omen s Notes and Comments. anci provisioned for 'six months, it blee htodrwl snie i THlE oF LOVE, vageruess foi, comf arts Coun, ld i'n e way be dim3iniaLfied, and] agera oJ I frflTtQi,~,seb v.vA d int i i Leone and Nigeria, and as part of them ___have reached the capital, the chief of 5 Essex Fusýliers wil]l ikely celebrate Uektia, who lives a day's march from the 24th of May at Leamingtoza. Kumassi, and cau put 5,000 men ini the InterIn h e tan tey ued t doZvehave aecicied nargarne in 2nd nand u»rts and iBuggies. C' a n d s o ostpo n in g by th a t m uc t e,,,2i a fo i of the o deL, t and beot ~ e a n d i nsp e , a n a so a e y o r eI t o 8 pc teh 1ilsxutsinthe United Stte time whieiuthe young attain to self- M~2.5ca bottie. Sold by aldruggists thro' gh diPCr-'1otteworld. Be gure and ask for Mms vi wJO'OIN PVFCY. apor.No ()doUbt if tis e eSent .S> So0>thin« Syru» 0MpvLB