Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1899, p. 2

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Thio GanadiaiùSaeslau in Egiti Page, Foniy-igt't Col uma Nswspaper, EVERY MWEDN>ESD)AYMONIG AT 111E OFFICE 26 STATESNAN BLOGK, KIN G STâZEET BOWMANVILLE, ONeT., BY M. A. JAMIES, Editor & Proprietor. S;uscrseipiîssîiý1.50 per annanm, or $100 if paiS gtiiilyinluadvance. - ADVERTISING RATES Transient Advstisîng. Teis Cents per Lune finsi insertioni Fis-e Centse per Linse ach eut- sequent insertions. CONTRACT RATIES. TIMES INSERTEn., ~~-iliiîtu......115.1h 3ets mts 1iN. 1h iii Couluîs.......13 On 26 40 60 4usst- Coluimîs.....8 00 16 26 40 ElgishtisCoiumn -........lOtiniti 16 26 T wsniy-sive Linse...4 50 9 12 , 1 Twenty Lits-s......4 00 6 8 13 Fitfteen Lines......3 50 5 7 50 12 Ten Linies.........250 4 50 6 50 il FiveLUns.......1 251 850 6 110 The above are contract rates, and appiy unly to regular business adxertisers, Cýhanges of coitract advertisements must be lddlun ot later-that one o'ciuck on Saturday -tins rmie wili bc strictly enforcetd. Paragraph adverýtisemenie amgnirtewýs items 10e a hnee aeb iinsertion. Birtlis, 25c; Méaî nages and Deathe;, 50c. Displayed advertiseînents are measureel by a ucalie of slijd nonpayeil and so charged. Orders tor diseotinulnz advertisements muet be in writirîg. otherwisee the publieber w iiifot be resDonsible.- No paper wili ce stoppsd until ail arrearages are paîid, excepi at the option of the publisher. A potet office notie to discontinue je not sufficient, Doule reguiar rates are cbarged dning Me, - x April and May and October, November ad .s fe'ember for display advertising nt con- tracied for ity the year, Business notices lu local or news cUumns first inrsertion 10 cents per jine Nonpareili 5 cents per lins each subsequent insertion. Notices0f meet- lgs of any km S at whlch an admission feP is bargsd or acollection Istaketimust bepaid for, Al communicationiýslshoulid be addressed, M. A. JAMES, B)w.manville, Ont. jJjARRIAGE TAC EN qES,,-M. A. JAkàiE,s asuer of Matrriage Licenses. Residene :Centre treet. A. E. MoLADO fiLIN, Barister,' Solicitor and Conveyancsr. Office:- lileakley Block, King street, Bowmanvilii. Md "ss y te ioan at reas onable rates. 48 lyr, C on ood mort- page security at niederate rates of interset, A. E . McL.Âuonnns ,'ýolicitor,Be-emailvitueOt. 16 -6m. OR. J. C. MIITCHELL, qEM BEit 0F COLTEGEOF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coronsmr, etc, F sidence. Ptnniskillen. 74 Gentlemen's, Clothes made to Ordlër. D. BURKE SIMlPSON, A33 ,;TR SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOK, up-staiif, KingStreet, Bowman VIlle. Soicîtor for the Ontario Bank. PrIvate moneVs ioaned ai lowest rates. RtOBlERT YOUNG,, y, 8. FOFICE IN WEST DUEl-AM NEWS Block, whers iimpesitor its assistanit wili be tnund fr om 5 a. ni. te p. M. Nighti cailieai, reseece,îlreeiyoppsie lnOSii.Cails by tel eeraph or tecthn will essies prompt at- tention. 17t - yr. C. ETARNDEN, LDP.S. Graduis of tihe tqyai Colic.ge of Dental Sui geons Ontario OFLICE.-Opposite Express Olice. VITALIZED AItR ONTARÏ1O1BA NRK continues to do a Geanerai Banklng Business at Bowunanvifls Agency. DEPOSITS receiv-d n Savinge Bank Depanimeut aud interest alowed at curetît rates. Notice of withdnawai nul nscessary. Alil dposi Ls pay able cn demand >]EXCHANGE BongIs a nd suid and Drafts issueS upon Europe U ni ed Sates and Canada, also Goid, Silver aiud Unied Sates Greentacks bougbt and sold COLLECTIONS P rompty m,,a e urresit raresuoai parts of real<t Bi-in,,thbe Un.teilStSiat es' anS It e Do- TeIegraph Transfers Made for large or smali saute on ail parts of Canada. Titis is speciaiiy advartageonusit pen- sons living iii Manitoba or the North-West, lt suakes thse tunds availabis at once aitte place of payment. For other narticuiers eail aVtte batik. A. J. MCCLIEýLA.Â, G. McGILL, Accouiaft Managqer Str. Garden City.1 Whttby ta TORONTO, EYERY 14ONDAY AND FRIDAY s-brou--out th.e-a-se,. will las-e, NEWCASTLE -- 6.30 a.ni. BOXs-I-A XVILLE -- -7.00 OSHiW~ -800 WH1TaI--------------Si45 Spes L itesstsol gis-en te thse hatsline- cf Fret-pi . r Tic!!ýkets ansd Imfurnatiouî appîy te MARlY CNN, i 1h0E5..Ni'N Agn.]Iwnuvilie. TV arge, Toonto Pen - CSSe' Wbaf, enU - o.Tl feJWITI-. 1Ltchi n. Buning Ts ore ofe-a " !,zoma o 'th ion e È'I one f ts rs ec ted br. yll-i'- Dr. Chitlet asa successftsl ln preducîug a p rfct ec. Mtr. James Sctt, 136 Wnigb Ae Toronto, YIaes:, y boy Toe-n.a' >I(l ,n, wcs for, nmsus y ibrea c ass cfliied wîtlî a 1 ad tons ut Ercema ef tise scalp, wbicis s an vr-v unsigisily an es sit(jd cii sunds etftr lies cii doctor's treatment. Mii h-ici secsina tesrible stase. W e hadho keep tins trin sc siol, and ut tînes bs hcaS xx ul i bleed, anS tisa chiS weuld amn i.wi'isageny. For tsio and a Isaf yeara sic ba-S usish it le van, but ai luitt ounuSa cue iDr. Cisis Ointrse x. About fOve boxes, wcrc useS. Tise original sores dried up, lest ing lIes Silin b ts normsal condition. To say lu s a pes-uce to testity te tise wondertul merlus ot Dr. Chaîna Osumeut le puîding it vesy r.ilhly.' Dr. Csies Ountment, et ail dealers, or Erimanson, Bat-s & Co, Toronto. B'OWMIANVILLE, AUG. 9, 189. DR. BPOWN'IS LETTER. FR031i FAn AWAY K LOIaNDN. Mns. '(Dr.) Brown his ecoivcd (thel çfahbowing iatercstiag l .etton froin lber huebanti, who bas nowreacbetiDaw son, s-la. theEtimonton route. Thue lelter was roceis-ed on Mondsa moru- Spring Camp, N. W.* T., My 9. May is Oelf gonûe and ticliiwc arc!n tOh idtiso f wintor. Wbien I lest wrote I was ni a place tho minons eaul Xiîîd City-, on XinS Ris-or, the second lanige branch cf the Peel West of GoaS Hlope ris.er, WiaS, ciîy le about four miles fhem thc Pool anS a ur location was thon lat., 65.4 O, aS long., 131.50. XVe knew thon w-bore we us-cre, but 110W WO do nal, but arc samewhene so uth of WinS City, acrose huii ocky Mountains. I bad witis m.3 a cyclo- meter maSo ýy the Standlard Wateh Ca. of New York, ushich. I alla cOoS ta a 28- iacis wbeel 1 maSo andi was tisas able te tell the distance belus-en cach camup, brans \Vinti City to Ibis piacp. Bonnet Plain Face, Freithe umonîn ofWind, river caon be seen tbe summit of the Mo'w (laisa ant lOchgrent diviSe, or pacc, us-iicO use, naineS "Bonnetlaun Face,' iu bonon efth1e aid Indien usho took the flms1 pariy cf fis-eamen 10 lise ps lest fail. The pass is anc bundreci anS sixty-nine miles os-en whicb we baS la 5maw our goods an slciglss. - Wc, came ha a smali ris-or wbich we narnod the" .Pace ris-or, which firet ran east anS Ilion.southeaci, anti s-ue re nos, localeS il ruas seatiiwesl, so tlhah we 3are reaihy isol sery fer from.Wiutd City. I O as-e haken a correct mnp oethtie river as us-cpasseS broin point 10 point, pfton gaing es-en the saiepart cf tOc ris-on one Sozea limes. As ibere bas nover been auy. sur-e" of tbis section, mus- map le, 1 arn sure, tOc besl. I. beve,too,tOe honur oh hoiisg anc eftlie firet party af minore eoming ho tise Yukon by way of the Pool anS Stewart ris-eisis >Ait Sprng Camp are fine suipher springe. Wo uvere comipeliedti o cone Sawn tbe ris-en lOis distance freintise pasefit ontier ta gel hmmbe3r for bont buildinig, asudl sufflciont uvater to ho sale, la t10le spriuig. There are oigbly-four mon Ocre ready te make a starl as soon as the ris-or is open safficient, ta letics Sawn, wbea twcnly-sc',en boats us.ill beave for thc Yukonu. It le eurprising tOc fine scowv s-hicis las-e loeen bilt home. Tbey ane maSe, fret chase ai- Iboughbuailt bu tise heart cf the Rock les with s-ery ftow bols, anS in cerne cases nos nails. Scarcils- of GoiS. The Pool anS ail ils branches were prospccteti on, but Ihere usas scarcoly a color scenê iaInis-place. At tise Wind many haies were t-tiO ta bedmaci w-iIh no reslt anti mani cf the haies were tweaty feel deep. We are Sale ln con- ciuding t home is no goiS ou 1he Poli and tribuîeries. Ve c-i our last lottere out on Dec. 29t0, (wviici by the, wav, bas-e net reacet îattorti yet) and atter werking lhec Oorses for, about three anti a haîf months, wus-e acised lOi's point tireS of berce bile, anS I cen a ssure yoaus-e were ginS in. Il uvas a terrible winhen's uvork. EacOi man coiti oaly draus-about 15-j 10e. .o the ionS, wbea use first started, 1but tnee this point uves reaced double the antaunt could be Smawvn. Our parly usuauil s.- hock 25,)1 bs. ho t!-,, o io, going eIlgsnt miles lbaSeS anS cigish mpt FOR OVER FLeIr Y- s-RS. Mns.î iuslus .ootiî;.gSyrup f.aieeenuseS by tii u î t ustiseu s tforltin chltjhdn wbiii tsitsiu. I oltunsedati dAlt anSdhroken oi yonrJI n-tb r li eild sufe-itsg ndScryjii v--Is 10î-. s< î~i..r'etsend 9aI tue arid get aistiilîlaWslo-' SoothisiiaSytup fin Ctsdiu l -i Iig. il l elievs tisepso-, SMrs. iils- Seismî yrup for ehilb - ptysî<-asîî aS ura as te UndieS :as Frcs2§- bud. oi t al rugiisIlro < s e-achi day andlha Ve madle as miauvas twenity miles per day. Cold Weather. The weather wvas cxtremelv cold ai. ýwinýter, thie themometer runaing ai- m'ost coinuilaýiy betwveen ;;0)and 5 below zero). Tecoldest 1nght wa l'el),91b, wben ÈIt as6 below on tde, trail and 68 at -Wiuid Ciy Notinn of the readers o f thlis article h1-ave siepi in a tent with the hromtrat it below zero; if tbey Lîa\e, r, 1I0 dubJt tble' fouA it was not very stliry Iý the ie I assarcely ever cod id m seein bag. We moved aur lt 'and cawp outfit eleven1 miles on F1cb. 101h, vit- the glass alàI 5 ee n xeine no trouble ns long a S there was nc wind, but if there was a indit was extremely cuttin 'L', lu fctmor jnoýs would freeze ila a cw inut'es J froze my fingers oniv onc-e and titat was go- ing about twenly' vrodls for a -,ail of wi.ter and I had good woolen mtson loo., Witid river was well named for there was scamcely a day, that we had nol wind, often having 'c stay in camp on its accoant and Yet with ail the coid there was scarcely an overceal worn aisl winter. Ineyer had mine on, býut 1 had a very- lighl unlined caribounini cuat whi'cli was presented to me bv lie. Stringer of Fort MePherson anýd -wbicl weighled anIs- three poands. Tlis w-ai light as iveil as warm. and answem ail, purponesý. Many of the iniers boug-ht coatsi of tbis kind frcrin the Indians. Cari you fancv Indians sleep- ing out by a camp fire wihno) lent and only one single blanket in ibis extreme rold ? By thue lime this reaches civilîza- tuit it wili be bot weather and you ca1n realize how extremeiy cold il le here. One eveninz wIle Il, inîglaur tenDts ,we feit three verY seere sbcksoff au earthquake. The Mail Arrives>- On .January l7th the Inidians retarned froin Fort MecPherson with the mail and I vwas fortunate la gctting qaite a nmber oft lettersý, some written la April and tht- last was writtea about july ist. We do miüt gel any papers from civi.liza- tien and so know notising. of what is g-oing 011. The ouly man severely froz- ea during the winter was Ed. A. Harris of Hamilton. 1 did not se hlm, but was told that hie may loe one or both feet or possibiy a few tocs. Hie was un- fortunahe la having scaurvy and started oui with bis party as sioon as he couid. HIe got into the river one day and baS t0 walk ses-ca miles to camp ; the wcatber was very cold an I the resait was tisai bob bis feetwere badly frozen, S c'urvy attacked severml of the miners anS 1Ilbad a chance ho shady its action prett carefullv. Somne camps had, il wbere ',here was plenty of food, es-en vcg-etables, and some where tisev scarce- 1 had a pounid of pork ho ont. Some of tho. cpses were those who baS taken Ente jWaie froîn one ta four times aý dav reuý arlN for ses-oral weeks nd ila fact tne worst-case was tisat of a man who'1 drank more lioe juice than an Vothe(-r man in 'viad City. My oi ifromn observa ution.s during the wluri)ti ilata tisorae two pîrpventatives or cures niecesssir\ iiia countrv like this wbere w-e cannot gel proper care or treatmeni viz. : fresli meat and oui door exercise. ilese two are indispensible and acces- sury. I1 would prefer fresh meat Adiet 10 uit the lime juice 1 could gel, but out-Solor exercise is absolutcely neess, ary. The great troublewiith the food bere-, is tisat mach ut it ba s bce'en a, ye:rarsud a baif on the road, 13 ing iii a boat withI usually au incb or two of wat,rrn la l boltom, or probably il bas baS a ducking la the.river or iii min, and is far fro(m beiîsg frcsb, a good qeal of the nouiit,,- ment beiueL out of il. One mande witb scurvy afier we leftWýlind Cit'y and tbree or four others weýre ,very h ii îhtý il Dr. Mason was reimai.îng, there- atieading hto tise blck aud thie Indians were sent-dowa with plenty of f resb ment aI the yery carliesi possibl e daýte, se thai I ho1aî aothing serions Lias rosulted frorn the vcry fatal Sisease. Herds of Caribou, Tbousands of Caribou. Thsis ceorne ieeagea;n u thhll ie eeL a ame btIi o-ln taea ot a îta abîlelafc off te kilti duil limeý have imme'nse iorns, Thvee caribou every siinadiew eues row bh seem itaow aimostlko ubrms Tb ey are cas-oreS at fisîwilbacaig huke s-ivet, aid 11Y nnbrc'f Ibeun eau' be fouýnd on 10 monîans -A man eCau onýt aboutfi-epouInds cf t!ue mealil s-,ecials if tr ililg ho saxo ollur gub.Aflor eating ili one feels bis h ah full, anS aettiseanio. lime bans aIuarcras-ingla 'ite svshom Wo al sem o cave foýrse tb swee, sgarparti cular, aud mans- n liime ,s ci anS tell wbat we shall ord- or for car first mialwbca we rondO the lanS cfI pleins-. We shail nover go back- on cet-hî ou, bowever, for the ment is Seliclioais- tender. There aure alc moose anS bear borue. We are bopiuugl ho corne across a good 'fat c-izzlv, and gel corne fat ns our stock is low, 1 usenh cut buntiag for aine Sas, and it was hi-c bardesi work I evqes id. Tise snow w-ns about four foot deep, ansi car saow chocs w-oulds cii about luso foot eeru stop, and if anc feulu le couîd scarcely gel up. Two of us buntesi for -Iirty de3 s, after we crosseS tbe Siside and secured aniy lbrce caribou, ascth ey secm te bave lefI Ibis section cf the nucuntains. The bears home are cfim- monse, size. Dm. SioanameasureS 'a te-ack, whicb was ton aad a baif luches side by seventeen long, andShIb 1m ans say Iber usigb sametinues sixteon bundred pande. These are the kind Ibal minore -want for food. AItlite sum-, mil of the pase were two large trocs, wbicbnune cf tise minore made int lob- sticks. critwbich w-e inscribed our us mes sud the Sale. Thc lasI mantb we were drawiîîg goads un thé river -e alteIn baSOunr foot wot malst of td as-, the cause being that the rs-rwould ofteea freoze in places te thbe botlom, anS tOcý wator wauld burstt hlroagh cracks lui the ice and overflow for miles. This le whal accouaIts for the tbickness of the ice, as Ibis continues to os-crflow ail winîer anS freezes êehcbniglil Surng tbe coidest weatber. This os-erflow usas of great benefilta bbth minore, ne il coserel 1the cxow con 1he river anud ma-le rawing boîter. The snaow wae very deep bore Ibis winîer. A man coulti nol go ton rade witbaul suc i shoos Often thc ice is lOin on the river which makes il dangemouq. One of tbe mennuvent tbrough 1he ice wbere il was very Seep, anS-d came ncarly going un- der. I tbîak we bave usaliteS about fit- boen buadred miles tOi-i wiuîer, allen in deep snow or la walcr, anS bai-f the limie drawiao- a beavy lad. Wc passeS nbunaing mauntaîn, wiîici) bas been smoking fer thc pasthiuîdred %-bars, accordiug 10 lite InSian. We are nows on Ibe wetciSc cf tise 1RockY Mounit- aine on s0111 streani, bul us-e do usot kaow ifs anme, but rbink il le a branch of tOe Stewart, I got sua lime April 1510, by hnking a lino aetithe north star the pros louemiglt, and wbea 10e sun crosses the hure il is exqcîlv iwelve, o'cioclî. Mnny of the meu makifiJg lis trip bought chenu) five dollar wsttcheso. and befoeethey weotbmee nonîbe from home îboy baS ail g-coe ron.- anS stopped, 1 bouzht n good caise fromn Mr~ Joues, of Strbtfor d, and il îe firal ciase, anS le about the oniy waich lnanl thse camp. I 1egan Ibis letter n fess daîs ago but car-sot finS flîne t,)Write long ai aàiîne. his leQucenVitra birtàdau-. Xeunda0àstart dowa 10el ris-or two da.ys go andbas-e cainpeS lwvenîy miles dou-to wail for lite ice ho g-o down. We b:)ave( once more reach- eSI thai lime of thec year w-bon thero le rno ig-bi. Iissery imach more pieas- nulI lima tose isauni days cf darkrîess when 10 te suin nover shone. Il makes me feel saS l caî lti Ipeniod af 1he 3ecar - TOc griound Oas been cas-ceS wti îuwsiceSpt. 201h, soes-ou nas- imagine bow ireS we are cf winîer, antd the sîr 'angest hing of ail is Ibat wbile ond& le ehaseiing, out saow ta piIîch ltelent, the mesquitoos are faiî-hy eaiinghlm ia'p. ,T'bey are indeed hardy feIleWs up Ocre, and we are oxpecîing a griet -ofithora Ibis sumamer. There are plcuty of quartz ia these mauntains but eo far we bas-e nol ceen, any goiti. Some cf the mon picked up some iron ore, which-wasè very white, and lbought îbcy baS a sis-en mine, la came of the quartz Ibere li soaiIran, anS coppor, anS we hope there may be gold' lor Sown. The lakes luere are sXnail, about anc mnile acrose and tbrce or four'long. II are preIy duiop, The riveýr bobow [ts ail aewtlaIuS, lut wbleawMermebr tbat fro)m bore le- St., Micba-el', a dist- ance cf tuso thaucand milesi here le juct ttc saute fail as te FVort MePhere,,on, a distance of lwo, thausanti miles plus flftY leet, wvbîcOFort lMePhercon is above the cea le-ch, thile tact muet nmake the sîneain slow from, Ocre leo Daison Cils-. 0f course lucre 4eyho orne -A CARDL. We, the udriad ohrb ge tore in tOhe cuyon a iweîsty fis-e ifaller usissg roffurhs c ontenstc oi bondie, thty do nol relies-e cotîstipa- swift spots, but we shaijtake great-came la going down a strange stream. Go Some, Other Wav. A groat deal could b)e said about the stamp of mauu b corne toIbis c'-ounLrv and the batek door route. I sajpoce there is a grist of foolisb mo,,n on the same back doar route again thls ear. Ail I1shall bave epace 10 say rearding il bore le thal it le recommended by mca wbo know aotbing about it or wbho do se. Jusl for tbe salie of bringing the- miners to buy goods froni t0cm. Il' is simpîs eui, of the question entireiy. Think of the work frein MePhereon alone, seveiity tinys trackiug hbonte up the Peel, ani niattv-ses-cu des-s diaw iig lede luesu sl. oded froraîtOc Peel to tais side of lte moantains. Think of May 2410 anîd the ground stli cover. eS with saow, of sleeping ina a lent sixty, below zero, and wisel-v decide la go corne other way or-stay aI home. Eniosoti with ibis ivas a bncie of a more reccal date, wrihten from Dawson City, where Dr. Brown arriveS an Juno, 5t0. Iloïiest Adylce Fre o tenc. The CANADIAN S-rATESAIAN iS roquiesh- cd 10 publisis thc fo1howiuir.:Alimens who are tiers-oas antid eoiiih-d'or wbo are suffening t-onu any of tise varions troubles nesul;igfroiu os- orsok, cx- ces or vaulhful cru-cis, are nusare thal inel medical li-sal-eîen o cure these conditions cannol ho reÎieS upois. Mr. Grahams, a resident of London, Ont.,lis-îng et,4'71,liicitmeîd St.. us-as for'n long lime a siufferer froin above troubles anS afler tms inz in. vain mnen ads-ertised rýemedieP, olecîrie belle, etc' became aimoci eutirely diiecouaraged auS hopelese. Finali ie. ho nfided lu an olS Clergyman who Sirecteil hlm 10 nus eminejnt and reliabie 1.03 slcianl, tbrougoh wboeusilb treatmelit s speedy anS perfect cure uý7,s-asoblained. Kut' wing la bis sorroux' thtat so nîanyv poor sufforere nr-c being- ups d uoi by uncrupulotis quneke, Mv- Grahsam coîtiders il hie date ta g- ihsfeilow men ttise benefil cf lis -expeuince anSd assisi liuem 10 sa curebus iitfoi-iiag amsy- amie usha will uu'ite 10 hlii stbrict con- fidence wbere 10 hoe cureS. No allen, lion cau ho gis. cnita lisose writing oi of moto euriouftî but at one wlîo neaiiy tîcode a cure is adiused ta ad dresà Mr. Grabham as aboc-e. il-hf. MCCLURE'S MAGA7INE for Anguel, wibO ils special coeor Sosig-neS by W\iil I. Lous-,ils profu-sion of beautiful pic- turcs, its haif Sozen excellert sîcies, anS' its othor iitterestisg- coisîibutions, le a number t10 allure ione out ofaInv degreeofe midsum mer fiidSfference. The S. 8l. MCCLURE Co , 141-15 Easst 25thl Street, Neus- York City. r7 ýDis. A. W. CHASES -CATARBIl CURE.. la seut direct tu tue diseesed parts ty tse Tiproved nuower. Heals tec ea, cieanstaier jpessages, stops'droppinga lu tte Lbmuet anS pcrmananîuly cure% Cataris aud S-ay Feven. Blcwcr fe.Ali dealerscmrtDr. A. W. Chase Medîiie Co.. Torante anS nuiffalo NEWCASTLE. VisItors:-Mr Chas M[abee anS.w-île csf odessa ai Mr.Il(,s, bI. CiArlks: Sir. Chas. hl~o f Crodut VFonks al Mr. 1, SaîîorSs;~v 'P . C. Bell at Mr. J Rîcie- hrd'.; Mrs. Hyaai Mrs. M rCrys;M~ Fl' i MeFar-qiitar otGuelphi et Mr. ViH. l>enrce's; Mme. Strocusger cf Toonuto witb <lS frieju(s inbutowvn; Mr.Sinsuel Hanter et Tosronto Pt home; Mr. Stan- ley Uglous-of .Port Hope ah ishiborne; Mr. W. R. Douglas of tise S.B3. ChinaS- ion, Son) and Co , anS bis finaS Mr. A. J Cheuryn (f thf1e Causadian(oea Eloctrie Ca , Toronto,' sieni a feus- siys inu fIaydon hast %wee[i . .. Mme. S. MeCos- intends loasing for Las Ausgele.s, Cali, in about a mnoath 10 reside with lier sout ... lies-.'. J. Edmison, B. A.. drove tPeterbemo on Mortdny 10o spend a fews lax c witb old fmueîd-s lucre.. About -21 s. uug people spont n, vers- pleasanit e,,cling at Mr Johtn Rickard's ouiWed- nele d as.- ss-ek....- Notices ins-itiîsg tens Seors tam tbe centraci cf carrý in,- the mail betw-een Newcastle anS Uono, Leslkard and Iirby arc niow on... re. Wm.Rickard bas recels-eSa fille (,il painting ofliser graad-daugliter, frein Las Angeles, Col. It's n beauty Th1e Great Eaagss Remedt-. -~SoiS anS recommnended by al d ruggista In Canada. Only reli. -aille medicine discovered. Sixe lei _aclszges gu4rIuPtoed to cuire ail r.orms 0f Sexuail4Weakness, all effecis of abuse or ezces, Menta Worry, Exceýssive use <>1 To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Maiîed on recelpt «!price, one package $1, six, $5. Ont isifilpfeeee, sznEcr.Pamphlets ires toany address. Sit uy ligginbotims& Soul; one )by J. ti la n; Ncewcastle isy Dr Farne-,mise. Th e Nation's Hôliday!f 1899 Canada'sEXPOS'ITION AND IN 1DUSTRIAýýL FAIR TORONTO Aug. 28 toSept. 9, '99 AL.L UP-TO-DATE ATTRACTON PROGRESS OF THE CENTURY Iilu-,traeeînlathe Womhd's Inv.entonse- Xireles-s Teiograpliy. Wimohe.-s Telipbonimug, lu-prom-ciiX a. FANIIS ENiLISiI Al IifRiICAN IATILES DEP1IUT1ED Tise Bu-st Fuir. _D e Clieis1e-ut Fat:r. Tise Groatesr Aniîual PsuLn on Puls ENTRIES CLOSE AUJG. 5th., Exu -on nAL INES ofi., -RpàvE:L Seine yearsaigo tibis wonIld Ihave texucon-. sidereun iirnpossýillity, but Dr. CrG ag sols-eS tise poinsaie e etis us. perimens sit.tishne rfiTSapisuit la Englaiid. tii}e-censsse. 193,Le foulid, ibat by ccmnin hg extrade rou 1lte Kolia e-it otisnerras ad r tisýe it. dota tant M, ticis groin(SIu'Cailfonnîs.ta tise <coWpouiid weulc cue, tiseseverest oneS oi- tîse lea llng hnoale o a - E founîl tisert 95per ceu,. ut tiseu-s su-s Slîsce tise itidsliis s is s'(1- y Jlu -aiauin 11215 o rissue ec, rs-Ot> asacninîS d-jCa seJ;, ion'.-Mr. 1R. N. lun.C. P. Il. cni:tecrN 7entLu IvislOO, : sic1:i hae s b',assr, n sut4L e tri asisoia. luisa w x5r1s[ m !,,s r orven isse years. anîlneyer scedelin iu stttlu anysisîg ,to isclp nue pessuaneut, Ia*suSlte C. P. lEt. dasslr pnsi., es i C ak- ;s 10>5 Covouusc ftut n ju e ,e-tr, 1,815, nshten two botties enhii-eýiy i s S:, tIle, z hit !-aS.ts. itave eut ince iad asyrteuJts. e.It mi. tl 1ara persn-slaIl 1' '11.S ui a leest si-s isensew-hie baveic, lt-Ir-u astisma by Glarke's olCosîuiiu& feclit lu m-ty to nîcenimend U tt iialis-bo mat tbe traubleri w its suis liscaa Tisrts bottles are nliclutely ,ints tu cu e. A frees aimît iei s 1 5sent 10îli usesPrson trou-Iled with isils i5p;t Adsnes The Oillltie& tsae,xbaeri Ca., sole Canadinu agents. 121 Cishn-et rureet, Tus-unie, Ontario. SolS by a s L "ssigglste. Others may reifese, tut Cs k olas1f COmpound for Ist'hina permnaneuLtv -uesa. J. M.BRIMACOMBSE D ENTI1S T. 0111ee.-Rear of Messrs. HFiggin- botham & Son's, Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANIVI LLE. Mrs, X -Now Johnny I want vou ta hurry home fromn schj;ol thiS af ternoon. JoJhnny-What for, 1 was wanting to- Mrs. X -I warit 'voit to corne riglit home for I wstnt ' ou to go ta LUTTIR.LL'S -for some bans and tk!ýs for tea. Johnny- l'Il corne homne on the run, for 1 like gon-g there, for his buns andi cak1es are jiuet fine, A fui] stock ofCotufecîionerv is lwv kept on hand sawy Alex. Luttreil Clarke's OléiSanld, Bowmanvilie. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte ý;tem- boat Co, , (Limited.) Str. "North King." SOUTIl BOUND. WVEK DAYS. Lv. Port Hope, -North King 2.30 p.m. Lv (Jobourg, do 1 25 p.m. Ar. Charlotte, do 7.15 ).m, Ar. Rochester, N-Y.C. 7.45 p.m. N1OPTU BOUND. Lv.R[ochester,'N.Y.C.and N.R.R.8.20 ar Lv.Charlotte,1 8 50 a.m Ar.Cobourg, Ont 1. 20 p. m Ar Port Hope, Ont. 2.05'- pr.m ,//--Rigt ýrasserved to chalige timfe J.H..JURY, H. I{G1 IDEREE VE, AgentY,, Boavanvie. Marnae., Tiiclid Gold. .ou$2for Pký.iy misregtiivwB esi ol.ill 1.50 poýL9 aiyrs Glits iils1.00 'PI~Z lat.BSrGassy.. 0 V7arenc or arntee penSrfet satato.Uu Cal3 Y8onge Street, Tospray. pussei adispeseance potei 'tsou frm iia in sh adnfilrge. Look ýzý1er -tnc. MaaSeorsye be pay. l P)esiaieSee ip!is; prpraisi for iereh ofý- eki dissssaglite h eaicaion ut-vemmîn dees il work ib n drastior iaatin eef. HorseWash.P- Persiatic 1ior c Vaeh iis a espsîly upriail icaesfo iee f 5km adiseaides pecu- tiin jaffe bigteiï us peit sud purKepts 5k in e titoro nditiyoneiit c niîot. r cs $i.0P aspeaslc filskthSse ;i sdise, nfor maretr. Hen't-ouse S ray"'TR PWDER Persiatie lin House Spra y a7i Poaitî'y Pow- d-emSsirOY vermîn P- 11;i ar 10 the fetîthered stc nfowis or in shds eAt as a isinfect- zuit, destroyin-g,,enlisi Puifying ltse atmes. phs.î e. Used liîea 1y ihey pievetît renp mad kdred Sissase Pîtehueeihess gûon sfi nvoun deaier or sjsd te us direct foi hem. eiivtecorrespeiideîtêse, THE PlCI(HARDT RENFREW CO.,

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