SOUVENIRS 1ARE TH-E Best Oookers, iost Boonoinloal Iost Servîcèeable AND,1 Iost Durable, Ranges in the Market. Tbey stand to-day the recognized leaders- Aetial meult place them ahead of ail others. Souvenirs always give satisfaction. If you wilcompare their Special Advantages over ordin- ary ranges you will readlly see the points of superiority. PICES LOW. LIBERAL TEBMS. Phone 66, BOWMÀNVILLE. Rmhd. Worth. (opposte Ontario Bank.) BOOKS!1 Beautifully Bound Gif t Books 25c, others at 40c, flot quite so nice but very xnuch larger at 25e and 35c. \Tery attractive, leading authors, 75e to 01.50 . Poets, leather bound, 75c up to $3.00., Toy Books, paper and lixen, *great value, some at haif regular price.<111 A splendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75c. Pocket Bibles f rom 25e- the value here is great. Ladies' Coinpanions from 25c. Toilçt Cases1 frn $1. Glove and Handkcrchief Boxes frcam 50e. 'Te saine lowl pris rmn through the whoie bast. I)olls, Gaines, Faney Articles, StationaIry, Toys, Xmias 'KOyeltiles, Work and Fancy Baskets, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Vases and China. Sunday Sehools note this: 1 supply ail Losson flelps and give speelal attention to selection of Libraries. Lot me hear from, you. BOWMANVILLE'. IL~L ~OS. G+ROQERS. TELEPI1OPE NO. 57 . Figs and Dates, iPeaches and Prunes. Soinething' new,,just arrived. With Granite-ware. Highest price for Farrn Produce. 13MIA T BR-OS.1 MRS. DINGMA.N'S Millinery Open- ing is on, Weflnsdn X hui l o 21 25 Everything in Milinery Novelties that can be got in, Toronto, will be shown. MRS. DINGMAN, BOWMKANvILLE. Fashionable.Milliner. i A "Feather-Bed Shoe.»' ff~ feather bed,-no rubber or ______r under the foot,-only strong, tougli, sof t, warrn, wool felt -soles, that gi-ip ice, and prevent slipping. Lined with best quality piano feit. A' soft, flexible, handwome shoe. Màde in wate-resitstiug " Kid- di "ahi " Siater Shioe " shapes ~.~ and sizes. Goodyear welted. Tiade mark and price s4aped moutTe sole. $5.oo. 5hàçs 'y ima&t C*àogue f ru. JOH-N, HELLYAR,,, Sole Local Agent. Test the-.mmtw.-> KIDNEYS m" yamc the Orcat Fudmof m rBodisa TUt PunWty tht Meaodla Dtffldeam On her ChamnsgPwM. 'tkmees & tine 'ta'a" 4"adn onanr woman, w cen poorhthbr.gstroble nzey sudburensbar tostand up under, and on&efrs to rid iroseif or mesef seem ouy te be baffes at er turfl, and we are prone to grow discouraged. a uthe urne :0 gve up btthe tdrue for action, the time ta aeek mg thds eat=o the trouble, and act as you best judgment and the expertence of etia erilbeslp oarditug agans sak t IM. GEORGE BENNEIR, WxAsw.. Owraaïo, aays- -Iolie avr a auid 1Ille ystate wa M«yers 1 wasgrly troubled wth Constipation edgeneralweakess a in te )dneys, sud linxuy peilus poatioa was streugly sadvised t0 use Chase'a sudte-ayI cn afelya"udtrulbhfUfy Umae âa taebave savd anY blé. DL CtASES KIDNEY.UVE I LLS arm the only Combîned Kldney and. Uvr PM- WWa they hae AccompRWIs . abut a gua.tcte aiwhat *hey wifldo %hg taL~i BOWMANVILIdE, MAR. 15, -1899. IMPBOVIltG FAUX STOCK. This paragraph fromt the "Agricul- tural. Gazette" (London, Eng.) WHi be read with interest by farmers al over the country:- lMessrs. Alfred' Man- seil & Co., Shrewsbu ry. bave shipped by the White Star Uine from Liverpool a sinali but very choice selection of ele ven Shropshire ewe lamb s and one ram lamb for the lion. John Dryden, M. P. P , Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, Canadaowning for their sires such exceptionaily good rams as Butter 'Bine 9377. bred hv Mr. David Butter. and purcbased co-jointly by Mr. Boweu Jones and Mrs. Baîrs for 150- guinoas ;t Adam Odstone &U47, bred at Odstoue by1 ther Roayal winner Odstone Commander;e Star o! Enddou No. 4, 9698. On theirî dam's side this select shipment tracede hack te the following distlnguished sbeep- Bath Brick, 5797, The Cham pion 7163, purcbased for 160 guineas,, Royal Jubilee 8702, Attracter 2917, &c.- Over 830 Welsh people ieft Wales for Canada last year beiug a mucli greater number than lu any previous twelve montbs. Great success bas atteudod the efforts of tbe emig'rants, the Swau- sea Daily Post declares, especially the minois and4« farmers. Manv of the miners, a!ter saviug a small capital, are taling Up the fre grant lands iný Western Canada. 'To the fammers o! Wales, Western Canada offers snch inducement that it is certain the movement uew coipmeuc- ed is likely to lie se, large as te bave the effect of lowering rents. One e! the wealtbiest and mont proninent farmors of Pembrokeshire, visited Ma nitoba last summer with a view of finding opening for bis sons who, ho is satistied could meet with ne reasonable prospects lu Wales. Hie purcliased 640 acres free liold, ut a price less then the annu- ai rentai wouid blinl Wales, and ho gives it as bis opinion that S500 invest- ed lu Manito li te btter than $2500 lu Wales, lu the !armîng hune. The move- ment from Wales te Canada during the couing season will lie o! very- large pro- portions. Parties are now forming ti which the Canadien Goverument, tlireugh its Welsb agent, is giving cv- ery encouragement liy offering froc grants o! land and estaliising empioy- ment bureaux lu Canada te assist the uew corners. ______ ONTÂRIO'S SCIIOOLS. Tic report ! the Provincial Depari- ment o! Education wiich lias licou is- sued, s;upplies some iuteresting statist, ics. Utarlo expended upou Public sciools last y ear $3,912,501 au increase o! $21,058. The number o! registered pupils o! ail ages bas licou 441,157 an increase for the year e! euly 55, but the' *average attendance bas iucreased 1824, or te a total o! 249,548. JI~ the Roman Catholic Separate Schools the number o! pupils registerod was 24,996 and the average attenda3nce 14,966 an lucrease ef -774 and' 336 respectively. Upon 1gbh Sclioois $715,968 lias been expcnd- cd, the number o! pupils being 24,890l. From the detail statistics it is'furtier learut that thc number e! pupils lu the upper forms e! the Public Sciools 16 steadiiy lucres sing and that more atten- tien is lieing giveu te the study o! hist- ory, geography -and- composition, and temperance and hygieno lias gene up in fi! teen xers from 33,926 te 215,333. The report reviews the stops taken te promote the btudy o! agi iculture lu the Public schoois, and intimates that the text book prepared by Mr. C. C. James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, lias autiorized by the Dopa rtmout.' Many testimonials with respect te the -value o! the-text book bave becu receiv- ed, and the Minister hopes lu the e-ad- justint o! tho curriculum whici is pue- posed for tbe next acadamie year, that ho would be eble te mako thesubject o! Aerl.ture part o! the ,teacher's non professional course, et. loa8t in rural achools, and by glving. It examination value, seeure for it the: attention It de- 1 rves. A BUSY SEED HOU SE. One of the busiest places in Toronto was recently visited by our correspon- dent when lie was shown through the seed establishment of Win. Rennie lihe rapid increase in the firm's business bas necossited a large addition te their premises to enable them to provide for and handle the many thousands of or- dors annualky received from abroad and throug-hout Canada Tbev'now otrcupy the buildings from Adelaide to Lombard Sts. The derpart- ment on Lombard St., under the man- agement.of Mr. Jno. Rennie is devoted to the handling o! Seed Grain and Clév- or ancrGrass Seeds. A complete lineofo the pnoat improved cleaning machinery is kept running nigit and day prepar- ing these seeds for market and Rennio's best recleaned grades have -now corne to be recognized as a standard for ex- cellence and are in brisk demgnd by European buyers. Hoppers holding oighty tons of Seed keep the machines continuallv supplied. After passiug Uhrough a large nm- ber o! store rooms filled fromn floor to celing, we como to the mail order de- partment, wliere we find a largenùüm- ber of clerks busy collecting, checking and packing orders ail day lo»>'and through, theo busy season another lot comes on for ail night as weél. This do- partment bas been greatly onlarge d and arranged on the lateot and most improved Hues. If we judge from the extensive prep- arations mnade and f acilities provided for liandling a large number ,Of orders quickly, this firmn is justly a cknowiedged to be the largest mail order bouse for seeds in Canada. The manager of this department Mr. Thos. Rennie is- thor- oughly vers ed in its requiroments and the most reliable sources. of 1supply f, ànmait nvetr thet world. As thia firm believes that the only way ,te give satisfaction is to always supply freali seeds, customers can rée. on the1 seeds offerod bv Wm. Hennie as being always pure and fresh and only those selected that are adapted to stand oui Canadian climate. It is a curions thing thata number of people in their haste to secure this firm's reliable seeds forget to give either their- namnes or addresses ând'so their orders stili wait for them te write again. Before ieaving. we pass through the store and offices on Adelaide and Jarvis Sts., where we meet the courteous head o! this departinent, Mr. Roht. Rennie and bisefficient staff of office help., Tins STATESMAN lias had dealings with Mr. Honnie for years and ,enu heartily recommend him te ail oui readers wanting see'ls. Spring Mllinery Openlng at the Centrai Millinery Parlers. Wednesday, March 22nd, wili be opening day at the Central Miilinery Parlors. On that and following' days Miss Young with lier staff- of able assistants wili be pleased to have every lady lu Bo'wmanvîlle and West Durhiam caîl at our new promises, next door west of the Big 20, wliere impprovoments have been made with a view to'better display our goods and to facilitate the prompit filling of a.. orders entmusted to us. Our stock lias beeu selected with care and taste and will lie found thorougbiy up to date. Our trimmers are oxperienced and are iî:structed to spare no pains to give satisfaction. Our ilats will combine style, harmony and artistie skiil and our ' moderate. But we don't want- to say too mucli about our milhinery. Come and see it. It speaks for itself. HADDY & CO., Milliners. The Picton Gas ette says "RZev. J. Har - ris and family, Bloomfield, wete sur- prised ou Mardi 4th by the congrega- tien o! the Methodist church wbo assese- bled at the parsonage and read a kind- iy worded address expressing their ap- preciation o! bis services and wishing him manyhappy returns o! the day-it being- the 57th anniversary o! bis birth." We are pleased to learn that Bro. Har- ris' services are soernucb appreciated and that hie if having success la bis %'ork, 41 naines havîng recently been added to tbe, churcli as the resuit o! the services field. nev. J. Harris wlll lie re- membered, bere as Editor of Thte Observ- er after the death o! Editor H1. J. Nott. Mr. H1. M. Hunt., formeriY of the Trutlt office, Toronto, but who bas pur- cbased The Gaît Reformer, upon a visit to Toronto Mardi Sth, was surpirised by bis friend s o! Broadway Metbodist Sab- bath Schooi, of which hie was associate Superintendent and oneo! the most p~opular and faitbful workers for a num: ber o! years. At the close o! the weekly prayer service Mr. N. F. Garsweil tqok charge o! the meig and called Mr. Hlunt forward. On behal f oi the teachers and officers o! the sthool Mr. Hunt was presentedwith.a beautifuliy-iiluminated adriress, whieh referred 'te bis faithful and devoted services, both as teacher, Secretary and associate Superi ntendent. Accompauyîng the address was a hand- some case of cutlery. > -Death has agai -ntered- the home of. one of our citizens and removed the wife and mother, Mrs. W. B. Bickeil, who pa.ssed te rest early' Sabbatb, morning aged87 years. For some time she lias been suffering frein diabetes and lias gradually grown worse until death relieved ber fromnsuif ering. The f uneral services on 'Tuesdav !romn lier ilate residooce, King 'St., West were conducted by ber pastor, Rev. JlJ. ae: She leaves, toeaourn lier loss a loving busband ýand three children-two »daugliters and a sou The bereaved ones have the sympathy of ail in, their sorrow. The relatives preseut at the' funeral fromn a distance wero: Mr. an i Mrs. Thosl. Savage, parents o! deceas-1 ed, Miss Savagýe. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. >MITaggzart, M3-rtle; Ensigu Savage, Olan, y ; Mm. Gorrili Sarage,.Âsh- Iburn; Mms; S. L. and -Mr. Walliè Dear hem eand Mr. A. J. Bickeil Oshawa.* Mrs, F Bailev. Bmooklu; >krs. Ch@' Geiaeatta Pftt Pary. WEST*# END * HOUSIE, BOWMAN VILLE. Boots and Shoes. We have just placed into stock a complete ine of new Spi ing goods, and we are now in a position to serve our customers with anything they want in roo ts, Shoes or Rubbers., We handle a large quantity of The J. D. King Co's goods in fine shoes. It is unnecessary te )-. anything about these goods, 'any person who has efeer worn them knows that they are the best fitting and 'best wearing Shoe;s on the rnarket. Read over this list of fine Shoes ail made by The J. D. King Co-. and ail brand new goods for this season's trade. Corne>and sçe the Unes, No trouble to show goods. >Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Button Boots, Goodyear welted Soles, self tip or patent- tip, coin tee, extension soles, reg. price $3.00, speeial $2.50. Ladies' Vici Kid Button Boots, self tip, piccadihly toe, hand turn soles, reg. price,$3.00, speciaI $2.50. Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Laced Boots, cloth top, self tip, London toe,hand turn soles, reg. price 83.00, special $2.50. Ladies' Dong. Kid Laced', Boots, pointed toe, patent iipcÈKay sewn soles,, reg. price $2.25, special $2.00. Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Oxford Shoes, f ancy cloth top, new tee, self tip, hand turn soles, C-j wid-th, sizes 24 to 6, reg. price $2.50, special $2.00. Ladies' 'Vici Kid Oxford Shoes, ail kid, hand turn soles, quarter dollar toe, reg. price $2.25, special $2,00. Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxford Shoes in the King make t45 ri ci J 419n- -A 01, r Misses Dongola Kid Laced Boots, McKay sewn soles, self or patent tip, spring heel,sizes il. to 2,reg. price $1.50, spécial 81.25. Misses Chocolate Kid Laced Boots,spring heeI,styhsh Boots, sizes 1 to 2, spécial $175. Child's Dongola Kid and Chocolate Kid, Laced Boots, spring heel, self tip, new tope, sizes 8 to 10j-, special 11.25. Little Gent's Box Calf Laced Boots, low heel, toc cap, specially nice for littie gentlemen, sizes 8 to 10î, special Men's Vici Kid Laced Boots, fair stitch, coin toe, Me- Kay sewn soles, reg. price $2.50,- special $2.00, Men's Box Caîf Laced Boots, Goodyear.welt, London toe, double and single soles, the most popular line gý9îng', special $3.00. -Men's Patent Leather Laced Bootst kid facing, Sarat- ogatoe, D width, ýsizes 6 to 10, reg. price $5.00, special $4. Boys' Dongola Kid Laced Boots, single sole, McKay sewn, quarter dollar toe, sizes - 1 to 5, reg. price $1.75, spécial 81.50. Youths' D'ongola Kid Laced Boots, fair stiteli, pointed toe, McKay sewn, sizes 11, 12 and 13, kspecial $1.50. 1These are a few of our nice hunes. Give our Boot and Shoe departuient a caîl, we can please you., New, Sringtiry oods. Every day brings us fresh shiprnents of 1New Goods for this season' s trade and we have gathered together a very fine selection of liew, up-tQ-date goocis. Any lady who wants to see the, correct things ouglit to calil and see what we have, in Dress Goods, Silks, Ginghams, Prints, Organdies, -and Mercèerized ýSateens, all new seasonable goods for Dresses, Skirts and Waists. We have the latest things for linings, etc. ilave you seen our I'Near Silk" for skirt lining ?-looks like silk but cornes much chEi_ 'jer. Special valuein Canvasses, Linnenettes, Waist LinIngs, Steels, etc. We sell S. 11. and M. Biased Velvet Biniding also the famous Corticelli Silk Spools in a'I colors. We have a big assortrnent of Lace'Curtai[iS, Curtain Nett, Art Mfuslins, ýCretonnes, Cartain Poles, and Ro;ller" Blinds, plain and fancy dadoes. The- Blinds we sell we guarantee the roller for one ye2, r -and -the cloth does not ravel at the sides, best cloth special 35c each or 3 for $1. Wooden Curtain Poles, wood rings and eîîds, special 25c., We are showing extra value in Table Linen and Napkins, ahl new goods just to hand. We have a splendid collection of Mfen's New Spring Hats in stiff and fedoras. You wilh find these the newest shapes and correct styles, special values at $1,00 and $2. SEE OUR ONE DOLLAR PANTS., Gsroeeries. Just-in -Fea-rran's best Sugar-Cured- Harns, special- per lb 13c. Fearman*s Breakfast Bacon, spécial 14c lb. Oranges, nice and sweet, per doz 20c. Christie's Biscuits,a very largeý variety and all fresh, prices riglit Seeds., .Parties.looking for first-class farmi seeds give us$ ýc caU, we have some exeeptional qualities in Clover,Alske Timothy, etc.ý Highest price for produte. JhnMcUrty i