Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1899, p. 3

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f [ e mC.Pay tore - laW.- io. the ladies o! Bowmauville and vieiniîy art________ 135 We.ee ibsoe~lyreiblel-Eite. h&t sIc lias înoyed hem stock o! faneyw.CASpied .$ 5goods te the uew store two doors cast .. E 0 01 o!Nidholis' variety store wheme su more GLAR CR .. 1c comodins romsesshewiiI lie pro- -CTRI UEC fi F11 100 o seve hi hn ol cutomes l sent dIrect te thse diseaued parefi pria by thee lmproved Blower. s ui, 10 a as mn new eues as may favor PHeals tise oceffs, cdean the air We gnr ire ..io lier with thecir patronage. A splendid M.OMy e r EOgl;B - ssom rnendo!paecy goed , be hicure&s AL £0, d neton lys l stoCli ,Caîarrh snd Hal Fêver.Blower Stampe linen ail'ays il stock, Ce. Ail deaiers, or Dr. A. Wý. Ch aes.e ia 93 en ~tr t o- and sli er lu ber uew store -Md rneC. oronto &,ud BuLe _____ ârcialFrieBw anvle Present STA'rESM7AN subscribers whose Meeëting of Fruit Growers L ff K atùat»atm x subscription for 1899 is paid can have__________________________________ this journalsen t to any friend to the The Annual meeting of the Fruit end of the oentitry for only $1.00. Order Growers Association of Ontario wiil be BOWMNVI E iC. 6, 1899. te d a. held iiithe M4usic Hail, 1thtby, on Diec. I~IIItIIIIIUIt~IlfUIlIiIIm, _________________ _ RIeafler, if you know of any oeeln 5th and 6th. Addresses on Fruits their Canada who intends crossing the Atlan- culture, shipment, etc and the treat-S Locl nd thrwie8 tic, recomrend them toinquire of M.A. ment of the numerous pests attaeking' Z UTocal nd Oherwie. Jaes fr rats. Hedoestue sean hiera, iill be given, by the - most cele- business of this district and represeuts, brated specialists from the Agricuiltural Get your lanterns,candles,etc., of Jas.thesiesmnafaa taaadheSts Goard. '~~~~~~~Mr. Dooie<' advises, iii -'le LadliesCleeso ihga n Ne.ok Seud vour work to Jas.Goard,Watch- HIome Journal for December those dec- Cl additf ionhimgtno and ewcYesk.- - - T H-E- Èéck Head1ache and re1v ail the troub3les mi-m eraJele. toringl a man with "col' on the chit, "lriadtoth s nteadsucs dent to a bilions ,LtÏte o sth y8tem. snobiaas . to "e Casev's mixturs 'r mnan anl' fui fruit growers of this and adjoining- - -- ,;Dzzness, Žauaea. 1 owiuless. Distress a tr M. A. James is Goverument issuer "e Province of Quebec, will read papers - --FA S M L eating Pain lu th ie&.Whl theirmoist of Mrig Liceuses. baist, put hirn lun bed slap a musthard giin tei xprinc i hefrit -emarkable ùsu sb~ehwi~~~ araeplaister on him that'Illkeep bis mmnd gAvn per erso ain ew ie tes Get your school supplies at Jas.Goard, enployed, anl lave thim Le figlit it out. Anmea lso aigne x aitra godun.e alnoA J N T R Staionr ad Jweler.Masth'bet man win. If the patient's ll n d o m P u y f o s le E q u Me a yI R e l h m rl n e ll n t h v s a m p le s , w ill ;le a se fo r wv a rd th e m te s im ia tifig l 1 0T d a n d R g a I N TR a Tu me Poyfrsl.E,,r lv n h lonr' el aethe secretary, Joseph White, lu order IIghSolalsn.owCISof - F ~edehye ate' LtnLiver Pillg are SAEMNofc.stet ecu-.te malte a display of f rait ie ditable t aqu aivuablE Loîai'tc,curingandpre-, Direct from Baltimore-our oysters Newspapers with big circulation like this the banner section of Ontario for 'Venting fais unroi3d mliue they aise -correct ail iorEr i L( nitimulate the are reliable. Cawker & Tait. F HE STATESMAN iv'hen considered from winter fruits. Ail meetings are free, 1 lver and regulatehlixl. nf they Ouli7 Odralpaesadmgaie m aavertising'standpoint, have every coîne everybodv and shio-ior ners __________ Proand agazins fres an 8 yCureiterl- M. A. James-3000 te select from. thing in their favor They reacli the in the growiîîz indlustry. Our fiue comprises anything made lu bousesnith a frquency tht commend the wy offurniure.L. Moris. itself as a* shining virtue te the man Miss Bessie Nason, Coyer Hill1, N. S., tesngs.otisete ~ae he wulboaloxprcdsso b tehe D of havue . .Motiredwho lias something tosell].'Moreover, says: "I gladly recommend Laxa-Liver Opîueimorpiano ir Il-Lra1. 8O TH -uffér freuxtiiis 'tss _ coniplfint; but forta. Do o hv weak, ie feeling? such a favorite, newspaper cannot be P-Is, as they cured me completely of NOT NAMC OTIC. ,matelytheirgoodnesdoesnotenà1ierO,andthoss Take'Miller's Compound Iron Pilîs. supplanted lu the hearts of ifs constitu- contipation before 1 had finished the______ _____ -Who ?osetryt4he wi1l fiîd tiiese ltte pinsvain. ."What pretty Furniture" is the.everv ents by any other sort of publicationf, third box." 4able in se im&or wa3,s txjt itey will fnot be wl- _ RP. ,âingto do witho1ttÙe1a Tut after alisicii; ioi day remark of our custemers. L. Mer- wbich insures il a Dermanency ofecircul- 28pd1-çMLPrR rî.atin that cannot be dplicated. NATIONAL EXPOIT EXPOSITION. IA I I Watches, dlocks, jewelery, spectacles, DEAR EDTOR.-It may interest soine rings, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- Big Offer te the Iteaders of this Paper. cf your readers te hear about the "lNat- 0Fdaseld 10 the bano omn ie ie erc lm where eller. ional Expert Exposition"' now on at s fjAn&Joi Weaeorreat bo,.OrIUcrethl Dustan & Hear keep a fuiue of Christmas Ledger Monthhy is freigt Philadelphia frem wbere I write. Itflai Cartr s Uttio Llver Piis are very e;mall and repairs for the Hlappy Tbcugbt Range ed with original and deligbtful Christ- national in extent thougli con trolled ;~&c.B0TTI.JE 0 very eaytetaue. Onecitvo pinls inaleadose. la stock. mas pictures, stonies and sketches. The by the State of Peunsylvania. but ou They C'*,S trictly vegtabla and dû net gripeoro purgelt by ther gontle action pleaso aliwhe Read the Mason Cols large ad. in this cover offers a sunny CbristmasmrrorniLng acceunt cf its unique nature it bas in- tisothem. Invialatct; \oo$.~1 eksisu.I ilpyYut edpîcture of a littie bey in bis nightgown, ternational significarce, and wil preb- AefcRmd o osla iby pruga everywhero, or sent by mail. eey od leaning over the foot of bis bed with ably have far reacbing results on both t ion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca,à1 CARTER MEDICIIIE CO., New Yodlc bis arma tillecl with teys, and brimmîng thQ manufactures and commerce of WormsConvuisions,reverish- I Ladis' lanelete igltgonsover with happiness. The Frentispiece many cuniles. To explain: there are ~ s nLs FS derans.cap, aid spectacles on lier nose, and The first comprises "a cemplete disphay Tac Simile Signature of ____________________________ FanCapnins. uff, Guntetsandwith dolla in lier lap, making behieve te of Abnerican ma nufactures and pro- _ Bufeo ilkndtt oclJoiston &ha sew the skirt of a dress. Ian Maclaren's ducts suitable for expert." The second Better Sop tAatCrydermap's. article, "Wheu Scotclimea Have Their departmeat supplies a display cf N WYRÇ atra apta ncosebtisol.I Co)ugh now W; 0-1 Eye siglit tested frecoef chaîge, spec- Full Rîghts." lias neyer been surpassed samplts of European manufactures with astold ailt pin Dou6-si bles anytsi a few do~~~cs cf ~tacles fited preperhy at lowest prices at by Ibis briliant writer. It is a keen wbich Americans mnuat conpote lu the anti îo n e rponsmat Thle Mason Ce. aayi fSoc laatradah m mrkets of the world. A third depart - ja sgo"at will answer isVery pur, Dr. \Vood's "lWny, hew cheap Furniiture lis-ot" orous satire of Ilicir crochets, ment is ail e-4ibition of methoda of Soe"4eo that yoa geSotABTORIA N orway Pime is the commen talk afler seeing our The publialierseof TiE Homu, being packing gods for expert. Exerv sec-J * gosL.Mri.dsruoffrhrintreducing their tion lias worth te ail peoples cngaged The cr WAPER iU Syupthn et~Men's and Boys' Overcoats iu ail sizes journal, make the following offers. lu the manufacture aînd expert of it run on to end speciall.y good value, at Couch, Johns- Offer No. L15T Complote Novelettes articles. 0f course, thQ Americans ex- \xwopr perhps i Bro- Noway ton & Crydierman's. by sncb authers as Mrs. Southworth. ett antecifauaeta perhàs in ron- orway Bring luyour furs for altering and Charlotte M. Braeme, Cenan Doyle, iper _,haps aceounits for the tact that the ýhi tis,. Pneu- rearntM aeTi rc ilHaggard, etc. Offer No. 2 -Fancy Exposition lias net been widely adver- iWo1k Book. 100 illustratiuns. Teachees tised lu Canada uer in Europe. Aay monla or Con- Furrier, Bowmanville.Dr Work Ck 10 lutwrtiontonande live man eau profit from an inspection sunto.SyrUu Potatees juat as geod as eaver grew BrawnWrCtwr, oil n fwhthscmeior r o n Its etdP Bt25 uat h asnC. tteaburg Embroidery, ail the latestofbahicmpttsaedinad odivrd lu21e bu t he ts . stitchles with alphabet for embroideringS this !S a place of bard stndy and straiglit awonderull U eimdin1 uhe os Offer No. 3.-A Family Cook Book, 61 business. I wisli Canadians haa iealing r'emecly ý, Dont bny veur furaiture from me if pages, over 700 receipos. Take Notice wider acqualutance with this mao-nifi- u C rius ules oU Seul that cues the on eau buy ceiaper aI auy othier place A cheice of oeeof the abeve off ers and iceut display. thtcue-tcbut yen ca't. L. Morris. TEE Houn Ilrce mentha, witli stories, Thon, toc, the ity o! William Penn worst kinds of 4 The atest senga. 1oe. Send for cal- fashicus. fancy-work anîd domestie te- l, full cf hisatorie interest for visitera. "One grade only and that the Best 'Hain been appcdnted. sole coughs andecolci .alogue. ntuetladvclmsepesn.froh 0.Aitreefr etra when we visited Idn d represontative for above company for Bowmanville we, beg te inferm la'vsi scck.-Jas. Geard. and rinn HomE 3 moutha sent for 25e, cuce Hllh ere the Decharation cf Iu- the public that we have bonglit thus early our supply cf Cuttera anci when thersfail.New watches, uew jewellcry, nwSn eTEHM ulsigC. pncewasgadndy , 77,lis fer the ccming sleighing seasen. As the lLatihiin Ce. bhave & c 2c èZ50 ilalr. silverware, lowcr pricea than ever, at 151 Milk St., Boston, Mass. whore George Washington was Slei The Mason Ce., Jewellery Dept. -DRICTNCU IL. pitl era of heAmenican scld ever 2,200 cf 92,600 liuudred cuttera they are rnaking tornoct their Hav ~ n tiedourHadies Thy DRLIGTO (JUNCL. aî-my, the stars and stripes were aI ever inceasing demand that exista for their gooda, we teck lime'by Haveyoutrie ou Hadies? Tey haîf-mast for Vice-President Hobart, the forelock and made cur selections early and our firat censigliment L X -Cure constipation, blionaneaa, sic were spccially cnrcd for our'trade. Town Hall, Hampton, Nov. 25, 1899. pust deceased, We saw the "Liberty ilarvtha ec.Afwsealearse!terCtrs head-iche and dyspepsia. Eirery Cawker & Tait. Ileguhar montlily meeting, members Býell" and many other relies of the early ilarvthsek.Afwpca etusofhi Ctr. LV Hpil guararteed perfect and to act For the biggcst assertmeut, the moset all present. Minutes cf last meeting limes when American independeuce WOODWORK.-Panels are gued and claînped on and carefullv screwcd witou a'ygriing, weakoning or sty liali and best value in Ladies' Coats rend and confirmed. Dr. Mitchell ap wvas hemn, together with a wholo gai.adllgcd-oI eod rwhHikrKuc;SonGetlHcoy iefig ret.ae taldu cali at Concli, Jehuston & Cryderman s. pidfrpnifse 1jrc oo o ery o! portraits cf Amenican werthe.Beama: hent fondera mentiscd on te boums and braced-tlie sirongeatijob; ptn PUL s g 'rThe Ladies of St. John's churcli in- telephone ,hctween Enniakillen and Heeae1cumnveieces of Bon in ged dash braced; shaf ta extra-XXX Hickory. tend helding their annual sale and tea andBurketou, granted. Wm. Gimblett emt Frankln te whom a fine stature IRONWORK.-AlIlbre-ces, T'a, etc., cf steel and forged lu our owvn fadons;y on Wedaesday Dec. l3tli. Particulars claimed damages done te team o! hors- bas 1bee11 ere2,ced in front et the Gener- 1ý in. proecting steel shoos; shiîtiug shaf ta riglit or le! t) or cenredrft -'ii or01 later. os in brcakiug Ibrough- an alieged dc- -ai Post Office. The Philadeiphia City wthout bar. Nowlathelie fr har Ceek, ectvebrige ll is a building justly nemarkable for PAINTING.-Rîcli waim colora., or dark, with gearîngte maeh a11d! As the meinga are dark, Riekard lias Fi. L. Squair re-assented bis claimi for ils architecture, but evon more sfosmeysnpdadiîsdc vganaides ane slîd-uot Iransfer~ sîe!( the Clcck te suit yen in pvîce and quai- damages owing 10 the impassable state iLs ceCI.11entytlnadbuaipelfdahulwautc se od ity loth. cf the bridge belwecn lots 6 and in red hry-five million dollars have TRIMMING-Crimmacu olive or geld Mohair plusli or green or biae choîli _____ otoî ged hveadaueAl the rd con No action taken. Tihebeen spent upea il. ia Ibis country o! extra higli and easy sping 'back, sprng cushion, deep quarters, carpet un boîtom ýLrMprice. The Mason Ce have a big stock tedr fH.J9Iecn oosphyn reat thinga Pliladeiphia la ditinetly a and ai round paniels unsîde, tee rail; haudseme nickel phated anm rails, extra bougt a ol prces;youmaybenfitthe round cedar as per advertisement dty o! magniticeut distances for evea heavy; areen, solid] brasa full platcd; shafîs full eathered and s iver tpped, bouli a od pics;ye ma bneitwa-s accepted aI the sunm o!$286; and for sinice Greater New York bas spread 11. silver ends ou whiffletreea. Diîhsby purchasiug 10W. square sawed cedar Io pieces at 86û. self se widely Ibis ity neverîhelesbas We have decîcled bai gains iu 2nd lland Carts and Buggies. Cali Yon eau purchase alpres6nt, Sterling 'ihe tender ef G A. Stephons te supply a larger area withiu corporation than and inapeet, and aise maeo ur seleetions. Silver Tea spoonq frem T N. Iliekard hemheeck planli as adventised for was ac- any other American ity. F'airmont fer what seime of yen paid per dozen cepted at $11.50 per tbousaud feet. A Park is superb-its natural- featunes JOH N-IN 1E CY fer your Plated eues. Bylaw (563) was passed authorisiug the s'î.rpasa even those of Central Park, N. BOWMANVILLE. WmnA patnietic social will be held aI the issue o! debentares for the suin cf 1350 Y., while art ias wisely euhanccd ils _____________________________________ resideuce of Mn. John MeIntyre, Churcli for sehool section No. 20 la accordance beauties. Wannamaker's store is lu MissSt. Friday evening Dcc. 8. Admission witli their requost. itsehf Weil worth a visit. Juat new a 6 15e or two for 25 cents. 48-2w. AB-a 54 a asdpoiio 3,500 enipieyees attend 10 the wauts of Chisîn s rde eer b digtheat Nucholis la doiug business la the samne for holding, the munkepal electiens..in :rheshpes M îurn h old stand. Helias had bis store painted Tho cousideration of making- certainS50wî oncsuyt ato i . an hagves a new brighl appearance. changesecions u the bouadaies of sehiool hoat. WoeeI1net writiugunader pressa - .. 1s r 7 poned, ho ho deul withbhy tbeinm-remayohr alns!itnet 1 1 b A lage tockof cilbat Cliiates unucil, as a settiemeat conld netmi.lthoefrdt.scba iriis - .L .. aud Fedonas, musI ho sold, se come legally be made soonler. A petillon -and Ibis la a cily of churches; Univer 41p N '" i * ~and gel a bangain. I arn selliag them sio-ned by Walter J. Osborne and 150 sities,-aud educuhien ishnogleieted ...___ agreatly rednced prices.1 M. Maver. others was presented praying thie Couin- -; akscaprs"auGten ar sv-J- 'i'- Tait& Co.make photos for- 25e. per cil 10, construci a public oud from the erl 1off thein-bisl what 1think Canad- ___ dozen and aI ail othor pices usnally hase line te Daninglea station G., T. assole al hm;lvso sthe paid for the heat fiished photos aI their R. 'The petitien was received andi fucilities home afforded f or împnovag w- studio, Market Square, Bowman ville. ReeveCourtice and Counicillors Feston the inleresîs aînd manufactures o! our H av bUILIciv d om - 39-tf. and Brown appointed a committce te 0ot' country. P. TAILL1G. M. Mayer lias the stock in Fuma, uayesigato the prepriels of compîyiug p aelha Nv 2,89 thing new~ in Baking Po'w - - Gols fruahzîs. halsanad' caps. wîlh the requesl o! the pelilionersadPhhdipiNo.2, 89 id TOvershoecea are iglit. No trouble te report ut the next meeting. S. J. Wil- J'~ jg-a 1h 1 ilAy . Z) 0 esshow geode. Hîgliest price paid for iiams preseuted a pelitiose signed l.y J, a>- '4'M~ . 'a JCing Pow~b .L d'W-L.L tga £heavy black over-tookng wth the raw furs. fCRynolda and16 othena pnayng the The Ilirco great vital factonsdo vucatzd nt arber s.Thef We wilh buy any quanîity o! chiekea Cuil t aao yia 0prhbt hf tÉîs body of ours are the ~ a d a C r e 'z e p r rubeaa uaesth arca,îihîst~oug rold muaI be dry pckdand ne s ale o nîoiîug liquens wthia flic heurtl the fneres audthe blood. an4 neateat rubbcr the manet. N îhles Aie tulicy, orkedimita o!fIthe municipaiity and aubmait It is because o! the triple ~Q u le a f u ~ i andneâestruberin heinaket No 'ýiblts.Aie trkosgeese antid dcks the saine 10 the eleetora o! the lewis power posaessed by Milbun's - u k r T u - j n bittons. aubuekies. Made te fit ail shog, ri yen have big lots sec us for pnîces. slip for ratificain acracewlfart findNervePills of making sispe, Olby ildeles.The Mason Ce. the provisions o! section 141, Chap. 245, weak, Iltregua eaigheurts 101 veryr fine, cail and see. Mainfctr1 Mr. Jsoo. Poney lias been appointed R. S. 0. 1897. Reva. J, S. 1. Wilson, H. troLetand steady, tening Up Th Cîtdlgan Ovrhoo Co.. Stratford, Ont. soleage nt uBwmanvillle for me-.Th>mas, H. N. Adaa adT. akrdrt'm-,sh±erAnrvus1r- À_ -

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