Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1900, p. 2

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DIe. L. POTTER. (Sic md estiae,Chueh St.,oppei teTri nil y cuguegattcocsi.i xteb, B owm aitvile. 25-6ic MISS EVA LUTTRELL ie prepa' ed te giva tessoncriouorgan ant i paioo at lier resideoce, 'King St. 7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. Instructions g iven in PAIN T IN G in 011, Water Cootrsud China. Skecchiag aýii [ )aiitiug fromu ,turê_ KILN ou premises, nu Y) gai usuiai pieeËs51.m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, MER OEF COLhEFGEOF b'HYSICIAX. and Surgeons, OiitarieCeroner, etc, Itesidence. Enuiskxien. 74 A. E. MoLAGGHLIN, 9 rseSlciter and Couveyancer. Offie- SralyBok, inig treet, l-iewmanvilt( &Êoney te boan ai reasenable raies. 48-lyr, ROBERT YOUNG, V, B. O %FFICE INI WEST DURIHAM NRWî' VBiock, where himsecîfor hie assistant will befoDundfromSa.m. te cp. m. Ngit eale ai resideace, directty opposite DrilliShed. CalIl 13 tels1faho aehoewt aev prompt a tent on. 171 - yr. LTAIR WORK,-Ladfiec wisin,5 hair Rast andi Cor of Ontarlo St Bowmanville. 24ff M ARRIAGE UICEŽNSES,--M. A. JAMPS, Iscuer cf Marriage Ltceuses, eldeuce: Centre street. OTO LENI) $500O.O on god mort 8cltyai moderate rate i Iîae MLuHI,qolictor,Bowmanvillee.0nt 1 6 6 m .- i RUFPEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's Clothes mnade to Order. DwE NTI STr L1RY 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. <raduate cf the Royal Collage cf Dental Smi geonis, Ontarie OFFIC.-Opposite Express Ofio. VïALIZED -41 Cenulne Little Li*v r Pis. Vi#ust 'Beur Signiature of Scec ?ac.SimioWrapper Beow. 'VolT Omani md a-, m te taire as sugar. IV , FOf RPD LIYSES.R F ' O N Std i PiATIO N . MR HS&LLOW c'SKIN. FOR TUE COMPLEXION ' CURE SI0K HEADACME. PLEE FROM RAIN. One orftÉli'eculeiiof he Chinle%, Rtace. Il ifS ana of tisa Peou]iaritieS ff tisaý ChLi's.ate czrefiudLly avoid baing au.ght l.thea rein; tise chief reason forcis is tisi tisay have a supersti- tstisthai draps 0f raLn falling on tisa huir braaS varmin,, wWh, wich tiseir long Suir, it la vnry difficult for th-m -to ge i mssof. Iuay are, hflever, nT7,Iîr~equelly oseeful nol ta wel their feat. U"%Np"\R O BA K 1Their coa of tisair feal la flot alto- cotne edo a General Batiklng Business at te tisu ù te faci tisaitise suies Domsvi] gency. cf tlil'49-ses are maile cf po-tehoard DEPOSITS sud lichle tu, hainjucail hy soaking, 1 but c [iscbeiau-' tisy beiave tisat 1sceived in Savitîgs Bank Dapartmenîi ani lîteresi allowed ai current rates. Notice cf, scoefel sare bcougis about by gel.- S#Ithdrawal uci uecessacy. Ail deposits payable' ln.g tisera iamp. This fear cf tise en demanti jChinatse- ariustormni lias liaS s EX H N Epacil ia r affect on chair moha and EXCH NGEarmasx. At tisa tinme of tise massacre $ought sndseidandliraftsisseedupon Rer epndjoh 1870 at Th-ai-Tain us- mai, afttar Unite3 States and Canada aie old, S!Ilver u 'bniisd Sates Green haeks 'ben1gbt anId i it bcd burueltise FreutcisCytîsulate, tise cthadral sud couivent, isatide-' COLLECTIONS3 stroyed tisa 'rpistaoge ohftise Sistars i'romptly madie atenrreuiu-ates upon ail parts ohfCisority anel isad murdaýrad the Ccii- if Great Britain the U73tedStSites sud the Do- suial htieueanjuilseveesi priests, iniaie cf Cnada.startail lix ard tisa otisar settlinent, Te1egrajih Transfers dettnraed to put ail hreigners to Madie fer large or snu ail sumes on ail pacte cf denitis. The ctisadral baiid tissia Gaiseda. This lespgeetlly advsciageeue to par- vaus ta.fiantes, sud theis nob, treas acns living lu Manttoha or the North- West, it frouathbisa trt ume oh nuis,a as Sun- nakasithe fonds avaîlable at -once ai the Place gry for lceS. Thpy star ted clnv of pay ment. thea uktu coad uvtisfrenzied salonts For other narticuiers eall atlthe batik. and tisa basting oh drurnesud ganigs, A. J. CCLSLLÂN4, CR0. McGILL,, x'ien suiceuly t began te ruii. Tisai Accentan Maiager xu-s tise e'il of tisa massacra. 'Tisa _____________________________ rowx l cvaerad btiaitl'ds antd clut- % SUNSHJNE ANDI AIR. l H a d s ýW a ail recc'guiz6e ia fct tisai wa canuot bve xitliout air, thtigi many oh us fail to supply ourselves xitli abundsuce of tisat uviicl isiepurs snd A g re ab Ie. ~freali, Sut faxv recognize tise fact tisai xva cannet live uitiscut sunahlua. This CALAMIJYMAE ANKN Rev. Dr. Tai mage Season the Brotherhood of Man. A detspatch fromt Washingi 'n says: went thro'ugh ail of this couintry, and -Rav. Dr. Talmage preached from the throw'h ail of Europe, shows that we following tx - And it camne ta pass h'elùng ta one faniily. Ail the people, that when the sun went down and ythtte, bWack, andcpercord Pro- it was dark, behoid a smoking furnace testant and Catholic, find their hearts and a burning iamýp that passed ha thriilled with tithe impulse of ane rom- twieen those pieces.'-Gcneisxv.17. Imew brotharhood. _%V taanint aua t ak ihere arýý those w ho do not ;ike this an cath they wuid slay an animai, idea. They say tisat God macle the points, and -Midway betwa.en the piecea nîa n e imdw hssd , oppaosite taü each othar. Then the part.. theAtXlantic, and the Spantard on thea les -would advance fremn opposite other s½ie and the Africarn, and paced points, and nmdi-wý,ay hetween the piecais hirm1 in the >ýnaky jungles, aud so on, take the oath. Ged wishad ta taka an aud th ct thea rmtha e diffarent catisIlea ordered a heifer and seman repra-ani tive mien the humaa fami- birds slain and divided, and it'he piacas lb descen -ad. But Paul kaacks dosa lain opposite ta aach other; ilhan bha that - hani, standing in the çIa.sance cf tveen tise piecas passed first a for- cn of thse most aristocratie audiences nace typcal f sfferng, nd tencf the world, he proolaiau, le thse name a lam, typcl i ffdlern a I han oqd, this demacratio doctrine, "God aS t mp. amChem cf delf iivi a. b!ij,)th made cf one i'odail use nations So t s ~ tse isor 0finiviuasof mn." They started from one citiaes and nations. Iirst, lh' .awful grln n hyfe acetîars f urnace, tisan thse chearf ul iacnp. Thse sinia rerdea . iesm fuLrnacas of conviction, lise lamtp of almighty grace, and are to.shina for pardon. The Fiucrnace of trial, tisa axer in the same iseaveuly kingdcir. lacn;p of consolation. Tise furnace of This feeling of consaainiLy is cea- want, th-_ Iamp c f prosparity. Thse fur- tnlilurae.AmeinEg n c o deatis, the lamup of glory.satliisrtd .ininEg nainlaed, faits ciuna tisa warkrcan, and al "And it came un pass that xvhen thse ntos naint ea ch' sUffoca tion. Pi;nce sun went dowe, and it was dark, ha- Abr esdVcoi ss iasm h"id. a smoking furnace and1 a hum mng lamp tisat passed hetween ihose pa,1hyî of alJ Christendom. A pla,ýgua places." falls cîpon London, and alli ha. cities jIt is the duty tif tIja sinister tna in- of îhc world weef' at her agonies.A terpret, %ailemon providences. Sh aîlaeartisquake rocks do, n a tUexicau 1 . S aIl acity, and Lbatt h em.iispheras tee! is ship fouader, Orrying doý,Nn îîcîdrecis el y t l huugsheh c f passengers; or a gunpowder plot be sýhock-Fmnesakstr.g n discovered , or a revalIution br eak an'idsalntosso ateugc Lfort h; or a pestilence put its leproos cf bread. bandage over lise white lips cf an am- ohad'ci f ucoivarts 1 bro thr- piren; aors great ci crouch dci'n at _,k, 'w ll neaad lika.flffr tise nations gaie, iseggaracl w hilets, e cca '1otedciît lmaedf long tonuea of theflame licklis ferc21cas if DccaAs w iLSplants md ,&ores, and th-- ministry ha dumist anes..toiî e.Ilètn orîid On tse ave cf tha great Ciicago fiae, zone w i tyid lhc yamis aud tanat- childre had folded their haed.s i n Qadtend tise b e-t culture will oanly aveaing prayer, andI ail over thse city roche b'a i 1ms and tima rieds. lTSe thse "goodI-nighi" had îaen given, w ý,1ntryrgos will yi'd.d thse hîrley wisau destruction broke forth. Thi w'o and Jcerri a; and culture txili only couirsers cf hurricane and conflagra- tmake this :ifferenca, that thay wii tion, yoed tagether, drew on the prcdce b e ir burici and la rger ber- chariot la whiois white IVaut, andries. iu ill net exper"ct te fiard tne oorsing Desp'îir, and sbrieking Tferrer cama v-,ei e produots 'n paragujay ware mouated. Store-hanses that bcd OS laLeipý:d.Clovas and cherries beau the pride nf thse continent sur-:,e c- -ot1ll drnh tise sama air. sut- reudered chair bolts and bars, and iron Megs ud co rns xiii net grow side, safes- ut lise first touoh cf Itis irra- by \%e.WienGed madce eue pain cf sîstibile burglary. Churches (c)f Goît, the 'osnih ha Lad, 'Yeu yild ban- that had gona csp wirh a saif-denial anas;" a eancéther, "Xou vI Id wýoîthbY 'of an angels eulogy, droppad Pomm cc ce"acd tLat Ina' tien thair organs, galleries, v stasauets tand thrivai s. î ý cîhs atceampts te pro- consacratad plate li ttc ashes. An d durea 1u.10 p itht hici Gd wcrsa than'ail, tise hoiînes- taok :fira,lte raina.. Sa, ie the anis. and away '-,vnt saced ralioSanud tihe mal kingdom, y' will noct exp.ot ta last pillcw on w hicS ta sieaèp,-and tire fiud 'saI" hnauJOsU Whaca eu is' unt last loah f fread, sud uillicenaire and if or lise nter annd wairus. As wicis paupar, trudged clown the Atreet, th, plant!s ud amis se with Man. Tha f laming sword swung ait the gaie cf tropical re.giotn W ill maku. pissionatao their para dise, forbiddinig tisera ver natLoraes, sudi arottie severitias 'w Il agahu to enter. Hark te tisat apia- fim'u maomn clS n tld sian ci bloks, tisat fail ta stop tis a nd ýsoeur. ilun tis e rgions of t h rc vt aas; ate s hriakieig cf ýhait am- IGoê-pel tchere will behe saunama great Mrs. X.-I say, John, 1 amn going toi worid cf ours would soonu bcomne -ily, gathered ou tise lieuse-tep, bag- stop baking altogether W/ei barman was te xitli ne life lu il, if ging5 for isalp, until tise vifa halls, can get ai LUTTRELL'S, Itisaguu sisouiti ceasa to pour its rayesud tisa chiîdran falot, sud tise fouis- Bowmianvil]e,sueisgoodBread oh light sud hast upon us. Evan tise'er staggars, sud al die; sud te tisa and BUUs, and Pies, and indirect diffasei sunsisina is of ima- cry cïf iluose mêfan su vman auho g Cakes, and mense isanefit. Every living structure dov9ia0ra salervn aI Mr. X.-A]1 riglit, Sarah, don't tell~ stimýjlated halo aclivity by iî, Wexringiug tiseir liande and lesring me any more. It will no ail notice afleTa swaak cf cloudY am7as- lueir isair! This ociild crias '-Wlt'v" doubt be the best plan for tiser more or leas deprasso n, and evien ara, my ftbler sud molisar f 1 won- the summnen anyway. tisa bun comas forth caca mare liow d ftsi r undu "Alii new lifa searos le coma to us -wiS il.deiftyar re pV'Ad1is A ex L ttelI*Lighb is s pevafuî l simulau t, sud man, se!ziu1g Sold oh anthar cries, Ale . uttel. aso atonie. Ne aicaliol Srnk coin- "Wxonder if ibis is tise dol cf judg- Baker and Confectiouar,Bowmanville paras witliil. Tise cl Remous isadmet"su ,uoiaexals'Ti Tulaphne 97.sun satbs ou top of h ir dwllings, - Iai leasat tisae puiet did, sud xve migisi5S, hall l" andI au jofide!, standing ai havaeliser in our iso'aut to) advantage. tiesa sreat-comuer cries out, -Wiare MrWe have 'a frieni a iebas boult a is î'oi.ur God nom','Il' Carry ouitishese3 Tire iluseeeprs. suin batis inthe nuca er ry ofhlis1 Tirlieuse, aadpauy.eh sîecrchildren tlu younarams anti fie I fsmily, uvisn iii or se dispesed, can Irap tep tisai coiepse sud gel il îsway take a sain bath if lise sua shi-nas. front this huerai pine! Lif h cisaieS Disordered Kidneys bring them His -wifa says ithi slps tle croleng lhemr wornanaxitis the eilil jusItru ccue- a mulitudeof pains and aches. lit ,ansd that se ouid not havea,1 ioýg is eyeaeiu comment! Gaiet ut -thIsi amutîtdehous itisont a suobatis. Tise sun s ' tise solurce oh lifa on our globe; Jet lfa-lotug iuvalid ciii cm aloc step for nus use ils liglit sei as te gel ail tisa medicines or bicokets, for tisa stairs life and iscaltis we rau froua it.l ar ~e rimbînga. ayu-thex tire gae i1ve ont hefors tise - agua vork le fairly j' $ u ad siaS into a chaoir utterly womu E But bise bousework I must lie dons even S tisougis the baek does ache, and tise Sead feele ncady to Suret. Th... -one- ..-'t uudarsiand why iliey s are neyer sbtrcug, why , tise nigisi doe ua - brilag rest, why tisay j ane aîways tiret, have DO &apptits ana Bsém ta Se pai1 nud aChes &il over. As a nul. the real cause ofthtie trouble is the lasi ane ihought oh. It ail cames frona thé kidneys. Thsse aéicate litile ffiters af tise Sîood get eut cf order, and as a reauit tise unie acid andi other poisons tisaitisey ough tot carry off ane cent back ijute systena. Therée's no use trying to gel relief unail the kidneys are remtored to heaitis. Tise easieuit, sahet, quickeet way la acs. compiish ibis le tota te Doa's Kidnîey Pilla -natures' own remedy for &il khdney diseases and derangements. Mn,. Mantias S. Prost, Litle River, Digby Co.,,N.S., necontly wroieauasfolows. 111 bave anucli pleasure in elatiug iliat Doan's Kidney Pille havé wonderfnlly improved muy healtis. 1 had beén suffering wilh lame baek for a namben of yeaf s and aitishe time 1 began iaking Doans Pilla 1 waesîals imaishé ta do any housewerk. 'II bave used three boxes sa udsant say ihey have baken tise pain oui of =y back hua retored my strenglis. I dom't think lhrs is auy cuber medicias equal te Doan'.n Vin~Pila for kidiuey inoubleL'9 ONeICHCURE i SoaiStise bauds lhorooghty, on retiîcîg, ina nouv 1 Quick ! leap frein tisa mx mndcxx'1 No, use in fjî'ing te lise m atar's edga, foWi bise srmy ofhborrors ihave crossed, and puflîec up tise hridgue chier chem. 'ith uarts sund tirais,ocff tle chu prairies! Tisa night may ha tlold, and the, prospeolnhopelass, bul suyliis hettar Iuse tise sting cf these rluders, and tisa falling oh thase xalis, sud tise xxiling. cf tisis dyiung-city. But Sew shalltisny gat eut ? To tise neethi-h ire 1 tae lImasoutis hre 1I ce saeast-rure I ir tisa Wst-fireî Ycý dolixeance ihc> sns Tee granas frou Loudon, frora Edinburgis, froua Viena, frem New Yenk, frora Brcokiyuu-hremu bau econtinents, aun- We know of ohngbetter thaon coughing te tezar the lin- h ur o tande bronchItis pIneumonis. Only keep it edifgyour Caur apptt, lwfv er, a nd ma,ýkîng ,every- ting 4execîly rlt for , le H Bererkili your-cough Sbefore It kIlis you. .<mewviat nicdniratad and cmodifiad.j Thae Faneiim,on xvilbhacisaractaris- Heaily police; tise Garmen, paSistsent aend piodding, tisa Engliali, self-ra- l- lant; thea Ameritan rastiessansd an- terprising;bisheInlan aestisethc; tisa ISpuiniaird, quiok sud impuîlsive. Gospel HyFvrlk ATRH aagr triompha will nual stal cisc Sctchs- HoyFe verh DEUGmaicInes, i ha beaua & maîn's Plaid, or break tia Grman's ofwt RGmdcns ti ea u 1p7pe, or Saisis cown thse Icatian's easel, Differnoacs for avec, hbut ne quarre!. Chiri!st epreaadiug lits traaty of peaco- tv a Il monarcî1ies unS repuhblcs, Lhe pOet-atets, PýrasSents, sud princes u t ehO tis e arth viii coma rip aed aigoi il. VisaLa c ýf wax wîllha arthored 4 3at ts h p-ad ansd chaugecl mbo Ltltrisatmnor swuag mt f î,àe aivy-yotrd, te bp Sept as reuirs cif a isarbarows aga, to b-c lochai cipon '- LýsE1î u r nuanuma wsnuow examine rulapin.g-knives sud ùisubsocaws. 'The ALL DRUGGIST nasterly treaties uin military tactios ____ xxili Se sel for w rapping-pap2r, or iepu for eturicus axaminattir, as wx ccxv 'have ilujfair librarias an old boan or a Chisinse Aimn. Tise 5tirgicil discoei-smade iu tise treet-1 iuent cf gun-sisot fraicturas xvi!! 1'TARTLINQ FACIS F0F 'mpluyed lu oilevialing tise occidents Le iîra, ferýmer, sud mec-hanie o OURES G UARA N T'ba hsomm-?r cf tisa sbipwrigist, as i h-uats agaiust tisa spikas in tise shîp's inr ~ " 'ercoUI3 and despo'idut b mas, vii sotui "Efe! "Efein- îRfE IU ~hîron--lifeless; imeniocyp lielfti, w'Il L-GIM- "Lfe, in _I YO ? a nken, rail and bt! oa f, as iîuu,rattlitig "fats bsa;rctaeigad ooking; weaak harle v.aricocae-e d p i n un rineancd drains nt se D ath t1 ' neroï and îtreugth - WE CA N CURE1 O day Of universai brotbcrisood, RE.STORED TO MANH, piegî! lb comass kippiig upon tisa taflntaiLns, ael s'ngtng tismouteis ctue JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. cv eas. 1h baccits footstcps lu tise reed of ha isa mutitudes o? tise devoul bis day, ou chaIr xvay tb clînros. h 'me arite vaica lu uSe biiiowing op (if'J bcgrear soug of praîsa that tis ni"itcissfrou a li tisa ciurcises cf Gd, illumniatad for warsisip. 1 sec ht anuser .ifttai upea tise filen ram- parts of graat iniquitica, the foli of iEOS'as ET iaLLTET ligis streainag uvicstisah stars cf NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USE prombse aund goc I cheer. Thsis wave John A. Ma oh Gop'i influence -dasises h1îgiser up VARICO CELE, tieus ofearly tiefi savGni towani fu tide. This seag ohfjoy, EMISSIOjNS AIIb ltte p iu, ccxx traemulcusansd hutut, xii! iurat VruaTrî_-N Y eMybf leco milIiia-voced acciaja. lise tow- DUE ~'rs eumeîs ais chas hava so long beea rolln- litssd ami nul nîarrhed cisc sorrows of hc- w-rlil shaîl pPýal epecialista Io ray afflicted fe1Ioecuen," ara iser sound 'cotois kirk, and Auj- ' CUREhS GUARANTEED OR1 enican churcis, oeid mission chapel, I "Výhsv1ces of carIT boyllooil laid the fonndcl anS great Su. Paul's cliiiîuig tise ciar, ruin. Lacter onc a -gay lite"cand exposure1 sxx ec, siîvery sang ah due Millenaiom. Nervons e iility-siiiieuneyss, euîîisjo , dra TiseCisuciscf Cu, îo mre hamcS ervo nae, wslcb e, r.syphilis cauise The Churc of Goai!o moie, turneckpains, rcleasin tamopt, nc for tigis uhug Chriscians, sisal i b-coma bothe.ouboretc. 1 ttsnkGOnd h tri d i & lergani. Thay retoced mne to haiti, vig a gratttemple, ou wisose a ls shall i ha iung olive-branches cf pesce. 'Tise I i We /reet and cure Va ricoc e-,.1 hlsgs cf ail nations, once csre u Weakness, G/cet, Striaumre,.S'Y/)hiis, front cf hosilie armnies sisal! Sang hn Kidney andB/Jadder -Diseases. gracaful' festoons aboya e sa xho 17 VEARS IN DETROIT. 2 occ acre fali cf Site. Tise -'tise- R A R Acrenua vitim? HRareY selaisa h-ly'asui," andil . Don" E DE !riega? lias yoor Btood hf "BouyDoc," Newv ?,'t!,tod Iceatumaent wili cuoaYen. W hat oeil"hal Caomba," ud God ave CONSULTATiON FRiEE. No matter whobaa ci tiSeQuca," ssal!mlnge ineue ra-ioCCharge Chargueraasenahle. BOOKS FRE fill Quen,"Shal mTigl inone re ïDiPaaic cf Mau. Inctose postage, 2IcesS. acug; but, laucisailaincara surrection, g-y- NAMhS IJSED W'I'l-i VATE. No mpdiclue s nt C. O. £ eshahl mouri nto a c brmouy 6f uîn-. opes. Everything coufidential, imagineS .swepcaass cnl poxver, chat met E. shahl soar, anil nc'll, sud pour ueo jtise isllalujais tiso, like tise voica cof i imaey avatars, sud tisa voici' oàf mligbtv thunders, comas surgiug up ina tisa heat cf Jasus. h icarn froua tise Cicago firewmhlat pie from hIe zing building.s; tise sailors a poor place tis aradis,~ to psýt aur wSi havaelelpad tisa pasegars off trcasures in. Millions cf dollars cfcisc w reck, tieseaelves perisiig; lise prîîperty daslroycd iu a day and aInre xh s.aaete pnts i anSI I ! owv mucis toi! cf brin, uad ha yeliaxx' laer sud cisolers 0opit ais,> bond, and foot represeataci in chat aed suuk daix n te deacli frote ex- praparcyl Al -tise axiaty andi iaustiony; the Cliristian men wmlie, ou auvet c îxvntyyear gee laeuetisa battia-fiabo, have administcred te dlay of destruction. We bave lie-ntiahle amdrtîgcaier d accusta otuua hl lli chat if propertyhrsigha wera insureil, cli was avel. But Crsin hrimla vr ba eveansurnca ave eneready te f ace tin fire, and swim use auyihing yo. osu iuilid, for t is p'r- mighl ho atoe. n 1 ci sai day x lieîm isisiable. Do not warsisip yoor fine mn s o npoa fpae uu reptaion o yor eat.h sore O 1go deavn te simie sud conlarno', repu aUa, r yur ealcsy tor, o 15se humble eues sisal! have chair' yottr iarga hisusaor your svft isp nains rittan ligS onulisepillais cf but build up in your seul a temple ievn ne hnt aete of Christian ciracler. Disasarers c aoae np tItrcm ,H canuot crusis il, uer tire consumae il ha b for tham iviso Saur the g ood clucar nom iiconocicst diefaca ils sitars, uer frooChristI, 'Ixxae ugry, audj e lame clisel Sown ils xx cls. Yel poli- ftati Me; t wam~s wc, an i vis'I 1'n ticians have usorshippe i chair office,1 Enter chon luto tisa joy of tluy Lord! seuilmarchante their tus'nass, and igal ,; Lea i iftruime Ào.,r ii us - sud painters liseur pictures, sud portaaIc3 cf baiiig prep rcil for cha arrclilteots lsair buildiings, and lh-1 corlniehir bocks, auj hoax'ohcca hava they seau tisaýir uu'orks perîs! WhWisa speor pIaco te Pcc en-s treas- i -1-7o i! A paluter, busy lu making ha fresco cf a'îýiilu, stotj.du isigi uap on liese cafolliig, was en- Érau'ce-d w hitis 5i5 ev xvrk, anul step peil lacis to admira it, and lu luis axcitemaat hergot chat ha stool aipen a higis scaffoliling-, Rep-'ý,d isaci cou far, andti fal-bia hiha da-sied out, far1 beneatis, ou the luaarbla. So enca i! mire th,ier wcruliy icievemants, aîmîd in tis"ir auchanlmeut step isa'h kb aSk, aad step back tbe tar, sud ha,! -mnn.ned for lifeanad bosi for eterniËy. HO lath seur fUIii ItA SOAu'. uî'y,as anoiutni utueiug lelp. Trains ceme witis kilis coughs of every Aan er rr i eetsc frEialy iih CUTîcese ONTE'rîs, the grentAan esifo hercu w skia cure snd pureat ofemsiltients. Wa oi tsupeed oh an express, haariaug food kind . A 25 cent bottie fui calamniti' tisýa'ucy ehfisrostu g!ovee during thse niglt. For zore bande, ILhu' asd blanket s; sud ha uvio, whleu ls just rtghAt for an ordi- anti saîf-tianial. Socue afier ecena iog, huruing patims, and Peluful finger oeuS,, tig okddr nteSeida thisoeeueaightcure inwouderful, hnaloeîcak n1eSsaudcs narY Cough; for the ah s"elf-tleaying uers Flowv grand Fere.iebY Rt.0n1Cetesi lîese,.POTs »sUCI& Vahiey, got laie iigltituug stirrupa, lias hre ogsc rn clau ii 'hsos fts ceaie. CsmF, sale FrOPe , Seatea, U. $.A.-Ihadrcuh ofbo iis, ni te Aihesof h, jUsu in lime ritit.ienlatiste soana te chitis you will need a 50 axi l, bo finti sucS hgaîcarous deatis. spreacl teis for tiesa eulteriess, te cent boulie; and for the Tisa Monavian miLssionarias vers Be/rs Afcs. Woda P~pod~n. scatier, rations; ferlise isuagry. coughs cf consumption to tis sycuilnc uerie T7î Gva RqlilîReaep. Il w as an axyhul tunaoe But i Jasa the one dollar size is laretexireislpesveeiy '~SolS antirecmmended bysl 1passed, sud nuo'xv.1-sea a Jîgisi thai Most economical. ing unlasa îisay stayal tisaie. "h,, "ruggstsiuCaadscoe . -1t' 1 tisigiier. sud isiglter 5aslb 15 "My cgdc sdeoaee ttey saiS, 'we will go and sday thara." packages geseranteecl te cure aJI i e d thieitaairsasnsd syi npsdlies, sud Ike li. 1 Inie inmay remettes, forme oiSexes! Weakuess, all efects ef abuseI but lbeval lRleS. Atter nsiag di Tisci' uent in te nurse tise sioS, aed or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use ef M> prayers oh a xxorl'd, Il is tise gioxiug CI, rry Petori2 mmediately bce- oh ~ ~ ' pn-,ee easI ix s s af~laeu p iaca at impoG, aQ lun ehotes parisflise il.Yen have reatd the lite eh bacco, Opium er Stimulants, Maila ogrclanîorhllm, ieglrcstelue i me te beaj eeIbleeI pa--aald Jlbaei m' olu siznfttceee. Pamphliets fres toaeyaddress. làrmp cf GotI's tieivranreal owe xy îife tu it." T~he Wood Cepny insr,01. F. MORANÂu, among tise degraded. Binttha f ufl CompaayWndeoOni Frora altisis ycu leamu, uithout ani'1 oc. 7, 1w8. Buaiwatvwîî, Va. borpiso iaxol' atr WooisPhocspha)di>ee soldinluBow, n l'ije hy 'preaeleitligYu htw r l lgahe fteal' at Stoit &Jury. biggibchanî& Ssi t 'oneOby aia5lligyu bstxeaeal-xiii neyer ha wnhbban. Tisafiremni J. GiilLtic Newcastle by Dr. Faruoaiî ,' sue. Tise Ilili cf symcpathy tisat . I ia ail or oties e'ho hava rescued pao- diseasa. If you have been unabiaeto wr sch praparatians do NOT ICILL the germ%, Hay Fever is far bayond tha reach of mare local remadias. Those who raiy upon -them for a cure losa valuable trne and permit the diseasa te, gain headway. POWLEY'S LIQUIFIED OZONE- ,cures che most obstinate formi of HAY FEVER, bacause it is a powerful Garm- cide. It destroys the germ, buiids up 4i, system, makes tisa blood rich and beail- stimulates and pots uaw lifa into the slug- gish organs and clears ths ystem of aUl poisonous secretions. rs-50C. & $1.00 R DISEASED': VIGTIM8. fTEED OR NO PA YI :weak or dehtiltatod, tred m n gi;atage n - rpoor; eaeîis fatiguait excitable and rri tab s IrleD; imples on faea; drearas nd UCIgs- bospains; hair lboss; tccers; s5crhet -bl; dictrustlui xant of confidence; luokf 100D BY DRIS. K. &K CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. PWIS SE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, sunie sys '-"I wa ne of the enni se ii t ignorance ccmiuetced ai 15 reare cf aeI mdccc air. The creains on my systO m wore -y intellect as Weil as xny sexuel and pisysicalj miterlý adriseti me as a lest racort to coneý,o!t dy &Kergan. 1 commanced thair New' Method-ý and ln a few weeks wae a new mcan, eits newj ditioe. Thts was four years cge, sud rnon i Àandi happy. 1 recciameutithese reliab)le NO PAY.- CON FIDENTAL. e h lood dation of Syp iîs, E rn issions ,aie t miurine, e t d my harte VariCo Ceîe, uU d n tangue, Drs. Kennedy igor sud happiniees." CHAS. POWEIIS. Emissions Nei'ous _Debil itv. Semiez?' sUnnatrai Jisc/zqrges, SeU A4buse, 200,000 CURED. NO RI8K. ýyn bct ho pe? Are yen (aoeitemplsting maâ, cen dtseamed? liais you any weakaess? Oui at fi hec dýoue for othare it will do for xtou. 1tresteti Yeu, write for an he nest opinion Ê'ree U - Tse Golden 3Monitor" (illustrated), on Soaieti, OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRr- > D. No names on boxe& or envel.1 Questîon llat and çost of Treat- in No. 148 SHr-Ry S., DERI, jH rmenghý twang of Nxoa, sud fmomitram- pets that peal forcstisah victery of mauy couqurors. Tsa treas of God baud! wiib immorici fruitucta, snd undar tham rast tise toil-w cru cof narihl lookiag clown ioward yen, uraady àt ycuýr ooming up!to s'hoat, cmiii tise ,rusila cf palms tend ;tha e ngo c f caeetial cou cri Hitb, Bu1tisterae s aolgtngnwg ut cf tiserveixle, and tisa cetu duaty cf giviug p eorispt reia totis LtDceleas, Somwcless. aabcu-ed, sud ciîg. Tisas' w siocethinuheîda 'Gdblesa ous" e mc Utý, t 7p15sd 'Sacques, and qlloes, ant I b, sud 00,1 tS, suddu e s s- a îa ai tsari,, lesï_ cf a wiacar's w cidrobe. You nill utc cure your bhm.ek onfý ti &usffeýri!g. Xour hbcd t ig w 111 ha efce fL i on feel Ëchatý,3 hae prvcdd , oe sefferar clb nmattreýss tc 1' aou. Ycur 0o e fcoS xW!:il b' sxxmtc i f i ou imaka prev sien for"tia hu-cger-scruck. yonr c-wn cisilSien wiilI seana brigistar- ai 5,ee urtoi rus umeusni 'tjl!'fateei f yen proivuda 'ckn for ishe uxera kueuxu to have p-rîsheai; 1 aur i'ccle a-a' te iheca avare many more.. 'ihey l I GuI rie.suiy fc ca grandcnrhuin nlo tI-ma for Preparsatî. 2Many cf ci meu-yioodclutis. Wheba i a o you are a diiy xposed te perits. Vtey ctd ltione ik S waalok aahliut;you mi-ve f >mil- )xac.Vi'uc and elsýfce'u*mg t,11i j tuons annis; ycutii ov'-r Lish-cî" iou ii s'rIap, Lt ci' 3calurCisof try on sxvcft x"i you ivork cmeup i1' mrcve aiewiy d ix,va cisc aaies as 1h Y daue ,c, acheiicials The- "c e' l5it igach-ia t' us' alîu rs maig ia ceenues on us' ind tco-aigi'usu 5i5 tche,'amoment tb'ygtmaxiidera "Preparec b'et cctsi' Ga." Pv cu Mal 'm canoge u or xva- cherevltrien ohdi Sca amd ie'tamin silllivc o, paris.As in. isaý yen are Surri'il onu co your, luisebuc te ýS"dîy xv- Sep- tî fEnl mmIry oh tisa o art nd taI our tirs,. hùuof c-'~ T - I 'letai ngt sisaxx-e.'ccy te ity. 11 emicpand ! cta ling, -ion liha!- - heats the ,Jouble quictksacte t t cu se1-aîngeecfGts immorcal spirit. S'a you uaL, utrooa -cc aicî cos ra pnu theu hoga anil rabats oh eastiS, n tSe cà ir i . distance, tise lcemir'g up cf tise iseavanly shoe, ovar axiîclu cîhue- J'amt-!1iiJt' cures aIl sorts of cut&, robed inislabicauts uxalk. for exar fiee bruises, humais- anti strains. Teken ln- froni toi! cuti pain, sud sin aed tears Ienlyilcrsdanie n y senenry. Au'old substicues, tisaee L Banit to thie cmv' thal couacs a a tisa but onue Pain-Kililar. Perry Davia', 250, ,waters frora iacasties oh the tless.td, sud 50C. from tise lips cf princes, roedadgr latefecr ra tiat luavr faIt tise OR. A. W. CI1ASE'$ 25o paria hy the laprovcd Blower. HuaIs tisa ulcirs, clears the air pasaaga, 'stiops droppings lu tise tiscoat anS permanantly curesl Catarclu suilHay Forer. Blower fric. Ail d'alcrn, on ar. A. W. Chase Medicinue Co., Toconto sud Buffale. IN A DILE I: MA. Did I 5aar y, u isetiattc angine was ai cisc rear and oh tiSe tr'a? askad .îe aid lady ofh is, guard. Yaa, ms'sa, xxe've gel au engaa ai a escla end. IIutaesau) e-cira ciii' i puas us t l 'steep hils. Dear, dearxxlii hhl[ o . 'u alma'ys se iii f ;f1vide wil h mv hiuetlt bo tiseenin. jr

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