia symiiolizd. j hie s acr-udu;ffi odn1al .beud ot x if umoaîî inth tcouse treuath by Vhe pilne; tlie stcrk is or-espondcent Pogtesa an oclo y h -f -dcfiec4og,1 ;te o-os Prof. Iraw'son of University cf Cali- ofauýay. stands for riches; a hawk for. cour- The old relable remutly for Spavins, Rngbonn, fiat cern menlisl an excellant focaldIfurnaa; anal rimitaive Ohjects cf 'SIr- witaoul ba nn aionuon odf e lt blure$ 1r. e-x ntr1shcofias mc a age; a bear infthe Snow, endurance, Xl1.e, t rndablsf ormue i of .,esnet.listers. wnea tcnanss uhas y L. M rillef Parla. N'h ;.t.tot. r.10 98 anal a carp'saimmning upward la t 'e si krl Dr . . l5. . ed.il Co.OhantOiFb1 and when eggs anal miik are adalea Vo embiem, of persaverance.__________________ Dn5tr,~ttlon loneFronarmedfohenea t it bas a high nautritiv e valua. I have eurnd a Curi, of fouryrru t»d.g w.h Y-o aa rt eh pai gaa is anedola', Bilato. hy otuît ovly .- e.unithon upiYl-îogft o eaptz*gan uc- 1ADAN OT-VTR ~onnSpuin oca Along hlKnd -11nhe oasshoalal ha kept ln a coldypae .ADAN SFT AE. A. Uii. tory tniyplacrse7ana -1 . _ .1,>OFH t- ina.ne ciye.Alilcoks dû noV anderstanal fhe Priesn$, Sixfer $. An a linientfer raiîlusenit Piaf a vory pleasiug addition te the differeut affects produced by bard -77 has no rqal. Ak your druggist for lCedali'A sud sof t water' lu ceaking meaf and 5~eu1ncareluoATrsat1eonheM rin,":ary nut cake is e ccp cf raisis vgtbs esaa en oka the book Cern, or addremsnaeaýe.Pa n bascoe D.BJ.KENDLCO., ENOSBUGFALLS, YT. That the use of a thai uter O1l lu bard water cenfaiaing li or gyp- ~~ Éine ovea cf a pramul cal aomnin lanu satimwill nef bull tender, hecause these assurance, cf succeas in baking. sbtne adntgtbecsia Tiat baking pudaver biscuits reqaire Many vegetabies, as enjioua, bull near- * ~ much more beat than breal; 440 dag,, CURE AL TOU PAIR WITN Fairanheit is right for biscuit, w hile faeesluofwarhcseil av teflavor la belle i eut.Peadion JUu d ataimperatare of 3910 degrees la bat-0fsiofnchcaflasi Veae ââ e frbral. ndoa a o f enions, causîng fie vegetahies fto sorts col cough reine- A NedI soiuC malkland soda mPifkS ar reain the peccliar fiav-cimg rn SIpl, et m Qîo Cref~ more dlcate aevils food cake tîanu i-.- di-~~es biult d e nor A Frequent Cause of Coasumptlon, Hsart In to Cl cheaaS--Dr. C nsesaNerha Faod as a "r 'nThse esrt, the lunga, Vie stomaci, fie liver, fie kitneys, anal bowels can- flot perform their functions anal repair wastet tisanue -ian suppieal witb biotd fiat Is deficiant'ta nutritive qualitias, and seoner or later tiaeat-ankot organ euccuuîba to theisattacks of disause. n Phe iiintlotnaof thîn, wsatary biotd ara palaness of tihe lips, guano, anal eye- - fits, shortuesta or breati, weaknose cf heart action, anal languit, doopoudent feelings. Phase symiptoms are nsuaily accoaspaniet by nervonaneas, tleapleas- niets, anal general w-xkness cf fthe boty. i Il la pcsltîvely useless to doctar the syrnpfoms, snd injurions te use oplalas o timulauts. Cure can ho ircuglat about gralually andl ccrfainly hy the tIse of Dr. Chasa'a M.urve Foot, which. coataîns lu cunteusat pil tomar ail the Don't naglect tint persictent hnckiag eciencts reculcat for strengthaniag cbuh ilt you final yourself in the clutch et anal revitaliug the bloot. As a hiocal Censurmc. It's an easy matter ta stop1 buIll 'r anal narve reatoratiso, Dr. if owb faiing 1Ciase's Morve Focal la of irestimable - 11 1ý9 ý 1ý ;.Sy RUP rvalua, In pili fo a. 1'0 cents a h 'y, m P at ail tealers' or Eldmauson, Bates& à"i pleasant remnedy hesîs and seethes Co., Toronato. te ugaanal brenchial tubes, anal cures iieinsga0 chronic coughs wben otherI iE a Oock's Cotton Izoot Compctini Mr. W. P. Caun, wrting from Mcrpeth, ' Issec Iuliy used mantbly bye-rer Ont., eqsy% z «I onestiy believe I wouid 1 it -adesSfetatal. Ladies aAsI h1v ,dc exml'ibalciy for D. LI yens tmnggIst for Ce - laàCoton Peol Cou- Wec's owayPiue~ ,ra.1 have used Re"ond. Take ne othor ascaii Mixtu res, pis anal imitations ara taugerons. Prica, No. r, $1 a It fers analconsi0lar it bas ne equal box-, No. 2, 1a ta s staalrouge-, $81 per box, tac.1 fo)r se-reclasaa ircI' at troubles," 1 or 2. mailat ou raceipi cf prîca analtas-e -cent *siamps, ThoCook Corapsu 'îidsor, Oui. ~giV-Nos. 1aontà 2 soit anus reeo'nmente i by ail respousible Drcggîsts iu Canadia. Many maswitb bat littiaNai.1anlsot ta easil t' ~etbas a lot cf threntetrd ia i&Ss.Se la:O o' avais ni Lm court. 1atcu, aN; Neaeoo ha O Ân sCOMas--. '-'-"-',, leiloes snoti nutraiiouns imatter asmigif ha lest in sot t water. COOKING VEGETABLES. Do nut let yocr cooi faire tee ticir a rinal off lu pariug pot afcas. Pie beaf part oethfiapotafe la near fie skin. On tic uthar banal, fucuipa shoula bave a thici rcin-t paret off. The t ur-i nip bas an uei part that teafecys the fias-or efthfe wiele if nef titorocgiiy ramovet. Oîîiousshaeoildtf be attat te a stew,! or put lu te coir witb anyfhiug aIse util fhey have firat beau boilet for about feu minutes, aud the avatar1 tiroavu away. City cocirs Vue freqcently failtet pioperly "atring" baas befora cuekir- ing tiemi. PTia la anncyiug at fie tabla.ïBeana are vasaly luapruseal hy a creama or milir nî butter dressinig. Cabbagea are baffer if boilet witi meat. Potatoas sicuit nlvjays ha boilaul aaparafelî'. Oîierwlae tiey: ara scadaen anal upalafable. See tint cucumbars are sicatd as h ! ns possible, anal put eracired ice ais-r; tient hait an heur befoca tiey camne t0 ýtietiable. 'Io dean celary 0f Via insocts offen feuvid on if, taire a winieglasstcl cf bot waater in which a littie bicarbon-1 ate ut soula huas b-'a dissolveal. Pl ange fie calaryiritu thîs atter iV bas beau washed. TP.han cool lu ica wafer' bat ora serving. Siuccess for Sixty -Years.-Thhse' ths reýcoral utParry Hava s'Pain-Kilier. A saira oure for dtarrhcea, dysentor,' rut ail bowal coruplaints. Axait substi- fafas, thece is bat oua Pain-Killar. Perry Davis'. ý5a. anal 50e. impossible te centest the dlaim te thiat, designation of onaetofbis curn- planions lu the Fleet ou the grounal that ha "dranir bis four anal a haif plant cf aie a day anal neyer stopteal smoukinig aven, daring- meals," But icw comas if, oue may w ellý aisi, thýat ha- aides "laberers, personal servants anal traýdesan" the communaty te ha ex- empt fron tufe houer cf reaeiving an "Eýsq." aviil includ.e "depuaiturs ln lie Post Office Savinga Bank i ' A million- aira cf an eccentric.turu cf miiûd once cenceiveal a curions fancy for depusit- ing sial si ces cf bis fortune undar different -aliases au varlous savings hbanks tiroughcut the country. The idicsyucrasy migbf have entifleal bu to free board and lcdgiug at Býediani, but we de nef knoa that ha furfeiteal by fiese proceeýdinga bis righf fcthe, fitle cf "Eaq." The distincticu iu the case cf fradea people suggests, as an inevifable ccrellary te the venerable legenl, fha if f aires aine tallera ta maire a man, a polita proposition as te bos many are really requireal fo maire an esquire. But lu tuis dernocrafhc age. wbýen s0 many "ladies cf iigh de- gree" hava beau knowu te embarir upon; business enterprises, andal piquant French, name se offen cunceais the îdentify lu fie reaints cf mcdestry cf a aociaty dama or dansel, fie decialca of the postal authorýties seents te dans-a an adalsa invidieusuess. In the circumstanc.s it is at ieast reas- sucingi Vo learu ishat if. la not lu con- templation, te drop the prefix "Mca.' or. "Miss" in addressing correspon- dents cf the ofher sex as te avhose precise statua in acaery semae officiai deubt exista. GOOD APPETITE. Theelepha nt, as ia fasniliarly known, I yi ld it too d ils a vegefarian ; if easaby, anal rass 1 yil; tis to eep 1anal grain, anal that sort oftbting, anal thrfi amount et pros-enaler it consumes Iseated. It may wear is in proportiomn is hulk. Anal nef *itseif out in tinie, but jotyl ftranlrecVr nacr Io dace wifhit size, but ias appetite is1 j t is m-ore liable to cetinueus; ïif would eat ail day if il p oduce la -grip'e q migit gar alcng on a humîdreal anal1 j i Lty-puu-mfs cI aUirjaule (ai in a Cay, Spneumi a or a seri or it wouîdctae- f ive, bundreal if that tIi ~ 0~j smoant were providaui foc if. V know- i ou nee aso ethin, ledge ofthe eielihantspeculiaraty i %ugscccags a oaiVotaire 't te huard, as- ciccas ~ tat iIl giv yo janal, menagerie people, t kasap it a Sstrei ~h and blui!dj quainfoal ,vih at arbo short'al try to gave tha çcor beaast ail if aantel to body.eat. W heu grass la com-na ienaiy oh- tainable the cest cf an alephant's keep *-n Er-- -v mai hacamatrially ce(lace I. Thu elephants hase n habit cf i rouo), aoîg buy over their iodles te proreet Vi nasel'ai tram anuncance bha tuas auj maoaquitoos or othert insects.A goc l many people think ',-bat bis hc skia. muat sas-a hlm from being 1 euh- wiII ~ ~ ~ ~ ' dot. hneeyhn ered hi soch things, but as a -matter willdo iilàwhe eveyti 1'tR af tact tic ciepharîf ls as senîsitivs.te i~~~~~~~~ e~eI~,Tee~ o ut atacha as many mach îhiannr slçrneal egs : fals a ' Thranianals.u I streng b u i tlds up arnd makes 1 1 bdy strong and Sheâ[4thy, not only to throw off tIýk hrdcou3,but to f ortiIy the sstem ,,against I urther atcs If .ynu are rut Con r emaciated ou )~oud ceta~ny ta.e tis ~ nuuishin oud mdeke 1 c.,ni d, iduggil s. L SCOTI & ';17, Chemists, Toronlo. FOR ovri ft IfI R Arh s. M'p.Wo alo s SotbinpSvraphas b-va a ed'a nullio-ns of nacahars foi, thairb,l tiI axiala-à taethir.g. Et dlst-a'bedd t' ifflit a t h l-oke'a ol yaiest hy .a siea child auffeainsil ut-t cryatg it ,fhe lalto ,' I att t aattiE -ta a ccea atm gea a bttowl fin aim' higsyrul 'tia usuffe e utcce. Daeo a teo ana ice' o, wu o tan ni e rg e ha-rnd ps v b-.W "-"-a i - bup e,-o't We have soid piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lota te dispose of y et, and very cheap--firat-class goods at very smaîl flrlGes, Oui carry a good assortmeut cf Ladies' Oxford,colored and l back at $00. Meu's Caif sud Cordovan ilms, sewed aud rivitteri fom$14 te $2.50, worth $2.00 Vo $3.50. Chiidren's ]3utton and Bims 25c, 50a, 75e, wortb .50e, 75c, anad$1L00. Misses', Boys' andl Youths' Vo correspond iu prieh. We wili hell you what the stock Is lu each andl every pair. The reason we do that la because we know, Lateat Spring styles now in stock in every lie. The public la invited te ilapeet our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it wlih pleasure. Trunks, Baga, Satchels; nhal Srap, fny anal plain; Dresming, the very beat that eau be; bought. Cheap trash dressing la dear, it will ruin the boots if lsan-, ed te.Y .Repairîng doue in ail ifs branches iu first-clasa style. 1e woIrk made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thauking rnLy customerc for puejat favors and hopîng for a continuance of e c ame, Beaver Blook. Bowmanville. e Hampton General Store, We "Ibld a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. -Gents' Clothing.' Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.OO. We have a very large and well assorted stockc to select from, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Doînestic manufacture We are bound to SUIT \ ou. Groceries and Ha rdware. In our Grocerv and Hlard ware Departments vou wiIl find our stock avel a',sort3d, bought in the besti markets at the cloý,est prices, and~ will be soid ut the right price. Sorne peopie want quantity others quality, wc eau ploase bulL. Hîghest price paid in cash for produce. Give i s, a cati. IA MPTON. STRONG ANDVIGOROUS. I Every Organ of the -Id oned> uanci nvygrîtourb j The pain, nausea and diA. tress that Dysiie1tics suifer afîer every mcn.! can ail bc. pLrmanently reî-noved by Bur- dock Blood Bî:tters. It tones -uu : restores tlit stornach to lorrVLaI coniton so that it digestis food without Causil g dw fr. Mr. P. W. Mors, Ran S. .ItL. Perlan, Here's proof positive' O ti., sys: "1sufcaed fo'r nvaea, Miss maggie puDhoseiB Wl Palpit'ation, shlao e1Cssof hr'-ath, wroete bi' tal' h~ i 1 a s celasae s ~d ain iii the heart, but Snffeiar from omIht Olle box of Mihon' lart aid Nerve pepsia frfoo w ea a Pilacoa:Irermmtv d i th Es ~- verymsral.It'udn 1ae~ tressing -oatms, baa ,t suffered fo si iît t n. M r sic ] tlu- l ea a w sleP welI i and twfb tlc ahal aa Yail e aH ai NîaPHIS cure eXa( 'IC 1W f ail o:oaî~iphmwealk hert, t gIlk i ot~aigm i woru Out nîatissues, 0or,'watery bicod. 1 28 end 50 cent Botules. BWARE 0F IMITATIONS. PUY ONLY THAE GENU! E,

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