prosnPrity. Canaaas been blessed with a bou-ntiful h farvest. The resuit is shown iin the constanrtly increasingm volume o)f býusinepss transactions. If you have made,. money wve ean hel1-p you save it. Our large stock of drugs and medi- cinles, sundries, etc., bought for cash -will be sold at the muost raoal prices co)-nis-tent with quality. The Eall season birings with ti aicreased demand for The -wonderful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc. We have just received another shipment of English Toilet Soap, frorn 5c to 15c per cake. Excellent for, the skin. BOWM4ANVILLB. J. ICCNBQHAM& SON, Druggists. )THERS IMAY IMITATE. In our line of business and wil hold our position. SOLIXA NEW SOIIOOL. Thse rnew scehooI will be openled on1 scbools in the ecountry wîll give onlec-f will be present anfd gieLh adIdres-s. There will 1)be twoceeaedtrg orc-hestras. Lots o! imusic, filln. etc. Core cer ,(d i Amission 20and;15el - Doorýs opPen at 7 odccocr t7 30 s7harp). J. B.MCuocITah. CANI)IAN LOYÂLTY. No eonceru * in this country enijoys tIse c!onfidence o! the Canadian poople rmore Ithan thse "am l rald and Weekly Star," of ,MIoutreal. Evcry promise they make is cýarried to the letter, e- gardless of cost. Their promise o! a fit- ting souvenir f or thse closing year o f tis century is more than fulfiled.' Nothing more suitablo than the two piLctl!res, "Battie o! Aima" arnd"'Pussy Wiliows" could be riiaincud, Old subscribers arec, showing thoir loyalty to their fvrt paper by rencwing early and in anyv cases getting a friend to be.-ome a subs criber as well. MAPLE GROVE. UMiss Ethel Power is visiting friends in Port Hope. . .. Mr. John Sharpe has rented a farrm near Zion where he wilI miove shortly.. . .Miss Hester Power had a successful thimble party on Wed- nesday afternoon. and ntind thse young people in the evening a very en- joyable time -was spent ... . Grove Divi- sion No 315 Sons of Temporance, will give a chiekon pie supper ln thoir Hall Wednosday Dec. 13th, at 4.3) p. m. First class progriam at 8 p. m. of music, recitations and addresses' by local and foreigu talent. Admission 25c. Cosme and speud an enjoyablo evening, V RoBEABEKABLE FRE5cu.-Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfleld,I1I., makes the state- ment. that she caught cold,whhse tled on hiem lungs; ffasW&3t ç4ltQd, fr a month by ber family physiiaù, but 1 L Salem Sebool Coneert. On Tuesda, DecembIer l9th, a con- cetwil be gionlu ae cso us.A splendid rora s bcinig peaeconsistinig of a dframa entitl 1ed 1M v lBrother 's Keeper", readigs(] g and instruimental muIsîcý.Dor opeIn at 7, prog-raîn to comnc t 7:w0. Admission 15 cents. CATARRU. Statîsties prove that 97 % of our popu- lation is affected with some form of Catarrh but since Catarrhozone, the new medicato air treatment for Catarrh and kisidred diseases, has been intro- duced, this percentage has deceasod. Cata.shzone neyer fails to cure Cat- arrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and Hay Foyer,1 and is warranted to cure theé Most chronic cases o! these disoases, even after ail l cscbas failed. It cures bv inhalation. No danger, no risk, pleasant to use. For sale at ail dmug- gisis or' direct by Mail, prico $1.00. For trial onîfit senti tOc in stamps to N. C. POLSON & CO, Box 508, King- ston, Ont. ______ HAMPTON. J. E. L. Cole pays bighest price for bides, sheep-skius, caîf skins, tallow, and horsehides Nol. $2.25 each skinneti from nose to hoof, mane and tail on, froc froni cuts. 'Set of lighit sleighs and cutter for sale, also goat-robe and nearly new, cross-cut 'saw. Second liand top buggy, also pheaton, dandy chumu nearly new, large size, prize $5 for $3. 4 9-2 w Everyone interested should attend ansuai meeting o! Butter and Cheese Mfgr. Co. Saturday .. . .ev. H. Tho- mas supplied for Rev. J. J. Liddy, Oshawa, Sunday morning.Mm. and Mrs. Jos. Clatworthy isited-Port Hope friendt this week... Mm. and Mms. G. Wilson, Sri7jtbfield, are guests of Miss' Ada Hlastings..No impvrovement lu condition o! Mrs. I. L. Brown, site is prostraterl witb nouralg-ia of the sto- mach ... . Mr. A. Ferris has gone to London Eng., ta sncnd thse-winter... Don't fa11 ta read P'. A.Cole's new advt. 11,. bamcae reatou ,narationefor New Trunks, New Valises, New R4ubbers- The "Bijou," "Niagara," IRolled Edg,-%," "Perfect- ion,",&e, and new Felt Foxcd Gaiters. New 4 buekle Waterproof Grain Leather Goods for men. We have a fi ne range of Men's Liucd -Waterproof F'ootwear; also speelal value lu Meu's tleavy Rubbers and Sox. We have extra values ini Car- pet Slippers, either in plain or figured. grtsw wU18t5. lie tout her slio was, a ii nas- .. __________________ no nedicine could cure her. Her dru.- OvuoP.s-as tdsvcue aw(~q 1 ur range of Caps is 110W very eoinplete. Our gistryfo Cug smtDring'sew Discov-t àan replet e r j1sin l ence the New" Ca~ps à o rful valuýe in,"Aretie4' Underwear is eausint- Because ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s suese have th ags tc tnwan t-eyfrCnupin' Nhe- bought - graty et isendur mginlom itch- an immense sale. See our 50e hue. We havea daecFunte to ate slreton romkO e and upi bol an tohrdlgtfudhratigpls n plcto of Dr. A W. Unr nice assortment of Fur Caps, also Fur Coats f rom daeFmtr oiaeslccontinued its use ami after taking six thse itching. one box wilI coxnpletely $12.50. CHIRISTMAS NECKWEAIR:-Lýook out caninot be beaten anywh ere. botties, found harsoif sound and weil; cire thet worst case of bîind, itching, a for our New and Stylish Neckwear for Christmas. New goods in the newest styles and finish being now dues her own housework, and tg as5 bleeding or protruding piles. You have BWe wiîî open out this week a lot of the newest costnty ddd.wpll as she ever was. Frea trial botiles no risk to mun for Dr. A. W. Chase s and handsomest Ties evîer shown la this townl. If tntyu are edin funtr on c u i--of thie Gr~eat- Diseovýery &tStott & Juf.s- Ointrnent-îs guara-nteed to cureý-pies.- - ft - aladiset re ou e utnwi play and ask prices. If not, corne, we want 3rçu o se every bottie gu&rànteed. OSRAWA. lyou 'want it before Xmas. Our taîlors arc busy. anyway. COURTICE. ropr. F.el Hokýpe has tuhsePs Suli a raf t of Silk and Embroidery ilanciker- PAIX WDKPTMÇNT~- ý -4,~x 1 MÉ Dry.Hzzj svitn me ~.---*-- Ii ~ Nersary services at Wilfrid Sundcay. I Ralpl VinEusen, 'Picton, !S visitin g~uDat e-i, .nr î~,ta Conplesuplle hisC vryatnin iei cousin, Miss' McDonald .... Mr Goos and Clotbs, Doylles, &c. These are very suitable for Coplt and ever ateto-gvnMr. Q. Hezzlewood,~ Oshawa, Fran Plî has, C.o',lt--Southr Bend,-- ýrsitW a(ý L_ý -c-vcai Fornigtcilsusebel on sideofstrwoo. for hlm here--ve-ry accep, tabv. aid eiav s tuc~Hmloeiismspeet ehvejs eev~a. -- -- - - r., ______ thj v Uneçv ~ wn~ _____ _ z~~~~~~~ -7-0,171D_____ mil___________ nnueturei1 of and Dealet in' FineMo ne ta ork in best Gr'ade.s of materiai. Cali and get my prices. I arn sure my work will please you.1 A SPECIAL RTJN ON SýkTOVESI We are making a speel-al saei stoves during Ibis m-on th, and will pay you ta cail aud EXAMINIE OUR STOVES and COMPARIE PRICES belfore baying. We have the HAPPY THOUGHT,LMIPE RIAL, CHA.MPION, WELCOIWE PEARHL, and several other mak es ta ehoose from, and in Heaters and Parlor Cooks we have a large assort- mient inicludiuig thse RADIANT, HOMEjand CROWN BRIL- LIANT. We make the. prices and terms right. Dustn & loar Phone 74, BOWMANVILLE. NEWCASTLE. Iht unin~~*u ~ Miss Eva Brol;enshîre, Pickering, is guest at Mr. W. Pickard's . ... Miss BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 6, 1899. W innie Eilbeck is homo from Part Hope __________________________Model Sehool. . .. Rev, T. J. Edmison was su roronto lsiwee ...... .Mjiss CADMUS.LMinie oEilbeckinle:î,iîd(ýiaccompanying ber fathes-rM. RbiEillbeck,. ta tise The annlivorsar «y o! Cadmus Methoti- Kiondke whon .- -2'ýcs as L'ailiff.,. isl church will be heiti as follaws: On Messrs Albî'mî tlis h nti Anthon- Sunday Dec. 17 at 10-S0 a. m., and 6 80) Olcott, Bo.wm-hsl\ iteI spent Sunday pý m, Rev. A. L. Adam, Janeiville, wil lu ntawn. witis 9t;",e Jdîfriends Miss preacis. Collection at cacIs service Annie Iusîto'- n .i i ti Mintie Warren. Monday at 5 p. m. tea will be servcd . .Mrs. Chas. I-lakii.Bntwman-vil1, Addressos swill !ollow by Beys. Adam, visitediher fathea-Mm.Gea Brown e- Emown, Barrett anti Pastor Iliard. cnl -M.Fsrw Coibom),neis Mjusic Sunday andi Montiav by tU.cfarn guest utiUM r ....t.pltous. iss ous Nestleton choir. Tickets 25 conts.j Mabel lui 'tc -rparents were in Yverybotiynelcome. Bownuyiilo, (j- u vday. rnk, miss Ç'îla innuteveyacpoy filled the positio ..Mr Gus Tooley and Mr. Ernest Worden bave retumneç-d from Manitoba. SvoRY o1" A SLAVE- To be bound baud asîd foot for years by the chains o! disease is thse womst form o! slavery. George D. WVilliams, o! Manchester, MicIs tolls how such a slave was made free. Ho says:-«' My wife bas been s0 heîpless for five years that she could not tumu over lu bed atone. Af ter using two botties o! Electrie Bitters,she is wonder- fullv impro¶ ed and able ta do ber own worl,." This supreme remedy for female diseasos quickly cures uervousness, slecplessness, mlanchoîr, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy speIlsý This miracle working medicine is a godseud to weak, sicklv, undown pa pie, Every bottie gaanteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Stott and J ury,Dmuggssts., SOLINA. Evangrelist Foster preached twice at Eldad ,Suoday andi wiIl conduct revival meetings tbis week.. .. Mrs. D. Mont- gomery bas retumued. fom a pleasant visit to hem daugliter near Port Ferry.. .Messrs John and Edwin Rleynolds visited Mariposa frieuds- recently.. Rev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., Oshawa, preached very acceptably at Zion San- day morninz. . .. Mr. Sulas Werry, is-at, StCatharines attending Grand D5ivision reprcsejsting Sauina Division No. 10 Sons o! Temperance .. .. Recent visitors: Mr. Fred. L. Bray at Roselandvale; Mm. and Mrs. Edward Fascoe, Wbitby, at Mr. T. Pascoe's; Mm. andi Mme. Wil so.u -Germow, Port Ferry, at Mm, D. Montgomnery's; Mr. J. T. Rundlq at Lindsay; Mm Baker, C. C., at Cobourg ...Messrs. Slas Wermy and A. L. Pascoc paid an official visit ta Leskard Division Thursday ..... .... Thse fur- nace has been placed lu thse ncw school. Sec notice o! grand opcning concert.. ..Sisters furnisb the pogram Fiday evninug at Division..Mr. W. Werry i is lt yet able to walk atone, hie reisov- ery being rather slow. s -on tciatir csn ussfysng and banuit- eyng.,o-s s th wod, a.s well as purest aa ex7ç te ~ eo:ctbatih, and nui-,ary. a ocly aio rr puinplaz, bL-ckimads, red, ro s~, soCo y ki, red, rougli hands wth ý b: ýîld~ o shapele8s naiLs, dry, thhi, -~n { ~si' sa1,a imple baby blinsirhe3, ilanu'iiüaLiGlna-,d loggilig of the Polàiat, SaisI cvr where.l'n.s.a .Ce,. U- la.HwIsaaBauit5,..Vsa4,s John Dr.yden.,..Af tom January lst al non-resident pupils attending Oshawa public school, and Senior Third, will bc charge 30c. pem month andi ail other non-rosident pupils, lu the said schools 25c. pet month .. .. Smith Bros. of Port Hope are negotiating for thse Council, to re-establishing a canning factomy lu thiis town. _____ F0OR OVER IÊsT Y YEAR5. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing5yrup bas been uBedby millions of mothers for their eilîdren while teething. If disturbed at ii t and brokan of your rest by a sick ebild sugering and crying witli the peso of euttsng tethsend ai once anC get a bottie of Mrs. Winslows' Soothing Syrup for Chiîdren Teething. It will relleve the pocr 11111e suferas aI once. Depend opon Il mothers, there is no mistakae aboutit.,lcures Ùlarrboea regulates the stomach and bowals, curas Wlnd Colle, sotens the g oms, reduees inflammation, and gives tonesn an enrg to the wbola system. Mrs.%Wbslows' Soothlug Syrup for chtîdran taethiug te pleasaut to the tasta and Io tha pra- scrjptto.u ofona of the olCast and hast famala erY'siclaus aud nurses iu the Unitesd States r ce 26c a boutla. Sold by &Ul dmuggts'-gh- out tha world. Be sure and aak for Mrs. Wa u&i saw'Soothissg syruxs- TYRONE. Mmr. Geo. A. Watts, o! thse ppular West End blacksmith sbop, Tymone, lls now preparedti t tumn ont womk to thse satisfaction o! ail. A full stock o! ovrything iu thse dopartmnente o!, wood and iron work invite your inspec- tion. Prices- right. Hoseshoeing a specialty. Miss Ida E. Adams, Parsonage, la guest of! hem cousin, Mrs. Rowat, WOin- chester, Ont.-.* .Con-ratulations lu Miss M. Welch and i.i?. Bambridze upeu thse happy culmina tion of a courtship et several ya. ' um- in.M- anL m. Bambidge visited friende hisme since their marmiage and weme treateti to thse usual seenade by lIse bo ys with thse usual agmeeable ressUie. ...P. M Creep- et was ecently gufty ,o! the raîher un- usual (for hlm) crmne of trading drivers. We trust the esults o! bis rash mct may ho emineully satisfactory... . ýand Mms. A. W. Clemens hadi a pleasant family gatheing ai lthe baptîsm of! lIer baby boy Monday evening. .. . Miss Minnie Adams. Prosident junior Longue aideti by ber loyal little baud o! leaguers sent a gonomous Christmas box ta the less favoreti lit tie ones of Trout Creek, MushoLa... . Miss -Emilie Coucb continues hem inleresting geographical talks ta thse S. S. -Scholcsrs with black- board aid. It cannaI fail ta benefi. An article on an luside page will in- terest Tyronese. A CARD. We, thse undemsîgned, do hereby agree ta mfunti the moue y an a twenty five cent bottie o! Dr. Wills' Enirlish lills, if after usissg thrce-fourtbs o! contents o! botte, they do not roliove constipa- tion andheadache. We alsa guamanie four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinato case o! constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay when Wills' Pilles are nsod. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. J. Higginbotham,&_Son, cbemnist, I3ow- mauville. 24w NE WTON VILLE Mr. James Rich, one of the oldest and most respccted citizens, is recovering from a severe illness...Mrs. Bright- well has been in Orono attendirig the funeral of lier brother-iu law, Mr. John ..... .... Mr. An gus Staiker, Orono, was guest of Col. Hughes Sundav., Mm. John Pethick entertained a number of gentlemen friends Friday evening. ...Mr. W. J. Ovens happened with a severe accident while killinz pigs 0118 day last wcek..Miss Bertha liollo- well and Miss Lena Milîson have been visiting in Oshawa ... . A sacred song service was given in the Methodist church Sunday nightý. . .. A fulli house greeted thse concert given bv the S. O. E. Lodge,.Thursday evening the pro- gram given was tirst class, consisting of music, songs, readings, recitations and speeches. Thse president of thse Ludge, Mr'. Sid Xnioeht, made an excel- lent chairman . . . ir. 'ami Mrs. David Ferguson, Mr. Chas. and Miam Mjud Ferguson, vlsited ab Mrs. Staples and Col Hîughes last ......... Miss MIattle Joues kas rebumned home from visiking with tmiends in Rdope .. .. Thse L. O. L. No. 811 ,lacted *Isefr officers for the com.lng yeam on Monday nio'ht There is soe a .lk eoflIseG. T. PL rno- ing their "rak lu a point vear iNewton- ville, whick wlll becovnnt for the. people 1l *àYlduiy. TO CVIUd & QeLD IN ONE »ÂY. Take Laxalive Bromo Quinine T.%blet. AU crqaorêtanl mon&q il iutia teo cr. Ma. E . rovu'a hIjbwo b oiea &h box. -BRICK MOUSE FORl 5ALVi ou rent-That cosafortable brick heuze on Oboreli St, wlib8 rooms and back lesuge gardon, Isard and motwater.Temsvjre- onable. Apply te D. T&i*., Hampton, éI'-kt<, i IACRE FARM FOR SALE.- 13."F . Tiheudersigned i ccilonear kas re- cal-ted lnstruetlonf. b offer for sale liy publia auetlou aàt lie pramisew aear Brougham, Oui., on ondy, ec.18. 181.à, et the boum of iLoou, t I~ wl.-nw and valuable propars>' kaownt us iliaJackson farm,eoalig10ersblu composed of parie of loti2l lu thse 11h anC 4S con- cassions of tbe ToNynabtp of Pickering, Coniy Ontario. Modemn brick boeuse, coamodlous baem wltb good liasement, stablts and cetlars lin goo m pair anC comparasivaly uew. Firsits s in an uhigli statu of cuttivation ondar- dralnad, well fenged, 20 acres lu fait wLsast, 30 actas seeded dowu; fail plougbed, a yooinw, liearing oreliard of good varieties, an amole supply of w&tGr from watts and a living sprin. Favorahly lucated on thie lli concessIon os9 oua hait mlle from Brougham where are situai eC a firsi-elasa Publie Sebool, Post sud Tale- î h ffieslacsinth.anC other shop3staoras, brîtu,letliodist aud Preshyterlan elinrces. Fiva miles from Locuat 1Hill Statioln, C. P. Ri. Musi be soldto wjnd up asate ".iII haoffrad subject to morgage, wblcli la% tw o years toi run. Thea mmm stock and impla.nents will lie solC ou the samne day. For fortber parlieulars apyto Tisos. Pouccuzt, auclioneer Brougham, Ot.l,DoNALiZI.BERToN Assîgniee,,Whîtevala, Osnt., or J. M. Gzssow anC R. J. Puc, Inspect- ors, Broughiam, Ont. 49-2w. ~ RELIABLE Cmif~.eAeir vlc1lty loua oretr0ayonl- li,,g.te Itroducet ad Oeaur goeds ta12u ltwcreon feacusd*uag pubilic reada - I Co lacei xpexpmonce aseeful. Salsry m 1-O'rTIlEDEAF.-- A mrie"?lady, i7---Ï a. 0f ie Dafusaan N isesluthe H ead by Dr.~ EthlosAîtcas,- Dmum%, li a s "sent £1,o00 10 bhi S I-stitu te, OIhatdeef peoli u'abla to procura the Far TDrums Imac 1hakve fhe fi fee. Apply to 780 Vighlli Avenliue, Now Vork, U.S.A. 2-lyr. NEW YORK 1'ULLIONAiRES 0only a few people readiog advertisemoynts bankers and brokers, saylng that money coulac be made through specClatiofl, realize that the richest men in America have commeanced life lui a humble way and have made their fortune throughi stoek-exebange speeulations. Men like ja Gould who woi ked a a dry goocis ler k lu a small town et $10.00 a week is .hbi tnt ehyear,ancimneloprt witb lits amall sa.vtng of $20000 lu Wall Street, lef t at his dealli 70 millons of dollars ; lRsselR Sage who worked as a grocery boy a t $400 a week, and whose present wealPh is -Istîmated ais 100 millions of Colla, f3slastîlloparating ýrthe mas-r ket, aithougli 50years of age, anC 50 -ýare thousI- ands of others, who are eajoysng il- Jthcaluxurs e? life eu offer, iwlh i s due f,.thevir Ù4casl speculaions. To tbe shrewd apeeulator le same oppru ties arca o an to-day as to otherg iu tha pas)t. T 11e âmallesî ?Ot wbieh ea.u be bouglit anCid slo sha res ou b% margin, maktng 80 dollars. tn ybodyltrseasthwpeuaisar oduedeau gel lnforrmattouanC(1 matrketr la ttecr frQe of cýharge upou applilatlin by Dlter to GEORGE SKALLER &,0C., 1B ANKERS & BROK v RS, CoNsoLliDÀTED SToçx ExciiANIr BJ3ui-iEG 60 BRIOADWAY, NEW Yorts. If you would avail voursel o! tIse- oppotunity to purchase müany of thse snaps T. N.- Riekard, Bowman- ville, bas for you ln the way of Watchffs, Clocks, Chains, Rings, and ail kintis o! Jewellry- an4j Tableware. We say '"Suaps ",we meanth s,- Hoe bas purchaset i umbers o! these- things, hefore tIse prico-wernt np- wholesale antis givogyu achace ta reap thebenetit, and bois expect- iug you ta appreci~eehisorffer suffi- ciently well ta make lb prmutaLble t forever, emerer ri ut. Oeor twc spt(idi st- ire n Gent' ConSilver (-'uise,, d ath Works, Sterling ivmTbere and Silver Piatreti Kn!ivs, ýFopka- anti Spoons. Besi vailu Canada. T. N. RI 1<ARDý Jeweller andi Optician 0flawmanlte 8 doors East «f Standard lianlý.- Qrocms' due billeslaIton as ca.*f New Goodýý sN0 We are reeeiving Immnense quantities of New Gonds suitab1e for the com1ing Christmas tra de. We are working hard to keep our stck fully assorted. We mention below some of the New Goods that we have re- 'cei-ved this week. We have rceived another simn of our UYIV<.4h best lune Bl1ue Ovèeoats; also another lot; of our ~ special Double Breasted Black Cheviot Suits. We Cae can get no more of these beffore Xns so eail early for choice of sizes, 8--. We have thie best 0 f range of Double Breasted Suits we hav.ime ever yet shown. Our choice of Pea JacKets is; ver 'y large, NwBeavers, Friezes, Serges, &c. A, fewLetr Coats from $5.00,up. Lined Work Oasfrqý ohi 'g. $1.25. See our-CorduroyVests. lOOodd Vests, N ew Ou.r wonderful value in Black Tea at 25e surprises many, some who have flot tried it shouldi do so, We could get recommends for this Tea Çîroorîes that would fill this newspaper. Try it. We have received a lot of New Cirrants and Four Crown. alld FaRoy Raisins; you can get no better than wesell- Cups and Saucers, Fancy Pitchers, Lemon Squeez- C rocery ers, Jardeniers, Opal Castors;, etc. New Rabbe rs Boots and ré