SPECI L -~ TW1..-~~u~>- -~-~ I41~ -w __LATESI ODORS IN PERFU ME.__ __ Sold in buik.-)___ It a i a n I-r k, i c t o e , U r e î , \ l Thos.Sct and John Adair los' a suc ~ ekingl ah. . ...Ourrsdet at- W. Le, ickeing vistedbisbrother Qavrv proceeds $M13..John Davis had a vaubebrood mare drop dead, blood veul burst. .. . We hiad a re.fresý,hing showeýr Friday niglit. r' TaNdis ~ ýyerP. A mere mention cf Proiec ,S S. A1nniversary rais-es the anticipat- ion of ail, faraandar On Sabbath, J une 1Oth, sermons wiili be preached at 2-30 and 7-p. m , by Rev. A. J. Harvey Strike, Demorestville, a former junior pastor of Tyrone Circuit. So deservdl popýUlar and succe8sf ul in his varon -~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ un alt l m-t.w419.t- IL-t--vW 1 na 01iontnaur Ba R ,.rr,rtino n, n t in nvrsay services or Eoenezer SabbathuSehool wi11 be heid 'as folows : I-fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iv ia--.Ilf-I-bh Fre--Wl1 P ~zzV~z~ IJ~w1-U3z 1:7 ,fýy 1 Jero- mw iOut lin",.l'eV 1by the pastor. 1ev. J. rstoek î4 we Jalifax We have other unes- of Carnageas besides Cur store is f ulli of ail the newest goodls, together with the regular lines from the ,,-heaper to the better goods. UNEDERTAKING - omplete and every attention given. Night -bell on ide of door answered any hiour of the niglit. L.MO0 RIS. BO WMANVý-;ILLE, 66,h Good Byel" B ave you seen thle yet? to kitchen troubles-to ail vexations waiting for thefire-tQ the oven that ouly bakes well occasienally, and then just on oue side- anS to ail ex- orbitant purse wreckiug deînands for fuel. Wben yen bny Guruey's IMPERIIAL OXFORD. Their patent improvemeuts1 make them the easiest running, most economnical and mnost delightfully cou-enient range made- When yoi-'re iu a "new range inood" cal] at our nearest ~The Gu rrey F FOR SALE BY Mason & DiÎe,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * *1 * * -oundry Co., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 6, 1900o The anniversary of Enfield Sabbath School will be hed as fo)llows:,Sunday, June 17, sermons will be preached at 8 pud 7 p. m. by Rev. J. B. McLaren. Sinigiug by gchool an4 choir. Collec- tion at each service. MondayJune li, theý exorcises will ho r-sumed at 2.80 p. in wheu a good program of- recitations and singiug will be given by the achol- ars and addresea by Rer. J. E. Moore, Ph. B., Peterboro, Rev. M. Thomas, Mampton, and ethers., Tea served from 4 o'clock. Tickets 25c.; for tea and lecture 85e.; eblîdren 15., lecture only 15C. 11ev. J.- E. Moore, Ph, B., Peterboro, will deliver bis verY popular Rer. W. H. Adams, wifc and child, - Cs-emotreguests at the pansonage - * .* e, 1e.J .MînMripreached hore Sunday. , - Mr. L. M. Courtice attended the heese miarket at Peter- bore- and sold the D. U. C. F's. mnake te -May 241f... r. J . B-alf Our, Man0. i tou, *Man;., l isitn relatives- bore.... Monday evening- next after Ebenezer anniversary tea, thie Ebenezer Leaguie will g4ive a grand con1cert, when Miss Pildhonse, leadiug sopranio Carlton St. Methodiat chureb, Toronto, Miss Flossie Fieidhouse, the wonderful ehild slinger and Misa Dawson, Elocitioniat, al Of Toronto, will take- the le&ding partsinl the pregram. Instrumental music will ho supplied by frissrs. Gib- son and Meatlie and othera. Seo pro- grama. Admission [5c. cblîdren lOcts. ... Monday at ,s 80 p. m. at Ebenezer a game of baseball wili ho played between Bowmanville igh School and Courtice-good gaime expeted ... Rev. Japanese lawn social at the resicience of Mr, O. Mezelwood, dune l2th.. ..L. Burnett, Esq , MP., was Jin- town on1 Saturday, and called upon some of bis friends.. ,, Mr. J. W. Borsbery bas sold the entîre Music Hall block to Mr. J. W. Babcock .... .Mr. W. H. Ford'sresidence was damaged by fire May 24. Me la very ii ... .John Molmes, moulder, was buried here f rcÎn Toronto recently... Mr. Sam. Westiake started the first ire in the new McLaughlin works... Attempt 'was made to burgiarize Mr.,. H. McMillan's residence last week.... Osha*a celebrated, the surrender of Pretoria with great enthusiasm .. .. A pediar of alleged Irish linen bas taken lu several Oshawa citizens. . .. Mr. Fred Balles, son of Mr. Juo. Baies, bas sec - ured -a stuation lun Lindsay with Messrs Cinnamon & Everson. STATEMERTS 'Tha t Comfmand Atten- tion and inspire PMINE'S CELERY OOIvPOUND The Never-Dissapo 1int- ing Banisher of sickness and Disease, The s tatement that Paine',s Celery Compeund builds up siekly, wveak and rnown peopVle, la true in evýeryv par- ticillar 71 iî l aio triié tbat Pain&ëý C(le- ery IJomponnld la the only medicine lu the -world that can successfully grapple with obstinate anld longý-standing Cae of diseaso and give te sufferers acýive limbs, pure blood, clear complexion, healthy appetite and perfect digestion. Scores of able. and reliable phi-yicians, prominenat druggists, 'legislators,, mejr- chanits and leaders in seeietv cau bear testimlony to the wonderful cures wroug-ht by Paine's Celery Compouad during the pat spring months. Sueh facts and statements should be suffiient to convince ail doubting and dependent sufferers, and despondent sufferers, and. inspire -them wlth a cetermînation to test the world's great health-giver. Mr. Chas, -W. Ross,i Department of Railways and Canais,à Ottawa, writes thus: "For a long period of timo I snffered from the pains and tortures of nleurai- gia, and the effectste my general sys- tem were so serions and alarming that -,mie and shonlJ spledid addreuses&t EeezrLeagno Tweut te Engiand at cousiderable this fine letue. Nuelasit week.... Thursdiay evenlugo, this expense, but had te returu te Canada meetro.week, dune 7tb. Grand Wortby PatriÎ- almost as bad as when I lef t it. After W..WEATRERILL, JENiE Asu'rON, arcb Mr. W.ý B. Burgnne will viqit M-.it getting borne I ûetermined te try the P-t~or. Seeetay. arswbl u' he ui-ocf reoegi- useof Paine's Celery Comipound, as it - - sin- te 0F on n- youg puplj eas strongly reeemmewnded for such - ~'tE- ~RETISnspitean odsa ,*tobe Af ter nsing the mfiiedicine for ~-e ,,-' s~, ci¼ j ""Aî; -I - ',a sort time the resuits were most Att:cie iu-' .f die leaingand gralifying. The attacks1 - - -- - . n , - -c(ýarne ls frequeut and severe, and -3tewbole trouble wscmltl i ' ~'"m'î - ~ , , .iahd. Inhve net exerieneed a - "t~n~H O .ýiu r ache -for mouitb. r 1take great ~ncb. - - - L~ .l1asui lurecomeningsncb a mar- - - ,,» I - 1in medicinle te alilneuralgie sufer- - i - ûng-- ~ V, . P ie'Celery Compound bas'as- - à j -îpi- . isiing virtesanS dpowers, and will ne *r ~ais~~ . a intj na bvix - n~r .. Ieli~e C, italy evercome any form of nenral- ient, for his certain Wte y.ýou. cure. 60 tablets 15 ceaLts.jgli." w"ee-,ivvn a orUy n archcie-tiUeo-. stets i gea 1gae-hithe evening the entire community- assembîled -to celebrate. Alter singiing--Solditers of the Qneen," Mr. F. L Ellisdelivered an interesting patriotic adidress. Al joined in sing-ing "The Maple leaf" after which t he streets were, paraded followed by an exhibition of tire works and the burning of Krager's efflgy. Theý celebration closed with the National à.nthem and cheurs. Dyspepsia lun its worst forms will vield to the uste of Carter's Little Nerve Pis, aided b)y Carter's Little Liver Pills, They not only relieve present distresa- but strengthens the stomach and digestýIive3 apparatus. lNýEWOASTLE. Therews great rejoicing here on Tbnrsday whien the news echdee iDf the British succeslu South Afeica. The sclsools were granted a holiday and the chiidren marched throuzh the sireets singing patriotie songs. Iu the evening the baud played, bon fires were made, beils wet-e rang and 11ev T, J. Edmison B. A., Dr. -Farucombe, Mr. S. Scobeli, Mr. E. M. MeLean and others made patriotie speeches., The village was profusely decorated with flags and bunting and presented a very pretty appearne .. Congratulations te Mr T. B. Edmison on having successfully passed bis first years Medieal Examina- tiolla at Toronto University .. .. A very enjoyble evenîng was spent at the Epwornth League, Moïnday evening. The tepic "The Good Neighbor" was taken by Mr. Lorne Cobbledick, and Rer. iM. W. Fly B. A., gave a very, interestingaddress on the P~orward Movement ..Mr. Jas. Eilbeck was s;trieken witb paralysis on Saturday evein. -. r.W. T. Lockhart whoi has been 'Il for some menths past, died Moulday mnorning, aged 60 years. M leaves a wife, two sons and a danghter to mïourn bis boss. SummER CoLDs-No cold l5se b, ard te cure as the summer cold. It baugs on lu epite of alil ordinary treatments and frequenitby deveiops into consumption It matters not what ineans have failed yon eau reir absolnteiv on Dr. Chase'a Sye-np of Liuse(ed- and -Turventine te, kiud of congh 1and coVd. It l unirer- sably used iu the beat failies al over tis great continent. 25 ceents a- bottle. -Famliiy ize 60 cents. ORONO. Recent visitera MNliss Fanny lloney, visited friends at Tyrone ; Mr-. Wm. Pope, Toronto, lu town ; Mr. Jas, Hal- lett. T~oronto, homie Snnday ; Mr. AIf. Johuston and wife home;i Mr. A. J. Leigb ai t Mr. Wm. Allin's, Enterprise major Seboof guest of Mr. A. Knox Mr Frank Stinson visiting lu Cobourg; Miss Neilie Hfoekiu, Toronto. at home;- Mr. Arthnr Keith, Toronto,- visiting bis1 uncle, MNr. T. W11. Jackson - Mr, Tbos. Greenwood a ud Miss- May k~cCullough, at Pontypoýol ; Miss M. E. G. Waddell, Toronto University, home ; Miss F. M McCullough at Newcastle, gnest of Mrs. L. B. Da\,idson ; Miss Loua Doues ster, Bowmanville, at bier graudfather's, Mr. Thos. Doncaster; Miss Edna Cooper R. Cowaul's ;)Miss MNinnie -JeffeI-y aud Miss Ells Clemio, Toronto, visiteS Mýra. J. E. Richards ; Mr. Alfred Gifford anS ' UghIr, Oshawa, at Mr. John W. Giffords ; Nr. Geo. Dobson, Stratford, at bis uýncbe'sý, Mr. McGire; Messrs. Artbur sud Ewart Beamish, Port Hope, Jlat theîr grandfatber's Mr. Wm.Ballsgh; Miss W. A, Wellington, Brighton, gueat of ber uepbew, Rer. C.W.DeMille; 14r. W. D. Simpson. Brighton, witb b is friend, 1ev. C. W. DeNlille ; Mrs. (Dr ) Beattv, MLi,,sa Ada Truli, GardenMfill,aud Miss Hall1, Osbw,at MrA.Aasys Mr. anS MVrs. John lice anS Mr. anS Mrs. dnses Mrrow tdSaugb,,ter, Bewmuvile.guestsof Mrs. Wm Arm- strong; MIr. Banuerman, Dunkerron, Vîited relatives bore. he avUit5ci, auteL tîseeattuofsieing al -worn out-and-miserabhritfteorjber dcav's work, the girl wài be fresh and vigor- ousl, -simply -- v usingD. rol English To-Kin Pis, the greatest biood maker, germ-killer and nerve-strength- ener on earth. to-day. Miss Ida Mobkirk. Marboard street, Toronto, endured the miiseries we have described. Mer system was ntterly rua down, and thongh her work was not unusually exacting. she became uineble to do it. She nsed Dr. Arnold's Eu- lish Toxin Pis, "and", she writes, they set me on m -v feet again. Tho tired, duli, heavy feelings p)assed away, 1 grew strong and vigerous; the terrible nervous headaches vanished, and 1 feel capable of doing any amount of work. Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pilla are certainly a medicine that every girl who has to work for her living should use. ' Dr. Arnold's Euglish Toxîn Pilla are sold by ail drnggists, large box 7ý. small -box 25c, or sent postpaid on re- ceipt of price by The Arnold Chemical Co0 Limit d,'Canada Life Building, 44 King Street Wes' Torono. SOLIN A. We have been receiving a lot of New Goods eoiStinig of Velt Buckies, Blouse Sett, Links, Pins, etc. See our Special Offer of your ehoice of 50 Ladiem' Soiid Gold Gem Rings for 81-50. Rings like these have neyer been sold lu Bowmanville for less than $2.00 to $3.00. This is a snap. NEWTONVILLE. Several attended the S unday scisool conven- tion et Newceasile..- No services et Metbodist chureh Sunday eveniug. Pastor Wilson te et conference. -. .Mre. Jno. Mitchell, Enniekllen, le vieiting friends h ere .. .. Mr. W. J. Joues visit- id in Toronto rec-ently-..Mrs. (Rev.) M. E Wilson te visitlug friende nelleville. -...Mr. W. Haneocli, Port Hope, was home Sunday, - . Pretoria supposeS surrendered wae celebraled here Thursdey evenlng. CROOKED OREEK bouses of pulic entertaiiiiment. - ,J II That the vote of thie electors?ýof the sýaid the Muulceipality of theý Tovwn1sip ofDiarllngton, will be talion on tCis By-l w mn S,,ttird.ty, thse seventh dtiy of Aprfi, A.i, 10., co,,inrencIng at fine oclocli in the îforeuooiý, and continuing mutil five o'elocli in th fl erona t the çiffer- eut places herinafler meuîj-ioned:- ta The votes 0f the electorse entitle;d to vote inoIlngsub-divisloin No. lin sald Mnici-ality willbe taken at the ehool-houseinusecll se- tien No. 5 iu eaid Mnnk-eipality, and. Thomas Somale will lin tuie deýpnty rîrigofficer to take the votes of tise saicleIec'Lors. (bi The votes of the eletomrie etitlIedto vote lu pol ingsuis-division No. 2 tris aid Miii l . ty will le teken at the Son's Hlall luitise village of Tyrone in said Munielpality , and Richard Hawkey will be the deputy returning officer te take the votes of the seîd elctors. (c) Tise vo-tes of the eeeciors entitled to vote ln pollinz Suh) division No. 3 iui seid uncpe ty will lie taken eit the Sous of epeac Hall etMaple Gîrove in said Muuicipelfty, and ICherles Axtord willie the dqeut returning cifleer to tak li hevotes 0 f the seî d electors. (di Tise votes obf thte electors entitled to vote lu pollingsli-disonNe. 4 lu seidMuepa. ty wilt lie talcin t the To)wo Haïll in the village of Flamiilton tmsaid uiipltand Henry Flît,~r will b,; the d epluty eturninig oileer. to teke the votes of the said Ceetors. (e) Tise voles cf the electors entetled to vote In polling suli-divtsion iNo. Oii) saiSMunie ail. 1wli e taker et the Hall lîïiownq 1 Il-in tfAnofyi, -ffrtl'fI-fttrn & L + IJ-I 44-M---44J.. ~J I ~ a b- f ~ - -~ - ~ ~ .-~ - T o.rý AS0N BOW 0VM AN V1 L LE > 1 t-h ip pru town of Tind1,sy rr1hpil I 1-làIth 1 -T i you take -IA --r- eýi*ý 1 tno. 1 !*"-CLJM --r -t -li -M LL --L ýnx>jrý.N JMtÀjnllfl. VIIS.ODI 1 ârm£e--4ý-