ptpïpt- U S "t 's k'1 r, ,-.3,i t 't-t EN.~ ABOON TO HORSEMEN.Egih,,m..bmllu..mwYubmfb SpavinL iiet removos ail hard, otê. rodceant AWot- or ealloused Lumps and Blemisefrownim. .%su~ hrsBlond Spavrin, Cnrbýs, Sns , u * -t' t c'J c k --.5' W 'r,,',, c 5't-ttettr' sr-.t's-.s-t~,r,-.rtW-.4 t 'l-t-.t St' 'h tw'~tàGttt1-.tit~t4:, e ~A-. r fi" i ,-i-. Lt L-.t-. < - -t ' - j-.' t-t-t' t 't k~k-.-. -', '- t-. g,~c. r r t i. ' t" ~ I 't" t k-t-. t 1' t k',--. . t r' T ',' -t t-' r~ ---4 'i S--.- g -~'t --. -~rtt- t!, t 'J indeaederrQewxti'therecord of j- RY FRCUTICURA. !ives sax-ed b yDr. k ewsCure f or TstautÉret-ef rO iepmiibat w'th the Heart i,-, a long one, aid the almost CUoRnASO--. 'L "uda sisîgle asointiug witti ineredibi' m, ures i1: mal--t it proof that tJCure Aiflfmft . a Ad opte55flroskparntor- the da3 s of miracles are not past 11, Sstd everywhere-. Soir. 25C.; ONnii'T. 5'e. PensaZ gives relief in thirty minutes. It aets IDAND C.cur., rrsps,Botn.Senû fsr6l. bbck,±free. ý.lke magie.j-1 1 was tia us a luvuiy cuvetea uouggy nuit' LUo±L. ria ut-. .ar tcl-.lrtrnrpriuasapyt evnlr on exhibition ail tise up împrov-. The Tr usts aud Guarartee Cempijaty, Liînitsd, mentone ette mad anvwher. Th rheToronto, and George- J. Stepteu)soui,Gauauiogue, mentnon botermad anwlsee. he 'g- 0' ud the uudersiguied shitr.HAG YABD'S YELLOW O0W eures al 1ANXIOUS 3lIIOTIIEpjRS fid DI best mae of harows alo 011 hnd. ~ --~-. scrv Sit SON & BLAIR,. pain in usais or beasi; for spenîns, ents, WR TU h ettc Prompt attention paiti to farmers' re- rp' 'ietr o tcvuos -aionrhumtim atineragiau e 3ewrs. thlien ik e1"4 pairs of al kinds at ths season. April 7 fl, t Bwatïl, ùrallaspeelfieWoms.-. J don't.e Si Lai 'i - c -t-.~t -t "tii IL' î'k t - tht ~ t j 1~ ,umu.uuu~au.%.s. I.,, sus '-'t-. 't-- I -t' -~ Ž~ .~ -- t t t