Vlowest psibe-rate consistentA thart 1i hope 1was le f ~ [piig0~ t bas startetl a nioving 1 have rernoved ail ïii. restmred natural -~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - - - ~'...--.-----. - ==.~j________________ - - - ---a. -LO. - ----____ in aing over $i,500,ooo in £fcentsurplus'of over- $674,:ooo -s Sa safeguard. For futhr artjeulars en- Menibers of- theOrder,-or àaddres. R. ELLIOTT, H. C. R., Ingersol, T S.WHITE, High Sec'y., Brantford. Brantford. tiiere is n-obody living who dces not judge people, more or less, by the wavI tihydress. ______ CASTORIA, 'For Infants Piï& Children- Not for uis IErs. b" Sweet, doyou lovenme as lvel as you did this timie yesterday?" tenderly mur- mured the voung- brtctegroom, -leanin Aç-_ wari rier. I'Rather better, I think, dear," softly answered the young bride. 11Thon I'm happier than I was ycster- day " ho> rejoined, "And I didn't think it was possible!" Whercupon the hrrd-featured old bache- lor in the scat directly . behin d them got up and went f orward into the smoking car. FOR OVEL IO T Y EAItS. M-Nrs.MWîns1ow's SoothingSyrup bas tbeen eib millions of inothers for their eilidren wh'lîi teerhillg. If disturbed at night aud broken of your rest byr a sick child sulfering and crying 0odla stores, in the Brompton road, and I tldnk they willi nd iii so Depular that - thera-will- areey-be a store -or --a-great-- trading business lt, London that wili not be glad to instituts the same inveention. the tedinient from thaunine, ani I 1W rest weiI and feel lively ami briglit. stupor are ali gone in a word, Doan 's Kidnev PiIb~ harp çûmrlp.tpiv r*iirfi(i mis get a bottie of LIrs. Mylw'Sot gSn~ esn. oîefîaimen antak pla for Oilidren Teethirig. It i]1l relieve the poo 'ridrulahiwican aepe; littie sifferer at once. Depend tipou i irmothers. ir, arfr ue in reCoTnmellding tbem to ail sifer- there is nb inistake about it. It cures fliarrlin-a C drn i- from anv formn of kidniev troubleý or regulates the stomaeh and bowels, cures Wind1 Col.so!tens the gums, reduces indlarinmation. f roîn any of thecomplaints whichl1have aud givCs tone and energy to the wLole? systern-. eiod" .Urs..Willslowrs' Soothiîig Syrup for chlidree n 5i~ teething is plea8,at to the taste and is the pre- _______________________ Doan's Kidnev Pills are sold bv ail ýjertptioîî of one of the oldest aud best female HTAGYRAOVS YELLOW 01L cures il druggists or sent b\7 mil on receLipt of physicians and nurses lu the United States uuinIn nÉD 0,o w~rfor snrains. Ctf , --rc50 Cen*v a box "r 3bohxes foi-t25 Prire 25c a bottle. SoiS bya&l driuggists tbro' gb- bril-s..ciosnu, v i, Tho Doat. Kidnev PI C(B.nTropto.Oï't out the world. Bê sure and ask for ftrs. W iN. mation.' rheumatisrn and ncura1gi t s o on~at eue i tes SLOWS' Soothing Syrup s a specifie. AkfrDa' u uuù i tes ýl - - - - i ý - 222e --t -1- -t -L 1- kl