Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1899, p. 5

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ri r i R rieiiaole Fruss.0 ]3efore a, Truss can give iatisfaedion it must be prop erly'made.-and earefully fitted. We selI the best Truss that eau Uc fouud any wlere and have a priv- ate room for fitting.9 For some years we have made a specialty of Truss fitting and we y guarantee satisfaction. ~STOTT & JURY. COUG14 CUREA a a a For over 20 years our Cougli S.ý ny_ has been used by the citizenis of Bowmauvîlle and vicîn- ity. Durîug that timne doz- ens of diffç rent kinds have Istart éd Up ahl around ns but have d ropped- out af ter a short sti'uggle. . To-day there is flot a mûore popular Cough Renedy to be found any where in Canada. It is pleasant to take. It is put Up 1in large bottles. It sls lor ouly 25c. Itcures. ý3T0TT & J URY. GRAND [RUNK RA!LWAY. Be WMAN VILLE STATION. idnaEAST. Goure WET.' iress .... 831 a.m. 1 *Expres. 5. 17 a.in Ib',ipregs.... 10 17 a. m.1 Local . 8 18 ; &4885nergc.... 3 32 p.m.1 Passenger.. 1 35 p. mý Local.... 6 51p. M,.1Express... 7 39 Expret... 1103 STOTT & Juai'. Town Agents BO0WMAN VILLEOCT. 11, 1899. Nicliolis sella cheap. Nicboils souls Stove Mica 2c a shoot. Al work guaranteeti by Jas. Goard. " Woman's Feetqoar"IIla an intorest- inz article on an lucide page. A fine range cf now wrap sbawls anti traveling rugs at Coucli, Joînston & Crytierma's. ;'Smail aunoyancos"- la tIc subjeet of l. Talmage's discourae this week. Don't tai te rend 1. Bring in your furs for' altering anti ropairing, te M. Mayer, The Frachical Furrier, Brys, manville. Now is thie timo for Alarm Chocks, As thIe morlugs are tank, Richard lias tIc Clcock ho suit yon in price anti quai. ihy both. Miss; Carnie Brimacombe, Haydon,, lias returhect homo after spcntiîng a meonth with bler iter Mrs. Fred. N. Farrell, Hamilton. TFEE STATESMAN wiIl be sent ho any boni fide unew subscriber ho the cuti ot tIc century fer $1,00, or thIe balance cf 1-99) for 25e. The wintcr ime hable ou G. T R, 'wenituo effoct on October lsh. The elangoes wili affect onhy eue train ou theitîlime caid. TIe firsh train going wcah new blaves ah 5.17 lusheati cf 5.23. A Latiy's WVathî, GoliFilleti anti uniranteeti ythÀ mun ctres o wear ton yearc, solt inl Toronto for $12. tsi. Now yeurs ah Riekartis for $7,00. Ai tirne keepers anti ouly a limiteti nsumber on lanti. Riekard 's la beatiquarters -for Rogers> 1847 kuives, ferks anti' speons. A 1 arge consizment purcliase for cash )eforo tIc prices wcre raiseti. You have thc chance ho reap tIe benofit if von lock sharp. Ail Epworhh Loaguers luBwmn ville District are remintiedt tnthIe com- ng couvontirn, on Tuestiay Olct. î7thiah Tvrone, promises ho ho tIc best. Roi'. J. E. Lauceley, Toronto, Roi'. R.,Emi- borson, Roi'. J. C. Wilson, Roi'.J. J. Rae anti others are billedt o spoak. A inico gatliering assembiet inluthe ebool-room cf tIceIDisciple cliurch Fr1 e.y ovening wheu a very enjoyablo 'fimo waa spent. Iu an atjiing room covers were laid for 26 persons and dcho ereféeshments woro serveti fromn tables nic4ly decorated with fowers. Mr. Goo. McGîll occupiodthIe chair anti luring thIe ovening introducodtihIe fol- lowing7 musical program: Solos bhy Rev. E. O. lrwin, Miss Ethel Poster, Mffr. Jas. Goarti anti Mr. H. J. Kuiglit, the a :- cmrianists being Misses Prower andi Manning. Proceetis about 810. Don't fail to rend insitie pages. Nicholls sells 5tove pipe Varnish at Cartwright Prize List on an insitie page. It's a winner, Nicholls' big 5c. bar of Soap. Get your lanterus ,candles,ete. of Jas. Goard. Sec our Window every weck. Loavi Morris. Nicholis will soli Quieksbine 7c. ou Saturtiay. Miss Annie Troop, Cobourg, le gucat of Miss Eva Hcihyar. Hear thc Coontown baud in the town bhail Thurstiay nigbt. Mrs. Thos. Kirby bas been visiting relatives lu Cobourg. Senti your work to Jas.Goarti,Watcl- maker anti Jeweller. If j'on want the newest Furniture at the lowest prices go te L Morris'. The Provincial Sabbatb Sebool con- vention wili be belt in Gait Oct. 24-26» Mr. R. D. Davitison; representing bbc Publishers' Syndicate, was lu tewn hast week. Toronto Methodists bave arrauget t give $250,000 tte $1,000,000 century funti. Mr. John Joblin, Osbawa, preacheti very acceptably at Salem Suntiay after- nooni. If ur prices suit vou,tell your frientis, if they don't, tell us, your money back if yen want it aI Nicholls'. The iatest songs. 10e. . Senti for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music alsvays lu stock.-Jas. Goarti. l'lie annual W. C. T. -9. convention for Durham ceuaty wilI be bolt inl the Metbctiist cburcb, Onono, Oct. lith. MNr. anti Mrs. S. J. llosken bave ro- tunneti fnom a pleasant visit witb their son, Mr. W. Hlosken, Rou'chester, N.* Y. Messrs, Bort Davisea anti Jas. Galle- way, Port Heope, wore guosts at Mr. Jas. Kniglt's, Lake Shore Farm, ever Sùutay. Have yeu seen L. Morris' New Store? Everything is new andt up-to-date anti hie wlh ho pleaset tehave yen eall anti examine. Ladies anti Misses Coats lu tbe very latest styles both German anti Canadian jnst receiveti at Couch, Joînsten & Cryderman 's. Mr. Jos. Maynarti. Woodstock, who is just recovoring from an attack cf typhoiti fevor, is visiting bis father Mr. John Mayniand. Mr. Wý. H. Irwin was lu Bowmanvlhe iast week attending the funeral cf lis brothuor-in haw, Mr. Chas. KeitI -Lind- say Watchman. The Gem Wiro Fence is tIe best Farm fonceknewn. Before puttinu p fonce eau on Peter Murdochi(Express Office) anti get prices., A large stock of toIt bats Cbristles anti Fed oras, must ho solti, se corne anti get a bargaîn. I am seiling tbem at greatly netinceti pricos. The Vindicator of Oshawa bas bc corne the sole preperty ef H. C Fair- banks wbe las bas bougît eut tbe lin- iîîterest cf lis partnier, S. C. Porter. Mr. anti Mrs. T. E. Higginbotbam are attending the annuai Canadînu Ticket agents, convention at Winnipeg anti visiting relatives at Virtien, 'Man, Tait & Ce make photos for 25c. per dozen anti at ahi ether prices usually paiti for thc best finishoti photos at tîcir studio, Market Square, Bowman-vihhe. 39-tf. M.A.James, Bowmauvihle, is Goveru- ment Issuer cf Marriage Licenses for the County of Durbam, tiuring business heurs at office, at bis residence Centre- st., at nigbt. ,Miss Laura Rose, Dairy Instructor of Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, wili address a meeting of tbe Ladies' Institute ah Wltitby Oct. î2th on "Dairying." Couch, Jobuston & Crytierman arc sbowing a fine stock ef newtweeds, serges, worsteds anti overcoatings. Now la the himae te leave your order for a winter suit or overcoat. Mrs. J. M. Jonces anti Mrs. Jas. Me- Lean attentict the sixth annuai confer- once of the Bay cf Quinte i3rancb of tIe Women's Methotiist Missionary Society ah Picton tact week. The Ottawa Froc Press speakiug cf the Guy Broc. who appear ln the town hall to-m prrow nigît saŽ s the entire en- tortainusent furnihed by them was the best ever given by thcm lu this cihy. Tlurstiay, Oct. î9th, las been ap_ pointeti Thanksgiving Day-iearhv a fortaight earlier than iast ycar. rihis sbouiti be mosh satisfactory. as il la about mid- way hetween Labor Day anti Christmas. Misses Etiith Carseatiden, Alice Caw- ker anti E. Beacock anti Mr. Fred. H. Joness are the tiehegahes appointeti from Bowmanvhhe Methodist Suntiay Sehool te tIc Provincial S. S. conven- TIe mauy frientis o! Mr. Sam. Kivehi wiil regret to hear cf tIhetioath cf bis wife ou Oct. 2. Mrs. Kivîl l ad licou eut arounthetI citi' anti attentiing te ber bousebolti duties up hill the evoning proviens te lier dtiah. 'SIcwas haken sutitinly illiun the morniuig anti net- ,Withstantiinz tIe skill cf four tiochors sIc dieti at 2 o 'dock lu the atherucon. Deceaset i as marrieti carl y at winter andi Wàs a dikugbter cf Mle ol Ken, guard ln the Kingston Penitentiary.' Notices of BIrtS, 8Icrriages and Deathe 50 cents; when marriage Iiee83 are obtained or funeral notices printed at this office. insertion free. BORN. Taîci-In Courtice, Oct 2nd, tbe wifc of Mr Sam Trick, of a daughtcr. 'SAuaNERs-1nOsli'awa, Oct it, the wife cf Mr l{arry Saunders, of a son. RiGGs-in Oshawa, Sept 28tb, the wife of Mr Frank Eiggs, of a son. KNOTI-At Bell Ewani, Sept 7th, the wifc cof Rev W J Ku oît, cf a son. HENNIGs-In Newcastle, Sept 301h, the wif e of Mr Wm 1-cnnlngs, cf a son. FAnNicoma3-In Newcastle, ou Sept L7th, the wife of, Alfred Fannccmb, M D, cf a daughler. MAR RIEO. Co0N~EY-V1GiT-In Toronto, Ang 26th, by 1ev 0 O Johnston, Mr Josepb Cooneny and Miss Mabel Wright, yonngest dangbîer cf Mr Wm Wrighît, Bcwmanville. WEaas-KEÙP In Coîborne, Sept 6th, by Eev T W Jolliffe, Mr .laîry 0 Weekes and Miss Nellie Florence Kemp, al cf Coîborne. GRîno-GIFwRDIn Bowmauville, Oct 4tb, by Eev J J Rase, Mr Francis J Grigg and Miss Lîllian May, youngcst daughler ut Mr Ezra Gifford, ail cf Bowmanville. DIED. MAsoN-In Ne wcaitle, Sept 29, John Ernest Mason, aged 13 months. MCasMsîoN-At Conneaut, Ohio, Oct 5Mb William L McCrînr.on, agcd 38 years. Intcrned at Bcwmnanville. STNoaEOtJS-In Oshawa, Oct 4tb, Annle Eva Stouebonse, m ife cf Matthcw Stonchouse, aged 29 year s, 6 months and 21 years. MgeacEi-In Orono, Oct lth, Samuel Mercer, aged 89 yeare. 6 months. KIVELL-In Kingston, Oct 2nd, lbrence May Kocn, beloved wîfc cf Mr S G iiveil, agt d 23 y cars CORBETT-In Dailington, Oct 8th, Mary Corbett. aged 63 y ears. Rew-In Dalington, Oct 1db. Elizabeth. nelîitt o the late William Eowe, aged 77 years. Funeral tu day (Wedncsday) ai 2 p m 10 Bethes. da cemetery. SOITUSiE-At Brigbton, Ont, Oct 4th, Robt Scripture, Esq, ageti 8i yvears and 4 months. KuncRLAxie-At 432 Jarvis street, Toronto, Oct 3, Jans Tcdd, widow of the laie Thcs Kirk. lard, aud cîdest daugliter of the laIe 1ev Dr Thoýruton, Oshawa. Buai)Naa,-In Bownilnville, Oct 4th, Samuel Burden, aged 64 ycars CowAN-Ia Burketon, Oct Oth, Francis Llewellyn Co*au, aged 14 years. Follow the crowd, go to Nicholis', Good brick bouse for sale cbeap. See ad. Nichohis wiil soul Pearline at 4c. Saturtiay Nicholîs will sell Gillett's Lye at 9c, Saturday. Everyone matie beartily welcome at Nicholîs'. M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Get your sclool supplies at Jas.Goarti, Stationer andi Jeweller. Our M ~Inde ivdispînys a amahi sample of wlat we have inside. L. Morris. Miss Florence Tilley bas been ap- pointeti org-aîîist of St. Paul's Clurdli. Cash paiti for good sounti pears andi apples, etc. at, Murdoch's, Express Office. Watches, dlocks, jewelery, spectacles, rings, etc., repaireti by Jas.Goard,Jew- eller.. Special services are bein,- helt inl the South Ward Tabernacle each Xednes- day evening-. The ever popular Guy' Bros will give a flrst class concert lu the town hall Tîursday nigît., Miss E. J. Hooper lias returnnd from Rochester, N Y., and is guest cf lier mother Mrs. Geo. Iloopor. Mrs. Dingnîan is selling the latest bat-R.ough Rider. Be up-to-dato anti buy tisis pretty and stylisti hat. Guy Bros, the high class ministrels, will givo an entinelv new pnogram in the tovu hall Th urstiay nigît. Mr. anti Mrs. C. M. Cawker andi Mr. andi Mrs., W. B. Coudh visiteti with friends hn Port Hope over Suntiay. Ludies' Costume Cloths la severai qualitios and la ail colors just opened out at Coucb, Joinston & Crvdermara's. 1You cau purchase at present, Sterling Silver Tea spoons fromn T N. Riekard [for what corne cf youî paiti per dozen for your Plateti cnes. If you have a constant backing- cong-b that won't leave; try Dr Wood's Norwav Pine Syrup. Itcures the worst kîntis cf couglîs aîtd coltis quick. A lovely assortiment cf rnew black' dress gootis from the cheapest up to thc finest .-ootis imupoî-teti, just receiveti aI Coîîch, Johnston & lrytierman's. Tait's Gallery will be open on Thanks- giving Day. Photos at 25e per dozen and any other kind yen may wislb will be mrade on that day. 41- 2 W. M. Mayer bas the stock in Furs, Gents' funnisaings, bats anti caps. The prices are riglit. No trouble te sbow goods. Higbest pî'ice paiti for raw furs. Rev. Dr. Lambiy, Pickering, wil greacb lui the Methodist dhurcI next unday The pastor,Rev. J. J . Rae, will prendl anniversary sfhrmons at Picker- ing. Reader, if yeno know cf'any one lu Canada wiîo intentis crossing the Atlan- tic, recommeati them te inquireocf MA. James for rates. Hoe dees the steamship business cf this district anti represents the hest Ihues. Mr. W. S. McKowan, foreman cf THn STATE9MUAN office for tîhe past five years, left ' Nestertiav te accept a similar posi- tien lu the office cf "The Canadian," Fergus, Ont., cf wbich lis cousin,, Mr, E.W, Jolinston is editor anti proprietcr. 1The revival meetings announced te bogin lu tbe cburch, cf Christ Oct. Slhave been postpeaed until Lord's day Oct. '22nd Ail arQ cordially inviteti to attend tlese meetings. Corne lot us reacen te- gether concerning îhing-s petainiug te eternal ife. The followinz are the newiy electeti efficers cfthie W. C. T. U: Hou. Pros., Mrs. S Mason; Vice Presitients, Mrs. M. Cryderman, Mrs. T. Ted, Miss W. McMurtry, MNrs. F. R. Dunbam; Cor. Sec. , Miss Neads; Roc. Sec., Miss Bunner; Treas., Mns. L. A. Tele; Autd- itors, Mrs. M. Crydermânands Mrs. Trebilceck. Supts. cf Depts: Press anti Evangelistic, Mrs, M. Cryderman, Mrs, T. C. Jewell anti Mrs.' C. Young-; Flower Mission, Miss Bnuer; iNarcot- ics, Mrs. W. AI!ia anti Mrs. L. Quick; Chiltiren's Aid, Miss Stephons anti Mrs M. Crytierman; Scientifie, Mrs. TP. E. Higginbotham; Lumbermen, Mrs IL. Tale; Fair work, Mrs. J. M., Joness; Juvenile, Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Barucit; Unfermenteti winc, Mrs. S. Mason; Prison anti Puhice, Mns. T. Hqar; Sabbatb observance, Mrs. F. Dunham; Franchise anti Petitieus, Mrs. Trebil. cock: Mercantile anti Factory Act, Mrs. CI Young; Purity, Art anti Fashion, Mrs. W. Hyslop. F. WAUGH, L. D S, D. D S. BOWMANVILLE. Dental Office la the, Roomsanbe'r-e, M. D1. WILLIAMS 3 80N'8 fumriWrg 8[ore AD Wili ho ah Orono from 9 a. m. te 2 p m., anti ah Newcastle trom 2.30 un- tii 7 p. nu., on the second anti fourtb Montinys of each MentI. Golti plates, Crown anti Bridge werk anti Painleas extraction are specinîties CONCERT ENGAGEMENT5. TIheIîarmony Maie Quartette of Bowmanville. F. H. FROST, Virst Tenor. JAMES GOARD. Second Tenor, H. J. KNIGHT, First Bars. T. E. HIGGIN BO'MA1II, 2nd Bass. AttiresaIl cornespondonce te JAMES GoARD, Business M anager, Lock Box 61, Bowmauvihle. 39.tf. E pPÎ 3S' cOCQn,00A GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distiuguished evcrywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- eri or quality _and nu-. tritive properties. Spcc- ially grateful, and comfor-. ti;'g to the nervous and dyspeptic., Soid oniy In j1b. tius, labeîicd JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd' Hom- oeopathic Ghernists, Lou- don, Eugland. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPS'S% 60%0 L. Morris advertises a good brick dwelIi.ng for sale or to rent. See ad., Mr. Fred M. Dickinson has gone to South Bend., mnd., where hie expects to secure a situation. Mr. M. Crvderman has returned from an extendetf visit to friends in St.Paul, Minu.. Bute, Montana; Port Townsend, Washinzton; 'Victoria and Vancouver B.C., and Moosejaw,,N.W.T. Editor James and Miss Mosetta James visited Dr. M. J. A. James at Aibion, N. Y., last week,,and found him very comfortably iocated in one of the prettiest towns in the Uited States. The firm of Drs. Hartman & Janmes of the Albion Dental Labratory are en- joving a splendid practice. The Directors of West Durham and Darlington Agricuitural Societies will hoid a banquet at the IBennett Houme on Friday evening, Oct, l3th at 7 oc!lock Sharp. A good program bhas been pro- pared. Mr. D. B. Simpson Q. C., and others will deliver addresses. Tickets 25 cents, Farmers corne lu with your sons and spend a social e-7ening with the business men of the town. IVRES DUES THIS CESTURY CLOSE Some people think the 19th century closes at the end of this x'ear. Such is not the case, It closes December 31st, 1900. To mark the closing year, the îubishers of that great paper, "The Family lleraid and Weell Star," of Montreal are giving their vearlv sub- scribers twvo maginificent picturés, lu- stead of one as formeriv, They have selected the "Battie of Aima" as one, and it is a beanty. The other is also a gem. eatitied "Pussy Xillows." It pays to bc a subscriber te that zreat weekly. Just thinik of il! A paper of 2pages,192 columuls, cvery issue, equal to a book of 8 pages each week, and these two handsorne pîctures, al for eue dollar. The publisbers of "The Famîly Herald and Weekiv Star" pro- mised a surprise, but this beats ail. Al new subscribers as well as eld ones are entitled to tbese pictures. "The Family Herald" office should be kept busy al this winter. A1JCTION SALE. THunsDAx, Oct. 12,-Mr. Wm. T. Ok, lot 84, con 4, Dariiggton, will seli by auction ahl of his farm stock, impli- ments,' etc. Sale, at 1 o'clock Sharp. JAmES Bistor, aucdeoneer. TUESDAY, Oct, 17,-Mr. James Bellamv, lot 20, con 1, Dariington, will seil a valuable lot of farm stock, iniplimients etc., by auction. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A.W. TOLE, auctioneer. MONDAT, Oct, 23-Mr. John Beel. lot 33, cou 3, Clarke, will seli his valuable farm stocLk, implements, etc. Sec posters.' *Sale at 1 o'ciock. , h. .V T OLE, auctioneer. THIJRSDAY, Oct. 26,-Mr. Chas. Rose, lot 14, con 4, Darlington' will seli by auction ail of bis farm stock, impli- ments, etc. Sale at 1 u'ciuek. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. JTA3MES qBisiop, licensed auctioneer, will con- dueýt saldes in West Durhamrn is season atlowest rates3. Apply for terms, dates, etc_. at JOHN Muan1lE's Ilarness Shop, King St. E., Bowvmau- 6USETO RENT,-On Weîingtou st. four bedrooms. Stable attached 10 dw Clling. h.peî Apply at once to THos. V.ALEý, ~berty St., Bowmanville, 38 tf, -IL ELT LOST.-On Fridav evenin-g lu- 4.> Pgoing to or at or retiring from Town Hall, a red ribbon ubclt, wlîli ernauel cout cf arms buckle. Finder please returui to Mite.-D. B. SîrerPsoî.1 TYTOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RET- X.Lk Brick bouse ou Liberty tteet, con taining 8 rooms. liard and soft w ater. Good stabhung, lar ge orchard with 2 or 6 acres of land to suit purchaser.' Apply at ouce to LEVI Mosaîis, box 66, Bowmanvile. 40-2w. IRS'r-CLASS FARM TO RENT OR ..Lon shares. -A first class farm about 80 acres, lot 18, con. 7, Derlinittn, on easy terms. for, 5 or 10 years., good soil, good buildingsover 100 fruit beariug trees; tenant to live on farm. Apply at once . AL13ERT IANNA , Traveller, Beileville.' 37 tf. F ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-Sî 12acres bcbng S. W. corner lot 17, con. 1, Dar- lington, mile west of Bowmanvillc on Kings ton road. Plowing possession immediately , fill possesion ApriI 1, 1900. For further p&rticul- ars appiy b JOHN Woan)EN or CORNELIUS OS- BORNE, Executors, Bowmnanville.. 38tf, manufactureri of and Dea1eii jj in best crades oî fflteedai.- -1Uall and getlrny prîces. *i am sure.my work will please you. FYou know a good thing when you, see it, eall, and take a look. A large quantity of WALL PAPER bought very cheap., You will get the benefit.- Pretty patterns for ail rooms, from 5per roll. The best andi most taking' designs in. School Supplies of ail kinds. Snaps fia Scrib- blers, Exercise Books, Etc. New and fulli une of Stationery. See my Queen box at 15c. Fine Floral at 15c. Note, paper, per quire, 5c. Envelopes, 5c per package. Better quality t 10e, and 15c. Complote stoek"of Fancy Goods, B3ooks, îNov-eltes, &c. BoWMAN-ILLEý. T he it f Security. Ou every "Siater Shoe ", Put there by the jf n akers as'a guarantee of wear value - a protec- tion aguinst ext ortionate proDfits. Many men wudrcadily puy rmore for a -'7"Siater Sho"re not the price ý stamtped ou te sole - titis qtaiup gives thte actuLJ market value of tite sitoe determined by the mauufac- Matie in twelve Y~ {\4~foot-modcl stpsl $ sizes, widtits, eaiters, Colors$nd styles. every pair loo6- year welted.~ $3.50oand,$.oo. JOHIN HELLVAR, Sole Local Agent,. This Stores *Popularty.. Neyer in one day have so many people responded 0 tothe invitation sent them. Last week we asked al Z vsîtîg the fair t o make our store their home and judging from the number of people who favored us with their presence we feel that o'ir request was Sgranted. Ail day our China Department was throng- ed and greatly admired by ail. Thtis is a new de- ~partmentand like ail other branches of our ever gain- i ng trade, we men to have it up te date. New goods are arrivin g daily, the prices will surprise you. Se urfancy Toilet Sets at $1.50. S Bring us foBer , gs and ail farm produce, wepys our ButerEgs The Popular Grocers, Tetephone No, 65. We Invîte You To Inspect Our Display of 9- The Iaî'gest and most select assortrnent ever shown in Bowmanville, ali-l ew, re No old Coats in stock. A choice display of high-class mate rials, botter values for quality cannot bc procured. 0 Pl N SBO,VMANV'ILLE. -Next door to Standard Bank. MARLEANGRANITE O S BO0W M AN V 1L LE.

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