Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1900, p. 1

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TERMS :-81.50 PNn ANNUM. NEzw SERIES. ODE OWNANDOOUTY fESTTEEWORD AFERWlrn M.A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMIANVILLE,. -ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1900.VOUEXVNo43 &Cryderma Have been busy for some days opening out New Eau Goods. And they are at present al ready to show a Superb Stock oi Silks, Dress Goods, in Black and Colors. Ladiles' Jackets. -The very latest styles, both in. German and Canadian. Big Stocke, of New Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, and House Furnishings, NO BETThR VALUE ANYWI1ERE,.... Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. BOWMANVILLE. It is a long time since ehvmaenysciloouBd Boom Furniture. Just aladsithstc weavane 2 eon ehv everything- in Bed Room Furniture-fnished3 in Golden Oak, Mahogany, Walnut and Elm. Brass Beds, Springs, Mattrasses, Pillows, Dressing Tables and Wardrobes, in tact everything you may require. Our prices range f roui $12 up. Dox't fuirnish your room until you ses what we have to offer. We jwant your trade and will treat you welI. M.D. WILLIAMS & SON. 3 BOWMÂNVILLE. Undertaking recelves prompt and personal atte, ti 3n. STEEL K RAN GE 1$25.00 ta $500.00 Any size, any price, for any purpose. Made of the Lest patenited steel sheets. Asbestos linîng protects steel and prevents heat escap.. ing. The ventilated oveix keeps Hleavy linin s that cannot crack or crunible. J" Strong anct urable. XýVill last a lifetame, Save fue. Jut the thing fer a farmer. 4A good baker and heater,; PAMPHLET FREE from our local agent or our nearest house. LONDON, TOoNro, AND VANCOUVep. RIGE &CO., Lceal Àlwu,,Bowmanviile. ý-A Cash Bllyor Aýlways reaches the best market and is thus able to place before his cils- tomers the very best goods at prices which many credit men must pay for the saine goods. RICKARD, Bowman- ville, pays cash alwaYs for algoods. Remember it and know that on IFriday, Sept. 14, Fair Day, you may become the possessor of an A. 1 Watch, fully guaranteed, at a figure which is really astonishing. Also Clocks , Rings, ail kinds of Jeîwelery and Spectacles are to be sold to yui the saine inter- esting inanner. Se zn Machines, ist quality, prices 10w and terms of pay. ment the very easiest to responsible persons. Post Graduate Optician in attend- ance to test your eyesight free of charge. Grocers' due bills taken as cash, Jeweler, Watchmaker and Opticla n. White Dishe3s At Coste We will seil al our White Dishes at cost for one month only. Cali1 and see them., Cash'for Butter and Eggs. baiBoMliILE V d il di c 9 mP futr,.andi Mr. . .E.L luto the futrewoUld Sadden Fomks. <-, niany a happy- <"Q oman. 'The is-. Vote for Beith, C? er> Of marriage ed prosperity. ccften resuits from No soup kilob ailments which lîbere's work for ,inaidlenly mod- 100. eey 'kept hiddesL Whtbeeitc When doctors are Wlabeft at Iast consulted West Durhami they fre4uently Beith? f ail to help. The Liberal pz rte>' do not Un- and West Durba dersbnnd the root winners. o' f the trouble. Col. Sam. Hulg Dr. lPierce's Fa- ously chosen C( Svanite PrescriP- for North Victer! ~J /.. tion has cured Liberals expec ini thousands of OtroadQe cases where doc- sontaindfoQuL tors entiriely IIad 11L1H. Ceo failed. ý N- been n great fied witi appoint ý;VmîWer froix female tint open lettei weakness" rites regaled tic Cens cýf Muenster, Cook lion.- e1 o., Texas. 11I iried Consetvabives four doctors anld ahedaov none did a m ny ath alv .g'Ood. 1I sufferçd $Zz and evory mai' _jfà ut .relif.l yea relbt t .ihy Macloan," owed your ad-vice, Worid resumedi adtock igit botties o'Favorite Prescnip- If any class of 1 Lio1 and four cf tic unnmmously 10 GodnMedical Dis. , now féee, bat clnss is lh i lue a ne-w womegm bain, Aye, fart 1 have gained eightucen Pound$.>,ettgaufo F~~O55ive-Patron-Inde] somtiing ls cisc M.4K5S F4KWOAW ST0NGman wio stickst ANVD SICK Wmy N LL. true te West DuI r- 4 POLITICAL POINTERS. G ood citizens, old Liberals and youne Liberals must net 1be. content with he lieving the Governmeu.-.t will win, ever;% man must keep it upl at top pressure til. the poil closes, and the- resuit will beà victory that will bc a victory that wil' be worthwinning, anid a fitting tribut- to a grand leader anid a grand cause, SUrely Canada cannoQt i ford to changî the Conditions that ecad to prosperity to turni out a Governiment under whoîn so much bas been done,, and put in itQ place men who arepldd to repeal the preference, to denmnd Concessions from England which at thc present moment are amte~ impossible, who are anti British in Qee and ultra- imperialistic in Ontirioý, who would revive the religiotus con troversy in Man itoba se happily set at rest by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, whio would tinke-.r with exist in,- trade conditions under which the country has net onily enjoyed unparal leled prosperity, but as a feeling of Confidence and securitv î c had been uanknown since the introduction of the National policytwent îy ',ears ago created a perpetual feeling of uncertainty as te tariff conditions; men ini fact who, how- ever contradictor.y theýir tteÀrances may be in other particulars, appear te be United in the iconociastie principles of pulling to pieees ail thie b1eneflcial leLris- lation of the past four Years. it is -be- tween these that the ceountry must choose on November 7t1. The necessity of a old storage and fast Atlantic transportation system as complete and perfect.,as it is possible te make it, is liot greater to day than it was duringthe eighteeu vears that the Tories had every opiportuity of estab- lishing it prior to 193 The only differ- once in the situation, Iïnd it admittedly a most important differenice, is that during the past four yýears the intelli- gent handling Of the immnense possibil- ities wbich exist; lu oýther words one result of the progressive work accoîn- plished by the Laurker Adminstration has been to demonstrale,( the possibilities of the Dominion asthe food provider for the Old Country, and having created the necessity Liberals are showing themselves able to mneet the supply for which thev have cren-ted-ihe demand. The country is contenmt to leave the matter in the handsk of the men wbo have achieved such e~c1u resuits in four short -ïears and is not likely to entrust a continuanicýo f the wcrk te the tender meri es o!i those who did practically nothing 1during a period nearly five limes as ](j-, Sir Charles Tuppe-rba suddenly be- Corne a convert to ,,old storage and issued a 7 column mire:festo. _uHaving coînpleted the Ontari, toýur the leaders hield a soleu nconclai :'n Toronto,' and. in the seclusion of the c, ed Parilor a t the Queen's ilotel Conlsie to one anoither the utter failure cf thir1; camlpaigui with its salient features of ;racial trife. trade disturbance anîd opip:,sitioîî to British preference. Even wuth the assistance of a plaster-of-paris bý-ust of Sir Jýohn Macdonald their chaipees of carirying the country with such ai policy w.ere blue as an Italian sky. ço at the eleventh hour a bran new poliq.,y, of which not a hint had been previously given, is s=un upon the cowntry, and we are seiosy teld that theý manifesto is the most- important peiitical document issued by the party sýi ,ce Sir John Mac- donald's national polityv proneuincement in 1878. This extraerdýinary production iivided between a t ý adc against the ilovernment, outlines in a deligbtfuliv general and indefivite minner, a policy which 'se far as il is; practicable and amounts to anytbiz ,at ai offers noth ngmore tlian the present Libera ý1ov1ernment bas beeir steadily developi ~ig during the pasbt foiur years. JOHN Ej g BODEnS OrMRn a Tiese partie Il mony and hîfe e Hlampton, Ont Walhalla Mou and will Oc cf numerous mla e lu Westl Dumbi es ELFORD-At Ga 1900, Johin Riford, s DwIGHT, son cOf t North Dakota, ag, 0 Ail tint was ïwas bmongOtliO da. TOc gr wlmom tOc dcc *wife iad madc Ibis part o! the 3 wortb and si tending- tnecla fassiîlting in Pa) 1their oid ficîîd 3terrible stemy oc 1caused tic dcal rcspeced peoplý mourned afrest int the great t The funcralc of bbe daughter Croavu Center, o'clock and toel way totecME Jlace, whcre il, efore three. 1 1he services, asE and tOc words t tic respect te tl le! t behind aI tI well as bliese tiý beautiful metali tic space lu froi church. And lb, fuil words, recal, bnd reacbed the but weme full ci wbe romain bel Thereomains- Protestant couic tiougb separate bodies are cencE unitcd neyer mi John Elford county, Ontario, was raised ou a in 1862 and lu Dakota. Mms, Elford w 4th, lu Durhiam grew te yeung cen childish sur bier carly playr acccpted 10 accc Patf 1is cf life, ani path t-ebr 'went home3" te. Dweighti, the s, cfLangýdon, wal with bis graud tbrough thc sout the aris cf Iris stcrm which savi te thein death, Mr. and Mrs. ren to mounutOi thc syiîpathy oc werc known se'ý wio knew thon TOc family ici aud steopped a Milton in New M a trip te Minerai intending te mn-] ifornia and relun the spriug, but t 8tb qtavcd thora Elford's body wa cen dvsnafter th It is thouglît tha two lovcd eues m ail hcope.cf thé, abaudloned. Tic relatives1 avere ail o! the ci les, Mr. Elford' Rogers and-ber Taunton, Ontari b rother,and fis i OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. :LF4JRI'S BUIJILL. LETTER FROlV DR. ELLIOTT. ts. ELFORD AND GRIANDSONJ On board S.S. -~Sokoto,"pM[ Iti~ NOT POUND. Bonny, West Africa, flUÔl August, 1900. culrs f te fiiealAt Axim on the Gold Coast we .ulrscfth fnealceec- spent haîf a day takinig ciia cargo Mecetings will be held in West Durham o! are laeon ford f ft abeaveg, mest cf themn2o te 30 in the Liberal interest te be addresscd by taero take rm the feet long and 16 te 24 inches sqae the prominent speakers at the places and iltîner c Ocebe lOhThe boat lies about a mile off the shore, ntedtsfloig special intcrest te the the legs bcing towed eut bu natives by tives and acquaintances means cf their canees. Leaigtis WEDNESDAy, OCT, 24 OBm:RY grea t legs is a very interesting procecd- NEWTONVILLE-Hon, j R Stratten, Pro. O1TAY ing in the heiving swe'ls. It is ne vincial Secretary, lvcston, Texas, September8th, unu1sual tbing for one te swing about KRnY.-Mr. joseph Stratford. 1aged 58 years. wlien thtu vessel rolîs and take off a TUSAOT 5 ,;i his wif e, aged 57 years. finger, hand or leg cf some poor black BLACA, C. 5 Geo. C. Elford, cf Larigdon, man who is in its wav. Our îast cgoBAKSTOCK.-Hon. j R. Stratton, Mr, ,ed 6 yesrs xvas at Las Palmas i"here we too1i on D. B. Simpson, Q. C. mortal cf Mr John Elford over 4,000 crates cf bananas completeîy FRIDAY, OCT, 26. nme and buried on Sun- flling the decks up te the level cf thc ORONO-H-on. G. W. Ross, Premier cf ceat number cf friends booms. Wben these were being put Ontario, Mr. D. B. Simpson. eased and bis rcspected on beard we had tbe oppertunity cf SATURDAY, OCT, 27. du. ing their residence in sp ending thc day ashere. Althoigh it ENNISKILLN.-Mr Louis F. Heyd, Q I country attcsted their was amongst Spaniards, dark skinned C,, Mr. D. B, Simpson. wed their respect by at- and dnrk eyed, with ne knowledge O M VONDAY, OCT. 29. ast obsequies and thus Englisb, we did theroughly enjey theBWAVL ,-i ihr atrgt yîng the Iast ;ri1bute to si-hts cf the rond, cf a herse and car- BWAVLE-1 ihr atrgt 1andbi fainily. The rage (thougli the herses are muls-ex. .J- ~ Smrile xM . r )fthe disaster which had cuse my Irish) but most cf ahl did we D. B Simpson, lbh cf these beloved and enjoy twio geod meals at the Metrbole T UESDAY, OCT. 30. lwastold andthefriends here we were shewn sncb kindncîs KIENDAL-Mr-. jas Somerville, ex-.P h for those wbo had gene on thc way eu-t, How delicieus every- WEDNESDAY, OCT. Si . beyond. tbîng was after the towl and tinned TYRONE. lion Tnomnas Bain, Speaker, cortege left the residence ment and fruit cf the coast and the 2 House of Commons, Mr. D., B. Simp- , Mrs. J. S. Huffman, in montbs old refrigerator food cf the son. at about bal! past one steamer ! What raids we made on the THURSDAY, NOV. i. & its Sad and Serrewful' fish, the reast beef, the inutten, the BRADLEY'S SOHOOL HOUSE.-Hon. 'Thos. . thodist churcli in tbis eggs. tbe tematoes. grapesi, penches and Bain, arrî ed at about quarter I know net what else. wbick were serv- FRII5AY, Nov. 2. Rev. l{ocking conducted cd us. I shail say notbing about fresb, HAMPTON -Mr. PRobert J. Gibson, ex- sisted bv 11ev. Mathesen, milk. it was the flrst 1 bave seen for President Cartwright Liberal Club, that were said included four menths, The season is over at Toronto, Mn D. B. Simnpson. hcse remnaîns wbic were Gran 1 Pqnary but'there are still a fcw Llc scene o! trouble as guests aLt1ie hotels but nene from Can- SATURDAY, NOV. 3, at were incased in the ada. We nad two heurs drive visiîing LESKARD-MI-. Ro t. J. Gibson. Mr. D. le casket tbat eccupied the varieus botç ls te sec wbo were B. Simpson., )nt ol the pulpit in the there, sceiug their gardens and grounds ,reoMeetings begin at 8 o'clock, p. m. iey were loving, tbought- bu=ngbooks to hclp relieve the tedicus A E. CLEMENS, M. A JAMES, ling net only those wbo 6 d st Plymouth, pickîng up an odd Prsdn W D L A. Secy W.D.L.A. eend cf ife's journey, souvenir photograph and saying fare- * love and hope te those well te a few invalids wbom we left te hind. recuperate before tbey continue thei* Plvmouth sufilced to discmbark about were then carried te the voyage te England At Sierra Leone 105 passneswt hI agg n etery and intcrred, and thnough the kindness of Lieut. Gossett wc ssmengaels wth 1mfbrggagerpand ed se fÉtr as the meortal cf H-1î1S- "NagPic," I wcnt ashore in wbich we wiil probably reach to-morrow :rned, the spirits are re- the gig cf 1.MS.Cruiser "Barracenta" miduiglit. Aftcr passing Falmouth we iore te be tomn asunder. which is new statiened there. N'ear werc witbin about 7 miles of the shore __li er is the transport "Dwarka" wbichi until we rcached Lizard Point, betwecný King Prempeb who bas been a nominal tbeim is the Mancies where the steam- was born in Durham prisoner at Sierra Leone since bis exile ers "2Mebegan" and 'Paris" went as- February 19, 1812, and f rom Ashanti. ln shore wc took a br ihsc oso iei b 'os farmn. 11e was married farewell look at bis residence. Thbe n r vThesncb ohc en th evoer 1885 moved te Nortb oficers of the c"Barraconta" sent a tgan. oThean obasgran" all s neye large green turtie on board to be takî-n ptaengoffAds aeualtly aen dsp as boru n u1843,Mardi 10 Mr A. L. Joncs. It came from pear ig A we ame pat cny amT acounty, Ontario, andAseio Isles. It is kp on its bnck waters bere are alîv e witb sailing crafts g eahe amongst on deck with liead on a pillow and an Yrouiushavnfranigoeri.Wehv aa onesand steam vessels cf all sizes, many o! rone the hsandsheoranorbot 1 havparos, ndlestheni are flshing vessels. At times oe berateug the hubn nubars, aoutaeri 0 n parro uetlseau count 50 or 60. An heur ago we >many hrtruhtenmeso aeisadprout passed a shark lying asleep ont the sur- ,d as tbey started on the and a youug leopard. The 1epr face o! the water. net 40 yards from the se, in the end itbey botih semetimes breugh (t Ilp on deck mns boat Porpoises are very plentiifufl but 'gether. hepaseugers and 1 have spent several w aese ofyn ihsnew ýon et Mr. Geo. C. Bitord, heus itb it but it is growing se rapid- crossed tne Bay, ýs emn 'u 1895, anid wenit lY and getting se strong that one is Lvr oSpi, ýO Iparenîs von their trip careful of its great claýws which it loves Li)poSplt90 10h, meeting bis deato lun se dearly te use on ivour face or coat. The tender came alongsidle-us in the grandfather in the great Yen will probably have noticed tha rt ie avv Iop..n theavoYain-our ept se many th.eusands my letter bas been written on the lu- firetlycavv sowon the v oag e p stalîmeut plan-started on the ceast ofpaentlangihe tbriiis ecmpnse Elford leav,-' fve cbild- and additions made as I feit I could Io! ram and whe ne thaiing stfeggy. cmi death, and tbey have settie down te writing Just uew we months cf the year, a fcw days lier@ )f all, for the parents are off thc coast o! Cornwall and bhave will be sufficicul to keep me lu Ger- wellandlove byalljust passedl tho Lizard ligbt bouse-but ayutiIsàlfrhm.Tehp wl. a1 cvdb al must net get nhcad. At Canary I had maoc torcil I sait oome. y nthe sbip .1 bere lu Marcb, 1899, a large blue envelepe sent off to doctor h ome apse hd op]ke tey ron h wy Syear witb their son gave me pleasant promise of a inumbeem homlerns1 ate ae te omk oing m lexico. Tehen ec-c ltters but on opeuing it the letters dlouldnesf.[tit gave me stinme Li Wells aad Galveston, did net appear. Il was a copy of TuEdo. Oe c'frv p atingave mesom kze a rouup trip b cai- STATESMAN ; the writing (address) 1 eaterswo tedSt an o ot, thead L r n t e N o t h a k t a i n o u d e t m a k o t . I n tf f u n p l a c e w h î c h B i s h op T u g w e l l O a s b e cn te storrm cf September some extracts from oue of my Bo c ndcavoring tereatli and from wbicb le their journev. Mn. lettcrs--the firsI sight cf my wauder lic las been turned nway. Mr. Wallace as net found for eight- ilngs in Print. Had 1 knowu such letters wogem h-ecre steol estcrm-September 26. were accer table, I might have sent Mn: white gae me the curiesasthe enlin t the bodies o! the other James a few fron, varion lcs Kain.wobabeni were carried te sea and Etcb atterneen since Ieaving Canary On ofTESASAN hcI ir recovemy bas been wc biave had Devonshire cream at our fOne cf itsg onnda SrA-IEMAN5 w i afternoon tea-kept lu botties lu the mf ond waiting1, ontancda etwer o prosent at the funeral refrigerator since tic boat left Liver- fme pblicton 1 IadIkou chawvr ilîdren and their famil- pool two mouiths age-and strange tefopulctnIsouibv wrte 's sister, Mrs. Charles sav it is very good aitho' 1 can't Say rte ifrnI-rtn oeds daugtonMabl, rom t -is uit upte; othr'sscadedcription and avoidinz the diary style o! daugterMabe, fom t isqui8 upte:moter'sscaded"I did Ibis" and -I went theroe" wbici ie r. Wm. Elford, bis éream.Todymks2 dason. etgteo wife from Carman, Man board. During ail this lime we bave 's interesig oyu but wich is net Mford, a cousin, of Grand had brigbt sunsbine, with enly twc pleasau npîî-o ayIsat We's. _______showers at ulght. Wben we camie eut J .. H. E. of lhmeti opies the awnings wcre taken iLaurier and continu off the upper decksew haebn NOEyTiEEro-A DrElit basking in the suushine from meru te may net SscaIl the copies cf TuE night. The sea bas been very quiet. STATESM4AN lu whîch bhis very interdst. bfens necessary now; The Bay o! Biscay with ital evil reputa- ing letters bave appeared, we may say every man and woman tien had only a gentle beavingr swell that we twice explained te our readers wbile the channel bas been perf,ýetly that these were private letters wnîtten quiet, in tact al Ibis aflemnoon as we bv bim te bis m otiier witbout any could pessibly corne 10 are appmoaching Land's End the se, is tboughts cf tueir beinir read by Ibe by defcating Robert as quiet as a tiill pond. out la st public, but by our request were kindly glimpse cf Africa was Cape Verde bauded te us for Ouîr cýlumns. Thons. which ive baw lu the ravys of tic settl- ands of pcr'-'ins in al1 parts cf the world )arîy is sure et victemv iug sun. The first glipse of Europe have read thecn, even lu far-away arn must Etay with the the Spanîsh ceast along Cape Finisterre, Southî Af nica, Ausiralia and seyeral We were only a few miles out*and for 2 countries iu Europe and the Islands o! cr83 boums it was in full view with bere tic seas where THE STATES-MAN finds its ghes bas been unanji- and there a village nestling amougsl wav. We feel grcatly indebîrýd te Mrs. onrservative candidate the cliffs and crags of ils rmcclv sheres. llenrv Elliott, Hlampton, for the privil- îa. Then rossing the Bay f Biscay the ege o! publishing tbcm. et 10 gain ten seats lu night last night This morning wiile _________________ îbec ~hp Poic vigoiebgaewas comngrfrcm thc bold -« "

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