Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1899, p. 6

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FRICE $1.00 EPSCH. ADVAN LAGIS. It vili double -what the ")IC stvle mna- chine ciid. 1 t N liciter ruade in all parts. It is a handeorner machine, The tube froma can is ex psda nd eau bce instant ly cleaiîed if h~oi clog. The cau May beo iDstantl;v Ueptied if you vant to clîaBne material or clean it. The for- mation of the cau alloavs aIl the materi- ai e le s -aýed out wlien operated upavard lin treeOs or b1kSie îIl avili Saee crope from bintwornsand Fn~ and fruit trees from the caterpillar Pu d other pesN., Evals' Electric Spraver may lbe had froma Jos. Henry, Orono ;D aid. Bell, Leskard"; A. S. Toole., Milli, ourtie; Albert Nidderv, Entield1; Jom Peth ic, bacs Clh (arke ;Sa mi Bon- athan, Newçastlte john 11eoey, rnear Cadmus, PETER 1 MU,î-RDDîCH. BoWnNvILE.Algent for Durhain Couutv. NEW TAILOR2 SIIOP. Ttc uiderslgned wbu îl e te,,,CrI5iug on the tailoring business in vcînneLon with Masns ry ood Ser..fora n nmbr of yea.rs ascnmced busines- Lr himýe1f t bisrons King St. west, wherehe is preŽpo I to inake gents and boys soirs iu an ie tclatest, styles, ad atlowe,ý' wices. For tiose who wish te order samts, hewi!li carry a fuli line of samiplea lunail te newet patterns. Give hima cali J. T. ALUIN, F.-h , lie Talnr ROYAL M AIL 'SrEAMaSuer. LEVEascooL AN» I)N ]SONDEP.RY, MOJNTIRAL AND QC.EBEC Sc.e.vîca. From STEA3JIR Mea rREAL. Nomnidian. July 1tht, 9 a.m. Californian Joy ICt Tainni &4 JoIy 27, patýi,lv.4 Aut. :Id teuretîtian ng . 0 Califoriiiil ." Aug. th Tainui Aug. 24th, Parisien Aug. 315t, SS. r~innewfllQrillcd andetrl;ef- ted, saIilis froin Liveruool, Jaly 20, and froîn Meeitreet, Augu t ird. l3avarian, te tons:' twinl sCrew, saîts8 frorn Liverpool Au,-. 114 ad from Montrai, Septnînber 7. Passe ngers w! 'Ihe trensrerredwtt their hag- gage froni the reilway station to the wharf free of charge. RATIES 0F PASSAGE., F!rFýt ebn, $50 ciaOupwards. Return il100.0 ad ena lirds. Second Gable 35, Steerage *2-.SO and 523.50 From X-New York to Clasgrow-State of Nebras ka. 7tit Juiv; Mongolien, cisitJiy, l'or tickets asnd ev ery itiforma,,tion ap. piAy to îllan Lins As'ent. om, vle "Thie Tourîst ro lteOrof Alleric al 3 9 9 IT1IE MODE ZN VES FIBULE COICH ES, DINN(GiCAR SERý-VICE, ARE " UP - TO - DATE ." Vestibule trains daiiy hetweeil Ilamitton, Buffalo, Niagaira Faits, Detroit and Chicago. and the hnst service te aise via this route te Ottawa. Mu)treaI, Queb", Portland, etc. A great variety of tours, embracing thse charnsing Mýuskoka, Mtsnd aud Nipissitig b kes, Geer- gian B3ay, Mackinac, Duluth, Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence River, Montreal, Quebee, Saguen- ey River, SeaeOartlic-sorfs, Eurt-pe, etc !Ilustreýted publications, mnape and fuit aud re- abeinformation roay be ottained t north- west corneýr ig an.d Yonge streets. Tickets rat-s and ail information Irom Agents of Grtand 1Ttunk ttcilway Systei. J.Ilt il. JUBy, )V. WOO01. 'C. P. & T. A. Depot Agt M. C. UCtSN District Pass. Agent,T'oronto. Tickets and fuit information, et c. et Stott & Jury's Drug , Store. i/I , ~VRheumaii of Pheumatisin FOUR POINTS IN ITS F AVOR FIRST-CiUICKEr-r-TO CURE SECOD-SAESTTO TAKE TriNR-mO>sT HIGHLY EN')ORSED IOURTH-CHEAPKST Tt. BUY One bottie centaines ten daya' treatmient IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. «i- E DR. HALL MI!EDICINE CO. C.nadian Agency, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUOQISTS, Las la ie ,Atg 6-Tise antagoniste ,1et ts iesi ie runs Chie scm- ia.uiotfa-.i% ia a e-met lu a vemy un- î. aî c, anudi the - iumphs etfte c09eeraaO T ito. bc, tuxt le Ezekiel n-i21. "Ho matiebis.anarcws hîigtt, tie c-înte irtht lna i.te lecalet in the lis r.' Taso ucoile cf divination l-y acisicis Cis 7i og f Ecisyha)n lropoed t te Onî eut Cii s viII et Ge. lIetook a buincie ot erre '~, ul ceir oge ier, mL- tise -joit - 1 a<iS c C'iea N aü city lte aie ï i Oîrstal a-ca len an animal V, tJs lalai. anti hy c, iglîter or damIer 'Sior of te liem th-- iigiter or tarlcur usaoece et sucýesîra, c--isferet. That te sue aîseaesng et the texc. "Ne niade hie armoivs oDrtti lbe crnsclteti a7î-hs images. î.e loeed in tehie livera."Stispit teolusien! Ant ~ni _ ýIl ttc 'îes ihave bien filirt ait nlitns,. le sem, ceasif tise avent loves ceL totoc:d th.e d6uin of thCie a-xtoiy 7a spe tîrilsoetin cntnmie ci cea-es piacticaà i uînnthnianrae tha tialatter pns.t of te la ,t coetîsîY ~ hneSeutcte came forcis prétenti- ir' te hbave Otl -9 pavn, nmade pophc- c , -te cisapel haut ten hem toiser, anti 100ý 000 disciiales ramie lot aan lte leai' it. Abotde yeaa-s ieforu te limact et Cm-iArle' ton Ls vaa~s hem, anti isucouse forý1h, "titi .ter live yeans being, speech- lt-as, ncmiptg tise tradition, lie huateti Il-c siciP r'nO ult-i he tend anti preacis- e-J virtne cnt. accordiug te te syCi, liaig decea'tet, crr s recgit t o resurrec- The l.lDelyI.ic eracle dOceieovast multi- 77 :es ef peeplc tise Pythoeea.scated le ihc 'i n' le ei Apollo, utte!siisg a craam jet gon t on nacici tChupeople gîsesseti it ch iuciiaidnnl or national fortunes os' a na.ture tisat you coutO reat thons auy wa.rcou 0»antcd te reati them. A garerai co 'i'- atuarh te hartle censalitie té Iils -crale, cnd hte aate t Ce nt Out w-Luit er isE v-a gotcg te o e aen tic bcte or killet l triisle, anetChe an-wer cameo ote h frisasthe Deiptute cracle p is averds t hat ifyen p'ut tise cemm-a balisa-e te avid "neyer" se mucus one I'sicg anti if yen pett hu comas aftoe' tishe rd l".cer"it ineans unether thing jutCîoppesîte. Tise message trorn the Dclphic oracle te tise genurai avas, "ýGo toch, eturu ueser lu batieshsaît Cho prtat.-'If te avas Luied, tisat avas rtererdsug le Cita Delehiieoracle- if ie cane home sutcly. tisat wa according te the Del',hic oracle-,. tie,-its of Atuet t Augurîre. Se Cis cnet agr.ntesdecotvet he peepie. 'lie nrie-ts cf chose acgurics, by te figlat cf blrrs or by tise initonation etf toîsuter or hy thistsirle appearence et scars anteaai, teicî ttcfortunes or tass- fcmtiues et iedi-'iticals or nations. Tise sîhyis Cduee eittc people. Tisho v aivea-c snplaccl te hto cnspred waomnen acte liedOin cavec and mt avse rote tise sibyl- line bonize atturaeart-ptirchalsed by liar- quin te Pr,iut.Sa lace as tise yeam 1829 tmssanese lin uc orpreteuting Ce lic a ditvine bctng, anti playet his part se weil tat waeltlis' mecharnts Lucarne itis disciples andti tireaithirfretunes inco his kecping. .Andsd Sin PaIt eges here have hee eect-euaecise, incantations, witciscrafts. seacere, mugical arcs, un- cisantints, dia intons anti dlueiGes. Ttceue o et iotexts'as cely a 'speimn et thte-whict bssbeaerioruirinýg lunu'l iCgeeseofte waventNoue of hose delu- slans ucocomplished uny goeut. They de- eu-t, ttev per!7 'dthtie people, they avare as cruel us tise-yaveruabaurti. They openet ne iseeorirals, thev teaiet ne avoundsesy avipeti away ne leurs, chey But hoe are tiseaswvo say hat ail C-hoe delusieus coîî,banet are as netiang coninparet ait thtie deinsien note abmoad in huenrltec eluiîon of Chu Christ- ian religion. That del!usien tits te daLy 400,000,000 dupes. Tt proposes Ce enoirclu Cisc curth is th iles girdie. That aviicit iiue been coutil&a telesion hue already e-rrshatoevcthe Appalactisu range on Chia site etees.a-st ktics ecersiad oave tise Balkan aînt Carcasien ranges on tise otiser site ttc ea. le bas cenquemoti Ecg- tant andt hu United iStates. Titis chamn- pion ticlueloîs, tisaiox, Chia ewiîdle et thc cgee, as il has lieecalieti, bue gene forth te conqîser lise istuet et tise Pacific, tiand n t indtiMicroneslu anti Metayan Polynesia haliva aimeady sur- renderen to tise clusien. YTua. tc tas con- quoredth ie Itsdttsc ilrciripltgo anti Boîne, anti Stunatra anti Gelebes anti Java bave talienustnter its aile. Ie tise Fiji Islandse, ahure titere are 120,000 people, 102000 haveaelready become tise dupes eft tiis Christian religion. cnt if thinge go on as tbey are noav poing on ant iIf the influence cf Chis grpat ballei- ýciiatio ofethtie cgee cannot bu etopped, it aili swatioav tie globe. Suipposing thon hat Cbrlstienity is tise tlustion oethie' cunturie, as tome have pr)tonouneed ti II propose te show y6,ii acht atshue en au- coniplisheti by titis csmrti i llacy, thîs toux, tis aîi'indo cf tise cgee. ta onderfutir.ieomti.s Anti1in the first place I emamk tati hie talusica et tise Ciristýiainreligion huesumadeo acodeî-,nl raeesforsuatîen of '.tiîpin cisaacter I1aili go town Chu -tccf anychti-cla le Chilstcntiorn, anti nation etfte Christiae elg-oe There te as seucisdiffereu1cc seavenrisat i he uow anti whet tbc e ýacs as rIteen a roeuacutianectile. as heýtav;;ecu -a ove ced a culture, ce bîen daiiiy anti nigtt. Ta'ameudous Olusion I! Aasniral Famagut,. leeotfte Most ad- mire-i men'etftisa Americunavy, cerly Oecame a victim eft ciis Christian taIn-u sien, and,seated flot long hcfoeubie dcath ut Long Braech, teoavas- giving saine friends an uccott fbis erylite. Ho sai: "My ftCher avent eclown teLihehaif anà cedci toAc" rn urr's ruhi',1ýli, I ava a cabin hoy anti!entaleug avth hlm. 1 coult -sawcar liRe aau oli sali. »I ould garabein luevemy styleofetgaîcbling. I knewaval Chueawckedness thero waa t Chat tme abroati. Que day My father ci8aroti cvervbetivOnecofetChu catton except iryseîf anti locked tise door. RuHosatd: 'Diavid, what are voen poing te de? What arc yen poing teahu:?' 'Well,' 1 sait, 'fthCier, I arn poing te follbw ta c a.' 'Foliow Chu sue t i a aper ' iserable, dunken sailer, - 'koti anticu c'i bout thea avent ant 'iiac tf a tever Jta a foreigu aill net be liant. Iaili treadt Le quarterl teck anti command as yen do.' 'No, Daevid,' mny'ftciser seiti. -'No, D)aviti. A pe.rsan hat tas your piectpie. andi yeur bat habits aili neyer Imeadth equareer-- teck cr conimaui.', My fatr-ailtout enut thCie deer ai er hlm, ct I sait Ce tins: 'ITaili change. I wtlî nuvuer swaer agatei. 1I aVIl'ie-uer drte auin. I sytîl neer gamble caie.n andI, gentlemen, by ttcheetli fQed, 1f have kepltisbosé three coavaitDtibis 1lisse1, seen atter hat hucame a Chisie, ndt hut eid-ed my fate for lima an:,'i frertemicv.l" Anotter cnpîicu of tiisgroa itian delasion. 'Ihere pues S-sel et Tearsud on týorsubaek ai, funl gallop Wteritt geingf lio est~-ov Chrstians.11Be aare ne hett(r r play s)c-ll hue te staitîti and ,acin tte hàats nid ceate of the t adm ors ach ai-e nissacrieg Go l'e drn lt-cia gees tIre sa.-e min Thiis at is afoot. W hure ts a hoigîaguca Coing ou Cisc rend te Ostia te C.ie fojr Christ. 'Ietc rieti ta whl'p it ont ci hsm, îisey triedta cescame it eue cf hM, Cisy thossgisehy vontd piveu tinsenoýisqia et it by pettng litns nte a wMinoîci s5- t augeon, ati koepiugbiim ou amuiliditur, anti ceideineing h"in as a crimiesl. cnd tienyi'ag him a cloatk, anti bowinig t ta tenugitChu steet, bat theya'cenît net swc-al il eutoet ii, andt hey ceuit nul poucîit CoCtut t ic1, 5s ttey ttiiad Che snrgery oethlie e aned. t eue aumn- nmer ney in 16Luoacasdulicd-m tn-s tce -ightclc.liutýct a to 6 ,000 yeursraoettise acml's existence tootiuink- et. cajoled, du1aet by the CI-istian reli- gion. Ah,* Clart is te rema,,rkbla îhiug about Cthics t elc'aee ef Ctritiîaniiy; tn ocam- poers tiesa sre ageat iueelliacts. ttr te cîltcs, soculir andt reitgions, of Chie cent-iry togc-îher anti put a cote Ce Item us te which la Chu greaiese ibook i eer arittea, anti ty a large majoeity titcy aili env "Faadtise Lest." Wh aroto 'Pîtradieo Lost' "Onuetftise foots ac-; he behuavad intehie Bible, John Milteu. Benjamin Faknsu-rendurud ta tii duso ifvon înay jetigu from Chu hie- ter tis.t tearoto ce ThonisePainu e -, gieg tin tate estmey te "Age et Reason" lu manuscrhpl anti nover lut it go icte type, ant ii negatteravard in his oit tisys, "oft tiis Jesus et \Lazaretýi I ha,ývu te say hat Ciao systeunetmet-ais he luftt andthttcreligion te tas given us i- ,e tise busC thingse h aoitha ever s-'as or le likely Ce se;' Patrick !Rcnry. ueuele- tric champion ot liberty, ùeeetavb%,àby titis tietuson, se haiteuscys, "ite tetoc womrtt ail ttor books'put Cegether le tise Bible." Benrjain Rush, ttc lc3ating physllogi7t anti nuatoie.zt of ie. day, Che gresi mioticai eclentiet, wa isat ttiat say?ý "Tise oniy rue anti perfet' religion le Christianlty." Isaace Newton. tise leatiing philosopher'et hiesClese, 'chat dit hie say? Thut man, enrrentiering te tis delusion ef the Chtristian religion, crying out, "'!ie sublilîeat pitilosophy on1 cart le tise plleeopsy ofthtie gospel." Daviti Brewseter, unt tise pionunciation of avitose name every scientisi tise avent over un- cever ntie heutd, Davidi Brewstier saylng, "Oh. titis religion>lias been a great hligite Ce me, a very groat ltgtt allinsy tiea4."' Presitiont Tiios, te great Frecis states- mue, acknoeeging Chat ho prrcyod when hte amd, "I invoke thse Lord Ceod,ý ini avion I am gladtaCebelieve.", DavitI1 Livingstone, able Ce conquer! the liisln able te ceequer te penCher, chie te 'cd-' qeer te savago, Yt oCenqneruti by titis de4ssion, Chie ihalucination, this groGat sacndie ot tise cgee. sea isen tbeyc fiat him teadti iey flnt hlm on ies.kueus. William E. Gladistone, tise strunget Intel- lect in Englant, unable tare rsiet Chie chitnera, Chie faitacy. titis tIcluslon et te Chitian religion, avent Ce tiselieuse et Qed eceny Sabbutis andtieen aitise. invitation etfCite acer reati tseprayens teO tise peple. If Chose migitty intellects are overbonne py titis tileoWbut chance te Chere fer von anti for mot? U.utabiiity e Uof lves Beeldes hat, I have ineticed Ctbat iret rate nOdule cannet tectiepeetuti on for steutiiasiness in tise proclamation eftiheir sentiments. Gotte, a leuting scuptie, 10000 fathoms deeop. If infidehicy ant iIf athiteln anti if annihilatilon aire a reaility andi.Cthe Chri3tian re-ligion le a delusien give me the delusien. It le noteti hart Cie Phili'ppines wcere discoveret i n 1-526 anti fornsôlly anneýxet ta Spain in 150, nearly "10 yearFî tge. lu thoso 930 years of SpunIsis rulobut ici mites of rallway lias been -biullt Ith entire archipelago. Thât le char eerlu14c Oi Saata's way of rulila ber proy&ucol. BarenesaBuitett-Ccistts hue mest cèle- bratedti he 84th anniversary of te-r bu-Ch. Hler fortune (21,800,000) came Ce hem qulte unexpectetily rehen £8,yeut's et cge. froua lber grantifather, Coutte, tise bunker. BEitait'. aitue la EWypt Uii4er Dritiais mie tCisc etto)n crep of 8" >5 asdoublet, cmuiow amounits te OVes' 00,0OO0Opounds a year. Egype's CottoU Cpop 1s one of Great Brltaln'e £Ieope~a$tnc* o t h. Kilo e umtit. GLORJOUSVÈ_LUSIRN Rev. Dr. TralmaiFge Satirizes the Antlagonists of Ch-ristianity. The Great Prescher Depicts in a Vepy Unus usl Way.the Triunphis of the Gospel--A "Delusion" Wihich Overpomwers the Stronâest IntcIllects. no. In hie last heur he asks for Christean burlal and asks Chat they give him the sacraiment of ttca Lord Jesus Ch-rist. Why voit carnnt dep)eud( upea thiese first rate infidols; yQu cannt deend lupen their pnower te resist this great deluseen of Cbistiaiiity. Themnas Paue ee ged cf modern scptios. hie kjtithay celebrated ie New York and Boston with gi-eat eu- thusiasm-Thomas Painoe, the parag-on ef Bible hators; Thomas Paine, about avhom bis brother inifidel, Williaiù Carver, wroe in a letter whtch I have at my home, sayinjg Chat te tirank a quart of rum a dayan was ton mneau and tee' dishouest te pa-ýy for it, Thomlas Paine, the dord c? mdem iufldelity; Thonmas Paille, avhoïr stole anlotter m1ac's wife in ZRnglaiud'iandi ti her te hiscountry: T'homas 1 raine, who Wes te0 squalid andi se lnathsume andi se drunke,in,nd se pmfan cd -s be aarJy in bis habits, sometimes pliekedtio f the diûch. soe-e ti!reis toc ithy te bc ph-lied out; Tbhcilas Pene u ýold have theughte hat lhe coulti have bee de.pcudedý on for steuti- fastness against titis great delusion. But ne. in bis dyineg heurhe hegs lte Lord Jesuz- Christ for msrcy. Powuerful deli7 sien, al conouiaertnig neluston, earth- qua1,ing deluston cf ttc Citristian reli- gion. ICil gees on. Tt tasOeimpertin- entandir e s ovrbcrin, ttischimema. ehe great biict-i-7e rallerýies cf the avoriti, the od maýters anià the younig masters, it is nec sttsdedi until it tas conquered the music of the werld. Look eor lte prgram eof any meguificent musical fetve.l andsec avhat are cte gruat per- formne"eand edharn that the greatese ef _!1 thu suhieüts are seiglous subjects. Wl1_ nt was i Wl on 3ci0ovoites avero ac- cornpanied Nwit à ast number or instrul njts? I.'rael ir. Egypt." Tes, Booth- on deluieu until hou avro hehu tgt insst 1) major. Haydn deindeti with titareligion aoutil ho Wîote ie"C-ca- t1a5 * Handet eid Odunetil tecavrto tte oratorios of "Jc.phthtnh ' ueO "'l hher and IlS.snl"and I'a-ael in 1.g.p" n the "Jlessiah." Threc thousaud deludoti people singing of a delusiou Ce 8000 tIc ilLiàe.aecýerer. T ho cannibals in antisSea, te bush- mnen cfi er del Fue1go, ttheavilc me- ef -u1 rliputting doavu the kniç,es of rherr culvaud clotting heniselves in docen'. ai pare(l- 'rit neder the pe'v~er of thtdeinien.Ondon ïnO Urandi .4 cdr n~Ceatbo ca Wiliums and tIse 2,00 tofnnj the Ocme4s tuin- iug ha î bac-ks on home ced cilvilira t'eu and coasfort andi poing oct amiti the qnuzlor of heteeraisin te relieve it, te '-use te. te hlp t, olCilng until they dmcpped into their plaes, dyiua tvttk noe arthly- cemfnri about them acul g sug into graves avith uo apprepriatu epitaph vellnttey iiiiht'hale lïved Lu ttii colin- try ad lixcd for temh-selees and liveti luxurteusi-g and teriu ut latpet inte liE iaut sepulceeosWI.at a dlon! I ca, titis delusien ef the Ctmtstian re- ligion stows itseîf In thc face l'bat ite ges te tose avho are te trouble. Now, ite t lad eneî'gh te cheat a man wtcni ho is av dl andi when ho ts presperous; but his r. 1il on' ceoi-s te a mac w heu ho e ahik and csa: '.Yeou wili be aveu uqairs after awl-uic; you are gonug iet a land aviera tereae o1necougitsandi ue pleumisie and ne censuimptions cani uo lauguisit- ieg; "hokocourage ced bear up " Yea, tis aavfnl ctm-era of the gaspul cenes1 te tte poor, ant ite erys te theiu, IlYeu are on1 yor way ce vast esaes anti te divide-nds ulways deciarabl." - Cum.fot t. the 1eereaved. This delusie's of Christiauity cernes Ce ttc teret t, anti it tulks of icunien before the threne antiof. tte cessation cf al sornw. and Che, tu show hat tels de- luseon, w ill stop at ebsolutoiy uothiug,ite goees te tise dying- bed andi fille Chu man witt auticipations. Hew muethibetter it iveeld te te have him die aithout any more tope titan swiuo aed rats and- suakes I Sitvel hlme nuder. That is ail. Notine more left of hlm. nie will nover know aelythtug agate. Shevelbihlm under' Ttc seul is ouly a âluperier part et the body, anti aven tte bodiy disintegrates Chu seul disintegrates. Anuihilation, vacancy, cverlasting tianli, obliteration. Wby net preseni ail that beantiful. doc- trine Ce the dying instead ef cemaiug aviCl Chis toax, chis swiutile oetChu Christian religion, ant iltltiug ite dying man wlth anticipations ot anoiber Life1 uuti seume lunte lait heur have cllppedi Choir bauds, anti somc hav'e ehouteti, and soeinhlave surig, anti soine have heon seý oeermougt wth joy Chat thcy (couic] only lootîiectatiot Palace gates epening, ttoy tboughît-diamaund ceooets iait- ieg, tend3 beokonug, orchestras seunti- mng. Little chiltiren dyiug actually ho- lieving hey saw Choir dopai-Ced parents, se that, alebonugi Che littie chiltdrea tati heen se weak anti feehie ani slk Ccir weeks ttey couiti neCttrtuon their d1yheg pille w, at thse at. in a paroxysm af rupture uncontrollable, they sprang te their feet and shouteti: "Motter, eatch mue! I ans ceming 1" Andi te show teimmensity et Chis delusion, Cthis awf ut swintile of te gospel et .esus Chrisýt, 1 openi a ho.îpitel and I bring lote that teepital te cdoati betis et a great many Chîstian peoie, nti ake you by Che baud and 1 walk utp anti SPEAR POINTS. S arnad Pitisy Sayinzs From thes Jtam'a Hors Cotuffins. A cheap religion is a useles extrava- ganice. No sacrifice le bitter when e-weeened by love. The miestakre of Moses were matie la America. If our eyes were brîgliter, Che stars would be brimihter. le akes both grace anti grit te bear disappointment well, To protese Christ le a challenge ta the wavoneut a defense. A aise man's miscalces are ttc capital cf hie ex,ýpvrieuce. Dpoi ioniste mlnint Chat ceins aur celfo, is or theîr conuterfeits. Yoena ideai may- easily become your idol, tcubes yeux'ideal te Christ. Vice eiher bides or tiaws its sworti as -socen uqt eeshows lhem face. Vehever ki-oks-over a lie aill i nt a hpg bront af otihurs tidtng under ite "Toes-r teit uiran ."'lthat la sound doctrine; uer ieite tard te liveuup te. Theo m&e avio tan e geel etcut fa geeti bok airrcdy tas sonc gee i inu im. iVol1 muse, have bot wisnom -and knowl- etiPe te os nuchbenefit eue cf eti tier. dav. Ttiecoeironet tint e of crîr.l gîer is' thceue who gives nething Lbat good adeico. When ave caunel dc as ave wald, it will smeeeh the jolis tc e ho liOg va do as ave siteulti. The ex standing idl e ite sbade bas more rouble aviels Cheflics Cl-an tisece wuearing the yolke. Onuetrou.bleavtth tce'1 is Chat Chere are se maey people iu il haViti Coulent te drift dc ce su,-cdu,ý Feav et us gaie hi ' C-th t-l'O --a f otters, tut'te e tat a ste ha-,ftr gy -i s own mistatte vili sean bte hnukrajCte kuowledge. ltaiIwayi- 'leof ch.,a ,îi In a recent issue et Amatie furai Ue- bahuavesen ta publisheri an aununel, tftes- iai table etfte caliroads etfte Weî-l , e few etfte figures eofaviicit will bhosen- teresling. '£lie total lengt cof -ailroaê e inte aceriti ameunteO inleI1S97 Ce 454,730 miles, ant in lecfiveyeumefroua 18q3 te 1897 thu Ctal ncase wr...34,485 miles or 8.9 pcr cent. Ttc samne yoam Che total lenigth etf railmeat irluk te imiteti States axas 184,278 miles, an iucruase in O-ve yeams cf 3.6 per cent Nort uedSouih Amrin nd nî te Wes-Indie Islandseare creditetiwitit hovor cue-haît et ttc total mileage os- 236,218 miles. Next te te 'Utedt States ecnong the great rations is te Germais Empire, witit a total cf 99,880 mite, andti Cscufeiloave Fraut-., aitit 25,073 miles, -Russie wîth 25,003 miles, utoiîgit.if ave mclude te'ireas- -Caspiau district et Russasanti Siberi., Russia avoulti coeahird with a tetal et 28,302 miles, Fellowie1g France anti Rue- ,si are Grat, rBttaie anti Imelanti, 21,39)0 enlies; Brillih indue, 21,000 miles; Aus- tria-Iiuüngary. 20,008 miles; Britisht North Auincrîcu, 16,.84 miles, ICaly. 9 714 miles, andtinCe Argentine Repcthlic, 9,422 miles. Beigium liacs Chu lrgest amotne et railreat in compzarl"Ou vilis ita total aiea, the anoune baing'a2.2 miles for cacis square milcetfamen. ha comparicg tise countries hy tise iengct etf tailroad compameti wit thCie ameut cf population that Chey serve, ave UindtCat te coleny et South Austra- lia stands first aitit 52.3 miles fer ercit 10,000 peonple, thîsiosuil, cf ceurse, being due Ce tise comparative eparsenesa cf Chu pepslaien In CheUnieted SSlates ticre ati, 28 miles tCe acis 10,000,lihabitaurs. In Cee more denseiy pepulatet districts et Europe Chu figures tati cen-diderabiy, Ger-- ieany having 5.2 xmiles for- cacis10.0'0 people. The susalli i'sease et 3.6 per catnt, ln the total mikcaga for te United S,.tates le due te tise tact Chat Cisc yeas 1893 anti 1897 Were aîng Cisclease solive in ails-ati construction in thbistt- tnr-y eoftecounnery.thu pruviona decatie haviug beau onuet extaortinary in- creuse, over 12,000tues or more titan haIt the presehte otai 'leupithetfrnilreati le Oro at Brita, haviug ben builitla a single yeasl. s'oon '",.edtii. Pieture. lTe paîneter lHcwýkmns, aC 20 1 eare o. age, was ttc ,centre of acclamation, hut ai te close et hie lite hoie isdescributias havlng lived in 19a6fool*epardîse, content with himsett and ti ten rg ou Chu uptpy prais tie tati aven. Tise misabiet ley in te tact tisat ho was an excellentiboon cemapanion., - 1 11 On une accasen ho was asicet by a Mr. Auk:ers, a member et Parliameut, tea a- emipaniy hum anti one or Cwe others te Parles.tise test pramising te givo hlm a boliday anti pay ail his expenres. Haivicîns objecteti. I'm busy on a pictuire. " saiti te, "anti I want Ce finish ît fo>r exhibietin." "Neyer mmiitd hat," retunend Acicurs. "Brlng it witis yen anti paint it taie." 1[awk1ns yileet,, aslte clwavs tilt in tise ent,£anthie picture was Dut ie tise carnagne. As tey were triving aleng What does it do? Lt causes the oïl gj S ia the skin to become 1-ýý- cltive, mrnifg the hair sor 'and glossy, precisely as nature iazended. Lt clce-lses the scalp from baldmess. lation itn the scalp aad stops eht haï ron-c)-m ngo u t. ~jsurely mk aï rwon balci heads, providecl '!only ~there is any ife remaln- ing i t he haïr bu!bs. Lt restares color to gray or white haïr. Lt dc2 not do tbis in a moment, aIs wvïfl a haïr dye; but in a short dtie the gray color of ae gradually cisap- per nd the darker color cfyuhtakes uts place. Would you iiike a copy Sof our book on the Hair anýd Scalp? Lt is frc. If i-eu ct i tl cti nnr't 15t- heite you exii-ted tront thi of t1w itaVtur W-rite 10e Dortor a1n ý A i'des , DEJ.il - r Coroniun, a chieaical etaiett iitherta fouet oety iay spee'roscepic exaîcisi' tien In tisa surfs nrna, tas heeana fouiti- liT Prof. Fasini tentise gases given eil by Mount Vesuvies. It ies sutacýed ta Cebd muet Ilgitter Chuthytroî,su. Tnt est-a ncs -tc 1seas the tel( 1- etO n rj--'.ce ta fcm par~~~~~~ .ici actirnlu ot lise osLis cf. rU 1r.r-ýs :!'s Imies -i a nay Pn in t-lejnte7~, - r-r.ts, iau e ac- la 184,5 a à C-ii, ile t or tar W e tn'n ocii re- is te togee -ttt wec. îeilet i tlbhn yGepectaJhn T ilr, avile brucset te sanec ua'es Ltla HA Ion a rystens et musical Ctele- Are prepared from Na. ture&s mild laxatives, and while gentie are reliable and efficient. They. Cure -uSick Headache, 1Bil. iousmess, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold every--tvhere, 250C. per box.' Fropaxcti iy C.I.Hoocd &C.Lwta i~'lV LABELS. secütio)ns. Cali ttti MA L R.W. JAMIES. IR. F. liES ase openiite Nesw centra Livery tîcarti- opposite tise Standard Birk> ft N'îi l tale-, fe l-clie Iha$s afine lt ofetSicigla end Catie rtiegei, Democrats, IWagolis, t e.- for tireA. Good ilorses anid Ca refui Drivers. Ni, i a fin0 ûwoe.. T'alepisove No 23. Calts dayý,,f1,nýý U )r i)ty atte idut Os op. LT- N adie one ae mae o u1fîrîea ayi'É'afat ihat 19desMahn 11i

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