Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1899, p. 8

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* ,~. ..Awanr-.~Wierv~5~n Vm,,,e i - --.-- - - - - - an - * ~ -.~~7 . ~ ~' .'~r o~e-moms.o-c e-1 ~on.i ~O s,, OxetJi ~ cx-aaCitl. I . ~ ~~'-' -- a - ~ a - i~e- ~ a e~ - ~. - 5'0 w,#..ci ~,~We-,s O5t~~0-0, ,i s, ~si,-s, siS .0 - i - - , -~-- .~.- ~ ~ ~ -vo -~..4Ja~0 ___ -- - -* -.-- - --er------- ----;- ~---------- --.~-,---s-~#~-s,.- -~ ~co~ ----e- _____ - -~" 'i...J. ~ r..0si---c-tsSst#.0 -rxî,ov..r-i..0,.omt.., .,4O~, s~~-~- 5 050 o- .5 >sa --s--- - ~ -~ t- , '---- -- -e- -t- , oaoî oSto- ~ n.,.. J ~c o.#sat<xi.s,,-'-r..- iC~ .0--s,. .*- -., - ;Win- 1 Corner Wdefn i i Il erySulmIr?7h MISS MEDLAND announces that the Fail Opening will take place on Wednesday Afternoon and Evening, Septembei 27th and the following days of that week. A ehoice new stock of goods, comprising ail the very latest desigils in ilats and Bonnets, Feathers, Wings, etc. Ladies are cordially invited to eall and inspeet these goods. Prices to suit ail. E3OWMANVILLE. 4 , ~Serit mor~e 3tiiht vounr 4 .4 peopl1e as Students to 4 ...TORONTO.. 4Than any other town in Canada. Their success -prompts4 4 us to ask for as many more for the ensuing year. 4 -Fa1il Term, Beghis September 5th, 4 WRITE FOR PARTICtILARS. W. H. SHAW, Principal. ay n îýL""ay, Se t. 251h. Latest styles and colors for al trimmed goods. Chiffons, Mechlins, Fancy Mousselines, Wings,IFoliage, Ornaments, Flowers,, etc., always in stock *. ' 1 Ladies' Bonnets andaChildren's ilats a speeialty. NVILLE. Bo)v viA THEE tIlPING PLUJNGE. that section as Wall. The lihird dlpping station was instalîi about-a monthl agO ai East St. Louiz, and la iu operatuon. The dipping apparatus couslslisý of a tank 15 fest long, aine feet deep,, andi go narrow as neot te permit a steer lta turn %round In itý Side walls lion lest above the surface ofi the grounti serve as 'splashers," and also mors securely con- crie the animoal wliile it le undergeing treatunenli. The sutire musids of the tank je linetl with zinc lta keep the contents frons lcaking eut and beco;eing wasted. The tank lm fIllezi nearly full wilih a dip. Thtis is a concsntrated dynamo oil, satur- ated wilib flowers of sulpiaur, tihe sulphur belng about tue-hall aIof ciepar cent. et the contents of tihe tank. The operation ofI dipping consists In, driving thie steer jutoa àehort alley, or ohute, which ls thon losoti behénd the animal. The steer is thorehy lofti tanding on à hin-gofi natforni. Thits gives way wlih the animal, wlticb licles with a plunge loto the black, oily liquld, The beast le submoergoti andi walks ont by. the tinlinsti bottons ut ithetank, satursîteti witb the mixture. Thon that stasar la troubledl no more with ticks. and may Pub Up against healthy animals w1tbnut danger 0f lnfeeciýng tbaem. The dip mix- ture is sure deaah ta lover ticks. The dippoti steers are detaineti in a paniallier the bath, whcre tliey ara allowed to dry. They are lnspected by Goverument voter- inarians, ta soe il lhey bave bson thon- Dughly treateti, beltoro belng passed. Several Stateos have been working with the above formula, andtihIe Board o! Agriculture of Missouri lm so Wall catis- Ged thali the dipping proces entiroly Bradicates the ticits wItich cause disease that an anooendroonliwss paîssa i lAbe lasli Leilaturs of the-$ State authorizing the adi;ssion orI Texas anti Cherokee oaille lutta Mtssouri. The State Bard et Agriculture of Illinois' bas beeu expert- menting on Texas catlle at Rockford, andi a large nuniber of those cattie, wlitch bave beau suhjeceisa te procmse, are now la quarantino libere, andI are credili- ed with excellent results. In anticiîpation of the new plan, Gay. Tanner of Illinois bas alraady openeti thali State lin dippe.l cattie, wib a certifi- âae. Iora the (overnment officer tesslify- lug that tihe catlle bave beas. lreateti. Diher States will doubtss follow suit. Under present (3overmnat regulations Moulàern cattle cannot b.e hippoti at ail %aove tbe quarantino liio, exceoi ndero quarantine, and for immedilate slaughter. Itlm lelaimed suob cattle ali a northern marketi are, in the matter ofI price3, et the mercy of butcbers and packers, wbe oan cictate thei- prices for cattle. owing to the requirensonts of -imodiate slaugb- ter. The ehippens bave t0 seli for wbali- Over prices are oered, or, have the cattie ordered killetI by the Goverumnet ln- tpecters. In establishîn.g cipping stations appli- catibu icauet be firet nhadie to the Secretany of Agreulliure, and p ermission granieti before actilon concerning their location adcl onstruction le comseeoed. The Bureau taf Animal Industry furabhs Inspectors at each station. Take four soantling, 3X4 and 3,1,2 feet long, for legs; tIail teplae two belb long ecross Inside of legs; nail tvwo -boards oan eruss P1l30es, 12 taches wide and 12 feet lon- for bottons; nail a thick piao thre loches wlde on the crack bi3epwoen botom hboards; beord off th2î sitles of tbiat pieog A COOVE'71F)T SEEF BRACK. te >Iuide th gri ain ur ioots; 10010l lu 0elmber ail arounti outside, bottoni adge M l 40 C Ofàýdo% nalledte 10 ottoni boards; nail 12-loch il i 1-1 boardi ail around, tn foot up, uppor edge iL A %.;4 even with top of Opo30St; nail pleces 2y2 Z> leti long anti six luces w ide on outside, Fa ~ onale Mllinr. ighî luches aparl al round, which lbaves a epace 8x]2 for'mheep lie put their - eads in abtovo the foeod. have tans endi Oîtth s snd tit-tittuswî'îthe nous, ot r of rck coreeup 10 leeti flepr, andi leet lu emo' apOo ice anti we Sit) ohp you.to ia.iîn et eue end. This rack enu ho used inlua SOiittarexpt seae, ubc nye t aiu.1t eotEx-pen lu any shape wliih botb onDde closed, e nreprasont it n nirely soattotacmry, pay the andi feood ny kii i ob.od requîneti. I express aient aur seertalprie, s45moitiav sd hsrak1 -------------------------------epeotrgco Thai I iuely fiul led, hv sdIbsrc 2ye re Say WlI- --ergUlor $9.0Stratdirarine motici ilinfim jvrii nLno ae nechly uolarot, highiy poli.edoti peeritanil agiogodatla- - aniswecet i ton. mpete wstlfine Avcl n<rgt 'the PriC 1YdietrmusadSYl eIe. osnui s titan. Twenty-four sheup willl sali etthis Joh£s Ion & MoFarfane, -Box B. S. Toronto, Ot. ,*k If th9Y %et ait arolit it."t MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. Instructions zivenin PAINTING in 011. Water Color and China. Skete nud paiuting from nature.ILN onprms, - ing at usual.prieea. 51.6m. fl OOLIE PUPS FOR SALE-Nearly ~2 months old. Apply to Joux FuGG, lot 2, con. 4, Darlington, BoIvmanville, P. 0. F ARM FOR SALE-Being composed .Lof parts of lois 20 and 21 in the eiglitl conces- sion of the Township of Darlington, contaiuing .20 acres. Buildings are in gond repair. For further particulars aPPlY to HECTou BEITH or ,JAMEjs BEirii. collecer customs, l3owrnanville. If not solO. will be rented. 34-3w0 T0OTRE DEAF.--A rich ladyv. cured Tof lier Deafness aud Noises in the Hlead by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Esc Drums, bas sent £1,000 to hils Instituite, so that dccl people unable to procure the, Rar Drums mav havA, fiera free. Apply to 780 Eiglitl Avenue, New York. U.S.A. 27-lyr. JIOIJSE IN OSHAWA FOR SALE. Çamforltab)e Iloughcast Dwoelling flouse , Drivinqflouse, Stable foir three liorses and 3-5 acre of land. for sale. Excelleut large and small fruit. No better welliyu Oshawa, eiotern. Apply on the premîses or ifby letter ta oHxt JAMES, William St ,Osha aa 26-tf' ýýUb SELL ORFEENT-150 west hall of lot 22, cen. 7, Ciarke, on wbicbl are gond dwellitng bouse and. cominodions farmn builldings in gond repair. Large stone stables and. root cellars, excellent orchax 3, well feiieecl, plenty of w ater. AIl lut lirst-claso order. Hlalf mile lrom i(irby P. O. luquire on the premnises or te WiLLiAm Couaay, Kirby. 22 If. STO~R ,HOS AND 21-ACR ES (heln tAshtoo's Cornere, . mile nortb of Hatmpto 1 , with stable and. drivIng shed. liard au (I oft water. Diiilbie ef ot old. Pos- session Oet 1. For luriber particulars ïpply to M. A. JAMES, STATESOtAN Office or to A ..CoLR- TICa, Oourtice. 12 if. BOWM'vAN VILLE MARKET'S Corree'ted uy J.Momurtry eaeh Tuestday FLO e V100 ibs........$1 70 to $2 t. WaAFali, bush .... O 0Ù00 0 70 Spriii- . .... 0 C0"'0 71) Red?îife ...o00n0 75ý t, Gows, .... 0 00 t()u7 BARmbiT, e bush, No. i1*.0O40 0 O n n "2 .0 26 0 35 3 n8...0 25 n080 il Two rowed 0 L)5 o t 40 OA'rs, white 1.............O 23 n0O24 R -i ......1 u n0 521 BUCKWEAT " ...O 00 0O451 PRAs, l3lackeve, P bush.. O 69 0 O70 Cl(anadian Beauties.. 69 n' 0 75 Muimey t MOou 0 O55 t nmall, t O 0 00 0 55 'tBlue, n 0 47 n0 55 BUTTER, best table, e i1b.. O 00 O 16 V (sedoz ý. . ..........o 0 00 O 13 POTATOES, bush .......... Il 80 0 308 llay per ton..... ... .....5 tu) il 6 00 p oy a waten lor aimg two dcdit peets n iof rope, Rtose, fdVîietier fume et 1 t.ec.or for eeli igthree dozen Write a w et th Verlme* Sollit, fi . hartfile ioney, anti wusforward ivour watce ail carges paid. HIOME SPECIALTy 'GO. Blox B s TORONTO. ONT. We glve titis bcauif fl Heavy Goiti or 511,cr Fiaieti Chain Broiet for zetiig oniy 0tonesa.. fins LinonIioYties, lit ten cetseac. Latest and prettiest designo; no tmo ellire. Write, andi we wiu erti the Doyies postpald; oeit thora, retors. the money.sand we et once fore-e omBracelet, ail chargese fid. Linen Doylel: Co.s Cth8out ana colore 95Cte i 0, .1,e. your ncasst express office and iwe,'viil cd thie wotch fer foyn taxaine t letM - 01)..) f.aoe, id piatesi, tiniproot i) indsomey0gedfitteti Stnwaaoi$et rmol vnent. isdy* 1o ,,rgf.i) o 01 . St la 001tnc1 0e, eqat 0Sp sC t o thile thing io r ~ g! ened tht, wanh b t c .~~' .,reor, o r Itu oe ask. 1 îdnure c. r santi it ia pors ei-y'1 toto Co.. oB iHOs'ülnte, Cai. '-m i..foi Boys' Blouse Suits, reg. price 75c for 60C. Boys' or Men's Suits or Overcoats in greatêst variety and best value. Fur Coats and Robes and Rug-s ah enitirely new stock and the prices are more favorable to the buyer than ever before. See them. Men's Furnishi'ng Diept. We have received direct from the makers a very large assortment of the new stý les in Neckwear. Seo display in our Men's Furnishings Window. We have just passed into stock one of the most complete stocks of Un- derwear we have ever had. Last year*s favorite lines,. We 110W have in every size. The fleecy uine, "dont tiekie" underwear is here from 50c to $2. WTe have plain and ribbed ail wool in both Scotch and Canadian, also a ful uine of new Caps, ilats, Etc. Gârocery Depart ent, We have too many Gem Jars -and for Fair day wilI give 1 dozen genus, any size, FREE with $5 grocery pur-~ chase, bny your suigar,teas,etc.,from us and get-gems free. Butter and Eggs, baud picked Pears, etc., wantect. To Reduce Our Stock Before Movinlge ' 0. 0 For the next Three weeks -we wiIi seli ailRues of Euir- niture consisting of Bed lloom Suites, 'Dining Room Suites, Parlor Suites,1 Chairs,, Mattresses, Couches, Writing Desks, ilall Riacks, Window Shades and many other uines at an below cost. This is thebest chance ever off ered in Bowmanvill to furnish a home or any part of it for so little money, a our goods are ail new and we have a large assortment i every lune. Caîl and ýsee our goods while visiting THE FAIR. f RI Furniture Dealer. Bo-WMANVI CPý5M GROCEIRS. We have just opened up a fine uine of White Dishes, SCups and Saucers, Plates of a il sizes,and a lot of Pitchers, Bowls, &C.1 ~ ash for Butter and, Egg7-", STelephone 57, BOWMANViLLE.c

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