Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1900, p. 5

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irand Trllnk Dept. 27, 'd 8, 29.. -RE'fURN TiCKETS- Bownanville to .w. ort Huron, Ont ..........$8 6 55 ýetroit, Midi.............. 720 lveand, Ohio............ 9 70 ay City, Mich............. 8 90 aginaw, Midi ............ .8 80 'lumnbus, Ohio............ 12 20 ýand Rapids, Midi........ 10 75 "4 ~jgl...............1385 ~irnati, Ohio........... 14 70 . Paul, Minn:............* *36 85 hnneapolis. Minn......... 36 85 AIl tickets good to leave destina- on on or before MONDAY, OCT. , 1900. ]lurther particulars at STOTT & UJRPS Drug Store. J. H.,H. Jury, C. P. and Town Agent G. T. R. YiESiGIIT. *1 We have every facility for testing yoiir sight accurately and e guarantee absolute satisfaction. Our prices are less than haif ity price's and if your glasses require changing we are ai- ways glad to do it. Two GraU.uate Opticians al- waiys at your service and no0 charge whatever- for testing. Cali and sec the iatest !nven- tion, for testing cornplicated cases. STOIT & JURY. J. ,H. JURY, E.MOax.B CÂWKEPt, GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BowmANvir.z STÂTioN, GOorNcEASTr. GOING WEST. E.- press .... 8 1 a. m. 1 *Express ... 5 15 a. mn *lr3prue... ' 15a.n: ILocal ... 8 15 Çlenger ....8 3 4;.m. ssenger.. 1 40 p. m, ...... 651 pm. Express..'. 7 42 S 10 25" .1_L45 Mr.- Jacob Pollard was judge on iight borses at Whitby Faim. Mrs. W. G. Rundie, Toronto, visited friends here last week. Needies, oil and oil cans for Sewing Machines for sale at Rickard's. New subscribers can get Tins STATES MAN te end Of 1900 for 25 cents. Miss Medland's miliinery opening is on Thumsday and Friday Sept. 27 and 28. Wanted- a ragged dirty Douler Bill, for a two dollar Alarrn Clock at Rick- ards. Mrs. John Spencer was judge on Ladies' onamentai work at, Whitby Fair. Chic's hatching plentifulîr at Tait & Co's. photo gallery every one in a dozen good. Winter will soon be here and now is the time to order your furs. M Mayer, fumier. Mms Dingman's millinery opening is on Tbursday, Friday and Saturday this weeký A fourteen dollar Watch for sale at Rickards for $8.00, only a few lef t, corne quick. Bing in your furs, now is the time to have them altered and repaired. M. Mayer, turrner. Metbodist Sunday School anniversary October 21st. Rev.Dr. Hunter, Toron- to, wiil preach. Capt. W. C. King was in Port Hope, Thumsday assisting in the opening of a New Rifle Range. Mm. and Mms. John Runnails, Wel- corne, visited Miss Olford at Miis White's last week. Mrs. M. H. MeLauglilin, Lindsay bas been visiting friends in town,,guest of Mms. H. Hesketb. Get youm furs aitercd and epaired, 110w is the time-womk guaranteed. M. Mayer, Practicai furrier. You cannot Durchase a Brass Wed- ding Ring frorn Riekard. He keeps nothing but Solid Goid. New Tweeds, Womsteds and Over- coatings opencd ont this week at Coucb, Jolinston & Cydemman's. The town was full of people Faim day and evemY one was pleased with the bargains tbey got at Nicholîs'. Yon cannot purchase Spectacles from Riekard if von do not need them. He only fits those who require tliem. Immenise choice of Fleeced lined and other scasonabie uines of underwear now being shown at The Mason Co's. Tait & Co. have a fine lino cf frames suitable for pliotograplis etc, at ver 'v low prices. Cali and sec their frames. No nced te set a lien to get Chi's, go to Tait & Co. for them-they are fine. Tbey bave pictute trames for sale toc. Mrs. Frank Joncs (nee Annie Nicholls) and daugliter, Perry Centre, N.Y.,bave been gucsts cf Miss McConachie, Higli St. Wanted-A purchaser for a Sewing Machine that is weli constrncted, uns easy and is guaranteed for ten years at Rickards. The namne Tait & Co. on a photo vouches for its qnality , as for its dur- ability, ask yonr neiglibors. Our repu- tation is the best. The Mason Co.,1 have recently open- . 1 1 New back combs at Nicholis'. Little bonsehoid lielps at Nicholis'. Notions and Novelties at Nichoils'. Mr. J. H. Kunner, Stratford, was in tewn last week. Mm. S.S. Bragg visited friends in Port Hope last week. Mm. Joe. Knight, Toronto, spent Snnday at home. Miss Fanny M. Elienor is attending Normal Scbooi at Ottawa. Mr. Bert. James, Columbus, was gnest of Mrs. T. F. James on Sunday. Mrs. Jacob and Miss Neads are visit- ing friends in Cobourg and Port Hope. Mrs. Geo. Biekeil, sen., is visiting Mrs. J. B. Bickeil, Toronto, who is very Mi. Chldren's Day service in St. Paul's churcli next Sunday, service bcginning at il a. m. M1rs. Dingman's millinery opcning is on Thnrsday. Friday and Saturday this week Mrs. Chas. Grass, Brooklin, visited hem parents Mm. and Mrs, W. Bowman over Sunday. Miss Ethei Scobeil, Spokane, Wasli., is borne, called here by the serious ili- ness of hem brother. Mm. D.B. Simpson was In Cobourg Friday night attending Sir Richard Cartwright's meeting. Don't forget that Miss Medland's Milincry Opcning is on Thursday and Friday Sept. 27 and 28. Miss Haycraft, Miss E. Sophia James and Mm. Norman S, B. James visited relatives at Brooklin, Myrtie and En- field over the week-end. Trinity Ladies' Aid will lîold the firstI social of the season in Trinity Scbool room on Friday Sept. 28. Reserve the date. Admission 15e or two for 25c, lon. Edward Blake, now at home in Toronto, bas been again re-nominated as Nationalist candidate for South Longfoed, Ircland. Mr. Biake isin bis 67th year. Lord Roberts' work in South' Africa is about donc. Evcry mile cf mailway in the two Dutch States is now under British controi and every important town is garrisoned.-1 Lord's Supper will be dispensed in St, Paul's churcli on Sunday Oct. 7, Rev. R. M. Phalen, B. A. Blackstock, wili conduet the prepamatory service Tbursday evening prcceding. "North King" will make hem last trip from Charlotte te Port Hopa, on Satur- day Oct ii3tli. The last trip between Charlctte te Kingston, willbe Satnrday Oct lSth, and from Kingston Oct 7tb. Mn. R. H-. Turner who was injured by a borse falling on him on Bowman- ville Faim Day lias been vcry iii the doctor being in attendance daily but is now.rccovering and is able to sit up. Mm. Malcolm McTavish takes the cake from ail the dîrectors cf West Durhiam and Darlington Uaicu Agri- cultural Societics, for selling member- ship tickets, lic baving sold 25 tickets for 1900 W ho can beat ibis? The Rowland Comedy Companv played in the Town Hall Friday, Sat- urdav and Monday niglits to good bouses. Their plays are well put on and worthy of the splendid audiences that geeted them, Tbey play at OKono to night. Visit Nichoils' great v ariety store. Stylish Pompadour combs at Nicholls'. M. A. James is G<'vernment issuer of Marriage Licenses. Mrs. John Reid lias returned f rom a pleasant visit with her sister Mrs. T. Bridgman, Ottawa. Ladies, you are invited to cail at Miss Medland's Millinery parlor and seec the latest novelties in head wear. Mr. Ernest Jolliffe, undergraduate of Toronto University, is visiting his par- ents at the Methodist Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. Lon- don, are guests of Mr. Thos. Veal, Lib- erty St. They formerly lived heme. Mr. W. M. Joness bats been nursing a sore hand the result of too close contact with the sprocket wheel of the cutting box. Rev. W. à1. Jolliffe, B. C, L.. will preacb in the Methodist churcli Sunday morningion,"The Peace ofJesus" and in the evening on, a Wonderfùl Vision." Everybody weleome. ,ý MllinerY Openings at Haddy & Co's Central Millinery Parlùrs on Thursday, Friday ana Saturday Sept.' 27, 28 and 29. Ail the ladies in Bowmanville and viciuity are invited to eall and inspect the latest Faîl styles. Miss Olford whose hip was broken by a fail near THE STATESMAN office Fair niglit is resting faily well and hopes are entertained that she will sustain1n0 permanent injury. She is being well cared for by Miss White. Mm. Warner Dayfoot for somte time with Bowmanville Electric Light Co., bas secured a good position with the Winnipeg E!ectric Liglit Company at a salary of between $600 and $700 a year. Mm. Dayfoot lias gonte to his new position. Tuu HEALTH PROBLEM-15 mucli situ- pler than is sometimes supposed. llealth depends chiefly upon perfect digestion and pure blood, and the prob- 1cmà iS SOlVed very readily by ood's Sarsaparilla. You may keep well by takrng it promiptly for any stornacli or blood disorder. Its cures of scrofula, Sait rbeurn, catarrh, dyspepsia, heu- matism and other dîseases are number. ed by the thousands. 1The man is a fool or at ieast acts like a fool who lias aia auction sale or who wants to seli or exchange stock of any kind in West Durhiam and does flot advertise lun THE STATESMýAN which reaches the homes of the people and is ead front first to last page. This is a pure matter of business-what matters it what its politics are or if the edîtor is- as mean as yourself, you want to reacli the people and this is the paper they read. Belleville and Kingston pavers have been quarrelling as to whether East. ings or Frontenac bas the best girls. For our part we alwavs thouglit Dur- hamn could do either.- We do flot know if it bas h ad any effect upon ýthe Direct- ors of the Central Exhibition, but on lookingover it we sec the they offer a pzeof $10 for the "'best Durham frae of any age. " Here is'a chance now for sorne aged spinster to show she is as good as the 3youug ones yet.-Port Bopc Times. Mm. Chas. B, Jeffery, divinity student lu Victoria University, Toron o,ý preacli- ed lit the Methodîst chiircli Sunday rnorning to the great deliIn lt of the large congregation. His t'hemne was STEAMSHLP NEWM. The S. S. Dominion of the Dominion Line sails frcm Montreai next Satur- day. Mr. T. E. Nihan, jr., and Mr. Fred Baker, Purser cf the "Garden City" were in town Satnrday. The White Star steamer " Majestic", made hiem last trip fmomi Liverpool te New York in 6d, lôh, 16m. The Beaver Line Royal Mail boats ncw cal! at Queenston instead of Moville lreland. M. A. JAMES, Agent. Mr. S. J, Sharp, 80 Yonge st., To- ronto, Western Agent for Eider, Demp- ster & Co., Montreal, gave us a cali iast week. Steamship rates are advancing. Third class tromn Montreal te Liverpool or London is now $26. Prepaids are 110w 026.50. Are you going to the Old Country for Christmas ? M. A. JAMS can book yen by the best boats and at ]ow est prices fmom any part ef Canada. M. A. JAMES, steamsbip ticket agent, Bowmanville, mepresents the Allan Line, Dominion Lino, Beaver Lino, Eider, Dempster & Ce., Montreai- Liverpool service, and White Star and Allan-State Line frcmn New York to Liverpool and Gl1asgow respectively, and Dominion Lino from Boston to Liverpool. Boeking fromn any point in Canadla. Salvation Army. Next Sunday wili be a verv special day at the Army Bamracks. The an- nual'Harvest Festival effort being ncw in operation througlicut Canada, Bow- manville is puttinz forth its effort toc, The proceeds are to direct te, the field officers and tht% genenal nceds of the different corps. This is a beantiful op- por tunity for assisting the home mission work and should meet witb very hearty support. Kind reader, wiil you heip ns? An3 thing given will be very gratefuily received and in Ris Naie put to the best possible use. Mondav will be the niglit et the sale of the articles colected. A special prcgram cf music and song is being arranged. Come and belp us. Yours te do good, W. A. WHITE, Captain. F.ALL FAIS. Cobourg Central, Sept. 27-28. Hope, at Port Hope, Oct 2-3. Cartwrighit, Blackstock, Oct. 2-3. East Durham and Cayan, Milîbrooli, Oct. 4-5. Woodbridge Faim, Oct. 17-18. East York, Markham, Oct, 8.5 East Peteroro, Norwood, Oct. 9-10, BORN. PRioii-NLear Stephens' Mill, Darlington, Sept. 22, the wife of Mr. Jon. Prior, of a daughter. OSBORNE-At Fort Frances, Sept, i1. the wife of J. A, OsborLie, a daughter. TTFF-In Port Ne~wcastle, Sept. 17, the wife of John W. Tuif, cf a daughter. WANN&N-In Cjanke, Sept. 18, the wifc of Mr. James Wannan, of a daughtcr. CIýOW FOR SALE. - First-c] -es'C ON & SON nvite you to eall display of Selec oes' and Children',- m., rail to soe our w~ Si W, rIdason n.ard Bai'ik, BowH and înspect s wear5 Ail vindow dis-.3 &Song,02 ian Ville. 0 1 ikT F~mni~ High Cas * Groceries, CAWKER & TAIT invite ail to make the. g:store their home when in town. : Our stock is first class, bugtinth best Smarkets for spot cash, therefore enabling, us to Sseil at prices that defy competition. Don't overlook the fact that we sellCrockery : SIn that department, (Second Storey,) yo-u will g:find the most complete an~d up-to-date stock in : g:West Durham. : ECash paid for Buitter and Eggs. & TAIT. BOWA-VLLE MARRIED. MÂNNING-RioICHARDSON-OO 1ýSept. 12,W ÇMhc, Athur B1. Manning, moehant. WJl Laj Stheir grand d -~Coats for Ladii 4,new this seasoi t-Don'tf Splay. -l*Next door to Stai 0U LAS..1 I AJL- -lu -i1/ý NI?, 41?1 4t. 'Nif, Vfl.%IPL ePý ePL Al

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