Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1900, p. 8

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FIk!%.1,ý ý , 1eq1 M Medicine in pili form is convenient and pleasant to take. KIDNEY PILLSI ' Dr. King's Kidney Pis are recornrended by the med- kal profession as being the best- for kidney and «Bla (ddr Dis- ? eases, Lumbago. Rheumatisin, &c. Dr. King's Pis cleanse ¶ the kidneys, and thus allow them to pur1fy the blood. instil- ling new life and vigor into the entire system. Price 35c. SFree sample on application. D4r. King's Blood and Nerve Pis. W The G-reat Blood BIuilder and Nerve 'one. A good ý1U Eisprîng Liediine. 25e. 72GmLittle Liver Pilis. lf Xri iver Hlfrfeadache, Biliousness, Indligest- ionTur-iii verConstipationi.-Big sellers, big value, Remember No. 301 cures colds. J. HICCINBOTHAM &i SON, ~ ~iox ~NVLLE. hemists and Druggists As (>-Urt.As Carrnage. .ou seen our Go-carts and Carrnages; if al and. seG luhem. hiows combination Go-eart and Baby Carniage., ItÎfil1s ents and is taking the place cf others. tve other lines of Carniages besides Eur 1,iL à re . . tore is fulil of ail the newest goods, together witli the regular >iii the eheapor to the btter goods. - ~AKING complote and every attention given. bell1 on side of door answered any heur cf thse niglit. SCINCE o UATl Z7 E. 2 lsSt- rtyer 3 pecimen COPY. 1,i ý <?Oa ear -- ta new subseribers inelludica a - - short summary of Charactes inosD neveI ride 1 W« eexperi- rai L~IItCag"lutRussian *bisdrte thse United States, "1was a -o.ut,2,500 miles tbrougis u Go . .ber and Novemnber, W 7r 1 lossd My terrm ns inu. I had decidcd to t~ "i srough China and Russia, l'o~* "~ ir~a distance of 8,000 or 10.000 m i Ij >thousaud live hundred liescisu5 a~tlonhMengulla, and tiseC'ie e 'lIs pla4ned py journey. 1,1-1 6i.î (0 changes af Borges, and e.t~uc ',ngigpoint liilq Lad 60 1nial . 600 fo my per- a eend of eaoh portion of . epreparatians were fr. '-inMent. The roads *1 . ýelent, and W. mada lrt' urn-e te thse Rassian -exporienos was in Ob';y. euee oftthe great Thse thormoietel be'wzero, and tht !ain ce. 1 shudder cf ÏtbaP river trip. I i ev el gjt aërosi, 'f Or die w1h the cod. 1 c rst; lunt.hs in the ya 't.,, n who ie me mpor- 1i A i 'Uîr domestie arrange- j.,,. ~ d, pariormaid ou ilen ..,.,.. ~ akes a pride las ler app-s cu-t. bihthough entiruly Bat- i~ ~,,e"tmenirritating te thse legs resseIu' tpe"t aniitresse, gays a Losi- te-i'~.7fr ber, au it apparesly JA l (ieîmeuboie taking a place aum I~ ~~t ~ . oproide hersehi wltb a ~al ,s~sbo~kla which a fui d- n erfpp 'arafloe muet be »r- te: . 's e -riptlon af tise Ge=@,% o.~~ ~~ !!'î'" dy thse olice et ha? y ' e.s-r lanehivaIry. Thse clu n. nir, and the.e shape Q I t~' dIÙY chronlaled' and i *1,. ~ ~ -, o~heù tupinonIthat any Ingly" ,h. bas ne hest- *ss.-i n ~vriise. Wja.t possibilitieà e. .-ir. ggests Imagine tise Y-- .t' -IL at testant a car-e. a 7,'-self before thse local bis verdict ais ber noPe 'rudthe l ast, 1.).. 'r' r(' eUl t be e ~)~-h- fi-,,- (e, î,e i»>' b i' e an . C ~VOl 1>3 L~ i~ Ucti- f , ~ev mine aid C'~ mit F. T". Eraiîi~, i Prait- a- BO WMANVILLE, APIRIL 11, 19ý00, Mrs, F. J. G-roat is mucli btteri:.... Dr. Jas. E. Brown bas returned from the Kloudike and is visiting lis broth- er 'Mr, 1. L. Brown . Mr. W. Hf. Elford, Carmau,Man.,paid a fis ing visit bore Saturdav.. .. Our village wus. al oxcitemout Saturday, ovening, Word having reached here tisat tht- Canan- dians bad captured 200 Boers. This g-ood news coupled with the success of the TempFrarro, party in the ight for Local Option led te generai rejoiciug. The varions village behis wero ringiug and gun shots firod, The crowd cheer- cd and tise smali beys paradod the street with tin pans. The intoî est takon lu tise figlit f')TrLcalu Option by tise young people is cert4iuly indicative that tiselilquer traffie bas seon its best days in Hasmpton... Au add- ess ou Impenial Federation is te be delivered ut tise F. L.'C. E. Cross Bun social Gond Fridav even inig...Tise membors cf tise MWom'A uxnilary will conduct the servi,,o clise churcl Sunday inoru- ing next. _____ Glad Spring Tidingse PAINE'S CELERY cGOMPOUND MAKES SICK PEOPLE WIL TheGreat Banisher of Ail Troubles Brought on by Careless Living. The cities 'and towns cf Canada in spring time are f ull cf peopîe who are lu a th6roughy woruout "uuistrnng" nervous condition. brouglit ou by care- less and isoediess liing. Sieeplessness, irritability aud despoudencv help te makýe tis cup cf wretcisedness more complote. Tissarmy ocf brokpnudomoumen ud ws omen sbould know tisat now and vie- orous bealtis dopends on purified blood, regulated nierves, sonnd sleep and per- fect digestion. These happy cond(itionsA comne onlv by thise o f Paine's O&.(,(,l 11g nutld Ifany have tiH a aie.. . gt cf nerveus di i e b »(1, Làd ney îl)d î I.e.tu&' . dsesa - n m'en I. s i en-i v e 'i --t It tir t hi,, net an -t'aino's" "t-'ple weli." Tlle FIyillg pMdi- No Natter What's The latter "IThoy are W'y l)o yen notice tise groat number of patent meidicines n ow being ieudiy ad- vertised for Backache? D)o .yiuknow,,whN1"? Doye kow wheu a hiost cf tiese "1cureais suddenhy h0oomed up as Backaclie remedies? Tt was wheu Dr. Pitchoer's,, Backache Kidnev Tablets stan-thedovory cornu uitv with- tieir mart-elhous record cf[ loeal cures of Backache, Kidney and Biadder trouble. It was wison many Bowmuu- ville citizeus toid of their cure te Bow- manviile people tbirengh Bowmauville papers, that Backachoý1 becanie tise fasis ion wvith tise ever premising te cure everytbiug medicine squadreu. The Baekýachie Kidney sufferer liow- over rcgio Dr. Pitclier's Backachc Kidney Tablets as a modicino propared aund rolmmiended oly for Backacise, Kidney and Bladder troubles, and their resuits. Overwholming proof cf their metis volunteered from overy place wliere te are known. People speali: cf hemus"th Grat idny Medicine." bine cf t1w manyfl Bowmanvilie who toit of tiscir value by oil xporience is Jue. S. i ndle, dealer ïlu carniages wbo savs -"Il bave been bothiered for tise p)a:t twenty years more or ie-s, with livo"r und kidiney trcubIle(, togeftior witli conistipation. I tried miairy other pro- paraloli, ~which aIwav1ýs up set Imystem- aci and did mie io goodl. I procured a bottl eof Dr. Pitchoer's BudkIac!he Kid- neY Tablets frofti Stott & Juiry, and eau trutbfnly say,\-tisey livedoue meiaa great dleat of goodl. Tie-_aegete safe oand su-re luaci 1 Itako pleaisure i 'L'hmudngtem te othors ý If yent have tise sliîgbtest symnptom cf Kiaduev or Bîadder trouble, yen eau teýsLttusgroatmodicine free. Arrange- ments have beeu made whereby every reader cf this pinper eau, obtain a triai package cf Dr. Iliteher's Buekache Kid- ney Tablets absohutely free by enciosingî two cent stamp for postage te the PITCHER TABLET CO., TORONTO, Ont. XVhen giving address mention this paper. If yen are couvluced Pitdlier's Tablets aroe what ycu want, yen eau purchase reg-ular size for 5) cents iuer bottie. If net obtaiuabhe at druggists, maiied free cf postage on reeeipt cf price. OlIONO. Mr. Tises. Viekers !ias had erysipelas. AIl]liver ills are cured by Hoo0d's Pis. Mr.Jas. Conneil visited! ber parents nt Starkvîihe., '1r-iChas. Walter lest a valuab1Ism horse rocen1tly. Mis ate iso istdlier spister, Mr~Richiard Beer was lui Bewman- -ie lunt week. Mr. Johin IHonoe visited fIriends lu Cohisorne reeently.- Clarke, Council bas in5'reased Cîerk Rickaby's salary te) $200. Mr. John ArmstrongM ra, wili speud Easter heiidays ut homre. Mvr. Tises. Smith bas meved into oe cfe tise resideuces lu tise Miller b'leck. Mr.,A. W. Carveth is getting, materi- ai ou greund for bis uew brick rosidence. Rov. C. W. DeMille is wniting on bis examination at Victoria Coilege, Ton- onto. Messrs. Milton aud Wiii Keat cf Black River. N. Y., have returned home. We dlaim that Tise D. & L. Menthol ,Phaster will cure lumbago, baekacho. sciatica, or neuralgie pains quieker than au',' other remfody. Made by Davis & Lawreuce Ce., Ltd. Mr. J. W. Bîewett, Leskard, bas! secnrod a sit lu tise Malleable-Works, Oshawa. If yen are nerveus or dyspeptie, try Carter's Little Nerve Puis. Dyspepsia make s yen nervous, and 'uervousness makeS yeu dyspeptie; eitiser oee nd-rs yen miserable, and these littie pis cure both. SMiss C. Hugisson and Miss May Vin- son attendcd the miiinery cpeniug lu 'Toronto. A Sudden Chiîl often means sudden ihlness. Pain-Killen 18 aIl that is ueed- ed te ward off.Uuequallcd ton cramps auts '11'I r James Ormsbv, a plumbor, lives 99 Jarvisstreet, Toronto,. ho says: <'r nearly tw elve years I bave beon 'ii isbhed wth catarris: my nestrils wore îtinuaIIy steppiug up, and I suffered f-> itmucli'f rom beadaclie. Tise dectors W ' . rnehimtid it circufle catarrh. They tI', *ud net givo me an ' permanent relief A,,'ew's Catarrhsal Powder both "k evd and cnrcd me. I eau reyom- "ndi( it witisiéonfide,ýne." ýý;E4WC.ASTLE. Mr. Richard Colwili continues very' Miss ilsnPort hope, was a rocent MrMBeilgeî and family a-re ovn to the '3rri. uine, Ciarke. R. Warren shipped three car loads cof apple pa ingcoGray Miss Lizzie Stgisi isitn Miss Maud Darcli, Bowmnanvif le. mis. E. C. lIillamjj and mothor, Mrs. Rushi, ha ve taio n up residonce in New Mr. Wmi. Readmade bis final shipment of apples te Liverpool last 'eek. Mr. and Mrs.J as. Plhilp have returnod from a pleasan-1t -visit at Ottawa and Cobourg. Mthodist choir are preparing spocial Easter musie, undiýer fthe able leadership Af Mr. Pickard. 11ev. J. S. I. Wilson, Courtice, preached vory aýccoptably lu thé Meth- odist church Suuaday. Miss May Rinch il, verY ili and Miss Mary Allun ploasinglY fullfllled the posý ition of ergani£st Sunday. "Persevore and pro3por." If yout take llood's Sarsaparilia faithfullv for screfula, saIt rhoum, boils, eruptiens, dyspepsia, it will cure yen. Mr. Wm. 'Knig-ht has purcliased tho residonce north end cf Beavor St,, from Mr. John Otton, Darlington. My friond, look h ore! yen know how weak and niervous yeour wife is, and yen know that Carter 's Iren Pis will cure hier, new wh * nert bc fair about-it and buy hoer a box'? Mr. J, M. Conblodidk, Newcastle, givos public ie that ail trospassors fishing or otherwise on bis grounds wili bo prosocuted ac icording te law. EVERYBODY TS CouGHiNG-Excopt these whous Dr. Chaso's Syrup cf Linsee'l and Turpenitine. It loosens the tightness in tho chest, stops the cough, alla3 s the infhamation' heals the sore- neSS and promptly cures ail sorts of coughis and colds, bronchitis, croup asth- mu and sore threat. It is found in uine-tonths cf the homes of this country 25 cents a bottie. Fiamily size Eo cents. M r. R. Moon, Orono, recoived a car- load cf Massey-Harris imploments at the station here and Mr. J. W. Cornish, Leskard, a car cf Manitoba wlLoat. 'ITEm BETTER PART-Of valor is dis. cretion", and the bettor part of the treatment of ýdisease is prevention Disease origina:es lu impurities in the blood. T-lnnd's Sarsaparihia purifies the blood. People who take' it at this season say thev are kept heal'thy ail the year round. It is because this medicine oxpeis imDurities and makos the blood rich and health giving. Visitors; Mrs. Brokeushire and son, Pickerîng. at Mr. W. Pickard's .... Misses Collacott, Salem, visiting Mrs, Geo. IH. Joli ..Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Azall, Oshawa, with relatives; .... Miss McýLeodC. Atiochel, is visiting bier sistor, Mrs. J. Hfall; Mr. David Law roturned home front Scarbero; Mrs. E. C. Hillam bas moved lieo fromn Cobourg., EXAMINE liTo 'rOGuE-The skilod phvsicianî rea"s youir condlition, by a glauco aý,tto tenue, If it is coa*ed and yeni have ea bitter taste lu yeur mouth lu the nori hos ieknows vour livor is torpid tnd 'sluggish andl- pres- crib)es th3e u ý,ef Dr. Chase's Kidno v- Livor Pilis. Th1ey cure biiieusness and sternacli troules, and ail disorders cf the iver and îkidnevs. One pill a dose., 25 cents abox. At ail dalers. Mrs, (CaDU.) ibso.q is visiting hier daugbtorMrs. Fanny Iiîts. Pickering, prier te the rernoval cf the family, also the famihv cf Mr. Wlburn,' -Who heave this menth for thoir new home lu Hon- clu lu, 7000 miles distant. Mrs. Wilburn i Mrs. G-bseu's danghter, Edith. A brother of Reeve Levekin bas been living lu Honolulu for severai years, TH1E POPULAR BOOK, Hundreds of Thonsands No1w inlCanadian Homles. Mat and Rug making lu the home is attracting tihe attention of ladies al over thse Dominion. Thse manufacturers cf the celebratod Diamoud Dyos are ncw preparod te meet the popular dem and for novel and pretty udesigns lu Mats and Rugs, and have prepared an ilhustrated bookiet swigin colors thse styles tbey hiae for saeFuhl information, is ziven in this boc. Sntfre tean adres1b PouNDKý EEPER.s-David Milne, Levi Bartlett, Isaiali Irwin, John N. Sander- son. ChilrenCryfor A BOON TO HORSEM EN. English SpaVin Lliniment. removes al l iard, sort or c-allous"edl Lumps and Blemlishles from horso3s, Blood Spavin, Cuirbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweenev, Stifios, Sprains, Sore and Swellen Throat. Couglis, etc. The use of ene bottie may make you $50. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. 14-10w. A. WONDERFUL FREPÂRATION. '!Rokeo" coi-cal coffee. Pure, wbole- some, nourishing, highiy re 'ommendea by leading physicians., Rokco is, equal to 40e. coffee, but onhy cosl-s one fourth the price and is useâ at y cur moals la ~steçd of poisonous teas and coffce. Rokco is sold ln loc. packages, -15c,, or 2 l'os. for' 25e For sale, lu Bowmanville by the following groce-rs, Young & Co., Cawker & Tait, Roui & Co , Mason & Co., John âlcMurtryv, J. B. Martyn aud A L. Nicholis .Ask, for it, 6 lyr Farmers and others requiring good tfencing wiIi do well to see the above ffence. Will give you a cali, Reserve your orders. J.-H. PHAVRE, Tyrone, 1l-tf. Agen t and Builder. M19 To the People of West Durham: Please accept our best thanks for your liberal patronage the past 2Oyears. We are coming a gain as soon as roads and weather permit, with full wagon- load of first class seasonable goods at reasonable prices and we shall be pleas- ed to seli you ail you need: Dry Goods, 3Cutlery, Granite and Tinware, Teas, 1Groceries, etc.. of the very best quality 1in the market. Taken in exehange as usual-Scrap Iron, Metals, etc. JOHN GRIGG, Ne. 82, Ontarlo St,, Phone 1-Ï.Bo anle P. S -Man wa1nted te run Peddiin £ Wagon; must be fair scholar and of ge1od character.- Apphy in person.- J. G.' I arn told you want a wagon, buy a Chatham,. Your old harro ws are 'not doing the work properly, get our Diamond Steel Tooth., That old harness is douie laid wil fali to pieces in the fiel'd when you are busy. Corne in and purchase one of Court- ice & Jeffery lland-rnade oak. tanned sets, the best in the province. Rerner- ber -the place to get these and hundreds of other things you need is at JOIHN S. RUNDLE. Opposite Lutte ý-ehh's Bakery, Bowman- manville. Repairing promptly done. Brantford Bicycle Agency. FotL-the, J-loildays: Fearmian's B. Bacon. Fearnan's Rol Bacon. Fearman's Srnoked Harna. Fearman'sL. C. Bacon. Fresh AMaplc Syrup. Oranges, Lemons, &c. &c. Phono 57. - BOWMANVILýLE.

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