Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1899, p. 3

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r 1lCk Headac h Indrlieve ail the troubles Inci- dent te a. 1i --t.te of the aystem. such au Dizz'ineas, Nlu-'La, Drowsiness,, istress after laig ain ho Ue ide, &C. Whle their Most ~,mrabl, r.ccS]a been shown in GUfIS Êeýcache, yet C utr ittie Live,, P1119 aM quiyVaInable in onetation. curing and pre. thisanno(incornpiainî,whiie they aisa correct aldisord r f îe tomachtimuiate the iver and regniato ce0.oErc~ ven if ±hey oniy iifer fromtibis distressie omplnt; butfortn.- aiatlythleirgoodneeedoes notendhere,andthose Wvho once try themi wiii find these litile pius vala. able tn s0 many ways tUai th y wiiifnot be wil- Sizsg to do withont tha.-BSit aiter an sick head 'lntise bane of se snany liveg that here In Where Ireabe orgreat boast, Our piiis cure it whie others do flot. Crter's Littl ivrs. ila are very graau and ýVery eaqy ta aLe,. Oneaer two iiia iakea dose. Uey are strictiy vegtabia and do net gripe or purge. but lby their genie action please ail whû tise theni. 80ast 5cns tr o 14ol by driiggists everywhere. or sent by MaIL. CAR TER MEDÏCINECCo., New YO&I Couldn't sleep at night wîih the torture. Eczema, or Salt Rheîim as it is often called, is one of the most agonizïng of skîn diseases, nothing but torture during the day and two- fod torture at night. But there's a remedy pcrmaueutly cures the worst kind of Eczema- redieves the itching, burning and amarting and soon leaves the skiu smooth and healthyy. It is Burdotk Llood Bitters. Mrs. Welch, Greenbank, Ont., trîed it and here is what she says: "B.B.B, cured me ofEczema threeyears ago and 1 have had no return crf it since. 1 was so bad that 1 could not sleep at night with it. 11Beibg told of B. B.3, I tried it, and two bottles made aperfect and vermanent cure." Theiga TCardigan Overshoe le a 1e ~black eyer-stackfng wftisthse fot ytiednfzdto a rubber soe. Tise le cig s omplete to tise tee *f tise rubber *nd makeu tise warmnest. fietest sud acatest rubiser fa tise varket o buttesia, no buckies. Made t. flt ail s"e ahares, 601d by ail dealers.ý Mansfactured by lfbo Covdizac Overahos Ce., Stratford, 0cet THE BOOK 0F THE TEIAR "Tho Bow-degged hs u te tre. with an itrfi- duction by À mer b a's " etpeet, P ejesWhit- uO of original riý,ches, verse, faeions para. f Usand col- uies.11111 A bock 4' tisai wil net eaerasit eteis a new A.nd hieretofore unexp re field cf=hmr A bock ta be read aoud and ecrfinds. (Conta.. "The Bcw-legged Cisct," "1When Ezra Sang First Base, "The Man Who Couidn't Langi, fPossible Tities of Future Books," "«Seing Locke of HaïrI "No Woman, No .W," "Society Actresses," etc., etc. Tise irsti edten bonnd in clatis prfnted ou extra fine paeand absointely tisetest humorous book pub- lia.hed. Worth $.S0, mailed postpaid for $.006 Order at once. end for cur new special llue- trZte4 catalogue malleS free. Gîves yutihe icw. trices on ail good books.' Addxes al orders tW ~-THE WERNER COMPANY, .rubisbers and Manufactarss. - Akroni, 0hi0, [The Werner adempany is tbroughly relabl.-Editer. The Calladian Stateillall, 13OWMANVILLE, DEC. 20, 1899. SUBSERIPTION RATE. ST&TESMÂN to end of 1900 $1 00 STATESMÂN and Weekly Globe 1 75 STATESMAN, Globe and Premîum 2 00 STATESMAN and Weekly Mail 1 90 STATESMAN and Family Herald 1 90 STATESMAN and Farming (weekly) 1 90 STATESMAN and Farmer's Advocate 1. 90 STATESMAN and Guardian 2 00 STATESMAN and Montreal Witness 1 75 STATESMAN and Montreal Herald 1 75 STATESMAN and Western Advertiserl 75 STATESMAN and Breeder 's Gazette 2 50 STATESMAN and Leslie's Weekly 3 50 STATESMÂN and Toronto World 3 50 STATESMAN and Dally Globe 4 75 STATESMAN and Toronto Daily Star 3 00 STATESMAN and Evening Globe 3 50 STATESMAN and Daily Witness 3 00 STATESMAN and Weekly Sun 1 40 Local and therwise. Get your lanterns,caudIles,etc. of Jas. Goard. Send your work to Jas.Goard,Watch- maker and Jeweller. M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Get your school supplies at Jas.Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. Handsome Pony for sale. Enquire at THE STATESMAN office. Order -ail papers and magazines from M. A. James-3000 to select fromn. Our line comprises ansthing made in the way of furniture. L. Morris. "What pretty Furniture" is the every day remrark of our eustomers, L. Mor- ris. Watches, dlocks, jewelery, spectacles, rings, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- eller. Dustan & Hoar keep a ful Une of repairs for the Happy Thouglit Range lu stock. "'Wny, how cheap Furniture bas got" is the common talk after seeing our goods. L. Morris. Don't buy vour furniture from me if you can buy cheaper at any other place -but you can't. L. Morris. The latest songs. 10c. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music, always in scock.-Jas. Goard. Tait & Co, make. photos for 25c. per dozen and at ail other prices usually paid for the best finished photos at their studio, Market Square, Bowmanville. 39-tf. What a man or an animal drinks lu winter should be about the samne tem- perature as the body. New lîfe for a quarter, Miller's Coin- pound Iron Pis. Mr. John Bail Dow, Whitby, hasbeen asked to accept the nomination for the mayoralty of that town. Mr. John R. Smith, Lake Stream, Kent Co., N. B., says; 'eFrom personal experience I willingly testify to the good effects of Laxa Liver PuIs for Sick Headache and Constipation," Mrs. McLean, Toledo, mother of Mr. C. A. McLean of this town, is seriously ilI and littie hope is entertained for lier recovery .-Brock ville IRecorder People who have weak lungs or are subject to coughs. colds or sore throat, sbould take a few bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which would heal andi strengthen their lungs wonderfully The Quakers of Philadeiphia are for- warding food, clothing andi wool to the Northwest, to aid the poor members of the Doukhobor settlements. Palpitation of the heart, nervousness, tremb lings,' nervous headache, cold hauds and feet, pain lu the back, and other forms of weakuess are relieved by Carter's Iron Pis, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. St. Andrew's cliurch Kingston, nar. rowly escaped being destroyed by tire Tuesday. The tire was canised by the crossng of two electric wires. FREE TO EVERT SLYFrEaR.-Thoge who are afficted with Rheumatism, Sciatica. Lumbago> Neuralgia or Gout cau have a full sized box of Milburn's Rheumatic Plls, free of charge, by sending their naine and full statement of their case to T. MILBURN & Co., Tor- onto, Ont. Chas. Hnmphries, accused of stealing Rev. G. R. Clare's horse and buggy fromn Brookliu Sept. 6. was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years lu Kingston penitentiary. Backache is almost immediately re- ieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonua Backache Plasters. Try one and befreefrom- liant Literary features, and a generous amount of general Household Matter. Yor.OÂNic ERurrios-Are grand, but Skmn Eruptions rob lîfeof joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them; also Old, Run ning and Fever Sores. Ulcers. Bouis, Opportunities have wiugs and don't stay long lu one place. Manitoba's wheat crop falis short of tise estimate bv fine million hushels. The yield was i7 hushels per acre. Heury Gould, Whitbv, a caffle drov- er, aged 75 vears, died ut thse Bull's Head Hotel, Toronto, Tuesda* ytise resuit cf inhaling illumination gas. Reader, if * oif know of anv one lu Canada who iîîîends crossing- the. Atlait- tic, ecomînenit thet ta iiiquire of M.A. James for rates. H1e does thse steamship business of this district and represents the best lines. Mr. Jamesý Mafthews wrifing fnom Holiaad, Man., says: Finu'd $2 encloseS, $1 for '99 that ,should have been sent long ugo, th-, other $1 for TirE STATES- MAN for i9CO. VN e are ahl weli and1 doing well lu this country. Mrs. hotus Taunton formerly of' Bowmanville now of Snohomisli, Wah-7 ington, U. S., in sending a dollar for THE STATESMAN for 190,), writes that they ltke the country well, that they ahl well and doing well. BiSMARKS InoN NEnvE.-Wus tise reanît cf beuif h. Indomituble will and tremeudous energy are not fonS where stomacis, liver, kiducys and bowels are out of order. If you waut these qual- ifies and tise success thèybring, use Dr. Kiug's New Lite Pilîs, They Sevelop every power of brain and body. Ouly 25c. ut Stot t & Jury's druz store. Mn. John McMuntmy, Pemytown, wus pesented wîth a ieugthy uddress sigu- eS by twenty-six grunfichidren on Wednesduy Dec. 6th if being is 96th birtisdav. Mr. McMurtry is an unce cf Mr. John McMurtry cf tue West End bouse, Bowtunviiie. THE ILLS OF WOMEN-Are usually the resuif cf un exhausted nervous systemi whicis can be f z.,Ily restored by the use of Dr. A. W. Cisase's Nemve Food. Women made nemnous and irritable by fise wusting diseuses whichi drain their systeni finS new lite. new vigar, new energyi Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, ts world's greutest biood and nerve builder. Mr. F. W. Hodsoni. for yeurs superia- tendent of Fammers' Institutes for Ont-, ario, and secretury cf tise Cattle, Sheep and Swiue Breeders' Association, bus resigned te beconse Dominion Live Stock Commissioner. A few cf his coi- leazues preseated hlm with a elock and a handsome cabinet, lu appreciatio n cf his work. Tise cover cf tise January Designer is a triumph of artistie skill, and the numerous illustrations bath lu colon and black anS whit e, give evidence that fhe best talent has been engaged lu their prodluetion. Iu Sressmaking itnd1 miiiineny mast novel anS picturesquei fancy costumes for adults and little1 folks are iiiustmuted and Sescribed. Hints ou Dressmuking tell how to make1 smre reversible gurments. Standard4 Fushion Co., 32 West i4th St., New1 York. No RIGETT o UGhrNss.-Tbe womau wiso is ioveiy in face, forti anS temper wiil always bave friends, but one who would be attractive musat keep hem heaitis. If ahe la weuk, sickiy and al rua Sown, sise wiil be nervous unS irrit- able. If she has constipation or kidney, trouble, hem'impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skia euptions anS a wretcbed complexion. Electmic Bittera is the beat medicine lu tise wold ta me4g ulate stomacis, liver and kidueys anS f0 purily tise blaad, If gives sfroug nerves, bright eyes, smooth, veivetv skia, nicis complexion. If wiil make a good look- iug, charming woman of a run-Sown invalid. Only 50c. ut Stott anS Jury's Dmug Store. Newspapems wîth big circulation like £HrE STATESMAN Yiseu considered trotn an advertisîng staudpoiut, have every f bing la their favor Tbey reacistise bouses with a frequency tisat commeads itacîf as a shining virtue te tise ma who bas somefhiug te sdil. Moeover, sncb a favorite newspaper canef be sapplanted in tise heurts cf ifs constitu- ents by uuy other sort cf publication, whicis masures if a permanency eft cucul- afion that cannot be Suplicated., HAMPTON. Tise annal meeting cf tise M. Sý S. was helS on Weduesday evening. Tise tcllowiug efficers anS teachers bave been elected for fthe enuing year; Snt-A B. Crydertan; Assist Supt- Fred Alia' Sect-O., J. Clatwomfhy; Assist -ect-Ëwart Creeper; Treas-C. N. Ruse; Libaria-W. H. Moore; Assisf Lib-Miss Ida J. Allia; Organiats -Misa M. J. Eliiott, Miss Gertie Ceep- er. Miss MauS bora. Teachera: Bible Cass-C0. Johns; 1sf Girls-J. F. Groaf; 2nd Girls-Miss A. L. Ashton; 3rd Girls -MissIo. E. Ellis; 4tb Girls-Mma H. Thomas.ist Boys-J Clatwcrthy; 2nd Bays-C. Horn; 8rd Boys-Mrs. C. N. Ruse. .... Tise aunnal meting et now arn well anS strong. I cau't say toc mucin luifs praise" This muarvellona medijcine is tishe f uOt nSdq cur ae la tise world for ali Tismoat auýd Luig Trouble. Regular izes ,,50 cents and 1.00. Trial b7ottîe free ut Sott an)d WIIY SONE lMEN PAIL. What is the, reason that the new gen- eration are not as successful business men as the old? The Monetary Times anwers this querv by saying that lu many cases the old fashio-ned commer- cial virtues of economy, promptueQs, as- siduity, regard for truth, have not been exemplifled by the newer generation of merci ants as they were by the old. They have too ofteu been replaced by extravagance, leisurely ease, cunning and smartness. The y ounger men have flot been cantent to work and plan and save, as their fathers worked and saved. To take life easy and to have a good time has often been their aim. Onlv rarely do we flnd the ma or men content to profit bY the experience of those who went before thern. There is somethiug in the rush aud whirl of the modern life which seenîs to unflt men for steady, plodding apIplication and to encourage rashness andthe speculative spirit. The sarne reason may be given why so mauy young farmers find their farms mortgagod anîd themselves lu re- duced conditions soon after they strike ont on their own hook. TILAIE TOPlCS Canada has spent $70,000, 000 in the attempt to attract the trade of the West through the channel of the St Law- reuce. Conners' syndicate nudertakes to erect large elevutors at Montreal, at $3,000,000. The C. P. R land returus for Novem- ber, 1899, show that 42,630 acres were soid for $110,490. For the correspond ing month last year the sales were 25, 979 acres for $8,918. A Iowering of freights will be a bene - fit, but it is a mistake to suppose that it will ail go to the tiller of the soil; the cheapeuing of thre carniage of grain, will muinly endure to the benefit of the consumer, if the quantity carried be large enough to affect the price of the whoie mass of wheat consumed lu Eng- land, When stupidity is added to. cupidity on the part of customers, the fipancial fakir getsin bis easiest work. lihe suc- cess of the'lFrankiin Syndicate" lu New York is a case lu point. Ilere an irre- spansibie young man named Miller of- fered ten per cent a week interest ou deposits. and thousands of people- mostly poor peoble, uuhappily, but niot all-mushed t0 plank do wn their mouey. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were Dlaced with this scallawag. The end soon came. Miller skipped andi the poor fools and their money parted for- ever. Three very important matters lu the life of every man: 1 Get couverted, 2 inaure your life. and 3; make your will, then y ou are read.y for au emergency. Every farmer cannot give aIl ot his boys a clear deed of a farm as they corne of, agez but hU, should let thent know what they are going t0 get and what part thev have to pay for. Don't let the boys work tili they 'are grey be- fore telling thet what they are to get. PALE liPEOPLE Rlave their blood enriehed, thelr heart strengthened andi their eheeks Posy by using Mlburn's Heart and Nerva PiUs. Insumeiient quantity or poor quality of the biood is oeeof the evil esults that usually follow any derangement cf the heart. If the heurt becomes wealcened lu uuy way it cannot pump the blood to the lungs as !t ahouldý, there ta bc purified and int- '-gntd ih the life--giving oxygen. As a resuit the blood deteriorates. It loses its nourish- health-giving qual- ities. The face be- - cames pale, thin and waxen, the lips bloodîessa, the hands and feet qoold. There ls weak- nesa, tireduess, shortuesso f breatis and palpitation. When tise s ffering front thin or svatery blood start talring MMlurn's Heurt and Nerve Plls they are ussund of a cure. Every dose acta on thse ieart itself, eausing 1* to bout strong, stemady and regular. Every dese, toc, introduees into thse blood those vital elemeuts nccesaary te male t Yt ich and red. Boon thse pale cheek takes on tise rosy hue of iseahti, there la strength instead of -weakneBs, euergy and arctivity taise thse place cf tireduessanad lassitude. Miss M. Skullion, 50 Turner Street, Ottarwa, Ont, aya: "I -was great.ly troubled with ixy heart, together wlth oxtreme nervousuess for mauy years. These ecmplednts brcnght about great weakness and feeling cf tireduess. -My "One grade only and that the Best." Having been appinted sole representative for above eornpany for Bowmanville we, beg to inform the publie that we have bought thus early our supply of Cutters and. Sleighs for the coming sleighing season. As the MeLauglilin Co. have sold over 2,200 of 2,600 huudred cutters they are making to meet their ever increasing demand that exists for their goods, we took time by the foreloek and made our selections early and our first consiguâment will arrive this week, A few special features of their Cutters: WOODWORK.-Panels are glued and clalnped on and carefully screwed and plugged; Beut Second Growth Hickory Knees; Second Growthi Hickory Beams: hent fenders mnortised on to beams and braced-the strongest job; patent hinged dash braced; shafts extra XXX Hickory. IRONWORK.-All braces, T's, etc., of steel and forged in our own factory; Il lu. projecting steel shoes; shil ting shaf ts (right or left) or centre draft with or without bar. PAINTING.-Rich warzn colors, or dark, with gearing to rmatch, hand- somely striped and finished; carvings on sides are solid-not transfers; inside panel of dash burl walnut or rosewood. TRIM MING.- -Crimson, olive or gold Mohair, plush or green or bine cloth, extra high and easyv spring back, spring cushion, deep quartera, carpet lu bottom andi all round panels inside: toe rail; handsome nickel plated arm rails, extra heavy; screen, solidi brass full plated; shafts full leathered and silver tipped, silver endis on wbiffletrees. We have decided bargains iu 2nd Hand Carts and Buggies. Cal and inspeet, and also make your selections JOHN F'ERCY. 1BOWMA-NVILLE. CiýsH îGROCRS, SHave just received some- Sthing new in Baking Pow- --f d cer, Ml. Baking Powder and a Carpet Sweeper. z Quaker Taffy just, in, I3very fine, eall and see. du- Telephone 57, BOWMANVILLE.> Furs= Purs M. MAYER would cali the attention of his numerous customers and'friends, that he has a large andi well select- ed stock. of Furs of ail descriptions to select from, S .Men's Fur Coats, Robes, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Capes, Caperines, Ruils, Caps, Muifs, Gauntiets, Storm Collars, A fulllline of Gents' Furnishings always on hand. Now.,is'the time to have your furs altered and re- paired. LqLwýM

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