RU aw from lier O>wO:::o W S END HOUSE 5 O V EN IR$ ost R theS eClsing oS ~athftrnonf, Fb MAESA y esete ct!ený r.,Saue M-BOW M AN VILLE. ARE HEWONM~RFUL Conochie, tcok its flight te ilhe God who AR U irKnees CU j gave it. MrsMeConochie was ill ouîy Mrs. Knight, 17 Hanover Place, she was unable to rally and wheu the BetO o~rToronto, makes the followig death messeuger came sbe passed quiet- Our 3 days sales haveý been appr-eciatedl as evi need statement Nise in amher wo by Our largely inereased sales, and we havý7e decidled on mother, Mfrs. Wright, who lives at Mr, Johnl Nisbet of Gifford, addino' Wl KPflfllTfll.11l Norval, near Doncaster, suffered a tsh, ctaundashe young. having-io1e, miI. M'yLVLA~UA sumrmer and winter with Eczema in est of a large fami1y. She icame.,to this her feet. She could not walk, and very country, and in 1853 was rnarried to 'seldomn got ally sleep. It becaine so bad Samuel ïMeConochie of Cambria, Wis- Iot-Aniao that she was perfectly raw from the toes cosn at the resddence of bier brother, U~iIiU .LU to the knees. Âftertryingeveryvailable Mr. Robert Nisbet, Pickering. Aftexr ~-. )remiedy without receiving atiy benefit, spending about fourteen vears ou the %and alimosi hopeless of relief, she was farm in Wicusn owocpdb AND ~advised to, try Dr. Chase's Ointiuen-t. She -by their son, Mr. RobertMcoohe mencing, but with the happiest resuitIs, have liveci for over twenty vears. She *o h snew completely cttre<. There leaves to mouru the boss of a faithful MaQt D rbe i. but one scar en nue of ber feoet, a wife aud loving mother, a huisbaud, two mnemento of ber fearful suffering condi- sons-Mr. R. McConochie, Wisconsin, tion. Any person desiring further testi- and Dr. S. W. MeConochie, Hlamilton, in heMaret Thy tan t-da te rconlzd eadrs xony in this case is at liberty to comtnuni- and one dauzhter, Miss McConochie, at ran 'Rang-es ith Makt hysadtclytercgze laes.cate with Mrs. Wright at her address, home Tosn u w agtr satisfaction. If yon will compare their Special Adv-antages 4iver ordin- Mis. 'Knight says after such a grand' faithfui christian, one who had a strong will ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n red1 c h onso neîrt.sces is it any wnder we recommnend reiigious belief that notbing could L aryranes enDr. Chase's Oint ment? shake and was weli, qualified to give ÉIE o .LB R LT M ..strong, vigorous reasons for the faith .-- PRIC S LO . LBEIIL TE MS.she possessed. fier honme life was a __________________________________ of patience, gentie- .. BOWMANVILIAE> MA.8l89 ived for the good of others and in ail -h66~3, BowMANIE 'OppÀmIte Ontario Bank.) GOO PLIY WELjL PLIVEI>. ed. Only those who came in touch with Phn-NVLE her dailv Ilfe know ihe irreparable qo The drama "Kathleen Mavourneen" loss of iuch a 'wife and mother. As given by the Royal Tempiar Dramatie one broughlt up in a Scottish home sheS aud'9 Company of Bowmauviile was one of was well acquaiuted with the bbeadC L~Z 5IlU ~ .Vthe best dramatical entertaiuments ever we are told had read the New Testa- 'B O O K S* preseuted in this town by an amateur, meut seventîrnes before she was seven ecompany. The house was weillflledb . years of age. Being possessed of a Bea, tifully Bound Gif t Books 25e, ethers at 40, hot quite so nice but a Otaprcaieadec h etgood memory she could repeat accur-' welb fiilied- withi a most appreclative ately numerous passages of scripture, tMody veýy much larger at 25e and 35. 'Very attractive, leading anlthOrs '75e audience who feit well repaid for vent hymus, psalms and paraphrases the d ld te $1.50. Poets, leather bound, 75e up te $3.00. Toy B3ooks, paper and uriug out ousncb astormy night. The repotition of which gave her great coin-Y liýj, ret alesome at hall regulâr prie.. coml)an. , under the management of fort lu the sulent niight 1time during lier Mr. .E B. Hlenry. was composed en- iibuess. A slenid hot AlumSOc an 7e. cek*~ ibls fom 5~ irey)f local talenit, and not a single The funeral services on Wednesy Ladies' Go'mpanions froin 25e. Toilet Cases weak character could be found iu the were conducted by Rev. J. H1. TTuul tLe vaine here is great. mhl catlhirpeetation of the Trbl. nuit through lite whole hist. hi everye rspt, they rose e red ahe epa rsett ueTe say $1. Gleve and Ilandkcrehief Boxes fr«iM 500. The aae l0w drama was creditable aud prýaisewo'th.v -hic deaseS.d aumi' chra o! Pproud of the resuit of their effrts and 'h~o was TOhgl stee.~ he Poils,-Gamine, Fancy Articles, Eta2ey, Troya 1»M* Noveltîes, the res onses front the audience. Thre aWi-barers her y ess e.sPt-III M Wok n any ~a~es, ijancy t.eps EnCE Siuters, n~ sasé. andoplt udh son, J. 13. Fairbairu, Peter Murdoch, theevutsuces JJohn McCleiban, Jacob, Poibard and W., o ... ~ ~ ~ L - . ..~..i ,,~r~..,, ~~~~ omnaniv certainbv deserve everv, e- i ,lii. ' mi'a rfeg w ou u uu . - *a-- couragement and credit. Space wvili 'er hadsm aing beauI4 te~I the atenio t sleti n fLibraries. Let me hear from youn not permit of speciai mention o! ail the eryut handsm e a ce bef t t o thep attetionte sleeton ~characters, but Mr. Hlenry as Terence beautiful aud seree fa o ife ~~ 0'Mo~~~re, Mr. F. Jouess as *Bernard 1(av- h o nnsterwr fai 1? R H IJ ~ U >Lj~*an Mis . igh a Kahlencouscientiousiy lived, the rest and biess-m f3b L e E) w ' auaI' ghm ediless thatHeaven affords to the faîth- BOWÂNVLLN.O'Connor, in the three leading roles, fi. The bereaved ones have the are worthy of particular notice. It was sinceore sympathy of a ,wide circié of This list contains real gonuine Bargains and no0 mis- quite evident that ne mistake was made 1re le h oste aessand ae N ETG T O OJSL.Mnycer iu placing themn te the front. Their _____ih______ ae usaie.tae NV SIAT O Y TJ-S r .ýêny cer ability te successfully entertain in that HAMPTON.fulyrune iflo asied manner was apparent to ail present. flyrune ifotsifed Some new scenie effects lent mucli t Miss EIla Cole is some -botter. .... Mr. the successful production of the play. and Mrs. Jas. Cryderman have returu- Thes 4e0alo0%rrey oa ed frôm a pleasant visit in the Unitedi Pie o audy odyadT edy ~~~~workmanship, Mr. Joe. Maynard doiug States.... Mrs.e Jas. Satainton Mondho was ies the paîntiug, we believe. We think strieken with paralysis a few weeks ag o Li_____________. ___1_____S that Bowmanvibbe may welb be prond o!fem obsnig.. r.Js uu the dramatic abibitv evidenced in some is sufferiug from the effeets of lier re- MRS. DINGMÂN'S Mllinery Open- an wet prouctdon. t hd t a b lt- Alun is agi confined teotheho-use.... *iIO ara lneltea c e ad ing~W Mr. Wu benien ann audienatie iinaivli-h On Sale Saturday Morning and for Monday inz Îterst tethe clos, auinde th san moraly i-s eves . ... The residents of our village c. terstteth cos, ad hesondmoalwere surprised to learu of the death at and Tuesdayý, 10 pieces Tartan Flannelette aill- Stoule ivaiutained tbronghout commends Newcastle o! Mr. Benjamin Ashton who different .patterns,, make good Children's z Sit to ail loyers o! a geed, dcean, moral was on a visit te his sou. Severai o! rse, asso eve -Qt lnnsc Lear play. - The puli wilbn be leased te ou r viliagers attended the funeral on sl'-ss vasso vn ~îtsnngc~r ~W hartht brug Srog olciatenSaturdoy. The frieuds have our sy-abt are fast, reg. priice,10c a yd. special 3 days 5û. bVê the Company- bas conseuted te repentath in this sudden syrav ment the play in the town hall on b1riday "athy berenintn' aent. hurîIîîJîîI'ImÎiîm 1mm rmiiiifiriiitm,,,î Everything -in ýMillinerY Novelties nih hswehnrsresaswas atteuded by a very large crewd will be 25e and erdrnary admission 15c. and ever,thing sobd at a gond figure. UbeeedS etn2ys ierguapic18,scal2c that, can be got in Toronto, will be The east- 0 1ocacsare : ..... paE.BHn y Ms tev adrtise lu nTu STnaTE, Bleached Cireular Pillew Cotton, 42 incht wide, regular price 15e Berenced 0'Moreg..T.. . B. Hoery y pe yad .p a M1sEv21c.rtyspn Sua Beruad Kavuagh. . H. ouesswith Miss Aunie Waddeli, Antiech....peyadspil 2!. shown. David O'Connor .........Preston Tait. Everybody corne to League Thursday Plaid Dress Gingham, ie bright colors, very fast, iiew goods, reg. Father 0'C.assidy..,......Albert Tait. uight. Tonrie: Miss Fauuy Crosby he*r price 10cseil8 e ad -M W M w Billy Button Cap.Chas, fi. Joness. bife and writings,.. . .The membe-,rs ofepealSpryrd M RFQ Nm ~ Captain Clearfleld .........John Hemu. Risiug Star Division were treated te a Factory Cotton, <extra heavy cetton, full yard xvide, regular prie FhunbeBlack Rody .........l. A. MeKowan. varietv o! pies last Tuesday night.... 8e per yard, speci;aI 612c- BewMÂNVILLE. ahoal Milliner. lied Barney ............. R Mitche, Miss Eva Cryderman Bo-wmnaville, Ta Darby Doyle ..... ........S. Hiarris, visited bier sister Mrs. ë. N. Ruse. Tale Oulcloth, best quahity, lice patterns, sp2cuai per yard 20C. Mr. McCubbau ..... A., McKowan. e'To hrsi.dran gteal pc,,5 pca 2. Detînis ............... James Wight. NEWCASTLE.MesToShrsndakndlgtrglapre3epeal2e Tnrukzey. ........... Chas, H. Joness lleavy Oxford Shirting, regular price 10e, special 8e. Kathleen O'Connor. . ... Miss C. Wight.» Mr. Wm. Perrin - 1 v.ery iII with Men's ail wool Tweed Pauts, big range at $1.C0 per pair. Mag. Marsiogh... Mrs. T. E. B. Hienry. choice lotoig.. at abou Satifa regfir pZne Xuitty OLavery ...Miss Stella Mason bedpiou. O audyatr Dress Goods-a hieltaabu lfrga pc_é MissJ. enuiganoon Feb. 25th the residence occupied rf LDoretby Kavanag-h.. MisJ.Jnigby Mr. Michael Breen and owned by WEDDING BELLS. ?5trs. Powers was burned te the greundd h %àk S Â witheorig uteidfrngs We os and 4 S1 hR oe-s. 10ELý- _ Z G RR O 1 E U SEEEM olx $upsdtefr riiae rmte W think these prices ought to bring us Io .ts o! business" Don't fasienblewedin tok paceatchimney. Mlost o! -the furniture was I fashonale wddig tok pace a ved. No lusurance, 'An insurance o! ferget money baek if dissatisfied. the Methodist Church, Oreno, on Wed- $1200 ou the buildings was drepped Beys' Bu!! laeed Boots,,ftiirstitehed, standard resosoitd TELEFIlONE NO. 57. #nesday evening March ist, when Miss abo It a year age. .... Visitors. Miss Al-te ie erg re I25 pca 5.srwsls one whoi Boed arming ou throelvBn Hel- ateM oh a wMr. re- boots 1 goo 5 arersg. e i o1, eu price $115, speciai 90c. ii thrtoebtt'ss.'.the ice covemed mountains dewn their uîght. Try. it. Ai druggists, 25cents.Cmlxo ap3ckeinbprbx8. If more than'one, dealer ini cach t1-wa had the rugged side-s te the valleys beneath, Suiphur, yen will want this soon, buy IIow, pure greund, special Age3~y fr"latr 1ios, i.~aeie1e..'ia gtvýing theorIes, !acts and data tal AUo'rîoN SALES. per lb 3c. aff!>d t crry~ ~The lectum:r's, explanation of iany of - Globe Washbeard, special 14c. Ê' ytre atn gtisgetln TuE5DAY MAiten 21-Mm. James Poole aCwidths, to fikal eetatie tho of ours showed personai investigation, bot 14, con. b, Darlington, wiîî sell CohsPn,4 lzfrS. bn sellprdz2e in ddiio todilget sndyan re hi vlualefarm, stock,, implements, - Glass Tumblers with engravedbad pclpe o.3, th dealer's tradeth c-s-nM »earch fromthe bs itotl on the ,et. GMvU up !armigý See bibis. Sale subee. Pof Coemn i a eay, at I P. M. 1A.- W. ToLz, auctieneer Lâmp Glasses any size, special eaeh 5e. fe t, and' the reputation o!f t«ke pNe=tu speaker and knotvs well the SÂT1RDÂY. MARVH 1l.-Big saie et goed Doftfrgtheteedy- traM n yad secet f etetaiingauauýiene' funitreand bouse furuisiug-s- Ltae So"a a fo. -r Mise Nel1ie 8aunders and Miss Mosetta roa tes steeper te a baby carniage. Tuesday next, March il 13 and 14, w 1&all be U James, with Miss dnrg, and Miss Tibley - Everything Coes- be on1 haud for ce, $3~oe, <~'~'"~'as accompanistlg respectivelv, 15ong Ivo. bargainsg. Get early dinner- »Ie îe. rc o rdo e- $3 G,$40 ud $îOýsolos thaýt weme mach appmeciated. At sat tp .sap e.le, . lh the close Rev. J. .TmbiK . A W. TeL., auetieneer. rWSed the sentiments o! tke audienee tu a vote of thauks whicm was abîy second- Mr*. IL. 1 Hogarth, .Whitby, kat o, JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. ed b! Rôvý R.. N. Adams, TYrone, and gene te Gravenhurst Sanatoriam for a ibi-M C ti bertlyaproei y heauiece ouseefretmn