Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1900, p. 2

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lu i hml terx ar maker, do sIeniy de- Llr use, tiho't th e-tieme t1 I bave mat'Iù ttoedayV i strue fand cor- Beae iv Mnuay I br t,,, ýrooed f b iilnJ Id ladd owlisg Ilrse, ei WMIOmlhkui w @te mnde water b ga*n te be i«-g VuI lied suff«red il, tbat WaY fr a~e, aadiepan ln rny b1w k thnt 1 c id &t tklwe. séaraely bis cver ln bail 1 biýu9i't fLur bes.of ilb K 4'iaY Beans lrim the 17um- de.ýý l>irsgOoepay, s-ln' fee1601that I arn eussd-o baees,~ j n ', when 1n~fae 1 ehee ifeflyr6cOm;eemu4d Lui ea en$ le q ,, '. rrs of kidney "d ibhddý~r'"dlee ,whIck "r s'tiIàa ameg amen ri My ais. er roieedg le a oui%, a qii'l sud sreât etre. P,)ee-I a4bere e ust tbe Tow' enl In tce ný'fy Wet tb'ts, "r' zl«e latney B sforatIe La aiaU irnde- lissai s' wtoeY, tpbe Yoilr ir cd 558.h dire11 etC a k, or Iveboseedoar > 186 Adeaidec StretiWot, Tcne Tera eoid i hi- e t i es slilel STTT& URY, druggists, ville. soîd by Bowmao- DR. L. POTTER. Rffi 7-,d irssidence,Church St. .oppositc Tr1uilty ,,cogregationai eburch, Bowrnanville. 6 in MISS EVA LUTTIIELL le g,,ae ogve besons on organ anipiano ait Uer.esdence, ing St. RAJ E SJY 1IN D UB LIN The Queen Was Received With a Wa-rm J- rish Welcome. Àclrseso Wp mWr e -s e nt to hçý Queen Replied in Appropriate Terrns-=There Was No Untoward Demonsrration at.Any Point.ý PRINCE 0F WALES SHIOT AI. Brussels Antarchist Fired Two Shots r at Jin. H1e Was Captured WlinAbi LB1,ames ithe Prince for S-i currenice Took Place at thE A d(-snafých from Brsissels. April'4.[ A dsspatLch from Dublin, April 4,1j "Her Majesty looks forward with say:-A eserteattempt to assas-: says :-A slight shower marred for the inucl pleasure to her stay in Ireiand. it eilelrr"ý fWlswgmd moment the Prospects o b~ Later, through Sir Matthew White siat the ri-i ncbe taf Wae was mad Rîdley and Earl Cadogan, the Queeua:tnsainhreti fen!na dabt tws onoer ama nd the wea-, offie ially conveyed tu the Lord Mayor 13.35. Th,, Princ5e and the Princess thr emind plndd.Ithe folo-iing: were on thair way to Copenhegen te i No sooner had the Queen arrived "Convey ta the Lord Mayor -and attend the ceeîatof King Chris-. at the vice regal lodge and lunchedi itiz-ens of Dublin the sincere tbanks ta' itdy hc cusArl8 than she drove out again in Phoenix'tls. of the uenfret loyaty anden As the train was leaviug the station P'ark, 'ocing uuh uhcelud. hILuias o th geetngwhih e -assassin jumped upon the foot- Mrajesty received dnrîng the Proces- bado h rnesslo a n derstood that she 'expressed herseif sion througb thE lieautifully-decorated hord 0ftwo e Pr ies Rsalon ar nds as wonderfully pleasod with the re- route. !BDth shots misse,ýd, and aithough the ception, and as having suffered no TeQeu ehpyt h nemr Princess anti Ihers were in the -car fatigue. among bier Irish people, from wbr none lf tlzi m waa burt. faige.she bas gained and recei-ved se Warm a Haigteshiots, the stationmas- Dublin was wild wiitb deligbt, over wiecome."'trrse ate cn n nce tbe exýellence wîtli wbach al the ar- --- down the,, ldb assassin's urm as rangements were fcarried eut. Net rýsad1e-j ry or lbhprepaýre-d 1tfire,, althird sbot, and anc black flag er dislayal e bjeot ,ma rk- an the ince's assailnt.ulemele ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b 'Aioc ac; n h oua I b ofsa second 1manY, who enbuismhuid ilptiicifeel- %2s6uit inocnt0ws seized(, raugh. in.g for thIle time -ý -lyhiand-ed, and eaten NAIVSmomentK 0 S. I, ai it was feare eprince Befre auingth Quenwb lok.had heein hit.,thhats bav;g in bee ed( zeakblisli sedfrabuncý>h cf~~~~~~~~ shmok.Ibs eeseue u shete,a Native Chief, is Fighigfrdam- oithak h ala 'lie SU wo1ý)the th Boerscariage dolor ivas lastily tbIlrown (open, pinnýed upon Er: reast. A despatoh f icom Mafeking, Friday, Pri nce bim-seI l 1)pt;eared at ithe window 1-RN-Y.PE __ slays-'iiie nuhas aeen lttleeite- cul itTtY_ A mstLeiesting ceremaony to'o1 ment during the pat week. The Boer BJIth the Prinice auid Pincess, how.. place et the city limite, wbeire anian-ever, badi a very narrowecape. a-ienit gte and castie towers hadI been aboli fire comes in firful gues, and r After2; the Prince o f "Wýales had ascer- repaouce--or the occasion.On rei iasltteefet.The British na Ual- 1 toai t 0I l ~,-! iîî;ila-h i. 1 bout to Pire Again=-Assassin aupillter of, the Boers--The Oc- ie Brussel's Railway Station. The policeman on durty took Sipido lu charge. Tlie latter appeared praud af bis explait, and seemed quýite calm. Sipido told the authoritieq thut lbe lived an the Rue de le Forge, et Saint Gilles, tîvo miles so'uth of Erussels. 1The attack is condemued even at the laur headquarters hure, and at the Maison (lu Peuple, wbere the extremfe, Anarhists, meet, a ieading member of the Young Socialist guard:, is laud iu bis denunciation thîs evening of Sipido. La Patriote, in a special edition, de- nýounces the attempt as "'cowardly and senseless," and says :-" l't wlll creete generai indignation; and the worst enemy of Eelgium could net have deali. the country e fouler hlow," As the train restertsd efter Sipido's errest, the public loudly cheered tbe Prince, wbo acknowledged the demon- stretion fromn the car windoîv. HIAD MNAIDE THREATS. Sidhas a 1rounid hyish ýface, hjlacýk syce, abd dark hlair. k teexmie t ion iefore the magistrete, il, wes as- certain1ed that bee had purchased a penny ticket in order to reacb the de- parture platformi, where he walked up and down awhile' et the samne time tkhet the Prince was promenading. Peuple yesterdey say they beard Siipida declere that if the Prince -of Wales came te Brussels ho ought te bave a hibul b inhis ead d te, hov asohpsrs iry side a)f the gate were the !ar tics are almelst nil. TlcBoers se3em siits ad b'een airrested, ho declared hlm offer te, bot five francs that hie idayor and -Couneil, in their scarlet to ab e breaking Uýp t1iei r imiin luager hlmoeuif and Ithe Prinicess nninjured, wauld, fire et the Prince. robes, the mace-hearers lunllue ilver 1 and the tri g1in stAarted. Accordiug te La Patriote, soine news andseorl unded c te bsi jweward, but Lave taken iup, an en- 1SA$N' OFSIN of the views -expressed et the meeting knjown Irish, Who were provided with treucbed position nort hward wILb The asa sin.i inismith named, referred ta was conveyed te the ste- seats on stands The Royal Iuniiskill- the view cd preventing the approach Sipido, a oerde !f russels, i6 year 1r tian-mester, Who bad taken what be ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ie h oda uade fCe i oceswr ýdt i 1tbcaugbt were extra precautians. igFuý,[sili he fualiuad1 fareif oc. h iLrs oe& of Ana rcbIst lit- eratfu. Stidoappered ut the station lu bis of houer, while hehind th'em werecar- fullrei nI, force. The sbarpsbaooersappe dons of plc and lancers ai d nîlîlîla leep up a steady inaterobange cf fire. Wbnebie y the railrou 1st- est ciathing, baving explained ta bis LIKE A SIXTEENTII CENTURY I t is rumoured that relief is noear. tion officiais. Sipido decîared be lu-fterhab asgigtaskem ELA . the. sucusai riuuay truce enaes the tenoosi1 ro xiii1 roc r- rince of Wl aes, iat JUyAAA. MISS ETHEL MORRISTÎN Thousanda et sppetators eugeriyr garrison te continue playing cricket he, did noct regre1t bis action, and that PRINCE WAS UNAFFECTED. ARTIST. Instructions _________PAINTING awaited the comia cof the Queeu. lah..50lews ready ta,- do it-againifgiven a .4PErince of Wales a pe-ared uite tinT WM-dUr -raiid ' in .Sket !linîg and SIt ly befare ber arrivai the ttlYiuce O50 naffctd ,1 tieInidntHe asked e usinigfu aure K op1e.6m., r vursuivanit-at-arýms, wearia a gre- abeot,, a n aticiefseut ad, i",lojê,eqe-ysud be wanted jwhother the revolver n'as lod,'suand ausgcai usuelypriIeeraldm. g gg ha lioketout1aaina thhoor, te kiîithe P rincelofWales "because be on being informed in the affirmative, the Lord Mayor, and aaked permission There m,, inl i"hedie Miss REGINA PEIRCY, for t ie entrance af the Queen. Grave-! Li.~tiit i h dro caused touad of men teolha slaugh- smiled, and begge.d thet tbe cuiprit 1 ofloProf. A. S. Vogt, Toronto, is prepared 1ly anad lu quaiutly wl,, terme of-- An InK isab-A ei raac anreerc 0f 1there__i_________________________________to sevre le give tessons ou Piano or Organieil'er et ber courtesy, ieL; ayrgatdthe roetreRgie bsdene Lewn resÇ iere, Silrs., 50me-vlle aset1reue9 3Bck galloped tht pursuiv- itei the Boera. A rewvard cf ,£5) bas îFOUNB '111TI' RENCH MINEB. MR O T EEA hebometherpuilF.:,.m' %_at-rs the gete bauiug bebind becîs sffered f or bis capL'ure, dead orj- ,NEW UCîONEIhlm.i Altbc&sngb tbe aged bef-eaters, uive. Ts¶e The'uead Aiiduttesmal Pi'IionsÉ o ~AMt5wll tonrigged out for she occasion wýitb cos- On March I12aedetaichment ofcl (olon- Col. baderî-Powelvcl's Top Have a S oeii Frtwls Biil)os'lieeaeed atlStneer on-tumes froru the GaCýiety Theatrev, could lai native troopa, udrLieýuL-t. a-Naow sap.Adpfcfr'i nonay- rcrcl Apîlyte hon eforma Adeter' fn raîsanes o, ae.cut. J sOHN tte route bi tnee ae navuc nJe A lýdn hr-teo tenbcenituLry play. jcude y the iegeun o iesaî- a, as1Th ata nw erVFiu George -Wýyndhbam, - Palsiontery DR.J.O.MITHELTHEEQUlEN WSIN 51GB T. I weste Lheigbts I sng Mafkithe .uOs frano.Ladyamiîh U MEOFOeEGOPTSÇAS Thon frein the remparts of theanbevBiLra gat ind0fthmveeu, brea esýe en b ol. Baen-Sr taryuson elWartice, ropeîy-e ..L'Jaîsiureouonarucrourec, gate came a fanfare oýf trumpats. The devuudtepaîoneort'IigeaqesonelieteteBr Reidne. neokhln.~Qu-en n'as lu sighc Out upou a cudh are hoc.T ae u oelo a', 7wsrcie ues- 1, pnîsaners ati Simoustown, said the ,acar jlet loth, laid Ruligh-like u lpon advance o(n Jca rcfrtu'ubnacogauaîgue people and deethe asharo fer exceoded the deathe, Aà. E. MeLAU01HLIN. ýte mnd(dy road, stepied the Lard ment cOit a lîgntvswr i-geri-san oi aoytit n their re- on hourd, ship. Baritr ojeto at Csîe~aceOfic-Mayor and the corporation, their patched ta mfilke afi'tacko otlef h Hsg cnl s-le added that 2,00 additional Boer iskB'liock, King treýe ,awmlie obs glowing lu the higit sunshùine« Snymnan, a non' work rc)P rcedr"eacarl eigd u Oefor pîaeswudh epthdt t ?Èoo'ey te loanat reasonable rates. 48ly', zaid ,wands and insaces flash'ing Ybrul- by the Bcîs, andti treaienîng our saeyrle. eeafrbib liaucly. The [gaie creaked oe.Tfiaet advanced weste.cn position. Iboýy P. BURKE SIPSON a fDeb4 ad hog, uid sceddlacreeping ta within I h pphs hae epachstîet -1-N àRRISER, SOLICTaRd eak-,chl of declarîngod thatuthe0 prns-oLMaChhd24n ÊCry for ARRITE SOLCITR, ec. ORRS' thon carne the Lif e Guards. Ireland yards Of the elnmy,manY of Wbom nr eAfonlLfkn nMrh2 J. BORuptirRig sreiBwmnhad noý ceeu Lif e Guards for over 30nec sleeping outarde, and wlen near iadta h rs Vý111e. Solcitor for the Ontaria Bank. years, and many were the curious the fort Poured lu two, or three rapid sure ou. bjel ýksu' wil tenlesa thun PrIvrîte manevg loaned ti a îwest rates. commenta made as they galloped peet. voleys. l'rooper Wubb gat sufficieut- ever sce the beginig f the siog.9 __________________________Bebind tiaem ivere, cariages couclin- ly close to the fort te bieon,ot the Many Boora,, hit s, declared, are leav- ROBERT YOUNG, . . I ng the Home Secretary, Sir Matbew bramas of one of the enomy. The na- in. daily, contrai l te orders. The in-EATR 1z1L0D i'X FlCI 11. WES DURAM.N W ite-Ridley; the Ducboss of Con- tives than beat a rapfid retreatin vesting for e la frac Lhn 2,100 emonad' ATR AI 30 i..) Bock, whre imref or hie assistant wîîî naught and býer daughters, accom- accordance with instructions prvius-_ these alr, ,ell il mote from the iw . befeuliiifromla.mu. to9p. m îhtc1 penicd hy membors of the courtaud ly givea tu them, having inflicted somne Onthe nîght af1,reh 23 the Boers jRuEsia 5Iushlug Grai n laiPort Arthure. reidnc, ircty ppsie ih t.Cais by a'teaded hy mtrunted equerrica, and lasses4 upon the enemy, evacuated th1e bic5kfield tronches, A despatch from Shanghai, enys:- tieiapor telephone will reeiîve pýrompt aftlen mare Life G carde. Fiually, amid On lionday a raiding& party of Bara-wbere here n's mueofetere-sgRus- lenton. 71 -yr. almost perfect silence, save for the longs, wbo bed gono out on their own duniug the stýýeg, and the Bitish oc- Tbe ominous peaain ftoRs - cho of cheors and cries 0 f "'God Save inic riti, enc uered a patrol of terpe tbe r.Tofun2h odaseadJanseWrDprtnt SENT TO THE FRONT.1 Toronbo Men of' the Mounted Rifles Leave Cape Town. A despatch from Cape, Town, dated Wed.nerfday, arnornces the depart- ure to the frojnt(if Lthe, second contin- gent of the Conadian Mounted lIn- fantry. HAVE LOST 23 GUNS, fortunate la Titis ier. To lose guns has always been con- sidered in military circles a disgrace. In the present war the Britishi have been particularly unfortunate in this respect, theli, losses in guns having been heavier than in any simiier per.. io.d of their military history. The lasses up to date are:- INieboôlsons nek . 4 Stormrberg. ............2 Colenso...........10 Near BlIoem-fontenin . .7 Total.........2 111 excisange tbey have captured onfy seven guns, f ive taken witb Cronje at Paiardeberg, and two buried in a mine in the Free State. 00aB otton Dot omponnd 19 snccessfully used monthly by aver 10.0 Lades, Safe,effecýtuai. Ladies ask yonr druggist for Ceks Cotton Root Cou- ps. aeno other as ail Mixtures, pills and imitatious are dngerous. PieNo. 1, $1 pet box, _No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 peFr box,.lNa. 1 or 2, maiisd on reueipt or price and tw7o -centý 0tam Th e Cook Company Windsor, Ont. , WNos. 1 and 2 soiti anat recommended by ail responible Drugglsts la Canada. Nos. 1 and 2 sold in Bowmaniville by MuaiN BOTflIM & SON, STOTT & JURY; Oronio by J. GlL FILLAN'; Newcastle by Dit. Ii'ÂecomBs. z MÛ-9Cenuine- Muet Bear Signature -D Seo Fac-Sisnfle Wrpper Beiow. Tey maliu m a e te tale as augat CRTERS FOR DTIEs FORTORPID LIVER. FISALLOW IV N. FOR THE COMPLEXION ' CURE e310K MEADACHE9 '*Ali DunlopTires in gop"5, The wheel fitted wvith Dunlop Tires gives no trouble to the dealer after its sale. That is one reason why dealers favor Dunlop-t.ireý_d wheels. They know thiat Dunlop Tires are the out- S adsign of inward worth -The cnly tuais. ras Douiop Tire Ce.,Limtai. THE BOOK O0FnTHE "1E A1{t 1lThe Bow-legged Ghost and OthorStle. With an intro- duction b r amb Riley. A iiliattrte vol- uaine of original b o nr o u asetches, verse, facetbous par- graphesud col- Ioquies. A boo hat ilîl net diâappaointthie enters1 a new and heretofore unexpioe A book to ba read aloud and - enjoyeti among yonr frlsnds. Coutains "The Bow-leggedGbas, itbr :Bi sailed u us; r te alda tivucniîg for St Belena. 1,\ eiicCi, s-ioy Cciii. ahaner ~ or DcA W Chais o get iii auto ad buDal~, j caursussos. usougrit j pus State, but lhe is' not lware of ans DR . J.B.KENDALL CV., ENOSBURG FALSVT. neyer IOaada spotaA( is ooey or ar violence toTards Èheai. , L. the aid trojubla rascnig. 121

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