r î 111e 1caver EIock aie We have sold. piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very smal] ices. My Spring stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdec, Wewant more room and are bounid te have it, if liew% prices have any- thing to do with it. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîored and black at $1.00. Men's Caîf and Cordovan Bims, sewed and rivitted, from $1l"40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 75c, worth 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond Ir, prices. We will tell you what the stock is lu each and every pair. Tho esonwe do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now lu luý, i every hune. The public is invited to inspect our stock; 11o trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, faney and plain, Dress5ing, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appli. îe d to. Repairing done lu all its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no0 sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. Beaver Bhlock. Bowmanville, HarMipt on Generai Store. We "bold a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries antd Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits te order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stocX to select from, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We are bound to SUIT you. Groceries and Hardware. In our Gmcery and Hardware Departments you will fiud our ok well assort:Bd, bought iu the best markets at the chosest prices, and Will be soid at the right price. Some people want quantity others quality, we eau please both. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cail. HAMPTONÇ. Low Price is Low Quality., Paint as good as the --- Sher i - iIIi'ams aint (There is noue botter) canet be sold for less than we ask, If less is asked you know the quality is lower and its uot cheap. Its ~ ~, poorly made, contains poor material, cr is . short measure. You get what you pay for every time, The Sherwin-Wilhiams Speciai ~ ., Floor Paint is made for floors and nothiug else. It is made to walk on and stand be- y ing walked on. Paint your Wiudow and Door Sereens, we have a special paint for J them alone. Vamnîsh Stain, Buggy Paint, color card. BOWIJ~VILLE. West End Hardware Store. _ The enly positive cure for that maliguant and ighly contagions A dseae wosefirt smptms regonerallylmistakea for the more presenco (j vrmnth tquickly savs the vitalii y cf the sheep infected, and sproads with terrible rapidity te the remainder of the flock. Persiatie Shoep Dip lias preved 1,o bo the oniy radical and reliable cure for this dangereus disoaso. It clostreys $lite patoises oflx n acteria, relieves pain and irritation, heals the soes, and 11nRkes the skiu whole and seund, It is backod by the hearty tostimeny ef Oan- waas feremest sheep and stock raisers and is proving a been te farmers tho Dominion ovor fer this and other distressing skia alments cf sheep and cattie. If y our dealer cannot supp]y N ou-de net be put off with an inferior dip-writo us direct. W 'e invite cerrespoadeaco. The Piekharrd't, lîerrewt Go., iimnitedl, STOUF VILLE, ONT. .BIGuYG'LE RÎ'EPMIR SHOF MARKET SQUARE, BOWMANVILLE. S Ha-ving added considerable new machinery, I am uow propared te do AIL C4.ASSES of Bicycle and General Repair work. Brazing and Tire Vuleanizing doue liere-ne need te send sucli work te the city. 'Wheehs' îXre buiît toLorder. Sec THE FISIILEIGH "1SPECIAL"' before buyiug. An Up=to=date Bicycle Uvery. Whoels always in, A-1 repair. i 8-tf. 'w .FSLI R. F. BYRS bas openefi the New Celitra Livery nearly o pposite the Standard Bi.nk, nowR'nnville, where he has a fin, lot of Singli and Double C' rriagi'y, Dernocests, Wagons, etc.,* for hire. Good Horses and Careful Drivers. No loafigallowefi. TelephonieNo,2.3. Calis day and night promptiy atîeoded. NE HAN38SO We want yeur orders and for'30 daN s will make it specially worth yonr whiie te ceaie and sec us. XVe tîcal la Harness, Bicycles, Biader Twine, Buzgies, agent for The MlcLaug-hlia Carniage Ce Harness repairing promptiy donc. Our prices will please yen.' Quality-oaly one grade-the best. Stand oppesite, Centrai Livery, Bow- manville. JOHN S. RUNDLE. Str. Garden City. Keweastle, Bowmanville, Oshawa andi Whitby te TORONTO. eoinnieu.ing FRIDAI,5IMAY 9thi, 1899. Ami continning every Friday throughout the season. will leaye, NEWCASTLE - - - 6.30 a.m. BOWMIAIÇVILLE .- .- .7.00 OSHAWA - - - 8.00O WHITBY SA a- .4 iieûurning leaves Toronto at 5.00 P.Di. Special attention given te the ha-idlinig of Freight. For Tickets and Iniforination apply to HARRY CANN, TIIOS. NIHAN, Agent, Bowmanville. ýManager, Toronto. Ilead Office Geddes' Wharf, Toronto. Tele- phone No. 2947. 18-4 Mo. Lake Oritario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Ceo, (Lînited.) COBOUUIC PORT HOPE-ROCHESTER STR. "NORTH KING.." SOUTE BOUJND. Week Days-Commencing May b.t. Lv. Port alope, North King 2 30 pr. Lv, Cobourg, do 1.25 p.3 Ar, Charlotte, dû 7.15 Pi. Ar. Rochester, N. Y. C. ..45 pr. NORTH BOJND. Lv. Rochester N.Y.C. and N.R.E, 8.20 amn Lv, Charlotte, 8.50- 1 Ar. Cobourg-, Ont. I120 p Port Hope Ont. 2.05 » gWRight reserved to change tinie witbout notice. J.1. J-URZY, H. IL GILDE RSLEE VE, Agent, Bowmûanville. NI anager. WhlaevuPaot Payirg Pedlars for Brass Watches, such an amount et mon ey. Wheni you can purchase at Ilick- ard's, reliabie watches for f ar iess. This year he has reduced the prices again for your benefit. And whule his preseut stock hasts you eau obtain a geod Watch 'for almost uothing. Look eut and get one for the whohesahle prices are advaacing. Manufacturers dlaim te have been Ioesing meuey, and with improved times, they, are bound to make semething, se it is te your ewu iu- terest te see that yen take advaut- age etfIlickard's preseut prices. Grocers' due bis talien as cash. T. N. RICRARD, Jeweiler and Optician, Bowmanville EXALYINATIONSI If preperly cenductod, test the profie. ioncy of a student reasenably wlli. The graduates cf the TORONTO Ail pass a strong indopendent oxamin- atien cendacted byv the Business Educat- ors' Association et Canada. Ne white- washingeor granting dipiemnas te incem- petent candidates. Our students are nroperly trained te pass these examina- tiens successfuliy, and bush.ess mon approciate their standing. That's why we have many more applications fer capable, efficient, yeung men 'and women te 1MI1positions than we can supply. Yeni may enter our Coliege at any time. There are ne vacations te interfere witb yeur advaacement. If yen wish particuiars drop a pestai te W. H. SHAW, Principal, Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Miss M1. Pattersea lias beea visiting at Mr. White's. .. . Mrs. L. Underwood is visitiag in Port Hope ..Master F. Robinson bas beea erganist ia Car churcl fer a few SuaidaN s,,..Mr. and Mrs. John White visited frlids la Betli- aîîy necentN **** A srnail stranger bas arrived at tiie home et Mr George \Vil- liams-a soni. VOLCANto EnUPTIeNs--Aro grand bat skia eraptions rob life cf joy. Buckiea's Arnica Salve cures them; aise Old Ruin- ning and Fever Sors, Ulcers, Boils, elons, ors aWrts, Cuts, Braises, Burus, Scaids, Chapped Hands, Chu.' bians Best Pile Cure on eartb. Drives eut Pains and Aches. Onix' 25 cts a box Cure guaranteed. Sold -by Stott and Jury, Druggists. NEWTONVILLE. Coi. McLean, Pert Hepe, was ia the village Saturday week.... Miss Evelyn Leckhart bias been at Woedstock as a delegate te a convention et the Wemqn 's Fereign Missienary Society.. ..Mrs. W. E. Ovens lias returaed frorn visiting at Pontypee . . .. Suaday, Aprîl 30 one et car oldest citizens passed awaY in the persea eof Mrs. A.,Bates, Sr, at the age et 87 vears. Mrs. Bates wlth lier late husbaad were among the eariy pieneers et the townshsip. The fanerai service was heid lu the Methed- ist church, being conducted by Rev, Newton Jil, Belleville. A large num- ber etf rieads and acquaintances feilew- cd the romains te the cemretery, ... Mr. Geo. Hancock, Port Hope, spent Sun- day week at heme,... Mr. Jebn Jack- son and Mr. Win. Underwood, Kendal, were here recently... Mm, and Mis. Stanton, Pentypool,sDent Sunday week witb friends bore. SToRY Or A SLAVE-Teo be bund hand and foot fer years by the chains et disease is the worst torin et siavery. George D. Williams, ef Manchester, Mici. tells how sucli a slave was mtade free. Ho says:-"My wife lias been se belpiess fer live years that she ceuid net tara ever in lied alone. After using two lietties et Elecîric Bitters,she is -woader- fulir impreved and able te de lier own worz. " This supreme reasedy for female diseases quickly cures uervousness, sleepiessaess, moiaucheiy, headache, bac'-ache, fainting and dzy spoils. This miracle weiking medicine is a gedsend te 'teak, sickii', udewn po- pie. Every bottie gaaranteed. Oaly 50 cents. Soid by Stott and 3Jary,Druggists. ORONOX. Miss Mary Patterson, Kendal, is a guest et Miss Neilie Cooper.... Mrs. D. Jehusten, Pontspooi, visited Mr. J. P. Wiiliarnson...Mr. Fred, Long lias reces\ered from. bis iiiaess .. . .Mr. A. J. Leigli wiii mnove lato iOie Odeli resi- douce, Main St.... Messrs. Chas. Don- castor and Win. Adams, Bewmanviiie, speat SunidaY week with friends homo.. .Mr. Relit. Poster is meceveiag trom a sevore illness... Ms. Wm. Smith, Lendon, wlie las been visitiag lber daugliter, Mms. Herbiert Hbll, bas me tumned berne.... Mm. W. W. Tmuil and tamily have taken rosideuce la the Chrisian Parsonage.... Miss Ida Boom wiii sbertly beave for Cincinatti, Ohio, she liaviug been -accepted as a deacen- ess'in the Home ef that city.... .m D. and Miss Aggîe Semervilie weme guests of their cousins, Mr. R. and Miss Mary Waddell.Rev. H. T. Lewis, c Victoria University preacbed in the Mvethodist church Sundav evoning.... M4r. Isaac Wiuter, sur,, Whitewater, Vlan., died April fiOth fromn pheumnonia. For mauy years ho tollowed farming la lis township, tirially lie sold eut and toek up bis residence liere ; and seme unie years azo lie meved te the North- west. Deceased was 67 yeams et age, and lived la Clarke 34 yeams. Hoelias ett twe near relatives lu our village, a daughter, Mrs. Wmn. Barrett,and limotli- er, Mr. Robert Wintem, te meuma bis domise,... .Rev. E. S. Rowe, Toronte, lectared la the town hall, May lst, te a lage audience on Christian- Socialism. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Courtice,rendered an apprepriate solo, with Miss Ettie (irka piaaist. This is Mm. Rewe's econd visit te Omono this year. Honest Advice Fre o te n, The CANADiAN STATESMAN is reqUest- ed te publisli the fehiewing: Ail mon who are nerveus and deiitated or wbo mre suffeming fremn any ef the varions trubles mesalting frem. overwomk,excess r vonthfni errers, are aware that rnost aedical tlrms advertising te cure these conditions cannot lie reied upen. Mm. Grahiam, a resideat cf London, Ont., lving at 437k Richimond St., was for a log timo a sufferer from above troubles und atter tryiug la vain maay advem- ted rernedies, electmic beits, etc. ,be- corne almest eatimeiv discouraged and .opeiess. Finaily hoe ceafided la an oid Clergyman who directed hlm toan eiinent and reliable physician,througb Whose skillful treatmeat a speedy and erfect came was obtained- atis BOWMAN VILLE, MAY 10, 1899. CLARKE UNION Mr. Aldin Parker is driviag bis prom- ising Wilkes colt .... Miss Resetta Berry is se far recevered as te be able te take a short drive,... Mr. H. Arch is lielpiag Mr. W. Staples with lis seed- ing .... Miss Mary Berry is quite iii witli quinsy- .. .14r. Fred Merrii bas pur- cbased a hicî cie. B.3SMAm'S IROlçNEN'vE-WTas the res- ait î,fbi ,s splendid bealth. Indemnitable w ili and tremendous energy are not tound where Stomacli Liver, Kidnev-s and Beweis are out et erder. If you waat these qualities and the succes the 'y bring, use Dr. Kingý's New Lite PilEs, They develop overy power et the brain aad body. Orily 25é. at Stott and Jury's drug store, APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Until further notice SPOT CASH b u ladwilh buy frosh mined, well screened Coal at the feilowing pricecs: Scroalo Coal, ail sizes, at harbor 8.5prton; deiivered t any part of town $5.25. Having handied this, Ceai for 24 eu socutive years and aimest ail other kinds IG raina ie eeurcmedi as bot es ê dry ceai. __________As in the past we are prepared te pay 0 J0 the very highiest market price for ail kinds ____________of GRAIN AND SEEDS delivered at our * stereheustis corner King and George Sts., or at Port Dariington. [L II b er, SLT-coarse, fine and dair-' la bags and barrels, aise Retsof Rock' Sait feor* cattie and herses aiwavs on hand, Lumber,* Lath, Shîigles, Sash, Doors, etc., la stock * and made te erder. Inspection invited* and satikfactioa guarantee&.. BOWMANVILLE. JOHN HELLYAR,, Sole Local Agent. It wili appeal te Your.intelligence. It will dlean ail impuritios from the skia, It wiil cure pneumenia. " j It wiil cure E,1;zema. It will cure Gent. It wiIl cure kidney and livor troubles, , ~ It will make beautiful complexions. ~~ It wili cure Rtieumatism. It wî]l cure Asthma and Catarrh. It will relieve ladies of irregularitios. It wili reliove ladies of menthly pains. 'ee, Tt wi]l cure Obesity. It will cure Constipation and Piles, à 1 It wili froc the sy stem ef Tobacce, Z It will give lite te ci ror'rgan, . It wiil cure the worst coids. It wiii relieve. the ystem cof the effeets ~~oet iqiur, opium, or morphine. It wilrleealcongestions. It wilI olvo eî. a botter bath thaa any water on earth. It will cure Insomnia, It will hoead'(orqed by overy honest Pb)Ys'(,*an. See samples and prices at ___Stott &Jury's,. be WMAN VILLE, Castoria is for Infants and Chidren, Castoria is a, harmiless substitute for castor 0î1, Paregorie, Drops andv Soothing Syrups. It contalus neither ojdumi, Morphine nor other Xarcotic substance, It is Pleasant, Its guarantee îs thirty years' use by Millions of liothers, Castoria destroys Worns and allays Feverisli- ness, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wlnd Colle. Castorla relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constpation and Flatuilency. Castorla assirnilates thse Food, regulates dihe Stinaeli and Llowels of -infants and Chlldreii, gi-vilng Iiealtliy and natumal sleep. Castorla 15 the Chîlldrens iPaacea-The Mother's Friend, Castoria, Castoria. "1Castoria is an excellent medicinie for "Castoria is so weil adapte(1 b chidren children. lithers have repcatediv told iue that I recoomenfi it as stiperior to any preý of its good cféee upon their childre." a cription known to nie." DR. G. C. OSGoo, Lozwell, Mass. H. A. Aizciu a M.D.Brooklyn, V.1F T HE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F 1 cmpiR Io RIDI lum Io wm. 1