air Grand Eali Sale of choice Millinery at Mrs. Di ngman's. S,'ailor Hats in great varietyý. Latest styles and colors> for ail trirnmed goods. Chiff, s, Meeblins, Fancy Mousselines, Wings,Foliage, OrnÏ-aments, Flowers, etc., always in stock. Ladies' Bonnets and Children's ilats a specialty. enéJ BOWMANVILLE. Fàshi'nable Milliner.1 ViaMton eneral Store. We "bold a vaster stock than has been,", and are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clothinig, Dry Goods, Groceries and llardware. Gents' Çiothing. Good Twt-,ed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stock to sellect from, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestic manufacture, We are bound to SUIT y ou. Groceries and Hardware. lu aur Grocerv 'and liard ware Departments you will find aur sto'ck well assortad, bouglit in the best mnarkets at the closest prices, and will be sold at the right priee. Same people want quantity others quality, we can pleaseboth. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cail. IIAMPTON. Flllranik A. (ele. TiC àcaver 3Block, Sale (if oots andShoesý We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots ta dispose of ,,yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very smal urices. My Sprin g stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdeçà. We.want more r-oom and are bound ta have it, if iaw prices have any- thing to do with it. Oui carry.a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at 81-C Men's Caif and Coi dovAn Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1,40 to ýÀ.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. ýChildren's Button and Blms 25c, 50e, 75e, worth 50c, 75c, and 81.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in1 prices. We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair-. The reason we do that is becanse we know, Latest Spring styles now in stock in every liue. The public is invitcd to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satehels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain:. Dresbing, the very best that eau be baught. Cheap trash dressiig- is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed ta. ,,1 Repairing done in all its branches ln first-class style. Fine work made ta order, sure fit or no sale. Thauking my cuastomerc for past favors and hopvng for a continnance of the Lame. Beaver Boek.[Bowmi-rîville. IRemarkalile Cures. Dr. Hall's Riseunntic Cure ia perform- ing wondaers-. Reporta are coming in frorul 1parts 1regaýrdiesg itsefficacn iiahi cases of feuriaýi4m. If la taken inter- naiv. r. Williain Gllespie, Light Ilouse ]-Ueper, Wolf Maand, n'asafflicted witish \tracasar PRevmsatisna for twa n'eeks. '13wo doses «f Dr- Halles Rheu- iiatic Ciwe credii&u. 5Q. cents a baffle, cantaiiqfteull ayi' treatint. For sale at al dr*g tores. MOUNT VERNON. Visitai-a: llev. E. E. and 11ev, F. lBaward, Ulack-stocir, at Mapie Cornera; Mr. W. A. Tom. Cehhliagwood, at-.Mr. b. Abiraleam's; Mi-. B. Saut-h at home; Mr-. and lui-s. W. Souch visited tiseir daughter kirs. C. Peara, Port Perry; MfissKfin.Aqu -algin Tai-auto 4nd d 4akwood ...Axnong those wiso attended tise exhibition ai Toronto are, Mr J . Garfat and daugister Ethel, Mr- E .Varnuna, Mr. E. layrnant. Mr. A. Abraham, Miss K. Argue,' lIr. McTa- gat .... Misses Myrtie and Mf.y Mlîson hiave gone fa Belleville fa fak-e a course Yat 'lbert Colleza,. .. Mr. B. Souchis t attendiag the School ai Pisarmacy,Tar- onta. Diamond'Dyes Can't Be Washed Out With Soapsuds..1 When aur article or garment is dyed witi tise Diamond Dyes no amaunt ai n'asbinto witb soapsuds ecanin tise sligisi- est 'I, reo weakea tise calai- N'o'the.r dyesa in tise world are as ~taibrilliaut and uufadiug as tise viamond Dyes . Plain 'directions on eacis package te]l how caci d ve la used, aadtfise n'iole wrklasa osimýple tisai evea a ciild cani use tisem, wit.h profit and succes, As there are vile. imita- tions af Diamond l1yes, see tisat ypurj dealer gives yaou exacti>' wbat yau asir foi-r, BROOKLIN. A quiet home wedding taok place at tise M ethodisf parsonage an Weclnesday Sept. 6th, whea Mr. Wm. A. Ciristy. Bloomfield, n'as niarried ta Miss Try- pisenia, daughter of Rev. John Harris, Brooklin. Tise bride n'as given away by lier brother, Wm, H. Harris, B. A., LL. B. , Campbellford. Mr. Clayton Burr , Blaomeld , and Miss Minnie Hai-ris signed t te register as witue.s«es Tise relativQs included Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham , Welingtan; Mrs Cn- ningham and s»u, Trenton; Miss Roacis and Xrs. Jas. G. Harris, Toranbo; Mrs, Tises. Burro*s, Ilamnpton-,gIis Florence Christv,, loouàleld; Mr. and Mrs. S. Everson and Mrs. Grills, Bewmanraille, MIrs. Stephens,- Mrs. John 11aiz, andi Mrs. Diamoud, Campbellford, and Mise Bawerman, Pieton., Aiter dinner tise wedding party took tise evening train for Tarant o nnd Niag-ara. We, fthe undersigaed, do isereby agree ta rcfund tise rnney on a fwenty-five cent bottle ai Dr. Wills' En-lisja Pis, if aiter using tisree-faurtissoai contents ai battie, they do nat relieve constipa- tion andiseadacisa. We also guarantee four bottles wili permaiiensi>' cure tise niost obstinate case cf constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pa>' wbea Wills' Pis are used. Stott & Jury, eisemist, B wmanville. J. Higginbatisam & Son, chemîist, Bow- manvllle. 2-4w For llfut~o~~ Vhid nc the case of the earthworin. *bey are V047' sensitive ta lke vibratiolu et azid ob- TH'E WORK 0F 1THE EÀR et - gathet dw om frti nn this. As' oturns lais ull's 876 onth NATURE-'S EXQIJISITE PROVISIONS ground, the Worms do not Sona ta nind the light; but let lis footâteps ha ftao FOR THE SENSE 0F HEARING. heavy àsnd eve'y werin disappears. ________Strnngely, however. we find evidenees, of organe of hearIng ln the jelly fish, of wbich you may see specimens stranded Wonderful organs of Marvellous on the seashore after every tide anda, DOeiiacy wihic Bave fleoii rovid0d what is very remarkable-so far as we fer Diffore,,t Animais - sometimes know at present-there is no case wbere They Are of Suck FineeStructure as both organs for hoaring and organs for te Srvelu Paceof Ees.seeing are developed in the camne species te Srve n Pace f Ey's.amang the meduene. Darwn bs bau t grat ain ta Taking the species wbicb have audit- Darwn bs ben t grnt ain f0ory argans, we find, ln soa. open- show the useleesness of the externial shell moutiiec pifs provlded witb sensitive of the human ear, and makes mnuch of haire; in others, the pits -cantain, net a the littie blunt point whibch is canmaon chain cf amali banes, but a lump, or fa moan and apes. and wbich affordse vi- sertes of lumps, af aocreted lime which tence hat oine upn tme"ananesare calied ,otolîthe, or earstones; white tar ad plnte others 'again the pila are flot open, Those Who are curions in the 'natter but ciosed. may refer ta "The Descent of Man." A crustacean net Unlike a shPin in Thera we flan leavýe this question, but as forin bas !tsecars in !ts tail, if we mav ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~s heaproiyf h etealera Ocail the terminal segment; while an- the ass ta aur own, just notice bow a other-the crayfin-has thora at the horse, a mule or an ass imoveu ibs cars. bs ftefeeso h ed tsasss re nyourytad bythe ide af In the crayfisb the car is open, but country, tk orsad ytesd fbristies prevent foreign iatter, from a horse.Yu ilnoetatteapnn a. -Yreuta th fot th atde and the snîering. The, cavity la fllled with a is trne tathefrot, he ideandthegeintinous fluid in wbicb the otlitbs rear, witb a rnpid nervous motion. float. Itneyer seems to be stili for a moa- These are affected by the vibrations ment. Moreaver, the cars do neot move communicated by sound ln the waler; iln in unison, but each bas an independent their turn tbey convey the vibrations to action, certain haire wbich lino the cavlty; In fact, if la fnot impossible ta Seo one t~hese forward the message ta the nerves, pointed to tbe front, wbile the other adfnh] trahe h evefetra tuxned toward the i ear, especially if thean ilyitmco the creaturnero. horse bas rnue 1 It my wll e qestinedwheberany Insects, like grasshnppers, crickets, other graup of animais bas so mobile an lcss aeterer nsrnepae ear as the various species of "eqaus"' -soma on the'iniddle of!+.ha body, athers bave, on the legs. Wlatever ether. uses the 1If yen have the good fortune fa catch creatuirea may maire of these organe they a log-eredbat ye ma se on oftheare Terilable auditory organe. ans anarednsbatyu a ee eo!te In theni we find a membrane stretcb- moa cuias erein the animal king- ed across n cavity, wltb an opaning taO dome, as far as the exiternat car is don-~ the external air, and wîtban the cavity oerned.isanremsdeeoe athee o Wîhin the large outer membrane youleanr-ms vlodathendf seaa Iaflik on, echicalycaled hean auditoryr nerve. It would be bard in- Botaragus wich lanfteonîàly c sevice ~dged if the chirping cicada, "the cricket trags, hichis et cly f sevic inon the bearth, " and tbe querulous kaliydld collecting the waves a! Sound, but is could net te board by tbeir comDanions. aise a sensitive organ of touch. It la If is said that thase peste a! the bouie Irobably this organ whlch enables the -the flies-can boear by meanu of sainie bat ta percelve the current ef air proceed- rcsc-opsls o h nbe ing frein an open window, eveu in a tbreada wubhbrenïresent.the bind wings darkened rain. of other insects. ft l nsrain whether Cats have, porbape, as Sensitive cars as bees conu hear. If not, then all the labor any animal known ta mnan. The domescle of tbe old-fasbloned bee-keepber lu beat- ffl inay be apparently asleep an the inpé a tin keWfe at swarming t1ina la i hearth rug; but yen wlll see the ears at vain. work with n restiess "twiteh," and pre- boentraiswhbveteltan sently tbe animal apene is eyes and Soantilos hhvetedhm looks lntently tean corner oi the raom witb every kind o! sauna and noise deny iron wbeb ou cnno poeibl her athas they flan hear. Others, equahuy con- fround. o cnotpsibyhrafident, assert thaf fhey are very, seasitive The cat, howýever, hearsa amouse lia- tSotheocf thoir uea hate ret.ka bina. the wainsot and is on the alert. oSane forharmolus. Ave reinsanceble Notice bow full oi hairs the ear le. Bach torgarns osblg. IA gs ec odistacela seenis ta be a sensitive organ ln Itselt. teaidra um ifseoapirouglouls If You tauch one ever sa lightly thece de miocpeaarcfgbus whale body seeme 5ta shudder, and if yo tlilied with a clear fluid. breath gentl in th direcionIn thea hse are minute ear-stonee wbicb bahe genl the d oc irec tchao!nge swing te and fra, rotatte and start off, opanlns, thfn sone.iba achnefiraf ln one direction aad then in an- Ifn ouhan ea g r thes,, but lu no instance striklng the onbthKin cae tvou and benge walls of the cavit;y. If the globules are combinad in a marhee motions Indeed may not hearing ha said ta be a kind o utuciie ainscna touc, sein tha itis ause bythe The imagination will asit whether foucin.ging thdat his ocaSed by the shellfisb or molluekseacu.nproduce saunds surifna aiuceaio? 1 asestiewbioch dn ha mutually beard. Whatever Dld you ever strall eut oan a aummer may be traie cf the division as a whole, evening along the ide o! a waad and Itit leuetainly truc thaf soai can emit watcb thre rahaits came ouf fa feod? It saunde. Two sea-singa wero fcund by is laughable ta soe thein sitflng on their Professeor Grant ta inake Sonna whib haunches, witb forefeet in air, tnkîng bie campared ta "tbe clinit cf a steel wire stock of the surraundings, bei are tbey Cufileao flas aejars" c olo h venure ta settle down te supper. uteshav er wi flote The long- ears bava nof theseamne plan o! the mellusk's organ; and, in- mobllty as that wblcb characterizes deed, as one watcios the uncanny-lcak- thase cf tha herse, Tbey apnear ta ho ta ing eetopus iu a corner cf a rock caviby, upturned for thaf; but tise animal it lsenesy ta Imaginea tis witle loaking aires up for that by leîsurely obang- at yon wlth thaf glas.qy eyo ho le alsa, ing bis'position until ho has lisfened la listening ta what yOD. say. every direction. But, perisapa. tise trangest fact con- SCESU AHES nected witb rabbits' ears le that tisey SCESU AHES have suais a tendency ta variation tiatsaiams ecat a -e eDt they bave been seized upon ne a fadby SaosMrhusUeAe eDtc "fanclers." Many a schoc]boy la quite Spuriens Coins. learned ln "lape." and aaîf1-lapa," nand in that far-aif, dried Dp little Oriental ather varieties cf ear nomenclature. country, quise near China, yau knew, One would imagine that a wbale had fisere are large quantifies cf caunt-cifeit net naucis use fer an car, but if poaseacis coin in circulation and tise counierfeit- a very ourlaus ana. Tise drun af tise car erseoai rianmuast h omsi pi-ofIcient, for lies at tise end af a long, bony tube, we Isear that if la the hardest îhing lu wblcb la rendered eu lc nger by the the weld te detecitithe bad fi-cm the fatty tiissuS lying avcund the entrance. geod money. Thse tube is verv nnrrow, a precaution The merchants are aiten deceived and against the intausity witb wbich saunde frequerily swindled. Tioseaiarteat i en are conveyed la wates'. Doubtless tbe tipy oild employ were decei'ved, to, fer wbaie wau'ld hear but little <aUbe souands the a bd nons>' was sucob a wonderfui made lin Mr aboya the ocean,' bus tha Imitation tisat thse cloises srutiny aiten whalet- knows fulli Weil the. tise dip o! falsd ta find thse difference betweau a an carela load- enough te put bis pro>' ln good and n bad piaee motion, aud lte dash o! a paddlo wheel Ia this dilemm i one Siamese nierch- will eou»d lilta thunder ta the inhabitant antsecalîed te shicr help coaen who of "ltise greantdeepi'" wM odways facugit n ot 80skairt ad a Fiches will net bear mucb that goes man-a nionkey. And thoe "large npas on on the tankr of tise river, but thbey of Siama" proved sucb a succasse atthiai are keeni>' aliÏve ta any Sound made lnu e avocMien thali the eussons o! amples'- tise waber itself. Let neftishe angler, ing theafor thse purpose e! detectlng therefoe, presume on the deaineas o!, had mone>' bas become universal. Tise liehea ln xnaking a splasi s usho castsaaechiro nahldhestuin bis lino. Paec,&iro !mhlslt iuto lu sinefleSa a an citih odestwltligout a rival. -lu flm flhas s oe o theoddst e bas a peouiar rnethed o! testing known'arrangements e! nudafory ergana. coin. Evvsy iecoe shaudged te bina and stii a usoneni or two ta les if get over Srcyo,6Li..., tise vibratiiof o the graund caused by One o! tise môstunaique ns wel se sue- your appr.aala. CsIflO2aim a utba are Tben clap yeur bande, andi before ths e outi atratgiea, k&beasjin e' cri- souni bas d d ayth ik a s aaut fjs.el_ PQesd suocesifully for fà cat aset led inte tisa andericrOWtb. upon a yeuag lion. Tbig incideant, 4esord-ý ju iraga ah(! tonds ne find an aP- ing te a Len"teaPaper, would bave prcnach ta what la nsunily underatood as interested that fanious artiaf, Rosa Bon- an ont. If la daubîless rudimntnary ac heur, 'i radte a partîcular atudy et cording fa tiea manimalian standard, but lions and iliteral>' ved ameng theni. A If le nonse fthe lees sensitive. lionese actually <ied la bat arme and êsie Tbe o lawcfofrmeai animal life de wns greatly affeted wsen tise animal i mot appai-ta bave an>' agns wbicli can Ifs hast moments lcked bar baud wlth làe d6frltely ho calleti cars, alfhough, as lA Iroug1a fonue. ,,,,,",,,..- il - iz à~ Country people as a'rule feel the want of conve nient bathing, conveniences. One of the zreat advantagýes of life in the city is the pleasure and luxury of the bath- roo witlî itis hot and cold water. Then there are in every city special iRussian and Turkish Baths. where those suifer- ing from Rheurnatism, Skîn Diseases, &c., &c., eau secure the advantages of these well known institutions which have hitherto been beyond the reach of those living in, the coup try. IN EERY CiVE. Now however ail this is changed-and the humblest home in the land can have the ad- vantaze of one of the most perfect baths mnade. The Niagqra Vapor Bath Co. manufacture a f ull une from $29.00 up. See testimonial prices and samples at ST1011 & JURY'S DRUG, STORE. This is King Quality 1It is a pretty nice lookiug shoç, but fine as it looks, it feels a great deal fluer. The King Qnality slaould be woru by every womauI who desires coif art, style, dur- ability, and -wants it ecanamica-My.. This describes the King QuïalitÏY Shoe. Ilt costs$3 innd it is wiorth moire. Qu* Made by the J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. MARKET 8OUAIR[_BOWMANViLFE Having added considerable new machi-ner. ,I am n nw prepared ta do AL CLASSES af Bicycle and iGeneral Bepair. woak. Brazing ard Tire Vulcanizing <k done bere-nlo need ta send such work ta ti e citv. Wheels are built ta arder.. -. e TRE FISELEIGH "SIPECIAL" keoebvn An Up-to date Bicycle Liyerv5 -. Wheels alwaysinA-i repair. -8t.W. 1 FS 1Li iGwý 'AI ORK.-Ladies wishine hair B A SFRSRIE-erea i-neoeci tMSDC",o, Kn the Berkshîre Hog tbat'won secondai; Tor- Eastai dor oetral io R CISO sKin oto ia astrofig clas and first at Quebee as, Eas an Co aiOntrj StBowanviiC 34tfshown underaile year. Aise the nbeaten York- sbire 11Oak Lodge Commnodore." Yorkshirès, BOAPDERS WANTED-Two yanng ~Brkshires and Tamworths for sale ineludlng th een rize Tamworth Sow at Bowmanville Bmen wanted w i ou, togeher. Terin nýi Ornon f arrow by an Imported Tamwarth. indrt.Apply t RsÂ.MKwN,eornerT.JCOE Maple Grove, Bowmaniville P. 0 Ontario and Argyle sta,, BowmgPviUfi. 1 B A.