Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1899, p. 6

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Farmers You Want -. PRICJE $1.00 F-PRcF. AD VANTAURS. It wiil double what the oid styvle ma- chine did. It is better made in ail parts. It-js a handsomer machine. The tube fromn can is exposed and eau ho instant- ]y cieaned f it should clog-. The eau may be instantiy empltied if you want to change inateriai or clean it. The for- mation of the eau aiiovws ail the materi- ai to be sprayed out when operated upward in troes or bushes. It wili save crops from bugs, worns and Fungi and fruit trees from the caterpillar and other pests. Evans' Electrie Sprayer may be had frein Jos. Henry, Oroiîo ; Davýid Bell, Leskard ; A. S. Tooler. Miil, Courtîce; Albert NidderY, EnPld; John Petlî- ick, biacksmith, Carke ; 'Samil Bon- athan, iNewcastle ;John Ilooey, inear Cadmus. PETER MURDOCH. BOWMANVILLE. Agent for Durham County. NEW TAILOR tSHOP. Plie urdersigned who. bas been c'.rrying on the taiioring businoess lu connectiou with Mason's Dry G oods Store for a number of years has comm-anced busines5 Cr himseif et bis rooms Kiing'St. west, wbere he is pi epared to make gents and boys sui's tu ail the latest styles, and atiowesi. rices. For those who wîs to order suits, heeill carry a funl lfine of semples in aIl 1 eoewest patterns. Cive hlma eal J. T. ALLIN, faShionabie Tailor, ROYAL 1111L STEAMsrnp, LîVaneOOL ANn Lor-ý; IONDERRY, MONTREAL AND QUEFnEC SERVICa.1 Froin STEAMER MONTREAL. Numidian. Il Juiy lth, 9 ar. Californien July 2tb. Teni July 27tb, Parisien Aug. srd Lanrentiani Aug. loth, Californien Aog. 17tb, TalnuniAng. 24th, Perisiane-.Aug.-318t, SS. Parisien, new eoined andi entireiy refit- ted, salis from, Liverpool, July 20, and from Montreal, Aorost 3rd. Baverian, 10,000 tons. twin screw. sdîls froma Liverpool Aur. 24 andi from Montreal, September 7. Pa ssengers wl 'lbe transferred with their bag- gage frorn the railwey station to the wharf froc off charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cabin, $50 end npwerds . Returu $10000 and upwards. Second Cabia $35, Steerege $22.50 and $28.50 From New York to Glsgow-State of Nebraes ka, 7tb Joly; Mongolien, 2ist July For tickets and every informiation ap, ply to M. A. JAMES, Alen Lins Azent, Bowmanville. LA BOVR>,DAY RETU17N TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED AT' SINGLE FIRST-GLASS FARIE Between ail stations in Canada, ail stations in Canada to andti rom Detroit, Midi., Port Huron. Midi. Ail stations ln Canada TO but NOT FR(OM Bnffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridige, N. Y, GO GOING 8EPI. 200d, à fld g41D, 'Valid returning from destination on or beforg Sept. 5th, 1899. For prticulars as to tickets, sleeping and parler car accommodation, and ail information apply to any agent off the Grand Trunk R ailway System. J. H, H. JURY, W. WOOD, C. P. & T. A. Depot Agi. M. . DICESON, District Pas. Agent, Toronto. Tickets-end full information, etc., et Stot & Jnry's Drug Store. .. CAN BE CURED Sheunriic Will Cnrs any Form of Rhieamatismi OR.. %..HALL. N rW Voll FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR: FIRST-QUICKES TTO CURE SECOND-8AFEST TO TAKE THIRD-MOST IIGHLY EN')ORSED FOURTH-CHEAPEST TC..BIJy One bottie contains ten -days' treatrnent "IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. ÎHE OR. HALL MEDICINE Ca. Canadian Agancy, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGO1STS Ohilren ry for that, la wiîose ienesty oenliaticomplet. confidence, but piaced In certain crises RELIGION IN TRADE oS templitaîlon they went overboard. which a miscreant can escoape. Ai, iciW Rev. Dr. Talm.,Yage Shows How Business Trials m"fy deceptons ln the fabrc etthe lail liSe tint if a man talk about living a R efine the Spirit. life of complets commercial integrity there are those whe ascribe it te green- _____________________________Dnse anti iack oS tact. More neeti of hou- esty now than ever before-trieti honesty, The Marchant Finds His Office a Sohool of Indus'try, Pa-tience, complets henesty-rnere tien in. those î 1 Uies when business xvas a plain affair Integrity and Upright'Livng--The- Martyrs and wooiiens -,vere wooilens, and silks cf th Couting oom.were silkg anti men were mon. of te Contirg Rom. Hove many men do yen suppose -there ysars cf f my lie getting my livelibood. are lun commereial liSe xwio could say Washngtn. Ag, 7-Inthi di. After awhiie tuis fortune danse te me. trnuhfuily. "In ail the sales I hai'e ever cforse Dr. Talixage argues tint religion and tiers has been ne neeessity tint j1 matie I bave nover overetatedtheti valus myho taken intoail lie affairs oS lite, toil since, There came a' lima xvîen 1 modeots uai h ae I have ever cvrdu nipr anti1 insteati oS being a hinidrence, as caidtetamygeit, 'Shiah I now retire from aetien in he neyer eoveral eti p an mer business or shahl I go on and serve liefeioluteSi; ualteiusns 13rnan1 think, ss a re-enforcemenî TheLrî im-wrll ccptoc'"H f dollars I bave ever made I bave net toxtle omas xi, 1, "et iotiul n Lrd l mywondlyoccuatin?' H Otalion one dishonesù fanubiug?"' liens are taitÈs Rman xi! 11 "Ne slthfu insaiti: "I resoiveti on the' latter, anti Imoower hcasyîthudd, business; fervent in spirit; serviug lie bave been more industrions in cominero ohxee.xh cnsyIhniei Lord.' l ci reles 1tien I ever was before, anti xvo eau say it, theusantis who con saY Irdstr, dvounps a 'd hritia sice hatbou 1,have never_ kept a fer- il. They are mnore'bonessitien xvien tiey Secrie-all commentiedinluthet short thing for myself. I bave thougit il te ba sodterfs ircofierthrfrt b ra hm if I coulnt tllasiad firliluoff butter, beeause their iouesty text. Waagnoit pssamelacit as arallanti îutegrity have issu testeti, trieti anti be conjoineti? Oh, yes, ioeslisne war for the Lord as I hati toilet for msicm n r4mhn.Btte oan à antiailaheu preducts oS my factorise anti between religion anti business, beuxveenmyc meia sblireteth ber a time xvhen they ceuiti have robbsti letigers anti Bibles, betweeu echurehes anti lest arthing, have gense fon uie building fa pofuer, or vesendeti îvith tic couniting bouses, On the contrary, roll- oS Chishtian institutions anti supporting fnec ak rsrugasa ug L'on accelenetes bus-iness, sharpens mou'slie eburci of Get." Weuld 'that lie ment, or 'matie a tals assign ment, or whts sweten acniiy oSdisositonsam enesy ut Srtiferthe vord !orroxvet illiinitably withont any efforts witssweetng acrbityof diositon ise rput orth h fGt.o dithewrdataIpayment, or gai n man imb a sharp flistie ilooti oS hemaisanti l ept ot o o. ol htacorner anti fleecetibhlm, But they neyer tbrolip ore piiegmauo the ihes ofthousanti mon nlutisse great clubes wie took oesstop on that' patbxvay cf hall loos oe eoit ai h xhel Shave aciteveti a fortune coulti seer15 their flre Tbeyea ythipreswiou barti work. It gives better 'nalancing ta duty noxv te do ail business Son Christ . cnsyterpaesxiio the intigient, more strengh to the xiii, andthe alleviation oS the wonids sufer- beariug the chinli of dishonest dollars. more muscle 5telutiustry anti thro-ws ie oingl - They cen readt hoîr Bible ihout uink- enthusiasm a more consecrateti fine. Yen eiu o aine ing oS the turne xvhen xiii a lie on tudr canAt incll helc of of htiwrlàehowsoul in tic custom bouse tic-v kisseti the canot u al ie h~cc o te xorii sow Again, I remarl tint binss liSe is a bookr. Tioy ea think oS deauh andtihti me a man wvhose houiesi business bas ocel oS patience, In your evenyday liSejugentit omsatrlwtht been despoileti by religion., hoer htcme fe i ihu Tieindstrel lases re îriiet ifta many thinigs t0eunoy andtel dis- aniy flincling--tiau day whea ail ciarla- tirce groîs-preducers, manufacturers, qit agisxiim.Cmeca tans anti cheats, anti jockeys anti fronds tmaens Prduers snb a Srme~ atimen xiii semetires Sailiteaineet their shall Uc doubly damneti. It dtesnet trancrs. Manfaurcrs, snb ashesme,-handengagements., Cashboolis anti1110neV make their kuses linock together, anti lu tunr doranltOfcti as, no and fisez torawer wvilsemetîmes quarrel, ,Gooesde s net make udher teelli ciattez te reati lutn o arl Tr odand rsosncbasd make ortiereti fer o speciai emengency xiii corne "asths pantige stteti on eggs anti pint eut cf ,Thradser sudsnexcsiare ftee lots or be tamaget inlathe transporta- hichceti them net, se bie tiat getteth ari u o h tit vîc ansprtuc eti an enu- tien. People lnrentiug ne barme wiii go riches, anti not by iglt,, shah blave fcue.A business man mav beiong te shpignihn iyitnno fpr-hml the mltst ofbils tays, anti et bis actune r il fteecass n chaïe, oveturning great stocks oS goode sud shall us a fool."- anyoneon il f tss clsse, ati etanti insisting tisai yen break tihetiozen. IWhbtt a school of lntegrity business one Is iutependent cf any éther. More bati tebte on tie letiger. More 1f e is! If yen bave ever beeu temptedtiat Wben the Prince Insperiai eof France counterteil bills lu the tiraesr. Moreleyo inerycine efepeeu fil on the Zulu batulieli beceuse tihetiebîs te pay for ther peopie. More meanu- etvanitege, if yen bave ever xakeueti ne stnap fastening the airrup tae scaddie nesses on the part of parnos ns lusn!- l an mamsmn nicii broi asho inugte t, ls cm"aies ail es. Anneyance ater aunoyance, vexa- 1 wiil stop a ultIle acide rern thie igit escaping, but lie faiiing untier tie lances tien ater vexation, anti lacs ater loss. pati anti o ne u xii knoxv it, anti I xiii ot the savages, ea great many people Ail tint procese xiii subher break Yen corne al igîl again, il le onîy eues." ilamedthtic mprees for aliowing ber son toxvn or brigiten yenu up. It is a sceho That enly once bas ruinedtianss of to go forri isto tiat battlefleit, anti cf patience. Yen have kznexn men under bionscutis oS mon Son this life anti hiasteti cthers ti0rnedthueEnglisi Goverumeatth rcstabcm euatancefteisulfoeeniy for eccepting tic sacrifice, eut others c roc c n ,an ptî i, ance-d hi eusfremiy cria, antieengry, antitpugnacions, antiA Slave's Message. Thaetie t tu lafor athe ha nnsn.crnss, anticoun, anti quser, andti hey lest Tico-le msS e bamoxva ti lirnes- îsir custoîners, andti r nome iejame a, A mencient in Liverpool get a,2 maker xvie fashionedti tnt ra1p cf the detestatien. Otier mnuhave been irigit- Bank oS Eisgianti noie, anti, holding it siatrialnsout ofsofeundimprfctave s d up untier the preces. Risy würe up boxard ths lîgit, bhc sex coine Inter- matrialasItie stmapd éhvetialie ugieneti iy the oxpeenre.'Tbey vene ineatious lu wiet seemeti ret i nk. ie aftewar. I th strp hd hldthelue rocks, ail tie more valuabie for be- flueiiy decipicre th ticiters anti founti Prince Impertai veenitiproiebiy bave bgiauei-tfnî hybt eeeeont tint tic writing had been matie by been alive to-day. But tie sdrap broke. town uheir xratî, aIt irqt tîey lied te a slave ln Algiers, saying la substance, No prince indenendeut cf a harnes bite ther hp, eau finst tiey theugit of "Whoevlem geus bile bank note xiii please malien! Bigi, ioxv, xiso, ignorant~, yeu corne stinging reotnthey wouîti lite te lnferm my brtier, John Dean, living lu eue occupation, 1Inlaotion, ail make. but tioy conqueredtihemr impa. near Carlisle, that I arn a slave of tie. beunti together. tienoe, Tey bave kinti xords noxv Son Bey oS Algiens.'4Thse,mZëec'lant sent Tie Discipline of '%ork. carcestie flings. Tiey have geathe bahav- ,word, employeti goverunpnt officens anla Se that tiere muet bhoOne continuons er noxv for unmannenîy cusiomere. 'Eho foîsat who tbis man xvaesimioen oS in lino ot sympnthy with oaci oSiers are patient uoxv wiii unfortunere doit- ibis banik bill. Af ior awxhul hie maxvas weni. But wiatever your vocation. if ors. They have Christian reflections no* reecueti, xvo for Il years liat been a yen have a muliphicity"eoS engagements, for sutitin reverses. Where titi they gel slave of tic Bey ef Alilons. He xvaa if inue ycur Eflc there corne losses andti ttpatience? By hearing a ruinisten rnme8ilaeyem cpttibu Wi55 annoyances anti perturbations ns xvehl as preaci conceyulng il on Sabiath? Oh, woru ont by liartisiip anti exposune lie porceages andt diviciende, if yen are ne. They gelili jusl where yen xiii gel aon afater tiei. Ohif1secone oS lie boni punsueti frein Mosxtay morniug until Set- t-if yen even gel it et ail- elling bats, bille tint corne tinougli yenr bauds coulti nrtny ulgit, anti rcm'Jaauany ta Jan- disconnting notes, tumning banîsters, tell ail the sceeues thugi whIcls they ari'by laxeoraîhe cîligaîiop eut dntiy, plexiug corn, innlng roofs, ploatiing bave passeti, il xvouidi be a tmagetiy thon yen arc a business men, on yen are causes. eeipsing any dramea of Shakespeare, a business womaa, anti ry suijeet le Oi, tînt amidtihle turmoil anti axIeîy migitien lion King Leor on Macbeth! apprepniate te yeum case, anti exasDeration of everytay lite yen As I go on lu tis subject, 1 arnira- We are unetionti impression liat lie mi.git boom tic voie oS Goti saying: ",lu presseti xitli the importance oS aur bey- moul andt tg oS business liSe are a prison patience possese yonr; seul. Let patience> ing moe sympathy xitli business in. liet whlcb a mita ls limant, or tint itla Le ave ion perfect woli." 1 Isil not a shame tint xve lu our pulils an uqual srite xviere unarmetia e A',Severe Schooim stress 'giset osîn t ria ant bouertete teusl maen goes forth te content. 1 shah show I roman aâgain tint business liSe«i las, txvie utr ia adli baud antopt yen thic mernsiag tint business liSe was obeai cf usefui knowetgs. Mendiants te be verysy'mpathetid witb tiese xvio lateatictioS Gatilfo- grand anti glioias te net rend meny boks aut do net stuty hall withi lie brain. The farmers wlie education eut discipline, ant Iif I shall lexicons. They do neurdive imot profonss ise bis corn anti tiheote andthesWlicat ho bclpedte t say wiat 1 xvnuî te sny I of learnlng, anti yet nearly ail througiesmtie r temptd te îîîuî tint shah rab serne of the wrnles of came them occupations corne te untierstanutoetm r ot ofburs rom yandbck.Iistar nmet usiosooinnefnt oles nigrain mendiants bave an easy tirne anti tet o!urs ri our anti Itrpaconet usiooo inne nd o ieadgel thoirprofits witheut glyiug aay talkiluaoS au abstraction. Thougi never geegrepby, ant jurisprutience. and ti uie. equivaheat. iavng eonlu usies lie, ]rew ilBusiness le n cevero scboolistress. If Plate anti Anistehle were sa eppesedt e haintbeuns siess l y I ntpaîi pupils wiii net learu, ie sdrues themineciautise tînt îîey teclonet commerce aotbsnsmn.Inm ra ai over licolient andthielisant vWtb seveneteileouscfainsatibee- et Bellevile, N.J, tsa miles from New lasses. yen put $5,000 itean enterpnise.vite ethetinocile be natbi.adisasi ae- York, o lange portion oS my'antlenoe Iî is al gene. Yen say, "ThatlaISa tend iles fethat te s eeeilt B t yenat ton wasmate u etNsw Yenmemensléa. " Chi, ne. Yeu arc paylng lie sciooi iknow there are ne moes ndustrious or Tien I xent to Syracuse, a place iof îng. Tint wns eniy inition, veny large igimintictimcaen a hiese wlie move ln immense commercial aclivlty, andt ten I tltlon-I toit yen l wa5sonse esobool- lsxoi !Iafo eeo b~ ar went te Phildeiphia anti liveti long ristress-bnl lu wag worti It, Ynlam te ws icf avrliiedsomeofthbrcanti amongthie merchantso! liaI City, Ilian eYleu uni inlrocîaonwn l aren expose t hrper lofibik, lie wliom tioesare ne botter mca on srth, mot lave leamast inlanay ther 'way. anet wiuete, 'anti cilmi e.utan ter andi Sor 25 years I stooti ln my Brooklyn Tradiers lu grain camle eknow sae-le.es iondieAn lpsolmhaysntioIfuer pîuipit, Seibtih y Sabiati, pnagchîng ltelîslng about forelgu barvesits; traders laartha tefulpsCor et lilnld ifay"le audiences lie majority of whom wcre fruit corne >te ar oehigaotli e"e hl tour ot i and alîblul business in anti business xomen. It la prospects of tropical production;- monu- servant. Tion hast been folthful over a net an abstraction of xvilci I epeak, but facturens of Amerîcan géoeetsCorne 1 tewbug.Ixiiaklesueroe a rehlt xvti bic I rn eilecqaine. nnterslandtheli tariff on impoe heti ri- many thiage. Enter iliou n m lie jey of lu lie tiret place, 1 remark tint bnci- cos; publiiers of baoks muet came la tyLod ues 1f. wac Intendeti os a cSool of uudorstnd. tie ew law of copyright,;h or. ensrgy. Got glves us a certain ameuna owncrs of eîîps mueltcorne te îuow Our Xei.yday lMartyrs. cf rav maleniliont et which we are te wînde ana sienîs anti navigation, anti W. lalk abeut tbe martyrs of tieý Pied- hcxv aur characten. Our faculties are te evsry bolset of olîo anti every raisin mont Valley, andtihle martyre ameag be resat, roundet anti sharpeneti up. Our oasi anti evcry lea box anti every custer tic Scotch lighiions, andth le martyrs aI young folks baving gratuateti tram oS bananes je se mach lilerature for a Oxford. Tiere are juil as certainly mer- sool or colege neeti a ligies edtilon. business man. New. my brother, xvbat l31É of!'Walli street anti StaSe sîncet, lu.' Qiforfever itlere la libe c-ause -o! Tien.are lieusanis o! Men Who bave the bnur mov. auvrs, btlo e>wasee ne ut Chrit ont for more Cîrisîlen wxvers, kepl iboir integzity mnenîiy beoanse the,' lias. in suai as yen bave sometimes mon wbe shall tae.tle saine energ neyer bave boesu esteti. A man wa seen, for whorn everything zoema le go liaI from bMonta, 'rening la Saturta,' aeccti treasurrof ethle Siate of Maine -wreue. His liSe ihomme 10 hlm a plaýgus. niglit tisy put orti for lie aciievemeat som. yenns &go. Hoe wos distnguisiet fer WhoI1isard I. xvas teet, I sait, " Goot ot a livellioctior tie galieinag ofa! n is honest, , nefulness ent upiglilues -gel rit ot lic sherif na!" Who are lias. fortune, ont on Saibti tays put Il orti but hoere eue yeaor lot poiset ho lad lustrons seulesbeore tie tfinud'Wben te lie advanlage a! Chile's iingtorn mien o!fi.hepublic tuntîs fers iii w thequesti on la asket, "Who are lie,'?" andthle bingiag ot men le the Lord. private urne andi wga uleti eut ef! eâce tie angels standing on lie mca o! glass Dr. Duff viiled a nana who e isla- l4 tiligm N altngalsbedfor ,irîue b,. sespeiad 'I"Tisse aretii-v trio caine ont isnitet a greet fortune. The meali to lem OT.Dstingalshoa fur crime ater. Iren ef griot buisinestrouble ant badt heir lm:,"Ibl e ab. veyenbu&afr ter any 0"oa lover t» inames e!finmi ejXt îIke lobes xvashed antimati whilte.1a1 tho _________ -blkod et thse Lamnb." AN OLD LANDMARK « Dr. Johs.rn'v. Mouise in London 50 ,0 rieMOYetito Meke Wayfor Bue Henapïbteati, lis norlieru subuni : London, xviieiaisce weli inotrunl aven lie _Wrnitfor ils historie anti itenany associations, booste man,' hanses whiid wsre at oee ime resideuces o! men triese naines have issu baudet do wa in bis- tory. Peniaps lie bacl iao-wu efthlise bouses Wac Ibhal eccuplet by Dr. John- son, ant in fwiicihobc wrote bis tomons pocîn on the "'vean,' cf Humain Wieies" la imitation oethie Tenti Satire e! Juvenal.- Tuhanbose is about to be testroyet. As bas beau the case xii se man,' ]aut- maris. it mue-t be puilet doxvn to maire xva, for more modern, strctures. Harnp- stea,1 anti Higigats are bath fameus in lie.iiterery aunais of" tie great ity ef wiich they xvere once ontlying enunirs, neache-t by country lanes anti bnoezy up- lande. Ih wes xvile steying in Hnmap- suen tduring tic cummer oet ,18 ual Dr. Johnson xvnato hiesamious pem, anti it bas been saidthtit tiecltaye sperit in tint bouse must have beca tie bappîsst ot bis noue tee, happy lits. Reeders ofthue gim philosapbenr% xorkl io xvihhfut i bard te soparete thislema frein bis xveii inoxvn hints lu Fleet treet. Hic xxiole ijte ceoins se penvatiet wit.'l tue atelos- pions of his favorite cfleeL.Louse uxaitlu requires a noyers stroeeiî ut tho imagina- tion te picturs hlm eujiaiig himseef among lic trees anti flowers ofthie noua- un,' and ti leis oubtSul if nature tid, give hum muci snjeyment. lb N recnoddthati trieneven tie opportunuu,' ofk'î d, is hasteneti te tis cluy, ta chat wiýh the beau compan ions who have coine dan'nn le bistany in canuection xii bis naune. When bis posin, "'lie Venity ocf li- man Wiehes," appeanel lu 174 - ilbs Inomse, accondîug te ore oS bis b,,ograpi- ens, "irais ont upen iraniioi vîub a tegnee oS luston xviini prontiFela anii- ampli over ail bic tifliculties. lie eetding publie bat been faîniilor ton e years xiiihbie "London" anti othter ii- tatieus, oS Juvenai, snggested by the Third Satire. Tisse txvo pûems weee tiangil te nivalthie woni aof1Pope hum- self, andthle faine of the tioctor spreati fer ant ideti. He seizedt us moment for thie produchion oS bis ragetiy a'roe, eud t lwxas brougit out ah Drnry>Bans on lie di th f eimnany, 1719. It nan for iii nigils ontdlias neyer bren seen on tic stage since. Tic tacher atîsudedth le tisaîre ever,' nigit bhil thes scenes, wenng for lie occasion ealiantisome xvaistcoal anti n galt lacet bal. "But," saniti ho aS tenxvard, witi greal gravit,', " I con laid acide in, goit laceti bat, lest it sbeulti maie me prend," anti he furtier observedti t "xvien in that tracs he couolt net troal people xiibhie came oce as wien in hiis unal plain claties. " Butthie doctor's vnnihv must have sut- tereà severel, f on bue traget,' tes uninhen- dsting andthti publiaexvouiti net altent. "Troue" xvac rehogaledtiet the si$lf fan homce eeting, aut as oeofethle coin- menînue-rs cf tho day sait, "It lciset lie prool-ietuyoet s sentiments, the nich- naesoettie language ont the gouerai bormony of tie tiole composiions xve unuversaliy admiret." "Whosu Johinson wruites tregetiy," sait Garrick, "teclamatien renne anti passion sleops; tien Siaiepeerewrvote he tippet hie pen la bis eovn henn." But thie faihune oS bis play' dit fat appear te tiscen cent the philosophieatoc- tem. Be ecelveti about $1,500 fon bis nîgits, xvile il xvsas ctet, andi lie ts tell ossuet-etf!the papulenit,' oS tic poemnwtimci-wes uthe pnecuirso oS thie pieay, aeutuhe summer turing xvicb ihe xrate it in tie bouse ut Hempseat tas inemana bic ta iim in later yeors as oe of tie lest of lie peacetul perlots oS bis liSe, xvbich lie enjayetinathie cempany of biis wife. Tic bouse lantuibhowîehe thie "lVanIt,' et Human Wisbes" la close le lie entrance te ths Priony, anti Boctel tells, us tinatthle ',Towyn" as teli as that poem twas tnitten liera. Tiornbunt nTe- marks tlial usitier e!fIbesxvenis booms muci trace oethle inspiration oethle Hampsheat muses, "for thietact tintthie buni,' docten prefenreti seciel,' te scener, ondt thIe winler relurnedtiehaFleel street eut presentet imselS once more among his friands, la those aampany.,he fel more et borne tien amîdthei breezes of Hampstead. ondi tiose -*conversations gave hlm mono ýgratifloation thon tic sangs oS niglibingaie." It wes net long oS 1er is esitence la Ibis lieuse liaI Dr. Johnson boit hie NvI!.. Ma,'ycans inter wien on.etfbis frientie asiet hlm 1iflie ad ever inowa wint Il wes le bave a tISe lie toctor re- piie i tti a faiuering volce, "Sir, I bave nmatat it lwas te bave a tife anti baye inotu wt lilt as tle an le., Itlied aimast braire my heart ' EASTERN WASHERWOMEN. IRivons and Creshis, Faddi.s and Sioes, Thei'r Implemeat&.- Tic barteet wonieti wesierwonaen la lis tarît are lie Coeans., Tioy have te waeli about a tozen dresses Sor their huebants, anti inasmuch asever,' man pottihes, oS ton shaminnng lbe cloties upon atones, as the Egpyuians dio.-Washington star. Tolephoue fer thse Déaf. Kmriniahure tehephone te taie 1h. place of lie cor trumpsu fer dent people bas -mate Is appearonce. A lin,' recelver is plnced la tie passage of lie car and con- necieti b,' £ne tires titi a trnsmIlter wom onthe ineacl ana a boîter,' carniet ln lie reet Pr oaîi. 'convenlent parti of the lri..- So the failing of the hair lells of the approach of age and declinfing power. > No malter how barren the Ai nor how leailles it mnay seei, yen confidently expect leaves agaîn. And why? Because there is life lit the motls. So yen need not worry about the felling of your hair, the threaîene d dep arure of youth and beauty-. And why? Because if there is a spark of> life reniaining iii the raclaý of 'the hair will arouse it intoheelthy actîv- ily. The heir ceases le corne cut: it begins to grow: and the glory of your youth is reslored te yen. Wr have a book on the Hair and ils Diseuses. I ils free. The Dcsa Arlvlce Fpea.. If y.on do, not .btain allthtbe bncflts yon expected fioM 1e use offthe Vîigor, wite the doctor about ht. Probably $ral system w1heh may lie &Ï,;l Vr d.Atidress. "The mosu novel ride 1 ever experi- teced," said Ceunt Cassini, Russiau ambassador te the jUitedi States, "was a journey ol about 2,500 miles througli Mongolia in Ootober and Novem ber, 1897, just after I elosed my termi as ambassador ai Pekzin. 1 bad decided te travel overiandti Irough China and Russia tu St. Petersburg, a distane of 8,000 or 10.000 miles. Two thousand five hundred niles of this was tbrougli Mongolin, and tie Chinese officiais planneti my journey, Tbey pruxideti 60 changes of horses, and at each changing poirt tniey bad 60 horses. mnating in ail3.6,00 for mny per- gonal use. At the end <if cadi portion of the route elaborote preparations were made for my entertainment. The rondsi off Mfonzolia are excellent, and we matie remarkably quick trne te tie Jtusslan froniier. My hartiest experienceJ- 4in 'srossing the River Oby, one of thie.Jreab rivers of .,Siberia. The - thermnometer marked 50 tiegrdes below 'zero, andtihie river wes falil 0f floating ice. I shutider yet et the theugitcf, that river trip. 1 don't know how we eveer got across, for 1 thought I shoulti die xihithecold. I afterward learneti that October and Nov- ember wore 'the worst, months tn the yeur te inake suci a trip." ODS Rue tetor "l liver, and cur billiousness, sick lheadache, jaundlce naUsea, indiges ,lonetc. Tiey are lii Valuabie te prevent a cold or break up a fever. Milti,- gentie, ei, tiley are worthy your confldence. -Ptrely 'vegetnble, tbey ean be taken by eilîdren or clelicate women. Prie, 25c. ai ail mnedicine dea]ers or by mai1 cf C. 1.HcoOD & Ce.. Lewefl, Mass. R. F. BYEIIS bas openeti the New Centr'a Llvery neaniy opposite the Standard 'Bank, Bownianviile, whsre ho lias a ins lot ofS ingle and Double Carniag es, Demeccats, Wagonas, etc., for bMre. Good Horses and THE 0REN LOGICAL SCIENCE aofI{EALTH. - , Known cveryvdserc Is mnfis Sixly-first year. WtFOWLER & WELLS rnl 27 E. 21st 7,t., N-w yori<, for spedîmen cupy. 10Oa vpar to'new xubsribaei, incluc!elv a 1 S!hort summa-iry of CI'fac!Le

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