Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1899, p. 3

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BOWMANVI.LLE. FEB. 22, 1899. 'ej Local -and Otherwise. South Ontario District Division S. of C'I1". V' kT. witl be held in Raglan Feb. 24- O..and D. Exhibition societs will hold ecokHeadacheand rclc3I1terobe a two.days' fair Sept. 27th and 28th. dent te a bilions s' teÏ le syst- asm. H ~Iood',s Pilis are prompt and efficient, »izztneÉis, Nainsek, V-owness . iresafter Neattng. Pain thîe SiCe, &o. While their meet easy to take, easy to operate. 7etwakabe succesa basà beeca 3hown in ouriflg R&V. G. R. Clare has been inviteà for the third year as pastor of Greenwood circuit. If its fa Fever that la the bng-bear ;Êeaâ2ahe. yet Carter's tîttlo'LSVOr PilIg M o f Voilr lf ou won't knowthe pleasure Duîbuulon Henry Elott, Esq., TreasUrer, In Account With The Township ,of Darlington. 1898. RECEIPTS. Jan, Balance on hand ..$ 1 793 93 S Poilard, taxes 1897,. 1 887 71 R Martyn, sale animal 6 00 Mar. Co refund re lunatics.. 31 50 T Baker, rent of road. . 1 4 00 Per centage,ar'rs taxes 14 4L April T ace, rent road.. 5 00 PWEa/. EWhithv 51 a Considers Laxa-Liver Pills the best remed y for Billousness. One after another is coming forwaid and speaking a word in favorof the new family medicine-Laxa-Liver Pils. Mrs. Geo. Smiall, Sligo Road, Mount Forest, after giving these pls athorough trial, thus expresseýs herseif :-"Laxa- Liver Pis aretile best remiedy 1 ever took for biliousness; and ais a general f family cathartie, they are f ar superior to anything in the market for that purpose. > Laxa- Liver Pills are mild ini action, harmless in effeet, and do nlot weaken the system . They act promptly on the Liver, tone np the digestive orlnns, remove n- healthy accumulations and cnt short the progress ofdiseaso. Price 25c. Dr. ~Vod~scures the severest coighs and colds of Nor a ~ ynn ioIC quieker nanu any other re- nid.Price 25c. 7OWNDER NECOK S BES FRIENO L&1ETSALE' A NADA The D.& L. EMULDSION 11 .&L. EMLLSIOt C09 boit end mot alatab e yrqando i Ltvr0iaengwhîmodlat The . & L. EMULSON le Coribod by tt lebadins phyauiium0 T'he, 9 tL, EMUJLSON tua M 7lurv flet eiproducer and '.Mtti goL j AIS & LAWXN1m VS5USi1yVfluaU oam.1&sj1nu t, iu,,,hyplr," of freedom from it tili you've tried Dr. ILBon ibrsl yenting hisa an ing - amw .il of11,Brwny aiseol c*rrect ail dsorders of île rtomnach,stimulate the Chase 's Catarrh Cure. Tp Clarke, share work ~veandegiatt"eboeie Een fteyoly Mrs John Reid is visiting her father- R Knox, license fund.. in-law, Mr. Jno. Reid, Sr., Cowanville, Geo llaines,Esq, fines. Clarke. Interest, Bank deposits AehthyweilbeanotprreeasotoeehO Ail forms of serofula,-sores, bouls, Mrs Cvotic, cear dt suffer fromn this dietressing cnpint but fortii. pimples and eruptions, are qu ickly and MsRyodadpm mateiytheirgoodnueasdoesnotendlhereandthoe permanently cured by llood's Sarsapar- S Poliard, taxes..13 Who once try tham vil! find thege itue pilla va'- illa. able in se mnany vays iLat tliey wili flot ho 'vi. WloNwovl i- Ttl.........1 ~1stodowitbouttlcm r *afe alieick iead Rev. M. E. WloNwovle i- Ttl......$1 ited his mother at Soringville, who has PAYMENTS. been seri'nsly iii with la grippe. JAUAnY. That tired languid feeling and indis j' Gallagher, gravel.... 1,tlebtneof aoinanyliveg thit Lbeehflswe position te effort of any sort will be J Holit, sheep damages.. gmalreorgreatboast. ourpiflecrvitwlio rapidly remnoved by the use of Miller's P Tyler. Il eihers do not. Cmon Iron Pis. Carter's Little tirer Pilla are very autafl aC on FCutc eas ttae.On o to ila naeadoe. Rev. E. R. Young, Toronto, preaches J Snowden. ;rey are strctly vegetable and do not gri J nnvray emn a ' d SnBooks " purge, but by flaeir gentie action pleage aail wiiosrmos . Cerrywood ros... tise them. Inviaisat 25cents; fivefor $1. ao next Sabbath. J Worden, gravel........ byirggsteerwhre oantyiaf. Will bie found' an excellent remedy J Oke,..... CARTER MEDICINE CO., N4ew Y*. for sick headache. Carter's Little Pis. W Knapp, 99...1.. r, m" Thousands of letters from people who Aid Sick Children's Hlospital IL bâZ 'ý1À 91 l à have used themn prove this tact. Try Vital Statisties, express, etc there. C J Windatt, extra servies nUI~ A Mr. G. Y. Smith, LL. B., WhitbyS Pollard, collector ....... rrh00 as been appointed byth Onai BuA. EPPO Government Judge of the Surrogate G~AEFL OMFRTNG Court and Local Mase.r in flhnjoprv C Hooper,rent road ....... Weak orstiution areTulit p1by J W Soper, sheep damages. Dîsingised verwhre eakcostiutinsarebuit p b,!R Windatt, services...- Distngushe evrywere and good health follows, the use of J T Pollock,services auditor for' delicacy of flavor SUp-. Miller's Compound Iron Pis. Doctors F L Elîls, 6 erior quality and nu- Say they are the best tonic after sick- "I extra services.. tritive properties. Spec- 1 n11ess. Tbey make the weak strong. S Pollard, pos tage, etc.. ially grateful and comfor- ~M.E .SeoB . eesl G A Stephiens, cedar... tir'g to the nervous and, gave aninteresting lecture on,'Sou-nd" in the le ture room of the Simcoe Stý MARCH. dyspep'tic., Sold ofly n Mnethodist Church, Oshawa. H- Elliott, jr, insurance,.. If is aele A E sickheaclache is misery, what are E Milison, gravel......... EPPS &CO,, Ltd., Ho m Carter's Little Liver Pis if they will M A James, printing .. ceopathic Chpmists, Lon- positi~v- cure it? People who'have G A Stephens, lumber . don, England. usped themn speak-: franikly of their werth. ARL N~EAKFAS StJPPER They are amDail and easy te take. W Aortcre hll. PRAKAS S OAR James E. Alger, Coiborne, bas been Rinldn a5mppr ted b&iliff of the Seventh Division dioter EPPS Sai0 Court of the UJnited Countie ofDurham S Penfound, shee.p damages M and Northumberland, viceILi W. Brown A Taylor, work.....'"* *... resined.W J Rtoy, services assessor.. Catarrhozone is a liquid. fragrant " ostage, etc ... and cleansing, which rapidly volatilizes A Richards, scrapers. ___L Rà - when inhaled. What is it for? It is an A Wight, polling booth .. P ' absolute. neyer-faiing' cure for catarrh S S No 14. use school-house. BRISTOL'S of the throat or nasal passages. Is it MY ne eare so sure that it wl cure MY you, that we will send yen, prdpaid, a W J Rey, extra services.... B R ISTîo L'; haler if yensend ydur address within Brown Bros, cash book.. eu ek: Write us. N. C. POLsoN & Ce., McLean & Màson,2 scrapers Kingston, Ont. P_ Murdoch, fencing... ~a r.sa .Paria Five Port Hope beys are now qualt- G A Stephens, lumber.. tered with the United States troops, at U. ndManilla, Messrs. F. Burton, S. Patter- J Stainton, gravel........ CA T D PgRg. son, W H. Hambly, W. Halliday and Mrs Hooey, "... ~ . ohstn.B Courtice, "...... Th retsto alLie, That weakness peculiar te spring- H G Argue, ..... The reaëst f al Lier, time is net lazinesa, it indicatos the need E M'ilson, Stomach and Blood Medicines. of toning up. Miller's Compound Irou) J Stainton, .. SPCFOFRPilla will hrîng strength and vim in.ail J Hall, ..... A PCFCFRsucb cases. 5e doses 25 cents. G A Stephens, plank, cedar. Rheuinatism, Cent and An inZenious be y hit %lpon the briU- CSOUCI', culvert .......... liant- è-1def 1the0o-trfay et standing be - JLyle, safe ...... ....... Chroni Complinta. fore a mirror white eating a piece ot ~Hsisepdmg~. cake, te make it seem like two piecea. H Elliott, jr. aalary... They Cleanse and Purify the If you once try Carter's Little Liver JULY. Blo.Pilla for sick headache, biliousnesa or J Webber, gravel........ _________ constipation,, you wîll neyer be without A Trimm. "..... them. Thev are purely vegetable, small îlra Hooey, "...... Ail Druggists Mid4 and easy to take, Don't forget this. Est Vancamp," ..... Mr. Hilliard Gardiner, Carmel,'drove S Allun, 9 ....... Geiteral Dealers. outto Kirby Sundav with his sister J Knigbt, "...... Maud, who 'intends visiting frienda in TElotre;, ...... Oroîîo, Bowmanville and thence te E Mnoore, ...... Europefor the summer.-Milbreok Re- TSodn . . pote.T T Jardine,". . Whn oufel ekportwn er E J McCulloch, renit road.., ~¶1ITT heuvoufel eak rundow, ni'-T Woodley, shieer damages -rvous, unaH e te work or think asyou R Snowdeni, work ....... ought, take a box or twe of Milburn's J Percy, spikes, braces MÇ U~DV~?I1 t~ij TT Hart and Ner ve Pis. They'll bu 8upG ....n. ume 'your neati LVainu. gÏve yuu aLeIitLu inu AUST cnergy. Price 50 c., ail druggists. usT Mr. Wmn. R. Trick, enly son of Mr. T Creeper, ent Sons' hall .., 4 OC John Trick, Port Hope, died in Tor- R Darch, bridge irons .... 9 O0 ente Feb. 14 aged 129 years. He was A Peters, culvert............ 5 00 employed with Warwick & Rutter, E J Clark, work.......... ... 20 04 printera, Toronto and formerly spent J Aanton, ......... 1 50 ten years lu the Guide Office. J.Mountjoy, . . . .5 31 A Samîs, graveh ............ 8 50 "'Baby suffered terribly with werms. T Eliiott, Il 1 30 I used ene bottle of Dr Low's Pieasant SPTËBER"* Worm Syrup, whicb accomplished thé ETEBR purpose for wbich it was intended and N W Goodman, gravel..... 5 5 curel hlm." Mrs. W. M. Messecar, J Salter," 4 75 Presideut Jolliffe requested Castleton A Gîbson, " 2 75 circuit te giveý $90 for the relief of Sýt S Allin, sbeep damages. 28 O0 James'cthurch. Tbey at once raised it 0OL Byers, " 2 67, with the exception et twe dollars with-R Pascoe, 4 00 out leaving the church.-Colborne, x- 3 Garfat, "4 67 press. 0*Crer T Brîmacombe, plank.,.. 161 50 Mr o.Crir Victoria Harbor, M A James, printing . ... 83835 Ont., writes: IIbad Rbeumauisan rny E JClark, work............. 4 Où knees, f ct and elhows se bad I was unu B MIoore, work.............. 1 62 able te work. Notbing did me anv good J Heeken, plank........ .... 38 80 tili I got Milburn's Rheumatic Pilla. One W Rundie, cedar... ......2 70 box and a hait compietely -,ured mne." J Bvers, cedar............... 1 10 ,W H Cowling, rent land . 2 OC The Provincial Board et Healhbhave J Aldsworth, road work .... 16 610 do.cided te make vaccination general Cartwright, T'p bai, acc't., 6 OC tbroughout the Province, and instruc -_________________ tions to that cffect bave been forwarded te all the different.healtb officers, This 'fteei history of action bhas been taken because of amal- I heei pox in the province, especially in the Weakl gs i yu fa ly castorn partk ug iny rfa l, infants aind voung children are pe- take Scott's Emulsion. cuiiarlv aubjeet te this terrible disorder, and if not promptly arrested it wiîî, ev' Ih nourishes and invîgor- entually becorne chronie. Dr. Chase made a special study et Eczcma and ates. diâeases of the skia, and we eau cenSi- ,h enables you to resist the denti v recommend 'Dr. Chaae's Oint- ment te cure ail ferasetf ezema. The disease, Even if your Iungs firat application soothes the irritationI and puta the ittie anferer te reat. are already affected, and if While taking a ioad et hay te Toronto besides the cough you have Mr. J. Farewell, Pickering, waa thrown off bis waggon in -pasinz ever a bad fever and emnaciation,ý there piece et roadway on the Kingston roadistliason prbbityo and the load capsized, a large portion tila"rôgpo blty f ef it faling on hlm. He had several nibq cure. broken, and was otherwise injured. I Intnin-,ic wortb in sure te be recegniz- The oi in the Emrulsion cd sooner or Inter. Therle neyer has ed tchyo osl-is been any extravagent advertising otfed; he hp ho hts Mile'sConpund ren Pilla, ne larlng give powrcr to the nerves; moints, bat notwithstandin, it appears and the glycerine soothes and te be pretty weli known that they are the beat meicine for building up the has systemn and curing ahi diseases resit. ..al soo i rilt ing from poo&blo" SCâ Th oyî WNî Ciiesiasa, ?oïoato. DR. ClIASE'S Townhw'Catarrh Cure 1 50 5 63 147 83 5 00 41 uO 4 50 100 00 541 10 589 62 3 25 4 00 4 67 3 00 6 67 à500 2 65 1 38-- 50 5 0() 32 41 7 0O l00 00 2 00 18 00 7 3 7 00' 7 00 1 00 15 00 20o OO 4 00 448 19 75 150 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 5834 25 73 100 00 1 MO 27 75 4 00 4 00 8 00 1 00 3 40 10 00 12-00 59 46 .14 50 2 55 8 80 21 35 38 84 15 85 3 55 89 73 3 50' 30 00 9 75 100 00 10 60 50 2 10 4 95 6 50 8 60 7 80 8 25 20 60 3 25 3 O0 42 67 4 75 7 O3 20 45 - - / * J Clark, work ........... A E Gilders, ...... j Hoakin " A Taylor ...... J Pye *«.. !t" W j clemens ... .. R Rham, culvert ..... ..... . W Creeper, work........ F Smith.... J Stainton, R Burns, gravelling ........ W Jeffery, work........ J Cowiing, D Cherry, ." ..... W Creeper, , ...... A Goode, "...... G Hlame.grading.......... E J Clark, work........... W Short, I ....... J Stainton, Il ,....... Cowling and llawken, work. 1 5( W Nixon, breaking stone.. 3 25 J Cowling, work ............ 1 00), J Byers, " . . 2 50l'T Brown ........ 8 25 R Carteg "...... ý ()()C0Dean, &ayng =11 ... 20 00 J Tape, work .............. 3 00 W Brent, Il......... 3 50 L Berry, reDairîig bridge,.. 5 85 H C Iloar, graveiling.... 1 50 B Moore, 16 25 W ll9oey, 21 35 W Virtue, work ........... 7 50 J Ashton, 1 ........ -0 o() R Woodley, "..... . 43 00 J Mutton, "....... 31 2,5 B Moore, gravelling....... 15 tso A Brown, work ......._.«.. 20 00 W JRoy ... ..... 12 50 AStaples,".. . 3 75 T Mountjoy, ........ 12 00 A Brown, Il. ..... ....... 7 00 7 50 15 00 ô 00 1 00 5 75 4 00 14 62 27 00 29 70 28 00 4 50 1 50 3 50 4 00 50 25 5 00 9 00 15 50 3 25 13 50 ----- - ------- 9 ly m J M.-r sartin, work .............. 10 00 VS UT Iunume, work ........... 7 75 J J Virtue, gravelling .... 20 o0 i Byers, .... 29 25 J T Clark,work.............. 3s5 00 B Moore-, .... 12 80' C Stonhouse, work .........64 75 R Branton, 10 50 J P.%e, work ......... ........ 31 75 W Hooey, 8 O0 J Ward, Il...........1i 5o R Branton, breaking atoe I 100 H Wilcox, culvert............ 6 50 J Muttonl, work..............o3u0 E J Clark, work..............83 0( W Couch, Il........ 38 00 Cures Catarrh, Hay Foyer, Rose Fover and L Potter, 4.- " ....... 7 00 J Fraser, si. .. .. 25 ail Head Colds. Give one blow with the C ogaeln......24 75 BIorgal1iDg.......... 40 40 Blower and the Powder is diffused, making W Foley, s ..... 25 00 L Brunt,repairing bridge .. 2 50 a Sure and Permanent Cure. E J Cole, ...... 25 00 R Revnoids, worik........., 2 o0 FRCf IHBOE 5ONoR Stacey, work............... 1 50 J Mutton) I 27... PRIE WTH LOWR 2 O£reW Allun, culvert............. 2 25 B Moore, si......475 A P..ers,.. 2 00 W Farrell, "...... l 75 JM1uttoný, repairing bridge.. 2 OO- OcrenER. W Çreeper, I -' 1 00 8 525 77 J Siemon, sheep damages.. - 17 6 7 E Moore, culverta.............3 00 DivicloN No. 5. L Potter, 168 0 JCowling, I" -* *- 0(0 R Stacey, shovelling Snow. 8 350 J Byers,66 10 67 E J Clark, gravelling ...... 510 H Argue, work.............. 11l00 G Cochrane, 11 4 0() J Mountjey, i& .... 15 75 R Rbam, gravelling.......... 2 50 A Wight, 965 4R Stacey, work..........500 R Stacey, " .......,.. 800 AAllia, sheep damages.. 6o0 T Brimacombe, culver*t .... 00 J Orchard. "1300 W R Knight, , 2 32 WsreeiokI5 S Soucb, il130 G W Sop 1er, t E J Clark, "......... 7 O oerp0rn0oa 4O Mrs Giders,2 00 Hlir'rawy.......3 'FSmith, gravelling ...........5 20 G Alun 18 ool A Peters, work ............3 50 W Ashton, 12 80 J Curtis, gravel............. 13 65 J CrY derman, work........... 1 50 p Williams15O J Blsn, 650E J Clark, 850EPSco, es 12 OU E Milson, Il....... 65........219 Mri,3 50 E pMcoch or........4O E ilsn J Clr, w rMa... . . . 0 8 rmb,'w rk . .. .. . .. .1.......s.rp irn.rac 3 O T reprnil...............81 JCar,2or.............3 70 J MBalo,rkg.atne 4 0 J~ FHsr ok 5j Thompso, clra....a... 23O0 R HSt ace eming........425 R Wecorh, uil , spýikes 261- ad7drin00. 1 0 Sar oa wr............87 E Moolrk, culvrt... ......... 130 HJWiCrboclver.... .........17650 j Camb el, raving a ... 100O W Aveeer, cear..............18 E G Clbert. work ...... .........1<75JIlE Dyer, raveing soe... 2500 J Frser wor; .......... E25 J Clarko, eaig...........2 (O0)R Stacey reaiingr.a....... I 50 MAJmsba rNOVEMBER. E 30JWClapr, work ............... 59 LRetoir 'eseaiig ed 120 T Moodele.....p.dama.ea 10 O0 H Munto, culvert ...........6 50 J apegameing..........205 J Mountry, 2 67.....T..S1 eGwdlent, work.............8 00 J E Dyer, wrk....ng...........300 WJEy J3.4 CGlaerkt " 85... 20 SBUsh "...o.... S50 Mrs Gilers, R . E60 ClP k, w8 ....W..P.ott0 L r, rpiin9. 1 0 T Brunte, srav mael........ 10 J Mlen, csnow...ev...ed 6250 se W erry ,. ........ 2 50 J Tompsy,267TSnwon,...........1 0ATalr8or ntwu0e~ 0 H Pasce, w" ...,,,, 3 OU HartJ&Rd ll, 4 G ler, l$..738 0 29.0 Reuols4 .. .....5 R JMaleyCortReison 1 0 IvSIN o.2.1 Barton, .........85 OU W J GidRo, t2 60 GJA ephns wr............25 R B tchre .or............8 25 H Elliot, jreves ....110 ' 2 pessowsa............ 0 75 C rrgt 1 si ar eseno1b2 G A Stphen,1lumbe...... 1250A Tarim, wgrveiong 8uo J reUewrk5onccon 1 RMuortcipal ols..............362A Alu, seuing psta...... 25.4 RHa& mbdl, te........ .568 73tea î2g.. ....ynold s ut.... .0 R Reynoldry, Courk 3 0ion 1 0 JDrbrdivin .o. 250 Baaneo an e 3,197$ 1 0 3 J Roy, cda s......... ..AW..ns.wr............A.eas.ftaesfr ,37, 1877 F J0 Glmngrvl89 R Bone, lank..bridge 250 PerMcelgeorrears.... 14412 B Cllo t rticervcs".... 12 9 ATm, teaîng..........23 75 Taxes colleted foSre 1898.,15 R Brapnch, dame7 .. O6 25A rag, gradeling .h...... 50 License fund...............197280 E Jta C&ark, r, aelg...24.F3 C Harei, wrk......on.......418Fie fo00o HiesPM. s0 RACoth,spiks........ ......50 - 6 AW M Jon, esa, ork...........482 ent0orodtaloanes,. 490 F J Clark, spike............. 608 Trim ga ing ............5 10 Itra anBank DRp.t 1O RRy o ds, o EM300JER hgraviing ....... 0 Balfuud ofadnesim d.19.8 73 90 J rit ea .. 0AWiDarc,wgrdin............ 5Slse ibr.......6O W lemn, a ende .....109-(bridge.......1 a of taoxnedfrcatt ...e 6887471 A Langmid, axsefuned 1935 Alunim, tdrawng aton... 4uPrcenedo ot res.... 00. O J y, ear.......... 1 r................16 T6ec ootedfr Mun9ci....t.e 135414 J rac, dspi es ..rons . 37 10 IW A r agngh, graven llg 1 50 L c n ef n ..... .. . 178 EMcClelak,& Cel, pn..... 6 294 TFwu oad Machie...........4 3 Fne0 $ 1e. aiesP7.5906 R AW oole, Jube r ....... 560 AW MAlnes, cuvrt.............2 90 Cof oad all w n. . 90 D JGCaraie, s p mae s ....... 100 ATrimmn, grading .......... ...5 10 llowaes Salg ai es, Cen.,. 16307 HEuimt Elitjr al 9 lu,grdn wrk...in...........100 rifnifn dvaertsnmoae.. 3 J~~~~~ atino,.rve........22.TJ... bekigs2n 125O0 anS atieery.. et..... .23 f2 W.lii Côates,..................201W reùer1c7vrt75 Insurance........... .......40 B Court i, tx " u e 3 65A W Allun,droadwgo e.. 4 e W tree ss of Mn..Govt.. 158 00 jOkye,....ar...... ............8275 TsnRoa Macine ...........s oo Recfoada andr idgs........30319 T ery Suowde, ion.... 31(0WJ M Jnesa, gwe............10QOBadeHalh......23o H Eolot, ljr, stat..n.r.. 15 8t0Support et poor, &c............74 90 M GalbatJ e aams rnn g es 2810 77 rmm,$ 259 ........ oulwnTealfrieCon ..evy 349875 H I t row ,conil services..7.5 DAl i visn or...... 1 S1 bool Bogadvrds ach o st ae. 03O R Ftiose r, ", ..45... 210 T Wiex, breaking tone,,. 12 00 eep ktie y oga. .........2752 B Courtice, " 4 5 80 j A lwrt, raveliing..... 50 AghrculuralsesocietMgrn. ot. 5802 AJ Ceme......... 875 G Ceek.brak acinae .... 5oo IReo f and fridroa...........73 O7 T sovdn e.15, 0 J -Jnt, urpking........... oo Baanc f e and Dec.31.1898..022 97 H Elliott, jr, sbal salary .. 50810SuWpSrtkef ork................27450 WA Creprnio...........7 29 53W Stacey, breafor Catone 3 O0 3498 03 B or f eath, 45lcs, 2300W White, wrk........e......8 00 SOntari Bauk Dec 31.0..7..8 02373 A J ockeen, 4mbr........85 G Revnk.dseauing.o.........5 80 Leas chfnesandorresd..38.23... 7 0o T Jaee Tr44 55aelarn eBalanleonbaud es.,188 42 7 9 M~~~~~~~~~~ Lyegae.......~0 also, tbreaking ....n.... 670Txsucletd. 085 H E llent, gr, ael..............50 0 W hit Oe, " . ......... 2O0 TwHl&F~'ue40O F Runit.e woroewn hue 850 T <Bnowde, gravelling.........2 608 6 NWMcnacht, an, ounty.rate. 349850 W Stâcey, breaking atone .. 0 SE Bordo Re h Fosters ... 2 (0 WCWNih otrnk in...g4.... 40 Oltaro'B a ar, ...... .....10002 LJ o n urti e" ......"625 60 F Nicols, twork...............508 ese ,, nrs 830 50 A..C.em..s...... 245 JoClrks. "g. . ...... .100 BalO 10000 9r T YPmcer, g " l...2..... 1 G JColo, breaking atone . 1..6 WeTer n e cefv ta3028hve 5am H Elleot, gravlgis........ees 1650 W White,& ourI e . 5ng 1200 meC tht' Tr&aurtuer' bo50ad 00ut F cho rae, er ni li..... 083 TOC J lso, gravelling ..3- 2 0 oprdvuhrswt nre n I ndigenats, per li y at........8900 G Gihert, breaking tone. 1 50 foudbe coret.TE blacel Expe rondituiise Ne s 70295ReNiols, & Wli,1..d.cb 257ubnd fte rau7ri0475 n R Fste i2si295 RE70ondri.......3 o0 t baiance in th ...ta.i..ank0atte Il 28 4C VnDykell, treaking aoe 5prvdî4fr h pye40tchoe T Pqce4tg s525 7E JClak,rapaing brige .i...01 gi6ven byreauerti htw anvpesexted H Eli'ttjregitrti 5 f 25 6 648 Reyneids & CWhrie, twork 6 12O0 onec h 3lesuesbost, aa97d0, accug t Schol ate, pr ist .- 08300T soden, gravelling .......14 00 tota of$102u97heswth e re o ta Indients perlist.. $1696()0 JTreilr,wrak ong townhe- 615 Municilt y.ncret T eblnei Baaneonhnd . . . . .1 0297 . Ob red an .....FLo h blne nt e LtaioBakS, Total $88 G V nD k , rak n so e. 2 p ov84 sfo t e p y t Af c udi es I eoo cRiTE . 5577 EJ Clr, wrk........idg.., 1 o 90 u y T esre n - npeet té i . '26 8 e o s& Whiek.............3001ti $7 0,maig h - ~Tayodn ravllg......2150tt f$02Surest ofe Aei.f h Balanceonevnold........... .02209 J 2utt8nSbuilding bridget1 O0 Nota.,..S.heo...Section.....00,$17 59$2.Renodor......225thrD stf. 3 " ...150,2AT38. JW Virtu, wk..........8100 - 6e",.. 15, 1030R Reynolds, w"r.. ......93 00 7 .,,15, 25 2A MTt on, '...... 1250Q 9 " ... 10, 25, 40. Rentlà, wr...............27 00)FvRTs 10 " ... 10, 30, 450 B Moore. . . . .5O Noi1lcoo " cto....$250,$17, $750.WR}Raynolys, work. .......... ..625 O h rD et0 2 te . .-150, 722037. _J ___R __Cole________Il_ _...avet.ed.e.se.t.e dca0bu 3 44 . ... 150,25, 275. tey id notgive.u.satisaction Bon0h 4 " ..150, 15, 300. * eo't acags e yurDimed00 15 " .,.. 150,' 1250, 3275 flPYTI odyeour oo..nYars.....or 6 " .. 150, 850,3100 R Renolds was. perfect. 0 7 " .. 150, 145, 275. Jsepiall tueofi-ood. in.or.o.....o...n 15etsndCotoGod0 8 ..i.150, 400, 50. T oe ever cnaned gsretatve po5er,5 Diaend WoD cA are unEualhe. I 20 " .4..150, 250, 4W1 WBrm0 Winds........r,2 OntVRIES 1 6 150. _0.45_BNoreI_---21_0 il

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