Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1899, p. 1

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L TERMS :-S1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST ; THE WORLD ÂFTERWARDS. MA.JESEdtradrorieo. NE-W SERiEs, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUILY 26, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 30. ./ Shirt Waists and Other Summer Goods.== pouch, Johnston & Cryderman are-selling BLOUSES WORTH 50 CENTS FOR 35 CENTS. 1 9 c75 4 c 50( 9 cc $1.00 s' $1.25 $2.00 75 85 $1.00 $1.38 These are ail New Goods, fit perfectly, and were c heap at the original price. we have too many and they must be cleaned out. But -Also Printed Muslins and Parasôls at reduced prices and some lines'of Dress Goods at about half price. Corne early and geét clhoice of: these ueui ne ýficticious bargai ns., Couch, Johinston & Cryderman. Bowm AxviLLE. Telong and - du-The short E 0f the whole matter is simply this. We E show the goods and E quote the prices of E the town, and Our E gocds are as broad E h as they are long; that is to say they E are honest and as represented to be, El Sandi the price is not merely good but is the best E Sthat we can make. E E Solid,"-Oak Cobbler 00 Wire Camp Mtrs S Rockers... ... ses .......... E Wire Camp Betis.....mLI Varantiab Chairs .. I E M. DI, WILLIAMS & SON. SBOWMANvILLE. Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention. <aeeeeeeweeeeuueeeeemeesewee4664mImeweememmsmmemotweeewemuemeIumeeeIuailqr !-When In BOWMANVILLE. Town = Leave your repairing at Jas. Goard's. Al work attended to promptly and guaranteed. Gold Filled'Watches sold at prices usually asked for silver, Euh assortment of Writing Material always ketin stock. Choice iu Colored and Crinkled Tissue Paper. JAS. GOARD, Watchmaker and Jeweller. - (Ellison's Oki Stand.) Only o0ce 1 - In a life time do you Need to Purchase a SEWING MACH- S INE.... But you want the best. By "Lest" we mean one bniit of A 1 material, one built by A 1 work- men, one built on mechanical prin- ciples, which will then wear for a life time anti without wearing ont the strength and nerve power o! the operator, nor yet wear out the Bank Aceount o! the person layiug out the purchase naoney. Auy Machine, no matter how poorly coustructed wiil do fancy work iu the hands of an expertl operator. The above mentioneti qualities are uecessary if you wish f0 do your famiiy sewing. If yo'u will -caul at T. N. Rickard's Jewelry Store during this inonth you wilL. be showu two of the Lest Sewing Machines lu the world, as well as specimens o! all kiuds o! fauey and plain work doue upon them. R1e- member the prices are right as weli as the machines. T. N. RICRARD, Jeweller anti Optician, Bowmanville. We know its a littie, early, but none too early, to think of preparing for the busiest, brightest, busi- ness year Canada has seen. llow strong you will feel to enter upon that year if you eau say with cherry alacrity, " Yes, sir! I can fi11 that position."' For they will be going, those good positions,, the kind we prepare young people for. Send us your name and let us tell you bow we eau make you one of the fortunate ones. Start any time. No vaca- tions. CENIRR IN81Q-NE88 COLLFGF TOISONT09 ONTA1I0. HO! FOR THLE 1000 ISLANDS. Arrangements are well advanced for the RoyalTemplars' E~xcursion to King-t ston and 1000 Islands Aug. 17 and 181 under M. A. James' management. Ail11 stations from Scarboro Junction to f Brighton and fromi Milibrook to Port c Hope wili be iuciuded. Arrange with your frieuds to go for this is certaiuly tl the best day 's outing' to be bad froin t this district. Watch the papers for c particulars.G THIE CINDER PÂTII. STATEME-NT or' EXPENDITURE. 4 Càsh balance for 1898, $22.00; balanceT from W. Goodwîn, 1898, $1.58 ; Sub- scriptions: J. W. Alexander, F. Kydd, o Dr Tiiley, W.Trewi $81.0o each. Total $27.58. Expenditure on labor in putt- ing Cinder Pat.h lu shape, 1899, drawing fi cinders and gravel, making and paint- M ing sign boards,, $36.63, ieavîng a bal- ance to oe provided for by subscriptious ci te which the bicyclists are recquested to th contribute. The path requires to be ci cosatylooked af fer the weeds re- ai q u ctting and more cinders put on th the track. To raise a permanent fund rn for keeping the path in order, a sub- A scriptîon list wiii be opened and left at ct Big 20. Bicycle riders are requested to re coutribute towards the fuud. 1se J. B MJTOIIEL, Sec Of Committee. Sb et No iack of strengtth was evident at Aý Mr. &Ibert E. Clemens' barn raising M~ Fridavr afteruoon, near Tyrone, for the (y neigbors flocked to bis help and mauyM wiln ands made light work. Au Ei immense barn 114 x 86 ft with stone M, stables uauderneath the whoie structure foi and a wing at the South-west 25 x 86 for LÉ a horse stable makes ail the storage CE and stabiing one would think that hie Bc wiil require. Jos. Clatworthy & Son, i Hampton, had the carpentry work and G when ail was ready there was a hustie I amoug the men that meant "neatness MI and despatch." Under command of bo Mr. Clatworthy the frame work was Be soon erected and the whole structure Ta went together as slick as a Japanese a]i puzzle. When completed there wili be Co fewlhuer barus ru this part of Canada. we The horse stable in the west eud with i 12 ft wall about 60) by 30 feet wiil be ex- ceedingly hauidy and complete: There are two dlrive floors and a large grain- ary be -',es( theibig muows. The masonry 1 whic! is cdouiie by WmTrïck ,Harmouy jci was t fendid piece of orkausipitw the % . nd facing ,the road 1beiug gz worthy f spcialmention. Altogethet- ci Councillor Ciemens bas an exceeciiugiy sec iune ban, stables and root cellars and of1 we should thiuk fthc cost canuot be far hai short ol $1,000. Mrs, Clemens served up one of the most elaborate meals we ln have ever seen at a raising and she had cie ail the willing heip uecessary. The b e, ladies and' "unwillÏng," workers were luî f ed first aud then the willing workers bel aud there w as abundance of choicest tho provisions for ail. Miss Nellie Hall, scl Bowmauvilie, played the piano while the dinuer was beîng scrved ou the pretty of1 lawn and then Mr. Andrews photo- rea graphed the weil satisfiedl crowd and pi also the building. The weather was sel propitions and uothing serious occurred stu to mar the pleasure of the occasion. Dr The ladies voted Mr. H. C. Hoar the W( most agile and- useful man of the day, La as hie sprang to the top and rau along Gu the purini plates like a cat. lndeed div Mr. Clatworthy could not weii bave got tin aloug witbout his assistance. Among lug the honorary guests were Reeve Cour- the tice, Councilior Brown, Mr.W.BCouch, agî 11ev. R. N. Adams, 11ev. McK. Young, tak Dr.- J. H. Brown, Mr. W. Farreil, Mr. w] Byers and others: ,i The Weak Spot. When a boiler explodes carry- \ \ "' iug death anti dsrcinwifb Il it, every bodiy 9says "Why: we thogh Iitywas - strong eogb - a weak spot ~ ...'-somewhere'" When a man who has the out- warti appearauce of beîng sounti anti strong sutiden- iy fails a prey ft ihsease, bis fientis exclaim: -wby we thon ghlt he was al nighf: He must have hadT a weak spot somewhere. " nhe fact is, almost everybotiy bas a weak spot somewhere. Death andi dis- ease are always iookiiig for weak spots. If your sfomach or your liver -won't do t proper work, if your body fails to get ifs f uli ouTishment from the foodi you eat, andi your brain loses part of the ieep it ouglit f0 bave, no matter how big yonr framne ant imuscular your limbs may be, you -iili give out; disease mill finti the wealc spot, anti nature will'g-lve way. "I wish to say to the worid that Dr. Pieeee's Golden, MMical Discovery has proved a geat blesasg to mne as 1 Srmly belive I shouid bein. avery bad state now if I had flot taken it," writes Mrs. fiien Z. Bacon, of Shutesbury, i1ranklin Co., Mass, in a courteous communication ta Dr. R. V. Piere, ufBufto,K. Y. "Prior ta Septembier 1897, 1 bad doctortd for =y stcânach trouble for severai years,,going through a course of treteti theut any rea benefit. la Sep- tember î5 , 1 had very sick spells snd grew worse; coul et but rittie. I comnen.ced ini eqtebr î897 to take De. Pierce's medicne su u hort time I couid et and wok. I have gained twenty pou"dsin two montha." This glos-lous «"1Discovery " gives the stomnach anti liver power to do their ilat-. ural work regulariy andi completeiy. It iakes bealthy blooti and'steady nerves. It bild çpthe weak spots sounti andi strng. dIt is the only medicine 'that eau be relieti upon f0 accomnplish this promptly anti thoroughly. _Constipation fais m es in ten thse begin- un=andne of the first symptonris ofderou diese.When thus tendency mersen ]Pierce's PleÎsant Pellets shouid bc used ia com iuinc4o= with the -"DàAcg-Y." DURHAÂM O.LD BOYS. The Durham uid Boys' Excursion will take place ou August 7th to Port Hope. The train will reach Bowmauville at [0.35 a. m., Newcastle 10.45. Tickets from Bowmauviile and returu 60c. Chi]. iren 30c. Newcastle and returu 50c. Zbiidreu 25c. Tickets max- be liad from the regular agents of the G. T. R. 1Re- turniug the train wili arrive at New- :astle at 9.20, Bowmanvjlie at 9.30. The Grenadiers baud will accompauy the party. FORT BOWXNNILLE. Miss Ida, BeerOooi Gipsy Camp." ,Orn, i isitiun- at Miss Mabel Tait and Mr. Rankin, Toronto, are guests at "Camp Chatter." Mr. Geo.H.Small, Port Hope, is guest ýf bis cousin, Master Arthur McKowau, Devii's Palace. A large bon fire and a flue display ol ireworks illumiued the residenceeof Mir. R. B. Andrew, Monday uight. On Thursday uight a very enjoyabie camp lire enterfalument was given by the bo;s from Toronto lu Auraugzbee camp. The big lîght of the fuil moon and the sof t lake breezes, temn)ered by the beat of the liuge fire, combined to make the uight ail that could be desired, Af fer the songs, speeches, and usual choruses and a lit tie dispiay of direworks, efreshmeuts of cake and coffee were served by the obliging hosts who showed themselves most able lu the dis- bharge of their duties. An unusually pleasauf time was speuf by ail. Among1 those preseut were Col. Cox, Capt. WV. 0. and Mrs. King, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Audrew, Miss Audrew, Mliss Beith, Misst Murdtcb, Dr. Hare, Mr. Frank Haret ,Wbltby), àlr. and Mrs. F. J. Garrett,1 lbsses King. McDiarmid(Whitby). Tait,r 'aiker (San Francisco), Edîck, Scobeli,E Nlauume, 1Hill, Lyle, Wilson, (Brant- ord), orris,% Helen Morris, Edsali, r. Laing, Osborue , Worth , Dustan , hariton, (Toronto), Galbraith, Maggie Bogue, Hiler, Dr and Mrs. L'H. Reidi,0 [rs. Cowle, (New York), Mr. andi Mrs.a -E. Maynard, Mrs. W. H. Goodwin, Urs. Thos. Bingham, Mrs. M. Porter,e Ur, and Mrs. J. C. Vaustone, Mrs. Os-v 3re,rt Messrs. Byron Vaustone, Jouess,1 er oucti, Mervin Worth, Loscombe,r ait. The hosts lu Aurangzbee camp i Lre A., W. Keif b, Gordon Bruce, Charlie tý ,orrigan aud Gerald Adidison, They ere assisfed by Miss Etta and Missa Eaggie Tait of Camp Chatter.C CLER&Y'S SCIOOL.t1 11ev. R. Seaboru, rector of St John's àurch, bas been in Port Hope the past wo weeks atteunding au îuterestiug s4eigof about forty Auo'i1ican lergy il Trinity College schooi at' their ecoud aunuai gathering. The object fthe summer schooi is to enahie the ard-worked parisb clergynan fo keep pwith the marcfrot theological fhoughv atimes of rapitl change. Mauy aa lergyman who leavIes coilege with the Ist intentions of, keeping np bis re.at-S g fintis himself year by year dro Pig9 ehiud. and loosiug touch wîth thea oughts of the age. The suinmer t chocl. seeks to secure the service of1 eoiogical experts, who give courses0 flectures, reeommend books for further 8' eading, discuss topics of intercst lu a rivate conversation and place them- ilves at the service of the summner tudeut. Sncb distiuguished men as- )r. Pet ers of New York, Rex-. Provost f Velcb, Dean Rigbv and Rev. CanonS ,w were the principal lecturers. The tiide in speaking of this gatheriug of ivines says. The summer School cou- nues ou ifs peaceful way. The mooru- P g-s are spent iii lectures duriug which0 ie members of the -lofh become boys 'w gainî and sif at the iuk staiued desk E kignotes for AIi they are worth P ,hile the professor, for the timebig ives instruction from a desk. The b fternoons are speut in much less cý .holastic fashion, or shahl we say lu tl qualiy schoiastic fashion, for do not the Pi foresaid ',boys" observe tbem lu true s( rool boy fashion, swimming, bicycelin - 11 shu aud other forms of recreatioiD il rery eveuiug there is a solemn service VI the chapel wbere the hearty singing E .d respoxiding of so many inen is Most « ispiriug. There is also a service lu & ie morning before breakfast. Affer S' euing chapel1, lectures of a less for- tl i sort are given ant f most of these ie public are atimiffed; then, f111 eleven ilock t he bref bren amuse themselves ith coliege sougs lu the reatiug room, ýfer that the ruie is. -"Ligbts Ont.' is SOLINA, el - Pl M1essrs. J. W. Brooks and A. Hillis sited Lake Scugog and returnet gý iday with several fish-one weighed lE j tbs .... Mr. Wiil! Goard, Mrs. T. ec iard and Miss Jessie visiteti at W, N, fo ascoe'q Saturtiay, .....1ev. A.H. Gilmer, c] ew York, wiil preacb at the Advent irch next Suutiay moruing aud ev- e] lig.. * .Mrs. Lockbart, Toroufo, was ol ýeut guest of Mrs. A. L. Pascoe,.. x-Reeve Pascoe andi wife visiteti Your' VERY SUDEN DEATH. A terribly sutiden death occurred lu fowu yesterday in a dentist's office, wheu Mrs. Albert B. Goodwin, wife of the local electriciau,died under chioro- form which was admiuistered for the purpose of having teeth extracted, Deatb was the resuit of heart failure, Hon physician, who bas attendeti ber wheu uecessary, for some years says there was no 'orgauic disease of thie beart and there was no other reason k-uown f0 hlm why she sbonld not take chioroform. She wanted hlm fo ad- mîniister the auoesfbetic anti extract the teeth, f00, lu bis office the uight before, but cousiderng the responsi- biiity lu auy case of administeriug chloroform suffilcieut for oue man, hie advised bier f0 go to a deufisf. The usuai preparations were made the night, previons for the operation. No breakfast was taken vesferday moruiug ant f0aill uman appearauce t here were no un favorable sympfoms wbatever during the operati 3nunntii six or seven teeth wereextracted. The doc- for f heu uotiîied a tieatb-like palor sud- deuiy appear and immetiiatel "y uroceeti- edti f use the usual restorafives but without avail. Wheu the patient diti not prompfly respond auotber physician, was summnoueti ad every effort made f0 resuscifate lier but sbe neyer rallieti. During the administration the tioctor considereti the case a most favorable one there being no cyanosis (coioring of the skiu)or vomiting anti ber breafbing and pulse were most safisfactory up f0 fthe iast minute, No biame whafever la attachedti f0aux one If is believed there must have been what la kuowu foý the profession as idiosy ncrasy or some pecuiiarity in bier system that was flot revealedtifil the drug was atiminister- ed. Coroner Mitchell, of Euuiskilleu, was riotifleti andi affer making ail necessary anquiries is of the opinion f hat uofbiug more couiti have beén doue eifher before, or affter and fouud no reason for holding an inquebt. Deceaseti was tiaughter of our respect ed towusmau, Mr. S. J. Hoskeu, and was marrieti Dec. 22,1897 to Mr. Albert B. Goodwiu. Shie leaves one chilti. Her -emains were removed f0 the bome of ler parents from wbich the funerai will take place tomorrow affernoon. She was 0f a part icuiarly liveiy disposition and was very popular amoug lber wide circie of fnieutis who ail deeply sympa- bhise witb t he bereaveti ones ENiNISKILLEN. Visitors -,-Mr, and Mrs. T.* Wotton~ E~ast Wbifbv, guesfs of Mrs. W. M. WVotto ; 3Miss Aliswortb, M. J Reeson, Mliss Webber, East Whitby, Mr. anti tirs. Jas. Herring, Zion, guests of Mr. WV. Herring; Miss Elia Reynolds, Betb- auy, guest of Mr. J. J. Gibson; Miss VIcCulloch, Manchester, guest o! Mrs. S. G4ilbert.* Rex-. McClarrv, Toronto, i.uest af Parsouage; Miss E. R. Brown accompaniet by lier frieuti Miss Lut- rel, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Wm, 3rowu: Miss N. Tambl.yn, Orono, guest of Mr. H. J. Werry; Mr. L. Hutchin- son, Listoweil, witb olti frieuds; Mrs. and Miss Jeweii, Toronto, visiting Mrs, W'. W. Noble, Boyne Water Milîs. Mra. J . Sylvester bas returueti to New York affer a pleasant holiday amoug friends .... Rev. Fred. Howard, Biack- tock, wili take charge of 11ev. R. M. Phalen's work, xvhiie the latter visits is oid home iu Nova Scotia. A THOUSAND ToNcuas-Couiti fot ex- press the rapture of Aunnie E. Spriuger, of 1125 Howard st., Philadelphia, Pa., i-heu s'he font that Dr. King's New )iscovery for Consumption hati coin- pletely curet iber of a backing cougli bhat for many years hati matie hife a urden. Ail other remedies anti toct ors oulti give bier no belp,,but she says of this Royal Cure-"it soon removeti the pain in the cbest ant IJ can now sleep uuysometbing I can scarceiy re- aebrdoing before. I feel like sounti. ing its praises througbout the Uni- verse."' So wili everyoue who tries Dr. Kin 's New Discovery for any trouble f tbe Tbroat, Cbesf or Lungs. Price Oc. anti $1.00 . Trial boffles free at ftott anti Jnrv's Drug, Store; every bot. le guaranteeti. THLE 6"STÂTESMÂN'8s" RULE. Wben auvertising lu the regular way Idoue for any enterfainment, social, axcursion or other zathering, a coin- limeutery notice will be gîven., , No free notices wiii be given f0 any atbering whatever, the object o! wbicb ýto make mouey, only under above, mtiiftions, antiany notices. handeti in r publication will be inserteti anti ,harged af regular rates, THE STATESMAN bas always given iib- ,raily of ifs space f0 assist charitable ojects anti wili continue f0 do so. p ÀL Àâ, À L

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