Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1899, p. 2

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....... l............ ... ......................5,,m..,aViiosdlih1ovii1 lce-hr 1\'NO2 ...... ........... ........ ...... ...... cieanliness, beauty and cheerfuines are Cus'ed of Asthma AI a t p ea l u t a . a t s e t i liii __________Sue sayes tue sAL 1 do nat 1be-Have there The official returns off the b IPelc ream-Cthesa i k I .si, indigestien or tion ilnBrockville give the Liberal eau. cures. filany stomach trouble ddtMr. W.243 Mra J. Wis24, MC. I ~~that cant lbe ddaeCoasoct, ma BU.writýee: "I hava b 4iev: et once andOrity. frota bronuchial asitbnsn 4ieedet ncOdyears, masuy tdimes h-avi if :permaniently crd U'ipt hiuhte kiliillkSPPSI This is a progressive a,,e, tue spirit ,vsho nigîlsi. Thrgi by Iii~CUE N))ii J1,Il.rNiof rt ae s veni as a li Ny e.o h aei olied the procession NIl tai rggs~ moves rapidly and hie or she who would but bfoa tai lnh ~ii25.a vial. Guide accomplish mucli, or even a littie, must oic attaueLs ceaaed ai1t,ý ci 41//:i~totaHeulth n mdthrep-ast'SIXix muonhs E ', ~~~~~cal adrice friea. 1505 get intefotrnsadmv ihWeattsr liaivenon natir I Axch street, Phiî7l . the "movers". coma aoxuetlibjng likea R N frasethiis irerat ofail . ::: iny uy3ars of sullerint A town should te to its inhabitants îicovei'y re'<mmended IL:!:1 '~x __ ____ ___ens suifferng tas I w4 NIi iwhat a residence is to its occupants-in othews Lu th1ia ety who ~ Lii aîa _________________________________both cases it should be their home,.aiie tauuvlu I:;: u~îrge 0-ny persanif xi :::office when the Conservatives were in The members off a family leave nothing to CTy lit.- powrundone that w jîl increase the appear- fJre ampboe re IL -oeThe T uppers, ance of their home and promote the poidw:lb eb~ont toI 1he Giffths & nile Wholrek oroughly despisedl by the those living there. The sm prtOa gns 121 Ghur 111best men off the Conservative party? should animate citizens in beautifying Cleke's Raja Compi -The Tuppers, and otherwise improving the town fo aaodet Il!, b lie intibis way they mnake rsîsidents gener. itra reaanat Who sont Peter White to Brockville ally more cotafortable and contented. fT the cure aoI aabmua. 'q1 a'~gainst the wishes of mauy good local Smen? THE MTYRED WORKMILÂ. *~ti, - ~ - he Ta pers. "If le er there w as a m an T a a k e k1 iy 4 ~ " ~ ~ / ~ ~'L \\ , ho g tuned ownla Bockbeen wronged. that man ta Dr.Wr i N--~ '. . ~- ~onIrti an D eposed from . is profession IL iMm Iii î: i2~.~~j~i ~-~ :,îI, ille i'ilwithout the formalitv off a triallebs wor ti beiroretha odiurrp tielaî.i -The Tupers. for eight long years, been tortured tthe T -eor o e oe ha rdn_____iuar ' saine time by acute physicalpan Bic»cie ou cn a -~ ur ~ ValeBicrcle g wo quit Canadian Qtu strivi -g vain for a chance to, expliîîîhîs Besreyurcoice is f ully guairau1tecu.1 Ai Cdii» qune Begur yureh. ... or thý,>good o f Canada? - ft ' t'techrc ,Al ha*u ec1Srg N~: dubegurate. ht f hemkers, Thiè Welland Yale Manufacturing te vintlcae à apai Spsîaîe, St.oube Catanes Onat,ofd orhoe gmaated thab iywill prove -The luppers. nhen{ off hisvs on interpretation tý 5kw apl s Co., ofS.Cthrnsnntaddr w a b i iiteilbehrn h ave so1nfuneo pigw L : eausniou.~iury~ aou neXth- ,il p compare ~Whn n muet-%l an rî.rnIq eerthnfar heen kept pnrposelv i ip i al Ter i a1u- Nl-.ii7 Nrherethe To e yore, ill ou tQ ilatnfuenerf J-hg we maes rsnl'. hemoe--jbb7wolnq-vinz that publicity Iiattd o ok lusr-h Yeeles rea- muke to theinselves,lieatmpei hoestmbig NI i ive to stifle every iniquiry, Nont he clondsprtesaumaei Ontarlo Bank 'i' . -Th uppers re beginning to break, and, with 111.O p p o i t ent a i o_____. T v er v b eliev er in fr e e in d e p en d e n ce - o t s wIO )1) T -THIE LIHERALS ing Biblical scholar restored te, a posit- ed ta be constipateti,1 ... ..i ion.......re the church eau have the full anti the entire arganisi ...... L -N----- --- -------- Nïaïï - ïWho re e o benefit off bis magnificent intellect and ioogicenig r-du--dïpostageïlettr tseholastie attainments."-OBalelUe-ngMe - ihertlyacors i..al.fft.aov. Blood Bitters is the bes - T(OTICE. ~~~~LiISS EVA L1JTTRELL ~~~~~ b two cents, saving thousantis off dol-cleEtlgee-.T-aSAEAN 0ai prnM PCBLISRER's NTCEis Urparedtea give lassons 0on argan antipiano _______ccrd ______lofth aov Tïu~ TTEMN smald eu arly1ileppsielatsatotbsiness mef?-The Liberals. ON r I % tivity, iniproves the apr 17J TTSA sMie ea al e rsth ie , igS.o Cts inso __________MAY______8_9.__fil____Ur stimlated ides u to its subscribers until a definite order nMiS$ ETHE£L Who have WMÂoILLpeMY 3d189. the.' "u'tilI8 __________________________ wold' ~ IVI ~ the ooremoves ar to discontinue is recelve iat il -ARTIST. instructions gîvea la PAINTING makli o tha opni Up te bas J'WJ11 FI d Cu bowsand îkit n, arer r ndl ui nribin u uWater Calor anti China%. Sketchiug and - blD TTITUPR- .resd$0o0,o ntw eriicuae Ctzni paer r ad.i ul 11Usrit niatiag frose nature. KILN on pramnises, fir- - 01 i -LE UPRS aktss ht aaa frd hsBsorgt it iencWi1of and C om- duci, awad iani $1,50 pet annuta. If pait inluatvance inug ai usnaai1pr'Ics, 51.6m. WhocreasetSir$Mckenzie oOO lu Tho e iars 81.00 per annumt. i"s OOD GENERAL SERVANT WAN- Wokiet i acezeBoel Th ieal. fr a tue ExpeMn. 7 Big Mtos wo r wak a. M RIGE LICEINSES,-M. A. JAEIssuer af Marriage Licenses. IlsdncR ntre Street. A. B. tIeLAUGHLIN, grister, Soicitor andi Conveyaneer. Offie- Bi akley Bilock, King Street, Bowmanville, Money tel an at reasonabie rates. 48-lyr, ~~TO LENTO $ . 00 0 on godmort- gage secnrity aI niaderate rates of isatercît. A. E MVcLAicHLiN ,qolieitor,Bowmanville,Oai, 16 -gi. DR. J. Gý. MITCHELL M ..Lantd Surgeons, Otarla,Coroider, tûtO AResideuce, E nskiiea 74 R.J Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. D. BUtRKE SIMPSON, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS, )BLOCK, up-stairs, King Street, Bowmsan Ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Irrivate moneVs loaneti at iowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V._s. O -F FLOT IN WEST DURHIAM NEWS VBiock, wlhere hiieli or is assistant will befoundfrom8a.m. to 9p. nm. Night calîs aiý residence, drectiy opposite Drill Shedi. Calis by teleeraph or telephone wiil receive pro ta- tention. 171 - yr. 1 U" W«% m'r ri £jJ.Vi±'% L±ia £ £b . C. HARNDEN, L.D;.S. Graduate of the Rayai C3olege of Dental Som geoas, Ontario OFFlCI7.Opposite Express Offie,. VITALIZED AIR J.RMBRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Offiee.-Rear of Messrs; Higgin botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs),, BOWMAVI LLE. LAKE 0F BAIS MUSKOKA This interesting place is n ow ragudiv comaing ia pramïnence, sitnaied as iat i i the heart af the hmiiing grounds oai Isnt t is reached by Grand Tnink 1aiway System froni any point TO MUXTSVLLE thence bv eteainer over the beanjifal water, of F'airv sud I enînsiilar Laites to G(J-,, mers. whera eve.y faciiiiv exisis for te 'h ing diffarent parts ai the jakes liy me aina the Lakte of P ys N&x Ca Anglets wilî fii tbis a v, îenif.- a,àdise. andi tan safelî 1 p'nm--e an rdn ce oai oe'kid tr' the rîat thtfrsExcelut sati ~ ~ ~ ~ b ra1u aouas,~ Pta$ si iiia, týe7 dav fËiekets, , laiiers &Il isiiformajirn frein- G T ýR Agento, or write 0 i>Cx- -IKO, HJR, Dist £ ais jAgenj'orento 0C-P & T A ville- isif. I S EED CORN.-For sale a quantity of s;eat corn selecteti ont or fied by expert- esîeed corn grower. Apply ta D. IVOItgomery, lot 22, cou. 5, Darlington, Solina P. 0. 17-1w. IJOUSE AND STORE.-That cota- fortabie dweling bouse andi splendid gar- den, larg~e and smaîl fruit, etc., on Mill street, Hiamptii, iwill ne said very eheap. Apply to Jos'i VÂCD1, Hampton. 17-tf. L IMBE R FOR SALE-Hexnrvllock- ', Lot 12, Con, 3, Darlingr on, offers for sale ail kinds r<ogh anîd dressed lmer ahandi shingies. Fiooring and siding a speîty. 17 i mos.- ~M2!L HCÎU3E. ýVANTED-, MvIst bi) licheap anin jr ond repair,. State iowest cash down price, M. A. JAmîES, Bowmsnville, 1IBULLS FOR SALE.-On Lot 15, k>Concession i, Darlina-toni. 5 yegarIiîîg bus for sale, F. J. Csîsitiquire n premises or addrcss Oshawa P.O. t. POARDERS WANTED-Two young- >)meniwanted who wjli raamtogether. Terms m iderate. Appy to MRs.Wm.McKowAN,corner Ontario ad'Argyle sis., Bow manville. W ANTED SITUATION.-Ashouse- Wkeeper in tawn or country wlsere there arc no chidren. Conntry preferred. Apply ai TitE St xvaESiAit ofilce. 16-3w. TVENDERS WANT ED.- Tenders ILwill be receiveti by the aniderýsigneti np ta Wednesday. Mav lirl, for thse sâle ai the aid frame chnrcis at Salem. The lowest or asîy tea- der nae'iueessarily accepted. F. L. BRAGQ, sec - retary-treasurer, box 2O, fowmnaivilc. 16-3w. i.Theeouinfort able brick dweling hanse wjith an acre snd quarter of gar don wit apple treces aud straU fruits, the property of the late R bert Forbes, iradsiraw St. Appiy ta A.E. ]MeLAtteti- LIN, i3arrister, Baimanville. 16-3w. -Tue luppers. Who came ail the way frota Londion tii take Sir Mackenzie Bowell's job? -A Tupper. W/ho declincdt thlilp pay for fiowots ordereti by members off the lnte gav- erumerit to te placeti ou the coffin off the labo Sir John Thompsou? -The Tuppers. W/ha causeti the downfail-th te Con- eervative party lu this couuit ïi? - Tise Tuppers. W/ho matie charges lu the House againsb private citizens that thev tiare not maIe, thaulchallengetito do so, on a public platform? -Thse Tuppers. W/bontidthbb Mail cali the priluce off political crackismen? -A Tapper. W/ho establisheti law anti or dcrinl tle Yukon? -The Liberals. W/ho inaugutatet a, systet off colti storage transportation for farta pro- duce? -The Liberals. W/ho i-effrmed the tariff, givin g preffetence to British gootis? -The Liberals. W/ho got the Belgium anti Gernan treaties abragabeti, thougli Tupper saiti bhey coultin'b? -Tihe Liberals. Who settled the Manitobsa sehool question? -The Liberals. W/ho turneti teficits into surpînses? -The Libetals. W/ho are teetotaîîy tiiscredited li /laneunt h 1ny uran Englandt t-day? teralt employ more men ta make -The. Tannai-a [more gootis? W/ho tan off ta Vancouver nfter making these char-ges ait the foot off -A Tupper. W/ho swarmed into everv vacant1 For sale by STOIT & JURY, Bowm-slu-Ie. -The Liberals. W/o npealeti the vllainous fran- -The Liberals. Who put new life itthbb immi- gration tiep artment briugiu'g many thousautis off people te. Canada? -The Libenals W/ho placet Cauîata's commerce on a basis to bring gooti times? W/ho restoreti barmony anti peace amang bbc diffetent classes off Canadian people? -The Liberals. Wbý;o do- noît ialugu t-le perýsenai ebanacters off privabe citizeus? -The Liberals. W/ha placeclth ibpostal departmeut an a business basis. -The Liberals. W/ha place(] the International Rail- way ou a paying footing? -The Liberals. Whli secureti a reduetion lu C .P. R. freiglit raies for the iNorbbwest set tler anti miner? -The Liberals,ý W/ho abolisheti the swcatiug svstem? -The Liberals. The prayer meeting ou Thurstiay cv- ening lu the Metluotist eburcli was un- Woman's'Missinar Society. The pastor. conducteti the tievot ional exercises aff ter wbich Miss Eva Crytierman favoureti bhc audience wibh n solo "No Nigltitnl Heaven" anti Mrs. Platb, Presitient off bbc Bay off Quinte Brandi, gave au ati- dress an whv every woman lu the church slioulti be interestet inl mission- ary work andtihte neeti off ina ns to sentiwoi-kers to tie missioniar. fields, Misses Stella Mason anti J ennie M cLean sang a duet very nicely. Several new names were atieticthe b membersbip off bbc society. Don't give up.- Discouragent lias lost many a life. Fight it ont. Txy every mens.ý l'allure lu one case tioes not'men success is an impossibility. Everybodv makes mistakes. Exporience is the modemn ins tructor. Profit hy thc experience off others. It may sax c your hife. The experience off frientis anti neigli- tors. The testimony off Bowmnnvilie people. Will bring reîuewed encouragenment. Here fs a case in point. Mr. John P. Foiley, Wellington St.,, states: "'For a great many years I have lad kidney trouble, theumatista anti neuralgia. I have taken .nanykints of mnedîcies boping for relief, but only to be disappointeti, "At last I1 tiionglît 1I wotild tîS, Doan's xUdney PRIS, sa got n bojx 0f theta Stott & Jury. Since. takînig theta I ama glati to say postuvely tbitt I ama a great deal better than for a long time. "I cau certif v that they gave immeti- late relief, anti I recommenti their use to any aise afflictet i vth theumatista, neuralgia or kitiney trouble off any kinti." Doans Kitiry Pis have no imitatars. If You are sick anti wanb a ente insist an Donn's Kidney Pilîs anti refuse al others The Doan Kidney Pi11 Ca., Tor- onto, Ont. ODDFELLOWS AT ROME. 'ihe annuai At Home off Florence Niglitingale Lotige,.No. 616, I. 0. O. F., on Wednesday evening was quibe suc- ccssfful. A large number off frientis assembleti in their spaciaus Lotige roota ta join in social intercourse anti dnjey the splendid program presenteti. Af ber singing tlie opening ode the ebaîrman, Mr. M. A. James, one of the maRy Past Grands off thislotige, presen,,etisomne înteresting ffacts and figures regnrtiing -tepractical work offtis-&nd-the-,-r&nti Lotige anti introduccd caci îiuinber on the progrnm with a few hanppy remarks. Mn. L. T. Courtice neciteti wibh mucli spirit anti feeling "On blie Bankis off the Rapphannock "wibli musical accompani- meut by Mips Ena Tnebilcack, Miss Florence Tilley played a brilliant piano solo anti receuveti a beart encore ta wh ich she pleasstntly respouîdeti with an- equally fine seleetion. Rev. R. Taylor off Nelwcabtle lu a short impromptu addness etaphasizeti the Intiependent Order off Oddffellows and the gooti effeets en the six-sideti nature off man. Miss Glaver sang in lier usual good voice "Shoulti 1e Up- braiti" ant inl respanse ta the encore gave another prebty selection whicb was receiveti wibh equal delîglit by all. Aften a short interm issian Miss Mosebta James openeti the second part off bhe pragram witli the solo "A May Morning" and gave as an encore "Tiusting only you" both being weli sung. "Five Bacli- elors keeping bouse" was splendidiy reciteti by Miss McDowell anti in appre- ciabion off the beatty encore wbich ffollowed gave "Questi'ons lun lier awu pleasing manner. Mr. A. Mitebel wbo is always reatiy to siug, gave two sangs that ware rapturouslv applaudeti, Rev. JJ. Rne gave a short atitress on "ecret societies" that coritaincti a gooti deal off common sense delivereti in a condenseti anti practical farm. Miss Nellie Saunders wbo is always welcome on any pirograta sang "Dream Angels'" anti as an encore "The Last Rose off Sumîner, anti received generous'ap- piause. Misses Tillev, Glover and Grigg performeti the duties off accaîn- pani st ver.y acceptably. "Goti Save the Queen" broaglit this p1casing pro- gram t titi cnd anti encl depatteti well, plenset i 'th bhc eveuuius's entertain- unent A vote off la s to the pet- formers was moveti by Bro. J . C. Van- stone anti secoudeti bv Bro. C. M. Cnwker in happy speechbes anti hcartily supporteti by th e audience. VER LADY fter Eight ttanl àsof.ring A- Msulsate 1'redum-n Ise Seems Like a Kola Com»soumuI pressan11t, Vaiwoueer, be&u C grear suifferer Vu; tC set Upneardy x Qod o f a fienG aW n -utr tat&y oz. ft reliai 7e nme 1( Lhid tie tliýrri büte, Lgetiir, owd uen Mwp d~Rnp ud OSl, a auLe attuki. It a&rmm ta h fe Ëm [U dîs,eases aftrr so M. 1 bave aee my id QSi remedy wt as, aead know maiy omi àt lias re. smeesedy andi wooi ag Dîom the d{lieàsa arante t'Ota ure. Ai any person ia1 i, Jssg ilS pa p er dY, erO, uC'O.,so as& mreýh sÊreet, Truo nnlid sisaniti neLt>0 -ner IKal 1 *Prs11pa- tuis cla alregtbr csî,,are esc"issi4 Ailmn ngsî. 'fe Strengtim andi CIape ie arvzating a.ther. s, drowýsiniess andt on accoui ofth logge-d op with iin dnring ,blie h, the bowcls incIia. the blood impue im is iii nead -of a 1 tdicines," Burdock est. lggish liver toa c. -petite, acti on the* enrfles anti enriclié. tii poisonous Pro. w hife and vigor te id debilibateiN Bouis, frein Cenîrallial, Ot:" ~ sinceraly say that]Burdock Biod Bitters is the basi sprîng medicine on the rnarkat. Lest spriag my blood gai out of order, and 1 had sIeven or eighî goo sizeti hals corne ont on my bar1v, andtie anc on îny leg was mnch larger L..'iu cgg. 1 goa battle of Bndock Blood Bitters, and insitie of six da)#., wlsen only haîf the bottle was taken, there wasr.ý a bail ta ha seen. 1 have recommendd B. B. B. to differani people in ont village. anti ail das-iveti benefit fromit.h I wih., B.B.B. evary success, ৠit is indeed' a' greai medicine for the blood.," B. B. B. is a highly concentratcd vage. table compaund-teaspoonful doses-ad4 water yoursaif. L RiPPTIWSI L-I&I VI -- Shattered, verves and Weak- ened Heart--A St. John Lady Telis About ILN M4rs. Jobh ngI ,who restdes et I30 Sheriff St., St. h, b ýN.B., states: "Soin time aga I was atbIacheti bya Verocot which entietiup luna atii atakoff L Grippe. Since thatt ie I hav er regaineti my beailih, being -weakL, inerypu and tan dawn. ',I suff ereti very mach frota l Indie- tion, accumulation of gas iii h tIie slu anti was in almast constantdstes t docta'eti with some off thebapyre g began nsing Milbnrn's Ileart ant, iI Iv* Pis, anti am pleasedti t say that ile have compietely cnrcd me. "My appetite is restoreti; my isr-vo systcm bas been toneti up ta ilsai- J condition, anti I have no moýre troul fran the Indigestion ,aideau eat at- thng I choase. ",I ama only 100 glatoi 0 tStify 7ta u mernts of sncb a marveas remý1,11edy f Milbarn's Heart anti Nerve Pus ",foirb cure off nervoasuese. Sean trouble, I gestion, etc. Price sO5C,.a o dr-uggists. "ï Persiuic Sheu Dt1 A powerful liii irritant and hiý prepanation ti a t ctmpletcly destre. lisects ur ve-i 117-ipeculian o bu ahee cattie Ib is i 1 um etiuîte lu a ffect wli auy irritatina1. reulit anti is aui effu henler off ail -1,i ii irou"l1es, such as t boilsgan-rei '-.r>eer cuts. titýnv anti scabs, 'N. E. A. B ro d e, neut stock rai utroof Bethestia, ' "I ase,'i --g at sacccss !Dg latats î :-,,Iai heal ngtl rapidlv auî aî g bm~g IconsidtWie m iosffvtwi al the market : lo rtiveco - Ie to farurnt,! i'i-nilv. If v-y cannat su i,a.do 1na be l with an ilu-ti ip, write nus die, lb, we ii espnipe STourvILLE, ONT,

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