Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1899, p. 7

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eick Readache anS iexeal1, rule at 1entola i i, î1 ,- ate cf 1 -e syeýtema, such as Dizziness, Naisefrwies Distress alter eaiig. Pain in t il.Wheiheir mest Cquslyvsu~ ainc tbadc , crijg aid pre. vening tiaaioyi~ ~mplaithile ihey also ýer.altos oncetrytheu vi uln thSe utIle pis vain- Zingeo inihot'Lm Bta1r ail rotkbchwil I file bans cfse many lires ScISeai wer Venmake our ret oct.Or pilis cure it while ethers do noe Carter's Little Liver PEis are Ver]? email aid ry ýeas1y t10 aim. oie or two illa make a dose. Xeyaestrictly vegetable aid do net gripe or purige, butbnth 15c geitie action pueai l wha use them. lu iasant 25 cents ; five for $1. eO1à MY' dru&gJ i1f everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yrk. TO DETEOT BAD AIR. A Simýpleve WhchPcoeptly mdi- cates til- *ýteince ofNoxius Gases. A iuew de,_vicewhchits Inventer, JoGsepLi Bucher, ciaihns la a prompt indi- (f ato)r of a11jil impuriti es- in the air is called the eflumeiter and takes iAs name from *~nvinmnoi nnd noxieus gas. In ize, and construction the invention la et nýike iiwa saeR caleudar, say 91L ïnuches. in leîýgth and four in width. It ia TIade 0 f a colored pasteboard background an(;is laesigiled te bang on the Wall, lnauelpiee or bedstead-iu fact, any place convenlent. On its face , ae. pastedi a inumiber ef varicelered bits ef paper two inchAes luiniength aid one-feurih of an inceh lu wicth. These bits ef paper have been aaturated în different acîdsanad other solutions known eniy te Mr. Brue- ker, by which a peculiar and diferent tinge or cler bas heen imparted te each. The many different gases which are te be feuîd lu poorly ventiiated lieuses are ennrnerated and classifled, aid under these cassifications area pastod. theso col- ored stripa designedto detect each partic- ular sort of gas. For instance, under the caption "Carboîlo Acid Gas" is pisted an orange colored stnip, whicb,' when it comes in contact with air centaining this ga, wli Suri te a reddish cler. Uîder "Ammoniacal Oaa" la pasted a strip white or pale pink lu cler whicb wil tur te a bright red. Under l'Acid Gas" the 11111e 1paper of purpie wil uri te a lilue or r(ed1iish. Under "Sewer Gas" the white paper xiii become a browi, anddila "ýHumidity" the bue ic xiiturnu ite 'violet 0r red wheu in contact with toe inuch meisture. gave the Bnabies Thousands of them die every sum- mer who conld be saved by the tlmeiy use -of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. There is net a mother "I'Who loves ber infant but should keep on haîd dur- e- ng tueebot weathr a Extract of Wild Straw- Th~ ere ne remedy se sapfe and se effective for itlte diarrhoea ef inints, kand noie lias the endor- sation of se ma ny Cana- dian mothers Wbo have proved itp nierits, and therefere speak Witb confidence, Oie of these le Mrs. Peter Jones, Wurkworth, Ont., Who says % "I1 can give Dr. Fowler's Extract ofWild Strawberry r-reat pruise, fer it suved my baby's Llfe. She was cutting ber teeth and Wa. taken wifth diarrboea very bad. MY sister advised mne 10 gel Dr. Fowle's $jctract of Witi Strawberry.I got a lottie and it cured the baby aImoit at RICHELIEU & ONTARIO0 NAVIGATION DOM PANY. 'INIAGARA TO TUE SEAi. HAMILTON~, BAY OP? QUINTE AND MoNTRE. AL LriNE TUR1OUGH TIEE BEAUTIFWIL SCENERY17OU? TUEMDAY 0f' QUINTE AN]) THousAN]) ISLANDS BY DA-YLIGIIT. tearnerS leave Uam- Local and Otherwise., Ilood's Pis are gentie, yet effective. Brantfordwill spend $6,000 more on flood prevention works. Rosy checks, good health and good spirits - Mller's Compound, Iron Pis,,, Tuesdav Aug lst Robert Hendry'Sr. Kingston- will be 100 years, old. of4Necessity know8 ne lAw, " It is a law ofNature that the blood must bu kept pure, and llood's Sarsaparilla does it, Sir Wilfrid Laurier bas been invited to open Kingston's Pair, Sept. il. Owen Sound wiil vote on a by-law to spend $18,000 on a new sehool. A new kind of insect that bores into the maple trees is fonnd at Hlamilton. M ore cases of sick headache, bilions- ness, constipation, caiî be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for iess money, bv using Carter's Little Liyer Plls, than by any other means, Mr. J. E. Parker, for many years C. P. R. ticket agent in, Ottawa,- is dead. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave yo constipated. Carters Little Liver Puis regulate the bowe]s and make you well. Dose, one pili. James Wilson, a Grand Truuk car cleaner, was struck by an, engine ut Niagara Fulls and killed. " Two litile boys of mine were troubled with worms. They would wake in the night and vomit and sometimes1 were quitefeverish. 1 got a bottie of Dr. Low's Wormi Syrup which gave them complete relief from the-ir trouble." Mrs. Wm. Mercel , Teeterville, Ont. North Victoria Liberuls met at Feue- Ion Falls Friday, and selected a candi- date for the House of Commoils. Mary Jones, aged two years, feli through the balusters of the stuirway fin the Cobourg Town Hall and was killed. SCALDED HER HAND.-Mrs. T. Wun- namaker, Fruukford, Ont., suys: -11 scalded my hand very budly and then took cold lu it. It swelled and was very painful, but half a bottle of Hagyurd's Yellow Oil cured it comnpletely." The 12 year-oid son of Mr. Hunt, an employee of the Carbide Works ut St. Cthurines, is missing and it la feured he is drowned. The inarriage took place lu Knox Churcli. Woodstock, Wednesduyi July 26th of 1ev. J. W. Clark of the First Presbyteriun. Churcb, London, aud Miss Louise, youugest daughter of Rev. Dr. %MMullen. Topics OF TUE DAy.-Every one is surprised at the rupidity, and efficucy with which Nerviline-nerve-puin cure -relieves 71euralgia and rheumatism. Nerviline is a specifie for ail nerve pains and should be kept on huud by every famiiy. Neai Ward, a farmer from lHarvey Township, while driviug a ioad of hogs to Fenlon Falls, was descending a hili when he f ellto the grounid between the horses. One of the animais stepped on hlm, and the heavy wagon passed over hlm. His recovery la dlouotful. ',He TRAT ANY Goo;n W\ýOILD WIN" Should be provided with) good bealth, and everyone who would have good health should remember tt at pure, rich blood is the best requisite. Hood's Sarsaparilla, by giving goed blood and good health, has helped many a man to success, besides giving strength and courage to thousauds of women who. before taking it,could net even see any good lu life to win. At Lindsay Arthur Armitae, ag-ed 17, while bathing, went beyond bis deptb, and being unable to swim, went to the, bottom. Bornard' Wilson, a teamater, dived in witlh bis clothes on, a nd bronglit him to the surface, after the lad had been five minutes under wyater. àledicul assistance was ou hand and the boy was restoreci to con- aclousnesa and walked home. OF LOCAL INTERE5T . - To ail who lu. ve feit tbe evil effects of drne kideysis the assurance that Dr. A.WV. Chase'ae Kidney, Liver Pis are ILe eting with enormous sale and uupuralled success in this district. Buekaphes and acking kidneys are fast becomiug a thingo the pust where Dr.A.C.ý-ha8e's Eidney-Liver Pis are knowu. One cent a dose, 25 cents a box, ut ail dealers, Ford Quick, of Bowmaniville, swore that he had $150 lu his possessiont when he went ont for a drive with William Murphy. of Cbnrch street. and whien he returned lhe had 20c. Quick and. Muriph:T and several others spent the afternooni lu drinking. The mouey wvas found lu 1No Limit to, Ilappiness. Hard-Fwrkings. Longhoursofhurcl, neyer- ending work makes Kýýidney Trouble a common com- plaint on the farni. Pain. fui, weak or lame backs and Urinary Disorders are too frequent. MOATNS KIIiNEY HILLS help a famer to work and keep his health -take the ache and pain out of his back and give bim strength aid vigor. Mr, Isaiah \Viiimot, a retired faré iving uat 138 Elizabeth St., Barrie, Ont., said. " I have been a sufferet- wlth kidney trouble and pain in the saal cf my back, and in botS sides. I also had a great deal of neuralgia pain lu mny temples, and was sîbject to dizzy epeils. 'l feit tired and worn oct most of the lime. h".Suce taking Doan's Kidney Pils, 1 have had no pain eitiier in my back or sides. The have removed the neuralgia pain from muyhead, aiso thetired feeling.1 " I feel at eýst ton Y cars younger and can only say that Doan's Kidney Pis are the most remarkabie kidney, cure, aid in addition are the best ton e l1ever took." Laxa-LivzerPilla curpe Constlpn.tlon. Judge Chapple of Rat Portage is vis- itiug friends in Newcastle. Miss Annie Waddell, Orono, is visit- ing Miss Elmu Waiker, Port Hope. The laIe Aid. Joseph Porlesque. of Kingston, left ani estate valued at 851,- 974,60. 1A petitioin la being circulated 10 pre- vent bicyclisîs scorching ou the streets or cluder paîb. Brantford Schoi,Board bas received over 40 applications as yacaucy lu the teacbing staff. 11ev. and Mrs. Chas Pisb, Toronto, have been visiting their son, yDr. W. A. Pish, Blackstock. Victor MeParlane, Hamilton, was drowned iu the Stewart River, wbile en route te Klondike. Bluckstock's Civic holiday is Priduy Autguat 4th. Au attractive program ef sports la being prepared. The corner atone of the uew Metho- dist church ut Madloc woas laid on Moulday, July 10, by Mr. E.D. O'Plyuni. Miss Raby Hfughes, Lusy n Principal and Mrs W. Scot, Torouto, are guesîs of Mr. John Hughes, Black.. stock.1 Hon. A. G. Blair, 'Minister of Rail- wuya and Canais, wili deliver an ad- dreas at Kingston Separate achool picuic Aug. 7th. If there ever was a specifle for any eue cemp laint, Ihen Carter's Little Liver Pll ae. specifle for sick head- ache, and every. womun should kuow this. Only eue pill a dose. Try Ihem. Mr. atnd Mrs. Sunford and Miss Liddon, New York, who'are speuding the surmer ut Newcastle, were lu town lat week. Iu the summer lime muning sores and nicers are hurd te keep sweet and dlean. Bathe theni with Bumdock Blood Bittersanad tbey will be free froin odor. Take this remedy iuternully and seen healthy flesb will supplaunt the decayiug tisane, Mr. W. H. Cooper, Deputy Grand Counciler of Ontario for the Royal Templars of Temperance wus lu town lat week werking lun the interesta of the Select Degree of the order.' BABIEs TORTURED-BY flaming, iîch ing eczema, flnd cemfort and perman- ent cure in Dr. Cbaae's Ointment, a preparation which ha a record of cures uuparalleled in the bistory of medicine, Eczema, saît rheum, tetter, scald bead, oid people's rash, and ail itching akin diseuses, are abselutely cnred by Dr. Chase's Olinmeut. Mr. T. C. Hood, recentlv appointed misaienarv te Houan, China, by the Preabyterian Cburch, cf Chatham, will sail for bis new field cf labor fmom Van- couver, B. C., ou Sept.. 1 CouGII CURED IN 'A NIGIIT -If yen have a cougli or cold don't experiment with Cough Mixtures. Griffiths' Men- thol Liniment bias proved the mest succesaful Cough Cure, Used luternalir and applied te, the throat and chest, il gees di rect te the spot, and will cure severe colds lu a single night. Ail drng- giats, 25 cents. Henry, Christie, a farmer, was lu- stautly kilied lu a runuway accident ut Caledonia. IRis herse became frigbt- ened aIa Granid Trnk Railway train and threw hlm againat a post. REMAIRRABLE PlEscuE.-Mrs. Michael Curtain, Pluîufield, Ill., makes the sItate- ment, thut she caugb-.t cold, wbich set-, tled on ber lungas; she was treaîed for, a monthbby hem fami1lv physician1,but grew worse. H1e tld ber she wu ahpe- lesa victim ef consumaption and that no NO PLACE FOR BOYS. Tbcre's a place fer the -beys. They, will flnd il somewhems; Aiýd if Our homes are tee 'daintiy faim, Por. tibe t(,ehoettheir flugers, the tread of their feel, They'ii flnd il, and find il, alae! un the street, 'Mid the gilding etf sin and the glitter ef vice; Aid with heartaches aid longings we puy a dear price For the getting et gain' that our lt- time enjoys, If we fail in previding a place for the beys. A place for the boys-defir mother, I pray, As cares settie clown round Our short earthly way, Dýon't let us forgel, by enr kiud, 1ev- iîg deeda; To show we remember their. pleasures aid needa; Theugh our seuls may be vexed with probiems oftIlite, Aid worn with hesetments aid toiling_ aid strife, Our heurts will keep younger-yeurx tired heurt aid mine- If we give them a place lu Iheir muner- melat abrîne; Aidl te iife's laleat heur t'wili be oee oftOennoya, That we kept a mal crner-a placea for the boys. -Boston Transcript. Madame Darmesteter ', receut essav ou"1 The Social Novel in Prance" will be feund in fui lun The Living Age for Aug. 5. Mr. Alexander Mathesen, bursar' of the Belleville Deaf aid Dumb -Institute, bas leudered bis resignution on the greuund et iii health. THE CHAUTAUGMAN for Jîly ceutuins an excellent array ef reading malter that wuli suit ail classes ef readers. Seud for a samiple copy t10Dm. Theedere L. Fiead, Editor and Preprietor, Moud- ville, Pa. Price $2 per yeur, The July Canadian Home Journal, Toronte, la an excellent nimber con- Iaining a freutispiece of Lady Munte aid hem dlaughtems with Ibeir bicycles aise a short artice2ou the( firal lady in the Do(miniion, severul short bel weatb- er sterles aiud sonme usual information for lbensekeepers.1 lu the Augnat nimber of Scribuiems Magazine Richard Harding Davis tolas lu "The Lien and the Uuaicomu" a love story et a younig American playwrigbt lu] Londen. The beroine lsaun Amer- ican 4?irl anddlier rival is a cburmiug Enu-iish actresa. The illustrations are Dv Heward Chandler Cbiristy. A hait-score et writera ef fiction con- tribute atornes te the Anguat Ladies' Home Journal. Il bas broîgbl toget- beýr lu single issue seme' ef the mosl pepular stec-y-writera, aud the moat capable biack-and-white urtiats te iii s- truIe their work. Fiction, ot course, predeminalea, but there lsana abuni danceet timely articles especially ap- pealiîg te home aid famuly interesîs aid leuding te lizbten aid brigliten women's womk. The Curtis Pnbiishiug Company, Philudeiphia. Norvous Dyspopsîa. A YOUNG LADY IN TRENTON RIE- LEASED FROM SUFEIZING. She Suffered Uiftold Agouy frem Stoni- .ach Troubles and Sick leudacles- 1Dr. Williams' Pini- Pilla Cured Rler. Fromn the Courier, Trenton, Ont. Seme yeams ugo w e reported the case et Wm. Pickering, Trenton, being cured of locomotor ataxia. Ho was net able te meve and wus conflned lu bis beà for weeks. Upen advice bie Iried Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsanad imme4iately obtaint relief. 11e la stili free froni the terrible excrucitiug affection , aid enjoys active, obuat beaith. We have just'iearned of another positive cure threugh usiug Dr. Williams' Pn Pilla. Il is the case otf Miss Cassie Wuy, who bas been au acute sufferer tram that commen tee cf bumanity aid the eun- dation fer mauy other ills, dyspepsia. For nearly eigbl yeurs Miss Way su£- tered unnold agonies with sick heudache alidl pains iu, the stomucb. She tied several doctema withoît auy materl benefil. A year ugo shecame te live witb a tieuad lu Trenton, Mrs. W. L. Derbyshire, aid waa so edueed tibat she could net sit up au heur. She6 feumed hiem trouble wonld dirive lier cazy. She was advised te try Dr. Williams' Pïik Pilla. She repiied that .sbe had nsed a box befome and they hiad doue hiem ne 1)eod. Il was nrged Ibat she coud net hiope for relief tram eue box and shie commeniced lbem again. She coutinued using the pilla tbî'oughoît the yeam wîtlh the resut that abe ha completeiy me- co vered ber healh. Rer appetite la g-ood, she bus guuued fiesh rapidl.v,_aid la able ta attend 10 al ber household duies. She volunturily effers Ibis toatimeuy us uttribute of gmatitnde fom the benefit she bas deived wîth the hope that others sufferng as she ha, may be induced te tmy Ibis boulli resteriug emedy. Mrs. Derbyshire addshem teatimoîy le the corieetuess ef the statoments et Miss Way, Allow mie te add thul for four or five yeaýrs thoe editor, et Ihia paper ha sut- femedl fremn an itchiug rush that altuck- ed ail Ibis joints aid ail the elulments witbiu reach failed te banish il. 11e Iook Dr. Wýillisms' Pink Pilla tuaS yeam and la nearly weIl. Dyspepsia , hîmutism , sciaticu nonralgia, partial purulysis, locemotor 191-,. James Cmnstable, Seafoi-th Ont., writes - Ever suce I Cali remember IhuVe suffered fromn weak action of tbheuert. Fer some lime puastilgrew coistantiy wors, Ifreuealy ad har pais udermy ean tht Iwasfeurful if 1 drew a longbreth t wold aus deth. u gingup-tuim I ad e sot rest and regain beeth.Whe mychudre mae anoie wiieplaiugI wuldbese overcome witb nerouaeseundweanes tht Icoud nt d aatbig ad hd bsit dowu to regain compsur. M Iims wre niuuruly cld id wussubectte ervousb l"14aches ned izzsme~. y mmorybecme ncetui aidsiep dscred e. ' I avebee taîng ilbrn' Hert ud NrvePila, id s a resuit una very rmc beer. aeipoe n atbadsrnt aii.Te biessing of sleep la esou-d 0 e. My heurt La rnuch stronger, aid the oppressive sensation bas 'nlhe c au now go up-clairs without stopp.gaid witb the greatest of ease, aadI m l1I~ersuierfrom dizziiess or headache, Il seems tb me the circulation of Y tloo4 bas become normal, tbercby removing the coldueàs froin my limba.I u tmuly say thul Milburn's Heart aid Nerve Pilla have doue me a world of good." LA-XA-LIVEU PILLS CURE SIIRONEG CONSTIPATION AND DYSPEPSIA. T I Which make Plymouth Twine indis- pensablefor the Government Faî-m Service - greatest strength, perfect evenness, extrelme lenigth, lreedomý fromn tangles, purity-are absolutely' necessary also to -the, Twine,,that wilh do -perfect work in every harvest field. The selection of Plymouth for, Government service was flot made h aphaz 'ardi, ut, after the most Güare- futi practical test had thoroughlJdy de- rnonstî-ated it to be t'he BES T. Ply- mouthhas qualities peculiar to itsell, which cause it to work perfecti where other brands fail. mm - IT PAYS TO i3UY TH 1E ST TlîlS TRADE MARK IS Pllh~FN P[P[[P~FFII P[YWIJI.' SEEON EVERY TAG. Tyurdealer does flot handie oui, Twine write Ply- mouthi Binder Twine Agency, 5 4 Bay Street, Toronto. ORONO. Visitors:-Miss Mina Heoey ut Agin- court; Mess Stinson ut Colborîîe; Mrs.' John L. Rewe ilu Tofonto; Miss Ethel Cobean, Cumilla ut Mr. John Rickaby's; Mrs. (Rev-) J. A. McKeeu witb Mmrs. Tanner,.ut Lakelield; M\r James Dv-er, sur., Gardenihill; Mrs Chus. Heoper, and tniend, Toronto, ut C. P. Aýwde's; Mm, aid Mms. Tues, Couiter, Winnipeg; The Messrs. FHeeper, Txreue, ut Iheir cousin's, Mrs. Chas. Awd'e; Misses Sada and' Olive Levy, Toronto' at, their ncle's Mm. G. M. Long: Mm. Gee.' Gil- fiai dentist, Bowniville; Mr. Awdo Drayton; Mr. aid Mrs. due. Lorriman, aid Miss Lowrv, Tý rente, guesta et Mm. Jno. Duvey. Leskard; Mrs. M. L. Traveloe home fmem Oshawa-, Mr. W. T. LYuess aid soi, Clark, Buffalo; Mm. Geo. Keith, Parvever oetIhe deaf and dîîmb Iustuition, Belleville, ut Mm T. W. Jackseu's; Miss Paîuy Honey tmom Coiborie;, Measma. lHarold Mitchell aid Clarence Bain. Enniiskillen, ut Mr.And- rew Peiiard's; Mr-. L. Trew, Oak Hill, Miss M. Henry and Miss Lethbidge, Miii brook ut Mr. J. L. Rowe s; Mm, Pbulip Thomas, Lindsay, zuest et Mis MableAndrus'; Messrs. Arthur Lintoni aid Cartis McKeeu are eijeviig ail oiiting ut Rice Laike, Lakefieid aid Au Australian Riding Outfit. The Austmehian's outfil is an adapta- tion et the Briteu's. The colonial saddle groys ea peaky pemmel and a bigh Tro- teetiîg caille; the mild Enlilihes-moll becomes lu Australia a flmai, dcep. six- inch pad, aid even the baek cf the îicigh la heid ln place by a slild flaîge sewed upoi the !saddle-flap. As xitli bis saddle, se ivith the real of the stock-riden'@ equipmet-lt le as the Eugllshmai's, but mculded aid treigthened to slerruer usa-e. The mild-and mostiy orramenial -hunting-erep hecomres a ten-fot-and temncbiy- effective- stock -whip The chahn, the curb, the double rein, aid ail thé m-ore or, leca faicy attachmneits are strip- ped trom thé bridie in fax-or et the simple sunaffle, aid a headpiaceid sj ingle rein of leather, se subslantial as to defy the roguery or terron of any ordiîary herse te break them. Crupper, breast- plate, anariugale-tbese are nsed or left acide, accordig te the build, tricks aid temaper et the moinS, with a ingle eye ta usefuines, and ne thoughl et the ornementai. I speuk of a workaday attire aid sd dlery, net et the fleeting glorlca of a holi, day rig ont; and, speakiîg Ibis, it wmust be said Iliat the Austmalai's oitfit lm planned,with a single eye ta utlllty. ku,"utD. %V. 1 . -55- jUIIus, ,. ~ ~ n n . n Murer etf Miies City . Mon., ut home;I PUfllH IAIl(lNlIuilQ Miss E. J. Palla, Toronto, Mms, Col- 'lu IIUUUII IIU UILlIi UU IIUUIiUIIj. ville, and Miss C. Celville, Bowmau- "Didyenbeartbemeasouwbylîeftmy vilaid Mm. Wm. Undemweed, Ken-odepoes"sadaduie h dul, ut Mr. T. W. Uuderweod's; IM. odepoes"si rme aid Mrs. Wesi "ey Themulon uattended other day te a tew fionda. To Ibis en- the woddiug of nia brother, Mr John qniry tbey ail gathered aronnd, fully Thorulon, te Misa Maria Gary, ut Gar. expecliug 10 heur a goad stemy us denhiilWednesday; Mr. Lew Grm Tm"umrilarycledyhsrin,ý University, Mm. VauEvery, leacher eo Tm"famial uldb ifina Leugua 'ges, Napanee 111gb Scheol, ut tilted back lun bis chair. Mr's. E. Piîdeui's; Cfurke, Pair w-iii ho "I answemed an adverlisemnent about held Sepýtembler. 121h and ! lith The a new book "Ligbt et Lite," as the titie byrick womk et Mm T. WV. Jacksou's new src-refriladIful residoîco la completed; Tbe Townahip 1mckm omi-, i tudit cou- CounciL are elaying l ,)aiktheIbtaiued the stery 0et Ibe New vTestamient, south ide et Town Hall; The Pri:,ce of togethier with expianalions et ail tibe Wales Hle l likely le ho closot up; mOre dificuit, portions, Ib)us being a Mr. H. Muo shipped lat aid this c sesnswool, some 18000 Iba, 10 Torn-omplete Commenlary. Il aiso conlains 1j, lut wee The new Steel W te h Ie catuplote lives efthIe Apesties,; that Tube aid Case bult by Mmll, A. Leigh Ibis book was eally Io Volumes iu oe, for %,yaddell's taclomy bas been p>cd meîse ih eee h elha aid l uowlu wrkin erdr. Iations I over saw. The statues-et the BISMAutx'ýS ToN NERE-WuS the mes-A uit (t bis splendid beaith. Indomi - able A posiles wome by the monewned sculpter, will aid tremoîdous enemgy are net Tbervaldson, theso baving bieen repre- fouud wiceme Stomacb, Liver, Kidioys dîced aid publisbed lu connýietdîliwitb and Bowela are eut et erder, If yen bbe Sixteen Masterpieces et the w omd- waul these qualilies aid the success amu lchrt1ofin adH n they biug, use Dm, King's New Lite fmn lcbmî oranadHh Pillai, Tbey deveiop evemy power of the engruvinga. bmain aid body. Oulyv 25c. ut Stoît aind jKuowing that ultafýmily lu a Jury'a drug store. toau a h io ttoAeîe Reader, if yeoun kîw et uîy oeenlu or a Commeritamy, aid Ibat Ibis book Canada wbo unteuda crossiug tho Atlan- 1wonld have au enommona sale, aid as, tic. recomimeîd them te luquire et M.A miy oid employers coui(! net hl n Jamies for ates. lHo dees the steamsbip sfiiu nucmn eoulitbe ot business (-eft Iis district aid epresents s0ficthe Brude.ureîs ou Ceý,iitofer ;7An elevated -Wator tanik is bouc- erect- I ceucluded Ici gve up ,Llmlmm1ug"I ed ou the Market Square in cm c a ad lek hold et "Light et Lite." T as-. of thp w thr wark, r,-.t-Antl\7 n i, i 1- ' ». sEmi-, 1

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