Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1900, p. 11

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Butter "'S. and J." Butter is pesi- /tively the best anti the eheap- est on the market. Try it. YenI get yeur rnoney back if yen do not like it. It neveu fails te pieuse. STOTT &JURY, BOWMANVILLE. JI. H.JURY, w hase ~ot~iG ,1011s. We do net say our Neuve and Blood Pis are the best becanse we make tbem; but we, make them because they are the beet. Sc, the pint? If they erenet the best We Cold not guarantee them ani wnver sell a reniedy thaý-t mwoe annot gparant3e. Yeni always get big value d bg resuits wheuî yeu use our reniedies 'and you get your iînolney baek without a word if yen ask for iti The Globe's Patriotic Fund now 'exceeds $81,000. Mr. Asa Choate, Port, Hope was lun town Thursday.' M. A. James is Government issuer &O Marriagg Liccuses. Farmers Binder Twinhe Co's advt. in another col., Read it. Don't forget the socia at Uncle Jonathan's on April 27. The Str. -North Kiîng bgn rsi~ Lake Ontario April 3S>. Missý Bertha McWain is sDpendi(n Easter holidays in Toronto. Miss Mabel llickard, teacber at Bad- dow, Fenelon, is home for holidavs. No one ln Canada gives such value in wedding rings as Tiiekard, Bowman- ville. Picture Frames-Geo. P. Freeland makes ail styles and sizes. Prices reasonable, Songs, and recitations by popular local talents on 24th April at Willinz Workers' concert. Rev. J.,1H. Turubuill'preaches a ser mon to Oddfellows at 4. p. m. Sunday next in St. Paul's. Men's Hlats-the very latest English and American 5ty les-at Coucli, John- ston & Cryderman's., Tait & Co, can furnish you with fine crayon portraits and framnes for same, Caîl to get their prices. 1The 17th annual conference of the Methodist church, Bay of Quinte, meets in Port Hope, June 7th. The latest songs. 10c, Send for cat- alogue.* Instrumental and vocal music always in stock.-Jas. Goard. The White Star LUne notify us that the S S Majestic will not suil from. New York on May 9th as announced. Wýc have a line of pictures iu stock that we are goinZ te clear ont at your own price. M. Di, Williams & Sou. Linioleums suitahie for Halls snd Kitchen floors just received direct froin London at Couch Jolinston & Cryder- man's. Samuel Hooey of Port Perry,1 a Grand Trunk braiesman, was crushed and mortally injured between the cars at, Cobourg. Ladies' Costa <me Cloths lu ail Colours and qualitVes and Home Spuns in plain and plaid at Coucli, Johuston F'nd Cr3- derman's. Hlaveyou seen the styles in beits and belt-buckles-Rickard has the newest and prettAest things on'the, market and the pricei is right. Patriotic and Military Drills ending with a grand tableau Teutinig on the oM Camp Ground at Willing Wcrkers' concert April 24th. It y ou are intending to have any 1photos enlarged. remember that Gco. P. Freeland makes high grade Crayon Portraits ut reasonable prices. The Peak Sisters wear the gowns they wore tif ty y ears ago, but are up-to- date as to sengs, recitations, dances and iatest instrumental music. Jiemember April l8th. Couech, Johuston. & Cryderman 'ýpot 1ht as. trdywas oiu f f i geet dais lunthe hisÎ,to)ryVof 0thefrmi. heLadies Aid- o!t L Vtî chrcli will hold ;a social at .rJoniathian iStep1hens, Scugog st_ oL Fridiay April I I Mr. Thos. Ted bus put lu the best EISTER VIMITOUS. Read Dr. Somners' advt. 'STATESMAN to end, o! century 75c. Humbugs 10c per lb. Saturday onlY at Tod's, M. A. James is Ginvernment issuer o! Marriage Licenses. Got your school s'.applies of Jas Gourd, Stationer and Jeweller. Water proof clothing and rubbers cheap ut The Muson Co's. New subscribers cau get THE STATES- HAN to end c! 19ý'0 for 65 cents. See the Mason Co's new advt. Some spegiai unes in the groeery dept. The 2nd contingent cf buts has urriv- ed. Sec themn at the Mason Co's. Bicycles are being got readv for the read. Fishleigh mnukes a!l repairs. West Durham Farmeýs' Excursion te Model Farif, Guelph, Saturdav, June The largest collection lu Hats, Caps and Tam'o'shanters at M. Wayer's, prices 15c te 89-50 Tait & Ce., Bowmanville, make any- tbing lu the photo fiue that any ether photographers make Painting, papering, kalsominin.g,etc., doue ou short notice and lu satisfactory mauner by J. C. Weeks. Don't fail te see the epeninz tableau "~The Queen and Her Empire" ut the WilRing Workers' concert April 24th. Tait & Ce. have a fine uine o! framnes suitable for photogruqhs etc, at verv iow prices. Cail and sce their frames. Cench Johuston & Cryderman have nover shown as fine a stock of Carpets e! ail kinds as they are doing this Spring. Mr. Bvron Vanstene entertuineti a few fiieàds Geoti Friday evening at Cedar Cliff. They spent a very en jey- able time. No place like home-Make T.N.Rick- ards' the home for your wutch and dlocks te be properly cared fer andi yen will nave cefrn!et. The ever popular Mrs. Jariey and her new collection cf wax wouks wili he eue of the chie! attractions ut the town hall on April 2-tth. .-Be'sure and sec "Who's Who" andi "Betsy Bakýer" on April 18. Puoceeds te furnisb music at Port Bowmanville the coming summer, Ladies' Tailor Mado Snits, Spring Jackets for Young Ladies anti elegaut Capes for Nicddle-aged Ladies at Coueh Jobuston & Crydermau's. Spring weight overcouts ane seliing fueeiy select now wbile we have a full 1assortment. The Mason Ce 's dry goods window for ladies suilor bats, Freeiandno makiles Midgot photos every day ut 25e per doz. Thev are 1neat andi durable, a nice size and the same finish us our best photos. On uccont o! the Oddfellows "At Home" the social advertised for ut Mr, ;Jonathan Stepheu's has hat tebe post- .poned te Apuil 27. A £'ood time expect- [ed. .. Miss McTavish bas not solti out heu stock e! millinerv lu bulk, but is seiling bas fast as possible ut greatly reduceti prices. Fresb mimmeti goocis eveuy day. v Co -bngteBowman ville-Miss Myr tel ,Telless-en Coe the ippular dramatie re»deY aiVi ersenato', Co, Chicago, I, wednesdayMay 9. Keep thle d,(ate clear, Miss Beatuice Tambillyn is lu Toronto. MissNok, Toronto, spent Easteu here., Miss SiLnter,Troionto,visited fiiends in town. Mr. GoSeiEsxwshome-over Euster. Miss McWaiu la visiting fientis lu Toronto. Miss Gertie CawkvIeu speut Easter lu Toronto. Mrs. L, Cornisb spent the holidayslu Toronto. Mi ssT'ottie Jolliffe vi,,Jsited friencis lu Troronto. Miss Li ly Butt, Toronto, was home for Easter. Mr. A. B. Coucb, Torento, was home over Euster. Master flauold ul spent Easter in Touonto. Miss McCenachie is3 visiting.frientis lu Hamilton. Mr. John Roauc, Toronto, speut Easter ut home. Mrs. EtiwartisAso, was guest ut Mr. Thos, Ted's. Mrs. Gee. Wright, Brantford was ut Mr. Thes, Toti's. Miss Bassett visitedl frientis in Toron. te during Easter. Miss Becket em, is guest cf Mus T. F. James. Miss Rosie Bery, Toronto, spent Suntiay ut home. Mr Robt. Ted, T'orouto, visiteti bis mother over Easter. Miss Norma.Coucb visîteti ut Mrs. A. J. Tavlor's, Tcrouýto Miss Ethel Y. KInis visiting, Mrs,' Jue. McGili, Trno Messrs. Chas Roeand Geo Laune so)ent RasterluTon. Mrs. F. J. andtiMiss Rbea Manning spefltLEaster ini Toriato, Mrs. anti Miss Plumiimer speut Easter with relatives ilu OsbIawa. Miss S. S. Werry. Solina, is gnest e! heu aunt ut Lorne V'illa. Mu, Wm. Foley isvisîting furientis ut Cambray andi Peterb)oro. Mr. Chaules P. MI(dlandi cf Toronto, ,vas home for a fewdys Master Fred Hairris;oni, Toronto, was visiting Mr. Gordeon Jur, Mrs Luttrell, Godeuicb, is visiting ber son Mr, Alex. Luttueli. Nrs.(Capt.) W. C. Kingo. sendnga week with Touante frentis. Mr. Cha, XV . Keh cf Toronto speut Easter ivitb bis mothier bore. Mr. and Mus. F.D).Mc!Kay, Peterboro, ,veue guests ut Mu. T. Sheriu's, Mu. anti Mus. Ed. TLreuoutb anti son weue guests of Mur 1.Trenouth. Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Trer-outh, Clarke wveue guests of Mr., 'un. Gilbert. Mu. anti Mus. Jue. McGili cf Toronto, weue guests of Mus. R. Windttt, Mu. Rd Joues bas retuirnedt t Bisbop Ridlev Cllege, St. C,]athaules. Mus. R. D. Davitisonvwas guest eff ber father Mu.r.PeePeut Hope. Miss AlTbop sou spent the 7viýk euti witb b-er motiheiu-inPort Hopej. 1 1 sodahoq futain ebeseputBoin<nvthe b Take( a p,ýeep ut it.' Wili he founti an excellent uemedy for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pilîs. Thousands of letters !rom people wbo ha.ve used tbcm prove this fact, Tuy themn. Mus. Neilie Patton's little home ou Duke St , wlth contents was burued Sunduy night. In.sured for $200. SCALD HAND-Some rears ago Iscalti- eti my banti swelled and was very pain- fui, but bal! a bottie of Hagyard's Yel low Oil cureti it completely. Mrs. Wunumaker, Fuankforti, Ont. The cover cf the Letiger Monthly for April is a coiered picture o! eauly Springtime lu Japan entitled "Cherry Biossomain Japan," a scene showing a beautiful Japanc.se girl under a bics- soming cherr 'y î2ee. Ledger Monthiy is 50 cents a y car or 5 cents a copy. Robert Bonner 1's Sons, Publisheus, Led- ger Building, New York. General tiebilitv and a ruu dow n s tate cails for a genierul tonic te the system. Sncb is The D. & L. Emnuldýon. Builda von up, inceuses yeuu weigbt, gives heaitb. Matie by Davis & Lawrence Cc., Ltd. * Faumers, Ahoy!! We have on b aud a gooti snpply cf seeti grain cf the' foliowing varieties: Six ifroweti Baley.Canadiau Beautie s Kanti Smull Peus, gooti Wheat1 anti the celebrateti RosedaleOats. Aise Cheveu and Timeîby Seed, Liverpool anti Canadiau Sait lu bag and oaurel, hest screened Scranton Ceai,' "People's" Coul, hauti anti soft Wood, shing-les and alilkîntis o! rough anti tressei lumber, aIl of which we are pieparedt t seil cbeap for cash. MICCLELL4N & CO., 8-tf Bou munville. Immense inecase lu the sale cf the D. & L. Menthol Plaster evitiences the fact that it is useful for ail rbeumnatic pains, lumbago anti lame back, pain lu th e sides, etc. Davis & Lawrence Ce., Ltd., mnuLfactirers., The North King. Lake Otario anti Bav cf Quiute S. S. Ce, bave issued their time card for this season. Commeucing 3th April, the Nouth King wil bave Charlotte ut 8.5) a,m. each day, auriving ut Cobourg ut 1.20 and Port Hope ut 2 p m. Leaving Port Hope 2 30 p m. anti arriviug ut Charlotte 7.15 p m. W ANTED--Stron2z )-onng man te drive delivery w9.gon and help lu hop. D. M. ToD. Baker, Oshawa. S ERVANT WANTED-For general liouse-work. Apply b 53e, P. MURDOCH, Elgin st., Bowm anville13 If. ORSALE--A gooti 2nd hand Happy F.Tliouglt cook sto ve, wood or coul., Apply to JoHN PimcY, BoWïmanville. 13 if. ]OU SALE-Harness and deiiocrat for sale cheap. Apply 10 GEo. YELLAND at C.M.Cike"1 3owrnanville 1-f SERVANT WANTED-Fer ueneral S heuse work. A.pply to MRS. NVX CANN, King St., Bow rnnville16 if. Th -erapra-o prn eid usta h pin o- lain etý-i isa ad e ar- ul ieo i Chti edd nC- ie. D o r tedgtigaCre-SeprI ý1 pa o o e-ht ehae Te ea ppoa f pur.insg remins uhat hsringihousreafsangusedn spea handrWe r rafuli lineo al Chaineedec inSuethat ne Do you i bCusht beforBthera ndprie nselin e-- e- Asp eialfr our tade. Remembe Shrtsourt Ti chiLna Parour Sre neret u Cashpaidf o uttertandardggs.

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