Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1899, p. 6

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h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ie Taal~ttSfdl ý!OWMANVILLE, APRIL 12, 1899. Al' EXR~Sl0EOF FITH. Dr. Ward's Blod anti Nerve PUis bave done nme an incalculdable amnount cf gooti. Ithiak thoy are the best, surest andi quirkest acting cure fer nervousnees, unhealtby action of the beart, insornia or sieepiessness, anemia or impoverisheti bloci, lossof appatite, ganerel deblity andi ili-beaitit Vo- aine years, hefore 1 rom- mencati talcing- Dr. Ward's Blond andi nerve Pulis, my beart was wcak and in an uniteaitity statrs. Its action vas se much impairodt titu1Icoulti not vveik acrrss the street wititeet suffering greet distres,, my hew-e, nuttaring and heating se rapi iIy that 1 coulti scarcely breatite, cauFiog fainitness, Iess of strengtli, anti lea ing my tierves ail unstrîrng. My sloep -,vas very mchlidistierieti, 1I i'ioneap'etite and thora vas litt'e streîrgtor i itaitv in rny llooti; I vas always exces-sivelY nervous. I have nov talion tlima boeseof Dr. Ward's Bloond andi Noria Pîlir, andi since taidag titrai 1 bave art been away those pills it vas a frequetît occurrence for me te Se away front business. As a resuit ef ta king 1Dr. Ward's Pilis îny ieart is perfertly Lealty anti stre7g' and givas ine no distress or troubio wlxteî'or. 'fhey rem-ovcd ail e"vs.troauble, nade ny iecives stronsi amd gave ine heL1hldy f '. '11'e'- pilla also arade nry bloot i net cd strong anti gaeo e a healtity appetite. Dr. Ward's Pille bava givann ire perfét hi. t, rostoring my lest streirgth, ia Plaeofe continuaI l -1lialtit, weakness, baart trouble anti nervousnrss. la jeasti 'a I cannet speek tee higbly of' tiis vet denful medicinc. Sîgni, Miss N. MîLlv.anrd, WVu on St,, Port Hope, Ont. Dr. W ard's Blooti anti Norme Pili, .are sol t t '.prboxr, c hoxes for l2-0o"at drirqrrs-iî, or maileti on receipt et price byTlHE DOCTOR WARD CO. LiJaîtad, 71 Victoria Street, To'-ýqto. Bockoetin- formation free. ADZAura IT S. itt vi! luU" ilualt t1'l'lst0l nia- hietii. 1t la better raadeir i li parts. If is a haudsomer machine. Thre tube frein can lsexcposel nd cen be instant- ly cleaned i ilg shoulti cior. The cen may l'einstanfi1r em'etiod "itls-Ot vaut t e change nalcril or clean if. Tire for- imatien oethlie ce'>) allows ail the arateni- ai to e hosjraed ont viren operatet upwarti in trecs or brîshes It wil ave crops tfram buýs, worins andi Fungi anii:ruit trecs trear tihe caterpiliar andi Rev, Dâr. Talmage Draws a Lesson Frorn. Eieazar's Tenacity. -lsr Adherence to the Gospel Ur-ed4--The Noted Prbaoher Says He WHi Not Cease to Preach Because He Resigned His Pastorate. Washiegte'i, Ap1a'l 9,-I the flrsù n0,, -e e onceiing Dr. Talmnage that I r"er Charles H. Spurgeon ef London u-rLethegraslfn-isbmînaLtai' id he was gl t te fli napracier 'hat helieved semerthjng. This di 'course or Dr. Tal- rrnge ie lu that volu and urges close Ou mc te thle oH gospel; teut, Il. s.amuel x7iii, 10, "And his baud clave unt'.bcliswerd." W ct , loi ofisthing te preaclîthe go- pte !Some suppose fiat te "ruse 1 baercsigoîcti a tix-ed pstmeI will c 1-0 l e ih. N Ioý Icapoct te prech imoe thau I ever have, If the Lor t vill, four ioes as ineuir. tbough iu mai'feltiplace s. I wenld net dare b'.L W'-. uch ep ortimiity f0 declare thre truth tb eugh the ear te audiences andi tt;à rIeye tlb"enrh the printing press. Iumhero we bave a stirt'tug theme put i eeusl by the prop'rct. I.,rer enera.i cf King David was i.zt,'e liero of the tezat. The Phifi- mesoîed bîattre against hlm, andi bis t' o~ s refd.The coveirds fled. Lileu- wi, Ilfi i thr eG ci' hi;coutrdes went rate l' attie aind sv.epttbe field, fer four rýieeaivil, h Ged on titeir side are strongor th- a rn vhile regirnent with God agninst ilý,m -r. F'aIl tck'shevred the comt- ofriere the î-Lii titis ari-r'. The c.y 1b-'vî'r-g s-woor tbe froId, tuirevis brI- self on the greunti te rest, bat the ir,' îles and sincews of bis band bad beau so long bLmnt areu'rd thre hilt ef bis swerd tha 'thebhibt vias î lbcdded la theiesit, cnd tlie gel it tre efthtie blit ha-d broken f'i ren-gb tbe ekin of thre palm eof the te,,nd, and lie ceuld net drop this sviord wbvi- oh ha ii se gallantly wieltied. "Ilis coi lave unte the sWorti" 'flat is whatî1 eIlrai agnificent fighting fer the Lard Geti ef Israel. And we want more 1 propos~e te show 'yeu i ew Elkazar tee'. itcd oethfli--\Vord an'd hoNv the Ewr ruOtorhold of Elcazar. I leook ut J ILiYsbandi, and I corne te the ceu- clusi t iaf iretookthei sword viith a very tight grip. The cewarrls vue led h..d ne freeblû La eirepping tîreir swords. AS they f v er lthe rocks I hear their swerds claedlng iu every direction. It is e'uy eneegit fer th 'm te drep thir swerils. But El'e.Lr's baud clava unto the soird Intu is Christian "eniiet vo muanb a tigt er grip ef rire gospel wea- pe r t a tighier grasp ef the two cdget swcieofi thfe truth. il maies ne nir te Seo tboe Chr(bnirtnpeoplne bhooioly a p ,,rt of the trucli and let the rest ef the truti ,go, se tirat the Philistines, scein" fhl leneti grasp, wrouch the wliole su cru awnv frein thein. Th. ,Oniy Safe Xlif.. The ealy safe fhiug for us te do is te aisceirtren te net-r..g M1 ag- -~ tire rlgbt hliceofi et riag, froin wviih if wiii crote jige nethlng. I helicro ia the holy acîrosîle chureli anti la rite ceom- mnionofen t vingarias antinlatire fer- giveneit of notiting-, andthet resurrcotion ef nothng ati iniihe, lite tirat acicr shahl irc. Amen!1" That la the creeti et tans et tirousantis et peopleinlatirsa day. If von haive ear'rind te atiept surir a theoy, I wiilno't. "I bolilva la Go i the I'atber Ailighry, INM1er et be.ve randi cartir, ant inluJasas Christ andt in the Iroly crtheirc chirreli and lu the commniorn et sain amn theR lif' e'vcniasting. Amten." R'î, wbcpr I se', Eleazar rikinro'sncb a ,tstt grip efthrie swv0td iu the battla a-ainst sia anti tom ightaousna.ss, I corne te tic conclusion tint vaenglit te take e stots, er grip ct Gotis eternral truti-the swort et îightee;usne-ss. Spirit ofS.Sof Furg.tîîilness. As 1Ilooit aI Eleazar's Ihanud Ial.'e notice bis spirir t ffera Reies. a itinet notice tat th irabr tftIre svird vos et- ing tbreegl thre îaim et ais lient. Ho titi no, -inoîr ihi ir hlm. As bfie at eut ibuote t'cefliet ha vas so aixioui for the vicei ' y efergot hiniseit, and fie t t igit go ci or se deepiy rate tlic paliuoettsenti, irouit net iti-Lrr hir'r "Ilit baud clave u"fo thcevieord. " Oh, my brotnars ant i sers, 1cotaus go intrethe Christian ce flirt vitirtira spirit cf self-abuegarrien. Who crnci vîeühcr the ivrit piaises is or tienearces us? What do wevc ara fer iuisrcprasearerîen or abusa or per'rution la a ce' flirt liRe luit? Let ns forgetrevies. ibat nian vii. afraîi f ettring bis htant hurt wiii paver kli a Philistine. Wluo cares vbetirer yen gar hurt or net bl yen gat the virtoryf Oh, bow raary Christiaus there are vibo arealal tbe rime vorrying aUout.rthe vcy the wvend trentt tea. They are so tireti, and tbey are senbus'd, andt te, oie seo teritel ,-,vbhen file-tzar dt net Ihirrir vibethmr ho ba abrnt or an an cor a foot. Ail he wauî,ti w as i'icterv. W n s' hov me'n forgaf tlamseives la wioldir achi(ýemt,.'. lie harvae on 'C enI mca -,vhite, u ener te achieva verldly saccess, viii forger ail physical f atigue andtialilannoyamuce anti aleobstace. Juif luter te baIlle et Yorktown, la the Aniemican Revolution, a.reusielauu, viunti- cd, iras f olt lie must bave bis liîrîbs anutateri, andt t'avwcre aboerrtoteasieni him ate te surgeen's tabla, for lu vas long betore the mercrtful discor cy et aiuaesthetics. He a si, "No, teu'rt asten une te tira table; get me a vioua. " A violin vire brourrbr te hlm, anti le saiti, Noîv go te vear as 1 hegia te play, ant for 411urin-atos, darng tIre avitul p age et amputation, lie atveti net a muscle aoc troppeti a net-, vîrila b' phiati oeinae seaftarine.Oh isfne speeshes,. It must b" sharp streke andi straiglit thrust. There is infemperance, and there is fraud, andi there is gambi- ing, and thare is lust, ad there are ton firousanti battisiions et iuiquity, armeti Philistine iaquity. Itow are they te ho capurrd anti overthrown? Soft semnions inl mereceo casas laid devnin l front of an exquisite audience will net de if. Yen have get te ral thiags by theîI -lht name. Vou have get toexcpel frein our cbîîrcb0s Chrlstiaus wvibeat tIra sacra- mieut on Sunday ai-i deor widows' houses ail the Nveek. Alialis here. ilerotis nere. Jczeitels liera. The massacre efthtIe infants bore. Strike for Goad se hard that ihie yen slay the sin the sworti wvili atihere te your hanti. I rall yen. ury friands, vo vant a favi John Kuoxes anti John Weýsievs in thre Christiari churcli te day. T--'O yt uerfueet ln straighiteniung ont the feet, but they di net succed la bathing oencthie baud se it vonld stay open. Tbey batitet the band open, but it came shut. Th e17 batlieti i open agala, but it caie es'a-s. What vas the inatter vitir the thumh anti the fiagriofet rat olti hand? 'Alir, it Iratise long tmucli d tire s,, md eoCfrr- tien confliot tiiet "bis hud i cave unto the swort." The Sermon as a Tonie. I intcnd this sermon as a tenir. I want you te bold the truthli wifh i neradir- able grip, anti I Nwant yen te, striLe se liard fer Geti that If xill rcnct, anti wbile yen, taire thre swerd fh-, everd yl taire Yen. Tliy saints la ail this glerions war Shah ceaquer, thouqli tley die. Tliey see the triumph frein afar Andtizle il villithe oye. Th e vilr' enccy le te ratina on 'Wben tIret illustrions day shlnl rlse Clîristier' vork-. We keap on refiniag on Anti alfiry armies shine It nailvie S'at apoloetit vWord te In roes ef viery tîrougli tiraskies, iniquify va are about te capture ir. Anti The giory shah bu thine. Nva m ust; go vitth sîvrd silvar chaîcti andtiproenretihy tIre ladies, anti va mailOLE I RVL rida on white palfrcy unrer eîabmrder'ed FIE ISRVL bonsiaç, put ring thie surs in enly j ust tinaman tinte 011 Hie Countrymau's enougi te mair e i'chargcr tance graca- <Queue lu i'mevent Marriage. faiiy, afdtholrn va must seni a missive, dalle te as a vietding a- ce, te ckeirtr olti Incidents rentantib anti exciflng aeugb black riant et siniIf h ira iiinet surran- for a Cinea -Amterieandrame vere dem. V rnnsîvet by theo graeof ot Gtifamaisheti by rte eccuntars of Klp Lung antionu gloriu.'meisnsenti, cetaîneilanti 'o Fang, brouglit ro tho attention fromiiSabitriclassesbeause fîeir aav et the police te-tay. bat is -nof donc. Citarcheas thaf shoir our Hep Mev lied tresseci ef raven blackt citles11it reat ravirait cending areunti anti bOn aimn entye clanfeti bevilîcl- te asir core anenstra tive vomsilrii if ingiy. lance Kip Lnng aeut We Fang Ire -w-ii irt please te say "anreai' antil feull oe awlir bar. Thte sunny c-lopes "bhalrduî-il" a lirrie setter. îî seurs as if ef tho Yarrgtseirang were tIre scenes et la our cherches w'e vantail a baptism et the dural love-iiakngi, vih stanfedt ir coiegne anti lei eteftraarti dfloyers yaars ago anti to-day cauinatedtinluthe whurýoirvieatuauiy neea aptlem eOftlire Harrison Straet police station. SIrrfy froua tire I o'-i Geti etPent'cost. pu+. vie afv'r il eriorir an exciteti Caiestial, arc se afraid soomcbofiy viii criticise ocar tencitally draped îandisantelet, masitat sbirîons or cr-iicis unr prayers or crini- 1into Capta itahieey's ocffice anti deliv- duse 011, ccligriens vomrflirt our anaiot3-' ercd 1lulînseif .ss tolieve: tom flic vioi'd's rotonîption is lest la the 1"Hoe cute ofea quenie-Wo Fang- fear ve viii get Oue r andtulîrtl, wviule!getrec gice Mey-ne gond Chine- Eleazar iront rate tira confliet "anti iis îvanf'a arreStet." liantd clave uato ttc siveml."1Ator hait aul boum s vor Captain Bot I see a ntiranext place atar a illney nianagedti tegather fromflic bard thing ir vwas f or Eleazar te get bis dit-conraccf'd taiirf etfi Chinamen that baud anti t- is wr '-ti te-I. Tire ara'ries licbat bean dapriveti et bis queue muti eete s sîsht er' oggapeti bis natarimenial chances et one streire. areunth ie svord lie e aid uer crop if 1The diaboîrrai plot bati beau coasum- viren lire propeseti te drop it, anti bis maeet, aceording te Klp, by We Fang, tbmceeco- -ades,, 1isuppose,renme rip anti bbceininymate et lis beyhoeti, anti bis trieti te b1eip hlm, andti hcy itethefiharet rival for the ban te efaim Mev. baci r t e ir land, iieping the sino-vsi Doectives Flynn anti Hemman lnvcsti- anti muscles -voilrelamcx. But, ne. "Ilis gatet- andtsilis what tbey gathoroti: baud clave anroe icsivrd." 'fiea tley 1 'Iwo yeaare go Kip Moy, a veailihy tee tricti te pull openi te ingr ntite pull!plater virli extensive holtings lu the baicir rrathe h, but ne 'ooner vere tirey Yan,,tsc 'kiuag Valley, was visif cd by tvo palicti tarîtthen rlray cleset airain, yeuîîg mon, both peor, but ambitions, "anti iis hanticlavauto tire svord." wbo dat-mati the banti ef Iii, taughter, But attcr ayuila tliay vere cuccesitrl,' Hep Moy. The sterm elt Ceiestiaul, îîev- anar thr'n they neticedatifuethe, curve la cvcm, rotuseti absolutely te faite oither for tise pal'n et tire bat cerresponetaexo- a uo la iaî artil ire lid amiassetia car- actiy viitl tira carve et the hiit. ,IIi tain anrenat et cash. Tales et epporruai- heur claie Lnato tlic swert." tles beyont tirheasoulied tritteti Yangtce- Yen anti I hava sea if îaany n tinua. iiaugwamt, andtihiaspirante fer tire Themo are lu tire Unitedi Sates te tay bati ef Mey vent te Chicago. mer y agad iiisters et the gosrpel. Tirey i Kp L'ang starte ut te vin a fortune are t0e feeble nov te preacir. Iunte by ceadueting e rcstaurant et 322 Clark churcli reords tieradnustanding eppe-- ,,ren. ,,,,oss the sreetuc, theîtatc ite their naine ls e i'eritus, " or rhce efNWo Faag,. Tire purveying et cliop ceue verts are, ",aimiaistor iifirt charge." anti tee, howvvc, proveti more lucrative Yen pur chut elt i rinister ofthtiragospelrîran the rleasirîg et shirts, anti rccently naî lire ea pnaycr ineptLi,'r cm ccusienuai if I-"caeokuovîr lu Cbnatevin thab palpir er a ,ickroem inheme thcre is seme Luîrg vwas about te depart fer the Orient one te 'ha emorted, anti h is.tie cama toe daim hic bride. oit ring to bis voire, anti the saire nid irle ruiner reerlie theli cars et Fang stery et pardon anti pence anrd Christ antil andtihflintelligence smote hlm bard. beevea.HIs iraîttdlas se long citaneti Alîma la bis bunit ha lay over riglit, the s;nvertiid irsi ucîtifho canneti turuiug the untter over la bis m17nt. _anti _____ ____ ____ _ '..--'.-- ____ ___ ____ ____ ____----___-__-----_ RATES 0F PASSAGE.- andi f70, rtr 050and $133. Mongoimaa, auuîti.e un',aoct $60 stnglu ; $95 and ,.il4 Ih- libatLy ood. Oh heition It 1 Doeflt tare ailof t.Thee re e nany people flir~'sf' Wç vent-.ëridri MreJ'aua aiaa itt-t io'tv is U..pi 1arrrr'ra -ma,,..-ui slarni e. c' etcx ytý, . ~ ~ rac n a ntte r~ t et- stî- ne ac- v s ar t. baten. nP feeltal ' tueeuanduwitutaiicJmstartenfTfl det ewake us Up only in tinie toshout foi- Christendoni: 1Iarn now ready tiousyctiiaducn I tirprescint business. Il is jiiet flfty vearýs brimîg on al the lint andi ahi the bandages At ebsdig ~ """. ...... inîmmUV ' te ramre rnis cjirltig. To0nt(iý n s hi dyngbanti clave uto the Tlîrouo-h their actien on the k itacys anti ail the salve, for Our bant isle urt, 9w.4~ ~ sent en m v tirs"uk-nrepcusa bit - ai_ __l nnd --9 hruticlve uno the. s-ord", .7.Y L hitmnmUÏteBos l I di arclthe ourcofsosn mpuItres c .ý,' .. à vpc-u -1-, - . - - ---- _ 11-00r-L- - t.- I Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling în your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morningP Then you should always kee on hand, a boule of thro-at you canniýot be too careful. You cannot baelia trtent too carly. Lacli Iod ma Les you more lieble to another, and the Iast one is alwaysharder to cure than the one before it. pociîs tlcIulgs ferai coIi1a Hep at a 4 if yon have any complaint whatever and desr ire t est ruedical advîce -on can pos- sibly obtain, -write the docur'-- freely. Yeu will reccî veaa 1,well, Mass. Rie!. Par! e-ds Discorer-ed. New pi an field-s of great richness have been discovencti off îthe ceast o ecw Cale- denia on the wesî, side. according te United Sitates Consul 'Wolf, ut I'.oumea. H1e says tmat oue sheil containeti the fabulons number of 256 pearls. UD tf0 this time the water bias net been se rnded te a groater depthb tian 9!X f ee. seven taches, but the fisherios are te b-, fur fer exploited by FPreneh and Austian syadi- cates. Mlr. Wolf says that thi, quali.y of thre pe tri shieliss î enarkably fine, and he ugs thiat Ale i'ius profb. by thre - ------ --- 1 ww 0 0 1 Me v ni] -em 'l 'gl 1 119 Il - ý --- -4 1 ' "'« "il Il, - , - . ... .. . 1 -, - , 12 1 -- --l - il-- -

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