v / f f t IlThe Famous Florida ll Is the resuit of 5o years experieuce. baus bunetrucarrinthe fireashine Fle ue cntructedthe, ame as in 4n1 times the height of furuace and Costa We wiII seil ai!' our White Dishesj Golden Medîcal Discovery of the organs of digesýtiou perfectly and permanenit! the blood, and s0 by einii disease, cures mnany fort.is organs remnote from the sto tt For the ipast ixteen years 1 e disease. res 0.isezases id nutrition It Purifies the cause o4 E disease in whiie in the house albsifegae or thie spiendua exhiiII I w la were the Mistress and 2 or 3 girls pro-fowrthvaeyofrssdha, viding.. for their needs 18 there flot a asters and chrisanthemuins was aston- difference, in the mauner of labor beino ihîg.The dahilias surpass au3 thin;,' accomllplislied bere and at home il] I could have imfagined -single and Cainada-just think,! Three men with du~ gilded, niarrow and broad their team or three horses at Most and petals, everv conceivable shade and seif-bindier would go into the field and mixture 0f shadeýs and many witbout cuit. bind aud set up quite as much as seeing the leaf woud he taken for -1 -- A--i, -- risanthemuins. There was alsoa ICL 1 1U Lit didw'ithme. muc1ailthe paper'S Seli n meboth frein j UiC ULlICI rec "' eiI andI nn V--fDLff q Tk, IC ~Dr. c'Plaau Plet cr bl. y Americau friends as well at utvryk .l emstyyelw id __ Zonno ToRoTo MO~R~AL WINNI~O AD VANOUV~ inailr tha ourbartltt buinoueI mencersto helth o the resen day pTjfl- ~ -~1- NSTNT~Llu, ~~Yours most gratefulv, hn sgo o al s e oi _____________ LICE& CO., t ~ bownanville. BOWMA 0 U LE POWDERS, b o d s -ît E. A. COURTicEj. have eujoyed-t this as well a omnRYLBKN OORC. E OS l'a