Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1899, p. 5

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A Reliable TrussI Before a Truss cani give satisfaction it must be'- properly made and carefully fitted. We soul the best Truss that ean be foun.d any where and have a prix.. ate room«for fitting. For some years we have made a specialty of Truss fitting and we guarantee satisfaction. STOIT & JU RY. A COIJG$ CURlE 11RT 0 e e0 For ox or 20 years our Cougli Sý rup has been used by the citizens of IBowmnanville and vicin- ity. Durmg' that tume doz- ens of diff erent kinds have started up al aroui-d us but have dropped out af ter a short To-day there is not a more popular CoughI Rernedy to be found any where in Canada. It is pleasant to take. It iî-I,.pu in "large bottles. It souls for only 25c. It cur'es. SSTOTT &JURY. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. Jý BOWMANVILLE STATION. Go.Nal EAST. GOING WEST. E, 5es.81 .m3I"Xprs..5 17 a. M * Express. .. 1 a .Local.::818 ; I'sssenger.... .s a, .r. Passenger.. i 35 p. in Loal 6 l.m Eprs.. . 7 39 ~ExM« ' *.. il'es STOTr & J uRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 18, 1899. Nicholîs souls cheap, Nichoils sous Steve Mica 2c a sheel. Ail womk guaranteed by Jas. Goard. Mr. A. B. Coucb, Toronte, was home over Sundav. Miss Millie Grigg ls visitiug fricnds in Akron, Ohio. A fiue range o! new wrap shawis and traveling rugs at Coueh, Johusîon & lJrydermfan's. .Mm. . N4,rran Nortbcote, Tomonte, was guest of' bis uncle, Dm. W. E. Tllicy over Sunlday. Bring lun yeur furs for aibering and rpairing, ta M. Mayer, The Practicai Furmier, Bowxnanviill. 1ev. Elliaott S. Rowe, Tomante, hasi accepted a eau ote eMetropolitan Methodist cbiurcb, Victoria, B. C. Now le bbc lime for Alarin Clocks.i As the minige are dark, Richard bas, the ClocR ,te suit you lu price and quai. ily loth. Mr. John HeIlllyam, the up-to-date, bool and sboe merchant, bas bad the palace sboe store ftted witlr incandes- cent lizlts. TiUE STATESMAN Wiil bc sent te any bon« fide,.ncw subseriber te the endI o! the century for $100, or the balance o! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doubt, Port Iervy, were ila tuw'n Menay teheur ýiur bonorcd Premier and wcre delight- id with their vieil. A Lady's \Vatcb, Gold Filled and guiaranbeed by the manufacturers te wvear en years, sold lu Toronto for $12. 5.Now vours at Richards for $7.00. A im e keepers and only a limited M r. A. L. Nicholîs bas had the fonnd- allons o! "The Faýr" bouse strengîhen- td and repaircd and le now btter pre pared to serve bis numerons enstomers. Rîckard's is headquarters for Rogers 18-47 kuives, forks and spoons. A Lplarge cousigmnent purchase fer cash before the prices were aised. You have the chance te eap the benefit if vyon look sharp. Thei ladies o! St. Paul's Foreign Misf,iQnamry Society held their annunal thankoffering ou i'nesday, Oct, 10th -when $7307 was placcýd on the plates. Mrs. (Dr.) McLaughlin presidedý and Ml-s5. (1ev.) J. H. Tumubuilgvea excellent al', on missionary work, Miss 'Glover contribntcd a pleasino. solo ta the aftemnoon's pogram. Rctfresh- monts were serve' and a social time ecnjoyed by the ladies. Don't fail to read inside pages. Nicholis selis Stove pipe Varnish at It's a winner, Nîchoils' big 5c. bar of Soap. Get your lanterns,candles,ete. of Jas. Goard. Sec our Window every weelx. Levi Morris. Nieholis will seli Quickshine 7e. on Saturday. Mr. Cassel Tait, Millbrook, wvas home over Stinday. 11ev. J. J. Rae lectures in Greenwood ehure h Oct. 18. Send your work te Jas.Goard,Watch- maker and Jewcller. Miss Roberts, Kingston, is guest at Mr. P. Trebîieock's. Mr. Chas. Keith was home from Whitby over Sunday. Mr. Geo. H. Aletter, Montreai, Que, was gues at Mr. E. T. Weleh's. Mrs. W. Moore, Kingston, is guest of bier sister, Mis. Thos. Spry, jr. If you want the ncwest- Furniture at the lowest prices go te L Morris'. Mr. Arthur Elford, Providence, is attending Business Colieg'e, Toronto. Mr. Norman Beilman, Toronto, visit cd bis father Mr. E. Beliman last week. Mrs. John Hambly bas returnect from a pleasant visit with friends at Chat- ham. Miss Veale gave a pleasant At Home te a number of ber friends on 1 hursday cvening, ,Messrs H1. J. Logan, Jas. Somerville, andL. Burnett, were guestsof Mr.W.F. Allen on Monday. Several prettiiy trimmed* wcdding cakes have been displayed in Mr. T. Tod's window iately. The Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's churcli will run an excurision te Toronto Nov. 23-24, Partieulars later., Miss Allie Welch bas returned to Rochester, N. Y., after spending a' pleasant holiday at home. If our prices suit you,tell your friends, if they don't, tell us, your money back if you want it at Nicholis'.1 The'latest songs. 10c. Scnd for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music always lu scock.-Jas. Goard. Mrs Win. MeConneli, and two cbild- ren, Chicago, Ill., are visiting Mrs. WV. McReynolds, Brookhiil Dairy. Miss Addie McDoweli is the delegate from the South Ward Sunday sebool to the Provincial convention in Gait Oct. 24-26. The many friends of Mr. Edgar W. Allin were pleased te sec hlm eut on Sunday atter bis long and serieus iii- ness. Mr. and Mrs, J. H.L1H. Jury have re- turned from Winnipeg, Man., where tbcy attenided the Ticket Agents' con- vention. Have yen seen L. Morris' Ncw Store? Everything is new and up-to-date and hie wili be pleased te bave vout eal and examine. Ladies and Misses Coats in the very latest styles both German and Canadian just rccived at Couch, J ohuston & Cryderman 's., Bowinanvillo Hi gh School folotball team wiil play at Wbitbv Thanksgiving day for the championsbip of the Mid- land district. The Gem \Vîre Fence is the best Farm fonce known. Be! ore putting up fence caîllon Peter Murdocli (Express Office) and get prices. A large stock of feit bats Christies and Fedoras, must ho sold, se corne and get a bargain. I amu selling them at greatly reduccd pricos. 11ev. John Chisholm, for the past ten years pastor of Dunbarton and Milleville Preshyterian churches, has received a eaul fromn Kemptville. Miss Etta Tait visited bier brother Mr. C. M. Tait, Millbrook. The Re- porter says Miss Tait sang with pleasant effeet at the Methodist Ladies' Aid social. Tait & Ce make photos for 25e. peýr dozen and at ail other prices usually paid for the best flnishod photos at their studio, Market Square, Bowman'ville. 39-tf. B3rown cloth cape was lest on Base Line on Sunday evening last. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Mr. W. HÎ. Williams' biacksmith shep, Bow- manville, or at Mr.JC.Trull's, Dariing- ton. M.A.James, Bowmanvilie, is Goveru- ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Durham, during business heurs at office, at bis residence Centre- st., at night. Couých, Jolinston & CrYdermanî are showing a fine stock of new tweeds, surges, worsteds and overceatings. Now le the time te leave your order for a winter suit or overceat., Mr. Edward Carswcll, the veteran temperance ltrer had aninesin School on Friday and Saturday Oc1. 20- 21. MIr. C. C. James, Deputy Minîster of Agriculture, Toro nto, wilIl be pres- cnt and address the session on Friday morning. Parmers and the, publie generally are invitcd te be present and hear bis address on agriculture. A good musical program will be give.n Friday night bv Misses Giover and James ana Messrs Knigât, Goard ,King and Brown, Mr. H. N. Shaw, B. A., of the elocution department, Toronto College of Music, Toronto, will give, the "Chariot Race' "od other soluctions8. Follow tbbcerowd ,gote Nicholis'. Good brick boeuse for sale eheap. Sec ad. Nhoewili seil Pearlîne at 4c. Nýicholis wiiisel Gilett's Lyc aI 9e. Satnrday. Evemyone made heartilv weicomc aI Nicholls'. M. A. Jar»(î's is Grvemricut ,issuer o! Mariage Liceecs Get your sc-bool supplies aI J as.Goard, Stationer an, J eweiler. Our MN ind,îxv dispiays a smail sample o! wbab we l.av(e inside. L. Morris. L. Morris advcrbiscs a good brick dwclling foir-sale or le rent. Sec ad. Miss Roger-i o! The Cobonrg World attended the Laurier meeting Mouday. Cash paid for good sound pears and apples, etc. aI Murdocb's, Express Office. Watches, cloche, jewelery, spectacles, rings, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- chler. 1Mr. and Mrs. Chas Coombe are visil- ing their son 1ev. XVm. Coombe at Woolcr, Mrs, Dinginan bas returned home afier a piasaul visit witb friende lu Detroit and other places lu bbc west. Mr. Levi Morris bas a prettily-arrang- ed window dispiay o! handsome furnit- rire Cal and sec hlm lu his ucw store. Last Sahurdav's Globe ceutaiued bwo photos o! the Oid Durham Boys, me- union parade ah Port Hope on Aug. 7, Ladies' Costume Clotbs iu sevemal qualities and lu ail colors just opeued out ut Coucb, Jobuston & Crydernan's. Pcv. Dr. Lambly. Pickering, preach- ced interesting sermons to good congre- galions lu the Metbhodist church Sun- day. Yen eau purchase ah present, Sterling Silver Tea spoonq from T. N. Rickard for wliat corne o! yen paid per dozen for s our Plated eues. Sir. Wilfred Laurier, Hon. W. S., Fielding, Mr. A. Campbell were gues o! Mr. D. B. Simpson, Q.C., on Monday for luncheon and dlncm, A levely ussortint of new black dress goods frein the cheapeet up te the fini-st geods imported, just received at Coucb, Jolînston & Crydermun's. Tait's Galierv wiîl be open on Tbanks- giving Day. Photos aI 25e per dozen aud any other kiud you muy wish will be made on thal day. 41- 2 w. The working o! the now mules ou bhe Grand Trunk systemisl cansiug a slight deiay lu passeniger trains. The employee are net famiiliar witb. their detail . M. Mayer bas bbc stock i Fume, Gents' !urnieiags. bats and cape. The prices are right. No trouble ta show goods. Hlgbesl prîce paid for aw fume. Misses Mertie and Kate Curtis, Port Hope, Misses B. Meteaif, and Neilie Williams o! Ontario Ladies' College, Wbithv, werc guest8 at Mr. M. D. Williams' over Sunday. Granolitlîie waiks bave been laid frein bbc Public Sehool corner te Mm. J. B. Fairbaimn's corner on Elgin St., uround trie Town Hall Building and in front o! bbc Bennett Heuse,. There le nothing like baving yonr h ote taken wben yen are lu goed umor. Cail ureuud aftem yen bave bad your Tbanksgiving dinner at Mr. Free- land's Studio. Open Tbanksgiving aflerneon, Reader, if yen know e! any oeeil Canada w ho intends crossing tbe Atlan- ic, r.ecommend them te inquire o! M.A. James for rates. H1e dees.tbe sheamsbip business o! this district und represenhe bbc best lunes. Hou. W. Mulock, lion. J. Dryden, Mr. Alex Smith, Messrs. E T. Muione, H. M. Mniheland, J. MeCoil,1 il. Webb, Walter Renwick, J. Il. Stratton, E. C. S. Hn)eke,1 and Jos. MeCellun, were guetÎs o! Mr. R. Beithb M.P., on Monday. Pembcr,liîe noted bair dresser and specialilt, of Toronta, wbose adverlise- ment appears iii oui' issue this week, will be lu Bowmunville aI the Bonnctt's Hotel witb the largeet and finest stock o! Haîr Goode ever sbowjiîlu Canada. Those in. ueed of goode of this kind sbeuld net miss the opportunity o! eaul- ing te sec hlm. Mr. M. J. A. James o! Alioin, N. Y., wbo graduated romeineUniversiby 'o! Pennsylvania lu June 1898 takig thie degree o!D. D.S., aslmonth book the examinalions of bbc Board o! Regents for the State of New York and bas juet been notified that be wus succesful. and wili receive the State Diploîna and license te practice bis proffession lu auy part of bbc Empire, Stahe. R1e is at present lu New York City on business. Notices o~f Births, Marrlages and Deaths 50 cents. when a'.arriage licenses aro obtained or funeral notices prlnted at this office. Insertion free.j BORN. McDoNÂLD-1In Bowmanvilie, Oct th, the m ife ofMr John MDonald, of a son. MARRIED. MoeuE-Hoiîus-On Oct 10, at Toronto, by Rev Dr Pearson, Mvr Chas Moore, the G, T R., and Mies Eliza Ilobbs, daugbter 0of Mr R H Hobbs, Oshawa. GÂ.Y-CuÀ.NEY-Iu Oshawa, Oct il, by 11ev J J Liddy, M A, Wm Gay andMiss Minnie Chaney, Oshawa. HYLÂî,O CORN WALL- On Oct Sud, at Van- couver, B C, by 1ev Hl G Ficune Clinton, W m Alan Cnrnwall,of tbe Bank of Briisb Columbia, and Ellen Mary. daugbter of Gýeorge HylanS, Esq, Oéhawa. EvÀAs-GOULD-On Oct il, ai 599 Yonge Si' Toronto,hby 1ev Dr, Pearson, Thomas Evans, Esg, St Mary's and Fanîîy, widow of the laie (ien H Gouid, fornnerly of Oshawa. SIN CL â- ANDERso-N-On Oct 5h, 80 nellevue avenue, Toronto, by Rev R G Sinclair, Miss Clara Anderson and Rev A G Sinclair, M A, Port Hope. HANEs-BAcoci-Ini Bowrnanvilie, Oct il, by Rev J J tIse, William A Haines, Toronto, and Carolinîe 5, only daughier of Mr John Babcock. Cox-LA'NGsN>o-In nowmanvilie. Oct 10. by Rev Wm Jolliffe, Mn Wmi Cox and Mrs Mary Langdon, boîb of Darlingion. DlED. WzauvY-At Crystal City, Man, Oct 12, Mary Anis Osborne' beloved wîte ef Mr XVm Werny, aged 60 years and two menths, SMoRTON- lu Orno, Oct 13, Prudence, beloved wite of ltobt Moi ton, aged 69 yeans and il mos. UNox-In East Witby, Oct 7, Alexander Knox, aged 77 years, STEnstAs-IU Oshawa, Oct 151h, Dora, infant daughter of Mn and Mrs L Stedhain, aged 9 mouths and iii days. BErit-In Orono, Ct stb Ethe-l MauS Beat- rice Beer, aged 20 years and 8 mnthei. HocaxN-At Mille, Mich, Sept 19th, John Hoekln, aged 25 years, nepbew çi Mrs John Buckley, Orono. HEÂàL-In Darllngten Oct 131h, Mary Aun, beloyed wlf e oi Samnuel lteai, aged 6e years, On Monday night as a heavv freight train lu charge of Conductor Owen was geing up the grade at Bowmanvilic station wîtb an angine in front and a second behînd. the crew decided te split the train and then rau bal! alinost te the station, coussting o!' about twenty rars, continucd up the grade, but broke lu two and ten cars ran dowu bill and erashcd imb bbherear ,section o! bbe train. The caboose was tbrown off ils trncks, and badly damaged. Nine other cars mostly cmpty were more or less smashod, and a car les dcd with fumniture was tclescoped b.- another car loaded with steel rails. No miee as injured and the aff air secins le have been purely aeccdentai. "A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree te refund the money ou a twcnty-five cent bottie o! Dr. Wilis' Enlisb Pilîs, if a! 1er using three-fourths o! contents of bottie, thtv do flot, reiiexe constipa- lion andlicadaclie. le also guarane four botîles will pcrmanlently cure thie most obstinate case e! constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne pay whcn Wills' Pîlîs are used. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanvil le. J. 1ig-inboham!& Son, chemist, Bow- maux ice. 2-4w H JUSE TO IIENT,-On Wellington LLSt., four bedroomns. Stable attached to dweliing.î Cbeap rent. Apply at once to THes. VEALE, Lbcrty St., Bowmraville, 38 tf. T OST -A pair of herse iLlankets kbetween l3owmqnville and ilam pton on Sept~ luth. Finder wiii receive a suitable reward for return of saine to TiiE STATESMAN office. 42-2w* SHEEP FOR SALE.-I have a knumber of gond Sbropshiire Sheariing raine f,,rsale. Pal ties requiring saine would do weil to cail and sec îhem. Also a few '-arn ambs. ADply t0 T J v COLE, lot 4, con 5. Darlington, Tyrone P 0. 42-if FOR SALE-A two storev brick dwel, Lling near corner of Ohumch aniSeSugog Ste, f ormerly occupied by the late Sarnuel Bur den. Good garden ands table andboth hard and soft water on the premises. -%ish to seli immedin iely. For terns, etc apply on prernises to P' A BuuDN, Bowmanvilie. 41-1w'* JIAVING BEEN APPOINTED- Sole agent for Bowmanvilie for the Mc- Laugblin Carnagge Go and lu order to make room for the coming season's enpply of Cutters, wiil seli the balance of 2ud hand buggies taken in cacliange for nex'. MLangh rn Boggies at de- cided bargains. Gond Spd h aîd buggies froin '20 upwaî ds. JoiNu PERcy, Bowrnanvile. 42.tf F. WAUGH, L. D 3.5 D. D S. BOWMANVILLrL. Dental Office ln the,'Roms abov t, M. 0. WILLIAMS 3 Son'8 rululu[B SIGFe ,eD Wiii be at Orono frein 9 a. m. te 2 p m.. and aI Newcastle from 2,30 un- Iii 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mo{ndays o! cach Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge -vork and Painless extraction are specialties CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. The Harmiionly Maie Quartette o! Bowrnlanvillc. F. H. FROST, First venor. JAMES GOARD. Second Tenor, H. J. KNIGIIT, First Bass. T. E. HI1GGIN BOTHAM, 2nd Bass. Addressalcorrespondence te JAMERS GOARD, Business Manager, LocktBox 61, Bowmanville. 39-tf. Therewiil be nifened for sale by public aucticn by Levi A W Tole at Bone's HoîcÎIfarsptonon Woedlesday, Novonuber Il,1899, At 2 o'clock lunflic afieruooni, the fllowing propenties: Pire.t: The south balf of lot 17 lu the Sh con- cession of the iownship of Danington, 1:0 orest more or less. This is onue oftbe veny (h.ic.s farine lu Dalingion so far as soli andsituation le -mcre, anS is a beantiful place. Thene l aid t.obcnuthe place a farne bouse Six24 wilb addition 12x18 and a frame barnu 0x70; if le beatfnl watered by a never faîling sping ai ihe uorth end. Tee is a sma Il appleanS lately planteS cherry anS lnteesadunhe 8mai frIuits. About 25 acres te seeded dewn. The traw gnown onuthe premiseibis year wil pase witiîthe fanin. The souie sa ricbcilay loam.' The fartuin le tuate within 10f a inile ni Ennis-. killen, and 3 miles froin Bnrk clou station on the C P I, wblcb is a gond market . Second: Pifty acres more or lees, a pari ofibhe norlh part of the south baîf of lot 21 in the 7tb concession of ]Iatlingioîî, lu the possession of John Staînton. There le saiS to bc on ibis farra a fi ainebouse 18x24 wieh addition 1SxlS, anS a frame haro i0x50. lu le watered by a never faling streain. About 40 acres is arable, of wbicb about 30 acres Is an excellent cday main., ihe balan ce centaine ebuice pasinre land. There is 5 acres nfI ll wheat sewn andS growing on the premises. TERMS 0F SALE: Iii eacb ca se a deposit nf 10 per cent of the purchase moue y is to he paid on1 day ot sale in the vendors' solicitor. A fur- timer payrneni of 15 per cent in 30 days froîn sale, Easy termes cau be arrangeS for the balance or or any pari of the saine to be carnieS on monrt- gage or the wbnle eau be paiS ai option nf punchaser. 'tnw possession given ai omîce on payment of purchase money amiSfuil possession on the it day nf December uext. The proprt ies will he effeS subjeci to a neserved hid.J For furtber paticulars apply to j ohn Siainonu on the premises, or to the under- signed solicitor or auciioneer. L A W TOLE, D IB SIMPSON, AuCTIONsaE. RS IToeR OR EVIEamDOuS. Bnwinanvilie, Otober 14b, 1899. BIG 20 lias a full stock of Sehool necessities, Seribblers and ilafik Books fr om one cent upwards and the ftnest line -of Exorcise books in town, also a complete stock of Hîigl and Public Sehool, Text Books. ThIis Stot¶e's to th non y ae se many people responded Svisiting the fair teo make our store their home and judging from the number o! people who favored us with Iheir presence we feel that <jur reqnest was Sgranted. Ail day our China Deparîment was throng- " cd and greatly admired by ail. This is a new de- parîment and like al ether branches ef our ever gain- Sing trade, we inean te have il rip te date. New goods j are arriviuig daily, the prices will surprise yeu. Seec our fancy Toilet Sets aI $1.50. Bring us your Butter, Eggs, and ail farm produce, 1ý% Swe pay cash fer same, The Popular Grocers. Telephone No. 65, We Invite You To Inspect Qur Display of LAru %ju The largest and most select assortment ever shown in Bowmanville, ail new. No old Coats in stock. A choice display of high-class niateriais, better values for quality cannot be procured. »OCe OWAIVME.Next door le Standard Bankz. MA.RBLE AN RNT BOW M AN V 1L L E mataetllTtTof an~d Deale±r in Fi n e - In best Ga ates of Mate ija 1. Caîl and getlmy prices. I amn suremry work will please yTou. You know a good thing when you see -it, caîl, and take a look.' A large quantity of WALL PAPER bought very cheap. You will get the benefit. Pretty patterns for ail roonis, from' 5e per rol. The best and most taking desig-ns in Sehool Supplies of all kinds. Snaps in Scrib.. blers, Exorcise Books, Etc. New and full lino of Stationery. See my Queen box a15e. Fine Floral at 15c. Note paper, per quiro, 5c. Envelopes, 5e per package. Botter quality at 10e and 15e. Complote stoekl'of Faney G-oods, Books, Novelties, &c, BoWMANVILLE. - 'I'he "Slatcr Shoe" is closelywahched dur- ing the process of manufacture. Ivery shoe udergees a cureful exaininalien afler ieav- th ansofcch operator. S The slightest flaw i-u the leather eor wo ~ jmanship-a Stith li issed-a slip of thie knuie, only discernible to an expeý<rt codus thii Ie shoe that stnrted o Ward the"Sae"gl 10 tthe ordinary, namei- ess, unwarrauted nriny of footwear Sold to whoever will buy th-cm. g Trhe Siater Shoe" is madle in tî I e f *hapes, ail leuthers, colors, widths, sues and ýstyles. Every pair Goodyear Velb1 ed, name and price stumped on thse soles. $3 ,50 ANDO(0.o ',J0HN HIELLYAR, Sule Local Agent,

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