i 7~cent'.!r l ~ turc contributes the safest, quickest, and most effective rernedy for ail diseases of, the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Every box is registered, and conta,-ins a positive guarantee. If directions are followed and a.cure is flot effected, your money will1 be refunded.' is Ntr' raetreme11dy,. Treatment for 2oo days in every box- A few doses is often. sufficient to restore yonr, heah. Keep the remainder; it is a certain preventive of disease, keeping the blood j pure, the nerves strong, andl the whole Isystem iu harmony. If you caninot get it of your druggist, we will mail you a box on receipt of $i.oo. Our Native Hlerba is also soid in powdered forrn. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO., 232, St. Paul Street, Montreal, Car.. LOCAL OPTION SCÂRRIED. Temnperance principles triu'niphedc again lui the good banner township ofi Darlington on Saturday when the local option by-law waý carried by the hand-j some rnajority of .365 votes, the majority in January being only 8 42. Great cred it is due to' the Sons of Temperance, div- ision~s for special effort iu accomplishing this grand resuit, altirougli the people cause of temperatice when they tnrned out in such large numbers to vote at th,ýs season when a sense of duty onilyv could induce farte ers te leave their homes, The vote ii .. ý%ws 481 for and 139 egainst theb-lw iThe vote Saturday was 488 'for and fluenced several te go to the poilis. We feel prond of the electors of Dar- iingten for showing such a deep inter- est ie this-matter as manifested iu the very large majority. The two votes given herewith are for the purpose of comparison: JANUARIr. For Agst. Maj. Providence 62 17 45 Tyrone 63 25 38 clapie Grove 60 10 50 Hlampton 80 31 49 Enniskilten 60 26 34 Mt. Carsedl 82 16 66 Bradley's 74 14 60 481 139 842 A P IL. For Agit. Maj 42 1 41 76 12 64 44 2 42 79 30, 49 60 26 34 81 1 80 5M 1 55 438 73 365 The resulîs of the fwo vefos at Hamp- tee and Eeniskillnn, the polling sub divisions lu which the hotel influence is most active, is ratIer remarkahle the mejority leing ln hesame in loth con tests. 'The gratest change of sienti- ment is sîown at Tyrone ced Mount Carswell. TIe solitary voter against thn by-lcw et Providence, Mr. Carswnli and Bradley's must feni assuredly thaf the consensus of opinion is rather stroegly against him. XVll donc, Darlii.-tn The Grand Trunk authorifins seem te le manifestingl a finsire te ment thc wislns of île public in thn matter et giving botter shipping ced transporta tion facilities. T1ey appreciate fIe velue olf th patroniage gi'.en bv these frontier towns cnd wiil net bcE lkelY te forsako sudh towns as Wliitly, Osbawva, Bon-rnaiville, Port- Ho3p(fand Cobourg even tîeuigh a nnw linen shulfi Le built for fhe tlrDu.-h fri.Jlt trafflo. Sir Clarlos Tupper eppears te be hcving lots of fini in keepieg lis modei*y crew t inUen If muit le dncidedly em- barrassing te t ho Opposition leedertol lave a prominent supporterhike lion. Gý A. Nantel, c memler of fhe lest Conservative Goyernment in Qunîno, tallhinZ hike this on a public piaf form:- "Thanks te Mr, Laurier, Canada is f0 day e coloev governed blx'Dewning Street. We arc carrief iav lv tIce current in impericlisrn,- and, ;nef satis- )JT. VERNON. ~No srxi ce lhere next Sa-1iih imore- ing . ..Vistor Yr. Ed.î Mi! ICD cf ho me..-. Mr. Atr(eiN i a y, (aitwiight at Mpn(îes ireJohn Luke, Ked mon. citbi . 1, I 1 vg ' h r Mi s.J. J Sm ;Mis Ethel G'ai lat Lome frm the W-et *". EIio; is gic îmiproig.... We'me prould of our ward- only coee man voted againestLoa Option- an 57) for il Hur-ah for Briey.'s' Schea ous"e ! alcdDivisions Pet Seliul L NE W IlAVEN. Misses Winind Lily Tu1ivisitef IWhitb)V f ienlds - rcetl.... M r. W. ou buies. r. Chas. lReyiuolds'has moved from Mm. M. Burk'sJacrm te Osh- awa..,.. A musicale wes hcld cf the Christian Endeavor Fridcy evening with Mr. Fred Chaplin as leader. Miss E. Foley recd the tooloIn JSSOn; Vocal duets bv Misses Power -cnd Witheridgce and Misses G oode; solos b v iLss S. Jeweli, Miss E. JenDniugs ced Mr. Nom- man Allie; instrumental sel notion, Miss S3 bu Tynl... .There les been wood becs ecentlY et Messrs, S. Ailin's, A. Goode's, Wmn Brittoe's, W' . Curtis'. FEvER.iSiZ FROM WORMS -Two of my ltIn boys-,w.,,nrelroubled with wommns Thny vwould wake up lu the nizlit and througb fIe day would sometimes be verv fevoish, 1 gave them Dr Low's Worm Syîu ip and it compietely cured thein. Mrs, Wm. Mercel, Teetervilin, Ont. COURTICE. Mms. Fothni(rieg,ýham nntemf ained the members -ýo! thie exedutive of Darlinz- ton Union Chieese Co ,, ecetly. . .. E. Wclters wil 1mcare biadksmitbing with A. Wvbumni.,.. Wood becs have leen vnry pientiful tis Sping. . .. Sid Han. cock left for SIanît St. Mlarie.... Mt. Carsweillwet 8 for local option cnd 1 cgainst. Is, therpe auY virtun iin the namne ?.. _1Rev.r_. J. Edmison, B D., Newcastlc, prached at Ebenezer Sun day and prnsented the dlaimis of thc cd- ucationilsoeinty. ... The local W. M. S. arcenkn a rrangements for the Dis- trict conven"tio tele hld hein ibis mntLh.... Mrs. J-. C.and Miss Wilson, Brightoný , ave returnedborne, WHE N DOOCTORS SAYI"HOPELESS." South mÏ ia Kidney Cure Steps ini andi Cures U jght's Disease and OUIi -r Kidney ]Jisordejî . If is realyv wondnrful thenunmbor of so-called bho'pelnss cases diagnosnd se lv thc lest phyýsiciens ln tle land, fIat have Ibee-n radicaily curnd ly South America n !Kiîdney Cuare.i It gensdirect- ly te tneeat of fhn trouble, dissolves and eradicates fromn the systcma every impurity -thiat ivculd -ciog these organ'ls ced prevent tnmperforming fInir per- foot funetimx -.Thiienýnd'î ha'v Wrviftten Given Up to Die 60.by Two Doctors TheThird Doctor Lsed Or. Chase's Nerva Food and Saved the Young Lady's Lite. Dr. J. W. Bates, of Corfe, N.Y., states: 41A most remarkable case has corne enfer my hands of- late and bas, fuliy convinced me of the wonderful power of Dr. Chases Nerva Food over diseases of the nerves. A yonng lady wbo was treated for over two years for epiiepsy by two doctors was given up to die. She came to me, and on careful examination, 1 found that ber sick- ness was net epilepsy, but nervous trouble futc rrm e ele.~d~c ilis a aay, atte'.rimeals ana t e beiîe. It is tbree montbs aince s began this trectment and sbe bas not lied a single bad speil. Her heaitb bas rapidly improvefi, cihe bas gained 'about fifteen pounds in weight, and 1 do neot hesitate to state that Dr. Chase's Nerve Foodi has savefi ber life and made ber well. 1Signed, J. W. BATEs, M.D." Dr. Chase's Nerva Fond la the world's greatest restorative for paie, weak, nervous men, women andi chiltiren. 50c. a box, at ail dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto. Book on Nervous Disease irae.,x Good Friday at St. Jol' h's Church. Thero will be morning praver with au address on thie "Werds from the Cross" et 10.30 a. m Collection will be made et this service for Missions te .jnws. ln the evening cf 7 80 there will bc a Lenton Sr'-ice entiflec '-The Pas- sion of 0cr Lord ", te whicl everynne is invite~l te rev.erenîly and devouflyv foi- low our Lord and Savine,.r ft'rongh Iis sufferiegs on tbe first Good Friday. A collection et the door fowarcis expen- ses. Those who corne late wîll please wait at the door until the sing-ing of a hymn before geoiog te seats ,so as net te disturb the service. Eý FIELD. Visitors: Mr. Geo. NidderY, Solina; Mr, George -McCuloch, Bruice; Masters Percv and Arthur WXestlike, Solina; Mrsý . D.Trainer, -Raglan: f3r. -Clare- Niddi-ry et Toronto ..Messrs, James MNoorey, Jue. Ormiston, Hl. Boss, L.- Niddcîy, J. Stark,,-, T. Hall and ethers l'ad silccessful woed Ions last w..... Mr. J ohn Gibson is still under the dec- tor's care . ... Mr. J. E. Dvcr bad a bec haulieg 38 loafis of ha'. te Burknfon in oue day.... MUr. Tiilos.'1111li as rented the farm ofMr. John McCullocb, sr... Mr. James Scott lest a verv valuable herse last week ...Miss Vi ola Mecul loch bhas inflammation of the ..n.... Feul wheaf in this locaiity is on the sick iist. .... New ofllcers Sons, of Teper- ance: W. P-E, Pascoe; W. A.-Miss Maryý Barker: H. S -Levi Tordiff; A. R.S -M . Il'l v r hA1 b1ý West End House BOWMANVILLE,. Having paid the xirît carefi attention to the newest fabries and correct styles both in regard to eut and style 'of 'patterns we are pre- pared to submit for -your inspection our spring stock ofM£ien's,Boys' and Children's clothig which you will find most complete in, every detail. Jnstead of going to a tailor this sprngtry a ready-to'-wear Fý?it at half the tailor'sprice and one which. you will find very satisfactory and jaunty enough in appearance to suit tLhe most---exacting fimes. Men's Fine lImported Worsted Suits,navy I-ue and blaek,double bren isted and sacque style, -welI tailored and good lining $12,50., Ilen's Fine Iu.ported Worsted ~4 Navy Bine Suits, s acque style, x fast ec1or, lined throughou-t with Now is the lime for TIRE 2LND )XSEY IWASTEI>.