Notes and Commn-ents. China growing out oq the revoit of mgï j - the Scieýty of the Griat Sword, or "Ail Dunlop Tires in w"Aliougli, since the opening of the Boxers, which first caate into notice U OnExpocsition, there has been some abate-. ln October lat. t is known that ment of the abuse lately ventedî upon they have laid waste nal 40,000 r,ýa % On macadam roads- England and English pe.ople by the square miles in westeriD Shantung ZL', Uh on country roads-on good Paris newspapers, nobody doubts that and the neighbouring parts of Pe- Whleh DCotcîrs Falladte *flemovS, Cured roads and bad roads - ta the, the campaiga of vitu- chili, and that the menace to for- by Less Than Týwo Dexea of Or. -uno eahbeTrs peration and caluinny wiil bc revived. eliesad the destruction of for- hssKknyLarPl. arneop etadhalies to Wa r h asso h nm atigu mission property has been the ThE) exilerlerea et Mr. Blackwell tg aresafst ndeasestto Wha ar th cuse ofth aumostyMost serious and extensive that lias, similar (oa that l)f many sufferers wlth ride. with which Frenclimea regard their occurred in years. It ila stated also c$iron-i indigestion. Stornach medicînes British neiglibors? The London Spec-ý that the powera have notified Pekin wilI seldoni really cure indigestion. The If you meet with a mis- tator bas atternptp(d recently to ac- that the society muet be suppressed, kidne-.s andpil liver muet be set riglit, a statemeut apparenrly borne ont by ansd the bcowels made regular and hap - a puncture - ten ccunt for the phenomenon by tbe tbe issuance la February of an imper- active. mils romho e-"thse Fashoda incident, by- the f act tbat, il proclamation caîîiug on the au- 1I Mr. Joseeph Blackwell, Holmesvllle, as colonizers, the Frenchi and English thorities ta checkr the agitation, and !Ont., says :-" 1 derived more benefit are rivale iu West and Centrai Afri- waruiug the people against any mal-, fromn the uee, of Dr. Chase's Kidney- are the onlytoolsyounildil Llver Pil than fron any other medi- cal nd n suthrn Cina an bythetreatment of inissionaries and con- 1 due I ever took, and Cani highly re- belief curreut la France that Eng- vrs oirn hr o tmc ruls iwa. in ai terrible state anid could Iilesmee are the enemies of their Rus- But there la no definite information hardly wor.k at my trade. I tried moiet sian allies. We wculd not deny that as to the measures being taken for ery lkind of medicine and doctors, thes f cisaudimpessonsrna ba ~ rîouof he rrnd budsof oreI 1was tired doctoring, and be- i d at n mpesosmyae h ipino the due bns f'fr used one box of Dr. Chase's Kid- sorne influence, but the real ground -'The only toolo.0 o f the enuity wiLh which England Boxers, thouigl a despatoli noted theI ney-Liver Fis 1 could Sec that tbey is vewedlu ranc lia fa deeer»were helping me, and after taking a ils viDwduinpFracrelies ar deePd, faz habeuatacdo1000f hmbxadaalou ttIws The Duatinlo iC. ii It is unquestion.ably true, that, for ha enatce y teipra ue. Torouo. tons f th Frenh naion ave utoos eeheremiletrouahad sa o mNason, B ates ud on therontinen aon heinEroenand the msronte s s- eat to protch led fnyaig nrsdats, il rhado termrs ue DR. L.greatest Colonial Empi ce on the would seern to indicato the intention fflee and residence,Church St.,opposite Trinity globe. consumes annually 925,000,009 gallons, 8rgeaiilchurch, Bowmanville. 25.61n of the go,7ernment ta put au endto the isorersthouh thre l nuor 24.25 gal1Ions pier head of the popula- MISEVA LUTTRELL It is certain that, but for thle tres- ob-tath ecinrplcyfto. ,mn oesexwt 7, = srepardtgiveilessons on othe aneupiraisuhpthdoubtd th th the reaciptioayilc o ~ 000galions, or 1.5 galions parhbaud, aer resideuce, King Sý. oga ad i n sr, tdb Egad the bîoodsudlte Em.prass Dowagar bas giveu a Iu thre United States 21,500,000 gallons Frhc oatri tioby ingluto tir e antigood deai of encouragement ta thern.ofwo rcnsm aulyr.i MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ofrte ihteith ont the isrly yars îdeed, it le said that but for the of were crsonaumte analyor. i ARTIST. Instructions givan filPAINTING a heegteuhcetryLus I.belief of the forme- oauro te ods aytretnlso hi iii, Water Coor and China. Sketbiieg anOwouid have succeeded in effe(trigaSaugtatther P eki uritiesfallnal cansmpinaf itnecrhedtta ealîîieg from natureý KILN on prisenNs, fir, consolidation with France, under thelSanu. httePknatoiisana osipino ieceie 1 g ai usuas pricea, 51.6m. Bubon f pin ape, uxvcy ere wil i ta ignore or tacitly en-: to the UInited King oi is lees in MISREIA ECY o iln teSpais etei1a, u ourage the Boxer movement lu or- ýamount, 1000 iii il 3 but this ils Zashpsesos1der to keeap alive au auti-foreigu sen-auvaetot rîabaiagln Pupl cf Pr-of. A. S. Vogt, Toroto, is preparedi in a word, ail the Spaerhposesios tmet te gire lessons on Piano or Oî gaii ltlerai lier i ietaogheppltmgt os ri i evidence, Silvi-r St,, Bovnaivilie, or at inj Europe, as weii as ail Spains do- rogtepoii ilt-- lie borne of bier pupls.50-Sm' Minions in Americïa and lu the East eaebe upesdbfr l i- Passîug 'ta heur, w e fiud that Gar- La Idice. But for Mtarlborough the con- came formidable. t appears that iu manry consumes 1,382,000,000 gallons a NEW AUCTIONEER, Novembar the govarnor -,vas uotified eror2galnt ahinbtn. MESBSHoICenedactineerwilco1 solidatio. would have beanu utram- irom Pekin ta suppress the Society, yao l aln aec naiat duc slesn es Duha tis en-r atowstmelled w th the conditions imposed by but that acting on this helief, he I teUie Kingdom thle total is raies.n Appiy for ternis, daes, etc, et Jou11 lthe Traaty ai Utrecht, conditions gave a perkunotory order fo the lowar, but the average cousumaption la Iii isULaB'8 larnesa Shop, inlg St. E., Bowmaiîî ville. which divided. and ware iuteuded t0 d- traops toatavack tlie Boxers; wbich, 'greater, the- total amounit cousumed vide the flouse of Bourbon agaiust ; howaver, was carriad out iiteraliy, annally heing 1,250,003,090 galions, or DR. J. C. MITCHELL, t over a thousand of the latter hein g q, lïa ea fpouaio h -',EMBEROFOOLTEGEOKPIHYSIOIANS self. Again, at the outhreakl of lhe killed iu the engagement which fl at M and Surgeons, Otarîn,flnrnner, e, $eveu Yaars' War, France owned lu lowed. Euragad at their act, hae de- 1United Status occnpy tlic third place, Rasideace. Eîîuîskillen. 74 N'orth Amarica an imperial domain, graded the officers in comrnd, ex- i consumiug §20,000,000 gallons a yaar, wbch, inciuding as it did not only cusiug hlm icîf to Pekin for doiugso, 'or 12.6 galions for caohima,' womau A. E. MeLAUG fiLIN, but the MiseissiPPi Valley, iou the ground that theyhdatc-sdcud h osmto ibe &errister.Solicltor and Convayancer. Offlce--1hadl a prospective value immeusurably i d the commoin peuple, action which Th as stono be B1leie BlockKing street, Hawmanvilla greatar than that of the terrÎtory oc-at once enouaragad the Boxers sud bag Signaily increased lu France dur- g e ona esnbl ae. 4-yaigthe Isat thirty ycars; yet. aveu Mone o bn atreasnabe raes. 5-ly. tpi cd by the British colouie. lu Arn-, nuile the efforts ai ever y mincir uwi osntece Oî0003g ari .ýa. About ftice samaeperiod Frenchi- official ntedsubdsrci loue: osnt xed2500,0 a ROBERT YOUNG, V. s, mea had acquired great influenlce uianh dIorndsisrit.whlicii iS ectuivalent to 5.3 gallons ýFF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWSI southeru Jadisa, and seaemed dastined prbcad. V lock, where himself or is assistant wîîî ta become the powcr bahiuid the throue The goveruor was s ubsequentIy re-l b. fonrid from 8Sa. m. to 9Sp. m. Niglit cauîs ai ai the Moguis. By the Peace of Pari-, moved, but meaufime the Cathollo Formerly Franclimea wara compara- restdeulce, dlrectly oppositeDrill Shed. Callsby lu 1763 France ranounced avery foot. iso ete a ens agl ltvl btmosi h s fadn tlgrapli or lalepboana wilUrecelve prompt ai.- !cf land wbick had once balouged tomisiron eo ntrshdeaud soiage iitys temisslantirýeerf are tention. 171 - r. lier on the maiulaud of North Americi etoa rpodrd u h afb prfA rsnhwvr h ~TIRWOK.La1e wib sd by the end ai the -century aie Cliic couverts locted and scsttered, i total consuïmption ai liquor lu France Il oueove, au i Ms Dcaes ~ hirretained nothing in Iadisa xur-pi Pou-i that tbe wcrk carricd on by them reechas 74.0100,000 gallons, or 1.94 gai- docovrofOai a S BowmaNsos,Xing dcer u East aiud Cro naioS omnile. 54-tl ichryadChandarnagore. For the ______________________ bs of ber nascent empiras lu tlia las beau practicaliy snspended. ThlI onspr batat Germaay con- N' ARIGE LJENESM.A.Naw WorId sud-iu Judia France lad Protestant missions hava suffarad in isumes 10.(000 galions ai spirit par AAA E CNESIsuro M ice. IEnlshent1tan.lacs. dagrea, but buildings and pro- year, or 1S.gallons to cach unit af Reiace etr îee.~o rg perty belougicg ta bath have beau the pop*io. Te oa sua ILet us pass, ta tie wars oi the wreckad sud carried Off, as have cnup no prt rdtdt h LEND Inrnh piii u is opire. b-a.tire bouses -and propcrî.y oficn- ifdJîgo le4200 alos s ~ ~ 0 0 a o uth aieran iNtEpoicca1see o hs hsabet sador 102per heuad. The United iueî tyaImeertetaesc n Ko mr 'frtaopoiin itE lglish verts unable ta pay blackmaii. 'TlicSt ates outi-me 63,00,0 0 0gallons ai EMLAUcELNr colictor.Bowmanville,Ouî fîctinè.'et , len aolosiquor, butitbis le ouly equivaIeaftao 16 6m___________________________ f have beaui the attention gîven ta- plundcring, eigbty-six nuo-bundrcdtha or a gai- conqast gyp show that flic motive- of the. Boxer Ion par inhabitant. R. EA Ur , AI permanent, and would have beau movement is not so mucoh hatred ao, .MEA E A LORI olwdcerîzainly b h occupation ,tefrinrado oewoadopt Gentlemen's Clothes made f0 Order. Syria aud aiso, by au n varlani exp-adi- bis balliïs as d-3sire for gain, that Oftic four p-copies considarad, if is tien agaiusf Ludia. Hare, again, thaere flic saciety is first of al a great mauifesf that the Arnariçans are de-1 m O'FiE DAF--Aruc laycurd w.ul bve eaunatiu vîionry ibaud ai robbers. The opportunities cidadly tbe most abstamions, wbef lerl T o! haier Deafres s ad Noises ln tlie Head by teLb ech for plgrndze umsinary afio rb ise numer-:the alcobolic baverage consumed ha Dr. Nicholson's Artifictal Ear Drums, h a a@ int j Trech deam aoranSpe-ousti.siOnr thfrpries l thathe ZiOW tal bis Institute, so thai deaf pao pla unable meut hsd nof Eugiaui blacked the part of fhliIL4iddle Kingdom sud the wube rstis ntewoefh te procure the Par Drums may have 1hearnfrea. re o ntdKndmsad et owt Appy to780 EightliAveIue, New York, U.S.A. wsy. Niflier willlany oee ny thaf, ccitem an1il sdby flic Suure o utdKadmsad cf owt 27-lyr. but for Eugland'a implacable h Stili.. the German railway tbrougb the dis- standing tire quantity ai hear wblch Y,7Naoe nohiduonSan u urhcd raglan ta tho 1-bang-lia and if imbibas per ireud, for if la, estimatad E N T I ST R Y wauid~~apoem' have ro aiaînd u- eyoud, have, of Course, coutributedthfahiy-xglonbri fb& 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Oàraduate of the Royal College of Detal Bu geone, Ontario OF'FICE.-Oppostte Express O111e.. VITALIZED AIR Try as you may, you cannot1 escape the weary, worn out,' dont-care.-to-work feeling that accompanies spring weather. Brain is flot as clear as it ought to be; there is languor and listlessness instead of energy and activity. Burdock Blood Bitters 19 what people need this weather. It sets the liver, bowels, and kidneys acting, whereby al poisons are elimninated from the system;__cleans -the- tongue,_ improves the appetite, purifies and enriches the blood.. MISS MARY J. IRWIN, Hol- land, Man., writes - I have used Burdock Blood Bitters as a spring medicine for three years riow and don't think there is its equal anywhere. When 1 feel drowsy and tired, and have no desire ta eat, 1 get a bottie of &B.B. IlI think it purifies the blood and buîlds Up the constitution better "hn any other remedy." shairen, or fIai bits contrai ai central icc o ouanmrîlu lragi Euoeiro alur ofaP ,1- !loua ai pr)oof apirit, and if wvould bave'- Europe, fram Hnmhurg 10 Nîpes, ~~Wbat la ftle comparative canaumia- f avr frn erf xibff would have lasted ns long as bha hvad. ob eysrn or oehbtt Evan sItar Nupalcpns cowafaii Jing- flan ai aucohol lanflic more civilized proportion ai alcoirol. ieasuired by land caonfinuud taostruct the efforts cauntriesofiÉlie worid? To auswer flue amount of alechoi consumad 'par oi revîviug France for rehabililction. flua question we sbauid ascartain, bead lu al oi the f lree; formas uamed Whau tbe Belils ' ltd gintfirat, flic total quuntity consumad tabstien t ai flicfornconiesthsud ta aI-oland lan 1830 thay avcuuld gl,.dlype)fteou orrisado b ave (, io,sen f or their Sovarcign -î so pa nuum, aud, aooandiy, flic amlount that axteut aifords a ais for the ai Louts Pbi;p ut the Lng i hi ore- per liead of tlic population. TIc data tpecîsi;misfîcý predictions aifcrtpin cd thcm ta accept for tbeii- rirri ting th ie subjact are set -fort),ciuifaObservera, 8ta'chiag the aie- Prince Leopold o anxe--abýurg-'o-t ha, jiin a Puriiamcntary paper on alcoholeicoc,f a acololismi upon flic French who lad married the daughter ofi baverag as raoently publîslied lunLau- ýtamperameuelt and health. George IV. Iu thc eariy fortias dan. Mhet us sec what fhe fadas are i Thiers, then Premier, saw su op- as ta flic United Kîingdom, the United liorqss sd Cattie have coiic sud partiuity of gaîuuiug for France flic States, Garmauy sud France, criamps. TPain-Kîller wiil cure themt locng-caivaccd sceu'iancy in the Orient,- every im a Ra a baffle Iu bof wa by encoaraging Ibre bïtua Paba s ut- fer rp ateds iw times. Avaid suh- tempf to dat brune flic Ottoman Sul- Wa hagin wîtli wine,oi wliich France sf;tuÉes. fliere is but oee Pain-Kilier, feu sud f0 .substifute iVeharnef Aii s Ferry Dvs.25c. and 50c. Commander ai the Faitbcui. Airuad y .---.*-- lied Ibrahim conquered Syrie sund a Part Of Ariatolis, wbcn England ln- BE DYNAMITE TRAIN. tcrposed, oioplled hinm to retire ta Egypt, sud hroagbh;f touaglit fi rlthoeign AeNwOprt F rench designs, Once more, if ivs as ush Jt geArether. erai Icicar tro vary intelligent Franc liman nAtgte iu thea sixtias as it w-las to Napuleon A dasp.atch from Ehanoafer River, III. that their expedifion againsta ys-TaBrahvevuadtcr Mexico, sud the establishment thare sy:TeBor aeUacae hï ai au Ecapire under Maximiluen, 8trong position at this point. Befora wouid end in'a fs en if tic forces of thcy lait thcey camplataly wreckcd tha flic Union were permit ted ta ("rusihen i bridge acr-ss tire river, and tivoioag flic Southaru Cauiedcrecy. If wes cuiverfe. un vian- aiflhaf conviction tiret Napo- le-oc L11..fricd 50 long san aura- t las .aid flat the Irisli contingent estiy ta Persuade flic British GoYveru-r 'Ç ara naw opcrating the Boecr dynamite ment to take part in a joint inter- C a train a1itoýý_ther vent ian. But for England',s refusai Tic abj.sence ai auy wreckage bca- la cooperace li that pion flic Souflicru T 4p' TTT .-Sj twaen Koa ansdtfils place is cx- Canfederac-y would prolibhbavea c Lil .IiVe 1 A~epiainad by flic fect that Boers were quired indapendcace. Maximiliau would lie- sf111 ruling lu Mexîcc, and auxiaun tfa -ld flic Orange Frac State Nepolean IT. would have beau peace- Must Beur Signature of hurghcra luii lina. If las sld firat the iully succacdcd hy bis sou. Tiually, latter a re a)ugry over fhe destruction ,French talent and Trench, capital 'tflicbidgsl Iilrtrvfr~ -builf -the Suez C-al u acre Adogi n scod ind arr ra-. prapondarant nterestin uEgypf, anly A d-, - -)ad er a cl va bea reuay - to secefie artiî'icial Watcrway sud vaiîuag. hr aebe n, c fh wli l obi iflie Nile 'Valley pasa un- a -Sâinîle Wrapper B-low. idental fires oen flicveldt. der British, contrai. --~. Very amail anid as easy t te &ti a us. Lt le difficuit toa scertain fie reasiCa'sCto 1o Omo fan s i fic sit at on n orf es fer G R T E 8 A RDIZZINESS. 1lamnccssfully u sed m on thly by over ? rgitfor Coks Cotton DR. A. W. CHASE'$ TT ORBIIONES. Po. 'l a keuio othîer as ail Mxturespilla sud E FR OPI LVE. IMAMIOns .edaugerons. Pre'e, N.1,11pe 1 or2, ourececipicf pruce adtwo8aen Insent direct ta the disea-dFRSLO 11. sap b-CekCmesyWuse tt ~~~~~es 1 T11HCUR.,- p LL, MD~ IIN. bixs 10.5, dugresomtany Windsopr, Ontû. parts by the lmprcved Blowe. I. ~ECMLXO ~ Ns e odn eomne i Heals the ulcers, clears the air - H OPEIE ri -gs.1 ata passages, stops droppln n tluhle -GS5SSSiUC5Y 9 , - rspnii rgissl aa tbrnat and permanantiy cures cIuayeeu , dj lomîvlablis Catarrh audHay aver. Biowîr ' as&SeS i&Jii rc yJC. flee. Ail deaiers, or Dr. A. W. T &UY; I -bYJ (L ,> ' . Mdiine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. ' CURE S10K HADA0M ulA;'ecsLbyD.Kusost 1CAUGUT IN AMBUSH. 1 BOTHA SAVEI) THE MINES.1 One ai Col. Bethune's Squadrons Sufi'ers 66 Casualties in a Natal Trap. Indignantly PPaotested Against Kru-1 ger's Proposal ta Destroy Them,1 À daspatcli from London, says:-Thc London Time2, teiagraphing Tuasday, War Office lias raceived fhe folaowiug I asys:- daspafoli irom Ganaral Bnlier ;-."The Rcv. Adrien Hairneyar talla me 1 have received the ioliawiag irom hli was iniormad hy a higli Boer offi- Bethune- iai that when Prasident Kruger no- "'May 21. whie la tIc di- îified the Itaad aiflice Govarumeuf s rection ai New vaast le, ona of my squad- arrangements fa hblow up tIc minas roua of Befhuna's mouuted iuiantry sud to dcstroy Johannesburg, Gen. was ambushad by Boers six miles wvast Louis Botlia h urriad to Pretoria sud of Vryheid, sud vary iew escaped. thud astsormy interview with Presi-ý Liauts. Lausuum sud Capeli are among dent Kruger, ta whom ha "-id if flic flic missiug. Captain tir a Eri De La plan ware not caaclilcd, ho woui Warr la slightly wauuded lunfthe log. himseli defend Johannesburg, adding The total casuali es are about 66. 1 that the Boers were nlot barbarians. have raturued ta Nqutu for supplias. At Ibis eccording fa Mr. Hofmayar, Wil mari to-uiorrow for Newcastle, flic plan was abandoned." via Dundee.'" ------- - Generai Balier thon procced:- RUNDLE AT TROMMEL. "f datachcd Coi. Baethune sud about five liundred men irom Dundee, May One aof the British 'Patrols Attaeked 17, witli instructions ta marcî by by the Euemy. Vaut's drift sud show bis 'farce ut A despstcb fram Landau asys :-Gen. Nqutu, whîdli was reported ta have Rul- forces are ana mped af beau evscuated by theecamy, pre- romelrcprtngs arl paratory tetahficratura aiflice magise- Toml eueaig ar trate ansdflic civil establishiment te ifour miles from Trommel, was attack- t ha district, Hc was to rejoinumaut i d by the Boers. Ouama was wound- Newcastle sitcrwards."1 ed, sud savaral liorses kiliad, Thea a- -------6 -f air was unimporfaut, axcepf lashow- CAPTURED TWO COUNTS. ing fliat the Boers arc sf111 la the ueigbbourhood sud on flic lookoutf for Some) Of the PrisonerS Talien by any chance ai suipiag. Coi. Baden-Powell.*- 1 Mail, dated Mafeking Suuday, says:- 'ýAmong the prisonars captured with His Famiiy and $70O,000 Aeccmpaay Comanadant Surel Eloff ara Count Hlm. de Brament, s Frenobaxan, sud Count A Cape Town despatcli to fha Ex- Von Waisea sGarnan. It la fo und change Telagrupli Co'y., dated Thurs- tliat flic Boers ware guided hy twýO day, says thut 36 boxes ai bar goid, desertars numad Huay and Bolton. At valued at £141,C00, bave baen saut froin the enemy's requcat xve have iranded Pretoaria ta Lorenzo Marquas. State over Lbeir dead. Secretary Raitz, cf flic Transvaal, bis "To-day ane af aur mca wns askc.d wîf e sud family wcre on tire Same te surrender, sud raplied 'Neyer,' Tire train. Boers' ut once sltot hMrafrraugli the HGBID-<TAEY head-" IHID- TAEY Furfhcr datails ai the figbflug et îî ÏS,*i,-oaCham a Maeckiug aay tiret Ccmmsndaut Soêle . C. Saea Eloff'a iollowers daserfad imi, A deapatoli from Rossland, B. C., wbereupou Elof i fired on thcm him- ssys :-A mystariaus occurrence hep- self, sud thon surraudered with 80 fol- penad ou Wednesday. Malu-Lin, a iowars. The dcspatch aise says that rck, was fouud dead at 6 p.m.ý lu the ouapsry a. BarswaadrVon out fai ho-jse of his employer, Mrs. Chena- --------*__weth. Il a s kiiled hy s bullet au- CROSSED) MAR INGOGO. teriug flic bead bat wccu the jaw boues -- severing flic interuisi artery sud Daubtfui If Boers WiIl Remain in lodgiug l ic e plue. ]}eath was lu- Laiages Noir. stantaneous. Nohody was lunflic bouse A daspateh ircui London, Friday at .flic time. Lt could not have beau says.-Lu Natal Gea. Bullersfrcs&uicide, as flicre arc no marts af hav crssej ito he ravual nearburniug. Meth-Lin's body wus iying ,hae cossd itotheTrasval narunder au open window con tbagrouud Iiigoeg, but are sf111 bald ut bay ut 1 floor. Thec murîarý was prohably coa-. Laing's nek, w-lera flic Boers are an- mittôd by a Chine-se higlilder. frenchiug thainsaivas. With h] x ceptian oai ua psa, Natal la cear WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN LONDON. ai Boers. Tliey bave e big gun posted, but it ls doubtful if f hey will he ablea lieuse cf Cesnnuns Pa-,Ses the BillenIi ts t o lid the position when tîreaten- secondu l tesflaIug. cd hy s flankîng movament ifroin the A daspafch frorn Landonsys ;-The flouse oi Gommons ou Waduesday dis- cusaed flic bill reraving flic polificai disabilitias ai waman in regard fa holding office la London borougli. The bill mukes womaa aligibie ta claction as aldermen and councillora. Tho bill pasaad ifs second raading by a vote ai 248 ta 129 amid iaud cheers. vacant.. A terporary hrïr!gCnas accu fiiied af Wascirbank. Trains now go t'O -Duade8. LOGTED AS THEY FLEID. Damage Oeeasion cd By tire Boers lnaîNatai. A -dspafel from Newcastle,sys. Whcn tflic ratirîag Boers passed flirougli Newcastle tliey ucra flir- ouglily dcmoralizad. Tlicir wagons came racing over fthc veldt ii fear abreast, ln an axait ad lurry fa gel safaly away. Lu ordar fa ligliLer vehîcies flair drivers ampfied LIeir contente ou fIe veldt. The Boers have loofcd flic Ratling apruif station, sud smashed flic water tanks. At flic Danlisuser sud Lugagana atations flic tanks lave beau traatad lu like manner. The Ingagana ruilwey bridge abutmaents, flic Wasobbanm grindar bridge, sud allich cuiverts from Wasahbank ta Glencae batwaen Giecoeansd Danubauser have been damaged, but tan aasuby lie rapaircd. PLAGUE AT DURBAN. Fatal Case of Diseaso Reported ln Naal. A despafcli irom. Durban, says --An exfraordinary issue ciflice Gazette sunouaces -tle existeace- o-ai afatal- case of the buhonlu piagua in Durban. Thc vicfim les an East Indiau. Thc local suthorities ure strîctly an- forcing precc'fion. 'l' THE BITTER END. Kruger's Proclamation Calling Upon Bur-glers ta Uefcid Joananesburg A daspatcli frein Capec Town, says: Presideut Krug-er, it le annoanced lare, lias issuad a proclamafio i s yiug le will defend Johancsburg and uali'ng niion alflic Boers ta ! fiu ta fthc bitter end. s 'I THEY NEVER DO. Thara la sud sa tliig as somnam- bulism, ai coursei quaried Lhe auxi- aua-iaoking youag ma as ha appear- cd -af the lawyar's office. Certainiy, wus thearcpiy. But do somnambulista evar write lattera ? Neyer beard afitif A somnubulila wouldu't write 250 lave lettars in s year, would ha, sud ec ansd every ana ai tbem asking flic girl fa marry hlm sund tlreatening suicide if aIe dida'L I Neyer. Than fliare's no heip forme, sud yau msy sac the girl sud saffle flic breacli ai promise suit an tira hast ferma you can. SaId to ha Loaomoior Ataxia, a Nervousi Diseaso, Which la Aise Provaïlunt ln This country-Peculiar Symptoms. cCap-t. J. P. Fiaiay, o-f thÉ! 9thtIUnited fie spinal card sud revitaliz"stfe s Sstebs, bas racurucd irai nervea. 1Manila, sufferiug witb what iresasys Thl i ue ta acf is whanîrt cuanc i- a t'errible niaiady which la p-ru- first mukas itacif apparenit. Wýben you flîîd yorseii tapping witi Lb. valent emoag flic offticers sud men. fingers, wlicu the narvea ad itic body IL de relaps info ne-uritîs or narve pars- Lwitch afLec ratiring at nîit. whe, lys,ïs, sud ununy ai its s ictima are you lie axvake, tua narvous f0 aleeai cripplc'i for lufe." whan yau bava ner'vouisheýadacie aud Dr. Wilson, oi Buffialo, N.Y., asys nervous dyspap9ia, that this rnysterioa discase", is lo- Thesa symtptorna ai exhtuaîcd narv 1 cemrotor saaia, and ia just as preva- force are fIe b egitininig Ëai at lent ia Narthi Amarinea us li the Phil- rcswbhmutedi ippine. If isua degeneration of the aproc, asalbich muet eidu lcmt uer-va celleaiflice spinal cord, which riiprlse evn rsrto affe -tste narve onuîraiîing motion. repiiapsy unless the sysceaiis le- TIes ae-mts- eampas i te fr:stored. For flic banafit oai ailrenid -e ible resulca cf flue disease ta ha seau crs ai flua article îwccanuat doubeter ou tic streats ouf Torouto and of b- than ta recammenid ticherssanuse cr Canadien cities. Thechcaracferisti ocf Dr. Chasa's Narve Food, w.h i ci lu sympa-ms 0of îlis u-r'v-xhausu'iug afumulewlapetl eul disease le inubilify tfa wîik praper- the cxbausfcd narvous astam u,.nan ly o-r ta contrali uic ian lis -sud asciscure flic usno erious Il ae.-?2 The feet are ruised higl op anad put Inarvas. dowtnl an sd solo laetier lu a sont This treatinent is recommanded af fiappîag motion. Tic vicfim la in iabove al othara bacausa if la a moïýd- danger ai faliing wlîen going up or 1 cru scientifîc preparation eupad dca,vu ataira or arouad cornera. He from a .favourite prescrip'ion aiofDr. walks with hie eycs au hie feet, ex- A. W. Clisa, wlia las tsfed i n pcrriuig shooting pains in tlie legs tbousands ai cases oi locuootor aa aud sauce af pressure about flicwilat. is, paralysiesud narvousi pros-tratîiol Lunflic lafer stages locomator'afaxia witli ubicli le cames linfnact i is as tuis di ssal calied, la incurable. immense practica. Lt is csdréby If lakan lulnc meitif ouad teyiaid madicai men tof0 h ficgrz afe-3t rv ta tlie re orat-vc influence cf Dr. jstorativa whiucl nature peiisfor Chass Nexve Fod, wih c;cmpicte- paie, wcair, usrvous meu, woaeand lj' rebuiilda fie wasf cd ne rvc celle of hidren, ON BOER RIGHT FLANK11. British Forces MlarChing East Along the Vaa, ivr A despatali irons Pretoria, Wednea- - day,says :-An officiai hujJa-tiu issued i era asys. 1"The adysaca gu,,ard ut Reibr)ion re- i tirad an flic main hody af fI aorth- cru border. Accordiug fa Frac State advic-ea the Britishi ycstardny wcrc at Grcyliaigs drift, an flic Vaal river, 25 mies ras Woimaransfad, witli a large forceý. "On Sunday Kaihe engagail the Brit- ish bat waen Haeilbron and Liudku.ý- The iFaderaIs had fa retire licior-, a,)erj wbelming force, lasing ona kiil 1 ,(jsan savon wouuded." WOMEN AND NEWSPAPERS. Iu fha davelopmcut ai daiiy journal-. isin, wlidl praceeds rapidly sud aioug liues covaa-Lng fthe affaira of flic worid fully ecdlimaruiug, flic influence of women is more important sud rmore powariui flian miglif ha supposed at s suparficial glance. A huundrad years ago the edîtor ai a dahly acely thauglif if wartb whîie ta recon wit wamien as an active elaea-ýt ai 5juP- port. The govarumeutai and diplomna- Lic ne-viraaoflie day, witli a political leader, were the main ingred-icuts ef an issue. A few oondaased paruagraplia reiafcd ta local uews sud aniy excep- Lional social avents wcre coursider-ed worfhy ai mention. -Far lnfo tha preseut cenitury the gencral viaw prcvailcd fIat newspa- pers must ha made for in for at ut aes- amen, piticiaus, merdhante, maclaa- bcs, spaf'uiators sud votea. Saj far auà a' faminine clament, us introduced it waa wif h aasa ai in ùdulgýence for flic pisyfui aida ai a carions vacation, But a generafion or two ago mutlter3 bagan fa change. Lt was aveu, disoov- erad fIat wcmen caubd writa political leaders sud put a vigarous, mark upon p-oiicics cf sate. For maay yaýars flar- nief Marfinau was among fhe nmoat influantial leader wrifers an the Lan- dau p-ras This cubty, or predilea- flan, amoag iiteary wamau i- stsf11 rare, but ifs existence lias bteu proT- cd. Thc fuma las bang sînce p)aaac-d wheu the naneai ofa womau atfsched f0 a ncwspeper article excites sur- prise. And as wamau hava prograýsS- cd ln uewsappr work fiay have aise advanced as ncwspsper readers. The readar la a crific sud ta a certain ex- tant au arbiter in ncwspaper evol;u- flou. By takiug au intereaf lunflic p-rasa women. lave'bacomne anc aofii main shsuping forces sud tha edifar who fliuka fa ignare tflair fstsOr defy their sandard f inds hinsaýli ouf ai balance witl flic timea and filling a long-perisled wsuf. If ail papera wcra ibdwtisna tion, witli matter calculafed, ta catch flic iancy or curîoaSity aiflie buLyPr rafler than fa stafe fhe trufli about carrent liafory sud opinions f hey would ha poor sud dangeraus material to admit ta flic circla ai the fasnily. -Intligcpnt sud oËscianiloýus woman are putting t heir impresa uip- on cia ncwspapar world hoth as pat- rouesuad writers, sud if la grafifying fIat anal isaflic casa. Tlic nawspa- par ja na Langer addressed t a lu af maukind. lt goas ta ail sud la cx- pectad ta p-rasent a comaprahaunsive survey ai avents sud thames aIf Ma- meut to il. The approbation ai wo- mens las liccome as necassa ry ta()saund nen-spaper successaus f liasupport ai SCRIBING AND PRE-,SCRJýýNG., Friand. I fbougît fIat you were OUn flic telepliona, doctor. Caiebrated Physqiciani, nof cd for bis had haudwritiug. I uced jto te. b)Ut 1 was abusgcd ta giv fi up. Friand. R-ow uns that? Ceiebrafad Physiýcýin. Well, the fact le thaf I us Nworriad oint a4 my lii c by continuai calisfreiù Irantit dbem-lista ulia, eudnfrcd my pro script sans. and sa I lad if takexi away - Friand. I wandcr what the obaml- sfa do nonw? Caiebraf cdPhysi1cian. By Javel I neyer thougbt ai f tat. I think 1muest learu typewriting. bt sa 314 ho ly an 9ý id i ý