Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1899, p. 4

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SOU VENIRS ARE THE Most Boonomîcal Most Servîceable AND MVost Durable, Ranges in the Market. They stand to-day the recognized leaders. Actual merit place them ahead of ail others. Souvenirs always give satisfaction. If you will compare their Speciai .Advantages over ordin- ary ranges you will readily see the points of superiority. PRICES LOW. LIBERAL TERMS. Phone 66, BOWMANviLLE. Rd. Worth.1 (Opposite Ontario Bank.)1 I t Tfhroo, From Kidney Diease- Although a Man, of Three-Score and Ton, Or. Chase~s Kidney- Uvetr Plis gave him back perfect health. BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 22, 1899. KR. FOSTEB CRUSIIED. This is to certif>' that I was sick in bed the most of the time for three years with kidey disease. 1 took several boxes of pis -different knds-and a great many other kinds of patent medicines ; besides that I was under treatment b>' four different doctors during the time and flot able to work. -Ibegan to take Dr. Chese's Kidniey. Liver Pills, and ince that time have bece'n working every day, athough a maxn neari>' 70 years of age. Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver Pils have cured me. JAMES SIMP~SON, Newoombe Miili, Oni. If th isI<dneys are net las a perfectly clean and healtlsy condition, the blond beconaes imapregnated wtth inpurittes,* and a dera>' of thse Kidneys soon takes place. Brightss Disease, Ipiabetes, Gravel, Stdne in the Bladàer, lu- flammation of the Bladder, and a long list of Kidney diseases becomne seated. and' soorner or later i so many instacees end fatally. Dr. Chase's idney-Liver Pillsa cure aIl Kidney troubles. Sold by aIl dealers, price 25 cets per box. WEST # END ý HOUSE, BOWMANVI LLE. AT.JTION SALE. THITRFDAY, MÂItCH 2.-Mr. A. Pen- nington will seil by auction on the premises, Lot 15, Con. 4, Darlinzton, a lot of vahiable stock, implements, etc. Sale 1 o'clock. L. A. W. Torr, A'ý etioneer UNION AG4ICULTIJRAL SOCIELT. A meeting of the Directors of West Durhami Union Agricultural Societies will be held in the Council Chamber on Saturday. Feb. 25th at 2 p.m. to receive reports and consider amendments to the Prizo List, recommend judges, and general business. W. E. POLLARD, M. A. JAmps, President. Secretary. DOI41T MISS IF. The popular comedy drama "Ka th- boen Mavourneen" will be given by the Moyal Tom plar Dra matie Company in the town hall, Bowmanville, on Wed nesday eN enîng March lst. With the as- sistance oi, Mr. T.- E. B. Henry the above will be presented with ail. the beautifut and attractive scenicepfftctsa a produced by the best companios on the professional stage. The company has gone to considerable exponse in pro viding new scenery for thîs plav and without doubt this wiIl be one of the best entertainments of the season. Music by Marrison's orchestra. Admis sion 25c SeatB reçterved witb.out extra charge. Plan of hall open Friday Feb. OA4th, Concert begins at 8 o 'el3ck. OxiT ARIO LAD)IES' ýcOILEGE. J Satu rday, Monday,&Tuesday FEBRUARY 25th, 2l7th & 28th. ~ IIREE days of brisk selling-The la-st -thiee Sdays of this month, we want to be record-breakers and to mak6-themi so, we have made some aston- ishi'ng prices. Carefullv size up this list' of 'Bar- gains and money savers and see if it will 1e worth your while to trade with us on 'these three days. Turkey RedI Tabling, fast colors, special per yd. 35c. Flannelette Skirting in Red and Black and Grey and Black Strips, 38 inch wide, reZ. value 15c, spec 3 days 10c. Apron Gingh am, a yard- wide, fast colors with fan ny cii c aÇ. ~- IDAYS- r~i~r~~u'rt' s 's

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