Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1899, p. 3

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dent to a biliout t a f;10 s7sttern, voch as DizzneeS, INct.Gu t w aJJtresti after eating. Pain in thî V', I hie the'r moat xemiarÈabloe cce sh It.Iïbl'Littbuwn n 'Eq3aly val-ln ,ntnq',t ang and pre- vntingFthisarn 'cnlLtwl 1hyîvt Jcorrectaid icri ,?f'e'1c h. nlae Ith liver antdc ccvxi'ni .eol cured ~C~eieywoaîb~~fux'tt' 1 to thoseeWho zuffer ro'ota.rft~ î~ î;bvfrt iatelythcft t t' ! 7 t'deae,andthosa Vho on'etryiliEm-tvill3",, 1fietttle ills valu. ablue in oaî'unn th II n'1 n fi e 'iiu U a ý- t0 Ë Qv ho 'anic tt nc i'r Àati %te makeotrgrt, roc Oricureîý'wile cihers d fil et. darar L~NoL' - 'i" r" '"y t'mpll and 'very easy tnt-I . li mr 5 tttae a dose. XCiîey ae ai'; -Ot, tino t 't griQo 01? purge, but t ý ita în't p ' î"süaLiwt uîsei beD'. l'1ýisi ' _- ý2 t t fiar$ Sf. N ýy dru-ttv>.v ,.osut GRATEFUI COM FORTING Distinguished everywlicre for delicaoy of flavor sup- anaor cualty and nu- tritive proparties. Spec.- ially grateful and comfor- tiy.g 10 the narvous and dyspeptia. Sold ocoly n 1lb Uins, labelIed, JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd, HOM oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. - p«H~ AR U LSED. Miss Margaret Brown, 627 Coiborne St., London, Ont., says :"Mýjy iothor bias bèen afflii'ted with nervousness and Sgenoral debility for a long time. Sfic sufte'îed a gme't dool with insomnnia, and found it almost impossible to slecp. . " I tent te W. T. Slrong's drug store and got a -box of M"ilbrn's ileart and Nervo Pis, which slue tooli, and derivedl somronli benefit froin them Cthat Ibought anothor box foc her. They have donc ler a wonderfui lot of gond, making ber nervous systern niucli stronger, giving ber restfal sleep, and removing many other symptoros which previoosly distreas5.ed lier. " I cen trnly say that these pis are a great remcedy for any one snff ering from weak nerves, general debility, sleepless.. niess or lieart trouble." Milburn's Hleart and Nervi }ills are 50c. a box:or 3 for,$l.25, nt ail druggiste. Thore nt critical iiixxess of the Pope lends particular int(orost te P persoîtal article on Lee XIII by PF. Marlon Crae'focd, lte famtous novtlist, and author of "Ave Roma." This article. which is publishied ln the Magazine Nusaber of Tua OuTLook, for Aprii.gives the best personal impression of Leo that las appeared in any Amnerican poriodical. Mr Crawford enjoys the alvaniagp c f knowing tli Pope well; and le writes syvmpaihot,iceaiiv, and at the saine time with keen analv-is ($3 a year. Tm OuTLooK CompÀsrv, NeW Yorký) ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. A SA D HOE The home is'sad, the flags are at half-mnast. A good man basgone to his longlhome. Was lie wise as well as good? Trhat question is answered by the amount of his nsurance. If he lad a policy in the for $500, $iooo, $i500 or $2000, his widow and chidren or relations are sure of that amount, debt-free and absolute. And the price ýof protectionf is so cleap in this best of Canâdian Societies that one neyer misses the littie money that makes the loved ones safe. For furtler particulars, enqtuire of any of the Officers or Members of the Order, or address B. ELLIOTI, THOS. WHITE, H. C. R., Ingemsll. Hlgh secy, Brantfera UNV1 SAITU KO, 3S. nsfo BOWMANVILIE, APRIL 12, 1899. Local and Otherwise. Mn Asa Cloute, Port Hope, was lu town Friday. Mn. W. J. McMurtry, Toeronto, was in tnwn lust week. Miss Thonipson recenllv yisited her mether in Port Hope. Miss Ethel King visiteti Miss Mc- Darmid. Whitby, last sseek. Miss Taînhlyn las beon Lgnose of Miss Florence Grecnwoed, W Iitby, DMiss Abbie Aexandier le visitiaglier sister Mas. (Dr.) Tyler, Canton, N.Y, Dr. Low's Syrap is accognizeti by Mothers as the best ceîuetiy tîey eau givo their tbiiticeu Iü is siiupl,sate anti effectuai. Price 25c. Port Hop1e Metbntiiets raisoti $100 toc the superunnuaeinn fuati on Suntay April 2ad . Dr' Chase's Kidao 'vLiver Pills hclp tireti kicliuys to do what tiey inust do an. Wliy dont you try Cartec's Little Liver Pis? Tlxcv are a positive cure for sick ,eadche, and ail thiIs jsroduced by disordered ilver. Only co pill a dose. Col. J. E. Farewell, Wbitby, lias boen electeti President ef the Ontario Educa- tionai Association. Derangemnent nI the isver, witli conn stipatiînej Lires the coîtplexion,induce. pimules, sallow skdia lismove the cause by ussintz Carter's Little Liver Pis. 0-ne a diose. Try tliem. M\r. andi Mcc. I. Brummel. Oshawa, are instructing, the Victoria CI bon this ton a for a ministrel sho %. Tihe action oI Cartec's Little Liver PLIsi ploapant, milti and naturai. '1-iuey gentiîv stimulato tise liver, andl reguiate the boweie, but dIo ne put-go. Th-.ev are sur-e to picase. Trv he. Mas. (Rev.) J. J. Liddv, Oshawa, sang st tise Easter services in the Methodist cdurch, Cobourg. Sours THnOIT CURPD IN ANIS.-r J. Woodward, t38 Shaîvstreet, writes: My daughter was troublod witl soco ttsrnat, which was imueis swolleil. Grif- fitîs' Menthol Liniment was applieti ut niglist ant inl the morning' ail soreness and stwellisîg laI disapoeared. We bave fouisd a usefuni 1lousebolti Retaety and wouidnt be without it. Dr. C. J. S, Bethune, for twenty-nine Years Principal nf Triîty Colle-go School, Port Hope, wiii retireut the end ofthîe prescrit tertu. Mr. Robcct Mostagie,IDunnvýille,Ont., uvvrites:-' Was troubieci witii Itching Piles for fise ours aînd was se badly' ul cerated,they were s'ery painfui,so mucîi so, thI coîsd flot sleep. I tried almost everýy enedicinenowss wýhen I was roc- ommeaded to use Da.Clsase's Ointment. I purchaseti a box and from the first ap- plication got relief. -avQ used two boxes antiarn now compieteiv cureti. -Mr. and M~rs. Win. Jackson, Dale, wce presenteti with au addcess and a handsome set nI dishes andi an acm clair on the ove nI their removal fromi Hope ta Newcastle. APT QltrevATI'Zlsox-Proves is, uxiomns andi wise sua legs have been uttereti byt Confucius and ethor wise amen from tsusc immoînorial, but fow people cealize hnw mani thore are oI them. C. I. Hooti & Co., oI Sarsaparilla faame, have ocrctwn- tliousand and tbeY have nriginated the plan of servinz them uLp in delectahîn shape lu thousantis of ncwspapers, with oach eue npati *y tucning a point as to the merit of their weil known medicine. The extensive use efthtese proerîys _is original ant i crditabie toÏHod & Co. Mr. -1H. E. Briggs, Myrtle, was pro- sentod with an address anti a beautiful chair by the friends and mombers of Prospect Sunday Scuioni cf which. le is tle geniai supeintentient. A Boon FRseCATARRH VICTlMS.--We offer our roetiers a new romedy for cat- arrl, bronchitis; irritable tîroal, coltis lu the heati, troppings in the thraal anti kindred affections in Cataraliozone. Tlere is ne mYstos-y about it, but the effect is magical. Ointments, waslses, sauffs canssot reudli the diseased parts, andi have been proved worse tlan use- iess, but Catarrliozone le carried direct- ly by air te the diseaseti parts, andi is like a breeze from tise pine woods. ont- fiti$I.00. Senti 10 cents for samplo bottle and inhaler. N. C. POLSON & CO., Ki- stou, Ont. Nearly thirty short stories wiii be publisled isn the four April numbers of The Youtl's Compaîion, and the pub. lislers' promise, that thev will, al le first rate. There will be humerons steries,* pathetie steaies, storios, that teacl a good lesson in a genial wa Y, animpi stories anti stories of thrilling adventure. There will be stories that wiil interest 'men and fascinate boys; stories that charmn women anti tiligîht their daughters. APRIL SîîowmES- Wash away the filth and waste tIat have accumulateti dning winter. In like manner Iloods Sarsaparila expeils from the biood impuritios lIat have hicen tieposited during the season wheu tlIne Isasb e-ersbut litth poasira- tien anti porhaps constant conitiinemnît in impure anti vitiateti air. ht is a boon te tireti mothers, Ionskeepers, leadhers and Cllers who spenti their timo issdîors. Il gives tise blooti ricînoss anti vitali- ty, fittissg it te sionish and strengthen the nerves, nuscles anti al ,tne great organs cf the bod. lcures ail spring luinors andi lunules tIat tired feeling-. It le e est inodicine money can buy for all iscases causeti by impure or im- poverished blooti. Yenù shoulti begin taking ilt t'day. The May issue, cf The Designer makes ils appeaiauce witl a marked leuprove- ment in paper anti illustrations. The Designer is now th îe leadîng womaîss magazine. The fasdions shown luis mentI are arlistie, taceeful anti novel, andteineaisclianeons articles numerous anti mosti isteresting. 'he regular de- narîmeuts of Floriculture, Bock Notes, ,?ancYwork, Toilet l nis, Inlerior S. S. No. 2. CLARRE. Richard Woodward, oI tle Mli lino, las commenceti work ut Mr,.HH A. Atiam's. Mr. Geo.Alum, who lias wonk- cd for Mr. Tlnmpsou fan à great uum- ber cf y cars will work foc Moses Hleard .... Mr Robert Douglas lad a very successful wood-bee recently ..Miss Ag ics Rowland was home for Easteî-.. Mc. Gasper Scott, Bowmanville, lac bn'nglt Mas.Eitiidge's bouse Newcastle. 1..Mr. F. Porcin is making maple-sugar. Mr. Fransk Morg-an bas etugagoti with Mr. W. H. Tisomas.. Mr. Roeat Morg'anlias boen lauiing limber for lis new baun.... M~r. A. Thomas lias on- gageti Ma. Siemon ni Hope. BISMARK'S InoxN sERv-Was the rec- uit ofi lic splendid health. Indomilable sylil anti tremeudous energy are net tounti where Slonxach, Livez, Kitincys anti Bowels are out nI ortien. If s'eu srant tbese qualities andtihle sîsccess tbey bcing-,tuse Dr. King's New Lite PHbs. 'I bey tieveinp os Ocy power nI the' brain and bctiy. Ouly 25c. ut Stoti anti Jury's dcug store, ANTIOCH. Raster bolitiaysaet hom e..MàYiss'. Bes, Oono vsiteti liers- 5511wMcc. T. . Waddell ...r. Eti. Stewart las, on- gagoti with Mr. Davidi Moffatt.. .. Mas. Honr *y Juaes, Hope, visiteti Mn. Wmn. J3onisett. ... . Miss Etisa MoGili,.Bnwman- ville, apent Easter hoiidays set lies' uncie's. Mn GL.Waddei.. .. Mr.John Smith, Jair.. is lu charge ofthtie backsmith sisp ...Mis's Scottlas returnet taler borne la Port Hlope. Mr. anti Mrs. Wmn Little, Kirb1, was rcente guocis of Mr. Jîtmes Wadellh. Master Satutir Sain- nienville, rsiceaîlvrisiteti Lisndsay .... Mr. anti Mas. Jas, Wadtieii reccatlv en- tectineti a iew fsiends. . .. Mn. Wm. Sînit lbas puachased a driver.. Mr. Sudl Bellurny lias ougaoet witli Mr. Milt Vollardi..Miss Kate Wadtieii was ce- coene gnose nf lion uncie Mr. Sain'!l Haili- dur .... .Mr. Joe Dacby is teasng mat - î'riatl ton Mr. R. Beea'ssue-w bsuiling ut Oratno .. Mn.Johns Smithscontinues ill. No R0 PIGHT TO IJGriE ss-Tliowomaa who is lavvin luface. torsu ant tluper 'o ,iii always lave finonde, but one who wouiilac eatti-active must ikeep hec isealel. If cse is weal,, sicklvy anti ail an tiown, she wiii le nenvosus nd irait- ale. If slic lias conustipautioni or kidniey trosule, lie-r impure. blunti wili cause plîsuples. blatches, skin ecuptians anti a wnoîched complexion. Electalo Bittors is tle besi medicîne la the warldti tereg ulule stomedli, 1ver anti kitineysanuat t purit.y tise blîoti. It gives strongsue-n'es. Iright oies, smaatl, velvoîr skia, sicI comuplexion. Il issu enmake a gooti look- ing, clarming, iroman af a ruu tiown savaîsid. Ccly 5'0c. at Stott anti Jecy's Drug Store. CLAIRKE UNIO Mn . anti Mas. Win. Staples entenluin- edia numbeo rie nds Tuesiay eu-eu- in g weok ... Mcc. an. SoucI, Boxv- suanville, visitetit lMa. Chas, Souh'.. Mn. Aaron Davis lias iccoveneti trem luis illiiess.... .Mr anti Mas. JolinJewell. Bowm'tsnviile, Mr. dndiXirs. Win Jewell, Newcastle, visiteti ut Mr. Elias Borry's ...Messrs. Donaldi, Colin asîdiJohn M cDonuld. Bowmanvilie, visitedti t Coîlille brotisers.. Ou TI'unsdu.v Mancl 30t1,assevont nIf unusal inter- est occuirreul ut the residence aI 'Mr. anti Macs. Wmn. J eweil,near INewcaseie,wlioce ~about fifty relatives anti faientis gellier cd tagethor in lielping te celebsate tIe cînistcning oI tlieir tînce chiltinen. sxamelv Venna Maria Menti, Herbent Wesley, anti Rnby May Jètwell, setter wlicl cystors anti aller gooti thiugc wcae seret thîe mocit astidieus tucte. ia games anti social chut, ail feeling amply nepaiti wilb thleoniag's oiijoy- ment . .. Miss Icone Jevel1 speat Eastec week ai lier hben oca~l People wlo ticus t e lea3t gooti, gon- enalîs une tle oanes wis wunt us ta eta otixens measi. Folliltaili 0of fUaltll anld NRow Lifes PMINES CELERI COIvIPOIJND Is theMiyhtiest andMost Effective of AUl Known Spring Medicinýes.' Tis an Einent Physiolan' s Prescription. Etiwacti E. Phelpe, M. D., L.L.D., a leatiing professer ln thc celebrated Dartmnouth Modicai Cellego, fini pt-e- serileti wlat is Dow known ilu crcs home of tle civilizeti wncld as Paine's Celon-" Coimpioi1cti a positive cure for the carnmexias'm'enis anti diseuses ef sprinF,, sudh as blond iraub)los,, kitiney anti liver compluinits,iv'spepisia.nerveu"s disleuses, neurulgia anti nleumatiq m. As a sprisg s iedicine. Paine's Celerv Comporinti Dow occupies tir4t place ini tle estimation of medical men. Itlinas boen testeti lv membeas cf tle profes- siou lu cases wîere erdînarv presccip tiens lave faîleti, ant ina erayviinstance the woutierfi lcompounti las main- taineti ils daims anti bunisheti diseuse. The action cf Paino's Cclecy Coin- pound on the nervous ss-stom lu spring lime is marvellons lin bealîl protiucing reaultu. Il quiakly purifies the vitiateti anti impure blond, braces île ferres, rebuiltis the tissues, addts te flesh anti wesght, increases île mppetite, aue- meonts the îtowers of assmilation, anti keeps tle wlole digestivze oag-anism lan proper ropair Paîne'e Celery Compontdilas donc a gran-d work -for. millions lu thc pasi. Fr etin teAdvertisers naard, î17-B N 13 B.xs also kriown as a p:',osp.eous agricl-D rist. Nove stalwcxýt and rutged, lie aCarce X ao ~s te icttore of one smEering the terri- ble symptoms of general debility lava o doven ilhe2.ith, suffered much - froni dizziness, al- Most blinduiess, general dullns . a d d pressiofl of sprta 1le had a o,2-Ppetite at sCl',fond ash I - gave hini greatIleC é er ôipo incapacitatedf~ 4ThECS hin vryone, -w effiV the work that foul unon him and was discouraged. T'he jo h r5 te £7 symptomsbnrdcr '0broL ed on to thot by f7 which hypoýcc'ti' one C f h v draisý'iîaifested. nav hmaIs rou iueearr1 the Advertiser ht I~ learned of thebf rttO' ~ 1ard by the hope heid out bY their testimonials raù ~ he3Cnured a suppiy and took them accorditig V ora e~ le!îos The resuit was almOit magical-rne zIe eî nieilntely hiLs symptoms became lesdi- te 4 d agceble, and he steadily gair.ed until 110w he ispcrfecily free frorn lis old tronbles. H glady ges he tstiOfial, that ail who read g ia kowtho e MdY f .C.t-y are roleday kthOWenertl debility.T 5 e r e fr ~ mediineinhe fâ %YeKenh o ther M w 5,ý1-orld has y M"Ke ri C'1- rad bîooll> offeredsuch - ~ e~I ired f I roo of meit. ~ ac~IveDr. williams~ Pi. k colored pills in gi'aa îjars, or li n ty oôsê fo,-,or la bts ~ ikP that do net 1.e2r the full naine IlDr. Wlem'Pir-k Pills for-pale hv n o Q coTe gnvnare ptu i a ica<z ifliwrziper printed in red ohr hywl put _____________ dofor you, i Sold by a!l dealers or direct from the Dr. Williams' Medi~cine Co, gï na rt Brockville, Ont, at 5o cents a box or six boxes for P2 50- -"TEWTONVILLE. Miss Cecie Lord, Zion. iras aeccent gaet et Miss Mary llancock...'.Nr Cilsînia, Belleville, visiieti lis tiaughtec Mus. Wilson me tlie- Parsouage ..Capt. King anti E W. Luscnmmn, Bo wmaavilile were recenueguests et Cal. lHuu2ies .... Tho Ocangomea af Cowans Lotigc paiti andi uere tioligîteti witb the enlerauin- aient..Mn. Alex.,Mucchll anti tauilv nccnpy tle store hanse ownîed hy Mi. W. G. Orens...lie social heluiniter the auspices of île Ladies' Aid ut Enia Rid-e, lise nesidonce nI Ma. andtiMas. J. R. Rti w-as aI a very pieusing charac- to .... .. I.Jack Rbson anti Mr, Will Currans, of Lindisay. woae guosts of Capt. anti Mrs. Milligan recantly... Rer. Newton Hill, Belleville, wmis ne cent gnose nf Mr. Jacols. ...Mr. anti MaIs, Possîartien entertuineti a number ef Y'oung people Wotinestiay w'oek toaa party la boston cf Mss Pcnîvardeîi's sister, Mis MorIon, Port Hlope. Mr, Gea. Ilancock, 'Port Hlope, was lame recestiy. . . . N. Peter Coller foc many ycars a resideni nf Newcastle tiieti April 3cti u thîe nesidence cf his son Mn. Palt Coller.... Mcc. MeKeunzie anti Mas- te-r Noil have been visiting fInonde ut Gait anti Mount Forest. . .. Rer. Wm, Jowel, Welcome, preacheti lu tle Melba- tiiet cluach Suntiay night .... losi. Wm Kerr, Cobourg, wla las boen calledt t a seat lu tise Sonate, was brought up near tîis village andi recels-ad li, car taaiîîing anti educutioisboe.... Mr.J.. J. Joncs. trareller for E. W. Gillett anti Co , i visitisxg hic falber. Mr. \V ni. ,Joues, Sa., wle is fili.... Ma. George Grifin, Omemee, visitedî ionde hero eceentî-. . .. Mies Gertie Moase anti Mis Polo, Whitlv Ladies' Colleg-e,, spent Esster with. Mcc. Moase. ci 1lis Lu-n WAS SAVED.- Mc. J. E. LilIy. a proîninoni citizen et Hannibal, Mo , lately itaîl a wonnteifuldelirerance froina a ri-hlfnldeuil. In telling cofii le suts: -1 wus ruken witl T7,plalî l'eer ' tlat rauite Plieumosîla. Mv lungs bocamo hardenoti. I wtas s0eîreak I couldu't even il up in bcd. Notuiîug lelpeti me. I expecteti ta seen die af ("nassmption. wluen I1lboaid af Dr King's Nev Discoery One IttIe gave .great relief. I cantinunedti use it, anti now Aiwie-laittistroner. I cas't say Ina mnîcî a inst praise " This marvellaus medicine itae surest ais i quiekest, cure in te ivoalifor aill raaianti Lung Trouble. Reg-Ular sizes 5) colitesnd 1.00. Trial betlals face ai Stott anti Jnî.v's Drug Store; ever.v bottle guar- unteeti. Miss Bnner visilet i er brth er, Rer, W. A. Busunea, Ameliasburg, turing Easter.M 1-, Brm F0rt Wnais.-NMr. Lewis John- sien, living near Toledon, Leedis>Ca., Ont., sas-s tIa ile lad rheumatieni 50 lad tIai liciras cnnflnied te lis lotifoc wooks Two tinctors tit i is ns oatiod. [n ýone weck aller takiag NMilibnaxî's Rheumatie Pille hoeivas eut nI bed anti !s, now cureti. REIGULAR ACTION or the bcsweis l. nceeessary to beralli. XALVL PILLS are the beot oeaesiona osthartîî for fsmtly or gisarral Use. pricêx 25V. Any druiggi. The Ladîes' Hoine Jour'nal las se- cured the Arnerican rLi'hto! of Anthony Hope'8 new romance, "T 1he Countess Emilia," and will begia its publication in the Mfay issue. After seriouss iuaness 'the lheart and nerves are left w'eak and the blood is thin and %vptrv. At this time Milbui'n's lleart and Nere'e lPills shouid betaken., sN'tem, etCt- lte lond'ad rapidly restores theo sealtix ., ildealers. Felf Culture for April suippiy inter esting and instructive articles. "The Newer Citizenship" îv Pros. H-enry D)avies, Ph. D., 'Municipal Mýisrie" Its Causes and Ileinedies," bv Prof. F. Spencer Baldwin, and "Con.s4-itutionsl Govorament Imperiiled," by Edwin Barritt Smith, Self Culture, Akron, Ohio. Of Kirigsville, Essex Co. EURED 0F ITCIIING PILES 0F 23 YEARS STANDING M. T. Wigle, beitrr noven to every one ie the Vicinity as IlUncle Mike,"- was" troubled for over 23 yearsvitîliitching piles. Atturneshbuwas se ad Le s'ould haýve te quit work. The irritation became sa ilnteuse with constant rubbing tbat they became iilcersted and would bleed. Ha Lad beu treated Jy maey physictans, but found nothing tht gave im relief. Reading in the paper the cure of a friend veho iad sufferîd le a like manner, and beu ured by Dr. Chasî's Ointmeut, hie procured a box. Aftcr the third application hae goi sncb relief that Lehadt the îrst coînfortable night's sleep Le Lad eeloyedileyears. r'he ene box made a complete cure, and hae says Le vaeld not hiavelîhout t for $5o a box if it cotld eut Je replaeed. Mr. \iglî la a weallLy fariner, well Known linttie commuuity le whiýh hi resides. ISisl iver ivo enîars sioci hiaveas afflicîed, and ha Las iever hein troubled since. Physicians Eail to malte a cure when Dr. Chase's Ointmentj gave Immediate Relief.. Je is funn%' how little it takes to malte sonte men do inean thîngs. Ex fPUr Ai-c P,'î nE nglnd. Diamo-riDyes HaveFirst Place in thelLand. A Hamilton Lady Says: l"Iiaxaosd I)yos Are Far Above Al Others."1 d.1J. S. Burton. 1-Hamilton. Ont., says: "Wile living ln England I lad cridrbie expersence sn homre dyeing work,and nover liad perfect succoss tili 1[had used the Diamond Dyes. When I came to Can ada I still1 usod the Diamenud [Iv.es, and ai using îo hem now,and Wili noever have aniv other kind to do mv work. Diamond Dyes are far above ail other8. " 1'owcr oS f .'ïi i -2,t s rînîj i-3 Si rQFS!,31 e o irhnithae powoer G the Lftv firu Ts.lsn n nthae rce. Iin s a'h rs andi cottagers baV6e cea it ifltix the sne spiritual " lteI vwas tbe e osîtt s'g of thte i rEflue 'û rtaýs- fta lu i]theje turcs thiat fa, rutfiY have hLad few cnis l VV~naS L y George tut1_d'i t St. A n cre ws.tirAu '4erco 'sas the dyssâsg ery oc tte Scetinsfx matr!hoana Ync'ro, ejwilesa grave w a1 greacOu !à go rter of il cciturY lainai "S't'ntiL'tnl xaft ot rain ( ccte'itvt', 1 rVl'a ny. Ix, n'y fur cnacy 'iais tcpsEii by -Lurdy .l;îe Grey ugo-acYl i ýfatruday cf h 'r oxco au d hec bnci atd s cisaiL. is bîi-ucEz eors'u ro- fro.ýx tisalips or ."iotn Iiss a;.m lahe cf li cx s.ý; tisai Constan)o John oerec-s'ss anf~si n a itriontohant on. ' i Las x'tathq ires c Set hîeu. i wcr, a cf t i i1c tr'ij nî-. ivere, 'p-triklv 'Sîrihnns tia e "s sas tas Ion. Z1bsouela, iiropo foi' elotqnence anti a ~ ~ n-nsho tain bus h3vti lcroîtheL biack If là.i tth verse, wr;ttO:îlus St. -A"1 ý1oujo!x the vwsal C'f the jsick- a 1 x dÎl lct tuiLe In ti axi uni lte ittx, r à t 'ie great Gernian rsfoî'saer. teO Er tseoc o f ;S tiile as Nis folind on a talalet of copper ainirI the îlesr r' tnws'on îl'e h rîa . ioint 01" le it aii lue, 'sud(i sîstil te i irta FOR OVEXi F114T Y VEARS. frs.Winslow's SootlingSyru 1 has beit ixeeti by millionsa of mothirs for their t'hildrîn whlle teithing. If diaturbid t i ngî aud broken of your te st by' a stck child sufferlug anxd cryiu wiilx the painsof cuttxug telfi naiu t once and gît a bottle of Mas. Wjnslows' Sooilîng Syrup for Ch i ldren Teethiug. It will rellîve thei poor 11111e snObait eat once. Depînd epon it anothers, thîrela nrmistake about 5. St cures ýDiarbSca regulates tle stomacli aud bowels, eures Wm7id Coloe, softiîîs thei geais, aiduces inflammation, sud gives toile sud euirgy 10 lite wiolû systcm. Mas. Winialows' Sootbsug Syrup for chuîdrin tee-thing la pisasaitî to the teste sud la te pre- scription of oui of thei oldist and lest female ý hsieansandnurses jx inteUuited States ric h5 otile. Solti by ail daeggists tilro' gît- ont the world. Be snre andi ask tntrhlrs. tvii- BLowb' Soothing Syrinp COLONISIS EXCURSIONS TO THE Will leave Toronto, via North Bay, ut 3.15 p.m., aud 9 p.m., esdli Tuesday during April (if bufficient 1busineoss ffers). COL~ON ldT SLEEPING CARS for pas- iegera with ordicary baggage will be ai- tacLhed te train leaving TORONTO et i3 là p.m., and wiâ l in ibrouah te Winnipg. COLoNIS.V SLEEPING CARS for pas- seneers travelling on Rame train as their live stock will be ,ttached te train leavlIt Toronto at 9.00 pm., ani wilil, e ma thrree'h to Wintnipeg. PýERTHS wil L e FREE in 1 hase cars, cation te Grand Tmunk Agents. Tjckett', rates and ail information from, Agents of Grand Trunk Railway Syistem. Jiso H.H. JnyW. oon 0. P & T. A; Depot Agt.. Full piarticular. aàt Stott & Jnry's ]>rng iSte. «H , ( !Ir 3"11 Mre w - 1-ngl-1 Éli- 14row 1 Miss Alinie. %'V'qAdell -1 coliES MIEN

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