Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, p. 4

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J ~'ii~' ~ r- J GET OUT 0F DEBT. Dr. Julia Thomas, Toronto, is visit- - 'A Fait Outside Ls -4-j in, friends lu towu, guestof Mrs M. cetan7ed- -t -- I-Xmj7 4-t 4- - 4-t. ~44 ~ F~ 5~ ,-.- ~ ~ 4 4 - - T "---"r-- ~44~L4. 4- -'- 4- ~ tr'x'--flr ~-'t 4- t'-,'- h-r' tbe~ nwhamai~ nuî'e cuen t~vrrv4vc~rt . pu rti he~uar ut apv nther T~H~tIp t~-tt~a,~L1L~ 77 ~ fl4- 4 4- - - - 4~ m Ail m Ai OUI AlwaY savoidm ha rsh purgativ e pluls. pockets, safes and banks almost everv- Awy ,k, 1 ik siite Io' lserel-c nntrits body iu a few 'months will have paid o nslae.cr~du nl> i etthârtie to take witiigos' aa Fashion demands if- ~44 1-4t- 44 44 14 1~~' - 41, '-t -~ i 4- bTAITEaLAN Ta nauud.tin week, the hms- tory of Toronto and its business inter- ests being mailed in advance of this regul ar editit&n which bas beeft delayed owing to changes being, made in the press room, a larger englue havlng to be installed and fi tted by a skllled en- gineer. Particulars 4ext week. FAI&MERS' REVIVAL IN HOPE. There seems to be lacking ou the part of residents of Hope Township the pro- gregs and enterprise characterizing ueighboring municipalities. Hope seems to be looming ut) as they are becom- ing aware of their torpitude and retro- gression. They once had a good agri- cultural society, but it, died a natural feath, or was killed by indifference. Now they propose to re-organize and two meetings have already been held for that objeet. Just now it looks as thougli thev will have a Fait exhibition at Port Hope next year. We are sure sister societies wiIl wish them success, LIKES CANADA BEST. A reader of TEE STATESMAN living lu the Western States wrltes: 1 have lived in the States since 1865 but have not become a citizen. This is a fine country but it is a very wlvcked one, Sunday is inucli the same as other days. This town wlth 1500 people has seven saloons open every day of the week. i wish 1 were back lu Canada again. I amrn l the oil region. 011 Is only $1.11 per barrel - Are there any Bible Christians in Bowmaaville now? TirE STATESNAN is the only Canadian paper 1 take and it is malklng me f eel very homesîck. 1 would really like te be back there again te live. Trade la duRl here lu winter, but in.suminer it is pretty good. -N .W. J.-> The South Ward Sunday Sehool an- nlversary Suuday was faLvered witli su perb weatber and was a splendid stie- eas. Tbe Tabernacle was packed te overfiowiug. Rev. J. H. Turnbull, M 1A. was the speaker and gave a very lnterestiug address on the importance of"I Small thinzsa" enlivened wlth fît- ting illustrations, iateresting aud pro- fitable alike te young and oid. Tha re- putation of theiscseool was welI sustain- ed bv the exercises of the smaller schol- ara lu class songa, recitations and solos, Miss Amelia Knigbt prese nted au ex- celletly prepared report of the year's work. The musical part of the pro- gram was mucli enbanced by the sing- iug of Miss Beacoclu the song "The Bird with the broken .pinion ", Miss Maud Wright the organist of the school presided at the organ. Following la the program ýpresented by the sebolars: Class soug, Happy Greetings; recita- tien, 'lhe littie bird, Cera Frank; class seug, Little Corners; recîtation, Hazel Dillon, The boyless towyî- solo, ileloves me too, Eva Todgbam. èollection over $8.00. doctor, because the editor and doctor have beeùi more iùeglected lin the past than -others less deserving. Then pro- ceed to pay everybody else as- fast asj you eau so as to get entîrely out of debt before this century -ends and start the 2th century, if epared, with a dlean sheet. PERSONAL. Mr.ArthurMcDougall, Toronto spen t Sunday at home Miss Bassett is guest of Mrs. ILI Campbell, Milton. Miss Kate Curtis, Port Hope, la guest of Miss Gertie Lyle. Mrs, Samuel Giihas been visiting1 friends lu Toronto. Mr. Rhys. D. Fairbairu, Toronto,i spent Sunday at home. .Miss Smart, Brockville, 15 visîting the Misses Galbraith. .Miss M. Mowbray, Whitby, is Zuest of Mrs.Bird, Liberty St. Mr. W. A, Toms was la town- last week at Mrs. Geo. Wilbur's. Messrs John Sinclair and Frank Bailey left Friday for Syracuse N.Y. Mr. W. C. Cubitt, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis mother, Mrs. (Col.) F. Cubitt. Mrs. Thos. Bîngliam bas returned from a very pleasant visit with relatives in Marshslltown, la. Mrs. M. B. Anuis, Toronto, !s guest of bier graudfather, Mr, John Flem- ing. "Salisbury Villa". Mr. and Mrs. James PAYue. Cobourg, wera guests cf lier sister, Mrs. llobt. McDougall over Suuday. Miss Suaie Bailey lias returned from au enjoyable visit with ber sister Mrs. John Archibald, Belleville, Messrs. J. L. Hlooper, W. W. Allun Jas. Deymau and rHerb, Cree'per have gone north on a huntiug tour. Mrs. Samuel Wilson, Garden Hilias gone to the Sanitarium at Gravenhuirst for a couple of month for lier health. RevDr. and MrsJ J.Hare of Ontario Ladies College, Wbitby, have been receut guests of Mrs. D. C. McDowllî. Mrs. W. A. Neads returued Saturday evening from visitiuarlier daun.hter and son at Brandon and Winnipeg,- Mani. By au eversight our compositer omitted the name of Mr. Geo. E. May- nard lu report of Trinity Halloween social last week. Mr. Robt.Gillis, formerly of Ballyduf' is the uew i9ort Hope teachier, successor te Mr. R- A. Lee. Hie has a splendid reputation as a teacher. Master Russell Candier, tbree vear old son of Mr. S. Candler, fell fr-Mn a clothes reel platform Friday and broke bis right leg just above the kuee. Mrs. Ricli Windatt and Miss Maggie Windatt returned recently frein spend- lug the summer witli ber sàons at Win- nipeg and Belmont. Man., highly de- lighted witli lier viiit lu tli. prairia province. TO CUBfl A. COLD IN ONBDAT. Taire Laxative Bromo Quisuine ?abltoi. Ant drugglsts refend moaey if it falut.e @rc, 3&e. E.WG rove's signiteire le en caeh b*x. of the happy long agin an dNe England farmer's 1life, full of uncon-icious pathos and the poetr.y of work. In the Youth and Home departmnent, in add- ition to other deligbtful matter, there is an article for winter evening amuse- ment entitled "Tricks for an Evening witb Children." by Geo. E. Walsh. AU this goes to rniare Up one issue of this magazine, wLich is published for fifty cents a year, five cents a copy. Robert Bonner 's Son, Publishers,Ledger Build- ing, New York. MARKET JOTTINGS. Mutton from Iceland is being offered lu England and selis well. Butter and eggs are selling well and the demand continues brîsk. Do y ou owe anybody a dollar ? If se, read the article "Get Out of Debt". When doing vour marketing remem- b:er our suggestion: 'Get Out of Debt." Woo] losed strong and advaucing last week with tremendously heavy sales. Farmers have been too busy this month so far ou the land to do much marketing, and cthe drop in pork has delayed some si ipmen ts. About 60,000 bbls apples more have already been shipDed from Atlantic ports t han at this date last year. 195,- 000 bbls. have left Montreal. Mr. R. Beith, M. P., has been looking around among West Durham farmers for young Short Horus to ship to Nova Scotia to Dr. Borden, Minister of Mil- itia. Hay is iu brisk demand at Montreal for shipmeut te South Africa. $12 a ton is paid for delivery on steamer. Amer.- icans are also buying Canadian hav for shipment to Boston atnd New York. Apples in the British markets have had a bad drop and eau oui y be dispos- t5d of at ruinous prices. S.hippers are losing heavily. ~n many cases they will sel! for less in England than was paid for them in Canada. FOR FOR RED ROUGH ITCHING PAINFUL FINGER ENDS ONE zNueIT nprTREMET. - Soak thse bauds tluorongiy, on retiring, iu a noT lather of CU'rxOUnÂSOÂu'. Dry, and anoint freeiy with CuTrcuuA ointment, the. great skia cure and purest0f emollient8. Wear old gloves durlng tii.night. For sore hands, ltchlng, borning palme and painfuIlinger ends, tuis onie sii/tt tra se.t ewendediul. WOM EN t prcaetérmral lnig Purtryîi.g.ad emoiheet lteopeties o CUTICURÂ 5tu' =4t tefad nlyusez for it dally. So4t t.ughtehw.rld. PTE .ADC e,. Plropde..Ba. *"Be te Rave Beautifial Rands." fias. 01t. LOWS WORM SYBUP ta a safe, sure.anil reMabie worm expoiler ei squally enl1 u iren or adultte. Be1 Ouro you get I*w's. Mr Iaaac larke, of a sont. MARRIED. DRtsw-PEILPs-On Novi1, et the Metbodist Parsonage. Courtice, by 1ev J S I Wilson, B D, Mcr James Angustus Drew and Miss Caroline Pbilips, both of 1armony, East Wbitby. ROBBINS-BýRÔWN--At Cedar Valley Farm, Darlington, the resideuce of the brides parents, on Wednesday, Nov 15,by Rev H Thomas aà- sisted by 17ev E E Howrtad, John hobbins, Hampton, and Gertrude May Brown, only claugbter of Mr and Mrs Irwin L Brown, FOLEY-BRimACOMBE - In Bowmanviile on Wednesday, Nov 15, at 'Greenconrt " the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Victoria Carlotta oniy daogbter of Dr. J. M. Brimacombe, Bow- manville, and Fred fi Foley, Maple Grove, Rev J J Rae offiiating. DIED. Ss'sy At London, Ont, Nov 7, Bessie, wife of Mr James L Spry, aged 46 years. SS'RY-At Lewtrenchard, North Devon, Eng- land, Oct 25, Mary Ann Spry, aged 93 years. Mother of John and Thomas Spry of this town. PÂRK8 At Myrtie, Nov 5, Alnira Sabrina Wells, beloved wife of William Parks. ttged 45 year8. GRÂHÂAm-In Clarke, Martba MeChesney, wife of tbe laie James Graham, aged 77 years. SÂMis-At Chase, Lake Co, Micb Nov 3, of consomption, Norman W Samis, iormerl3y of Clarke, Ont, aged 45 years.- ViexERv-In Oshawa, Nov 4, Bernice Marie,, infant daugbter of Mr E L Vlckery, aged 7 mos. GIBsowt--u Clarke, Nov 8, Mary Therese, danghter of Mr Thos Gib8oia, aged 29 years. SoTt-In Darlington, Nov 7, Emhly Joli, b.- loved wtf e of Herbert Short, aged 55 years. A llp InI We have just received a lune of FOUNTAIN "'PENS That is gi'ring the best of satisfaction and for which we are selling at C.s each. Cail and see them. "BIG 20. TUE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and SCIENCE of HEALTIf. Knewn everywhete la in its sixty-IrstYsear. Write FOWLER & WELLS 00~ 27 E. 21 st St, New YoSmC.foi Sspecimen cipy. St.0O a veer te u,,w suhcrtbrs inainea short somfmofetCbarate& s - It s a pleasure to pay for rightness in Clq.h-1 You know that you are right in-style and that the clothes are right in finish and mat-. erial. You know you have saved time and mioney by sel- ecting one of our excellent Suits at $8 andi $10. Have a look at our Overcoats before purchasing this f ail. We have the right materials and the proper fit and finish., SEE , OUR DOLLAR' TWEED PANTS. By contracting for our winter stock' last spring, we are able now to seil winter Boots and Shoes at the oll prices, in spite of the twenty per cent advan ce in al leather and rubber -goods. The following list wVill Coni- vince you of this fact. Men's long boots, No. 1 Boston Caif, stronz pegIged soles, waterproof goods at $2, $2.25 and $2.50. Men's Best English Oul Tanned( Grain Long Bos heavy clump sole, double pegged, with or without inter- fering strap, some with fancy bronze knee cap, ridin&' boot style, $,Q Men's two and fcur buekle Rubber Boots, best Maltese Cross make, six different grades and prices from $1 .25 to $2.50, including the famous stub proof line. Feit and knit socks for saine 50e and 75c. Men's Four Buekie Feit Legged Boots, three quarter length of leg, a warm strong boot, $2.00. Feit Lined Grain, iBellows Tongue, absolutely water- 4 proof, $1.75- Feit Boots of ail kinds for Men or Women, laced, button or elastic sides, ail prices from s 1.00 Up. ALL KINDS 0F RUBBERS IN STOCK. Gàroceries.. New Fruits in Store:-Fancy Buckingham Cluster Raisins. Extra Four Crown Malaga Raisins. Extra.Sel- ected Valencia Raisins. Fancy Vostez Currants. éaje Cod Crauberries, very fine. Orange s, Lemons, Etc. We have just opened up some fine large Sk, nec[ Cod Fish at Se per lb. Bear in mind we pay the same price cash or trade for any quantity of Eggs. ohjMMrty I E ~ ~

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