Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1900, p. 2

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r v f ttism in the back folwn-et There was a certain (lumbago) f Or ricli man, whicli was clothed in ifurpie \four years were and fine linen, and fared sumptuouly known to every- every day; and there was a ceti bdy in the beggar named Lazarus, which was laid' / couty. t wa au its gare, ftit of sores, andi desining toeli f ed with the crumbs which feul with the greatest from the ,ricli man's table; moreover MR. . 0 TAYOR.difiCuly ndtIhe dogs came and Iicked lits sûres. only with agoniing pain that1 And it came to pass that the lieggar he sat down upon or arosej died, and was carried by angels into fromn a chair, and walking wa$ Abralia,rn's bosom: the richi man also simply torture; neither the skill of died, and wa,s bunied and in hell ho physicians, nor the enormous lfe plse1a en ntre a quantities of patent medicines he and sez baa frof n tookgavehim any relief until he Lazaruis in bis bosom. And lie cried tookgaveand said, Fath4er Abirahiam, have mercy tried Dr. Hall's Rheumnatic Cure. on me, and send Lazarus, thai. he may After taking the first few doses of dip the tip of lis finger in water, and this wonderful medicine he obtain- cool my tongue, for I arn tormented ed relief, and, continuing the iu this flame. But Abrahiam said, Son, treatment, a complete cure was'reme-mber tit thouilutliylifetirne re,-j effected. Hehas notbee ntroubled ceivedst thy good things, and iikewise1 with an ache or pain since and Lazarua evil 'things; but now le ils speaks in praiseworthy terms of "ftdadto r omue.l the ediine hic retore hi. 'Luise xvi. 19-25. tohe alme din which r e rd him i We stand in one of the finest prvate C ure he l h D . a ls R eu a iuses of oiden times. Every roorn Cure. la luxurions. The f loor, made of atones, Dr. Hal's Rheumatl c Cure i t a n p 50 ysi,-ca ndhlkpodet- eutbaties cotaiingte n days'treatimeot.gyuucindhlpoddt- lb ai druits and dealers lit geiher, is hard and beautiful. From tuedicn. eDr. Hall Medicine Ca,, King- lerosrone i autae ston. Ont. jterosronddb autae you take lu ail the, beauty cf th. flM~ BD1~~ ~landscape. The jiorch is cool and re- Irii\mu iJvtiu 1% L oblues odaa enerai Banking Business ai ,111m.anv1ilîe A gePicy. DEPOSITS 1 ecelvsd iu Savinigs Banîk Deparimaut and lîterest allowed at corrent rates. Notice of Xllhdrawal Dot necessary. Aldenosits payable in demaud EXCHANGE a- o igt sdold andDrafts issued upn Europe, uie ttsand Canada, elso t l ,Silver sud 'nited States Gi eenbackq botight and sold COLLECTIONS Promptly madie atcurratît rites epon ail parts ,f Great Briteii the United States andi the Do tluion of Canada. Telegraph, Transfers Stade for large or milianms on al parts of Canada. This isspecially etivaritagcoosto jier- crus living iu Manitoba or the Not-West, it M~aires the fonds avaîlable et once at the place 6f pay meut. For othai nartiaulars call atlthe bank. A. J. MCCLELLAN, GEO. McGILL, Accountatt Manager AUIH ,ans 1which te make a prince, 'yet for eigliteen Iuudred years le lias lien one ei the MJLLIONAIRES OF HEAVE.N. No more waiting for crunils. Hie its at the same table witli the kiugs of eternity, hirnself one of tliem. What were the forty years of his paverty compared with the long ages of his royalty? Let ail the Christian pi)or lie corn- forted. Your good days will lie af- tan a while. Stand it a lîttie longer, and you will lie ail right. God lias a place for yen among the Iprinci- paliî jas. Do ntlie afraid of tlie dogs of distres they will nr, hite * they will lelp to leal. Your 'pov- erty rnay semetirnes have led you to doulit wletler you will have a de- cent fuerai. You shall have grander obsequies than many a man., wlio is carried out by a procession o f goverrîfors and senators. IlL'e paîl-bearers will lie the autgels that carnied Lazarus into Ah- raliar's bosom. Tlie surveyors have bee 'n busy. Your etemutal pas- sessions have beeu already laid out by GQd's surveyors, and the steke that bounds the property on this side ta driven iute the, top of roui grave, and ail beycnd f3 jouis.' You eau afferd to wear poor clothes niwlienfryu hav e in to lookuat' thepepbuildig, u the uppar wardr'obelis tafolded up liera crewaitigors tth uldnthe royal purple. You cen affor t audarewaiingforthe ushler. lu1'h ave cQaraa food lare. tvheu yourI this place you hean the crystal plali bred iLa La hamade frorn the fineat of the foutains. IThe 'windows, wheaat of the eterualliaresta. Cheer reachiug down to the floor, and adoru.. cpl Weepiug may endure fur a niglit aid, are quiet places to lounge ln, and but joy cometlhinl the morning, wa it here listeuiug La the t aau-411 f See, aisdy, iLiiL a mexi may have every the blauketed horses in Lhe prnucely couafort aud luxury here, and yet sactles. V enîsen anti Partridge,i delicate morseis -of fatted cau. ad1 houey, sud figs, and dates, and paDrue.- granarars, andi fish that cniy Lu c heurs ugo glided in the laite, and lewis of sherbet frorn Egypt, maSe ' up the feas, accompanied with riddles, sud jests thet evoke roarng laughrer,wuitb ocoasonal outlursts of music, an whicl harpas thrurn, sud'cymbals clap, sud shoplierdS pipe whisties. Whst a place ta màinlui1 ,FIe lord of île plaýce lies heen re- ceiving visitons to-day as the door- keeper insroduced thern. Aiter a while there ls a visitor who wxaiLs flot fon the porter to open the gare, or for tIe dooriseeper ta introduce hirn. Wloio t coming? Stop,hirn there at the deoor! How dare' le cor n u uuler5ilded iflHe waiks imua thLe rodim, sud the lord cries, milh Mrs. X.-I say, John, I arn going to Lro tu5 fce Fl aDal stop baking aitogeilier. Wei eau get at LUTTRELL',Aay ilbal" Feasahrt 'thurnp on Lhe floor. fs il a pitcher Bowmanville,such goodlBread1 and Luns, and Pies, and whc a aln ra toa whicl bas upset f No. Dives bias: Cakes, and fallen. Mr. X.-All riglit, Sarah, don't telli i h DIVES IS DEAD1 doubt. be the best planfo Th day cf burial lias atnlved. 'He the umme anyay. carried dem eout of lis splendid room, snd tîrough the parohi juthie Alex. Luttreil. *street. ThIeunudertaicer liii make a Bakeaudonfaîioei'Bowmnviiebig job oaiti, for tiare is pleuty to Telephone 97. j psy. Fliere will bcha 1gbeuiogiee of __________ lir prouounüed, aithougl the text 7 represauLs hirn as chiefly disulu- guîsîed for lits arormous appetie aud lis fine alunt. The long proçcession mores on, amid thLe aecustomed weeping sud bowling PRU PTL S CUR of Oriental obsequies. Fln sepul- WritE for aur îpterestiug books "Invent- 1chre is ecd.Sxpso ary Seudlusas rough sketch or modal of yoer fil- ;jng thie hody go cerefully dcxviithe veurIen or improvemeut sud we willi tall yo i free ouir opinilon ac ta wîeîhle probably te e ading te the door cf tle dead. ýateutable. RoJected appllcations hava oftan tFlie meight of île body aut these ahi-ad eeîî successfully prosecuteti by us. We i ela u lybb aS I couduct fully equippeti offices in Montreaij y anti Washington; ibis qualifies us to prompt-reiiLiilresudi , ui Iy dispatcb work anti qulclly secure Patents rlo r eti hesplhe n as br8ath sîe invention. Hliglest refereuces LIe people raturu. But Dives te not furnisheti. ý Patente pracured though Marion & Ma- hunieri tIare. That whicb la banied rion receivé apecial nottice withoui charge in l uyteail nme elvd ven soc iewspapeme distibuedt trougliut L lly tl h l n w îh le lv d tle Dominion.1 Dives La dowu yonder lu a deeper turers andi Rugineers.j graver. lie whlic bd all Lhe mite le MARON & MARION could dnirîk asks for a plainer lier- Patent Experts and Solicitors. erage. Ile mauLs waier. Ie doas Ofcs Atantc Idg,Wagh nitn Os, j not ask fur a cupini,, or a ueaspoonful, but. 'jusu cone drop," and laec tunot getlt. lie loiksiop and casLatarus, TUE BOOK 0F THE 1EAR.t h eymnw(ii esýhsdg onheandry anshm to pu st is fdneg "The Bow-Iegged Ghost and Other Strles." oadmnehr eptlsfne r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i w iha uia i ater sud bet hîm licS su off. Once tin10ln byLazru wanted jusu the crumba Arn ene&', mm Dires's feast; nom Dives mauts reateet pO 1,F hable. ,Lsýtat edreýp fmcm Lazarus's batnquei. rflestratati vol- Peor as poor cen lie, He bas ecuten U lme of originalthlstqal ig lelasio- hu morous tels ui' ig ehs rk sketches, verge, e h ido h atpmgaae facetiene paria- nrennio Iels engaa r raphs and il-. Dives île lord bas liacorne Dires the loueAbook that wîîî eoî ptauper. Fhe doge cof inarorse and disapain thGdFspair corenefot ail beasting tangue reasder, asl entars a new to leS, huru mith relent less muzie ta ~ud ereofae *tear. Nom Dives asirs au tIe gaie ini #.lld5tf humrrevlatg beggary, irhile Lazarus, book to b. tvtisc hae, ae deai lpt 1 amid LIe feaiîiiso evn ea Que gedG - r eumprunay every day. ~WheuEzra Sang riroi Bs, Fe ma u We Wa an't Laugh,' "Passibie Ptles aofPFutuea ,yen sea a man may be bcg- u"qISaliug LocksoîH' air, "No W nu No garad for tîls- life, but ha a prince in e Stoc aiety Acrasces," etc., aie. This first1 edlt.ubond lu clail prnteti ou çxtra fiue etarnity. A cater of abri raga mas aprantiabsluleiytîe hast humeonos book pub. ilae.Worth $21S, mailed postpaiti fol eo.île antira pruparty of Lazarus. lisa ~irer i noe Setiforaurne spcilï bare feet sud uicered legs mare an tratil ataogu nslie fr.. iveyouilOW. est prleeson ailgood books. Addrssall order te invitation to thie bruîasý-bls food the THE WERNER COMPANY, bosnrcui Itmn ica n Publiiebrt sud Mceufacisrta. Akron, Ohio. [The Wener opay i tboseughly reeiab.-Editor. hy île bousekeeper, liali-dliamad RESTORED TO HEALTU. One of the best known men in -ýýEast Durham county is Steven -0. Taylor, Charlecote, Ontario. His sufferingrs from .-rheuma- Electine Kidney Beaus sold by devils may, wýar against, but caunot STO PT & JURY, druggists, Bowman- dary ?eel o omcieiec ville. ûCoTeei os uheinc thàt there -waa a raging fire a few weelis ago lu Chicago as that there le w.as ail the danser because of the! to-nîglit a f ire in lil; for, the one begOitnesof this. That wife of a information we h'ave on buman an- dranken !husbaud, if slie does wroug, thorlty, the other by the moutliaof andlasaa haer soul, will not find it so avlang6higts and cf prophets, aud af intolerahîe, in biell as othera, for sIe thse Lord Jasus the ýýon of God. has 4een in bell ever since she was God deals w4tis this world ln two married, and ia partially used ta t. w53e-by treaty sud hy cenuanade; But this matn C thLe text bad every- hy treïaty, iri whicl, for the sake of thing once, now nothiug. Ha had tise Je1ss Christ, ýanti by the surreuder of best urine; noir lie canuiot get water. our hearts to hirn, He will ha at peace Hie had, like ather affluent persons iw ius or, h'teopnnga te Of thie BuI8,,tsles to fan hirn wbeu.smnoking batteries of h Il fine, by lie aras bort; now lie ta beîuig conarurnm i OÏH& liell liol upon his enemies ed. He cen nfford no covering so a horrible tempies; and 'lie wlia will gaod as the old patches that once flot be dneWn by love albîlle erusis- f luttered about Lazarus as lia walk- eti under fils wraths. ed in tle armnt. Who liera will taiseI See also, from tL subject, that Dives's fine bouse, and costly plate, hearven la nol a usytli or au abstrac- end dazzling equipaga, and kennel of tion, but a, place of warrn persoual blocded dogs, if bis eterpity muast'intercourse. Lgzarus was carria.d np lie Ithrown in wrihiL? to the bosom of Alirabarn, one of corne to a wretclied future. It ja na See, farthler lu the text the.extrema sin te lie rirdl. 1t La a sin flot ta snffening aifitie finaliy exiledk, IL ie lricli., if we cau lie lionestly. j wiafil r bas bheau a wouder to me -%bly Uni- I heui five liundred rleusaud dollars- varsaliataý corne to my Churcli,- not 1 Lsupposa I mlighit as Weil make it a merely tempoaranily, but that tlîey million-J anSe se mucli sufferiug arnd hld ittinga lieria, and corne to al triai vary day ther I aay agalu and a ur services, sud tliey are amoug my again, 1 wtsh I1lied the mnotey uo ne- beau friands. I hald tn nmy baud e let- liera it. But-' as for the man wlio ter whieb akes iL plein. The writ- bIa er of t evident] y bellevas there ta no! NOTHIING -BUT MONEY. future place of puRisîrnent. Hzi'e sys Dives's houas bcd a front door and a Lu bis letter: "I don't lielieve that lihck, dor, and bhey borli opanad lutoI whicl yen preach, but I arn certaini eBteruPityi. Sîixty seconds aiter Dives yoble1 u.Iprefer to hear you! wss goae, of xvlaît use bis liorsas? eeçound T31Ble, !because you do lhe c(tlllldflot ride their; of whaL use uaL ignore È, -1; for if the foundetion has, ric viandsailhe cdJUld not open his clenche I teetli b eai. them; of what use bis ffihelinen* Shirts, wlien lie could neot wear 'therni The poorest, mani wlia stood alang the road wýatcli- ing iie funeral proce 9'sion of Dives owned more of thie worid than the dead gormandizer,. The f uture world So rnany & have hair that i S stubborn anud duIli. It won". the reason? Hair needs help just as auîythirig else does at tirnes. The rmots re- quire feeding. When hair stops grow-ing i loses ter. It looks dead. aets aIrnost înstantly awakens new life in the hair bulbs. The effeet is astoriishing. Your hair grows, be- cornes thicker, and ail dandruif is rernoved. And the'original1 color of cari' life is restored to aded or gray hair, This is always the case., 81.00 abotle. Alldrugglots. 111 have usaier ' arVlgôr, sud arn realyistouish4dai the good t buc doue in kee~~ o ~arfram cornegoC, ite i e t nio le Chf.ve trie, a nd 1 Sbaîl canti9u ta reeornmeudhI ta MÂTEs HOLT, sept. 24, lm9. Enrlulton, N. C. Uyuduo ousltseùe.ft Dp. J. Lowell. EMus. tle, gloriousaid batriarchs. I aup- prose Abrahamn lappenad to meet lm at île gaLe. And se, sitar death, we will lie greeted inito glery. Ocr de- partad friendas. willi le et the droar, Tliay have heen waiting for 0cr corna ing., Cousît up their number if yen cen. VYour faerrt tIre. Vour math.. ear is there. Yeur dhidren ere there. Your aid rnaigîiboura are tIare. Meny of the fniends witli whou:1 you u8ed to, atteadcdurci, or do businesm' are iliere. Tliey lave been dead these £ive, tep, or Lwenty yeera, sud lave been waitiug witliiu the vail. There La ne dlock lunlicaven, because ih la an certain as Paradisa, and las jO5t avenlaating uay; yet tfley uteapî au, an. cetaiu as Para dise, sud bas just as countf th Le rassing years, hecause mucli ofai socality." Naw, I under-le rejl I lm enugfo u aLan it.Man ran us a l ; me ureld. The augets flyiug tîrougli ln tise delaîation a ofour bliiefs. Alliban eot1wm ytisth eatLlibas tqnned ou its axis, and lu rtLe wonld isnows Lbat the iaadiug 1rtwyteagla~a epaday denominattous iu uhis day balera thet iLa a heagesenk&,aday j~~~~~~~~~ ~ anr aahl scetîl sttesd tliey Bay it tsa amosc imeý now for thee i abelý a crtanlyasthee father to cerne op, On for motler ta 's a e bavan. Wiy, tuben, alUn over 1 tis fciortrytahld I, a dclae c0eeUP. Soea day tliey secaa thefat, r rytebid i, o dclýrecehert laavîng heaven, and Lbey say, t aîîly wthisligbit emupiasisai Iarn an abifogy tu my iterrparetattou oj "Whither bound" and theanswer la, the IBble. 1i liene uct s60mudli intel-1 LIequestion is nsised, "Wbat soull1" leci as tbose mec xilio Snow how tae n aml icl uiavnfu niaie fbu eteruîuty Of their owu, spin- Aulaiat iL ceis oa f mav aumber niug ih out of, their aun brain. Not tu ti ý,eo hi w uie bavîug intellect cuotigh: te fashiîon tiatieiste Le, brouglit uçr, aud ilhey an tauiy unyow, Imattk ceue out tL a rtil, as on LIe beach the theory of île Bible.,eni ec o Leai i hu tisat la Io bniung octfriandis home. 1 BEbLIEVR IHEIS 15 A HELL. Afuter a while, uhe ooliont wil beave lu If I lad uaLt beau; afratd of bell, 1 do sight, fiying neacrer and nearer, until 110L thini s aould bave stenîed fanririth a great ciang the gates lolat, iseeven, Yousaey, 'Jl mli not bland mith an embrace, wild unIthîle scae in tlu Ierway. 1 wil not liaai-ecauacy of beaven, friglued by euy fuure punialmnent.'- OLD FRJENDS MEET AGAIN. Yon ara quite miaLiakan. I cen I ace a mother sund ler dlijld meat- inigliren yobu hlitro deatb lu five ing autisbe foot of LIe tlirone su'fer miniutesý. As yan ana waliîg eloug oma years alisence. The ebild died île streats, let me pull dowu the twauty years age. but IL le a, cbild yat. bauseisseaffoldîiug, waîgling tarao j 1 ubinisthe, little eues who dia mUl LImac tons, aborut your heed, and You rernain childneui througl ail eteruiLy. wil1 look a,5 white as a alieet, whîle lu wotid be no heaveti nithout the lit- your hcaru miii rlurnp like a rie danlinga. I do noi want those uliat uip-hemmer. Now, if it la uot iguoli e are nlu e t tegroir up. We ueed Co lie affrighted about a falling scaf- tlair infant veices luntlie greet song. fold, lis lu ignoble taelic affrighitad And when ave w ilu eu t th-_ fieids of by a t1rreait ram the omnipotent God, light, ave waur Lliem te non abaad, whO ,i4li one< atroise ai bis right sud clap tlireir hands, sund picS out the isaud ceuld cruali tha universe ? Yen brighteuit of the field fleavers., Vas, esks liow God, la-ing a failier, coud j lire la a .ahild and its n t tier meet- laiL us, suf fer lu the future world ? I iug. 11e chid long lu glory, .tise auswar yoînr quesuion by esking how moteîle juet arî'ivcd. "tlew dlînged God, beiug e father, eau Ilat suffening you are îuy daîiltuig I' says hiie meLer. baI -nlu bi warýld ? Tell me wly heala- "Vas," saya the uhild, "this la sud a howaid Ihat wmnuta mbarn- I admin- happy place; and Jaesslas uaken such isterati the liol& W acrament tbis ai- care ocirme, aud ienvet islaso ind, I ternoan ta hsgve a cancer 1tell me why geL right over the fever witl i h1 chludran suifer sncb pains lu uaetb- died. TIa skias ara se fair, niother I Lng, île laucet stniking such torture The, fbeiers ure so ameat, mother! The iu the iswoliea gums Vou fail ta ex- Temple ju se heauitiful, mouler I Coma plain to me euffernig in Lhe present take me upi iu your arma as you< used 1i-me; ha nt surpnised if I failtfo ex- to do." plain La yau snffering in LIe future. Flue I, bave set hefore you liglit On île waY, La nejee(t the doctrine ai and darnuesa, joy and sorroaýv, victary future puni lineieut,-men bagin by ne- and defeat, LIe reirards 'of Lazemus, jecLuing'the ides aifmatirtial fine, u. In a few yeawst, wlisiii'e bey Sudmi t ftue, puniismeut, tley dauy thaý4 it is etar- uChi AÀ f w yearsafuieri iliat tley cast ont thse uboIs Ideaa of future puuisl-j ment, and let aI tise tuievs, pickpoc- lais, au d de baucheeà ai Lie univarse go lnta g'iauy. As fer as, 1 can lun- tiersa sjd the, modemn prpuier tlieory ai future punialiment, it la Ibîat a man gaesadomu a!ud alLa ou a isaTd-bottom- ed..cbair fr on aii ËIL, whiie. suad sitar ha get.9 ireti of rouighinig iL, goas up ' Sa Id antirecommendetiby ai drrggists ln Canada. Ouuy rab! ablea medicielu ilseovereti. ,Slz nfes fel teeî bcure al f0 ormf Se us Waalness, ail fecets of abusa or exceas, entaI orry, Excessive use af To. baoao, Opium or Stimulante. Malleti on recipt of nic, no aerag $1 sx, 5.Osnwiff&ftue BisaWitcasas. Pamphlets free t eau atdresa, TEhe Wood Company, Wridor, ont Woods Phosphodia solt inluBownanvilla by State Juuy. Ifig 'sîlîobtham & Sm , Omûoo y J. Glîfllals; Newcastle Or Dr FamueMbe. The Old Rellablo Reffedy for A SARNIA LA- Y Diarrbma alld Dyselltery. Fhe engagement lad juat beau an- FOR OVER FIOTY v VARS. unced, sud. Lhe girl in bIne sa \I sýQ Whislaw's SoothîngSyrup has lei e d bS pIqUad. unllions of mothiarsfor toc ir chiltiren while w Leetbing. If disti, rlietia!i tîght auni broken ofî 1 wauldu't rnarry for mauay, ahe yo4r rasi b a siek ý,dut 'efriitg sud oryttng announiceri, Lherebliy utenuïug Le wtî ilsý pain of cutitg teatissecs iat one aud ,et a bottie cf Mme. WInîlows' Sooehhieg Syrap score oua on Lhe ptrospective bride, fri Chîltiren Tmehigaîy wlsliruggehe go lile inifere Futoiing Itwîl end lera île tees, Tire girl iu pinS eeysrge ai oece.Depeuti psu iiuctlîrrs tisrai n mitek cantut.iLcres Diaîathr îuîaa e Ile, softens the g en emdaa luflameiaiion ei hcwauld I-if I coutil geL Lt a-d.gives laite and tiner-gy tthîe wb>Ie syslem m ni -ysh nsvýed tNls, Wlnelows' Sooihiag Syrnp foi dchildriiîac 'e in h nsaed ~ dcriptian of ouaof teoeisiatndihast female ub1-ysici'ne aiid irsee in thse Unîteti Statas THE OLD SYSFEM AND FTHE NElW, Prt 14 25e a hotle. Solti li ildrîîgisi hogs ouit le worid. Bestiarea ud tek for me ru But, dad. mliat did you isnaw abot 'y os' S 'thng Srue1 psydhlogy, snd pîystcs, sud Dalsartal The Swis as Le onit o Ev And wiat do yeu noai, my dean an renaers. eacb of whmloà ram. £480 boy, abkout geogrtsphy and iaruirne- prar rUlnue. [tic, aud seraling. 111 FIENSOF LAZARUS, Rev. Dr. Talmage Disc-ourses on the Rich and Poor. A deepaicl 1rorn Washingtonsasys: cruista, rnds, -peelings, bones, gristie -Rev. Dr. TFainise ureachari frorn île i-aboutîthLe hast creaeou t o f THEY CURE Q U U!IC ere lteevdne M Gcnts-l receivedàsa- le ofyour Electù id InyBas esmi Il id e gotl a'd half the box 1 KllidnecyBcars I got froi you bias il takea aiL tue pai)i out ot myl hk I beleve if 1 continue- the. usq efx; bc.ans sha I be cured of ail Rbumà. 1ours t uly. Geoge Buge, x84 Adelaide S.Woeto. p will cure, you of Rbeumatism. Try theai. 2s5ets. a box atyourdruggist, or by mail. 188 ADE LAIDE 13T. W. to set on cusbloUluh glary, I will givei you my idee;Pf futuTe .suffering. I do flot ask you to take my tlieory. 1 am'not ypir popea; Iarn your pas- tes. 1? helleve t'hkit there ýs an eter- naWl' hell, and 1 heiîeveý that thevre Le literai ftire. Would not a common-,sense man flot pirejludiced in thli case' take this to lie ftire? Iliteral fire? an al-sweep)ing f ireI an eternal f ire ? Lest you sliould diasptate it, it tells wliat the ire is to hePPt ii. IT IS A FURNACE 0F FIE. test yen sliould say tliat it ta a dif- ferent lind oi tire from that whicli we, know about it,, it aays, '«Its smoke asende,4jt ujp for ever." ,iAi1, your fa- tier and mot'ter who adopted this lit- erai:ism, were not sucli big fools as you niaie out. They studiod their Bi- Wes more than we do, and read less of thP, human coiticisms that have sIlipped oveir ogithte pure page. Al the engines of the nineteentli century have turned their hose towards put- ting out this fiTe. But stiii, it lias burned on, and will hurm for ever. IL lsaagreat stubborn, overwhe'lming fact tbjat ail thl ingenuity of men and : 1 L i

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