Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1899, p. 2

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A Yioim o NeurlgiaTouching Incident la, Connection. WVth THE STATESMAN is mailed regùilarly ~Aln ogtm g u eops Tai fN lindn the Quoens Gift of a Cabini to the E to its subscribers until a definite order sesdaltiewoe ago.Pes Sailor's Rest." dontbiietee ant meinories linger around that happy MS OET,0 OTEL h swI nw o todsotnei eevdadal1 i ae 0f dYsi5P-P period w hile fond recollection hiirrv to brwr mn alr nEgad a arrears are paid in full. Subseription .i, indigestical or EL ONEFLSOY 8150pe nnm.Ifpidlua.vine n soracitrube our mind sportive davs and giadsom WELL Aotiu WOYTEBUMSOR, lir ok mogsaiosinEngan, a $15 pranu. fpadinaivne n eeac robejust bad an interview with thes Queen at WyCniu nfrn?-Ntr that cannot lie re- heurs. Windsor, who la keeitly interrsted ini br Etolde Out lier Arme te Heolp Tou- $1.00 per annum. iee toc peemaetl one n Riglit well we reinember hum patient- Sh a ufrrfrSm Svnlabors. Her Majesty recently gave a CkeaK1Copnda1uos. permaently curedShe Ws 'a ufferr forSome even Icabi" tathe"cailin" Rtol'theDe"oalalors KolHCsi .Matevon-u byRAG LIESEM A.SESA y~t etesywthigteodn Years,and Medical Treatment Fail- port, and Miss Weston related to the i~yooWt hsDedie8 ~1[RRAGE LIENSSM. . i CURE. M NO. ured man carve out the circular ed tGieecMrTanTmpor- Queen an instance of a sick Saieori, who, and, Cnred to Stay Cured. Besidence: Centre Street. wtaihdegita ls. llow prody4 cmee AIeadRpre n after having been placed in the cabin. A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C il 1ILUHI,2eava.Gud ovrtelaowdllsdagghs vsigates the Case. ont of ber private pocket. When toid it produet discovered ia Africa-has been to Healtli and medi- ehn ad athig Barite, olcîorad onc~ncr.Ofie: cl * rei~~ miniature prîze beiI an wachn fi h alrsî:" oi o ound the niceca for athma patients. Cerm BIak1sey Soiocitr aind rC Bow nIie.- cl ic treePi. the5 four daie trckruonth mllw Montreal. haebiee nse a eni.Sepundscof this wonderful medicinal plant Moeyto.a atýmnie reaonbl rates., on-yr th wnder have belive m L unls 1 ha seo h have b en tested la very aggravated and earth. tae witli lis appleabl boe. 8lx lie "Ithought itwssomethrng ,,dr a eum uenawy.Nwacl dlstressing cases of long standing andi prov- Iwould go to, tlie orebard and ga lier the, fi when 1 weflt three days without, "y friend." ed to not only relieve lnstaatiy, but perfÇXra ~~. O LI luscious windfaîls. With wa1 gaiety bein sli"bshdmotscesu e rg.MseLAuGHitn modi0trWfile raesofnt.sth marchttd to, the liouse bringing tlie te a rfipresentative of the Montreai _______ Unitedi States and Canada. in three ý,éars bee llecald,ýoictroinnvlen reernlule eakbe u .epce eaî. the 'Dominion alone five hundrcd testi- 1-6.first bateli for thie October paring beý Iead eern ole eak l h nxetàRmr.montais have been receiveti. Win. Brown of Witl the arrivai of momn low relue- reeovery from an iilness of over seven No weii-tralned adult mind ever thinke 500 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C., says:- DR., J. C. MITCHELL, %1UI Q5%t~i~» ~ antly lie left the four wleels and tcud- long yeacs. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts ce- of the thinge that cbtîdren wiil say, and "I bave been a great sufferer froni asthma EMBER 0F COLLEGE OFPEHYSICIANS the________________________lis______ for four years. For four monthe 1 couid gedth teios ay o elol.Soe- side at 34 Wolfe street, Montreai, and te"nxae'"fmtbm 5awasnot work a day. -I lest my appietite anid lest M and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, BOWMÂNVILI.,E, FEB. 22, 1899. ties lie ieedio longe toshanl nSm- the er 1eporter was eordialiy welcomed amle Ias draffordedthe. ot he avxnin 0 to cve n theit ont y rici co ld m ie Residence. Enntiskillen. 74 iele igrdlne huncs-apewsaoreth te vin o evthcotyorIcudntIv. ___________________________acy cliasing 'the striped, squicrel and wlen hie went to enquire as to tlie tcutl i n a famîiy on Adelaide Street., Just about this tiras 1 procured a bottie of O.BI1ES3PON ACIELORS LIFE IN MAINTOB.! was alarmed to find the play -round of the report that Ms. Roberts lad Thora was company fuc dnner and the Clarke's Kola C.orapâund andtint one week --vacant. Ris littie heart beats within been restoced to healtli tbrougSh the use platter in front of the host containerl a treatment two monthe and 1 am a cored B~ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' fine remet of basf. -Ha drew the Sharp man." S615 by druggl-tS et two dollars par .1BLOCK, up-staîrs, King Street, Bowman Frying and baking 'tili I'm nearly mad, hum as lie lif ts the tliumb latdli and push- of Dr Wiiiiams' Pink Pis. Mr. and avngklearoeharnngseiorbottle; th- -e 5'ttu ,s-:-4- cure guaranteai, ville. Solicitor for she Ontario Bank. Pacigand drigis twice as baes open the craigdoor. T o le Mr.Roberts came t .Canada froma a few tîmes just becausa. that la a way 12r _ir I dolr.t ornto. Otahro 72. Privata mioncys loancd at lowest rates, Working ail dav-eold just a fright, .sure lis arrivai attracts attention and Engiand a lîttie more than five years carvers have, drove- the fork deap Into Bitten hlf to death with Jack Frost at as lie is unabie to give satisfaetory eau- ago, and Mrs. Roberts' illness began the Steamlng beaf, dascribed a soaiping- Important te, Athietes., knIfe flourisb in the air and gracefuîîy Mr. Mack White, the welU-known traînes night.se fo dela lie oses is stnd inthe wile sill i the ld Cohery.oronto ofLaecrossto Clubse anu and gooded ROBERT TOUNG, V. S.ih.s o ea elss i tn uti hi tlir l i onc." a began opera-tians.' Two nics marbiaized Hall Football Club, write: 1 consider FF10E IN WEST DURHIAM NEWS Washing days come,about once ln thirty eluss and is asked to romain af tac four. ceally the vîimn of a combination of sucdes oisar across the roaat rslted and Grîffitha' Menthol Linimenti uinequaied fer 0 Block, wherc hiself or bis assistant will 1 slouid remark if the clotlies weren't Tears, idle tears, wouid wiIiigly flow troubies," says Mcs. Roberts. "For ho was turning off the thIrd whon the athietes or those tralning. ' 1 avé used iIt lie oun frrn %. . t 9 . m Niht all atblade struck a skewer, made a siing wit h ue best success, and -an hearttly re- residence, dircctly opposite DrillShed. Oelsa by dirty, thougli aiter many attempts lie succeeds seven years, neucaigia, witl ail its ex- upadmto ni aeota o and i foro swilfngs aorns rinsa tele raph or telephone will receive prompt a t 'Twould take a twentY horse-power lu swaliowing the painful sensation, crueiating pains, lias beau my almost with a resuit that the propossd sicloo0k- tiOuI. Ail druggIsts, 25 ets. -2 teto.171 - yr. mcieta ahrinhshotconstant attendant. Added to, this I aid like a. frost bitten isaf curiad by the -22__________________ To make the shirt sleeves, or the socks The liands of the dlock move so slow- was attacked with rlenmatism and sun., Thé man couiti net say inteuse R. r" EA Tlookc haif dlean. ly, thoughts of bis waggon continuaily palpitation of the leart, and for the las e froza bis wife witni a look, mnade a uo D u EA E, TAILfi1v er a oabetg R latbgi thtphsneo bnisgestbto Gentlemen'sClothes made to Order. This is "toughing ut,' in the "Great fl ash befere lis mmnd, the sehool is so feyeswsnoabeoget ont of grim joke about teidgsiiiyo North West" altogtitaaîdunconifortabie, tha teadlier thougli kind doors during the winter months, Some- roastad bardwood, lnquired. wbather the M'akes When at iîome,we ai huh taln does not uniderstand ail and lie longs times I fait as thoug-l those terrible butoher aise rail a woodyatd, dug the for the ciasp of bis dinner pail and the pains lu my head wonid dvem md;skewer out v iclonusly and, ardored littie RichTieBt doubiy biest, drv emdiWillie, who Lad _mads severai attempts. Remedyfo l'i li bisi oweerIlh eît em hasty race lomneward. Giadîy lie eatis my inerves were ail unstrung and a te tell somethin-g, ta kea esttl or0 v Red Srn ete l'Il t tes ornev p f toe felitw e o the .:pantry-buttered bun whicl daily linock at the door would seud mie near- the table. Ris évident temper lad to an ekns drt eamues. t hoe:gwr l awaits hlm, joyfuiiv yet feacfuîîy lie 1l' ccazy. I was treated at de ent snwa opng silanc han olitnot ret.Bo d C.~deas lAN E ,1DS imes by four dotr s te~ coing et sarasoeing silenc ud Wooda.ili marches to, the woGdshed to see if any otr iccmlgt "Cook ba burnt bier nos. orful,," hao h lo steveyesneo u, Graduatc of the Royal 'coliege of Dental Soi Wed soo wakne uppet wthn onto on t gens Otaiopriremisclance lias bappenedt i ppey Montreai,but witlout any lasting- good. aunounced.th aer geosOnaro rariRis fears, lowever are soon dispersd and I lad given up hope of evec being " 1Tue bad," said teahrwlose As it courses tîrougli the syatemn ît carnes, -Wlere foc dinner we conidu 't eal3 Kate, fro h~ io ftega~ gond humor was comlng back. I"How witl it, if pure and rich, nutrition te every OYIC.Opos pcs 0. Ada or Mary finofmewosfthrldbeen ce OOîrsewrot ci n te boy.I impure, it spreade VITÂLIZED AIR We just lad to taekie bannocks and wood,placing the kindiug under neath fredo ie"os ahrhdITryln' tac pull thmardsease . If thin and watery, it fails to ____________________bacon.___ the damper. hlpless foc two vears, but was restored witb ber, teeth." oaih ec ehv ekes el Fishing the spackled trout 15 foliowed by Dr. Williams' Pink Pis urg-eS me oishnewhaeekes db. If you think thats good gruli y eu are by an lour unrier ths beedli nut 'trea, to tcy tlem. My husbaud askad the Sydney Suitli'e jokas. uty and decay. J. M.B R IM uO M BE ' greatiy mistaken. then a romp, witl the faitaful do- and doctor wlo was atteuuding me wlat lae Sydney Smith was very happy iu bis »I stewnefipwrBBB a When tired of baunocks wefryflapjacks a, gaco ln a' uffni i huî fteaStedco ele ountry 11f., and bis cbiltiren caugît bie un purifying impure biood, making tbis, DENTIST. instaad, wltsephyswînmtaî a aît le believed tlem to lie a good spirit of doligbt over common thinge. wateryi blood rich 1and red, that is at the withslepy ees hen othrly areTbey iovsd animais aud spent long hourd botterm of its marvd llous successi in cur4ug And the firet meal of them you'uI ce- prepaces him for sound siumbac. medicine. This pursunded me to begin iu training tbem. Oue lttle beast, a discase. Fcmem",er tiil dead, 1See! What mens this untouehed their use. No oua who sees me now baby donkey, became under thoir tuition hs woar ple tinwak Frif prairie life didn't make good our breakfast? TIare hangs the litt e cap, eau focm any idea of my condition wh en perbaus the Most accompiehed of hie hs voaepae hn ek digestion, ty agnetqitulwose, bgntkn c ilas il ailacues and unconscioously gave rieas tean troubled with biotches, pimples or rp th wg-o essqueti tewodhoI bgntkgDrWilasPnkquatrain which now belongs to tha famle tiens of any kind shouid take B. B. B. Offie.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin Suel diet then would ba ont of the ques, the building blocks have not beau Pis, and I lad only takan tîcea boxes of Sydney Smith. The doukey was a wall It makes the pale check rosy, the skia tion. scattered , nor las the spinniîng top lad when I begnn to racovar. But sevan educat8d cbap. Ha would walk upstairs, ceradsotadifssnweeg foilow the family in their ram blas lika a ceraSsotadifssnweeg botham & Son's Drug Store, llowevar, of game there, is always its morning bumz. Fathar quits lis years of pain lad uaarly slattered my (log andi whau tîay enteraS bis meadow unto weak, worn, con down, shattered abuindance, work amiS the summer cocu and wlile Constitution and 1 did no t look for a mun to laet them with cars dowu nS constitutions. (Down stairs), AnS good land to cuitivate stretelies lis brow is knit with auxious caca a speedy recovary, anS I was more than tail oest, braying joyausiy. .acound us, th eto u u-quivar mixeS witl foar anS hope passes gratifieS to finS tînt aftec I lad used I Oua day. when J3iiiy's bend was 8kI I beg te 'state I lave used So we'il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~crws witbMle thfbsower- um anis b.stl s.thnasbotabing nda Cleboesr1. Burdoth loerkan Be ooSeig BitterBrdckBlodforter frmm' So e'l ovr ls înes ~ îtu abut Soenada aifboxs, traineSl witb a bantikerohiaf for a bridia, pure blood, pimples on the façoi BOWMAN VILLE, hie lot, Prompt assistance and tenîder nurs- was fuiiy restored to lealth.' It seemed, Mr. Joffrey nnexpectediy arriveti. Ha &c.', and derived great benefit from lit For a strong healthy chap this is just iug bring Case to the littie suifferer se ail the more wondarful bacause the jamneS in the sport andi ta the childreu's- My skin is now very clear nd free fil4 tleu spot -Ilat in" fawdasliop iohi nln adhr ee nflnite dolight mounted Billy. ail eruptions. I oniy used four bottiçqP- ¶ ~~NUTT7afe d isceassucadand dtr bolTuEgadanbaenyr "us ho, was procaedingé in tirlumphi the B. B. B.'and can strongiy recommen O T R O E N , So, we'il brace Upl anS hiope tînat lu iiei!dseld. Wa oyru doue more than give me tempoayweSdnymtbnibs -ia w itut ta any persan suffering from impucitiè conies N tad enrlB nkigBs!1ns at yeas te, come, ?k through the bouse, how happily the relief, and their tcatrnt was much threa frieoid, returned fom: agwk and su the blood or eruptions of the ski." Bowmanvillc Agency. A womau may brigîtei anS co iueepnie h at umrtn ntefstlsee h r a Mals. GB.HELMORE, to o e r itl rhi a e hie Genere Banun rid advanced, wth xtndeti band, an Spnce's Bridge, B.G. DEPOSITS ' trlm».upon the fatbec's cigît foot supporteS was the first in yaars tînt I reallyenjoy. greeteti bis olS friena i n an impromptuEey " aetknBBB evri recivtilaSavng BnkDeprten aSe now my old tyoSoseloolmates, by voit oLe kae Tbmthriy d lifa, and I was ala to, go on a visit which bas heomme familialf ta réaS. 'IIng sp ave now e fo coma yer t interest aliowed et ecrent rates. Notice of lave sliown as; erktigtoudgala gIl to, Raduor 1 orges Dr. Williams' Piuk !ng world: uiym lodaSke i ontdraanot ecsayAldpotsaabe oif you are tlinking of Ieaving your at the anties of fatlier anS son. Pis hava aiso beau ot mûdli banefit tri Witty as Horatius Flacons, system in gqýod.order, and can honestl~ ]EXCHANGE hiome, -"Biessings on thea îittîe man, my daugîfer Violet. Sha is jst nine As great a Jacobin asg Gracchus, say that I do unot know of its equa 1Pack Up your oid duds bid good bye f0 Brfo bywt iia ftn yenrs olS, but sle suffticed a grat dca! Short, thongh, net as fat as Bacchus, anywhere." MRs. AGGiE BARNES, Bought and soid antiDrafts issueS uo ou Europe Baefo mn, .it Ie -fta Seateti on a littia jaciassl!Lnnug .S United States and Canada, aiSo GolJ' Sive ad YOttt ma vvi.uu fly tucnad up pani.auoons, _____painsinthe__ Luiand.burg hN.S Unitedi States Green backs hought and soid An-i tcy your luck bachin.-lui Muanitoba. And thv merry wliistied tunas: ache, but the pille lave madie laer feal As others See Us. CULLLECIOJ11NS W. E. Roaffixs, Froni 1My lieart I give thuee, joy ail rigîf agnin." What a man gives ouf, not what he Promptl made a carren rates ponall arts Wet Hall Man."Isneyer failfotobococommend aDr.tokecopseddDrterminesdebis aes ups arap ucran a iflua of Great Bu-ttauu the Unîted States anS the Do- WilasaikPlswe n fm yes of the wocld, Beauty, brigbtnesa. fiinion of Canada. 01110_v;-TAi.air.onitntinwa higkes Toi~s'v vh ransiferéi A popuier selool for thorougl practi friands are iii," saiS Mcs. Roberts, but wbat it gfves ont. A waîl-lcnowu iaW'- cal worl-. no edtîcationai institution Our recent suggestion tlint TiiE 'Wlile visiting at Raduor Forges,> 1 of optice teaches us that a tbing ls sauo, Made for large or smnali soims on ail parts of seeMs to have a ligher raputation flan STATESMAN sent for a yeac te, anl absent urgeS a young lady friand wlio lias not In fhe cier whicb if takes Rn andi Canada. This is spectally etiveuitageous to per- f7-e,î uies oe- fTkep u nta olrwibR ie sons living lu Manitoba or the North-West, it the CnrlBuiesolg fToron- friand, w9ppld be a most acceptable longs beau an sufare fromr curvtuc of lac makes the futs available et once et the place to. lis differoit eacmet must be 1899 praseîut lias lieea actaS upoubynatesie n btnaecntpto obc again. The fnîng f lit wcu cai ed of payment.te ak vary WC,, filloI. wif h yowîl1îý meIq (1udti îîwbQrý Peiutps ý OU hla.i sustecr ory ta tnti fne haveh donc bain fe n onue saesble Pop otlier tarticuiaus cal ti h t nk Womtén to un1ale the daîly i-bui for Janu- brother. son or daughuter or otharfîu' is hmadtehv ou iravs htl, Rt takes in the blue rays anti A-J CLLA, GRMGL, aya ea 215 This isot onîr proves who wouid enjov smnmaa it -keepa fber for usaitf. but, gives back fhe Acc.uatsriMallacer the popuau-ity of this collage but slows budgets of sîews from flair oid lime. rmoun onc Inp5Qas colon. God bas kent aIl the tle demanti for the useful an practical The olS home newspaper is alwaî s wî The reporter confesses that Mrs. green rtiyt andi gives bnek tIi yallow ii ducationai. matter. TIo Coliage corna. ýSein if for n, 3aar, oniy ona Roberts' stocy !s a wondarfui oua. That unes, an we thIuijýIt W~ayeilow. Tba abject ca r apear inthi isue.dolar.sha is uow tlorouc-hiy welî le clear whieb we oeil black takas in avecy ray of ______________________________________________ froun hiec face, hiec mannar anS lacr light anti keepa tbema for itef, and wo jj, Il5111lappy spir-it. Mr. anS Mrs. Roberts symbol of ail evii. The oojeot which wa ar-e intelligent anS reliabia people. Mc. eallwhlfe keeps uothing of tle lun raye The abova le fie naine anS traSe niark i'oberts is lienS englacer in tia biscuit but gises tbsm ail out again, anti wu fteoiinlKde ii G A GO ,-works of Viau & Frere, the wentlest bave Seau in Rt the symiul f'al go00d. Tic only eib KnyPl. Supplies the- best and DE D Y C T R Hfirni lu fis lina lu the Dominion, anS Sa a mau la seeu anti kîiowu. uat by Tiey wre placeS on the market by Mr. DEABlia fullyR the wha h le ccivea anti keepa for hinuseif, James Doan, Kingeville, Ont., Fb- cheapest coal in the has festencti ils rcîentîcsî gri pupon l ife îall tnos lu e fa o words lis btfor wahogvsforth ta cifhar. rmary, 1885-long before otler Kdnoy tn ret y b D Ivar u"ember of nearly crery fryl ieiatos nfvrofDr.Wiilinms' The rich man who Éepe everytbing for Pilla were thonght of. ]ý ~himself Rs saori anti known ta be a poor, Their pienomenal success in all parts o Ifret you or. 13l -i h any o ouren faiutnier Dink illiamIn Pck uies ava n seemapot 01.o oni ik ---S 11 TAuth%- - %er-" mmmm etae .t1 fromegzt ctarr or purgativ action so do no wau.e .lry ash f ie a hod h or Ds l a in 'SaKdaln Terras si. D. J, Guusor, Lot 34, Con., ,Ciarke commeudi île remnedy over lis owu been secuced Sa tli5. utt onuly vachoîtstema siylooed Uussfepyo sintr. Agnaw' Cur oritIcHer phases of thouglîf but unnny centras of animal Rs isarteti as a breeder Rt Rm nos n. A. .JAMis, urelieres bean diseese in 3o minutes. Presb3 terian aeîivify wi]l lie rapreseiiuuny ka uii ernI.TebetsVlan Linaeu. Bowunausqjle NE T IOR SiO .ted in its columies. TIhe editorial fIal mat earl il uake und The prk NEW undrsinet wab s on oaryn oesaetebit r ge columas wili le as luerefofore under tihet ass8 cost ai six ta, e.-ht nioen" S 1 1AAIiSFRSAE-veyBr Ginmen reievs h acayozeaala management of île 11ev. Prof flan 1iî1 Ébs zeuskep on grouving two )wraue ige rmue eod- fha taurindw busnes bn conocionist Seritager, D D., Moutreal, anS Alex- or tie Irea r anti attain vruy heavy PirecifroGrnOuuy ome î*4, andherotesu Masours Dry Gootis Store for a numbor of ycars tînder Fbattrr M. A.e thoeî rie rn.5n oebrs Pros ok bas commenced business for hinuseit aI luis cons 'iegtBuutusulboerakepfaingbrdec.-abeldetFC.Pn u' Ring St. n'est, where le is prepareti ta makeirdniSi funl ffecasBabrSeBaiilets f. gent anti boys sus un ail the latesi styles, anti kiA'Ls u . age banoti bog. anti tbeu grow lit tea ai lovrest prîcos. For ibose wbo wýisb ta order - IiS~.i fpg rmbrwnmv,îi oa RglrAtion a! flic ticljgn- muifs, IcisilI carry a full lino -of samples ln ail oftesý1 _ e;1a arï. elaryi tu iueaith LAXA LIV5R PILIq the newest patterns. Gîve lime call W«-- h ru.s ~uua ua l na '~bdtmbuoeris. r eat (c - ci' sen I 'thtart for J. T. ALLIN9 For eule by nivi± & JURY, P3wrnvle CiA 2,E%0=r-w tbau wiitlltlorn1Yi.i oeu ~ u,~î Pasulonabie Taller,

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