r el lavai n flfat»n "Gr;eat Haste is NotAS O Pros perity. BOMNILOT.1 0 o~ZiHBWANVLE__ NEWONVLLEtopull tlem thiroug/i, and' are C-anada lias been blessed with a bountiful harvest. Miss Stanton and Miss Kennd often disappointed. Do not The resuit is shown in the con.staltly increasing volume Pontypool, were g'uests of Miss MaÏis ditty-datty in matters ofT i I rN a of business transactions. If you have mademony we llok over Sunday .. r chiletI, WM L ou can .4 .d s MoneY WeAil endale, and Mrý. -Artbur' McPhail,ofr e can help you save it. Our large stock of drugs and medi- Ohio, were recent guests of Mrs. Wood accomplWsi miracles. Wdiii- .. ICol. J. Hughes and Capt. W. P. out it you are 1 no good." Ali through hstrvey eatete rycut cmoes, sunidries, etc., bouglit for cash will be sold at the Milligan attended the rifle matches ut teere, briglitmn, vey out Lindsay and Peterbero last week.. Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and rbihatatv ansm godwl ne yu t most reasonable prices consistent with quality. The Faîl Miss Coover, Kendal, bas been ViùDg blood heaithy by the use of Hood's Sar- tatatvhnsm1od vi etyua 1~O wtht a ierasd dmad orMrs. Pavne . .. .A fatal accident hap- saparilla, the f aultless blood purifier. every turn. seaon rins wth t n icreseddemnd orpened at the station on Friday night Rheumatism-',I had acute rheuma- seasn ~rn~swhen a brakesman was killed by a t1rm in my l1mb and foct. 1 commence4 -a teatentwith 1-ood's Sarsaparilla and tran unnngo 'r lm. is I-atti lod's Pills and in a short time wau Reid, Miss Batîson and Mr. Elliott, cured.1 WILLIAM IIA2RaT Brantford, Ont. Millbrook, visited Mr. J. R. Reid Sun- SOrofula-I was troubled w th scrofula day.... .Mr. Alex Marshall and famiiy a mdi mpure blooc. A cnt on my arm have moved te Lindsav this wcek.... would flot heal Hiood s Sarsaparila was The Presbyterians wilÏ hbld their sup- recommended and after 1 had taken tlhree Heavy Frieze Clo th per on Tnesdayv next instead of Ionday boU1tl I was well] PÂAmmlROBnrsoN 62 ... Miss Ida McElroy, Port Hope, is Treauley Street, Toronto, Ont.< - Syl ish make $4.0 The wonderful remedy for Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis, geto r.M .Hla.~ Black Nap 'Cloth Vel- GLORIeus N½.WS--Cornes from Dr. D. eColr$.5 Asthma, etc. B. Cargule, cf Wasbita 1. T. Hc writes:. eColr$7. "IFour botties cf Electrie Bitters has 10 We have just received another shipment of English cured Mrs. Brewer cf scrofula, whicft Heoder ýilecure l er llthe non-rr ating and Fine Beaver Cloth, Toilet Soap, fromi 5c to 15c per cake. Excellent for the had causedher great suffering for years. OnYc atet kewhBn aepr-ývr eetsye skin. head and face, and the best doctors ________fINoI $5 te $10 could give ne help; but lier cure is coin- EXECIJTORS' NOTICE.llandsome ' Kers ey HUfllhIIlflTIARIplete and bier health is excellent." This J. IUUIIIDUIfI4IYI& SON, shows what thonsands have preved,- Cloths, v ar>o uas that Electric Bitters is the best blood The executors cf the late J. H. Mann-a BowMANVILLII. Drnggists. purifier known. It's the suprerne reine- ing 's estate herebv notify ail persons shades, beautifully dy for eczeina, tetter, sait rhenmi, nicers, havimg unpaid accounts te settie the ievle n _____________________________________________________bouls and rnnning sores. It stirnulates saine by October 15 1899. ievle n liver, kidne.ys and bowels, expels pois- S. POLDARD, Tyrone. . plain cellars $10 te ens, helps digestion and builds up the J. W. SPARLING, Bewmanville. $16350. TT~~~ 9WTj~ strength. Oaly 50 cents. Sold by Stott & ,Eeuos tii i.f1~* JuyDruggists. Gnaranteed. MnS. G. A. WATTS, Tyrone. SOLINA. Tyrone, Sept. 28, 1899. C or er:f:crser tldDR. L. POTTER. 2-mCORASEfTS.ý bv A. L. Pasce D.G.W.P., at Solina Office and residenee,Church St.,opposite Triuity ~W aebe pone eln gn o h P'H. Tink, W.A., Miss Stella Reyn î celebrated "Crest" Corset. It is different from aLny olds, R S., Jesse Arnot. A.R.S., Miss MIS VALUTR<Lother corset and is guaranteed not to break down at Julia H. Werry. F.S., C. Shortridge, Is repsrdogvlesnsnora adpano Treas., Jas T. Rundie, Chap., S. i rsiecJ.g t the side. Sec it. Williams, Con., L. T. Pascoe, A. Con., Miss Rose Ashton, 1. Sent. Mrs J. T. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, l t ng Rundie, O. Sent. Fred Spry, OrganiSt .iRTIS'r. Instructions givenin PAINTING ie yMiss Maggie Pascoe,- Supt. of Lovai ln 011, Water Color and China. Sketchiiug and ~ Crusaders Miss Mabel Pascoe, P.w .P painting from nature. IL1N on premises, tir- Miss Laura Hogarth. . . . Mr. Will Bak- _____________p___________51.6m. Just received,1 New Suits, New Overcoats, better er eldest son cf Mr. T. Baker, C.C.,ever. We lead in Clothing.z hýd i8 visiting frîends at Bewmanville.... __________________ Don't fail to see our handsome range of Fail Tie- Achoice new stock of goods, compr ising ahl the very Mrs. Westlake lias been iiidisposed cf 1ORE LA KET OTBtenL r frGnlmn hr an etrwyo idn u late .. ..Mr. Geo. H. Hogarth, B. A., amtoýn4dBwavlesnac latest designs in Hats and Bonnets,ý Feathers, Wings, Principal cf Whitby Collegfate Insti- santl-elhrs lne. idrwî what is the correct thing in neck wea:r than a eall at our Gents' Fur- tte, isited bis imothor on Saturday be rewrd by eaing a oTnESrAEmiANýi Ladies are cordially invited to cail and inspect these tast'accomnpiànied by Mr. Stearans, Clas- fi 41.tf nishing Department. sical Master .... Mr. C. Ccx and sons 0THDEA.- ihldur ND S O . god.Pie osi l.Mapel.Grove, visitcd Mr. XV. Cox re- ofT UDAF ArchldcedB O S ND HO S gods Piestosutai. enl. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth v ' TedDr Niher ess sud Nofiieslu r ,hsen t by We are prepared for the clamp Fali weather. Rubbers of ail kinds la friends a Oshawa recently. £1,000 to his Iustitute, so that deaf paeo enuable and sizes, waterproof leather boots for Men. We have received ijute- IEN*U N~. U~.. __________te procure the Ear Drums may have em free. IWU Q~ vi ula u.Apply to 7K3 Eighth Avenue, Nýew York, U.S.A. stock during the last few weeks over 20 cases new boots and shees. e A CHILD CAN USE TREK~. -1r- FOR SALE-A two storev brick dwel. The factories are getting higher1 prices for Watches, We have a Fhng near corner of Chnrch sud Spugog Sts, Easy to Dye with formrîy uccupied by the lateSmuc Bmren. stock on hand, and will s'eli for a 'short tinle at the old prices, Thatý Gon h rdemindse nbt adndsf ena aigtthburofrm$ Diamond D es -- Nowater o h r s Wish to sell immediately. masasvn eth ue ffo 2.00 to $10.00 on a single wa-.tch. Dia'Mold Dv -- NoF or terms, etc, apply ou premises to PF-A Get our prices before bùuvino9 BURSDEN, Bowmauville. 41-1wr Disappoints or Failures -Colos are Fastto l"ARM TO SELL O N. s bing soutar-wFsttquarterssudlnorshn____ wcst bauf of lot 22, cou.7,Cae owhcar SUn,Sop 0Wahug god H u hontesd cmodosfarm W, àbuiding ingoodrsepair. Large stone stables aud root celars, excellent orchard, well fenced, Do flot for a moment imagine thait i itle oftr Ail u P- sorer Is -s cuça f i. ""' -ho1'o wit i -C w- ,-,a-t -jat~-4-'--~ in Nceiy Settled In Our New Store 2 soiS oy s"ome cealors, n nn nm me s osý..sxnc)r u UII4 , trouble te get fstst and lovely colors sessiou Ojct i. For fnrt her par teéut a >rs a ppl 3 to than t is te u asli and rinse th.e goeds. 1Ui. A. JAMES, STATESMAN office Or tu A.J.COUsR - 'NNR D o lo, ordealer to ell dECuric.22f imtt5softeDaon )-e, oS IN OSHAWA FOR SALE d IL l nT which he makes large profits, but lnsist H Comsfortable Roughcast Dwelling RouieB T fi, every time on having the truc, relia cie Driviug Hontse, Stable for tlhree heseos sud -5 and genuinc Diainond Dyes that have aucýe of landfor sale. Excellent large ansudeal n *1. à- -u .- - - - - m It w - pir, UW I PI 1; -l e,: J-4 -- - 4 - a f u a , o U o - t ' c u _ - - - - - - - 1)r e t t i e s t ffii t son g httC , ftI rS Wh nth- etis- ito ýs andtisB nn t & er s ei hfom t e a& Catu e Bowavheor hikey t-b enti es-- Ihined Ici ai ilj-l e >WS foi, kakoIv -1eiile tIe - -ndand %surfacestuA,, the i egula JA-%tatd, tchig srfaes; tiiula. t. har te 3d no onsal atTelephone 57, 'BOWMANVILLE. Snourishmeut,an prodoce luxuriQ.nt lustronsS R DL hait with dlean, wholesome scalp. S BOWMANVILLE Fashionable Milliner. sod'everHr.POra.Nccssp, Harn.ess Emporium, Bowrnanville. ,7i