Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1900, p. 10

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MIlSS MEDLAND fi wishes to thank ber numerous customers for the S very liberal, patronage exten)ded ber at lier Millinery Opening, last weeýk, and an- nounces that she bas a full lime of MATI'~S, BONNETS, SAILORS, 'r rLOWERS, WINGS, O SPREYS9 CHIFFONS AND GAUZES. A large stock of Goods suitable for Chi1dren, /~consisting of Bonnets. Hats and Sailors, wbich is / offered at lower prices tlîan usual Cail and see for yourselves. MISS. NWDLAND. , * i i .1 * r Ir. T mnA~,ov nnéi ('nhnriro' r.,rnlkfci ~ r4-ow I rie llll lfn" My stock will bc fouad very complote nd prices'right. Beaittif ni patteras from 5 cents. Wiridot Shadles Gwltain Poles noom moldings New stock of framed Piulures. Frames and Picturo Moldings just rccoived. A ailowed 10 wlieel on thue sidewabks lu winter )iud ah other seasons wlien the streets arc unfit for wheeling. These towns bave bv-laws siuilar 1e ours, but so long as bicyclists behave tliemselves I roperli aund do not interfere witli pedstiars hie Sare net frbidden te use the sidewalIks. Ezcepting front street there is scarcely an hour la the day that a cyclist mniglit not use the silGalL nlno n0 ucmodGctfor1 ,iven more iuconveuieuce than is necessary with a person on foot Wliy net give cy clists a trial? Th,-, Canadian Governunient should take alesson from tht3 United States on road-making. The Republie Ilias experiment stations ini evcry State lu the Union where boss ,)ns on road-nîak- ing are tauglit. Pamiphlets are issucd lu thousands and object lessons in road- bu'Idiag are givea annually la ahl States. Steel trac, wagon roads are now coring int use, aing wide steel Last wew ealled attention te Mr- W.Reie'ýcS Ilew book ."Successhul Farmrniag"($. There are so ]manyý excelleut chapIters on the different farmn topica that wewishi we could present them to our readers. Speakilig f the qualifications of a successful agricultur- ist le says. Theenthusiast gets to the to nd front in ail professions. The successful man in'any business keops an account of ailhils receipts and dis- bursements, and at.-the end of each 37ear, makes ouI an inventory of lis stock, implemeats, etc., co as to under- stand exactly hi-; position. Thle farmer sliould know how much per acre it costs to grow each crop, including value manure, culi'ation, seed, liarvestiag, throshing, etc. Any crop in which the returns do not exceed tlie cost of pro- duction should be discontinued if the cause of loss cannot be remedied. No animal, youngor old, should be kept naless it gives a profit over the cost of foo 1 consumed and labor required. In the course of an able addhess bce- fore the Baptist Young People's Union inToronto Good Friday niglit,Hoa (}eo. W.Ross,Premier of Ontario, said la con- clusion, referring to the compiaints of corrupt infiance in polities, that these complaints often came from Christian people, But how did they try to remedy the evils ? They did not try at ali. They loft the conduet c f elections to the ward heelors, and refrained froyn inter f erence. Whv did mot church people enter politics ? Hoe had never seen a minister in a comnmittee room n l his ton- stituency. If the Christian people took possession of party conventions and throw into the scale the weight of their influence they wouid do more to purify polities than ivas possible with any - ot-er-fe-c--i-hec-unrv (eu plause.) The %wornen exercised a beineficent influience la polies, shcwingÏ their intereit in the o\ernmcit of flec aud b) their attendaruce au poitical Meetings and li other way s. They had no franchise, and, as far as lie wag con- cerned, they wculd not get it if they asked for it-(--roat laughter)-but thei sluould continue to work for the improvement of political standards. WiId 1Jwith Ple., A Torturing Disease for which Dr. VEENITH »ANNUAL MEE1TIN 0F THE SHAREHOLDERS 0F' THE OSIAWON.,HELD AT THE IHEAD OEF1CE OF THE BANK, On We dn.esdlay, April 1 ltli, 1900. T lIE FOLLOWING SHAREHOLDERS WERE PRESENT:-JoHN COWAIÇ, ESQ , W, Il. ALLENEfsQ., THOMAS PATERSON,>Li -Q., DR. MOINTOSII, TROMAS CONNT ES ,THOMAS MILLER, ESQ.,, JomN McLAUGIILIN, EsQ, RICHARD) FOSTER, !1.H SoucH. EsQ , C. WV. ScoTT, EsQ.. W. F. CowAN, EsQ.. T. H. McMIL- LANQ, TROMAS BASSETT, EsQ.,TIIOMAS IJOAR, Es. and T. H.CARSWE LL, ESQ. TePresident, JOHN CRWAN, EsQ., occupicd fthe chair, and Mr. T. H. Mc- MILLAN 1acted as Secretar~y to the meetin1g. REOT The Directors beg to submit the Eighteenth Annual Report for the year end- ing 2t Februarv, 1900. :The, earnirig's of the bank hav e been satisfactory, The net profits of the year hma e amounited toe 839,C25 30,' or about 10 1/8 per cent. upon the average paid Up capital of the Bank, whieh, aqded te the balance carried forward trom the previous year of $14,976,53, amountS to $51,001 83. Ont of this sumn two half yearly Dividends of W3 per cent. oach have been paid absorbing $27,176.74, SC,04carried 10 the Rest AccouaI, 81C,000 to Past Due Bisl, and the balance 8825.67, hMs been carried forward to the credit of Pofit and1 Loss Accoutnt. Theý Deposits of the Bank have increased $191,015.36, and the circulation f38 >605, and the gross assets $213,d68.67 over the provieus vear. The losses of the vear hainve been of an average nature. la ýThe Agencues of the Bank, when last inspected, were founfi in a satisfaetory osinAw, 111h lof April, 1900. Statement of the Assets and Liabilities of the West- erni Bank of Canada, for the Year Ending 28th day of February, 1900. Balanýce aI Credit of Profit'and Loss Account on th e 28th of Feb- ruar9,.189 .......................... ... .... ........$8 14,976 53 NetL Profitsý of the year, ....................................... 39,025 30 554001 83 To Iiîvidend No. 31......... .......................... - 13.588 37 To Dixidenýd No. 35 .......... ........ .. ...................... 13,588 37 Transýferred to Ilest Account .... ...... -... .................... 10,OuO 0 Transfe-rred' to Credit of Past Due Bills.................... ....... 16,000 GO 'Balnce aI,, redit of Profit and Loss AccouaI.................... 825 09 s'51,001 83 LIABILI IES. Capital .ccou ......... ............ I..................... $ 388,289 77 Rest Acco-uaI...... ................................. 128 '4OO0()G Notes ini irculation...............................33,0G Doposits witli; Interest....................................... 1,698,933 08 Due- to otlier Bank~s ini Canada ................ ...................97 81 Dueý to Iiidend No. 35 .................. ..................... 13,588 37 Reserved Jnfterest ....... ......... -................... ......... 1,191 8) Profh it aud LossAccouant............. -............... ......825 09 ýWestEndHý BOWMANVILLE. HOlISO We are giving sp ecial attention, to our House- Furnishing Depat ment this year. A Fine Big Range of Lace Curtains, ne w desig-ns an extra good value at per pair-25c, 5Oe0c-,Ii, atd $1.25. An extra good choice of very finedobehra4 Curtains, in splendid designs, at per pair 1.0 ,2.25, 2.0and $3.00. A good ehoice of Art Muslins at popular 1u)ik- s, 7c, 8e,, Blinds. Our Blinds ail have guaranteed srnsattaehied, spe'ial piees 40ec, 45e and 65e eaeh, eurtain- Poles. Wood Curtain Poles in four colors, eomplete wt tr.'mmings and Curtain fins, 30c each. erpets and atns We are sho ving some strikinig values in Hlemp, Un ioni, Imm 4r. ýC- ýZ- iZ, ýýZ- ïiz-ïiz.iiz. iiz.iiz.;ÎFM: JOHN 9ONN, pfuinui. 1

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